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31 The portrait accompanies a letter, written in<br />

Dutch and dated Antwerp, 7 July 1598;Hessels 1887, pp.<br />

759-760, 912. Galle here informs Van Meteren on the<br />

death of his uncle Abraham Ortels ten days earlier.<br />

According to a handwritten note by Galle - 'Thilippus<br />

<strong>galle</strong> schenkt dit synen vrient,iacop Cools." - the portrait<br />

was not intended for Van Meteren himself but was a gift<br />

to Jacob Cole, another nephew of Ortels. Gaile's letter is<br />

now kept in the Universiteitsbibliotheek,<br />

RijksuniversiteiE Leiden, inv. BPL 2766.<br />

32. Galle s command of Latin can be deduced<br />

from the many signed introductions, some of them rather<br />

elaborate, to various print series in this language. He could,<br />

however, have had the assistance of one his learned<br />

humanist friends in this respect. The scarce autographic<br />

manuscripts by Galle are all written in Dutch.<br />

33. On Junius, see Veldman 1974 and Veldman<br />

1977a, pp. 97-112 and specifically p. 107 on the collabo­<br />

ration between Galle and Junius. Veldman here erro­<br />

neously assumes that it was Junius who wrote the intro­<br />

duction to the Virorum doctorum effigies {1572}. This<br />

preface, on the contrary, is from the pen of Philips Galle<br />

who here thanks (as quoted above) "„... amicumque ac<br />

concivem meum Adr. lunium virum doctissimum<br />

(my friend and fellow townsman, the learned Hadrianus<br />

Junius) for the verses he has composed on the portrait of<br />

Benito Arias Montane. For the complete text, see appen­<br />

dix 2B.The close cooperation between Van Heemskerck<br />

(designer), Jumus (lyricist) and Galle (engraver and pub­<br />

lisher) is elucidated in Veldman 1986, passim.<br />

34. Galle has engraved two portraits of Junius .The<br />

first is dated 1562 , the other, as illustrated in jig. 4, was<br />

made on behalf of die Virorum doctorum effigies {1567), See<br />

appendix 2E, nos. 73 and 73a.<br />

35. Only four portraits show scholars from previ­<br />

ous centuries: the famous Dutch humanist Agricola, the<br />

radical reformer Johannes Hus, the humanist Pope Pius<br />

II and the illustrious Dominican preacher Savonarola. For<br />

a complete description of the Virorum doctorum effigies<br />

(1567), see appendix 2A. On the reproduced portraits, see<br />

appendix 2E, nos. 27 (Calvin), 129 (Tapper) and 90<br />

(Melanchton). All the other portraits mentioned are list­<br />

ed in the alphabetical catalogue.<br />

Notes Chapter 2<br />

171<br />

36. Compare, for example, the far more complete<br />

series of portraits of reformers issued by Hendrik Hondius<br />

in 1599 and, in an enlarged edition, around 1610; see<br />

Orenstein 1992, pp. 62-64, 312-331 and 392-400.<br />

Surprisingly Hondius added Erasmus as well as Savonarola<br />

- two persons who could not be more different - to his<br />

list of reformers. Series with portraits of reformers became<br />

very popular in (Protestant) Germany in the last two<br />

decades of the sixteenth century, cp. Rave 1959, pp. 153-<br />

154.<br />

37. Involvement with religious matters seems to<br />

have been interpreted in a broad sense by Galle and his<br />

collaborators; compare appendix 2A for a complete list of<br />

all the portraits in the 1567-edition. A scholar like Andrea<br />

Alelad - the Italian lawyer and author of the famous<br />

Embiemata - could, for instance, have been chosen on<br />

account of his Contra vitam monastkam ad Bemardum<br />

Maíiiant epístola. Alci&ti wrote this treatise, levelled against<br />

several aspects of monastic life, before 1517. Although it<br />

was never published, the manuscript circulated in a small<br />

circle of friends like Erasmus, who received it through a<br />

mutual acquaintance. The author himself regarded the<br />

book as a sin of his youth and seems to have been afraid<br />

that publication of the contents might harm his reputa­<br />

tion with ecclesiastical authorities.<br />

38. For the list of copies known to exist in pub­<br />

lic collections, cp. appendices 2A-D.<br />

39. Cp. note 17. Besides the twelve portraits Van<br />

Someten mentioned, several other comparable impres­<br />

sions have been traced, See appendix 2E, passim. Here<br />

reproduced is the portrait of Huldrych Zwingli, see<br />

appendix 2E, no. 146.<br />

40. Although the lack of sources makes any con­<br />

clusion hypothetical, the few remaining albums with<br />

prints from the late sixteenth century strongly suggest that<br />

a client generally selected and compiled an album of prints<br />

according to his own taste and (iconographic) interest,<br />

rather than buying a ready-made compilations. On the<br />

collecting of prints in the sixteenth and seventeenth cen­<br />

tury see below;<br />

41. On the Reformation in Haarlem, see:<br />

Overmeer 1904 and the more recent, excellent study by<br />

Joke Spaans (Spaans 1989,pp. 23-47). A general overview<br />

of the political and religious developments in the Nether-

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