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aequa mis " (eight lines)<br />

In margin left: "12."<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1604- and 1608-editions.<br />

n.<br />

Erased in margin left: "12". Used in Foppens 1739.<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

Used In: ----<br />

Iliustrium Galliae ..... (1604),no. 12;ïlîustrium Galliae<br />

(1608), no. 12; Foppens 1739, vol. II, p. 853 46a<br />

Maranus Donck (xViartmus Dune anus), Kempen 1505 -<br />

Amersfoort 1590; Dutch priest, vigorous opponent of the<br />

anabapdsts and the protestant reformers. Engraved in the<br />

Galle workshop, verses by Aubert Le Mire.<br />

46<br />

BOUSÄ, JANUS (1572)<br />

15.7 x 12.0 cm,<br />

In lower margin, in letterpress: "IOHANNES DOUSA<br />

DOMINUS/ A NORTHWIC./ Nobilis et genere est et<br />

carmine Dousa iocoso,/ Moribus integris nobilis ille<br />

etiam est./ DIspeream mihi ni semper placuitque<br />

placebitque/ Ingenij purl doctaque nobtfitas " (six lines)<br />

In margin right, also in letterpress:"Bö".<br />

In.<br />

As described. Used in 1572a-edition.<br />

Ib.<br />

Verses in letterpress m lower margin replaced by engraved,<br />

slightly different inscription: "IOHANNES DOUSA<br />

DOMINUS A NORTHWIC [one line}/ ..... Ingenium<br />

purum, doctaq[ue] [instead of Ingenij puri doctaque] "<br />

(five lines); added In margin right, also engraved: "B6".<br />

Used in 1572b-edition.<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorum ..... (1572), no. B6<br />

lit.:<br />

Sellink 1991-92, pp. 154-155<br />

253<br />

JanusDousa (Johan van derDocs),Noordwijk 1545 - The<br />

Hague 1604; Dutch poet and historiographer, leading<br />

calvinist statesman, friend of Philips GaUe in Haarlem.<br />

Most of his publications before 1585 were published by<br />

Plantin (Voet 1980-83, nos, 1107-1114). Engraved by-<br />

Philips Galle, verses by Benito Arias Montane, This por­<br />

trait is clearly related to the other two portraits of Dousa<br />

engraved by Philips Galle (see below).<br />

DOUSA, JANUS (1568)<br />

10.7 x 8.3 cm.<br />

In lower margin, in letterpress: "Qui Batavum gentis<br />

Comités, qui sculpere Erasmum/ Ausus et effigiem Iuni<br />

animosc tuam,/ lUe Idem docile Gallus me expressit in<br />

acre/ Foelicem hoc uno nomine Douziadem/ Nec me<br />

luminibus tantis compono, secundum/ O solum liceat<br />

esse, Seeunde, tibl/ Verum olim; nunc sat, illud si dicere<br />

possim/ Inter Nortuices ingeniosus eram." (eight lines).<br />

Around portrait, engraved In oval border: "DULCES<br />


NOORTWYCK arm. aetatis 23".<br />

Paris (Cabinet des estampes, BibHothèque Nationale,<br />

Pans)<br />

lit.:<br />

Ampzmg 1628, pp. 359-360; Schrevelius 1648. p. 376;<br />

Puraye 1969, p. 64, fig. 82; Heesakkers 1976, frontispiece,<br />

pp.65-67;Veldman 1977,p. 107; Sellink 1991»92,pp. 154-<br />

155<br />

Engraved by Phlips Galle, verses by Janus Dousa.<br />

Separately published portrait, not included in any of the<br />

portrait series.Besides the impression in Paris, there Is also<br />

an impression with the same text included in the album<br />

amicomm of Abraham Ortels (cp. Puraye 1969, loc. cit.)<br />

There the portrait is added to Dousa s personal entry in<br />

this album, die text in letterpress under the portrait also<br />

has two changes m Dousa s own handwriting: "ammose"<br />

in line two reads "Hadriane 3<br />

' and "uno"' in line four is<br />

changed into "etiam".The portrait has been included in<br />

Dousa's Epigrammaium in 1569 (Dousa 1569) without the<br />

text in letterpress in the margin, probably due to reasons<br />

of space, see: Heesakkers 1976. The same text has been

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