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43<br />

DINTER, EDMUND VAN (1604)<br />

16.2 x 11.9 cm.<br />

Above portrait, at top centre."Decessit Bruxellis XIII.Kal.<br />

Manias CICjin reverse]. CCCCXLVIIL"<br />

In lower margin: "EMUNDUS DINTERUS, BRA<br />


BUS EX ORDINE IIII.A SECRET IS./ Hie vir,hic est,<br />

tibi quern promitti saepius audis,/ Hie praeco historicus,<br />

terra Brabanta, tuus./ Hoc duce magna Ducum attollet<br />

se farna tuorum,/ Et Latij Heroas ambitiosa premet" (six<br />

lines)<br />

In margin left: "42"<br />

In margin right: "Aub. Miraeus."<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1604- and 1608-edirions.<br />

n.<br />

Erased in margin left: "42". Used in Foppens 1739.<br />

Used In:<br />

lUustrium Galliac ...,.(1604),no.42;lUustriumGaIliae .....<br />

(1608), no. 42; Foppens 1739, vol. I, p. 261<br />

Edmund van Dinter (Emundus Dinterus),Dinthcr c. 1375<br />

- Brussei c. 1.448; Dutch diplomat and historiographer in<br />

service of the Duchy of Brabant, author of a history of<br />

the dukes of Burgundy. Engraved in the Galle workshop,<br />

verses by Aubert Le Mire.<br />

44<br />

BOBOEN5, REMBERT (1572)<br />

17.5 x 12.4 cm.<br />

In lower margin, in letterpress: "ROMBERTUS<br />

DODONAEUS/ MECHLINIENSIS./ Monbus et fide<br />

te testor Rombcrte valcrc,/ Usus nempe mis saepius hos~<br />

pirijs./ Quid Medicus valeas Mechlinia dicet et horti/<br />

Quos struis, in plantis quantus cs, atque libris." (six lines)<br />

In margin right, also in letterpress:"C5"<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1572a-edition.<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

252<br />

Ha.<br />

Caption with name of Dodonaeus engraved in oval bor­<br />

der around portrait: "ROMBERTUS DODONAEUS<br />

MECHLINIENSIS"; verses in lower margin and num­<br />

ber in margin right still in letterpress: "ROMBERTUS<br />

DODONAEUS/ MECHLINIENSIS./ Moribus et fide<br />

" (six lines).<br />

Amsterdam (Rijksprentenkabinet, Rijks-museum,<br />

Amsterdam)<br />

Xib-<br />

Verses in letterpress in lower margin replaced by engraved,<br />

slighdy different inscription: "Moribus atque [instead of<br />

et] fide testor Remberte [instead of et testor Romberte]<br />

valere [no comma]/Te, usus [instead of Usus] .....sa[e]pius<br />

hospitio. [instead of saepius hospitijs] ..... horti. [period<br />

added] (four lines]: added in margin right, also<br />

engraved: 44<br />

C5". Used in 1572b-edirion.<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorum ..... (1572), no, C5<br />

Lit,:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 459, no. 135; De Nave 1993, p. 139, no. 96<br />

Rembert Dodoens (Rembertus or Rombertus<br />

Dodonaeus), Malines 1517 - Leiden 1585; Belgian physi<br />

cian and botanist, author of the widely used Cruydeboeek,<br />

fsrst published in 1554. Most of his important publica­<br />

tions were published by Plantin (Voet 1980-83, nos. 1093-<br />

1101). Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by Benito Arias<br />

Montane,<br />

45<br />

DONCEL, MARTINUS (1604)<br />

16.8 x 11.1 cm.<br />

Above portrait, at top centre: "Obijt Amorfortiae XVI.<br />

Kal. Malas, CíC[in reverse], IC[in reverse]XC. AEt.<br />

LXXXV"<br />

In lower margin:"MARTIÑUS DUNCANUS QUEM-<br />


cálamo, quae cura acomia propinet/ Calvinus foedis ex<br />

Acherontis aquis:/ Quaeve atra mentem tinctus fuligine<br />

Menno/ Somnia deliro parmrijt cerebro,/ Unus et emo-<br />

tos poteras componere ñu c tus,/ Haga pijs inoniüs si foret

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