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That Goltzius did not engrave any work for fviuller after<br />

his arrival in Haarlem can easily be explained. It is telling<br />

that as an engraver Muller in these years mainly worked<br />

for Antwerp publishers Hieronymus Cock and, after the<br />

latter s death, Gerard de Jode. He also occasionally<br />

engraved works for Philips Galle; cp. note 31. As a pub­<br />

lisher the Amsterdam printmaker concentrated on issu­<br />

ing books (cp. Bouman 1978) and only started publish­<br />

ing his own prints and those of his son and virtuoso<br />

engraver Jan Muller at a later date; cp. Filedt Kok 1994a,<br />

pp. 225 227 and Filedt Kok 1995, pp. 22-29 (catalogue).<br />

106. Cp. Filedt Kok 1991-92, p. 159 and p. 202<br />

n. 1, for a list of these engravings. For illustrations and<br />

descriptions of diese engravings, see Strauss 1997, vol. 1,<br />

passim. Strauss s catalogue is not only inaccurate in its<br />

descriptions of Goltzius s early prints, but also is rather<br />

arbitrary in dating these works. Other descriptive cata­<br />

logues of Goltzius s oeuvre are, in chronological order:<br />

Bartseh 1803-21, vol. 3; die impeccable and still very use<br />

ful Hirschmann 1921; Hollstein, vol. 8 (following<br />

Hirschmann to the letter) andTIB. 3 (illustrating Bartsch's<br />

catalogue, combined with the commentary volume near­<br />

ly identical to Strauss 1977).<br />

107. The few engravings Goltzius made for Aux<br />

quatre vent 1<br />

; - 13 after designs by JVlaarten deVbs and one<br />

after his own design. - are undated; for a short list cp. Filedt<br />

Kok 1991-92, p. 202, n. 1. However, as they are highly<br />

comparable to the engravings produced for Galle, one can<br />

safely assume that they were also made around 1578-79.<br />

One wonders if Galle left his young employee any time<br />

~ or even gave him permission for that matter - to work<br />

for a rival print-shop in Antwerp. It is certainly possible<br />

that Goltzius only could start working forVolcxken<br />

Diericx after he had finished specific commissions for<br />

Philips Galle. Unfortunately there is very litde docu­<br />

mentary evidence available regarding the organisation of<br />

Netherlandish print-shops in this period; compare chap­<br />

ter 1.<br />

108. Two religious prints undoubtedly engraved<br />

after 1579 are the above-mentioned sheets from the sec­<br />

ond edition of the Acts of the apostles, issued in 1582; com­<br />

pare note 52.The later profane works, which are not dis­<br />

cussed here, are: five (or perhaps more) engravings from<br />

the series Medkeae familiae victoriae, a series on military tri­<br />

umphs of the de'Jvledici family, published by Galle in 1583<br />

and certainly dated too early by Strauss as 'circa 1578*<br />

Notes Chapter 4<br />

197<br />

(Strauss 1977, vol. 1, pp. 44-53, nos. 12-16;the four undat­<br />

ed sheets from the Story of Lucretia, again dated by Strauss<br />

as'circa 1578'(Strauss 1977, vol 1, pp. 54-61, nos. 17-20),<br />

however, Reznicek s dating of the two existing prepara­<br />

tory drawings as '1580 or shortly after 5<br />

(Reznicek 1961,<br />

pp, 292-294, nos. 140-141) is much more in accord with<br />

the technique of this series; the undated series of the Five<br />

senses, unconvincingly dated by Strauss as 'circa 1578', but<br />

in technique very close to undoubtedly later series as the<br />

Set/en virtues (dated by Reznicek as 'after 1580'; Reznicek<br />

1961, p. 264); 15 (or more?) sheets from the series the<br />

Equile loannis Austriaci (The royal stable of Don juan of<br />

Austria), published by Galle around 1580 (Strauss 1977,<br />

vol 1, pp. 184-191, nos. 91-105). Goltzius may have<br />

worked on these last engravings in the years 1579-80,<br />

when Hieronymus Wierix - who had started working on<br />

these 'portraits' of horses - was in serious trouble and even<br />

imprisoned due to charges of homicide; cp. Mauquoy-<br />

Hendrickx 1978-83, vol. 2, pp. 314-317, nos, 1715-1728<br />

and vol. 3b, pp. 520-521.<br />

109. Compare Sellink 1991-92, pp. 154-155 and<br />

Filedt Kok 1996, pp. 163-164.The verses underneath this<br />

portrait were composed by Janus Dousa, with whom Galle<br />

was acquainted in his Haarlem period. Dousa"s original<br />

ode was, rn fact, longer than the version engraved in the<br />

margin of this portrait; cp. Dousa 1584, p, 33 and Dousa<br />

1609, p. 241, where the engraving is wrongly attributed<br />

to Hubert Goltzius. For a full transcription and transla­<br />

tion of these verses, cp. SelHnk 1991-92, p. 158,<br />

110. The eight Beatitudes: Hollstein, vol. 8, p. 17.<br />

no. 63; Hirscfimann 1921, p. 32, no. 62; Strauss 1977, vol.<br />

1, pp. 78-79, no. 29; Consoling the sad: TIB. 56, p. 254<br />

no. 68:6. More detailed stylistic comparisons between<br />

works by Galle and Goltzius can be found .in Sellink 1991,<br />

pp. 146-147.<br />

111. One of them is the here illustrated sheet die<br />

Eight Beatitudes; for further examples, see the catalogues<br />

Hirschmann 1921 and Strauss 1977, passim.<br />

112. The life of Christ: Hollstein, vol 8, p. 17,<br />

nos. 56-61; Bartseh 1803-21, vol. 3, p. 14, no. 14 and pp.<br />

27-28, nos. 61-64; Hirscfrmann 1921, pp. 29-31, nos. 56-<br />

61; Strauss 1977, vol. 1, pp. 66-76, nos. 23-28. The allegories<br />

of faith: Hollstein, vol. 8, p. 18, nos. 64-75; Bartseh 1803-<br />

21, vol. 3, p. 28-30, nos. 65-74; Hirschmann 1921, pp. 32-<br />

37, nos. 64-75; Strauss 1977, vol. 1, pp. 124-147, nos. 54-65.

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