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Used in:<br />

Iliustrium Galliae ..... (1604),no.47;Illustrium Galliae .....<br />

(1608), no. 47; Foppens 1739, vol. II, p. 916<br />

Nicolaus Grudius (Nicolaus Nicolai), Louvain 1503/04<br />

-Venice 1571; Belgian humanist and poet, councillor m<br />

service of Charles V; son of Nicolaas Everaerts, brother of<br />

Janus Secundus. Engraved in the Galle workshop, verses<br />

by Aubert Le Mire.<br />

66<br />


16.8 x 11.9 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "LAMBERTUS HORTENSIUS,<br />

MONTFORTIUS/ Huius ubi HortensI spectas in imag<br />

ine vultus,/Talia turn subeat dicere verba tibi:/ Romane<br />

Hortensi concede huic; secula priscis/ Nomine req[ue]<br />

pares nostra tulere vxros." (five lines)<br />

In margin right:"! 1".<br />

Used in:<br />

Imagines ..... (1587), no. 11; Imagines ..... (1595), no. 11;<br />

Imagines (1606), no. 11<br />

lit.<br />

TIB. 56, p. 466, no. 149; Coppens 1993, pp. 105-106,<br />

no. 29<br />

Lambertus Hortensius (Lambert Hofmans, Lambert van<br />

der Hove), Ivlontfoort c. 1500 - Naarden 1574; Dutch<br />

priest and historian, wrote an elaborate history of the city<br />

of Utrecht. Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by Frans van<br />

Ravelingen.<br />

67<br />

HOSIUS 9 STANISLAUS (1567)<br />

17.7x12.4 cm.<br />

In lower margin, in letterpress:"STANISLAUS HOSIUS<br />

EPISCOP./ WARMIENSIS./ Pugnat acer patria<br />

instructus pietate, geritque/ Praelia cum monstris Flosius,<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

263<br />

et superat./ Artibus hie cunctis dexterrimus, omnibus<br />

arm is,/ Quels valet hostis atrox, Hosius exuperat." (six<br />

lines)<br />

In margin right, also in letterpress:"A6".<br />

I.<br />

1567-edidon. Mentioned by Van Someren (p. 122), not<br />

yet found.<br />

Ha.<br />

As described. Used in 1572a-edition.<br />

0b.<br />

Verses in letterpress in lower margin replaced by engraved,<br />

slighdy different inscription: "STANISLAUS HOSIUS<br />



[CONC ... PRAESES added]/ Instructus patria, pugnat,<br />

pietate, geritq[ue] [instead of Pugnat acer patria instruc­<br />

tus pietate, geritque]/ " (six lines), added in margin<br />

right, also engraved: "A6'\ Used in 1572b-edition.<br />

m.<br />

Erased in margin right: "A6". Used in XII Cardinalium<br />

.....(1598)<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorum ..... (1567), no. ??;Virorum ..... (1572), no. A6;<br />

XII Cardinalium (1598), no. 12<br />

Lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 467, no. 150<br />

Stanislaus Hosius, Cracow 1504 - Rome 1579; Polish<br />

humanist, bishop of Frauenburg (Ermiand) and cardinal,<br />

Polish delegate to the Council of Trent. Important con­<br />

tributor to the Counter-Reformation, author of the pop­<br />

ular spiritual guidebook Confessiofidei Catholkae Christiana<br />

(first published in 1553). Engraved by Philips Galle, vers­<br />

es by Benito Arias Montana.

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