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1587-edition. Besides changes in the tide page, the por­<br />

traits of Vighus van Aytta van Zwichem, Joost de<br />

Bamhoudere, Francesco Jimenez de Cisneros, Charles de<br />

Langhe, Cornelis fviuys, Jacopo Sadoleto and Janus<br />

Secundus were included in different states as found in the<br />

1595-editIon.<br />

lit.:<br />

Cockx-Indestege 1968-94, vol 1, p. 90, nos. 1211-1212;<br />

VanSomeren 1888-91,vol. l,pp. 124-125;BataUlon 1942,<br />

pp. 158-159; Sellink 1992a, pp. 24-25<br />

Copies:<br />

1587-editiom<br />

Amsterdam (Universiteitsbibliotheek, Universiteit van<br />

Amsterdam), Amsterdam (Rijksprentenkabinet,<br />

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam), Antwerp (Stedelijk<br />

Prentenkabinet, Museum Plantdn-Moretus, Antwerpen,<br />

two copies, one bound with 1572b-edition), Brussels<br />

(Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, Brussel; Bibiiothèque<br />

Royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles, bound with the album ami-<br />

corum of Jacobus Boschuyvius, dated 1588), Cambridge<br />

(Printroom, Fitzwilliarn Museum, Cambridge, Cam­<br />

bridge (USA) (Harvard University, Cambridge (USA),<br />

Dresden (Kupferstichkabinett der Staadichen Kunst<br />

sammlungen,Dresden), Florence (Biblioteca Nazionale,<br />

Firenze, bound with 1572-edition, Ghent (Univer­<br />

siteitsbibliotheek, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Leiden<br />

(Universiteitsbibliotheek, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden,<br />

Louvsdn, (Centrale Bibliotheek, Katholieke Universiteit<br />

Leuven, Madrid (Gablnete de estaxnpas y belias artes,<br />

Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, two copies, one incom­<br />

plete), New Haven (Yale University, New Haven, Paris<br />

(Cabinet des estampes, Bibiiothèque Nationale, Paris,<br />

bound with 1572a-edition, Regembiarg (Fürst Thurn<br />

undTaxis'schc Hofbibliothek, University Park (Univer­<br />

sity of Pennsylvania, University Park, Washington<br />

(Library of Congress.Washington, bound with 1572?-edi-<br />

tion and 10 portraits from 1567-edition)<br />

1595-edition:<br />

Brussels (Prentenkabinet, Koninklijke Bibliotheek<br />

Albert I, Brussel; Cabinet des estampes, Bibiiothèque<br />

Royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles, two copies, one bound with<br />

1572b-edition), Edinburgh (National Library of<br />

Scouand, Edinburgh<br />

Appendix 2 C<br />

229<br />

1606-edition:<br />

Minnesota (University of Minnesota, Minnesota, Paris<br />

(Cabinet des estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris,<br />

bound with 1572a- and 1604-editions)<br />

The 50 portraits from the 1587-edition are first listed in<br />

alphabetical order (Î) and then according to the numbered<br />

sequence in the series (H). There are no changes in the<br />

numbers in the 1595- and 1606-edidons.<br />

I<br />

AeeorsG<br />

Ariosto, Ludovico<br />

Aventinus, Johannes (1567)<br />

Aytta van Zwichem ,Viglius van<br />

Azpilcueta, Martinus ab<br />

Bartolo da Sassoferrato<br />

Beatus Rhenanus (1567)<br />

Belon, Pierre<br />

Benavides, Marco Mantova<br />

Castro, Angelo da<br />

Castro, Paolo da<br />

Collenucclo, Pandolfo<br />

Corti, Francesco<br />

Costa, Christophorus a<br />

Crato,Johannes (1567)<br />

Damhoudere, Joost de<br />

Da ntisc us, Johannes<br />

Decio, Filippo<br />

Eder, Georg<br />

Escluse, Charles de 1'<br />

Furio y Ceriol, Federico<br />

Gois, Damiao de<br />

Griffollni, Francesco<br />

Hortensius, Lambertus<br />

Janus Secundus<br />

Jimenez de Cisneros, Francesco<br />

Langhe, Charles de<br />

Maino, Jason de<br />

Manuzio, Aldo<br />

Manuzio, Paolo<br />

Mayno, Jason de<br />

Melissus, Paulus de<br />

Mercator, Gerard<br />

Monceaux, François de<br />

Miinster, Sebastian

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