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16<br />


17.7 x 12.4 cm.<br />

In lower margin:"Beams Renanus/ Scptimii sacri cineres,<br />

et clausa favillis/ Vesuviams anima docu plinii,/ Multurn<br />

se debere tibi Rhénane fatcntur:/ At ora durae hoc<br />

amplius germaniae,/ Cui veteres sedes dextre, populos que<br />

dedisà/ Quos domina rerum roma quonda[m] scrrpscr-<br />

at " (seven lines)<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1567-edition.<br />

AmsterdamfRijksprentenkabinet, Rijksmuseum, Am­<br />

sterdam), The Hague (Koninklijke Bihliotheck, Den<br />

Haag, bound with 1572b-editLon)<br />

n.<br />

Verses in lower margin replaced by: "BEATUS<br />

RENANUS SFXEZES TADIENSIS./ Piurima scripta<br />

Notis preclara, Beate, beasti,/ Estque heata tuo Teutonis<br />

ora stylo;/ Quapropter varijs felix celebrabere terns;/<br />

Dumq[ue] beas alios te simul ipse beas." (four lines); added<br />

in margin left: "35.''Used in 1587-, 1595-, 1606-cditions.<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorum ..... (1567), no. ??; Imagines ..... (1587), no. 35;<br />

Imagines (1595), no. 35; Imagines .... (1606), no. 35<br />

lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 450, no. 116<br />

Beams Rhenanus (Beat Bild, Beat Rinower), Schlettstadt<br />

1485 - Strasbourg 1547; German humanist and philolo­<br />

gist, friend of Erasmus, whose Opera Omnia (Basle 1540)<br />

he edited. Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by ?? (1567-<br />

edition) and Frans van Ravelirigen (1587-edition).<br />

17<br />

BELON, PIERRE (1587)<br />

16.7 x 11.7 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "PETRUS BELLONIUS./ Quotquot<br />

sunt sparslm mundo miracla, latebant;/ Belloni at cunc<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

242<br />

tis nota facis populis:/ Quin iam pyramidum occiderat<br />

Babylonia moles./ Doctorum calamis cedite pyramides."<br />

(five lines)<br />

In margin right: "41".<br />

Used in:<br />

Imagines .... (1587), no. 41; Imagines (1595), no. 41;<br />

Imagines ..... (1606), no. 41<br />

Lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 451, no. 117<br />

Pierre Belon (Petrus Bellonius, also called Cenomanus),<br />

Le Mans 1517 - Paris 1564; French physician, chemist and<br />

zoologist, several of his works were published by Plantin<br />

(Voct 1980-83, nos. 637-639). Engraved by Philips Galle,<br />

verses by Frans van Ravelingen.<br />

18<br />

BEMBO, PIETRO (1567)<br />

After Titian<br />

17,9 x 12.4 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "Petrus Bembus. card./ Urbis ego<br />

euganeae civis, pía cura parentum/ Me bembum dixit,<br />

fama super aethera notum./ Conditor historiae venetae<br />

volitabo per ora/ Docta virum: pars purpurei baud<br />

postrema senatus./ Roma meo est olim cálamo feliciter<br />

usa,/ Imperii decimus leo quum tractaret habenas." (seven<br />

lines)<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1567-edition.<br />

Madrid (Gabinete de estampas y bellas artes, Biblioteca<br />

Nacional, Madrid), Vienna (Sammlung Schloss Ambras,<br />

Kunsthistorischcs Museum, Wien)<br />

Ha.<br />

Verses in lower margin replaced by new text in letterpress:<br />

PETRUS B EMBUS,VE NET US. / Bembc decus clarum<br />

Ausoniae, te Roma discrtum est/ Mirata antiquis eximi-<br />

jsque parem:/ Divinas patriae auxisti,et muñera linguae,/<br />

Ut sit iam priscis non minor eioquijs." (five lines); added<br />

in margin right, also in letterpress: "A3". Used in 1572a-<br />


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