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Appendix 2 C<br />

QUI<br />


(1587)<br />

50 engravings<br />

In 1587 Philips Galle published his third series of por­<br />

traits of illustrious scholars. In his introduction Frans van<br />

Ravelingen, who wrote all the verses accompanying the<br />

portraits, states that this publication is to be considered as<br />

the promised supplement to the 1572-senes. Only two<br />

portraits had been used in the 1567-edidon (Aventinus<br />

and Beatus Rhenanus), while no engravings of the 1.572-<br />

edition have been used at all. Again most of the scholars<br />

chosen come from the late fifteenth or the sixteenth cen­<br />

tury, although a handful from the later middle ages have<br />

been added (e.g. Thomas ab Aquino and several Italian<br />

jurists).<br />

The tide page is followed by an unnumbered sheet.Recto:<br />

one page with a Latin introduction, set in letterpress and<br />

written by Frans van Ravelingen:<br />


SIS S./ Promissum OV lEaXlVOYpETOV Ov8' a^aTTjAGV<br />

Ov8 ateX£VTT|tOV esse deberé, nemo nisi make fidei/<br />

negat: non minus enim ad solutionem more bono/<br />

promissio obhgat, quam iure stricto stapulatio aut/ oblig­<br />

an o. Fatetur id et suo exemplo docet Phi-/ lippus Gallaeus.<br />

Cum enim, ut semper reip, et ijs/ qui isti profuerurit<br />

prodesse opere maxumo studuit; /ante axmos quindecim<br />

Eruditorum virorum effigies aliquot ederet, au-/ etiorem<br />

editionem promittebat. Quae quidem graves ob causas<br />

usque/ adhuc dilata est; non autem prorsus sublata. Nam<br />

ecce cum foenore satis-/ facit. non primum opus auget;<br />

novum nec hactenus visum dat. its tamen,/ uti, pro<br />

cuiusque arbitratu, priori annecti possit et separatim ha-<br />

/ beri.Verum uno opus hoc priori cedet, titulis, inquarn,<br />

et indicibus/ Iixiaginúm.Prioribus lux affulsit a Benedicto<br />

Aria Montano, his tene-/ brae erunt a tcnebris ingenij<br />

mei.Audax tamen post tantum virum hoc/ iter trivi: mm<br />

quod petenti id Gallaeo, amico avito et paterno, recusare/<br />

durum fuisset; turn quod sperem, aetatcrn meam adules-<br />

centem tudorem/ fore a stilo et censura. Ceterum quisquís<br />

sine dolo malo index es, Ima-/ gines vituperare;Versus, si<br />

Ita visum,laudare noli.Patiar. Olirn vo~/ labo.Vale et fhierc.<br />

Kal. SEXT. CiCfin reverse]. IC[ín reverse!. LXXXVII./<br />

Fr. PL Raphelengius."<br />

228<br />

"Greetings to those who are well-disposed to the liberal<br />

arts and men of letters.<br />

That a promise must neither be revocable, nor wily, nor<br />

unaccomplished [<strong>Home</strong>r, Iliad, book 1, verses 526-527],<br />

no one will deny, save someone of bad reputation. For a<br />

promise obliges no less to fulfilment by common decen­<br />

cy, than an agreement and an obligation bind by exact<br />

rules of law. Philips Galle agrees to this and proves it by<br />

his own example. For when he edited some portraits of<br />

learned men fifteen years ago, doing his very best to be<br />

of benefit to public interest and its protagonists, he<br />

promised an enlarged edition. Until now, due to serious<br />

reasons, this has been delayed, but not entirely cancelled.<br />

For behold, he has given satisfaction with Interest. He does<br />

not enlarge the first work, but releases a new one, as yet<br />

unpublished. Issued, however, in such a way that it can,<br />

according to your own taste, both be used as an appen­<br />

dix to the first book and be held separately. But in one<br />

aspect this work will be inferior to the first edition; I am<br />

referring to the captions and the verses underneath the<br />

portraits.To the previous ones lustre was added by Benito<br />

Arias Montano, while these will remain in obscurity due<br />

to the insignificance of my talent.Yet 1 have recklessly fol­<br />

lowed this great man's footsteps: both because it would<br />

have been difficult to refuse Galle's request, for he is an<br />

ancestral and paternal friend, and because I hope that my<br />

youthful age will make me less liable to stylus and criti­<br />

cism. Besides, to anyone that judges without a malicious<br />

intention: do not scoff at the portraits, but also do not<br />

praise the verses, even if you want to. That I will allow.<br />

That I will once want. Farewell and enjoy yourself. August<br />

1, 1587." (translated from the Latin by Jan Bloemendal)<br />

Verso: a table of contents in letterpress and underneath<br />

the approbatio by the Antwerp canon Michiel Hetsrocy<br />

(Bruegel c. 1540 - Antwerp 1593): "APPROBATIO./<br />

Michael Hctsroey a Bruegel, Canomcus Antverpiensis<br />

vidit et/ approbavit. X. lulij, Anno M. D. LXXXVII./<br />

Michael Hetsroey, manu propria." (four lines).Then fol­<br />

low 50 portraits, numbered 1 to 50, with verses engraved<br />

in the margin underneath. All die portraits seem to have<br />

been engraved by Philips Galle.<br />

Galle reissued this series twice. In 1595 die 1587-edition<br />

was published widi a slighdy different tide page and new<br />

versions of the portraits of Andreas Schott and Laevinus<br />

Torrenrius, engraved by Theodoor Galle and Gijsbert van<br />

Veen respectively. In 1606 Galle again republished the

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