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skilled in all arts, Including ours, painting and sculpting)<br />

has skilfully written, in two distiches, eulogies that will<br />

please the readers no less by their variety and refinement,<br />

than by the truth of their praise. For just as the portraits<br />

themselves are varied, but all reliable, likewise the mean­<br />

ing of the tetrastiches is elegantly distinct, while the truth<br />

is remarkably well heeded. Although he himself refused,<br />

we have placed the portrait of this man [Arias Montane]<br />

at its appropriate place, engraved after a refined original<br />

by the painter Pieter Pourbus.The works he has edited or<br />

will edit, will show which rank he should have among<br />

scholars. For this portrait he did not want us to use his<br />

own work or his own text, but he could not deprive of<br />

my rights. I was able to add a skilfully made portrait with­<br />

out calling in his help, asking my friend and fellow citi­<br />

zen Hadrianus Junius, a very learned man, to add a verse.<br />

Farewell and approve of my zeal, as sincere men should<br />

do.Antwerp, February 24,1572." (translated from the Latin<br />

by jan Bloemendal)<br />

The 44 portraits then follow, numbered from A3 to F6,<br />

with all verses set In letterpress.<br />

1572b<br />

On the recto of the tide page an alphabetical table of con­<br />

tents is printed in letterpress using a different, slightly larg­<br />


RUM/ INDEX/ .„,."; underneath the same approbatio<br />

is added, also in letterpress:''Nihil habet S. Romanae<br />

Plebanus et Canonicus." (four lines instead of five). The<br />

tide page (page Al) is followed by page A2, which has the<br />

1572a~introduetion In letterpress on both sides, again<br />

using a different type of letter and with some slight dif­<br />

ferences in spelling: "PHILIPPUS GALLAEUS/ PIC-<br />


ARTIUM AMATORIBUS, S./ ..... Antverpiae, vj. Kal.<br />

Mart./ CIC[in reverse]. IC[in reverse]. LXXIL"Tne 44<br />

portraits then follow, numbered from A3 to F6, with all<br />

verses engraved in the margin underneath.<br />

In nearly all the verses in the 1572b version<br />

there are some minor differences in comparison with the<br />

1572a-edItion. Sometimes grammatical errors have been<br />

corrected, In other instances the engraver has made new<br />

mistakes.There have been changes to the portraits as well:<br />

the six men placed in an oval (Boccaccio, Dante,Dodoens,<br />

Ficino, Petrarca and Poliziano) have inscriptions engraved<br />

in the borders around the portrait; in the case of Clement<br />

Marot a caption has been engraved above the portrait; the<br />

Appendix 2 B<br />

225<br />

image of pope Pius II has been replaced by a second ver­<br />

sion, engraved in reverse and on the engraving of<br />

Theodoor Poelman his age and the date 1572 have been<br />

added.<br />

Lit.:<br />

Cockx-Indestege 1968-94, vol. 1, p. 91, no. 1219; Van<br />

Someren 1888-91, vol. I, pp. 123--124;Bataillon 1942, pp.<br />

158-159; Hansel 1991, pp. 90-100; Sellink 1992a, pp. 23-<br />

24<br />

Copies:<br />

Antwerp (Stedelijk Prentenkabinet, Museum Plantm-<br />

Moretus, Antwerpen, 1572b-edition, bound with 1587-<br />

edition), Antwerp (Bibliotheek, Museum Plantin-<br />

Moretus, Antwerpen, 1572a-edition, bound with<br />

Lamps on 1572), Berlin (Staatsblbllothek zu Berlin -<br />

Pi^ussischerKulturbesitz,1572b-edItIon),B!oomirigtori<br />

(Indiana University, Bloomington, Brussels (Komnkhjke<br />

Bibliotheek Albert I, Brussel; Bibliothèque Royale Albert<br />

Ier, Bruxelles, 1572b-edition),Brussels (Prentenkabinet,<br />

Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, Brussel; Cabinet des<br />

estampes, Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles,<br />

1572b-edition, bound with 1595-edition), Budapest<br />

(Bibliotheca Nationalis Hungariae Széchényiana,<br />

Budapest, Cambridge (Printroom, Fitzwilliam Museum,<br />

Cambridge, Cambridge (USA) (Harvard University,<br />

Cambridge (USA), Columbia (University of Missouri,<br />

Columbia, Edinburgh (National Library of Scodand,<br />

Edinburgh, Florence (Biblioteca Nazionale, Firenze,<br />

bound with 1587-edition, Ghent (Universiteitsbiblio­<br />

theek, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Leiden (Universiteitsbib­<br />

liotheek, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, London (The British<br />

Library, London, Madrid (Gabinete de estampas y bellas<br />

artes, Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, 1572b-edition,<br />

incomplete, bound with individual portraits from several<br />

other editions), Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, two<br />

copies: 1572a-edition,bound with 1587-edition and three<br />

portraits of 1567-edition; 1572-edition, Paris (Cabinet<br />

des estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, 1572a-edi-<br />

tion, bound with 1604- and 1606-editions), Escorial<br />

(Biblioteca del Monasterio San Lorenzo de el Escorial,<br />

Escorial, 1572a~edition), Stockholm (Kongelige Biblio-<br />

teket,Stockholm, 1572b-edition),The Hague (Konink­<br />

lijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, 1572b-edition, bound with<br />

twelve portraits from 1567-edition), Toronto (Toronto<br />

Public Library, Metropolitan Bibliographic Center,<br />

Toronto, Washington (Library of Congress, Washington,<br />

rwo copies: one bound with 1587-edition and 10 por-

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