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lisher mentioned on the first edition; New Hollstcin,<br />

Maarten van Heemskerck, vol. 2, pp. 218-221, nos, 542-<br />

545 as "probably [published] by Philips Galle." This<br />

assumption is strengthened by the fact that the second and<br />

third editions were produced by Galie's son and grandson<br />

Theodoor and Johannes.<br />

45. Compare Vcldman 1987a, p. 207. For a tran­<br />

scription of Arias Montano's note - on the verso of the<br />

preparatory drawing for the Adoration of the Trinity in<br />

Heaven, in the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen<br />

-sceGarfFl971,n.p.,no,117.<br />

46. Hollstein, vol. 7, p. 80, nos. 414-421; idem, vol.<br />

8, p. 245, nos. 357-364;TIB. 56, pp. 376-383, nos, 101:1-8;<br />

New Hollstein, Maartcn van Heemskerck, vol. 2,<br />

pp. 192-197, nos. 513-520.<br />

47. Hollstein, vol. 8, p. 248, nos. 578-583; New<br />

Hollstein, Maarten van Heemskerck, vol. 2, pp. 181-185,<br />

nos. 501-506, where the (unsigned) engravings are right­<br />

ly attributed to Philips Galie.The iconography is discussed<br />

in Vcldman 1992, pp. 230-233.<br />

48. For biographical details on Junius, see Veldman<br />

1974.<br />

49. On Heemskerck, see Veldman 1977a, pp. 11-<br />

15; Grosshans 1980, pp. 18-27 and Harrison 1988, pp. 2-<br />

79. The basic account of Heemskerck s life is, of course,<br />

found in the Sckilder-boeck by Karel van Mander; cp.Van<br />

Mander 1994, vol. l,pp. 236-247.Van Mander mentions<br />

that the artist left Haarlem during the siege in 1572.The<br />

Spaniards first surrounded the city on 11 December 1572.<br />

the siege ended on July 13 of the following year after the<br />

capitulation of the Haarlem authorities.<br />

50. New Hollstein,Maarten van Heemskerck, vol.<br />

2, pp. 212-213, nos. 536-537. The first was engraved by<br />

Herman Jansz. Muller and has no address of a publisher;<br />

the second was issued by Philips Galle in Antwerp, but<br />

bears no signature of an engraver. On Rauwert, see Bok<br />

1993-94, pp. 148-149 and p, 159.<br />

51. All 1 6 preparatory drawings used for the first<br />

edition of 1575 (cp. note 37) are now in the Statens<br />

Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen; Garff 1971, n.p., nos.<br />

118-126 and 128-134. Heemskerck's drawing of the bur­<br />

ial of St. Stephen (dated 1572, also in Copenhagen) was<br />

Notes Chapter 4<br />

190<br />

only added in the enlarged edition of 1582 with addi­<br />

tional drawings by Johannes Stradanus; Garff 1971, n.p.,<br />

no. 127.<br />



PUS GALLAEUS./ Et si quidem plurimum debeam tibi,<br />

mi D. Rauwarde, ob amicitiae nostrae vetustatern et<br />

amorem singularem, quo mecum erga picturam es prae-<br />

ditus, tamen non tarn ideo tibi hunc libellum mitten-/<br />

dum esse duxi, quam quod hunc eommunem nostra [mj<br />

et artis magistrum et amicum, in vitae suae fine, miseriis<br />

obrutum, propria sede domoq[uej communi calamitate<br />

pulsum atque eiectum, in mam do-/ mum benigne sus-<br />

ceperis, humaniterq [uc] et liberaliter traetaris. ubi etiam<br />

maiorem horum Apostolicorum actuum partem tanto<br />

artificio delineavit. Quapropter non potui committere<br />

quin hunc tibi in-/ scriberem ac dedicarem. Te oro, ut<br />

benigno animo suscipias, et pro mis tueare ac defendas.<br />

Vale Antverpiae XVlILAugusti M.DXXXV'On the edi­<br />

tion as published in 1575, see Hollstein, vol. 7, p. 78, nos.<br />

206-240; idem, vol. 8, p. 244, nos. 306-322; TIB. 56,<br />

pp. 147-162, nos. 48:1-16; New Hollstein, Maarten van<br />

Heemskerck, vol. 2, pp. 96-109, nos. 395-410.<br />

53. There are at least two drawings undoubtedly<br />

intended for the Acts of the apostles which were not used<br />

in any of the published editions: the above St. Peter freed<br />

from prison and the Beheading of St, James(?), both dated<br />

1573- Both drawings are in the collection of Museum<br />

BoijmansVan Beunmgen. Cp. Hoetink 1961, pp. 24-25,<br />

nos. 10-11. For unknown reasons - perhaps the drawings<br />

were unsatisfactory or even not available to Galle at the<br />

time - these two subjects were replaced by designs by<br />

Stradanus in the second edition of 1582.<br />

54. On the popularity of this particular theme in<br />

Dutch art of the sixteenth and seventeenth century and<br />

its possible connection to Calvinist opinions on baptism,<br />

see Defoer 1977,pp. 21 -24. Galie's engraving is here repro­<br />

duced in its second state, as published in the enlarged edi­<br />

tion of 1582.<br />

55. Besides Stradanus s drawings, Galle also used<br />

one drawing by Heemskerck; cp. note 36.The title page<br />

and 16 new engravings of the 1582-edition are - even<br />

though only one is signed 14<br />

Philippus.Galle.sculp."- attrib­<br />

uted to Philips Galle; cp. Hollstein, vol. 7, p. 78, nos. 206-<br />

240;TIB. 56, pp. 163-179, nos. 49:1-17. One engraving

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