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68<br />


16.9 x 11.5 cm.<br />

Above portrait, at top centre: "Obijt Lovanij An. CIC[in<br />

reverse]. IC[in revcrse|LXXVIII."<br />

In lower margin: "AUGUSTINUS HUNNAEUS<br />


PHILOSOPHUS./ Quid facit HUNNAEUS? caecis ut<br />

xnersa tcncbris/ Nunc mage Phoeboea lampadc clara<br />

micent:/ Utqjuej suoslinquant contortasophismatamor-<br />

sus,/ Exuat et laqueos Amphibolia suos:' (six lines)<br />

In margin left: "35."<br />

In margin right: "Laur. Beyerlinchius".<br />

Used In:<br />

Illustrium Galliae .....(1604),no.35;Illustnum Galliae<br />

(1608) sno. 35;Foppcns 1739, vol. I, p. 112<br />

Augustinus Hunaeus (Augustinus Huens or Hocns),<br />

Malines 1521 - Louvain 1578; Belgian theologian, pro­<br />

fessor of theology and philosophy in Louvain, many of his<br />

studies were published by Plantin (Voet 1980-83, nos.<br />

1414-1432). Engraved in the Galle workshop, verses by<br />

Laurens Beyerhnck.<br />

69<br />

BUS, JOHANNES (1567)<br />

17.3 x 12.2 cm.<br />

In lower margm:"Ioannes Hus/ Hussiticaegentis parens,/<br />

Quae virus exuxit meum./ Constantiae coetus patrum/<br />

Flammis cremandum censuit./ Foecundus at cinis meac/<br />

Sectae asseclam sobolem dedit(seven lines)<br />

The Hague (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, bound<br />

with 1572b-edition), Vienna (Oester-reichische<br />

Nationalbibliothck (Portratsamm-lung), Wien, hand-<br />

coloured impression with different, handwritten verses),<br />

Vienna (Oesterreichische National-bibliothek<br />

(PortraGammlung), Wien)<br />

Used in;<br />

Virorum ..... (1567), no. ??<br />

Johannes Hus, Husinetz c. 1370 - Konstanz 1415; Czech<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

264<br />

priest, radical reformer and follower ofWiclifF, burnt as a<br />

heretic. Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by ??<br />

70<br />


17.7 x 11.8 cm.<br />

Above portrait, at top centre:"E vita excessit Gandavi III<br />

Idus April. CIC[in reverse]. IC[in reverse]LXXVL' 3<br />

In lower margin: "CORNELIUS IANSENIUS L EPIS-<br />

COPUS GAND./ Unus ut Assyrijs qui vivit odoribus<br />

ales/ Exstincto superest posthumus ipse sibi;/ Sic tibi,<br />

lansem, Phoenix secli unice nostri,/ A tenebris lux est,<br />

morte pctitia sal us./ Corporis exuvijs posiris in funere,<br />

vivit/ Spiritus ante Deum, fama per ora virum." (seven<br />

lines)<br />

In margin left:"4."<br />

In margin right: "Max.Vrintius."<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used In 1604- and 1608-editions.<br />

IL<br />

Erased in margin left: "4." Used in Foppens 1739.<br />

Used in:<br />

Illustrium Galliae ..... (1604), no. 4; Illustrium Galliae .....<br />

(1608), no. 4; Foppens 1739, vol. I, p. 203<br />

Cornelius Jansenius, Hulst 1510 - Ghent 1576; Dutch<br />

humanist and theologian, first bishop of Ghent. Engraved<br />

in the Galle workshop, verses by Maximillaan deVriendt.<br />

71<br />

JANUS SECUNDUS (1587)<br />

After Jan van Scorel<br />

16.9 x 11.9 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "IOANNES SECUNDUS HAGIEN-<br />

SIS BATA<strong>VU</strong>S./ Ludo crat antiquis auris Boeotica;<br />

verum/ Sustulit hoc alto dedecus ingenio/ Pindarus: ac<br />

per te, divine, Secunde, Batavae/ Auris laudatur Musa<br />

Batava vice." (five lines)

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