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Engraved by Philips Gallc, verses by Frans van Ravelingen.<br />

Galle reused the engraving of Xirnenes from the 1587-<br />

edition of his portrait series; see appendix 2E,no. 119, sec­<br />

ond state,<br />

7<br />


16.3 x 11.7 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "CASPAR CONTARENUS VENE--<br />

TUS CARD./ Lectus es inVenetum, Romanum deinde<br />

Scnatum,/ Firrnior ingenio qui stat uterque tuo;/ At nunc<br />

caelesti falges trabeatus in ostro,/ Sceptra Magistratus<br />

aetherelqjiue] geris." (five lines).<br />

Gasparo Contarini (Caspar Contarenus),Venice 1483 -<br />

Bologna 1542; Venetian cardinal, negotiator with the<br />

protestants, papal advisor on reforms in the Catholic<br />

Church. Engraved by Theodoor Galle, verses by Andreas<br />

Schott.<br />

8<br />

BEMBO, PIETRO (1567)<br />

After Titian<br />

17.9 x 12.4 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "PETRUS BEMBUS, VENETUS./<br />

Bembe decus clarum Ansoniae, te Roma disertum est/<br />

Mirata antiquis exirnijsque parem:/ Divitias patriae ut<br />

auxisri et munera linguae/ Ut sit iam priscis non minor<br />

eloquijs." (five lines).<br />

Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by Benito Arias<br />

iMontano. After a lost painting by Titian. Galle reused the<br />

engraving of Bernbo from the 1567- and 1572-editions<br />

of his portrait series; see appendix 2E, no. 18, third state.<br />

Appendix 2 G<br />

304<br />

9<br />

COLONNA, POMPEO (1598)<br />

16,4 x 11.6 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "POMPEIUS COLUMNA ROMAN<br />

CARDIN./ Magnus eras bello iam Caesaris arma secu­<br />

táis;/ Infelix spectans at patriae excidium./ Marna ROMA<br />

alijs praeda est: tu firma COLUMNA,/ Reque tuos civcis.<br />

consilioque iuvans. ,!<br />

(five lines).<br />

Pompeo Colonna (Pompeius Columna, Pompeius<br />

Columnensis), Rome 1479 - Naples 1532; Italian cardi­<br />

nal, papal diplomat and commander-in-chief of the papal<br />

armies, fell into disgrace on several occasions. Engraved<br />

by Theodoor Galle, verses by Andreas Schott.<br />

10<br />

FISHER, JOHN (1567)<br />

17.5 x 12.2 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "IOHANNES FISCHERUS EPISCO-<br />

PUS ROFFE[N]SIS, A[N]GLUS/ Moribus, ingenio,<br />

calamo, sermone Britannus/ Miraudus prisca pro pietatc<br />

cadit./ Cum cecidit, ferro haec cervix praecisa cruento,/<br />

Virtus, mgenium, concidit et pietas." (five lines).<br />

Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by Benito Arias<br />

Montano. Galle reused the engraving of Fisher from the<br />

1567- and 1572-editions of his portrait series; see appen­<br />

dix 2E„ no. 53, third state.<br />

11<br />

POLE, REGINALD (1598)<br />

16.4 x 11.3 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "REGINALDUS POLUS BRITAN­<br />

NUS CARD./ Tu quoque, POLE, decus patriae, vin-<br />

dexqjue] Britannae,/ Quern genitrix, ffater, morte obita<br />

decorant./ MORUS item,atq[ue] aevi FISCHERUS flos,<br />

et ocellus;/ Quos et traneripsit mors violenta polo." (five<br />


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