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the notion of Gothic versus Italian printing types as exem­<br />

plifying the old and new styles of (book)prinring, see<br />

Vervliet 1968, pp. 56-67. Style and technique of inscrip­<br />

tions on Dutch prints have rarely been subject of study<br />

with the notable exception of Amy Namowitz "Wbrthens<br />

stimulating essay on calligraphic inscriptions on prints in<br />

the circle of Hendrick Goltzius; Namowitz Worthen<br />

1991-92.<br />

17 eene verzameling van 31 door Phil. Galle<br />

gegraveerde portretten, waaraan titel en register ontbrak-<br />

en, terwijl voor in het bandje een voorrede geplaatst was,<br />

gedagteekend 1567, en gegraveerd in een fraai randwerk.<br />

Hierin zegt de Sculptor aan den lezer, dat hij deze<br />

afbeeldingen van geleerden en van mannen, die door den<br />

sectenhaat beroemd zijn geworden, gegraveerd heeft en<br />

deze later hoopt te vermeerderen.";Van Someren 1888-<br />

91, vol. 1, p. 122. The place of publication was not men­<br />

tioned. By analogy with the three later seriesVan Someren<br />

(wrongly) assumed that the booklet must have been pub­<br />

lished in Antwerp. In Dr. Wolff's copy of the Viromm doc-<br />

tomm effigies (1567) 19 portraits had the six-line verses in<br />

the margin, while twelve (proof impressions?) only<br />

showed the caption with the name of the scholar por­<br />

trayed in the lower margin; compare appendix 2A for a<br />

detailed description of the 1567-edition. It seems quite<br />

probable thatVan Someren never saw Galles edition him­<br />

self, but had to rely on notes taken by Frederik Muller.<br />

This might explain the rather brief description by the<br />

often so painstakingly accurate author.<br />

18. The old master prints were auctioned by<br />

F. Prestel in Frankfurt on 26 November 1877,They were<br />

sold en bloc to the Hamburg collector ITebich and were<br />

then again auctioned with the latter s collection at the<br />

(anonymous) sale of Amsler and Ruthardt in Berlin on 23<br />

February 1885. The enormous collection of portraits -<br />

excluding the magnificent holding of Van Dyck s<br />

Iconographie once owned by the Rotterdam collector<br />

Verstolk van Soelen - was not part of these sales, as Prestel<br />

mentions in the introduction to the 1877 auction cata­<br />

logue (p. iv):'Tl se trouve encore entre nos mains le reste<br />

des collections laissées par feu Mr. le docteur Wolff, c'est-<br />

à-dire plus de onze mille portraits de médecins, de physi­<br />

ciens, d'astronomes, alchymists et autres personnages sem­<br />

blables de tous les pays, provenant des collections du<br />

sénateur Rôding de Hambourg, de l'académie Leopoldo-<br />

Caroline, du docteur A. Roy, du Dr. Diamond de Londres,<br />

et en partie de la collection du docteur Sachse" Prestel<br />

Notes Chapter 2<br />

169<br />

continues to describe the zeal with which the collector<br />

continuously tried to enrich his collection and the care<br />

he took in preserving and documenting his treasures, men­<br />

tioning the existence of the 47-volume manuscript cata­<br />

logue. He ends with the words; sl<br />

Pourle moment on espère<br />

pouvoir conserver les portraits tels qu'ils sont par le moyen<br />

d une vente en bloc; mais si cela ne réussit pas, il est prob­<br />

able qu'ils seront mis en vente séparément à une occasion<br />

future " Unfortunately the further fate of the portraits or<br />

their manuscript catalogue is as yet unknown. On Wolff<br />

as a collector, also cp. Lugt 1921-56, vol. 1, pp. 249-250,<br />

no. 1392.<br />

19. These series can be found in the Komnklijke<br />

Bibiiotheek,The Hague (inv. 1701 C8(2)) and the Library<br />

of Congress in Washington (inv. nos. Typ. 530,72.415 and<br />

Lilly AZ 331.616). Most probably comparable sets of these<br />

unsigned engravings are to be found in other collections<br />

as weU, bound anonymously with compilations of por­<br />

traits by Galle or others. It is also possible that some of the<br />

famous biographers of the nineteenth century have seen<br />

a complete copy of the Viromm âociorum effigies of 1567.<br />

Nagler, for instance, refers to "Eine Folge von Bildnissen<br />

berühmter Männer: Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Pirkheirner,<br />

Thomas Morus, Dante, etc., kl. 4."; Nagler 1835-52, vol.<br />

4, p. 564. This combination of portraits, including the<br />

famous reformers, can only refer to the 1567-edition. in<br />

1856 Charles Le Blanc simply seems to echo Nagler's<br />

words; Le Blanc 1854-90, vol. 2, p. 265. Fifty years later<br />

the often more accurate Alfred von Wurzbach mentions<br />

a "Folge von Portraits berühmter Manner. Imagines viro-<br />

rum doctorum: Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Pirkheirner, Th.<br />

Morus, Dante, Douza,Erasmus,Junius etc. 4°.' s<br />

;Wurzbach<br />

1906-1911, vol. 1, p. 567. Here Wurzbach not only adds<br />

three names to Nagler s list - again in a combination which<br />

can only refer to the 1567-volume - but also gives a title,<br />

namely Imagines viromm doctorum. This tide is strangely<br />

enough identical with Galles 1587-compilation of por­<br />

traits.<br />

20. "Haec igitur mihi causa fuit, quamobrem non-<br />

nullorurn in bonis artibus illustrium virorum, qui nostra<br />

aetate vel paulo ante noruerunt, vel adhuc cum multa<br />

ingenij et eruditionis laude vivant, tum mihi notorum, et<br />

quibus cum consuetudo aliqua intercessit, effigies ad<br />

vivurn expresser im, tum eorum quos nondum viderim ex<br />

optimis et certissimis exemplaribus undique conquisitis<br />

depictas in privato cubiculo, ubi artem exerceo meam,<br />

maximi ornamenti nomine collocaverimCited from the

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