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275. This discussion is roosdy limited to painting<br />

and architecture; cp. Haskell 1980, pp. 63-93. It was<br />

Thomas Buser (Buser 1976) who, reacting on an earlier<br />

version of HaskelTs book, referred to the importance of<br />

the engraved illustrations in Geronimo Nadal s Evangdicae<br />

historiae imagines (discussed in detail below). Buser, how­<br />

ever, seems to have been unaware of the existence of sev­<br />

eral comparable contemporary illustrated works. Also see<br />

Haskell's reaction; Haskell 1980, pp. 398-400,<br />

276. " de vrucht die uyt de boecken komt, is<br />

dies te meerder en achtbaerder, hoe sy haer vcrder door<br />

de heele wereld uytstreckt ende langher van duere is als<br />

de menschen selve, van wie sy voortkomt." Quoted from<br />

Thijs 1990, p. 103.<br />

277. See Hubert Jedin s classic studies on the<br />

Council of Trent and the nature of the early Counter-<br />

Reformation (Jedin 1963b and jedin 1973), as well as his<br />

detailed analysis of the importance attached to art in its<br />

decrees (Jedin 1963a). A concise survey of the importance<br />

of the Council of Trent for the visual arts in general is<br />

given in Blunt 1987, pp. 103-136. Regarding the Low<br />

Countries a recent overview on this problem is found in<br />

Freedberg 1992, with further references.<br />

278. On Molanus, cp. note 71. Also see David<br />

Freedberg's study on the complex relations between icon-<br />

oclasm, Reformation and Counter-Reformation in the<br />

second half of the sixteenth century in the Netherlands:<br />

Freedberg 1972, and the reprint of this dissertation,<br />

enhanced with a critical preface and additional literature.<br />

279. The most important study of Nadal's book,<br />

with all relevant documentary sources, remains Rooses<br />

1888. For a brief overview, with further relevant litera­<br />

ture references, see: Mauquoy-Hendrickx 1978-83, vol.<br />

3/1, pp. 491-501, Orenstein 1993-94, pp. 179-180 and<br />

Insolera 1996, pp. 135-141, nos. 44-45. On die composi­<br />

tional drawings by Bernardo Passeri, cp.Wadell 1980.The<br />

influence of these compositions on Italian religious art is<br />

briefly discussed in Buser 1976.<br />

280. Stated in a letter (dated Antwerp, 5 November<br />

1585) to the German Jesuit Ludovicus Tovardus in<br />

Cologne.Tovardus seems to have been the first to contact<br />

Plantin concerning Nadal's manuscript; Rooses 1888, p.<br />

283.<br />

Notes Chapter 4<br />

2Î2<br />

281. Publishing an album of prints separately from<br />

the complete edition with a typographically printed text,<br />

was not unusual in Antwerp. Compare, for Instance,<br />

Johannes David's Veridicus Christianas (discussed below) or<br />

Vincent Hensbergh s short treatise on the rosary, of which<br />

the plates were issued by Theodoor Galle; cp, Imhof 1996<br />

97, p. 93, no. 6.<br />

282. For the successive editions of the book and<br />

the descriptions of the individual plates, see Mauquoy-<br />

Hendrickx 1978-83, vol. 3/1, pp. 400-429, nos. 1989-<br />

2141.<br />

283. On the complex printing history of the<br />

Veridicus Christianas, which has, as yet, never been clari­<br />

fied fully, see: Simoni 1976, pp. 68-70; Landwehr 1988,<br />

pp. 94-95, nos. 182-184, Insolera 1996, pp. 141-145, nos.<br />

46-47 and Imhof 1996-97, pp. 88-89, no. 2. Dirk Imhof<br />

also kindly allowed me access to his manuscript catalogue<br />

of books produced by Jan Moretus at the Plantin Press (to<br />

be published in 1998), which gives a detailed account of<br />

the printing history of the Veridicus, solving most prob­<br />

lems (nos. D-6 to D-8). Biographical information on<br />

Johannes David can be found in Simoni 1976, widi fur­<br />

ther references, and Waterschoot 1996.<br />

284. It is interesting to note that, while the tones<br />

has the imprint of Philips Galle, all records and transac­<br />

tions of die Plantin Press regarding these plates - as of all<br />

odier plates the Galle workshop produced on behalf of<br />

Jan Moretus from c. 1600 onwards - are related to<br />

Theodoor Galle. This is clearly an Indication that the<br />

younger Galle was by then effectively running the fami­<br />

ly workshop.The plates were still owned by the Galle fam­<br />

ily in 1636, when they described In the inventory of<br />

Theodoor Galle's widow Catharina Moerentorf:<br />

"Viridicus Christianus hondert platen" (The true<br />

Christian, hundred plates); Duverger 1984, vol. 1/4, p. 21.<br />

At an unknown date Philips Galle's grandson Johannes<br />

reissued some (or all?) plates; cp. Simoni 1976, pp. 68-70.<br />

The plates themselves cannot be attributed with certain­<br />

ty to any particular engraver in the Galle workshop, the<br />

production of which became more and more character­<br />

ized by uniformity in style, technique and quality.<br />

285. See note 35.<br />

286. Also compare Waterschoot s recent overview<br />

of the emblematic books published by die Plantin Press

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