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Appendix 2 B<br />

traits from the 1567-cdiuon;rlie other bound with eleven Pius II, second version (1572b)<br />

portraits from 1567-cdition, Wolíhnbüttél (Herxog Plantin, Christophe<br />

August Bibliothck,Wolfenbiittel,two copies: 1572a-edi- Poelman,Theodoor<br />

oon and 1572b-cdition Poliziano, Angelo<br />

Sartorius, Johannes*<br />

The 44 portraits from the 1572-edition are first listed in Savonarola, Girolamo*<br />

alphabetical order (I) and then according to the numbered Tapper, Ruard*<br />

sequence in the series (II),There is no difference in num- Tartaglia, Micolo*<br />

bering between the 1572a- and 1572b-editions. Those Vesalius, Andreas<br />

engravings which have been reused from the 1567-edi- Vives, Juan Luis*<br />

tion are marked with an asterisk. Zsamboky, janos<br />

Ï îï<br />

Adrian VI* 1. Plus II*, in both versions (A3)<br />

Agrícola, Rodolphus* 2. Adrian VI* (A4)<br />

Alciati, Andrea* 3. Bembo, Pietro* (A5)<br />

Apianus, Petrus 4. Hosius, Stamslaus* (A6)<br />

Arlas Montano, Benito 5. Fisher, John* (A7)<br />

Bembo, Pietro* 6. More, Thomas* (A8)<br />

Boccaccio, Giovanni 7. Arias Montano, Benito (BÍ)<br />

Bude, Guillaume 8. Vives,Juan Luis* (B2)<br />

Camerarius, Joachim* 9. Erasmus, Desiderius* (B3)<br />

Dante Alighieri 10. Junius, Hadrianus* (B4)<br />

Dodoens, Rembert 11. Macropedius, Georgius* (B5)<br />

Dousa, Janus 12. Dons a, Janus (B6)<br />

Erasmus, Desiderius* 13. Sartorius,Johannes* (B7)<br />

Fleino, Marsilio 14. Tapper, Ruard* (B8)<br />

Fisher, John* 15. Goropius Becanus,Johannes (CI)<br />

Fusch, Gilbert* 16. Latomus,Jacobus (C2)<br />

Gelli, Gian Battista* 17. Vesalius, Andreas<br />

Gemma Frisius 18. Grapheus, Cornelius* (C4)<br />

Gemma, Cornelius 19. Dodoens, Rembert (C5)<br />

Goropius Bee anus, Johann es 20. Ortels, Abraham (C6)<br />

Grapheus, Cornelius* 21. Agrícola, Rodolphus* (C7)<br />

Hosius, Stanislaus* 22. Geinma Frisius (C8)<br />

Junius, Hadrianus* 23. Frisius, Cornelius (Dl)<br />

Latomus, Jac obus 24. Fusch, Gilbert* (D2)<br />

Lazius, Wolfgang* 25. Poelman,Theodoor (D3)<br />

Macropedius, Georgius* 26. Pirckheimer, Willibald* (D4)<br />

Marot, Clement* 27. Zsamboky, Janos (D5)<br />

Mattioli, Pietro Andrea* 28. Camerarius,Joachim* (D6)<br />

More, Thomas* 29. Lazius, Wolfgang* (D7)<br />

Orteis, Abraham 30. Mattioli, Pietro Andrea* (D8)<br />

Petrarca, Francesco 31. Apianus, Petrus (El)<br />

Philandrier, Guillaume* 32= Budé, Guillaurne (E2)<br />

Pirckheimer, Willibald* 33. Philandrier, Guillaurne* (E3)<br />

Pius II, first version* (1572a) 34. Plantin, Christophe (E4)<br />


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