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Galle also published a series often founders of religious<br />

orders, which included St. Francis.This undated series was<br />

engraved by Hieronymus Wienx after designs by Galle<br />

himself.seeMauquoy-Hendrickx 1978-83, voL2,pp. 183-<br />

184, nos. 994-1005. It Is most interesting to note that at<br />

a later date - by a different engraver and without the<br />

address of Philips Galle - a portrait of the founder of the<br />

Order of the Jesuits (Imgo Lopez de Loyola) was added<br />

to this series. Galle also issued a female equivalent of the<br />

founders, again engraved by Hieronymus Wierix after<br />

Galle s designs, which included St. Clare; cp. Mauquoy-<br />

Hendrickx 1978-83, vol. 2, pp. 184-185, nos. 1006-1009.<br />

310. On this series, see Sirnoni 1984, p. 161 It is<br />

also mentioned briefly in Knipping 1939-40, vol. 1, p. 202<br />

and Zweite 1968,p. 95.The copperplates were still in the<br />

possession of the Galle workshop in 1636: "De Heylige<br />

van de Minnebroeders veerthien platen" ("The saints of<br />

the friars minor, 14 plates"); Duverger 1984, vol 1/4, p.<br />

20. The only copy which I was able to study (the print-<br />

room in Dresden) had each engraving pasted separately<br />

in an album, which made it impossible to study the type<br />

set text.<br />

311. See Kirschbaum 1968-76, vol. 7, pp. 17-18.<br />

Sedulius choose the appropriate verses from Job 29:16 to<br />

be engraved in the margin: "Pater eram pauperum, et<br />

causam quam neselebam diligentissime inquirebam "<br />

("And I was father to the poor: and the cause which I<br />

knew not I searched out").<br />

312. Not in Hollstein. The series consists of an<br />

engraved title page, an engraved dedication to Marie de<br />

Meleun, countess of Ligne, 43 numbered engravings with<br />

(engraved) verses in the margin. Galle apparendy issued<br />

both a Latin and a French version. In both editions the<br />

verses in the margin, composed by Cornells Kiliaan, are<br />

in Latin. They do, however, differ in the language of the<br />

afterword, a one-page text written by Philips Galle and<br />

set in letterpress. Only m the (more common) French edi­<br />

tion, the afterword Is followed with three pages, set in let­<br />

terpress, entitled "les noms des figures avec leurs inter­<br />

pretations "These only give the French translations of the<br />

Latin verses underneath the engravings. Both Galle's son<br />

Theodoor and grandson Johannes reissued the entire<br />

series. As usual the copperplates were still in the posses­<br />

sion of the Galle workshop in 1636:"Alderleij sinnen vijf-<br />

fenveertich platen" ("All kinds of virtues, 45 plates");<br />

Duverger 1984, vol. 1/4, p. 21.<br />

Notes Chapter 4<br />

215<br />

313. The series is briefly described in: Praz 1964,<br />

p. 462, Van den Branden 1978, pp. 176-178, no. 50 (on<br />

account of the verses by Kiliaan) and Landwehr 1988,<br />

p. 159, no. 414. Although engravings from the Proso-<br />

pographia are occasionally illustrated In iconographie and<br />

iconological studies on Dutch and Flemish art, no study<br />

on the series exists. The iconographie sources of several<br />

engravings (Labour, Diligence and Health) are studied<br />

more in detail inVeldman 1991, p. 285 andVeldman 1992,<br />

pp. 256-258, In the near future I will devote a more elab­<br />

orate study on the genesis of this booklet, its sources and<br />

its influence.<br />


S[ALUTATE]./ Tu as icy, amy Lecteur, les images de<br />

Patience,/ Penitence, Experience, Humilité, Pieté, &c au<br />

/ très semblales Vertus, comme pareillement/ les images<br />

des vices, & et d'autres choses, lesquelles/ tu voiras ornées<br />

& embellies de leurs symboles & apper-/ tenances<br />

peculieres; fort nécessaires â tous peintres, engra-/ veurs,<br />

entailleurs, orfèvres, statuaires & mesmes aux/ Poètes<br />

rimeurs & rhetoriciens vulgaires, pour eux conseil-/ 1er<br />

à ce livre, qui leur furnira des moye[n]s por pouvoir imi -<br />

/ ter toutes sortes deffigies: affm que lors qu'il leur pren­<br />

dra/ fantasie de peindre ou feindre quelque chose,<br />

ilzn'ayent/ besoing d'avoir tousiours leur recours, a ceux<br />

qui sont es/ arts les plus practiqués & expérimentés, Si<br />

est-ce que fay/ trouvé bon & util de ne grossir & combler<br />

ce livre d'un tas/ de figures qui sont en grand nombre:<br />

mais seulement de/ celles qui sont les plus rares & moins<br />

usitées. A l'occasion/ dequoy i'ay laissé là les sept arts lib-<br />

eraulx, Les vertus eardi-/ nales. Les péchez prineipuax &<br />

choses de pareilles denrées/ desquelles sont abondamment<br />

furnies les bouticques. le/ me suis servi peu ou point de<br />

la façon de peindre des an-/ ciens: daultant qu'icelle est<br />

maintenant tenue pour ob-/ scure & particulière aux<br />

payens, & que la nostre est plus/ claire, ik l'invention des<br />

Chrestiens est plus en vogue &/ reputation. Que si i'ap-<br />

perçoy que ce travail nostre te reus-/ sisse agréable, l'en<br />

seray Dieu aidant aguillonné pour/ oser doresnavant faire<br />

& produire daultres ouvrages de/ pareille estoffe."<br />

315. Cp. Sellink 1992, pp 52-55 (also the slightly<br />

changed version in chapter 3) and Fufrrmg 1992, pp. 67-<br />

69, with further references.<br />

316. Xomme par cy devant mes enseignes sont esté<br />

l'autel & et cigoigne:/ ainsi m'est au present la sacrée Bible<br />

& le chapelet."

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