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Used in:<br />

Illosixiuni Galliae (1604),no.24;lUustrium Galliae<br />

(1608), no. 24<br />

Pieter Peck (Petrus Peckius), Zierikzee 1529 - Malines<br />

1589; Dutch jurist, councillor to the Grote Raad in<br />

M alines. One of his studies was published by Plantin (Voet<br />

1980-83,no. 1960),Engraved in the Galle workshop, vers­<br />

es by Pecks son Pieter Peck the Younger.<br />

104<br />


After GiorgioVasari<br />

17.6 x 12.1 cm.<br />

In lower margin, in letterpress: "FRANCISGUS<br />

PETRARCHA,/ FLORENTINUS./ Vaubus ignotum<br />

priscis Franciscus amorem/ Et coluit purum, versibus et<br />

cecinit./ Primus item nostro fugientern ex Orbe Latanam/<br />

Dum sequitur Musam, pellicit et revocat." (six lines)<br />

In margin right, also in letterpress: "E7".<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1572a-edition.<br />

n.<br />

Caption with name of Petrarca engraved in oval border<br />

around portrait:"FRANCISCUS PETRARCFIA FLO­<br />

RENTINUS"; verses in letterpress in lower margin<br />

replaced by engraved, slighdy different inscription:<br />

"Vatibus ignotum priscis Latinum [instead ofLatinamj<br />

" (four lines); added in margin right, also engraved:<br />

"E7". Used in 1572b-edition and Italorum ..... (1600),<br />

Used In;<br />

Virorurn ..... (1572), no. E7; Italorum .... (1600), no. 3<br />

lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 481, no. 179; Burgers 1988, p. 118, no. 105<br />

Francesco Petrarca,Arezzo 1304-Arqua 1374; Italian poet<br />

and humanist in service of the papal court In Avignon and<br />

several Italian courts. Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by<br />

Benito Arias Montano. Copied in reverse after an engrav­<br />

ing with six famous Italian writers, published by<br />

Hieronymus Cock (Riggs 1971, no. 195).This engraving<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

279<br />

is in turn copied after a painting by GiorgioVasari of which<br />

several versions exist. The original painting is kept in die<br />

collection of the Oriel College in Oxford.<br />

105<br />

PfflLANDRIER, GUILLAUME (1567)<br />

17.5 x 12.2 cm.<br />

In lower margin, In letterpress: "GUILIELMUS PHI­<br />

LANDER,/ CASTILIONIUS./Verba simul rebus con-<br />

iungere docte Philander,/ Restituis veterum verbaque<br />

resque patrum./ Arrificum regina ribi sua dona docenda/<br />

Contulit, et genitrix conruiit eloquij." (six lines)<br />

In margin right, also in letterpress:"E3".<br />

I.<br />

1567-edirion. Mentioned by Van Someren (p. 122), not<br />

yet found.<br />

Ha.<br />

As described. Used in 1572a-edItion.<br />

lib.<br />

Verses in letterpress in lower margin replaced by engraved,<br />

slighdy different inscription:"GUILIELMUS PHILAN­<br />

DER GALLUS [instead of CASTILIONIUS, on one<br />

line]/ ... Restitius [instead of Restituis] ..... genitrx<br />

[instead of genitrix](five lines); added in margin right,<br />

also engraved: "E3". Used in 1572b~edition.<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorurn (1567), no. ??;Virorurn ..... (1572), no. E3<br />

lit,:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 481, no. 180<br />

Guillaume Philandrier (Guilielmus Philander) Chatillon-<br />

sur-Seine 1505 -Toulouse 1565; French humanist,philol­<br />

ogist and architect. Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by<br />

Benito Arias Montano.

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