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pla cum accepero, quantum omni diligenria atque indu-<br />

/stria consequi potero, virorum de boms artibus bene-<br />

merentium farnae celebrita-/ tique consulam: ut qui ex<br />

ingeniorum fmctibus editis notitiam sui ad absentes/<br />

atque ad posteros propagaverunt, non tantum animorum<br />

specimine, sed corpo-/ rum etiam Ipsa nota sintV Porro<br />

singulorum quos nunc exhibemus elogia, Benedictus<br />

Arias Montanus,/ (qui diseiplinarum omnium et nos-<br />

trarum etiam artiuni,picturae et sculpturae/ peritos pluri-<br />

mum diligit,) binis Distachis artifseiose complexus est,<br />

quae non mi-/ nus varietate et elegantia, quam veritate<br />

laudum Lectores iuvabunt. Namque/ ut effigies ipsae vari-<br />

ae, certae onines tamcn sunt, ica Tctrastichorum sentenua<br />

cum/ summa veritatis ohservatione eleganter distincta est.<br />

Eius viri quamvis repu-/ gnantis efEgiem ex elegantl<br />

Pulrbuisi Pictoris exemplari expressarn suo loco po-/<br />

suimus, quern quo gradu inter doctos haberi oporteat,<br />

opera ab ipso edlta et eden-./ da docebunt. Noluit ille qui-<br />

dem nobis hac in parte suam operam aut sententiam/<br />

adhibere, sed non potuit iuri meo detrahere, qui ex arte<br />

picturam afFin-/ gere vel ipso non vacate poteram,<br />

amicamque ac concivem meum/ Adr. lunium virum doc-<br />

rissimum ad carmen addendum/ appclIarc.Valcte et nos­<br />

trum studium, ut/ candidos animos decet, probate/<br />

Antverpiae. vj. Cal.Mart./ CIC[in reverse].IC[in reverse].<br />

LXXII"<br />

"Philips Galle, painter and engraver, greets all those who<br />

love the arts.<br />

Everyone who loves scholarship and the liberal arts for<br />

their own sakes - as he hates avarice spoiling mankind's<br />

nature and even obscuring the arts -, who entirely lacks<br />

jealousy and is led by an extraordinary inclination to<br />

virtue, such a man simply has to esteem men who acquired<br />

fame by their outstanding intellectual virtues.That is why,<br />

although I have honoured and practised from my youth<br />

up the art of painting as well as the art of engraving that<br />

propagates the painting far and wide, I myselfhave admired<br />

not only those men that excel most m my own arts, but<br />

also those who, as I understood, were advantageous to the<br />

knowledge of the humanities and other branches of learn­<br />

ing. I have always loved and honoured the scholars who<br />

were present - whenever there was a possibility to see and<br />

speak them while I held those in reverence who were<br />

not, or who had even passed away. I like to hear such men<br />

being praised, continuously eulogizing them myself to the<br />

best of my ability. In my opinion all those who have been<br />

of benefit to life, especially m advancing the arts, are wor­<br />

Appendix 2 B<br />

224<br />

thy of having their name commemorated with gratitude<br />

by men who excel m talent and have a zeal for similar<br />

arts.<br />

This is the reason, therefore, that I have<br />

engraved the portraits - drawn from life - of several men<br />

who are illustrious in the liberal arts, both those who lived<br />

shortly before our time, as well as those who still live,<br />

highly praised for their talents and their learning, both<br />

those whom I have seen and talked to and those whom I<br />

have not yet seen. As the best possible decoration I have<br />

hung dieir portraits, painted after the best and most reli­<br />

able examples and brought together from everywhere, in<br />

the workshop where I practise my art.<br />

However, since I understand that I should do<br />

the best I can to honour their fame and to help their<br />

friends, relatives, pupils and fellow citizens, I have decid­<br />

ed to share with those who love my own art as well as<br />

other fine arts, the most exquisite and reliable portraits I<br />

have been able to acquire, engraved m copper and faith­<br />

fully rendered. For sure I would like to obtain more of<br />

these portraits, both to take delight in them myself as well<br />

as to take great pains to engrave and publish them, so that<br />

they may become public knowledge.<br />

But as I have come by some portraits that do<br />

not truly represent the features of these men, and since I<br />

am rather on the safe side and also of the opinion that it<br />

is neither honourable nor fitting to my purpose to include<br />

such portraits, we considered that [only] the following<br />

[accurate portraits] must be shown now, and thereby tes­<br />

tify our aim and zeal. Hereafter we will publish more<br />

images in a second book, if only the good and studious<br />

men or magistrates who possess portraits of such learned<br />

men painted In remembrance of their names, send a copy,<br />

made by a skilled artist - whether In colour or in black<br />

and white only since it is the same to me -, or, in case<br />

they own a sculpture or a medal, to hand it over to us in<br />

Antwerp, addressed to the royal prototypograph<br />

Christophe Plantin or to the geographer Abraham Ortels,<br />

both well-known men.<br />

After I have personally received from them<br />

such images, I will, with all carefulness and assiduity, take<br />

the best possible care of the fame and celebrity of the men<br />

to whom the liberal arts owe much. It is my aim that those<br />

scholars who have propagated their names to the people<br />

who did not know them in person or who lived after they<br />

did, will gam fame not only by the products of their minds,<br />

but also by the very appearance of their features.<br />

Moreover, on every person we now present<br />

Benito Arias Montano (who very much appreciates the

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