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(St. Paul bitten by a viper) is signed by Hendrick Goltzius,<br />

another (the Resuscitation of Eutyckus) is attributed by some<br />

to Goltzius; cp. Strauss 1977, vol. 1, pp. 260-261, no. 154.<br />

There are at least two known preparatory drawings by<br />

Stradanus: St, Paul healing a cripple at Lystra (Christ Church<br />

College, Oxford) and St. Paul disputing with the sorcerer<br />

Elymas in Pafos (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris); cp. Byam<br />

Shaw 1976, vol. 1, p. 325, no. 1331 and Lugt 1936, p. 47,<br />

no. 187.<br />

56. See above, note 17. The popularity of Old<br />

Testament subjects in Dutch seventeenth-century paint­<br />

ing is discussed from various points of view in Turnpel<br />

1991. For a general discussion of the use of the Bible as<br />

subject matter in the art of the Counter-Reformation,<br />

compare Knipping 1939-1940, vol. 1, pp. 240-303.<br />

57. Gerard de Jode s Thesaurus was - as recently<br />

has been pointed out by Peter van der Coelen - first pub­<br />

lished in Antwerp in 1579;Van der Coelen 1995, pp. Hu­<br />

ll 1. De jode issued a second edition in 1585, again in<br />

Antwerp, while a third was most probably published<br />

posthumously by his widow after 1591; cp. Mielke 1975,<br />

p. 71 and De Bruin 1990, p. 196, n, 6. All these Antwerp<br />

editions are exceedingly rare. In fact, the most popular<br />

editions of the lîiesaurus are of a much later date. After<br />

1639, in continuously changing arrangements of prints,<br />

this illustrated Bible was reprinted in the Northern<br />

Netherlands several times by Claes jansz. Visscher, by Jan<br />

Philips^. Schabaelje and by Visscher s grandson Nicolaus.<br />

On these late editions, see Visser 1988 (Schabaelje) and<br />

Van der Coelen 1995 (Visscher). For a detailed analysis of<br />

the designers and engravers of De Jode s original edition,<br />

see Mielke 1975; in the last issue of the Bulletin van het<br />

Rijksmuseum of 1997 an article by Peter van der Coelen,<br />

Peter Fuhring and Chris Sehuekman is to appear which<br />

will provide new detailed information on the genesis of<br />

the Thesaurus. In contrast to the Thesaurus, the two etched<br />

series of biblical illustrations by the Antwerp printmaker<br />

Pieter van der Borcht were even never published in the<br />

city on the Scheldt. In 1583 the Leiden branch of the<br />

Officina Planiiniana issued both series; all later editions also<br />

appeared in the Northern Netherlands. As the introduc­<br />

tion and the legends were written by the heterodox spir­<br />

itualist Hendrikjansen van Barrefelt (also called Hiël),any<br />

Antwerp edition after 1585 would have been almost<br />

impossible. On the series by Van der Borcht, see Hamilton<br />

1981b andVander Coelen 1995,pp. 108-110,119.A gen­<br />

eral survey of Netherlandish illustrated Bibles is given in<br />

Poortxnan 1983-86 and Van der Coelen 1991.<br />

Notes Chapter 4<br />

191<br />

58. Cp.Mauquoy-Hendrickx 1978-83, vol. l,nos.<br />

1-73 (Old Testament, almost exclusively series engraved<br />

for De Jode's Thesaurus), nos. 74-393 (New Testament)<br />

and nos. 394-604 (images of the Three Persons, including<br />

many illustrations of the life of Christ). Another 1000<br />

engravings are also religious of nature, mainly the lives of<br />

Mary, the aposdes and all other saints. These numbers do<br />

not include the book illustrations by the Wierix family<br />

of which 150 illustrate die Life of Christ in Geronimo<br />

Nadal s Evangelicae historiae imagines (Antwerp, 1593), one<br />

of the first major Jesuit book productions in Flanders; cp.<br />

Rooses 1888 and Mauquoy-Hendrickx 1978-83, vol. 3a,<br />

pp. 400-429, nos. 1989-2141 and pp. 491-496.<br />

59. TIB. 56, p. 135. no. 41; Jost 1960, pp. 27-33<br />

and pp. 182-183,no.III,24;FiledtKokl986,pp.418-419,<br />

no, 311. As yet the engraving is the very first dated work<br />

known by Blocklandt, then nearly 40 years old! Philips<br />

Galle published 32 engravings after Blocklandt, roughly<br />

80 % of his graphic oeuvre (41 prints). Besides one engrav­<br />

ing by Hendrick Goltzius, Galle incised all of these works<br />

himself Excluding a series of four sheets with the Story<br />

of Adonis, all prints depict religious subjects. For a cata­<br />

logue of prints after Blocklandt, see jost 1960, pp. 162-<br />

198.<br />

60. The verses read: "Discipulos frustum christus<br />

partitur in omneis/ Paniceum, sancit que novum, inte-<br />

xnerabile foedus,/ Atque suae necis hoc monumentum<br />

lege perermi/ Instituens, sese panis sub imagine tradit."<br />

("Christ divides the piece of bread between all of Ins fol­<br />

lowers, and sanctifies a new sacrosanct covenant; and by<br />

instituting this remembrance of his death by eternal law,<br />

he gives himself in the appearance of the bread") ;ep.Junius<br />

1598, p. 184 andVeldman 1977a, p. 105, n. 41. Blocklandt<br />

was (and always stayed) a Catholic, as was Junius, whose<br />

orthodoxy, however, has been questioned on several occa­<br />

sions; also cp. chapter 2. On the iconography of the Last<br />

Supper in Netherlandish sixteenth century, also see Siesling<br />

1981.<br />

61. An assessment of Blocklandt's stylistic devel­<br />

opment, in the light of Netherlandish art in this period<br />

in general, is given in Kloek 1986, pp. 151-155. On the<br />

series of Lot, see Hollstein, vol 2, p. 59, nos. 6-13; idem,<br />

vol. 7, p. 74, nos. 4-11;TIB. 56, pp. 13-16, nos. 4:1-4 and<br />

Jost 1960, pp. 162-165, nos. Ill, 1-4. Ingrid jost wrongly<br />

dates the series around 1579;Jost I960, pp. 74-76. As Arias<br />

Montano, who composed die verses in the margin, left<br />

Antwerp in 1575, it is reasonable to assume that Galle pro-

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