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5<br />

ERMOLAO BARBARO (1600)<br />

17.7 x 12.2 cm.<br />

In lower margin:"!IERMOLAUS BARBARUS PATRI-<br />

/ ARCH A AQUILE GIE NS IS. / Barbarus Euganeis iUux--<br />

it Lucifer oris:/ Barbariem pcpulit. Phosphorus ut tene-<br />

bras./ Talis erat; sic iile genas, vultumque gerebat:/ Ast<br />

propc divino pulcrior ingcnio." (six lines).<br />

Ermolao Barbaro (Hermolaus Barbarus),Venice 1453 -<br />

Rome 1493; Italian Hellenist and collector of Greek<br />

manuscripts, reputed for his studies on Aristotle. Engraved<br />

in the Galle workshop, author of the verses unknown.<br />

6<br />

DANIEL BARBARO (1600)<br />

17.9 x 12.3 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "DANIEL BARBARUS./ Tu quoqjuc]<br />

Aristotelis dicendl scripta recenses/ Sic dcsiderium Un­<br />

guis in orbe tui./ Vitruvium explanas radio; tu tecta,<br />

domosque/ D[a]edalus ardfices aedificare doces." (five<br />

Unes).<br />

Daniel Matteo Alvise Barbaro (Barbarus),Venice 1514 -<br />

1570; Italian Hellenist, diplomat and bishop. Engraved In<br />

the Galle workshop, author of the verses unknown.<br />

7<br />

FICLNO, MARSILIO (1572)<br />

After Giorgio Vasarl<br />

17.5 x 12.1 cm.<br />

In oval border around portrait: "MARSILIUS FICINUS<br />


In lower margin: "Quid referam de te magnum, Ficine.<br />

quod ipse/ Non superes multis partibus atque modis?/ SI<br />

quaeram certum veterum, Ficine, Sopborum/<br />

Dlscipulum, quern te certius inveniam?" (four lines).<br />

In margin right: "Fj".<br />

Appendix 2 1<br />

312<br />

Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by Benito Arias<br />

Montano.Theodoor Galle reused his fathers portrait of<br />

Ficino from the 1572b-ediuon; see appendix 2E, no. 52,<br />

second state.<br />

8<br />


After Giorgio Vasari<br />

17.6 x 12.1 cm.<br />

In oval border around portrait: "ANGELUS POLL-<br />


In lower margin: "Ornamenta serat Lariae qui florida lin­<br />

guae, et/ Mille modis gratum temperet eloquium,/<br />

Carmine qui placeat placeat sermone solute/ Unus, crede<br />

mini, Politianus erit." (four lines).<br />

In margin right: "F3 S<br />

\<br />

Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by Benito Arias<br />

Montano. Theodoor Galle reused his father's portrait of<br />

Poliziano from the 1572b-edition; see appendix 2E,<br />

no. 113, second state.<br />

9<br />


(1600)<br />

17.7 x 12.2 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "IOAN FRANCISCUS POGGIUS/<br />

FLORENTINUS. / Felle armata tibi manus est,multoque<br />

cachinno/Tinxisri, et nudo scripta proterua sale/ Ludicra<br />

sic recitas, cures ut seria, doctum/ Qui FABIUM Stygijs<br />

asseris e tenebris " (six lines).<br />

Gian Francesco Poggio (Poggius) Bracciolini,Terranuova<br />

1380 - Florence 1459; Italian humanist and collector of<br />

manuscripts of classical authors. Engraved in the Galle<br />

workshop, author of the verses unknown.

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