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(1572)<br />

After Philippe Soye<br />

29 engravings<br />

This series of portraits of popes is an adaptation of XXVII<br />

Potiliftcorum maximomm, written by Onofrio Panvinio<br />

(1529-1568) and first published in 1568 by the Roman<br />

publisher Antonio Lafreri, In Laireri's original edition the<br />

engravings were cut by Philippe Soye' Galle B<br />

s engravings<br />

are copies in reverse.<br />

According to Philips Galle's introduction, set m letterpress<br />

on the verso the title page (page AÍ),all the portraits were<br />

engraved by himself The quality of the engravings vary,<br />

some could certainly have been done by Galle, others are<br />

somewhat cruder and are more likely to have been made<br />

in his workshop,After the tide page (AÍ recto) and Gallc's<br />

introduction (AÍ verso) follows a three page letterpress<br />

introduction by Onofrio Panvinio, dated Rome January<br />

1568 and dedicated toAlberico Cybo Malaspina (A2 recto<br />

and verso, A 3 recto) .This seems to have been taken direct­<br />

ly from Lafreri s<br />

s original Roman edition. On A3 verso is<br />

printed a letterpress text accompanying the first portrait<br />

(Urban VI, A4 recto), dien follow consequentially on the<br />

left page a text in letterpress and on the right page the<br />

corresponding engraving.<br />

The series seems to be rather rare, as yet only two sets of<br />

engravings arc known (both in the Koninklijke<br />

Bibliotheek Albert I in Brussels). Each of these bound<br />

books has a different version of the last portrait, pope Pius<br />

V (nos. 28a and b) .In the last decade of the sixteenth- and<br />

the first of the seventeenth century Philips Galle pub­<br />

lished at least four more portraits of reigning popes, these<br />

are here described as nos. adl~ad4,<br />

Lit,:<br />

Belgica lypographica, vol. I, p. 91, no. 1214<br />

Copies:<br />

Bressels (Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, Brussel,<br />

Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles, complete<br />

series, with the first version of Pius V, no. 28a), Brussels<br />

(Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, Brussel; Bibliothèque<br />

RoyaleAlbert Ier,Bruxelles,complete series,with the sec­<br />

ond version of Pius V, no. 28b)<br />

Appendix 2 F<br />

296<br />

1<br />


17.5 x 12.6 cm.<br />

At centre, in cartouche: "PONTIFICUM/ MAXIMU/<br />

NUMER./ XXVII EFFIGIES/ AD VI<strong>VU</strong>M/ TYPIS<br />



AE/ 1572" (twelve lines).<br />

The inscription is engraved in a cartouche which is set in<br />

an ornamental border. Verso, in letterpress, is an intro­<br />

duction by Philips Galle: "Philippus Galleus/ Pkturae et<br />

historiae/ studiosis, S./ Pontificum septem et viginti, qui<br />

a restitutae picturae mi-/ tils ad nostram usque aetatem<br />

Ecclesiae praefuerunt, Imagi-/ nes ad vivum dclineatas,<br />

in vestram gratiarn ex Romano pro-/ totypo nostra stylo<br />

expressimus,adiuncta etiam brevi singu-/ lorum Historia.<br />

Speramus autem opus Ipsum mm artis elegan-/tia Imlta-<br />

tionis fide, rum precij facilitate, vobis esse proban-/ dum:<br />

quod si connngat, plura etiam non minus utilla et grata/<br />

quam nova, quae contento studio mollmur vestris usibus/<br />

commoda futura, propediem edemus valete et/ honestis<br />

homxneqne digms rebus ffuimrm," (thirteen lines).<br />

2<br />

URBAN VI<br />

16.0 x 12.1 cm.<br />

Underneath portrait,in cartouche: "URBANUSVI PAPA<br />


UrbanVI (1378-89).The portrait is In profile to die left;<br />

In the upper left corner is a coat of arms.

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