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engraved: "D6"- Used in 1572b-editian.<br />

Used in:<br />

Viroram (1567), no. ??;Virorum ..... (1572), no. D6<br />

lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 453, no. 123<br />

Joachim Camerarlus (Liebhard Kammermeister),<br />

Bamberg 1500 • Leipzig 1574; German philologist, ped­<br />

agogue and theologian, moderate reformer, friend of<br />

Melanchton.Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by ?? (1567-<br />

edition) and Benito Arias Montano (1572-edition).<br />

29<br />

CANISIUS, PETRUS (1604)<br />

17.0 x 11.3 cm.<br />

Above portrait, at top centre: "Decessit Friburgi<br />

Helvetiorum An. Sal. CIC[in reverse]. IC[in<br />

reverse jXCVIILAEt, LXXVII"<br />

In lower margin; "PETRUS CANISIUS NEOMAGUS<br />

SOC. IESUTHEOLOGUS,/ Obscure quae fama rogo,<br />

quae ilamma superstes/ Corda redaeeendit vividiore<br />

face?/ Nempe novum caelo placidumq[ue] CANISIUS<br />

Astrum/ lam propior CHRISTO fulgurat igne novo?/<br />

Sic fundit flammas, cui Sideris auctor IESUS,/ Ipsa Fides,<br />

radius; Spes, lubar; ignis, Amor" (seven lines)<br />

In margin left: "17."<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1604- and 1608-editions.<br />

n.<br />

Erased in margin left; "17." Used in Foppens 1739.<br />

Used in:<br />

Iliusrxinm Galliae ..... (1604),no. 17;lUustrium Galliae .....<br />

(1608), no. 17; Foppens 1739, vol II, p. 960<br />

Lit.:<br />

Dirksel986,p.ll6,fig. 43a<br />

Petrus Canisius, Nijmegen 1521 - Freiburg 1597; Dutch<br />

Jesuit theologian, author of several widely used catechisms<br />

and forceful opponent of the Reformed Churches, sane<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

247<br />

tined in 1925. Many of his works were published by<br />

Plantin and his successors (Vbet 1980-83, nos. 873-903).<br />

Engraved in the Galle workshop, verses byAubert Le Mire.<br />

30<br />

CANTER, WILLEM (1604)<br />

16.0 x 11.0 cm.<br />

Above portrait, at top centre:**Obit Lovanij XV Kal. Iunij.<br />

CIC[in reverse]. IC[in reverseJLXXV. AEtat. XXXII."<br />

In lower margin. "GUILIELMUS CANTERUS,<br />


quid signat? Studiorum,hac indiee, pensa/ Metiri solitus,<br />

Plinius alter eras./ Dum tamen alternam mens indefessa<br />

quietem/ Abnuit, es vitae prodigus ipse tuae." (five lines)<br />

In margin left:"40"<br />

In margin right; "A. Miraeus."<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1604- and 1608-editions,<br />

XL<br />

Erased in margin left:"40"; vaguely visisble in margin left:<br />

"61" (trace of another state?). Used in Foppens 1739.<br />

Used in:<br />

Ulustrium Galliae .....(16Q4),no.40;lUustrium Galliae<br />

(1608), no. 40; Foppens 1739, vol I, p. 394<br />

WiHem Canter (Guilielmus Canterus), Utrecht 1542 -<br />

Lou vain 1575; Dutch philologist and Ladnist, several of<br />

his works were published by Plantin (Vbet 1980-83, nos.<br />

909-911). In the upper left corner a sandglass is engraved,<br />

referring to his untimely death as referred to in the vers­<br />

es. Engraved in the Galle workshop, verses by Aubert Le<br />


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