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introduction to the Virorum doctorum i£figits (1572), fol.<br />

A2; compare for the entire text and translation appendix<br />

2B. Also see Hansel 1990, p. 92.<br />

21. Cp.Tanner 1984, pp. 223-224.<br />

22. On Giovio s collection of portraits, see Mimtz<br />

1901, Pavoni 1985 and the elaborate dissertation by Linda<br />

Susan Klinger: Klinger 1992, vol, 1, pp. 65-95 (on the his­<br />

tory of the collection) and pp. 96-156 (comparing Giovio s<br />

Museo with other collections). Also compare the recent<br />

biography of Giovio: Price Zimmerman 1995. For a<br />

recent discussion on the Renaissance studiolo, with a spe­<br />

cial focus on Urbino, see Cheles 1985, pp. 35-52. A gen­<br />

eral outline of die studiolo throughout the Renaissance is<br />

given in Liebenwein 1977.<br />

23. For a concise overview of such <strong>galle</strong>ries in uni­<br />

versities and colleges, seen against the background of the<br />

collecting of portraits in the Renaissance in general, see<br />

Ekkart 1977, esp. pp. 4-5.<br />

24. On die genesis of the Leiden portrait <strong>galle</strong>ry,<br />

cp. Ekkart 1975; on Merula's memorandum, cp. ibid. pp.<br />

58-60.That the newly founded Leiden University took<br />

an interest in corrmiemorating the likeness of its most<br />

famous professors,is also shown by the commission it gave<br />

in 1592 to Hendrick Goltzius to engrave the portraits of<br />

Julius Caesar Scaliger and his son Joseph Justus Scaliger.<br />

These engravings were sent to scholars all over Europe;<br />

cp.Pelinck 1966 and Strauss 1977, vol. 2, pp. 556-559, nos.<br />

309-310.<br />

25. OnTorrentius s collection of paintings, seeVan<br />

Damme 1995; Galle s portraits of this bishop are listed in<br />

appendix 2E, nos. 135-136. The importance Erasmus<br />

attached to portraits is discussed in Bodar 1989, pp. 29-<br />

60.<br />

26. For a general discussion of the album amieorum<br />

in the Netherlands in the sixteenth century, see<br />

Heesakkers 1989. On four contributions by Philips Gallc<br />

to such albums,see Sellink 1991 -92,p. 157,n.l7 (Abraham<br />

Ortels, Emanuel van JVieteren and Jacob van Marnix van<br />

Sint-Aldegonde) and Yeldrnan 1991, p. 262 (Janus<br />

Gruterus). Galle did not include a portrait of himself, but<br />

on these occasions, as befits a prolific draughtsman, drew<br />

his own inventions corresponding with the written vers­<br />

es.<br />

Notes Chapter 2<br />

170<br />

27. The letters of Plantin and those written to<br />

Ortels arc available in late nineteenth-century editions,<br />

cp.Plantin 1883-1918 (passim) and Hessels 1887 (passim).<br />

On Dousa see, for instance, his correspondence with<br />

Victor Ghyselinck: Heesakkers 1976, pp. 98-100.<br />

28. Hessels 1887, p. 42(3. This probably refers to<br />

the circular portrait of Ortels - engraved by Philips Galle<br />

after a design by Hendrick Goltzius - of which a silver<br />

plate existed. In an earlier letter to his friend Benito Arias<br />

Montane, dated 15-18 September 1581, Christophe<br />

Plantin mentions such a portrait which is intended as gift<br />

by Ortels to the Spanish humanist: "Ortelius mihi suam<br />

efHgiem in argenti lamina manu Gallci incisam et deau-<br />

ratani cum inscriptione a tergo orbiculari forma et ligno<br />

ebenico adornatam tradidit ad te mittendam,Plantin<br />

1883-1918, vol. 6, pp. 305-306 and Hansel 1991, pp. 179-<br />

180. The editors of Plantin s correspondence wrongly<br />

assume that the above quotation refers to yet another por­<br />

trait of Ortels by Philips Galle in 1579: an oval portrait,<br />

engraved in an elaborate ornamental border and used by<br />

Plantin as a frontispiece to his editions of Ortels Tkeatmm<br />

orbis terrarum. For this second, oval portrait see Denuce<br />

1912-13, pp. 68-69.The first, circular portrait - with die<br />

inscription "HG. in." - has been attributed by some to<br />

Hendrick Goltzius. This attribution is generally (and<br />

rightly) doubted as the verses by Andreas de Paepe clear­<br />

ly mention Galle as the engraver.This engraving was, how­<br />

ever, most probably made after a lost drawing by Goltzius,<br />

who also drew a (still existent) portrait of Ortels sister;<br />

see Reznicek 1961, vol 1, p. 398 and Strauss 1977, vol. 1,<br />

pp. 378-379, no. 227. Descriptions of both portraits are<br />

given in appendix 2E, nos. 100a and 100b.<br />

29. Compare Hartley 1991.<br />

30. Hessels 1887, p. 472. On Goltzius s portrait of<br />

Philips Galle, also see chapter 4 and Sellink 1991-92, pp.<br />

154-155.The verses underneath this portrait were writ­<br />

ten by Galle s friend jamis Dousa. One does not, howev­<br />

er, find a contribution by Galle in the album amieorum of<br />

the Dutch humanist, whereas other mutual friends and<br />

acquaintances (such as Plantin Junius, Ghyselinck and Van<br />

Meteren) had contributed verses, portraits and the like;<br />

cp. Heesakkers 1981 .A general survey of portraits of artists<br />

by Goltzius and his circle and intended as tokens of friend­<br />

ships is given in Filedt Kok 1996,

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