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Bosphorus e pelago./Te gessisse domum pro nata Caesaris,<br />

ingens/ Sequaiïaconspexit,Parisijq[ue] lares" (seven lines)<br />

In margin left: "44."<br />

In margin right:"I. Lcrnutius."<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1604- and 1608-editions and<br />

Foppens1739.<br />

n.<br />

Erased in margin left: "44".<br />

Amsterdam (Rijksprentenkabinet, Rijksrnuseum,<br />

Amsterdam)<br />

Used in:<br />

Illustrium Galliac (1604),no.44;IHustrium Gallia e .....<br />

(1608), no. 44; Foppens 1739, vol. I, p. 111<br />

Lit:<br />

Van Crombruggen 1955, p. 115, p. 152; Le Loup 1983-<br />

84, p. 114, no. 25<br />

Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq (Augerius Busbequius),<br />

Comines 1522 - Rouen 1592; Belgian diplomat and<br />

scholar, who inter alia collected manuscripts in service of<br />

the Habsburg court. Later in service of the French queen.<br />

His report of a diplomatic journey to the Turkish court<br />

was published by Planrin (Voet 1980-83, nos. 851-852).<br />

Engraved In the Galle workshop, verses byjanus Leernout.<br />

27<br />

CALVIN,JEAN (1567)<br />

17.6 x 12.3 cm.<br />

In lower margin: "loannes Calvinus./ De vitulo fmgit<br />

frustra adversaria nomen/ Secta rnihi: sunt qui deducant<br />

norninis ortum/ Ex Indefesso dictandi scripta calorc:/ In<br />

medium revocant alii diro omlne caussam/ Calvitii: at<br />

ludant, dum innoxia spicula spargunt,/ Dum favet et<br />

fhiitur nostris mea gallia chartis." (seven lines)<br />

Coborg (Kupfcrstichkabinett der Kunstsammlungen<br />

Veste Coburg, Coburg, hand-coloured impression with<br />

different, handwritten verses ), Paris (Cabinet des estam­<br />

pes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris),The Hague<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

246<br />

(Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag bound with 1572b-<br />

edition), Vienna (Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothck<br />

(Portratsammlung), Wien)<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorum ..... (1567), no. ??<br />

Lit.:<br />

SeUink 1992a, pp. 22-23<br />

jean Calvin (Jean Cauvin, Johannes Calvinus), Noyon<br />

1509 - Geneva 1564; French theologian and reformer,<br />

author of the influential Institutio religionis Chrisiianae<br />

(1536). Engraved by Philips Galle, verses by ??<br />

28<br />


17.2 x 12.3 cm.<br />

In lower margin:"loachirnus Camerarius/ Quismerita te<br />

laude fcrat camerarie? gentis/ Qui gloria antiquae et<br />

decus,/ Sic certe germani oculus nitidissimus orbis,/<br />

Dicendus es vel me arbitro./Te graiac pariter patrem latl-<br />

ae que camoenae/Venerantur, agnoscunt: colunt." (seven<br />

lines)<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1567-edmon.<br />

Vienna (Sammlung Schloss Arnbras, Kunsthistorisches<br />

Museum, Wien)<br />

Ha.<br />

Verses in lower margin replaced by new text in letterpress:<br />


NIS./ Humanis studijs ciarus, Joachime, fuisti,/ Fax<br />

Graeca affulsit faxque Latina tibi./ Nec tc Germani<br />

Medicum videre priorem,/ Caetera sed celebrent qui<br />

magis ilia probant" (six lines); added in margin right, also<br />

i !<br />

in letterpress: D6". Used in 1572a~edition.<br />

lib.<br />

Verses in letterpress in lower margin replaced by engraved,<br />

slighdy different inscription:"!OACHIMUS CAMERA­<br />

RIUS PAPENBERGENIS. [one line]/ ..... assulsit<br />

[instead of affulsit] >s<br />

(five lines); added in margin right,also

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