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exi vice regis iberos:/ HInc dominae irnperiurn romae,<br />

et fasrigia rerum/ Conscendi. toti scripturus iura super-<br />

ba/ Orbi, at sancta fuit vita, et mens Integra semper." (seven<br />

lines)<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1567-edition.<br />

Madrid (Gabinete de estarnpas y Bellas artes, Biblioteca<br />

Nacional, Madrid), Vienna (Sammiung Schioss Ambras,<br />

Kunsthistorisches Museum,Wien)<br />

Ha.<br />

Verses in lower margin replaced by new text in letterpress:<br />


MAXIMUS./ Regnat ubi In terris prudens vir, constat et<br />

almae/Virtuti in terris, quod meret ipsa, decus./ Dat mini<br />

et haec teneros formandi Caesaris annos,/ Orbis<br />

Pontifkem et me facit haec cadem.' s<br />

(six lines); added in<br />

margin right, also in letterpress: "A4". Used in 1572a-<br />

edition.<br />

nb.<br />

Verses in letterpress in lower margin replaced by engraved,<br />

slightly different inscription: "Hadrianus Traiectensis<br />

Pont. Max. [one line]/ " (five lines); added in margin<br />

right, also engraved: "A4". Used m 1572b-edition.<br />

IIL<br />

Erased in margin right: "A4". Used in XII Cardinalium<br />

IV.<br />

(1598)<br />

Added in upper right corner coat of arms of Hadrianus<br />

VI; added above portrait, at top centre: "Sedit An. L M.<br />

VHLD.VI. Obit XVIII. Kal Octob. CIC[in reverse]. IC[in<br />

reverseJXXIII. AEt. LXIIII/'Verses In lower margin<br />

replaced by: "HADRLANUS VI. PONT. MAX./ Edit<br />

Utricesiurn minima de fomite luceni,/ Lampada<br />

Lovanium, Roma dat esse Pharum./ Fax ammae cmen<br />

niniium est vieiiia doloso,/ Et quae lente oritur flamrna,<br />

cito ernoritur./ Disce rneo exemplo tenui dc lumine<br />

Solcm/ Sperare, et Soils disce amere obmirn." (seven<br />

hues); added in margin left "1." Used in 1604- and 1608-<br />

editlons and Foppens 1739.<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorum ..... (1567), no. ??;Virorum ..... (1572), no.A4;<br />

XII Cardinalium ...... (1598), no. 14; iUustrium Galliac<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

236<br />

(1604), no. l,Iilustrium Galllae ..... (1608), no. 1; Foppens<br />

1739, vol. I, p. 22<br />

Lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 466, no. 148; Hoogewerf 1923, p. 13<br />

Adrian VI (Hadrianus VI, Adriaan Florensz. Boeyens),<br />

Utrecht 1459 - Rome 1523; Dutch theologian and<br />

prelate, tutor of die future emperor Charles V and at one<br />

point head of the Spanish government.The first (and last)<br />

Dutch pope (1522-23), tried to reform the Catholic<br />

Church from within. Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by<br />

?? (1567-edition), Benito Arias Montano (1572-edition)<br />

and Aubert Le Mire (1608-edirion). The engraving is<br />

probably copied after a lost painting by Jan van Scorch<br />

3<br />

AGR1COLA, ROBOLPHUS (1567)<br />

After Lucas Cranach<br />

17.7 x 12.3 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "Rodolphus Agricola/ Pro meriris quae<br />

digna satis te docte rodolphc/ Musa canet, frisii speni 'que<br />

decus' que soli?/ Dum logicae salebras In apertam eoni-<br />

icis artcm,/ Et resonat numens dulcibus ista chclys,/<br />

Ausonia ingemuit, peregrinae rnurmura linguae./ Tarn<br />

mulccre aures moUiter ilia suas " (seven lines)<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1567-edition.<br />

Vienna (Sammiung Schioss Ambras, Kunsthistorisches<br />

Museum, Wien), Vienna (Oesterreichische National-<br />

bibliothck (Portratsamrnlung), Wien)<br />

Ha.<br />

Verses in lower margin replaced by new text in letterpress:<br />


tibi maturis tantuni licuisset ab annis/ Quod medium sta<br />

tuis perficere Agricola/ Auctorcs alij poterant quievisse<br />

diserti,/ Quidquid enim ratio postulat, ipse dabas." (six<br />

lines);added in margin right,also in letterpress:" C7". Used<br />

in 1572a-edition

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