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97. "Gratus ager concepts refert ubi semina<br />

multo/ Foenore, messores et iuvat agricoiam/<br />

Nobilitatq[ue] solum, pretio nee vincitur ullo/ Nec domi<br />

ni alterius iura movenda timet" ("When the grateful held<br />

returns the received seed with high interest, it pleases the<br />

reapers and the farmer. It [the seed] ennobles the soil, goes<br />

beyond every price, and does not fear to change owner­<br />

ship.")<br />

98. Cp. TIB. 56, pp. 292-295, nos. 75:1-4 (the<br />

numbers 1 and 2 of the series have been placed in the<br />

wrong order).The iconography of die series and its rela­<br />

tion to other series of prints with the same subject has<br />

been studied in detail inVeldman 1987b. As IljaVeidman<br />

pointed out the highly unusual iconography was already<br />

misunderstood in the seventeenth century. In a later edi­<br />

tion published by Galle s grandson Johannes the sequence<br />

of the series was completely changed, implying that the<br />

biblical source of the book of Esdras (also see below) was<br />

no longer reco^mized; compare Yeldman 1987b, p. 227.<br />

99. IljaVeidman first substantiated this attribution<br />

by comparing the series to drawings by Groenning in the<br />

Rijksprentenkabinet and the Leiden prmtroom;Veidrnan<br />

1987b, p. 225.<br />

100. On Ghyselinck see Heesakkers 1976, passim.<br />

As a young man Ghyselinck was a freelance proofreader<br />

working for Plantin between 1564 and 1566;Voet 1969-<br />

72, vol. 2, p. 176. After his studies in France the Flemish<br />

humanist and physician returned to Antwerp and occa­<br />

sionally acted as an editor of publications of the Offkina<br />

Pianiiniana; Cockx-Indestege 1989, p. 133, no. 65. Galle<br />

must have been acquainted with Ghyselinck through<br />

Plantin.The Antwerp humanist only rarely seems to have<br />

written verses for prints; compare, for instance, two<br />

engravings by Anthonie Wierix dated 1586: Mauquoy-<br />

Hcndrickx 1978-83, vol. 2, pp. 195-196, nos. 1070 and<br />

1073.<br />

101. Compare Veldman 1987b, p. 225. As<br />

Groenning s compositions are, both in style and iconog­<br />

raphy clearly indebted to print designs by Maartcn van<br />

Heemskerck it is not strange to find that the Four powers<br />

have long been attributed to diis Haarlem painter;<br />

seeKernch 1829, p. 89 and Hollstein, vol. 8, p. 248, nos.<br />

588-591.<br />

102. "An Bromio quidquam iucundius? hie tamen<br />

Notes Chapter 4<br />

196<br />

omnes/ Ecce tibi victos victor inermis agit./ Hie genus,<br />

formam, sexum et simul omnia mutat:/ Ille homini<br />

mentem surripit ille hominem." ("Is there anything, any<br />

thing at all, more pleasing than Bromius? For see, although<br />

unarmed he carries away all the vanquished with him as<br />

victor. He changes birth, appearance, sex - everything. He<br />

robs men of their spirit and deprives them of their human­<br />

ity 5<br />

'). The English translation is quoted from Veldman<br />

1987b, p. 225.<br />

103. "AtVerum, etVeri virtus de nomine dicta,/ E<br />

Patris aetherei prodita Diva sinu,/ Lux orbi irradians,nullo<br />

violabilis aevo,/ Omnia sola regit: omnia sola potest."<br />

("But the Veritable and the virtue, called by the name of<br />

Truth, the goddess sprung from the lap of the Heavenly<br />

Father, she alone rules over all, the radiant light of the<br />

world, immune to time: she alone is powerful"). The<br />

(slightly corrected) English translation is quoted from<br />

Veldman 1987b, p. 225.<br />

104. On Goltzius, see Hirschmann 1919,Reznicek<br />

1961 and the Nederlands Kunsthistonsch Jaarboek of 1991-<br />

92 (vols, 42-42), which is entirely devoted to this artist.<br />

Particularly important for the biography of Goltzius are<br />

Miedema 1991-92 and Nichols 1991-92; to Hessel<br />

Miedema s analysis of Kare! van Mander's biography of<br />

Goltzius should be added: Van fviander 1994, vol. 1<br />

pp. 384-407, which gives a full English translation ofVan<br />

Mander s text. As mentioned by the editors in the intro­<br />

duction to the above Nederlands Kunsthistonsch Jaarboek<br />

(p. 9) an assessment of Goltzius's earliest period as a print-<br />

maker - that is to say up to 1582 - is still a desideratum.<br />

Important in this respect are: Hirschmann 1919, pp. 47-<br />

57, De la Fontaine Verwey 1969 and Veldman 1990,<br />

pp. 23-26 - both on the relation between Goltzius and<br />

Coornhert - and Sellink 1991-92, on certain aspects of<br />

the Goltzius s collaboration with Galle. An excellent sur­<br />

vey of Goltzius as an engraver and publisher after 1582 is<br />

given by Filedt Kok 1991-92. A concise, but very to the<br />

point overview of Goltzius s complete graphic oeuvre,<br />

placed against the background of print publishing in the<br />

Netherlands at the end of the sixteenth century, is found<br />

in Orenstein 1993-94, pp. 177-183. A general survey of<br />

Goltzius as a printmaker, with next to none attention to<br />

his Antwerp iconography, is given in Silver 1993b.<br />

105. Cp. Orenstein 1993-94, pp. 175-177.The only<br />

major engraver and publisher active in the northern part<br />

of the Netherlands at the time was Herman Jansz. Muller.

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