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gionis amor./ Sed dum romuleo nimium tibi cine fulms/<br />

Perstas, nee caussam regis amare potes,/ Mors properata<br />

tibi est cervice cruenta rescissa,/ Munus nbi infelix pur­<br />

pura missa venlt." (seven lines)<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1567-edition,<br />

Brussels (Prentenkabinet, Koninklijke Bibliotheek<br />

Albert I, Brussel; Cabinet des estampes, Bibliothèque<br />

Royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles)<br />

Ha.<br />

Verses in lower margin replaced by new text in letterpress:<br />


SIS, ANGLUS/ Moribus, ingenio, calamo, sermone<br />

Britannus/ Mirandus prisca proprietate cadit./ Cum<br />

cecidit, ferro haec cervix praecisa cruento,/Virtus, inge-<br />

nmm, concidit et pietas." (six lines); added in margin right,<br />

also in letterpress: "AT\ Used in 1572a-edinon.<br />

nb.<br />

Verses in letterpress in lower margin replaced by engraved,<br />

slightly different inscription: "IOHANNES FIS<br />


[one line]/ Miraudus [instead of Mirandus] ..." (five<br />

lines); addeD in margin right, also engraved: "A7". Used<br />

in 1572b-edirion.<br />

HL<br />

Erased in margin right: "A7"; in verses in lower margin<br />

"proprietate" changed in "pro pietate". Used in XII<br />

Cardinalium ..... (1598).<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorum ..... (1567), no. ??;Virorum (1572), no. A7;<br />

XII Cardinalium ..... (1598), no. 10<br />

lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 462, no. 140<br />

John Fisher (Johannes Fischerus, Johannes Roffensis),<br />

Beverley 1459 - London 1535; English cardinal and bish­<br />

op of Rochester, humanist and friend of Erasmus, behead­<br />

ed by Henry VIII due to his opposition against the kings<br />

divorce from Catherine ofAragon,sanctified in 1935. One<br />

of his works was published in translation by Plannn (Voet<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

257<br />

1980-83, no. 1175). Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by<br />

?? (1567-edition) and Benito Arias Montano (1572-edi-<br />

tion).<br />

54<br />

FURX0 Y CERIOL 5 FEBERICO (1587)<br />

16.9 x 11.6 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "FRIDERICUS FURIUS./<br />

Doctiloquos inter, Furl, non ultime Iberos,/ Hesperidum<br />

per te succrevit gloria regno;/ Dum magni Senecae ves­<br />

tigia magna sequutus,/ Magnus es in REGIS (fans<br />

melioribus) aula " (five lines)<br />

In margin right: "44".<br />

Used kit<br />

Imagines ..... (1587), no. 44; Imagines (1595), no. 44;<br />

Imagines ..... (1606), no. 44<br />

lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 462, no. 141; Puraye 1969, p. 54, fig. 66<br />

Federico Furioy Ceriol (Federicus Furius),Valencia 1532<br />

-Valladolid 1592; Spanish humanist and historian in ser­<br />

vice of Charles V and Philip II. Engraved by Philips Galle,<br />

verses by Frans van Ravelingen. Copied in reverse after<br />

an anonymous portrait dated 1575. Galle could well have<br />

known this print from the Album Amicorum of his friend<br />

Abraham. Ortelius. In this album Furio s engraved features<br />

were included with several handwritten verses.<br />

55<br />

FUSCH, GILBERT (1567)<br />

17.7 x 12.4 cm.<br />

In lower margin, in letterpress: "GILBERTUS LIM-<br />


partes Medicus Limburgus honestas/ Inter Apollineos<br />

promeruisse choros./ Is ferrugineis Aspae miracula ab<br />

undis/ Ut constent, primus disserit atque docet." (six lines)<br />

In margin right, also in letterpress: *'D2".

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