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44 engravings<br />

in 1572 Philips Galle published a second series of 44<br />

famous men, this rime devoted to European humanists<br />

and scholars In general. The verses were written by the<br />

Spanish humanist Benito Arias Montano, a friend of Galle<br />

and then living and working in Antwerp; the verses under<br />

the image of Arias Montano himself were composed by<br />

Hadnanus Junius. Two versions of this series were pub­<br />

lished, a first (1572a-edition) with all the verses printed<br />

In letterpress - probably printed by Christophe Plantin -<br />

and a second (1572b-edition) with (nearly) identical vers­<br />

es engraved In the margin underneath the portraits.<br />

Galle reused at least 25 portraits of his 1567-<br />

series, all of them with new verses. In several engravings<br />

of the 1572a-edition traces of the older inscriptions are<br />

still visible.When printing the 1572a-edition Philips Galle<br />

did not erase the existing inscriptions but covered them<br />

with a piece of paper. He could then use the blank space<br />

underneath the image to print the texts In letterpress in<br />

a second printing at the Plantin press. At a later date - pos­<br />

sibly at the occasion of publishing of the 1587-edition -<br />

all the margins were made blank in order to engrave the<br />

same verses and print the 1572b-edition.<br />

1572a<br />

On the recto of the title page an alphabetical table of con­<br />

tents Is printed in letterpress: "NOMINUM HOC<br />

LIBELLO/ DEPICTORUM/ Index./ underneath<br />

the index is the approbatio by the Antwerp canon<br />

Sebasnanus Baer (Delft ?? - Antwerp 1576/77), also in let­<br />

terpress: "Nihil habet S. Romanae Ecclesiae fidei contra-<br />

/ rium aut, Reipub. offensivum. Quod attestor/<br />

Sebasnanus Baer Delphius, insignis Ca-/ thed. Ecclesiae<br />

S.Marlae Hantwerp./ Plebanus et Canonicus."(five lines).<br />

The tide page (page Al) Is followed by page A2, which<br />

has an introduction in letterpress on both sides, written<br />

by Philips Galle:<br />



TORIBUS, SJ Qukurnque bonas disciplinas et ingen­<br />

uas arces Ipsarum tan-/ turn causa diligunt, ij cum avari-<br />

tiam oderint, quae et ingenia/ hominum corrumpit et<br />

artes etiani obscurat, ab omni inviden/ tla prorsus alieni,<br />

singularique erga virtutem afFectu ducn, non/ possunt<br />

Appendix 2 B<br />

223<br />

non amare eos, quos exceilens animi virtus aliqua no-/<br />

bilitaverit. Quam quidem ob rem, cum ipse a pueritia<br />

usque/ naturae quadam propensione Picturae artem, et<br />

earn etiam, qua Pictura longe la-/ teque propagatur,<br />

Chalchographicen, coluerim et exercuerim; non solum<br />

mearum/ artium peritissimos omnes amavi, sed quos-<br />

cunque bonarum literarum disciplina-/ rumque eogni-<br />

tione plurimum valere cognoveram, et praesentes (si mihi<br />

eosdem/ videre aut ailoqui contingeret) vehementer<br />

dilexi et colui, vel absentes, aut vita/ etiam functos ammo<br />

venetatus sum semper, omniumque laudes et praedlcare<br />

li-/ benter audio, et ipse quantum in me est, perpetuo<br />

praedico. Dignos enim iudi-/ co omnes, qui aliquam vitae<br />

utilitatem, praesertim in bonis artibus promovendis/<br />

attulerint, quorum nomen ab ijs qui ingenio valent, et<br />

similium artium studio/ tenentur, gratissima commenda-<br />

tione commemoretur. Haec igitur mihi causa/ fuit,<br />

quamobrem nonnullorum in bonis artibus illustrium viro­<br />

rum, qui nostra/ aetate vel paulo ante floruerunt,vei adhuc<br />

cum multa ingenij et eruditionis lau-/ de vivunt,tum mini<br />

notorum, et quibus cum consuetude aliqua intercessit,<br />

effi-/ gies ad vivum expresserim, turn eorum quos non-<br />

dum viderkn ex optimis et cer-/ tissimis exemplaribus<br />

undique conqulsitis depictas In prívalo cubículo, ubi<br />

artem/ exerceo meam, maximi ornamenti nomine collo-<br />

caverim.Verumenimvero cum/ illorum famae colendae,<br />

atque eorundem armcls, cognatis, studiosis, et concivibus/<br />

iuvandis id a me quod praestari posset, deberi intelligerem,<br />

selectissimas et cer-/ tissimas, quas habere potueram, in<br />

aere Incisas et diligenter expressas, cum meae/ atque<br />

aliarum bonarum artium amatoribus communicare con­<br />

stituí. Equidem/ plures habere percuperem, quibus et ipse<br />

delectarer, et ad publicam noticiam/ exprimendis et<br />

exhibendis operam darem. Sed quondam quasdam nactus<br />

fue-/ ram non usque adeo veram virorum referentes for-<br />

mam, et incena pro certis tra-/ dere,neque ingenui animi,<br />

neque mei Institui esse existimaren!, has in praesentia-/<br />

rum, quibus animum studiumque nostrum testaremur,<br />

exhibendas duximus:plu/ res etiam post hac secundo libro<br />

exhibituri, modo boni studiosique viri, aut Civi/ tatum<br />

Magistratus, apud quos huiusmodi doctorum virorum<br />

effigies ad nominis/ rnonumentum depictae habentur,<br />

exempfum aliquod a perito arris pictore exprés-/ sum,<br />

sive cum coloribus, sive ex nigro et albo tantum, perinde<br />

enim nobis fuerit:/ aut si sculptum habeant, vel m numis-<br />

matis formam relatum, nobis tradendum/ hue Antverpiain<br />

mittant ad Christophorum Plantinum Prototypographum<br />

Re-/ gium, aut ad Abrahamum Ortelium Geographum,<br />

viros nonssimos: a quibus ipse/ reddita huiusmodi exem-

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