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88. Cp.Voet 1980-83, vol 1, p. 172. A well docu­<br />

mented case of a financial co-operation between Galle<br />

and Plantin is, for instance, Petrus Canisius s Inslitutiones<br />

Christianae of 1589. See below.<br />

89. On the attribution to Groenning, see Mielke<br />

1967, pp. 171-173, 179-180. At a later date Hans Mielke<br />

apparently was of opinion that the designs for the engrav­<br />

ings from no. 23 upwards were by another hand, namely<br />

Crispijn van der Broeck; Hansel 1991, p. 121, n. 166. In<br />

my opinion the suggestion of two different inventors is<br />

not corroborated by any difference in style or technique.<br />

In Peter van der Coelen s study on illustrated bibles pub­<br />

lished by Claes Jansz.Visscher who reissued the David<br />

series in 1637 - Sadeler's hitherto unnoticed signature on<br />

print nos. 10 and 16 was brought to light;Van der Coelen<br />

1995, pp. 107-108. On Johannes Sadeler's early engrav­<br />

ings, see Limouze 1990, pp. 22-24,<br />

90. "Ira, dolorq[ue] pms, prudentia, spesq[uel,<br />

fidesqjue]/ Proelia pro natis coniugibusqjuej adeunt./<br />

Excipit mstructu[m] his animu[m] victoria pulcra,/<br />

Quam neqjue] avara notis inficit invidia." ("Wrath,pious<br />

distress, prudence, hope and faith engage into combat on<br />

behalf of the children and wives.The mind equipped with<br />

these virtues gains a fine victory that will not even be<br />

blemished with criticism by miserly envy")<br />

91. Galle specifically compares Philip to David -<br />

"adeo ut alter nobis David extitisse videatur" - and com­<br />

pares their abilities to lead their people with divine inspi­<br />

ration and wisdom through all the turbulent events of the<br />

tune. David, hoc est virtutis, 1575, introduction,fol.A3 recto<br />

- A4 recto; cp. Hansel 1991, pp. 118-121<br />

92. "Quae Montani sententia mihi saepius excep-<br />

ta adeo placuit, animoque insedit meo, ut hoc unum argu-<br />

mentum, inter ea, quae selectissima existimaveram, cum<br />

primis dignisssimum arbitratus fuerim, quod<br />

Chalcographicae arris mihi pietatis cu[m] primis colen-<br />

dae causa comparatae et exercitae diligentia et industna<br />

expressum et exornatum ad piorum, et Catholicae reli-<br />

gionis studiosorum usum et oblectamentu[m] exhiberem.<br />

Idq[ue] cum superiore anno coepissem, non ornnrno per<br />

smgulas partes, explicatum,(namque hoc longissimi operis<br />

et otii fuisset) sed turn iustis et maiusculis imaginibus<br />

demonstratum, turn vero prospectivae ope lo[n]ngius<br />

etiam indicatum tabulis octo et quadriginta in breve coac-<br />

tum tanden conspiciendum iis exposui, qui sanctorum<br />

Notes Chapter 4<br />

195<br />

librorum sacraria adeuntes, quid in vita honestum ac pium,<br />

atque ad res publiée privateque recte gerendas,<br />

demumq[ue] ad animorum salutem utile opor-<br />

tunumq[ue] sit, cognoscere ac discere cupiunt" David hoc<br />

est virtutis, 1575, fol. A2 verso - A3 recto. Compare<br />

Hansel 1991, pp. 121-122.<br />

93. "Quae quamquarn a me utpote paupere,<br />

rudiori, leviorique materia parata fuerint, poterunt pro<br />

praestantissimi cuiusque víri facúltate et ingenio vel lanea<br />

vel holoserica, vel argéntea et áurea, gemmis etiam inter-<br />

textis splendentia confici, multis praeterea artis et elegan-<br />

îiae partibus augeri et amplifican " David hoc est virtutis,<br />

1575, fol A3 recto. Compare Hansel 1991, p. 122. On a<br />

comparable combination of purposes compare, for exam­<br />

ple, Sellink 1992, pp. 53-54 and chapter 3.<br />

94. Cp. Casanovas 1963-66, vol. I, p. 178, nos. 6-<br />

9 and Hansel 1991, pp. 127-128, where a later, mid-sev­<br />

enteenth-century edition by Johannes Galle is described.<br />

The series is unmentioned in the literature on Groenning.<br />

The signature "Ger. Gron. inven." on the first engraving,<br />

however, leaves litde doubt on his role as designer. The<br />

name of the engraver is not mentioned on any of the<br />

prints, but style and technique make a reasonable case that<br />

Philips Galle must have been the engraver himself. Galle s<br />

address is also found on the first print of the series, as is<br />

the name of Arias Montano:' i<br />

Galle exeudehat" and "Arias<br />

Mont. caneb/'The prints can also be compared to anoth­<br />

er major series - here not discussed, as the iconography is<br />

rather traditional and straightforward - that Galle pub­<br />

lished after Groenning s designs: lite life of the Virgin, six­<br />

teen circular (undated) plates engraved by Hieronymus<br />

Wierix. Cp. Mauquoy-Hendrickx 1978-83, vol. 1, p. 121,<br />

nos. 642-657.<br />

95. In earlier representations of the parable in<br />

Netherlandish art the preaching of Christ - who was<br />

speaking to his followers from a ship moored at the sea-<br />

coast - was emphasized; cp. Filedt Kok 1986, pp. 176-177,<br />

no, 60.This aspect is completely lacking in Galles Parable<br />

of the sower.<br />

96. "Maturata almo, demissa ac semina c[o]elo,/<br />

Sponte sua et frlieras edere, nata bonos,/ Pectore vulgari<br />

pereunt excepta, quod hostes/ Occupât, expositis diripit<br />

eq[ue] vijs" ("Seed, ripened and descended from the gen­<br />

erous Heaven, born to bear good fruit spontaneously per­<br />

ishes when it lands in a vulgar mind, which hosts the<br />

enemy that picks it [the seed] away from die open road")

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