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49<br />


After Hans Holbein the Younger<br />

17.7 x 12.2 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus./<br />

Roterodamo mini tellus natalis origo,/ Non postrenal<br />

inter batavas hinc nominis urbes./ Me celebrant clarum<br />

famae praeconia magnae./ Barbaries per me cessk quod<br />

fmibus exul:/ Divims dederim lucem quod rebus amae-<br />

nam:/ Et Latii imbuerim linguas sermonis honore." (seven<br />

lines)<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used In 1567-edition.<br />

Madrid (Gabinete de estampas y bellas artes, Biblloteca<br />

Nacional, Madrid)<br />

n».<br />

Verses In lower margin replaced by new text in letterpress:<br />


Erasme bonos studiorum rrhlle labores/ Detrahat? atque<br />

tuos quis neget esse sales?/ AEtas at nostros tua si contin-<br />

geret annos,/ Scripsisses multa et recnus et brevius." (five<br />

lines); added in margin right, also in letterpress:"B3 Used<br />

in 1572a-edirion.<br />

lib.<br />

Verses m letterpress In lower margin replaced by engraved,<br />

slightly different inscription: "DES. ERASMUS<br />

ROTERODAMUS. / Quis Erasme [instead of Quis tibi<br />

Erasme] " (five lines); added in margin right, also<br />

engraved: "B3". Used in 1572b-ediuon.<br />

ML<br />

Portrait slighdy reworked. Added above portrait, at top<br />

centre: "Obijt Basileae in Helvetijs V Id. lul. CIC[in<br />

reverse]. IC [in reverse]XXXVLAEt.LXX. 5<br />

Verses inlower<br />

margin replaced by: "ERASMUS ROTERODAMUS/<br />

Lubrica si tibi mens fiiit, et spinosior aequo,/ Ingenium<br />

certe nobile, Erasme, fuit./ Felix, si rnixtas labruscas dul-<br />

cibus vuis/ Prodiga desisset vinea ferre tua." (five lines);<br />

erased in margin right: "B3", replaced by: "lanus Vitalis";<br />

added in margin left: "35.b. !!<br />

Used in 1604- and 1608-<br />

editions.<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

255<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorum (1567), no. ??; Virorum ..... (1572), no. B3;<br />

Illustrium Galliae (1604), no. 35b; ïllustrium GaJliae<br />

Lit.:<br />

(1608), no. 35b<br />

TIB. 56, p. 461, no. 138; Burgers 1988, p. 118, no. 106;<br />

Bodar 1989<br />

Desiderius Erasmus, Rotterdam 1466 - Basle 1536; Dutch<br />

humanist and theologian, (Catholic) critic of the Roman<br />

Church. Several of his works were published by Plantin<br />

(Voet 1980-83, nos. 1126-1135). Engraved by Philips<br />

Galle, verses by ?? (1567-edition), Benito Arias Montano<br />

(1572-edition) and Janus Vitalis (1604-edition).The vers<br />

es by the Sicilian poet Janus Vitalis have been cited from<br />

one of the editions of Paolo Giovio's Elogia doctorum viro­<br />

rum, first published in 1546. Copied in reverse after an<br />

engraving by Frans Fiuys, published by Hieronymus Cock<br />

m 1555 (Hollstein 132). In turn, this print follows die pro<br />

totype of Hans Holbein's painted portrait of Erasmus In<br />

Longford Casde, of which numerous copies and versions<br />

exist. No copies have been listed, as it is impossible to<br />

determine whether a print follows Galle's engraving or<br />

one of the many other prints after Holbeins painting.<br />

50<br />

ESCLUSE, CHARLES DE U (1587)<br />

After Martino Rota<br />

16.7 x 11.1 cm.<br />

In lower margin:"CAROLUS CLUSIUS./Tu qui PAN-<br />

NONIIS nascentia lilia in hortis,/ Quaeque horns radiant<br />

lilia in HESPERUS,/ Ac Eores aliasque herbas producis<br />

in oras,/ Clusi, et in hoc horto flosculus unus eris." (five<br />

lines)<br />

In margin right: "29".<br />

Used in:<br />

Imagines ..... (1587), no. 29; Imagines ..... (1595), no. 29;<br />

Imagines (1606), no. 29<br />

Lit,:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 455, no. 126

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