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of Baccio Bandinelli, engraved by Enea Vice after Baccio<br />

Bandirielli, apprentice draughtsman are also surrounded<br />

by bits and pieces of human skeletons, which were appar­<br />

ently used as drawing examples. See TIB. 30, pp. 68-69,<br />

no. 49.<br />

13. Van Mander 1973, vol. 1, pp. 104-105 (text<br />

and English translation) and vol. 2, pp. 440-441 (annota-<br />

tions): 8t<br />

Noeh comt groodijex de teycken-const te Baten/<br />

Wei te verstaen (met dooden te sien viilen) Waer Muschels<br />

beginnen/ oft eynden willen." ForVasari s words, seeVasari<br />

1966, vol. 1 (text), pp. 114-115.<br />

14. Van Mander 1604, fol. 263 verso; also see Van<br />

Mander 1994, vol 1, pp. 312-313. On the history of dis­<br />

section and its relation to the fine arts in general see Cetto<br />

1967.<br />

15. Angel 1642, pp. 52-53.<br />

16. O'Mailey 1950, p. 92. For the life and works<br />

of Vesalius: O'Mailey 1964. These anatomical plates<br />

enjoyed an immense popularity, compare Huard 1980,<br />

Pinault 1984, pp. 56-57 and Bolten 1985, pp. 234-236.<br />

17. As mentioned, several prominent Italian<br />

painters had envisaged books on anatomy for artists,<br />

among them Michelangelo, Leonardo, Rosso Fiorentino<br />

and Alessandro Allori. None of these projects seems to<br />

have been brought to fruition, see Kernel! 1989a, p. 847.<br />

However in Italy a slightly altered edition ofVesalius s De<br />

humani corporis fabrica appeared, written by the Spanish<br />

anatomist Juan Valverda de Hamasco, with plates engraved<br />

by Nicolas Beatrket.This book was published in four edi­<br />

tions between 1556 and 1589,in Spanish, Italian and Latin,<br />

see TIB. 29, pp. 304-307. Monique Kornell also kindly<br />

drew my attention to Giulio Bonasonc s series of anatom­<br />

ical prints.This series of thirteen engravings certainly pre­<br />

dates Gallc's Instruction et fondements - Bonasone died<br />

around 1580 - and probably aimed at an audience of artists.<br />

Unfortunately, no introduction nor any early references<br />

to these illustrations have survived, leaving us in doubt<br />

about the publisher's exact intentions. On this series, see<br />

Bartsch 1803-21, vol. 15, pp. 167-169, nos. 329-341,TIB.<br />

29, pp. 118-130, nos. 329-341 and Massari 1983, vol. 1,<br />

pp. 190-194, nos. 172-184.<br />

18. Voet 1980-83, vol. 5, pp. 2327-2336. Plantm<br />

published Vesalius s treatise together with Vivae imagines<br />

Notes Chapter 3<br />

182<br />

partium corporis humani by Juan Valverda de Hamasco, a<br />

Spanish follower ofVesalius. Latin editions appeared in<br />

1566,1572 and 1579, and a Dutch translation in 1568.<br />

19. This portrait was included in the Viromm doc-<br />

torum (1572), engraved and published by Philips Galle in<br />

1572. On the complex history of the engravings in this<br />

publication, see chapter 3. An illustrated but not entirely<br />

reliable survey of the iconography ofVesalius s portrait is<br />

found in Spielmann 1925; also seeVan Sorneren 1888-91,<br />

vol. 3, pp. 650-651 and appendix 2E no. 140. In die UfEzi<br />

in Florence there is also a painted portrait ofVesalius attrib­<br />

uted to Jan Stefan van Kalkar; compare Hoogewerff 1957-<br />

59, p. 64.<br />

19a. Stradanus may have been influenced by<br />

Melchior Meiers earlier engraving of the same subject,<br />

dated 1581: see Hollstein (German), vol. 25, p. 28, no. 7<br />

andCazort 1996-97, pp. 160-161, no. 47, with further ref­<br />

erences. Although the anatomical interest in the slayed<br />

nude is very similar, the print by Meier - who worked in<br />

Tuscany in the period 1575 to 1582 - lacks the vigour of<br />

Stradanus s composition.<br />

20. "Corporis humani qui membra rninuta<br />

secaret/ Vesalio nullus doctior extiterat./ Hie Medicis<br />

auxit,Pictoribus auxit et artern,/ Dum subitinternas quae<br />

latucre vias."<br />

21. TIB, 56, pp. 315-322, nos. 84:1-8; also see<br />

Cetto 1968, pp. 167-168 (as unknown sixteenth centu-<br />

«y)-<br />

22. For Diirer s experiments with detached arms,<br />

prints of which were published in his illustrated book on<br />

proportion in 1528, see Rupprich 1956-69, vol. 3, figs.<br />

42-49.<br />

23. On Cousin see Bolten 1985, pp. 179-186.The<br />

importance of anatomy for artists in the seventeenth and<br />

eighteenth centuries is discussed in Ameisenowa 1963,<br />

pp. 56-68 and Lexnmens 1964, pp. 12-22.<br />

24. On Galle as a draughtsman seeVeldman 1991.<br />

On Galle as a print publisher see chapter 1 and Sellink<br />

1992a, with further references,<br />

25. Sea and riper gods: Hollstein, vol. 7, p. 78, nos.<br />

316-322 and TIB. 56, pp. 345-353, nos. 90:1-17. Nymphs:

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