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An vero impietas didicit si temnere Solem,/ Miraris?<br />

gaudent crimina nocte tegi." (eight lines)<br />

In margin left: "2."<br />

In margin right: "Balth. Moretus "<br />

Used in:<br />

Illustrium Galliae ..... (1604), no. 2; Illustrium Galliae .....<br />

(1608), no. 2<br />

Lit.:<br />

Dirkse 1986, pp. 66-67, p. 114; Tax 1994, p. 74, p. 85,<br />

no. 5<br />

Franciscus Sonnius (Frans van der Velde), Son 1506 -<br />

Antwerp 1576;Dutch theologian,inquisitor and first bish­<br />

op of Antwerp, important contributor to the Counter-<br />

Reformation In the Netherlands. Several of his works<br />

were published by Plantln (Voet 1980-83, nos. 2221-<br />

2223).Engraved in the Galle workshop, verses by Balthasar<br />

Moretus. After a painting by Frans Pourbus the Elder, of<br />

which several versions exist, one of which (dated 1575)<br />

is in the Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten,<br />

Antwerp. According to Van Someren (p. 130) some copies<br />

of Foppcns 1739 include the described portrait, while oth­<br />

ers include a copy in reverse engraved by Nicolas de<br />

Larmessin.<br />

128<br />


17.3 x 11.9 cm.<br />

In lower margin:<br />

8 C<br />


Stouffierus iile cuius hie imaginem/ Sculptarn videtis,<br />

siderum/ Docens meatus, sidus inter siderum/ Elucet<br />

imicum sophos." (five lines)<br />

In margin right:"43".<br />

Used ire<br />

Imagines ..... (1587), no. 43; Imagines ..... (1595), no. 43;<br />

Imagines (1606), no. 43<br />

Lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 488, no. 194<br />

Johannes StoefiQer (Johannes StoulIIerus, also called<br />

StoufHerinus) Justingen 1452 -Blaubeuren 1531;German<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

288<br />

astronomist and mathematician, professor in Tiibingen.<br />

Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by Frans van Ravelingen.<br />

129<br />

TAPPER, RUARB (1567)<br />

17.6 x 12.0 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "Rieuardus Tapperus Theolog. D./<br />

Roterodama suo tellusse tollit alumno:/ Enchusa estpartu<br />

nobilitata meo./ Me sacra professum stupuerunt pulpita,<br />

qua[m]vis/Torserit os rabido littera arnica can!./ Loetale<br />

in sectas odium, calamum que disertujrn]/ Distrirrxi,coluit<br />

lovanium et tumulat." (seven lines)<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1567-edition,<br />

Amsterdam (Rijksprentenkabinet, Rijks-musetim, Amster­<br />

dam), Paris (Cabinet des estampes, Bibliothèque Natio­<br />

nale, Paris)<br />

Ha.<br />

Verses in lower margin replaced by new text in letterpress:<br />


adhuc ac dextrae tuis docte utitur armis/ Hostem m mul-<br />

tipliccm Tappere Lovanium,/ Gaudet et ilia tui similes<br />

producere natos/ Per quos errorum discudat tenebras."<br />

(five lines); added in margin right, also in letterpress;"B8".<br />

Used in 1572a-edition.<br />

îlb.<br />

Verses in letterpress in lower margin replaced by identi­<br />

cal engraved inscription: "RUARDUS TAPPERUS .....<br />

(five lines); added In margin right, also engraved: "B8".<br />

Used in 1572b-cdition.<br />

ÎÏL<br />

Added above portrait,at top centre:"Obijt Lovanij postrid.<br />

Kal. Martias CIC[in reverse], IC[in reversejLIX. AEt.<br />

LXXL"; verses in lower margin changed: "RUARDUS<br />

TAPPERUS,ENCI IUSIANUS, D.TH. [,D.TH. added]./<br />

Pugnat adhuc, dextraeque tuis doctae [instead of Pugnat<br />

adhuc ac dextrae tuis docte] .....Lovanium. [periodinstead<br />

of comma] ..... et usq[ue] tui [instead of et ilia tui] .....<br />

natos, [comma added] iS<br />

(five lines); erased in margin right:

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