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ans styli,/ Inveheris minus, et parens eonvitia fundis:/<br />

Edoctus hoc, ni fallor, a musa attiea./ Saxona non spiras,<br />

grato sed scripta lepore/ Soluta sen ligata sint condis<br />

probe." (seven lines)<br />

I.<br />

As described.<br />

Vienna (Oesterrelchische Narionalbibliothek (Portrat-<br />

sammlung), WIen)<br />

n.<br />

Verses in lower margin slightly changed: "Philippus<br />

Melancthon [instead of Melanthon]/ -....parens [instead<br />

of pareus] .....hoc (ni fallor) [brackets Instead of commas]<br />

lines).<br />

lepore, [comma added] ..... sint, condis probe." (seven<br />

The H&gne (Koninklijke Bibliotheek,Den Haag, bound<br />

widi 1572b-edition)<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorum ..... (1567), no. ??<br />

Philippus Melanchton (Philip Schwarzerd),Bretten 1497<br />

-Wittenberg; German humanist and theologian, friend of<br />

Luther and Erasmus, one of the leading moderate reform­<br />

ers. Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by ??<br />

91<br />

MEXISSUS, PAUIXfS (1587)<br />

16.9x12.0 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "PAULUS MELISSUS FRANCUS,<br />


CIVÎS ROMANUS./ Seu tu Vergilium, aut elegeldia<br />

docta Propertl,/ Carmina seu nitidi secteris salsa Catulli;/<br />

Omnibus excellis: mérito tibí LAUREA serta/ Ferre dédit<br />

Caesar, meritoque vocare Melissus." (six lines)<br />

In margin right: st<br />

50".<br />

Used in:<br />

Imagines (1587), no. 50; Imagines ..... (1595), no. 50;<br />

Imagines (1606), no. 50<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

273<br />

lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 475, no. 167<br />

Paulus Melissus (Paul Schede), Mellrichstadt 1539 -<br />

Heidelberg 1602; German Neo-Latin poet in service of<br />

the Palatinate in Heidelberg, Engraved by Philips Galle,<br />

verses by Frans van Ravelingen.<br />

92<br />

MERCATOR, GERARD (1587)<br />

After Hendrick Goltzius<br />

16.8 x 11.8 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "GERARDUS MERCATOR./<br />

Imprimis nostro, Gerarde, videbere libro,/ Qui populos,<br />

urbes, regna videre facis/ Non opus est studio proficisci<br />

ad regna vide[n]di;/ Scilicet in TABULIS regna videre<br />

facis." (five lines)<br />

In margin right: "39".<br />

Used in:<br />

Imagines ..... (1587), no. 39; Imagines ..... (1595), no, 39;<br />

Imagines .... (1606), no. 39<br />

Lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 475, no. 168; Strauss 1977, vol I, pp. 18-19, no.<br />

1; De Nave 1994, pp. 91-92, nos. 1-2<br />

Gerard Mercator (Gerard de Cremer),Rupelmonde 1512<br />

- Duisburg 1594; Belgian geographer and cartographer,<br />

acquainted with Philips Galle, one of his works was pub­<br />

lished by Plantm (Voet 1980-83, no. 1662). Engraved by<br />

Philips Galle, verses by Frans van Ravelingen. Copied in<br />

reverse after an engraving attributed to Hendrick Goltzius<br />

(Bartsch 176, Hollstein 201) and published by Nicolaus<br />

Hogenberg, dated 1576 (state I and II), 1574 (state III)<br />

and 1578 (state IV).<br />

93<br />


16.7 x 11.7 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "FRANCISCUS MONCAEUS<br />

ATREBAS./ Virgilius Stygijs postquam rescisset in

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