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101<br />

PAMELE, JACOB VAN (1604)<br />

15.7 x 10.7 cm.<br />

Above portrait, at top centre: "Excessit e vita Montdbus<br />

Hannoniac XIII. Kal. Octobr. CIC[In reverse] ICjm<br />

reverscJLXXXVII."<br />

! !<br />



te dignnm Naturae dextra fmxit,/ PAMELE, m formasti<br />

ingenium ipse muni. / Qui volet os spectare,tabe!lam banc<br />

consuiat, et qui/ Novisse ingenium, scripca tua iile legat./<br />

Audomarum dici poterat te Praesule felix,/ Maluit at<br />

civem te Superum aula suum." (eight lines)<br />

In margin left: "7."<br />

In margin right: "Ianus Lernutius "<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1604- and 1608-editions.<br />

n.<br />

Erased In margin left: "7". Used in Foppens 1739.<br />

Used in:<br />

Illustrium Galliae (1604), no. 7; Illustrium Galliae<br />

(1608), no. 7; Foppens 1739, vol. II, p. 532<br />

Lit.:<br />

LeLoup 1983-84,p. Ill,no. 21<br />

Jacob van Parnele (jacobus Pamelius),Brugge 1536 Mons<br />

1.587; Belgian theologian, designated to be bishop of Saint<br />

Omer, but suddenly died before he was consecrated.<br />

Several of his studies were published by Planum Engraved<br />

in me Galle workshop, verses by janus Leernout. For<br />

another eulogy by Lcernouts on Van Pamelc, see Van<br />

Crombrugge 1955, p.T65<br />

102<br />

PAN! GARO LA , FRANCESCO (1587)<br />

16.8 x 11.7 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "FRANCISCUS PANIGEROLA./ SI<br />

quisquam eloquio ad sedes humana beatas/ Ducere corda<br />

potest; tu potes, irrrmo facis./ Quin super i Etrusco cupiant<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

278<br />

sermone profari;/ Sermone utantur Panigerola tuo " (five<br />

lines)<br />

In margin right: "9".<br />

Used ire<br />

Imagines (1587), no. 9; Imagines ..... (1595), no. 9;<br />

Imagines (1606), no. 9<br />

TIB. 56, p. 480, no. 178<br />

Francesco Panigarola, Milan 1548- 1594; Italian jurist and<br />

theologian, bishop of Asa. Panigarola, who acquired great<br />

fame as a preacher, visited Antwerp around i 572. Engraved<br />

by Philips Galle, verses by Frans van Ravelingen.<br />

103<br />

PECK, PEETER (1604)<br />

17.3 x 11.3 cm.<br />

Above portrait, at top centre: "Obijt Machliniae XVII.<br />

Kal. Aug. An. Christi CIC[in reverse] IC[in reverse]<br />

LXXXIX.AEtat.LX/'<br />

In lower margin: "PETRUS PECKIUS ZIRICAEUS<br />


firms, Pecki, fait haec reverentia formae:/ Agnosco; haec<br />

oeuli gratia, paxque tui./ Si quidquam e vultu est animi<br />

deprendere mores,/ Haec quoq[ue] tranquillae mentis<br />

Imago tuae est./ Hanc fades, hanc vita fuit confessa qui-<br />

etem,/ In quam fortunae nil valuere vices. 5<br />

' (eight lines)<br />

In margin left:"24"<br />

In margin right: "Pet. Peckius fil."<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1604- and 1608-editions.<br />

IL<br />

Added in margin left: "loan Galle excud."<br />

Paris (Cabinet des estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale,<br />

Paris), Vienna (Oesterreichische National-bibliothek,<br />

Wien, bound with second édition of Aubert Le Mires<br />

Eiogia itltustrium .... (1609))

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