<strong>DICTIONARY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>LANGUAGE</strong>.<br />

ENGLISH-<strong>KLAMATH</strong>.<br />



rT'Iie preparation of this second part of the D)ictionary of the Klamatl<br />

Language has been a mnuchal more arduous task than would at first appear,<br />

and therefore I add a few remiarks sup)p)leLnLe11tilg- those introductory to the<br />

Klainath-English part of the i)ictionary in order to set forth the principles<br />

that guided ine in my work.<br />

To be of practical and scientific value, a nl1allUal of this kind should<br />

be something more than a inere accuinulation of the ternis corlespollndiii<br />

in each language. When several Klanath terms correspond to one English<br />

term the reader should be taught which expression mIust be used in one<br />

acception of the termn and which in another. This discrimination can be<br />

made only after a careful examnination, based upon practical use and<br />

etymology, of the real signification of each tern. iBy thus preventing as<br />

much as possible the misapplication of terms in usinhg the lantiuage, I have<br />

tried to make a fair start toward a sv-nonvymy of tile tongule which I now<br />

introduce to the public. In cases of doubt, however, thereI niust be a<br />

reference to time word in Part First under which are given the manifold<br />

practical applications of the termn.<br />

In the following pages the various Klinaatim terms corresponding to<br />

one English termn are introdueed by synonyinic and idiomatic English<br />

expressions in italics, arranged alphabetically, unless, for soIIe reason,<br />

another arrangement was found to l)e desirable. In the case of verbs the<br />

equivalents are enumnerated in alphabetic order after the preposition accomn-<br />


49a) 96ENwLTSA1f- KLA MATAiI <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

panying the verb. Full information on the equivalents of certain English<br />

nouns and verbs of wide and general signification can be obtained only by<br />

looking up its synonyms; as, for ey, mple,<br />

assist: to aid, help, cooperate.<br />

bad: abject, mischievous, mean, wicked, wretched.<br />

bring: to carry, fetch, haul, transport.<br />

It will be observed that in the Klamath, as well as in many other unwritten<br />

languages, there are no single equivalents for such abstract English<br />

terms as the substantives hope, hurry, love, time, or for the verbs to cause, let,<br />

prompt, but there are plrases, locutions, and compound terms by means of<br />

which these ideas can l)e expressed with accuracy.<br />

Compound English words are noticed only when they correspond to<br />

simple Klamath terms. Phrases and sentences when wanting in this part of<br />

the Dictionary will be found in the Klamath-Englislh part. As to orthography,<br />

accentuation, and pronunciation, the Klamath words are written precisely<br />

as in Part First, save in a very few instances where circumstances<br />

seemed to make a change desirable. Where differences occur between the<br />

two dialects, the Modoc term stands after that of the northern, or Klamath<br />

Lake dialect.<br />

Names of localities are usually identical in both English and Klamath;<br />

therefore a few only-the more important ones-will be found in Part Seeond.<br />

The meaning of many of the Klamath topographic names is involved<br />

in obscurity. Of persomal names, only those of well-known Indians are<br />

recor(led as such; others are inserted according to their ordinary signification,<br />

as, for instance, the name J1l6kosh will be found under lap, v. t.<br />

T'lle Klamath terms having the initial y-, which is interchangeable with<br />

1-, iy-, are for convenience of reference inserted in Part First immediately<br />

after those beginning in i-. In this part, however, the E nglislh y, as well as<br />

tell, occupies its usual place in the alphabet.<br />

Althoughi many additions have suggested themselves, the author<br />

deemed it preferable to restrict himself to the terms given in the Klamath-<br />

English pmal t. rnle majority of verbs, however, can form derivatives of an<br />

inchoative ineaning in -tumpku, or -ieqa, -ega, or completives in -41a, -ida, and<br />

other forms, which stu(dents of this language will readily understand when


conversing with the natives. They will also readily reconstruct the diminutive<br />

form in nouns, when not met with in this Dictionary.<br />

Since Kilanatli makes no formal distinction between the direct and the<br />

the indirect object, which is expressed by our dative case, the terms transitive<br />

anid intransitive verb cannot mean the same thing in Klamath that they<br />

do in English. English intransitives are sometinmes rendered by Klamath<br />

trallSitives, and vice versa. In the Klamath language the transitive verb is<br />

governed by its object, a rule which can be comprehended in its full import<br />

only by a study of the Grammar.<br />

In their prefixes, verbs and their derivatives indicate the form and iumber<br />

of the object acted upon, and intransitive verbs the form and number of<br />

the subject. Thus it may be seen from the prefix attached to many terms,<br />

whether the action or state refers to one or many, or to a long, flat, threadlike,<br />

rounld, bulky, erect, animate being or inanimate thing. For the sake of<br />

brevity, shape and number could not always be referred to in the following<br />

IpCages, hence reference to the section "Prefixes" in the Grammar is necessary.<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> PREFIXES.<br />

The most common prefixes, simple and compound, are as follows:<br />

aC- long-shaped object-in the singular number or collectively.<br />

i-, iy-, y- long or animate-generally in the plural.<br />

k-, ki- act performed laterally, obliquely.<br />

ksh-, ks- long or animate object-in the singular or collectively, especially<br />

when held in the arms.<br />

l- round, rounded or bulky object or subject.<br />

ii- thin, thread-like or sheet-like object or subject; also refers to<br />

what is seen on the horizon.<br />

p- proprietary prefix; inalienable ownership.<br />

p-, pe- long, round, or animate object-generally in the plural number.<br />

sh-, s- medial prefix.<br />

shil- olbect enveloping the whole body.<br />

shin- object round, rounded, bulky, in a medial sense.<br />

t-, ta-, te- subject or object standing erect-singular number.<br />

tell-, ts- subject or object a liquid, as water, etc.<br />

a-, vu- long or animate subject, or direct and indirect object standing<br />

or being above.<br />


498<br />

ELNGLISI - KLAMATII <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />


The abbreviations used are those of Part First, and only a few new<br />

ones req~uire explanation here:<br />

Coil,. collective objects; collectively.<br />

du. (with verb intransitive) referring- to two, tluee, or, at tile utmost,<br />

four subjects only.<br />

110 ex. eq. no exact e(Inivalellt.<br />

1)1. (with verb intransitive) referr1ing" to- a plurality Of Sttbjects.<br />

1)1. (with verb transitive) referring, to more than oiie object.<br />

S. substantive.<br />

temp). temp~oral.<br />

v. caus. causative verb.<br />

v. i. intransitive verb.<br />

v. t. transitive verb.

A.<br />

a b a n d o i, v. t., hIuslilfndslia du.<br />

tuslilindslia, pl. tilindsha; a. maliciously<br />

or not klewidslina; cast<br />

away, inan. obj., pd)tedsbla; anini.<br />

or inan. Iedslia, kMlshna; leave<br />

behind, tulfiia; run awayf roin, gft'shka,<br />

guikaka; to be abaniloned,<br />

straying, 161alxa; cf. stray, v.<br />

a 1) d o mn e n , nka'sh.<br />

abdou en, nkah<br />

abd auc t, v. t., one anini. obj., slplftXai<br />

to carry away on one's arms, kshrl6a,<br />

ksliukdtkal. Cf. abstract, kidnap.<br />

a b li o r , v. t., mtt'tclika, sniuitcha,<br />

sln6kakia.<br />

a b j e c t, kI'-idshi; a. in character,<br />

kilidshi stefnash, tclh'kalsh, pdpalish.<br />

Cf. bad, mischievous.<br />

a 1) I e, t o b e; usually expressed by<br />

the particles ak, ak a, akAi, ka; not<br />

to be able, kesliga, tchlna, or the<br />

particles Ak kl-i, kd-i aka. Cf. unable,<br />

to be.<br />

a b o Lit, (1) prep., expressed- by the<br />

case-suffixes -ti, -tat. (2) adv.; cf:<br />

around, near.<br />

a 1) ove, adv., tU~, tut; at a distance<br />

a., tut; lit, mostly in the suffixed<br />

form: -ui, a. tkere; a., up there,<br />

high up, lItu, p'lai, l)'laitala; a., on<br />

the top oJ; p1'lntant; acting, doing<br />

from a., p'laiknii; coating from a.,<br />

p'laitalklli, plaitalAntni, ttt'slini; the<br />

one, those a., p'ldrtanknii; who, what<br />

is (high) a., p'lalkni, p'laftani. Cf.<br />

hapa.<br />

a b o v e, prep., p)'laitana, p'ldntant,<br />

but mostly expressed by pre- and<br />

suffixes; to stand or be a. others, or<br />

a. the one speaking, tkalamna, du.<br />

lia'lamna, pl. lhulamnia.<br />

a b) r at p t, steep lalatko, m'laikstni;<br />

to be a., steep, LIla.<br />

a b r i p t 1 y, adv., referring to slopes,<br />

M'laf.<br />

a b s e n c e; in the a. qf kelianta, loc.<br />

of kdliak.<br />

ab s e n t, gone, niig; to be a., ki'gi;<br />

to be a. again, kd'gipole.<br />

a b st r a c t , v. t., animn. and long ol.,<br />

tnmeshka, pl. yinieshka; filch, ant6lipka;<br />

steal, p~illa; a. again, re-<br />

peatedly, pa'lapele; abstracted, filchcd<br />

object, anulipkniish. Cf. abduct.<br />

absurdly, hun-a'shak.<br />

abusively, huna'shiak<br />

a b y s s, gintvish.<br />

accelerated, kIllitko.<br />

a c ci dent a 11 y, hunmi'slbak; to find<br />

a., gc'wal; ndakal, pl. itkal; one<br />

who finds a., i-Atklish.<br />


500<br />

a c c o m p a n y, v. t., sha-ulanka,<br />

shawalina'a; a. on a trip, travel,<br />

sha-ulankanka; to some distance,<br />

sha-ulaintcha, sha-ulaintchla; a. in<br />

a chorus, shuinAla.<br />

*accompIlice; to be an a., pekalui.<br />

a c c o u n t, relation given of a fact,<br />

shashapkelash; to give an a., shashapkelIa;<br />

on that a., hlumasht<br />

glug, hu'masht gislit, htlnkanti,<br />

hunkantcha'; person of no a., kaftua<br />

shayuaksh.<br />

a ccurn u late, v. t., shiu'lka, shiui'lki,<br />

Mod. hushto'lki; a. in a stack, pile,<br />

sh6palxa. Cf. gather, v. t., heap<br />

up, v.<br />

0ENGLISH - KLAMATIH <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

ac c C u m u l a t i o n of hard material,<br />

akuash; of snow, k6knish; place of<br />

a., shii^'lkish; to form a., liwa, liwAla,<br />

lIupka. Cf. crowd, heap.<br />

accustomed to, gelxatko; to be|<br />

a. to, nftu; gilxatko gi. Cf. habit,<br />

habitual.<br />

a c 1h e, v. i., kahaha, kaik~tya.<br />

a c h i e v e, v. t., vu'na; a. by working,<br />

shb'ita, shotel6la.<br />

a c knowledge, v. t., shaynakta.<br />

a c o r n, and a. seed of the white oak,<br />

ht'dsha; a. of the black oak, kli'sh.<br />

acquai nted, shllyuaksh; to be a.<br />

with, shayuakta.<br />

a c r i d, mbf'kamnnatko, ka-a mashetko,<br />

tchmniyufiatko; to be a.,<br />

tchmiuya.<br />

a cross, prep., on the other side of, gunigslhtant,<br />

guinitana; when nearer:<br />

ge'kshta, gdtant; a. a river, lake,<br />

tfi'gshtanta; to go a., glikua, kak6'-<br />

dsha, cf ford, v. What goes a. a<br />

solid body from end to end, tunsXantko.<br />

Usually expressed by<br />

verbal suffixes.<br />

act, v.t., and v. i., to do, gi, cf. gi(5);<br />

to make, achieve, shblta; a. so, in this<br />

manner, huniasht gi; na-asht gi,<br />

Mod. ne-asht gi; a. thus, in such a<br />

manner, o-6akgi; having acted thus,<br />

hiumasht giulank, Mod. h. giulan;<br />

acting on one's own -iripulse,<br />

shepelpeLttko.<br />

a c t of doing something; is expressed<br />

by the verbal in -ish, cf. l6luidshish,<br />

lulalkish.<br />

a c t i o n, in war, shellualsh, shish6kish.<br />

active; to be a., to move about, sliwina.<br />

a c t o r, _a'kl'kish.<br />

actually, at, apoc.a.; ata; ha-i, 1-i;<br />

atutu, atiu, Mod. Atu, Atui, Atui t0.<br />

Cf now, presently.<br />

Adam's apple, laggalagash, wakalwakalsh;<br />

sxutkanu'tkish lakish.<br />

a d d, v. t., ndta, n6tna.<br />

a d d i t i o n; in a. to, tchkash; tcbi'sh,<br />

ndtnnk; afterwards, gintak.<br />

address, v. t., to speak to, hUnikanka,<br />

hem'ta, shapiya.<br />

address, s., hemkaiiksh; a. previously<br />

delivered, hcmnikankitish.<br />

ad h ere to, v. i., to hany on, l6vilta,<br />

d. l'uluta; to stick to, to be adhesive,<br />

gintana; guita.<br />

a d h1 e s i v e, adhering to, gintanAtko.<br />

a d j o i n, v. t, to add, ne'ta, netna.<br />

admini ster, v. t., to rule, dispose,<br />

nu-ulxa; to superintend, shualaii

Ampka, hashtaltAmpka; a. help in<br />

sickness, tchtita, tchultena; said of<br />

conjurers only, yA-uka; to commence<br />

to a., ne-ulakiega.<br />

a (Imini stration , netno'lxish.<br />

a d n i n i s t r a t o r, shuashulaliamp-<br />

]islh; laki.<br />

a ( nirable, mci tidshi.<br />

a I it; a. person, mnni; male a., a.<br />

man, hifshuakslh, Mod. hishuAtch-<br />

Zash; warrior, sheshal6lish; a. girl,<br />

shiiwf'ga; a. female, shnAwedsh.<br />

a d v a n c e, v. t., one's head, elka,<br />

ei'kana; one's fingers, sp'lslhna,<br />

spelsha. Cf put out, under: put, v.<br />

a d v a n c e, v. i., to go before, aheadi of<br />

others, gayaya, gay4l-idsha; a. im<br />

front file, ii-itclna; a., as promnontories,<br />

Ntwa; to project, long sitbj.,<br />

tOipka.<br />

a d v i s e, v. t., often expressed by<br />

the suffixes of causative verbs: a.<br />

to help oneself to, v. caus., aniga.<br />

a f a r. Cf. far.<br />

a f f e c t e d, steinslhaltko.<br />

a f f e c t i o n; having sensitive, moral<br />

affections, steinshaltko.<br />

a f f i r m, v. t., shlwala.<br />

a f f 1 i c t e d, in a miserable condition,<br />

ya.nhduini; yuyAlkish; yuyallkisliptchi;<br />

to be a., shdshana, shunulyta;<br />

to be a. by bereavement, shlamia;<br />

hI'tka; to be a. mentally, steinash<br />

mai'sha; to be a. with disease, mdsisha,<br />

shila.<br />

a f f 1 u e n t, s., sheno'tkatko.<br />

a f f o r d, v., t.; a. mutual help, hashatunya.<br />

Cf. give, v.<br />

accompany-again. 501<br />

a f f r a y , shishu'kash; to have an a.,<br />

shutka; siss6ka, d. of shinga.<br />

afloat; to be a., ef. drift, float, v.<br />

afraid of, vuislish; to be a. of,<br />

yayakia, shinamshta, vulsha; to<br />

tremble through being a. of liulfwa.<br />

Cf. frighten.<br />

a f t, adv. loc., tapi.<br />

after, adv.; some time a., ma'ntc-l<br />

g'tko; mci'ntchak=gitko; one, two<br />

days a., wait6lan, L'tperi wait6lank.<br />

a f t e r, prep., tapitana; frequently<br />

expressed byverbal suffixes: a. this,<br />

a. that time, gintak, netnak, at pii'n,<br />

tchiui pen, tchu'i tchdi (tche); tche~'k;<br />

tchi'teh; a. some time, a. a while, Uintchek,<br />

undshe'k tcih6'k; a. acting<br />

thus, hi'imasht gfulank; one who remains<br />

a. another, tapitankni.<br />

after, eonj., ta'nkt; at, apoe. a.; at<br />

a; tehl'ii. The pluperfect tense is<br />

usually introduced by means of<br />

the particle at.<br />

after-birtlI, genali; k'lekila.<br />

aft e r n o o n, pshekshltgiula, shewat~t'tlashl.<br />

afterwards, (1) adv., g-intak;<br />

some time a., mr'ntch=gitko, mai'ntchak=gitko;<br />

shortly a., taInktak;<br />

untche'k, Mod. tehe'ksla; long a.,<br />

ma'ntch gintak. (2) conj., after<br />

that, hereupon, connecting sentences:<br />

tankt; tapi, tapitana;<br />

tche'k, tche'ksh, tcha; at, apoc.<br />

a., k'lewiank; tchuii, tchulyuk,<br />

tchL'iyunk.<br />

a g a i n, adv., ple'n, penak; also expressed<br />

by the suffix -pdi, -pele,


-p'lI; when used as additive conj.,<br />

netn~tk; tchbli, tch'lyunk.<br />

a g a i n s t, prep).; expressed by verbal<br />

affixes, or case-suffixes; a. each<br />

other, shipapdinkstant.<br />

A g- 'a w e s li, nomn. pr. of a Modoc<br />

settlement on Lower Klamatl<br />

Lake, Cal.: Ag-Awesli.<br />

ag- e; prior, first in a., txe-u; second in<br />

a., tapini; cominq in a. righlt after<br />

another, tapinkani; lasting for ages,<br />

tchfishmnni. Cf. bent.<br />

a-g c d 1)erson, t'shika, k'mutch(watko;<br />

a. male, k'mutceli'ttko; a. female,<br />

wele'kasli; to become a., t'shika. Cf.<br />

old.<br />

a g e n c y; locality and buildings of a.<br />

on an Indiani reservation: agency;<br />

pertainin~g to an a., agenci'mi.<br />

a g e n t of an Indian reservation,<br />

shmashulaliatnpkish laid, shluashllaliAmp)kish,<br />

laki.<br />

a g g 1 om e r a t i o n of debris, 'kuas]h;<br />

cl: accumulation, heap.<br />

a g g r i e v e d, yiudlkish; to look a.,<br />

like one bereaved, shliinmiia; to feel<br />

a., shuunnlyua, lAtka. Cf. afflicted.<br />

a g i t a t e d; to be a., waters, IkAn;<br />

violently, lkapAta.<br />

a' 0r ; a short or longr time a., nia, itna;<br />

a while a., nia, i'na'; a shor t while a.,<br />

te'-in, te-intaks nma, tAnkak; long a.,<br />

gl,]hak; CA'na gin, nmli ; mat'ntehgitko;<br />

tArlkitak, tlink; done long a.,<br />

mali telhlli, t 'inkni, tA i i ak.<br />

agree, v. i.; a. with, hunuislht gi, n1a'asht<br />

gi, Mod. nah(ltgi; to assewnt,<br />

shew-lula; toconsent, shi-ilia ; a(grpe-<br />

ing with, adverbially expressed, natasht,<br />

shtihank, shuliank-shitko.<br />

a g r e e a b I e, tidshi; a. to the taste,<br />

as a flavor, l'likiyatko.<br />

agr eemenit, shutAnkish; to conclude<br />

an a., shlitanka.<br />

agricultural; a. land, kiiila=<br />

shiu'tesb, ne-*sh; a. planting ground,<br />

Ih!1shuash.<br />

ahl! olle! o, o'.<br />

a Ih e a d; straiqlht a., tAlaak, ti~la;<br />

gitala; standing a. ifi age, time,<br />

rank, tXZ'-ll; to go or be a. of others,<br />

lamlncdslla, tamni'Idsha.<br />

a i in; to take a., hlya, layipka; shtiawidshlna.<br />

a i r; no ex. eq.: up in the a., p'lai, p'laltala;<br />

to emit a., wika, shhlewi; to fill<br />

with a., pn tiwa; to be fitl of a., windl,<br />

sA pith; to puff a. out, pinlukshla; to<br />

put on airs, .suvagfger, s1alkilci-a, shuntAkta.<br />

Cf. blow, v., pass through.<br />

A i s i i s Ii; nom. p1. of a deity of the<br />

Klamatlh Lake alud Modoc l)eol)e,<br />

Aishish; "OldAishish," Atsliiai teli.<br />

a I i e n , wvennikni, atflifki.<br />

a li k e, a(lv., shithiiank, shllth'ank=<br />

Shlt](O.<br />

a Ii k e t o, adj.; resemblances seen,<br />

heard, tasted, etc., are expresse(i 1)y<br />

suffix -ptcli, -mtcli, and by=shttko,<br />

-shftk a1 )1)en(led: a. to this, iil'itchli:<br />

a. to that, gcemlnptchli, shultlankptcllii<br />

a. to men, persons, niAklakstshitko;<br />

to be a. to, yada; cf. ia ; to be or look,<br />

a. in featurros, tuI1na.<br />

A I i k w .a, or Ytirok Inflian, 1rom. pr.<br />


al, nalnuk; a. things, imnuktua.<br />

allege, v. t., shapa; "as alleged,"<br />

"as reported": mat, if referring to<br />

facts only; nen, if referring to<br />

sayings.<br />

a 11 i a n ce ; to form a., shitchia,<br />

slhitchhlala; to be in a. of war,<br />

thiinta, tehilla.<br />

a 11 i g a t o r, mniklaks=papi'sh.<br />

a II o W , V. t., W&ula, witchta; a. to<br />

somebody, wewalta; a., agree to,<br />

slhew4-ula; not to a., lewe-ula.<br />

a I r i g h t ! that's well! i-i tidsh!<br />

al lure, v. t., shnapnmpemna, Mod.<br />

shnepetmpema. Cf. coax, v.<br />

a 11 y, shawalineasli, Mod. sbiftcllip<br />

a II i S t, wika.<br />

a 1 o n e, tdalt; belonging to me a., gc-ll<br />

ttala Sometimes expresse(l by ak<br />

(No. 2), abbr.: 1kic, ht'k; a., Sla(ndineg<br />

a., when referring to the verb<br />

of the sentence, nit'dshiak; solcly,<br />

only, but, referring to a noun, pila.<br />

aI Io ° 1 WI thl, tChi'shI, tchk6aslh; tt'ila.<br />

al n g S i d e o f, alon/q the brink of;<br />

vulalina; verbal and nominial sutfix<br />

-tana.<br />

a I o nd, d k'l, kilank; to sing a., kIlank<br />

shuina; to halloo, cry a., nde'nnl;<br />

to wefp a., stuitxislhla; to speak a.<br />

in priblic, Aimnadsha.<br />

al r e a d( y, ktutu, Mod. c'tu.<br />

a 1 s o , together with, tula; tchi'sh,<br />

connecting coordinate nouns only;<br />

adv. temp., tchkAish, q. v.<br />

alt e r, v. t.; a. the voice, ku-a'nkuana;<br />

as boys dIo, wAkena.<br />

although, gintak; -tak, -taks, -toks.<br />

against-and. 503<br />

altercation; to start an a., lishtchliktna,<br />

hushtlina, shukfkshlea.<br />

al w a y s, tcht'ishak; adj. used adverbially,<br />

tchl-'slni.i tchfl'shniak.<br />

ambling horse, wilitgish.<br />

ambulance-bed, skt1'lhash pet.<br />

a m b u sh, no ex. eq.; to lie, hide in<br />

a, sing. and pl. of subj., Ihishualla,<br />

pl. 1iuktya; shuillpka, pl. wiw>inlpka;<br />

to hide in a. for wvatching,<br />

w'lxa; to place oneself in a., kin'i-<br />

kIxa, wll~a.<br />

A m e r i c a n , s. and adj., B6sshtin.<br />

136shtin makliaks, ')llpali-tchi'lleks.<br />

a In i d, between, i-utAtnsxa; tA 6 4Xlam,<br />

Mod. tza'laim. Cf among, between.<br />

a m o n g, i-utAnimsxa; i-ukak; when on<br />

same level, tz~llam, KI. tAtxelam;<br />

being, sitting, standing, etc. a., amnid,<br />

tZAlamni, KI. tatZ61anmi; a. each<br />

other, shipapdlankstant; a. the hills,<br />

mountains, i' a, i-ukak.<br />

amount; to what a.? tAnk? tAnni ?<br />

to that a., tAnni.<br />

amuse, v. t., oneself at, le-una,<br />

lwa; kIA-ika; a. by jests or tricks,<br />

slmnandshma-a, sheshleile'a.<br />

a n a I f i n, shiuidshaslhksAksin kfdshash.<br />

a n c e s t o r s, mnt'ntchni mraklaks,<br />

tankni miAklaks.<br />

a n c e s t r a 1, ma'ntchni, t.nkni;<br />

wheen said of mythologic beings,<br />

genii, etc., amtehiksh, abbr. -amtch<br />

a n c i e n t, same as ancestral, q. v.<br />

a n d, no ex. eq ; connecting co~irdinate<br />

nouns, tchi'sh; often not expressed<br />

at all. Connecting coirdi-

504 5ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

nate sentences, tchu'i, tchuyuk, (ini<br />

sight) tchl'lyunk, (out of sight of<br />

the one speaking); at pe'n; in<br />

numerals pe'n; a. if, a. when, but<br />

if, hii'tchui, hi'tch, ha'ts.<br />

a n e w, pe'n, p6nak, or expressed by<br />

verbal suffix -pole, -peli.<br />

angelica, puldsho, q. v.<br />

an g I e, s. shtchakaliatpish; having<br />

angles cut out, stu'kshaltko; to form<br />

an a., shtcliaklilka.<br />

a n g l e, v. t., shuewa, cf. kndwa; a.<br />

habitually, shue6-utka; to go angling,<br />

shu&udsha; to return from angling,<br />

shud-utka; angling line, shue-ush.<br />

a n g r y , kil6sh, tcha'kalsh, shawigatko;<br />

to be a., kila, shitchatka, tcWakela;<br />

to be or become a., kilua, shawiga;<br />

to be a. at somebody or something,<br />

hishtclaliktna, shitchi'ktna,<br />

hushtlina; to become a. at each other,<br />

hlislitchlckta, hishtchlcktna.<br />

animal, no generic term; a. hunted,<br />

game, if a quadruped, ] flhanksh.<br />

Cf. Texts, p. 145.<br />

a n k 1 e, pdtcham n" walslh; to let a<br />

garment or blanket reach the ankles,<br />

u'hlfitua.<br />

a n n i h i l a t e by breaking, tdkua;<br />

kdwa, pl. nguildsha, pekewa; a. almost,<br />

partly, shne-uyalca; a. by pressure,<br />

ndshapka.<br />

a•n n o u n c e, v. t., shapIya; stilta,<br />

stfltpa; tpewa; a., as a messenger<br />

does, stfltchka; to go and a., stiltchna.<br />

announcement, stiltish; tp&wash.<br />

a n n o y, v. t., slmnumaitchka.<br />

annular, kalkali.<br />

an o t h e r, a. one, na'dsh, nayensh;<br />

at a. place, welftana; to a. place,<br />

wenni; at, on, or to a. place, na'dshash.<br />

Cf. other.<br />

answer, s.; to give an a. or answers,<br />

vuIlxa, kedsha.<br />

ant, kim-a'dsh; black a., lukam kima'dsh;<br />

a.-hill, kima'dsliam yailaaga,<br />

kiina'dsham sbulti'lkish.<br />

antecedent, in space or time,<br />

lupini; in time, age, rank, tX&u.<br />

a n t e 1 o p e, Antilocapra americana,<br />

tche-u; young a. wi'hla, dim. wi-<br />

'blaga; " Old Antelope", a mythic<br />

animal, Tche'wamtch.<br />

a ll ti C S lushuatxaslh; to perform one's<br />

antics, shesbgx'la.<br />

a n t i q u e, ma'ntclmni, tAnkni.<br />

a n t I e r, t6ke, din. tnkioga; provided<br />

with antlers, IZdwaltko.<br />

a n u s , kilit, kfu; vent of animals,<br />

kilit? tsa'-i.<br />

a n v i 1, wi-ul6tkish.<br />

a n y, anyblody, a one, kani; anythinq,<br />

tu.S; in the sense of everything,<br />

nanuk tua, n4nuktna.<br />

a p a r t; to place the legs a., sk6ka,<br />

ptclika, bushp i'tXa; to sit with leqs<br />

a., shkdktlexia; to hold the legs a.<br />

putchkanka. Cf. divide, v.<br />

a p a r t m e n t, in lodge, shi'lltish; a.<br />

in house, shalatchg-Apslitisli.<br />

aperture, orifice: kilit; gintchxish,<br />

gintZish; as of a bottle, inkstand,<br />

gUinantko; of ear, nose, metchish;<br />

a. in the ground, sti'i, dim. sta-

Aga; a. for going out or in, gekdinkish,<br />

gutekuish; a., cleft, ndsTalish;<br />

as a keyhole, miet'hli; a. on lodqe<br />

top, smoke-hole, ginZish; a. scratched<br />

out, ibekantko; a., thoroughfare, ginsxish;<br />

a. of a tube or of the bowels,<br />

kilit, cf ginka; a. made bypiercing,<br />

punching, shdkish; a. made by lightning,<br />

nute'ks; to close an a., yankapshti;<br />

to place into an a., yank.1ipshti.<br />

apex, wi'hla, wflhashlash; of a conical<br />

body, tree, Ifthpa. Cf. point.<br />

a p p a r a t u s; expressed by the suffix<br />

-6tkish, contr. -'tch, -u'tch; a.<br />

for making fire, shlikuy6tkisli; a.for<br />

measuring, skilul~otkisli; a. for<br />

shooting, bow and arrows, t'tldshi,<br />

nt6-ish. Cf. implement, tool.<br />

a p p e a r, v. t., heshla; a. as, ne'pka;<br />

a. first, said of daylight only, nilakla;<br />

appearing as, -ptchi, =shltko.<br />

Cft alike to.<br />

ap)pellation, sheshash;<br />

a p p e t i t e; tia'mish ; to satisfy one's<br />

a., shlolhta, a'-una.<br />

a p p I e , ii'plesh.<br />

a p p 1 e - t r e e , ii'p'lsam anku, ellipt.<br />

.i'p'lsam.<br />

a p 1 y , v. t.; a. over, Ildsxa, nedsxa,<br />

idsca; what is applied, rubbed to the<br />

body-surface, shatelakish.<br />

app))ortion, v. t., she-a'ta.<br />

a p p r e c i at e, v. t., stInta, witchna.<br />

a p p r i s e, v. t., teach, hashiulga ; to<br />

report to, inform, stiltpa, hishltc'lta;<br />

apprised qf, shiiyuaksh; to be apprised<br />

of, shllymiakta, 1-lume na. Cf.<br />

announce, v.<br />

anew-arm 50.5<br />

app r oach, v. i.; a. close to, gakiainma;<br />

a. closely while running, hlmltampka,<br />

du. tu'shtampka, pl. tintampka;<br />

a., go over towards, gok'tta;<br />

a. in a hostile or friendly intention,<br />

galdsh twia, g'tldshui; a. on the sly,<br />

garlta, hushuitanka; a. setting time<br />

(sun, moon), tinolena; a. to, in the<br />

sense of touching, genuila; a. by the<br />

trail, road, sh,'tkatla.<br />

appropriate, shipatch ; at 17l<br />

a. time, tcH-etak; a. for working,<br />

shu'tesh.<br />

A p r i 1; inaccurately rendered by<br />

kaptchelam shlinc'tktish, v.<br />

a p r o n, shikpiiiyash ; large whole<br />

a. buttoned on back, heslhlaklaslh;<br />

skin a., small a., s~inia-isli.<br />

A r a or Kdrok Indian, nom. pl.;<br />

Skatchpallkni.<br />

a r g u e , v. t., shempeta, hasltmt'ltala.<br />

Cf. dispute, v.<br />

a r is e, v. i., hu'tkala, du. tlishtkala,<br />

pl. tintkala; a., as fog, smoke, luyega;<br />

a. from sleep, p.ttkal, patkalpeli;<br />

a. when sitting, tgai-ulexa,<br />

tg 6 lxa, pl. lual6'lxa; a. suddenly,<br />

hutkalslina.<br />

a r mi, of human body, we'k; on the<br />

arms, wektat; an armful, we'k stlini;<br />

to balance on one's arms, shi,'tkshiaga;<br />

to beckon with one's a.,<br />

nikanka, nepatka shahanluya; to<br />

carry under one's a., shaktila; to<br />

carry, hold on one's arms, lon(g obj.,<br />

kshe'na, kshllyarnna; to carry off,<br />

abJout, in the arms, ksulkilitkal; under<br />

one's a. or arms, shayantildslia;

506 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

to carry, hold under one's a., arms,<br />

shAltila; something long, shutila;<br />

to lean on one a., kiapka; to put the<br />

a. out of, extend it, nIka wii'k, or<br />

in'ka, nikuilka; to put under one's<br />

a. or arms, shayantIla; to go about<br />

with something under one's a., shayantildsha.<br />

a r m 1 e t, small arm, wdka-a.<br />

a r m o r, made of doubled -np (elk-)<br />

skins, kakn6lsh; to be dressed in<br />

such an a., kakn6la; man arrayed<br />

with the kaknolsh, kt

Arrow-Head, nom. prop. loc.,<br />

Mbft'shaksh=Sh{lwalsh<br />

ar row-point, wooden, of birdhunters'<br />

arrow: nte'ktcham tulish,<br />

or tulish.<br />

a r r o w - s h a f t, of liqht arrow, nte'ktish;<br />

a.-sh. polisher of stone, ye'hish;<br />

a.-sh. straightener of stone, tku'lkish;<br />

a.-sh. straightener of wood,<br />

tkiv-6tkish.<br />

arti cle, in the sense of object,<br />

thing, something, tuli; every a. or<br />

every kind of articles, n/inuktua; a.<br />

in the sense of instrument, tool, is<br />

expressed by the stffix-6tkish, abbr.<br />

-otch; a. forming part of an iniplement,<br />

shute-oltkish ; a. serving for<br />

doing, performinn something, shute-<br />

6'tkish; a. producing disease, pain,<br />

ttftlish; a. used in treating the sick,<br />

mi'tlhash, tchiteno'tkish ; a. used for<br />

killing, poisoninq, k'lek6tkish; many<br />

ob;., luelotkish. Cf. object.<br />

articulation, of limbs, kolansh,<br />

nawa'lash.<br />

a s c e n d, v. i., ga-tl'a, ga-uIlxa; a.,<br />

go up hill, niwa'lka, tiniXi; when<br />

quickly, huwalidi'ga, pl. gawalii'ga.<br />

a. above the horizon, said of celestial<br />

bodies, ge-upka; tiniZi, tiniega,<br />

tfnshipka; a. in the distance, ga-<br />

1'1apka; a. as fog, smoke, lhyega; a.<br />

repeatedly, ga-'tlakpka; a. r. again,<br />

ga-ulapkapele; a., as a spider in<br />

the web, shalamnldsha, shalaggaiya;<br />

lt'yamna, pl. pe-ukanka;<br />

a, as a tree, ladder, k6kantcha.<br />

ascend(, v. t.; a., as a horse, ge-<br />

a r m 1 e t-a s s e r t. 507<br />

Utpka; a. a horse while on a trip or<br />

journey, gela'ptcha; a. by using<br />

hands, ge'bla'pka; a. quickly, as a<br />

horse, holapka.<br />

ashamed, to be, ndetchka.<br />

a s h e s , lh'kslaksh, Mod. h'tkpeks; to<br />

reduce to a., slhneila.<br />

A s i 1 a n d, nom. pr. of an Oregonian<br />

town, A'shlin.<br />

a s i d e o f, prep.; close to, wig -Atan.<br />

ask, v. t., as a question, vi'lla, vlllI'nkia;<br />

a. questions repeatedly or<br />

continually, viilantana; a. for, vi'la,<br />

vulAnkia; a. for, beg repeatedly, shak6tka;<br />

a. for money, valuables, hllshZakta.<br />

a s l e e p, kts'natko; to fall a., kttnsha,<br />

kt.'Insbna; to be a., kt'na.<br />

a s s a i , v. t. gu'lki, gutalmpka; a<br />

with blows, ndut'pka. Cf. assault, v.<br />

assassinate, v. t., huslitch6ka;<br />

shiuga, pl. 1luela, Mod. It'ela, shuenka,<br />

hiishxg'gi. Cf. kill, murder,<br />

slay, v.<br />

assault, v. t., shkanr'tga; a. each<br />

other with stones, etc., shunttpka.<br />

Cf. assail, attack, v.<br />

a s s e m b 1 e, v. t., shifllki, shifiTlkipele;<br />

shit'dagia, Mod. shiulagien;<br />

a. by a call, sha'hmn6ka, sha'hmtligi,<br />

shuku'lki.<br />

a s s e m b l e, v. i.; cf. derivatives of<br />

radix Ilu-, under gather, v. i.<br />

a s s e in b I y, general a., shAuk i'lkislh.<br />

a s s e n t, v. i. huma'sit gi; nA-aslht<br />

gi, Mod. n6-asht gi; shew&ula.<br />

a s se r t, v. i., shflpa; h6mlikanka,<br />


.508 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

assimilate to, v.i.ilamorefreq.<br />

in the d., y'ala.<br />

a s s i s t, xv. i, hashatuaya, tchilla;<br />

a. each other, hashatuAya; a. as allies,<br />

shitchla, tchilla; a. a conjurer<br />

in his performances, lt'ttatka; a. in<br />

getting up, ktiuye'ga; a. in warfare,<br />

tehilla, tchinta; a. the opposite party<br />

in warfare, tchimta.<br />

a s s i s t a n t, conjurer's, lutc tkish.<br />

associate with, v. i., shawalinii'a,<br />

shftclila, shitchlzta.<br />

a ss o c i a ti on, ne'poks; to form an<br />

a., mupka.<br />

a S S U Dl e, v. t., sh'wa, he'wa. Cf.<br />

suppose, think.<br />

a s t r a d dl e, shkl ktlexiank; to sit<br />

ct., shkse.ktlexia.<br />

a s t r a v j to be a., yl-isfii, lVlalza,<br />

Iliihit; to go a., 16kanka, Itlyapka,<br />

lute]iipka, n l'kanka. Cf. stray,<br />

wanider, v.<br />

a t o ins ; (lust, nk!'ka; to be full of a.,<br />

nkf'ka; to grind to a., peksha.<br />

atr1phlied4; "dried up," n~i'tchatko.<br />

a t t a c It, v. t.; to hitch, shlitchta.<br />

attack, v. t., gti'lki, gutr'unpka,<br />

taslitti; with blows, ndLi'pka, shkanaga;<br />

to be on the point of attackinq,<br />

Iiuslit6pakta.<br />

attai n, v. t.; reach to, k'lka; a.<br />

through pursuit, peno'dsha. Cf.<br />

arrive, v.<br />

a t t e n p) t, v. t, kfko, tchulktxaga,<br />

I'ljAnni; a. morethanonce, keko-uya;<br />

a. many times, tchluktxak('Inka.<br />

at tent ion; to pay a. to, matchAtka;<br />

to listeni to, stevak']ak pa.<br />

a t t i r e, s , dress, garb, shu lItislh; a. of<br />

beads, ornaments, shnaw a'kisli; to<br />

be in full a., shulutamna; to put on<br />

a., while going, shuluatchna.<br />

a iu b u r n , as hair, mukmuikli.<br />

audacious, kilsh; to be a., hislnkita.<br />

a u g u r y; of good a., tidshi; of bad<br />

a., ki'lidshi.<br />

A ui u s t, nom. pr., corresponms inaccurately<br />

to the month tX 6 l)o iii<br />

its instr. case, txop6watka.<br />

a ui lt; father's sister, p'kUtchip-;<br />

mother's sister, p)'slhAkip.<br />

aurora borealis, slhnuya.<br />

a u t u in nn, shalain; it is a., sha'ldminlxa;<br />

the beginninq of a., slha'lId-<br />

Inal~otch.<br />

a v a i I; to no a., huni'shak, nri'nisak.<br />

a v a 1 a n c Ii e, snow-slide, .kuash.<br />

a v a r i c i o u s, widslhikislh; to be a.,<br />

wldshika.<br />

a v e r, v. t., shdwala.<br />

a v I o n e s hI e 11, ktchak, hliktash.<br />

a v o i d(, v. t., shlv1uya, shelllui(lds1a;<br />

sliuki6ta.<br />

a w a i t, v. t., the coming of somebody,<br />

sonmethingtr, tchawiltya; a. in a canoe<br />

the entering of the fish into a dip net,<br />

stilaka.<br />

a w a k e, v. t.; from sleep, skishi'ila.<br />

a w a k e, adj.; to become a., skishi'llt.<br />

a w are of, shAyuaksh; to be a. of,<br />

ku'iia; to become a. of, sliAyuakta,<br />

shemtclialxa.<br />

a wv a y, adv.; far, far away, kAl, k 'li:<br />

bcinq a., absent, n'g; when coil<br />

1weCted witli vorl s, as to senda ivaw

a. is expresseed by verbal prefixes<br />

(gu-,ku-), or suffixes (-tcha, -tchna,<br />

etc.); a. from, prep., welitana; a.<br />

from1 home, camp, i'wa, cf. fwag; a.<br />

from any houses, lodges, k'inmag.<br />

a w k w a r d, wennini, abbr. we'lrni.<br />

b a b b 1 er, wc'ttkish.<br />

1) a b y, nitl'ksh, Mod. shue'ntch; dimn.<br />

mIukaga, Mod. shnentchaga; b. boy,<br />

hiishu,6kga; b. girl, shnawedshka;<br />

b.-board, shunentclh, Mod. stiwiZ6tkish;<br />

small b.-board, KIl. shuentchaga.<br />

bachelor, hishuak sh keliak slinmtwedsh,<br />

tchiluish; old b., t'shika;<br />

lit. "old man."<br />

b a c k, of persons or animals, kdi'inat;<br />

behind on b., Ziimtetan; b.<br />

of quadrupeds, 61huisli; to carry<br />

o01 b. shalamna, sh6polainna, tuidslhna;<br />

to carry on b., shoulders,<br />

especially a load by strap, metk'la;<br />

to hold or carry on b., as baskets,<br />

skalyamna, skatkala, skatxa; to<br />

smear, line, rub on one's b., shiallamna;<br />

b. of chair, tchapata.<br />

b a c k, adv. When connected with<br />

verbs, as to walk b., it is usually<br />

expressed by the suffix -pli, -pele,<br />

-p'le; go b. ! kiiitak! Cf home, adv.<br />

b a c k o f, prep., behind, ki'lita.<br />

b a c k b i t e r, wiknish, din. wikni-<br />

Aga; to be a b., shmc'wala.<br />

b a c kbone, el1huishi.<br />

assimilate to-ball. 509<br />

13.<br />

a w 1, sakta; bone-a., wakash, kUtko<br />

sakta, sctkta.<br />

ax; small, tchiktchikash; large, shlakotkislb;<br />

heavy ax for felling trees,<br />

udshiteh6tkish.<br />

b a c k w a r d; to wialk b. like a crab,<br />

skV'-ika.<br />

bacon, pIt. Cf fat.<br />

b a d, kuidshi; of a b., mean character,<br />

p)apalish, tchAkalsih, sbaitiltptcbi; a<br />

man of b. intentions, hishuaksh klalidshi<br />

steinash; b., hateful, anim. and<br />

ian., tchektch6kli; b. thing! excl.,<br />

ke-ash!<br />

b a d g e r, Taxidea americana, kfIsl.<br />

b a d 1 y, kmti; to treat b., outrage,<br />

Ht'i sht'lta.<br />

bag, Lt'klaksh, wAkogshi, willishik;<br />

b. for provisions, tayash; long b. for<br />

grain, provisions, lxalfzlninish, w illishik;<br />

game b., shultilash Cf. sack.<br />

b a i 1, v. t., as a canoe, Ampu kit('ka.<br />

b a k e, v. t., b. or cook, huslin6'ka; b.<br />

in a pit, puka; b. provisions in the<br />

ground, awala, satnclha; one who<br />

is baking bulbs, roots, pitkish.<br />

balance, v. t.; to b. on one's arms,<br />

shiakshiaga.<br />

bald-headed, stakol6latko.<br />

b a ll, globiform body, lewash; play-b.,<br />

shaku6ash, lhwash, shuntoyakea-<br />

6'tkish; shu'p'luash, dimn. shupluiga;<br />

to play a b.-game, lewa; to play at b.

510<br />

1ENGLIS1 - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

or club, shfi-t6'ita. somekinds of balls,<br />

especially foot-b., shikt6kanksh;<br />

eye-I)., lIl'pain l6wash; b. of the<br />

foot, stAklinsh; rifle-b., nge-ish,<br />

shl'twalslh; cannon-b., mft'ni shawalsh;<br />

b.-shaped, kidkali.<br />

b a 11 o o n , Iiuslahrualkslh.<br />

b a n d y; to play b., shlfi-fi'ta.<br />

b a iik I especially wh1ern high, Wdlish,<br />

kiniklitko; on the opposite b. of a<br />

river', til'gslitant k6ke. Cf. beach,<br />

shore, water.<br />

b a n 1 e r , shi'l, ple'k. Cf. flag.<br />

b ar, v. t.; b. an entrance, opening,<br />

yankapshti.<br />

1) a r b e r , shmushnio'klish.<br />

barb er r y bushi, Berberi, aquij/Otiflm,<br />

wele'li.<br />

b a r e, b a r e d , expressed by the<br />

adv.<br />

skull.<br />

pila, or by ldliak. Cf.<br />

barkll, s., of tree, plant, ndse'dsh; coarse<br />

outer b. of tree, kn6-udshi; ndsb'dsli;<br />

Jibrous or inner b. of tree, st6palsh;<br />

to remove it, st6pela; b. scraper, khtlolsh.<br />

b a r k , v. i., pAtka, paklua, hIii'na.<br />

b) a r r e 1, Mod. wvakogsh<br />

b a I'<br />

r e n , kafttlua waW-ish ; said of<br />

a womnan, tehlitu; b., dry, rocky land,<br />

kIia't, Mod. kla'dshl.<br />

b a r t e r', v. t., hesheli6ta, shenifita,<br />

shilytta, shc'shatiii, shieslhatuika; to<br />

follow the bartcriniy trade, heslhelifta,<br />

shfyaLta; to rico)t(in by barterin!],<br />

heshyallpeli; to refturn ftoin barterinq,<br />

sheshatuitka.<br />

b a s e of play-ground, ydash.<br />

b a s h f u 1; b. person, k~l-i w'dtkislh.<br />

b a s k , v. t., in the sun, tcheleya<br />

tchatdtwa, pl. wawata'wa.<br />

1 bask e t, flat and round or ovoidl,<br />

bucket-like, kAla; seed-b. made ojf<br />

roots, mnit-i; conical, made of willows,<br />

yaki; large root-, seed-b., tchikela,<br />

diim. tchaklla-Aga; large root-digger<br />

b., Mod. hlivaslh; hand seed b, wek6tkislh;<br />

small rush- or reed-b., toluks,<br />

dini. tdli't~aga; b. filled with<br />

baked roots, fbod, i'lkslh; b.-shaped<br />

hat, made of' willows, tclhila; to<br />

carry about in a b., skalyanina, skiltkala,<br />

skdtxa; to, carry back or home<br />

on one's back, or in a b., skaittidshia,<br />

skatti peli; to hold in a large, or<br />

seed-b., skiyainna; to give in a 6.,<br />

skaiya.<br />

b a t, ktchfdshO', dim. ktchidslhost rI.<br />

b at h; to take a steamz-b., spAtIkli,<br />

Mod. lfinik6ka; to take a cold b.,<br />

p'wa, p&udsha; a hot b., kelua.<br />

b a t II e , v. i., in cold water, peiwa; to<br />

go and b., pe-udsha; locality for<br />

bathing, p6wash.<br />

b a t t I e, v. i., siss6ka, d. of shiuga<br />

with weapons, shen6tanka, sliellual;<br />

battling, shishlikash.<br />

b a t t 1 e , s., sladllualsh, shishu'kash:<br />

on a b.-field, shellualslikshi, Mod<br />

shellualsh mgfshi; to give b., sli('lltlal;<br />

to defeat in b., udt'ytua, uddpka;<br />

w~imltZi, Afodl. vuiiin.<br />

b e, v. i., gi; to b., exist, stay, gi; thl<br />

stalk is white, tclhelash palpali gi:<br />

to begin to b., to become, gi; nlot to b.<br />

on hand, present, kdi'gi; b. below, un-

derneath, in the shadow of, kshutila,<br />

pl. i-utila; b. in contact with, said<br />

of a long subj., tallga; b. on something,<br />

to stick to, gintana; b. on<br />

the ground, inan. subj., lbuka; b<br />

in a certain place, tehlia, tclhiZ(iga;<br />

pl. Wv'l, w.'dshuga; b. the property<br />

oj gl, gi'tko, cf. gi (4). b. sick,<br />

unwcll, k tli gi; Ini-asha, shila; to b.<br />

weclt, tidsh gi, tidslh lht'ishlta; b. together,<br />

shukit'lki; b. near, in contact<br />

with, or on edyc of the water, round<br />

subj., laliga; long subj., tallga.<br />

b e a c II, knaklitko; to formn a b., yulalirna;<br />

to stand at the b., liulhiga.<br />

Cf. banrk, shore, water.<br />

b e a d, yahi, dim. y

512 ENGLISH - KLAMATIL <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

b eautif ully, tldslh.<br />

fangs, naislilaikgislh; species of green<br />

1) e a tl t yr perisonal, _ afshishtchi. or purple b., tgulutch. Cf. bug.<br />

beaver, pu'm; beaver's (lent, putnam 1) efo r e, (1) prep. loc. b., in front of;<br />

wzAsh; beaver's teeth game, skil'sh ash. lupia, lupitana; (2) prep. temrp.<br />

1) e c k o n, v. i.; b. to somebody, kin- lhpitana, lupitan, ll'lpia; who or<br />

shipkia, kucta; b. with one's arm, what comes b., lupini, iupitnli; in<br />

hand, nikAnka; b. with the hand rank or age, tx&u; (3) conj., earlier<br />

to come, nepatka shahamliya. than, lt'piak; ka'yutell and kAyu,<br />

be c o m e, v. i.; to turn out as, k'leka, Mod. kayu.<br />

gi; to b. worse, ktii gi. When con- b e g, v. t., to ask for, vulla; b., as a<br />

nected with an adj., to become is beggar, shakotka.<br />

usually expressed by verbal suf- beg ga r, shashkl'itkish; papatalislh;<br />

fixes, as -ala, -tgi, and others. constant, persistent b., shashkotakta-<br />

Many of these verbs are attribulish.tive verbs at the same time; to b e g i n , v. t., at one end, tmuyega;<br />

b. rusty, hesX'tana, hslshlaktcha; connected with verbs, to b. is ex-<br />

to b. angry, kilua; cf. angry. pressed by the suffixes -<br />

b e d, shAhiash ; b. of the natives,<br />

sx6lakgisl, Mod sxu'lkish; slhlt-islh;<br />

to lie in b., skfl'lpka, pl. l6lumi;<br />

spuka, ipka, skU'llia; when sick,<br />

ipka; to go to b., to retire, skWI'Ixa,<br />

pl. h',ltalya.<br />

1) e d a it b, v. t., ita, Ipka, slii,'shka;<br />

b. oneself, pithk shi-ita, shi-ita. C£<br />

besmear, line, smnear, v.<br />

b)edbug, k6hiash.<br />

bedeloth, sllli-ish.<br />

) edstead a , sZulmllkish.<br />

be e, bi, h6ne-shl'lshatisih; beeswax,<br />

bi'san W

1) e l1, lakkash; little b., wawa-usli;<br />

church b., tintan.<br />

bellow, v. i., h~i'ma.<br />

b e I I o w s, shlnewalknotkisli.<br />

b e 11 y, nkasli to lie on b., lie fGat on<br />

the7 ground, wfnipka; to sprawl while<br />

lying or floatiny on b., willaslina.<br />

b e ll y- a c ht e, gutitgtyllasll; to have<br />

b.-a., nkAdsh mat'shla.<br />

b e 1 o n g in ing t o his, her, or its place,<br />

house, lodge, hunkelnisklni; b. to another,<br />

or to other tribes, lands, wennikni,<br />

atikni; b. to the other side,<br />

t'tkni; b. to me, g n-u, to thee, you, mi.<br />

1) e I o w, prep., hirntila, i-utila, tcliatila,<br />

inotila ; somebo(ly or somnetiling<br />

locateld, situated b., yvanaka!if,<br />

y>'anai, yantani; coming fiont' b., bei~ng<br />

leccp )., inunatallknii; to le, lie b.,<br />

ittila; be, sit, lie, stay li., tchutila, pl.<br />

lititila, wawatlia; be, exist, sit, lie b.,<br />

said of round ob;., lutfla; to bring<br />

firo11 b., y'ina; to put b , utila T to<br />

.stand b., tgutila, pl. levutila; to<br />

gake'mi.<br />

33<br />

be a ti fit 11 y- e s tow. 513<br />

b) e in d , s., to make a b., said of rivers,<br />

etc., sltchukalkidsha; of roads, gake'imi.<br />

be nea t h, prep., hintila, i-utfla, etc.;<br />

cf. below, under, underneath.<br />

b e n t, adj., tikiwatko, tishlilatko,<br />

Mod. tishfwatko; crooked, shtchislialkdtko;<br />

b. throutgh old age, tish-<br />

Zatko; to become b. by age, tishka.<br />

beitumbed, to be, v.pass.,ta'ps-<br />

Zoya; with cold, said of nose, ears,<br />

etc., katka; of extremities, ndal-itia.<br />

b) e r e a v e d; b. of the father, p'tfsh=<br />

lu'latko; b. of the mother, p'g^'sh=hulatko,<br />

cf orphlan; b. of his children,<br />

said of father only, tchaklak~itko; b.<br />

of her child, k'1ek~'da; of two or more<br />

children, said of mother only, lepklekatko.<br />

) e r ea v e m e nt; to sufer b., tchakl6xa,<br />

_'lek ila. Cf. bereaved, lose, v.<br />

b e r r y , iwam, lutish; a species of<br />

b., kdlaltchl; deadly berries, kla-<br />

tand(l 1). the one speaking, tliya.<br />

kUi'tch \!a'-uks; b.-paste mixed with<br />

camass, shlikalsh; to gather berries,<br />

1) e I t; skin b., kailish ; to put a b. on, sta-ila, habitually, I-nmala; to return<br />

kaIli.<br />

fronm b. harvest, i-uimaltka.<br />

1) e in c It, tchAwalkish.<br />

besmear, v. t., kakndga, or kaknega<br />

b e it d , v. t. ; b. backward or down- shlli


bestrew with, fdsxa; as with<br />

salt, Ita, shewAina.<br />

b e t , v t., to m)take bets, shtio; h6slilki,<br />

Mod., 116shgun.<br />

1) e t w e e n , (amid, i- utalmsXa; whein<br />

o(n sa11me level. tlanll, Ki. ttiqolam;<br />

b., inside of, within, i-ukak; often<br />

e~x)ressed by verbal suffixes: to be,<br />

stand b., tkiilamna, du. lu.tlamna,<br />

1)l. 1I'tilaninna; to dig b., met'tAinsza;<br />

to ftll b., hinsxaj to sto(Td b., tgftsZa.<br />

) e v e r a-g e, buno'kish.<br />

) e v v ; to Jbir-m a b., shlkf''lki, lfwa,<br />

tl'flflm, NV'I.<br />

b e w a i ], v. t., sludktc hia, ualtp)isllla.,<br />

lilh,, st~Ls'txishla.|<br />

b e w il d e r e d, Ikkatko, lekisll; to<br />

t)e b., bim11la.<br />

) e w i I de r i i e i t, state of; Ia'in-<br />

leinsll.<br />

b e w it c Ii, -. t., tiwi; to be bewitcled<br />

lby aI S101l, SlMIlZita; beicitchingq<br />

1)To sr,; shui'Sli.<br />

1) e y 0 ]d, g11il1ittl1I a; -1gunt'-slhta; referrimi<br />

to riNe Cs, etc.1 t6',slitalita<br />

referriin to o1111ntains, ttma; n .<br />

on the oppobitc side of the (*llal,<br />

house. iwvttit. (if. back of.<br />

b) i d, v. t.; b.fiarewc ll, slika; Lc. wlcome,<br />

stfilta ; cf. welcon(e.<br />

i) gi, bully, inl'iilli; wcide, broad, kinkimtko;<br />

tall, atim, abbN.% ti.<br />

1) i 'Lr ate , v. i., we-ukala.<br />

1) ii I , !pll, pIsli.<br />

I) i I I of' birds, sHLu'mil; to utse bird-bills I<br />

(U5 TicclkrCac', to wee eo<br />

bird-bcaks, sh 1111ia I t.<br />

necklace of<br />

b i I I o v , ]]kc'IsI ; to raIse bil sllo Ik611. ,<br />

b ill d, V. t.a l'ma; tic u(p, wo'pla;<br />

b. toqrether, skui'tawia , sl/I'lZa,<br />

tinkopka; b. into (t btundle, slhtila,<br />

slhltila. Cf. tie, wvind, v.<br />

b i r d , generic, teltikasli; lanuktua<br />

lhsaltko; forest-b., generic,<br />

telnka slh; species of 0ray, little forcst-b.,<br />

telaikasbh; youing or little b. of<br />

ally species, thliililiks; youlgyor little<br />

b. of the fivost, tclhililika : d(ucks,!eJcs,'l<br />

and all aquatic birds resemblhijt<br />

thlese, ni''makli. Th te following<br />

are the tamies of such bird-species<br />

of whicicl the Einlish e(quivalenlts<br />

couldi not be obtained: species of<br />

black b , ('AkVi, ]Ie-iilillshi; species of<br />

ft)-cst l) , sZi'b), tclIdshli~i, tchlixvititikaa,<br />

oa vttipkle-usl; species of ver'y<br />

,small b., williiashl; species (Of little<br />

black Jbrcst b., shaikiisll; species of<br />

ai /Jit lb., sp~ottedl w7illo's, ts"Is~llbs;<br />

slpecies (ot little b., iiaini'l;shl, 1)°)tsikasli;<br />

species of' lquiatic b , tslke<br />

t6iuslX, tchiakiuks; Species of' little<br />

whllite auptalic b., ktt'liiiv wsh.<br />

1) i t , n)wrsci, t(Ihe 1Q5 sl ; (l little I). of;<br />

ktitela, ]kiklac, kintkak; a little b. 1f<br />

ie', Ikitclkztili we Ns;<br />

br1idle.<br />

bl idle-t)., cf.<br />

i) it clI, II (shiilo wvatchat-a; youngl<br />

b , Iidlilliliia garl WVate~la g~.t<br />

1)i t e , v. t. t<br />

gleeric: koka; b). atdibly,<br />

piui'kpuka ; 1,. each other, kotlylmt;<br />

b. onles(Il, accidentally or Ol<br />

purpose, slhuk6ka; b. oneself in the<br />

tonque or lip, slhok6tana; b. sonmebo(dy<br />

in the bone, ko-itchlatelita; b.<br />

in the ha r : fur, ku teliahl, coltr.

gh'tchlala; kuatchaka; b. into, kok;i,<br />

kunhtclaka; b. off, kuiitcha; b. off a<br />

piece, particle, kwil'shka; b. offfromi,<br />

or holes into, kua'ka; b. off winute<br />

portions, to nibble, kaakakslhka; b.<br />

offfrom a surface, kueknola; b. repeatedly,<br />

ki'pka; to b., itch, kupka;<br />

b. the shin, as lice, kuatcli'ki; b., as<br />

snakes, stci'ka; to b. through, kowvAktcha;<br />

what bites the tongue, ibt'Itka<br />

mnatko.<br />

b i r t 1h; to yive b., to be confined, we'kala,<br />

nk-a'kgi; to give b. to twins,<br />

a1 peala; to triplets, ndana'yala.<br />

b it t er, ka-Ai m~t'shitko, niblikamnatko;<br />

it tastes b., ka-Ai mna'sha.<br />

b) iv al v e, kle'dslu.<br />

b l a c k, puslip6slli; adv. pI~ltshpl))lsh;<br />

b bear, witiiV'n, cf. bear; b. snake,<br />

w;'mninaksh; a b.substancerearlded<br />

as a cause of disease, g-'pal; to becoie<br />

b. frontm smioke, etc., skelxa; to<br />

paint onesecf ivith, b. paint, shuttptaslhui.<br />

b 1 a c k b e r r y , ti'ltaikslaill lutisli;<br />

b. shrub, tiltankslhani.<br />

b1} a c k b i r d, Brewer's, Scolccophagas<br />

cqyanoccjphaltts, tcheka-a; b.,<br />

species of Ayclaius: tcho'kslhash.<br />

1) l c ken, v. t., pzshIlstll slt'ta;<br />

to b. shoes, boots, ludso'sha.<br />

i) Ia C k i s hI, puslhpt'hlfltkani.<br />

Bla(, k Lake, non. pr. of a lake<br />

near Kinaatl iMarsh, Lko'ni A'-ush.<br />

b I a c k s in i t I , tCll tVkoinen- nipcinptish,<br />

watiti -shI'sllatisli.<br />

black-tail d(eer, Cervas columbianus,<br />

shu.'I-i.<br />

bestre wv with-blood. 515<br />

b I a d d e r of any kind, shuldslhash;<br />

b. fastened on something, lawl'tlash,<br />

usually abbr. lliwalsh ; swimming b.<br />

offish, sm t'links, shuidshash t6ksli;<br />

b. blown unp, shIpnusli; -urine b., shuItchashliawalash,<br />

kan.<br />

b 1 a d e; long b., te'kish; knife b., wati.<br />

b 1 a m e, v. t., koktkInslhka, shakAkta,<br />

shakAktn a, shkaiilqa.<br />

b 1 a n k e t; woolen or skin-b., sku'tash;<br />

a kind of b., pdi'ka; wrapped, clad in<br />

a b., ski'ttatko; to make a b. from<br />

small patches, teshashkuAla, sku'tchala;<br />

to dress oneself in a b., skitta,<br />

skutIa, sku'tchala. Cf. robe, mantle.<br />

b 1 a s t, of wind, shlewish.<br />

b l a z e, v. i.; to flame, nuita; to b. up,<br />

natkalga, tgepalii'ga; to b. up by<br />

the wiind or by itself, hutka, niliwa.<br />

b 1 e a r - e y e d, papatkawatko, tclictchapkatko.<br />

b l e a t, v. i., b'ina.<br />

b 1 e e d, v. t., tch6kelala; v. i., pf'lpa,<br />

tchekelifa.<br />

b 1 e n d, v. i.; blending insensibly, said<br />

of colors, nuataXatko.<br />

b 1 i n d, papa'dshatko; to become b. of<br />

one eye, pa'dslia, of both, papt'dsita.<br />

b li n k, v. i., kelamtchtainnra, shakelhmtclia;<br />

b. with one eye, knadshikia.<br />

b 1 o c k of wood, Ainku.<br />

b l o c k h e a d, pitkewisl-nt~V'shi or<br />

p.=shu'mr.<br />

b 1 o n d e , fuir- hair ied, rnukinfikli.<br />

b l o o d, tchc1k6li; to lose b., to blecd,<br />

pfi'pa, tchekelila; to extract b., tchckelala.


b 1 o o mi , v. i., oL blossom, v. i.<br />

b 1 o s s o ml , shhlpsh ; I6-tishiam, usUally<br />

in the d. form: lele-usham;<br />

having blossoms, shlipshaltko, lel&usam<br />

gl'tko.<br />

b 1o s s 0111, v . i., slhlhpa; blossoming,<br />

shlhpshaltko.<br />

1) I o W , s.; to strike a b., winllla;<br />

again, Nvialah'tpole; to come to blows,<br />

shiiga, espec. d.: siss6ka; shiukita,<br />

d. sissuktiya; to give blows with a<br />

stick, etc., udlipka, ulduipkpa; to<br />

give blows to each other, shuktapka,<br />

Mod. ndtiyua, ktuyua; to return<br />

blows, shekalktcha; to threaten with<br />

blows, husla'slia, hIt'slitza; to attack<br />

with blows, ndft'pka.<br />

b lo w, v. i., said of winds, shle'wi;<br />

of the east wind, y 6 wa; of the north<br />

wind, yalma; ofjthe west winid, tzailama;<br />

of the south wind, mnria ; to<br />

b. across, over, iviklnslia; b. around<br />

in the sky, shlewflamna; b around,<br />

as storms, vuyAinma; b. (it, toward,<br />

willina, b. at, after, aroun(a, r wilamna;<br />

b. at or upon persons, wvita,<br />

slilewfta; b. continuall~?y, wvitcla; b. a<br />

gentle breeze, ushikslika, Mod. ushiika;<br />

b. dlown upon, wita, wvitna; b.<br />

(lownr into, witila; b. into, wilhila;<br />

b. off witna; to b. out, emit air, wiva;<br />

b. out *fromn?, out of, witka, Wit/l(;<br />

b. through, said of strong air-drafts,<br />

wili ; b. throuqh, Iig'ht air-drafts,<br />

itkidsblin; b. uiderncath, into, witila;<br />

to cease blowing, wilyi.<br />

1)1 o0 IN, v. t.; wi, thl e Mcwouth, pilwal,<br />

pni- iAkshla, shlC'Nvi ; lutfrout j 1omouth,<br />

witpn6la; b.into, piiiutakta; b. smoke<br />

into, wlIuka; b. out of, down, or away,<br />

pninlina, witka; b. outa candle, etc.,<br />

pino'ptcha, pnI-uklslila; b. it, pufwa;<br />

to be blown up, shipnif; bladder<br />

blown up, inflated, shpnush; b.<br />

breath from one's mouth, shliewitakm'il1a.<br />

B 1 o Av, Iiono. pr. of a head chief, P''lft,<br />

S6ld'hoks.<br />

b I u e; sky-blue, miitchmJi'tehfi; b. oJ<br />

the b.jay, tecxe-utclbz-uptehli; purple-b.,<br />

'inmnashi )tchi ; b. mixecl with<br />

gray, bluish-gray, said, t. i. of waterbirds,<br />

nmi'kmiikli; b.-colored beads,<br />

pulli'dslla.<br />

b 1 u n t , kuhi Pikatko; to be b., k.'i<br />

tAka.<br />

blush, v. i., ndc'tchka, Mod. ndetcltgi;<br />

tia'ztk~i.<br />

b l u s h i n g, s., ndetchkish.<br />

b o a r d, of lumber, paipkash; b., if<br />

cut with the ax, tutclhyatko 'tnku;<br />

baby-b., shilentel, Mod. stiwiyotkish;<br />

wigwam constructed of boards,<br />

tke'eplaksh; provided with headand<br />

foot-b. (grave), titndsxatko.<br />

b oa t, vtI'nsh, dim. vunshciga; sail-b.,<br />

slmneklotclhnotkisli= vfi'nsh; vt'insh.<br />

b o at m ac 11, siplyamnish.<br />

b o d y; b. alive or dead, human oi,<br />

aninal, tchi'deksh; cubiform b., shewatfl<br />

x(ash; b. of people belonging toeth<br />

er, mnlpoks; to form a b. of people.<br />

ni(' pka; (lead human b., k'leklitko,<br />

tchi'llksl-i; b. of child, tchuleukaoga.

) o g gy, tupe'shti; to be b, tup6na.<br />

I, o i , v. i., said of water; lukua,<br />

klpka; b. and throw up bubbles,<br />

nduipualxa. Cf. boiling.<br />

b o i 1, v. t., n6ka, taluodsha; b.<br />

liquids, shnekalpka, tchilhla; b.<br />

meat, etc., tchila'la; vase used for<br />

boiling, tchilal6tkish.<br />

boiling, kelpoksh, kluasb, 16kuash;<br />

to be at b. heat, h'ikua.<br />

b o 1 d, ka-i vu'shish; b. warrior, fiqhter,<br />

kilosh. Cf. brave.<br />

b o It, v. t., as a door, ktIuga.<br />

b o lt, s., ktiukish.<br />

bombard, v. t., to throw at, shutuyakiea;<br />

slinikiwa, Mod. shnik6a.<br />

bondsman, lu'gsh.<br />

b o n e, ki'ko; beads of b., kako, yahi;<br />

string of b. beads, kako yamnash;<br />

awl of b., walkash; kako sakta,<br />

s6'kta; backbone, 6lhuish; clavieular<br />

b., nt&ish; jawbone, k6ko;<br />

skull-b., nushti kako; cf. skull.<br />

b o o k, pipa; writing b., cover, leaf of<br />

b., pipa.<br />

b o o t, stIkshui.<br />

bore, v. t., keka, shika; b.through,<br />

tkdka, tueka; b. one's nose-septum,<br />

hAslitka; b. another's nose, stu'lka;<br />

small boring instrument, tuek6tkislh.<br />

Cf. perforate, pierce, v.<br />

b o r i n g, aperture, ibekantko.<br />

born, to be, gi'nlxa; where are you<br />

b.? tit i gI-ul6xatk?<br />

b or r ow, v. t., villxa.<br />

b o s o m, vusho; of females, edshash.<br />

1) o s s, laki , haslhtaltamprktko.<br />

517<br />

M 1n AA 51<br />

. I . .. E, .<br />

- 11<br />

b o t h, lapok; at b. places, spots,<br />

lapukni; b. times, lapukni.<br />

h o t t 1 e, bunuo'tkish, K1. walkogsli;<br />

orifice of b., ginxantko.<br />

b o t t o m, of barrel, lake, river, etc.,<br />

lemuna; down in the b., muina, munana;<br />

dry river b., kokalam p'lkuish,<br />

kupku'pele; to be at the b.,<br />

or to swim near the b. of the water,<br />

lemuina.<br />

b o u g h, of tree, we'k, dim. wekaga;<br />

of coniferous tree, pu'slhxam.<br />

b oulder, mfi'ni kti-i; high b, cl;f,<br />

walish.<br />

b o u n c e, v. i., kshii'itclma, h'lyeka;<br />

b. over an obstruction, hirnputiaxi('a,<br />

Mod. mbut6'Ze.<br />

b o u t; to have a b., sissukuiya, sissoka,<br />

shu'ka. Cf blow, s.<br />

b o w, v. i., for a welcome, t'ttk'utka<br />

b o w, as a weapon, withi or without<br />

arrows, ntW-ish, dim. ntWynga;<br />

b. and arrows for bird-hunters, tAldshi,<br />

dim. taldshiaga; armed with b.<br />

and arrows, taldshitko; b. made from<br />

the tsu'pinksham yew-tree, tst'lp)inksh;<br />

to draw the b. for shtooting,<br />

shlatampka, shl6wala; to make a<br />

small b., nteyakala.<br />

b o w of boat, canoe, pf ash.<br />

b o w e 1, _aya; the bowels, nkash;<br />

soft bowels of the tsth'pkislh-fish,<br />

tsuf'pkish.<br />

b o w 1, kApa, dim. kapaga; large b.<br />

made of scirpus, etc., maksha. Cf.<br />

cup, vase.<br />

bowstring, na'hlish; todrawtheb.<br />

for shooting, shlatampka, shb ( vala.

.518 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

1) ox, iwiZ6tkislh, bo6x; little b. with<br />

a lock, nmiwiZ('tkish.<br />

1)o y, tchdki, dim. tchlakiO (ga; kitehkf'ni<br />

hishllndkga, usually aI)b)r.<br />

kitclhkdni; b. in the sense of son,<br />

w(vash, dim. we'ka; b.-child, young<br />

b., Up to adult age, hislhudkla; b.<br />

betwteenl ten a((l fifteen, tCeiltyil-gaj<br />

b overfifteen, telifluish.<br />

1) r a r , v. i., to be 4Jbraliny, s 1 l1)fldt.<br />

1) r a i d , v. t., one's own hair, shldltkpka,<br />

sliukat'nola.<br />

1) r a i d; hair-b of males, on temples,<br />

shdkpaksh; hair-1). of femnales, on<br />

back, we5ktashi; to gather one's hair<br />

into a b., shdkpka, slaukat'no'la<br />

1) r a i n , tApsnu k, Mod. tl6Zo.<br />

1) r a n, le'p.<br />

b r a n c It of tree, shribl), we'k, dim.<br />

wxlkaga; ankn ; willow 1b. used as<br />

framne for struetr1e s, lshi'klak.<br />

b) r a n clh o ii t, v. i., into limbs, twigs,<br />

roots, wx'-ukala.<br />

1) r a n d i s h, v. t., above one's head,<br />

sha-ulola. Cf. swing, v.<br />

b)randy, 1dm.<br />

b r a n t, Anser canadensis, ldlak.<br />

I) r a s s, kUkii'kli waltiti; ef. cop-<br />

lelr, l)ronze.<br />

h r a v e, adj., litchlitehli; killitko;<br />

plucky, kA-i vi'lshish; b. fighter, killank<br />

shishtikish.<br />

1)r a v e, s., sheshalolish, shishlukish;<br />

in the sense of man bearing<br />

armns, hlshnaksh, Mod. hislavitchqash.<br />

b r a v e 1 y, litchlitclh.<br />

b r a w 1, v. i., tchiluty6a.<br />

i r aay, v. i., Lhi'ma.<br />

b r e a d, pdla-ash, Mod. sh'pole; to<br />

make b., shute'shla<br />

b re ad t 1; to nmake of the samie I.,<br />

hlishZ0el llla.<br />

h)re ak; v. t.; generic: to fracture,<br />

disintegrate, k.wa, pl. ng-ul~dslha,<br />

ngt'inislhka; b. asunder, as strings,<br />

etc., kltta, u gndta, pl. ngt'Ilds].;<br />

long obj., tekua, tk('!wa; - katclki,<br />

akdtchga; shlkttka; onelongolbj.<br />

in one place, yeknia; in many<br />

places, yekewa; b. down, as treelimbs,<br />

ukewa, pl. ikewva, i-akc'wa;<br />

b into fragm)ents, 1)ortions, tk( wa,<br />

shepdtxat ; b. hollow obj., pdka<br />

(mbaka, mblika); b. hollow obj. by<br />

letting them fall, inb)tklal; broken,<br />

patkatko; b. a law, ordinance, etc.,<br />

yekua, pl. yekewa; b. one's lib)s,<br />

tchhma; iii one place, sh(yaklna 1).<br />

off, remnove fromn by breaking, ngotishka,<br />

yekiialola; b. to pieces, ndshltpka,<br />

pl. pekcwa; uke'wa, pl. ikewa;<br />

b. by punching, spdka; b. by striking,<br />

f. i., strings fastened at one end,<br />

ka'tchka; b., sinash, as glass, tehl 6ya;<br />

b. through, across with the foot,<br />

ukewa; pl. ik(wa; 1) up connection,<br />

sheo-Atza.<br />

1) re a k , v. i , b by itself, be broien,<br />

hollow things, p)dlka, (inbdka); b. or<br />

fall off nde-ushka; br. of, snalp,<br />

ngdta, 1)1n'gldsha ; b. dlan, as rotten<br />

wood, te-ute wa; b. (lown by exhaustion,<br />

tgelxa, pl. luelmhiha; 1). or<br />

be broken to pieces, go to pieces, sh in-<br />

Ii kllshka.

1) r ei s t, vush6; female, edshash ;<br />

of cattle, horses, sx6dshish; to carry<br />

on one's b., chest, shakakAga.<br />

1) r e a t I, and breathinq, s., hukIsh<br />

to lose b., puta; to emit b., wIka.<br />

I)reatlle, v. i., h6ka; b. in, b.<br />

((/(ain, hokinipdle; b. audibly, hl 'ka;<br />

hcaorilY, lIleka; b from internal heat,<br />

klp(a; b. upon parts of one's body,<br />

slhahlka.<br />

box-bristle ) l.9<br />

back, 6mp)eli, idshA ml)mli, ltpainpq i.<br />

B. along with, forcibly or not, said of'<br />

pelsons and quadrupeds, splinshniia,<br />

pl. 6Tia, Modl. idshla, idlshim, ghikanka;<br />

b. along towards, spft'nshipka,<br />

fbr another-, spiunslnipkia; back<br />

or home, spI'nnktclhapel i, spuntpanmpoli;<br />

on pu)srOS, splIn61tia, pl. Itpa;<br />

while on one's mRarcch, spl'mktclia;<br />

back again, spnntgAtnp6.le; b. to<br />

bedl, bliushk'a ; b. close to, near to,<br />

ktfi'tpna; 1). for or to somebody, 'in<br />

l) reech - cI o u t, kaIlish; b.-c. of<br />

huckskin, formerly worn by females,<br />

hiassuishiish, hishtchish- somebody's interest, enfa; b. infor-<br />

Zash.<br />

mation, news, stillidzi nka, stfitchnii<br />

1) r e e d, v. t. and i., hhAt-a.<br />

b. inside, indoors, within, spAI'llIi, pl.<br />

1) r e e d i n g, s., lalA-ish. Cf. brood. fluI ; b. a liqui(l in one vase, tchi-<br />

br e e z e, shle'wish; it blouws a gentle ktcha, telIamna; b. long obj., epka,<br />

b., ushfkshka, Mod. ushika.<br />

Mod. Atp'a, pl. itl)a, tpamnia; b. one<br />

b r i c k, shun'tetko t6pesh, ktA-i; b.- long obj. carried on the arms,<br />

ho use, ktA-i ]stchash.<br />

kshena, kshukaitkal; to go and b,<br />

h r i d e; she is a b., shuimpsealu.1pka iktcha; b. on, to cause, ne-ulxa; b. on,<br />

l1iiit.<br />

as disease, ne'p)ka; b. out, as out of'<br />

l)rideg roo m; he is a b., shump- the lodge, or to the grave, is]la,<br />

sealuApka hni't.<br />

ishnm'la, flktcha; b, roun(l obj., h'-<br />

1) r i d g e, shhInkish ; to erect a b., ka; go and fetch, ht'ktcba, lcWpka<br />

sldankosbla.<br />

b. thin obj., ne'pka, nena; b., sheet-<br />

bridle, shtchi'ktxislh; b.-bit, ti'tkisl. like obj., shhlepka; back or home,<br />

b r i e f, referring to timne, t

520 5ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

b r i t tl e, tche-ini.<br />

b r o a d, mi'i kinkuitko; kinkutko.<br />

broil, v. t., n6ka; b. in a pan,<br />

slinitchlikua; b. on the hot coals,<br />

tchlala'la, n6kla.<br />

b r o n z e, kiika'li wdtiti; b.-colored,<br />

kaka'kli.<br />

b r o o d, leledshi, wewdash ; the<br />

young b., wewceka; b. of birds, tclililiks.<br />

Cf breeding.<br />

b r o o k I l

tlantchish; h. leather, b. strap, pukewish;<br />

b. robe, skitash; to dress in it,<br />

skuta; b. robe fringed with porcupine<br />

quills, shmaiyalsh.<br />

b u d, s., shlApsh; having buds, shlapshaltko.<br />

Cf. blossom.<br />

buffalo, yuh6.<br />

b u g; fly-b, tumble-b., shki'shgish;<br />

lady-b., shnu'slntotch=gftko; lightning,<br />

or fire-b., tchS'tchlai; another<br />

species, tchatchlaiptchi; species of<br />

black b., le'luisli; species of little<br />

round black b., tchiiyupiksh<br />

b u g l e m a n, shlushlolluish, shtosht6tislh.<br />

build, v. t.; b. a lodge, house, etc.,<br />

lhtcha, Mod. stina-a; b. a lodge covered<br />

with bulrush, stin,'t-a, Kl. and<br />

Mod.; b. a summer- or slab-lodge,<br />

ng'lal''plxca; b. a winter house, luldemrlzlXa<br />

b. af ire, especially camp-fire,<br />

shn ttita, shinepka, shii'dsha; b. a<br />

file onr a journey, shne'na; b. a new<br />

fire, or a fire every day, shfi'dshapeli;<br />

b. a fire for cooking, shute'la.<br />

b u i I d e r; house-b., hlldsislh.<br />

building, latchash, Mod. stina'sh;<br />

constructor of buildings, lldsish.<br />

b ulb, vegetable, lbuika, lutish; eatable<br />

b., growing wild, malklaksam pAsh;<br />

larqe b.-shaped fruit, inuflbu'ka.<br />

b u I k y, mulni; kinkutko.<br />

b u II, shlfldksaliltko.<br />

bullet, nge'-ish; b. ladle, shulal6tkishj<br />

b. pouch, shultilaslh.<br />

bullfrog, ltarba pipiens, k6e; small<br />

b., kufiga.<br />

1) 11 1 y , slhislhokislh.<br />

brittle-burial. 521<br />

b u 1 r u s h , or tule; generic terni for<br />

larger kinds of b., ma'-i, in Mod.<br />

often: tkap; overgrown with bulrushes,<br />

mayaltko; largest species<br />

of b., Scirpus validus, m.t-i; other<br />

species: na's, tch'k, witchpai; 1).<br />

mat, laptak; ma-i, mc't-i shia-ish,<br />

shila-ish; stApsh, steW-ulash,slilet'hish;<br />

coarse b.-m at, laptak, ma'a-i shIlA-ish; to<br />

gathier, collect b., mayalsha. Cf. reed.<br />

bumble -bee, mu'mumsh.<br />

b u m m e r, yampkash.<br />

b u n c h, sXu'tash; round b. of grass,<br />

lbutka; to be, exist together in bunches,<br />

lfwa, tchipka; to carry about articles<br />

in a b., shtchlIyamna; to somebody,<br />

shtchidsliapka; to gather, unite articles<br />

in a b., shtchipka; growing or<br />

united in the same b., shantchaktAlltko,<br />

tchbpkatko; to tie up into a b,<br />

s'jta, shl'lxa.<br />

b u n. d 1 e, metkalsh, sxu'tash, shultilatko;<br />

if long-shaped, shutflatko; to<br />

form a b., tchipka; to tie up into a<br />

b., sZf'ita; to tie up into a long-shaped<br />

b., shutila. Cf bunch.<br />

b u n g, lakish.<br />

b u n g, v. t.; b up, cork, L'tkia, ta'kia;<br />

bunged up, taki'tko.<br />

b u r, of pine, tchatchgalam, Mod.<br />

tchatceligilinks.<br />

b n r d e n , especially when carried on<br />

back, shoulders, metkalsh, metkaltko;<br />

heacy b., ylvltantko; to carry a b.,<br />

me'tk'hl, n1('tklani ena.<br />

burial, isltillktclha; b.place,p'nankish;<br />

tribal or frawily b. ground,<br />

tcllpinu. Cf. bury, v.

5)22 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

b u r n, v. t., shni'lta; b. up, niltta;<br />

b., cause pain, te'kteka; to be burnt,<br />

charred up, naltspka, n6lka; b., while<br />

cOmin- in contact with, the body, as<br />

nettles, u'hlopaltana; b. corpses, lilukshila;<br />

b. to death., kill by burniny,<br />

slinutelh6ka; b. down, slllat ;<br />

lj., sinye off, slinuvy-)]k

c a b i n. Cf. buiild, v., house, lodge.<br />

cabinet-maker, vulinish.<br />

ca1)1e, t'lntish; k't'lks.<br />

c a c 11 e, Ipakshl, p'n'anlikidsh, vulrn,<br />

viimish ; to 1)reserne, kee) in a c.,<br />

Tpka, ilkslila; to bury, put into a c.,<br />

flktclla, p'namna, vunif; hiwidslia.<br />

e a g e , for wild or other animals,<br />

kshiwi6tkish, Mod.<br />

c a if, in'islhmushani lele'dshi.<br />

calf of leg, tch'laslh; y6wish.<br />

call, v t.; c. out, shout, hanm6asba;<br />

c. somebodNI to come, c. out for,<br />

slhltma, shetma; c. back or home,<br />

shatmaipele; c. each other opprobrious<br />

epithets, shimhfi'tchnai; c.<br />

somebody saucy names, shalalima;<br />

c. by name, shdsha, 6lZa sheshash,<br />

or simply: eIxa; c. oneself by name,<br />

sheklxa; c. out, c. to the spot, shalami'lya,<br />

sha'hm6ka, slL'tma, shetma;<br />

c. upon, visit, sheta'ltcha; c. a<br />

co njutrer for help, shi1ikia; to go and<br />

c. a conjurer for help, shuakidsha;<br />

so called, nia-asht shesliatko, n. sh&shash<br />

or simply: sh('shatko.<br />

c a ll o s i t y, on foot or haad, t'lkak.<br />

c a m a s s, the bulb of Camassia esculenta,<br />

puiksh; in the c. season, pu'kshami;<br />

berry-paste mixed with c., shakalsh;<br />

to bake c., pl'ika; to diq,gather,<br />

collect c., po'ksalsha; c.-stick, Aimda,<br />

ineyotkish.<br />

burn-caps u le. 523<br />

C.<br />

c a amp, s, tchi'sh; c. abandoned,<br />

tchlwish; in one's c. or lodge, towards<br />

one's c., hlI, h1V7 i; away, fir<br />

from c., ki'iinag, i'wa; not far from<br />

C., lwag; night-c., tchi'sh; to pitch c.<br />

while traveling, ml'ktcha, niAktehna;<br />

to pitch c. to stay, in lIm a; to pitch c.<br />

again, maiklakpeli; to pitch c. away<br />

from house, lodqe, rmlwva; to pitch<br />

C. in the mountains, etc , m'akuala,<br />

ma'kuaslsa. Cf. camping-grounld.<br />

c an m p, v. i, mAkle6a: c. out while<br />

on a trip, ln-Aktcha, mAktchna; to c.<br />

in the mountains, ef. camp, s.<br />

campaign, shellualsh.<br />

camping-ground, tchb'sh; of<br />

Indians, mi'klaksam tchl'sh; c.-g.<br />

in the mountains, etc., midkualkslh.<br />

c a n, c a n n o t. Cf. able, unable.<br />

c a n a I, excavated channel, stiinshish.<br />

c a n n o n, mfi'ni luloksgish.<br />

c a n o e, dugout c., vunsh, dim. viinshaga;<br />

leakinq or rotten c., e-ukik;<br />

c.-pole, lZik. Cf. awvait, v.<br />

canlon, pctksh.<br />

c a n t e e n, soldier's, shultIlash<br />

c an v as, shI'l; c. spread out, cf. sail.<br />

canvas-back duck, klilla.<br />

cap, tchulyesh; a sort of high c.,<br />

pWikalsh or p. tchlyesh. Cf. hat.<br />

c a p s u 1 e, of seeds, ndsb6-'dsh, tehilak;<br />

tchWitcbga lam, Mod. tehatehgrtlinks.

524 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

c a p t i v e, s., lut'gsh; to take a c. in<br />

war, lI'gslhla.<br />

c a p t u r e, v. t., shni'ka, shnt'lkua;<br />

c. agaii6, slult'kpeli; c., anim. obj.,<br />

spO nshna, pl. shn'ika; c. for enslaving,<br />

lfi'gshla; c., as a fly, kshekii'ila;<br />

c. by hand, as lice on one's<br />

own head, h6ksaska; c. while going,<br />

running, shnt'ktcha.<br />

c a r b i n e, 1i1loksgisli. Cf. gun.<br />

c a r d, or c.-board, pipa.<br />

c a r e, v. t.; c. for, shl6'pka, slulepopka;<br />

don't care if! ft'tch!<br />

ca re, s.; to take c. of, manaqe, sluialalialnipka,<br />

shl'pka, shhlepopka,<br />

Iiashtaltampka; to take c. of oneself,<br />

sassa ga.<br />

c a r e f II 1, tidshkitnki.<br />

c a r e s s , v. t., by stroking, pattinq,<br />

Mtelatc 'k~a, ptch Aklxa, Kl. pte 1ilklxa;<br />

to hug and c., dlt'tkua, slhul(laku"L.<br />

ea r o u sa l, lekalnkish; to partake in<br />

c., lekanka.<br />

c a r o n s e, v. i., lekanka.<br />

c a r p e n t e r, plapkaslhslllushatish.<br />

Car riage, tchiktclbik. Cf. wagon.<br />

c a r r i e r, of dispatches, stilkakuish.<br />

c a r r o t, pawatch.<br />

carr y, v. t.; for generic terms, cf.<br />

introductory remark to bring, v.;<br />

c. about, long obj., i1yamna, pl.<br />

I-amna; c. about in the arms, kshukatkal;<br />

kslihna, pl. 'na; about oneself,<br />

as in the pocket, hakshaktclui; a<br />

liquid in one vase, tchliamna, tcluktciha;<br />

c. under the arm, arms, situtila,<br />

shitfila; e. away, off, with or<br />

without permission, ana, At'nsha; by<br />

kidnapping, as a child, ksbukaltkal;<br />

to abstract, anuliipka; tmeslika, pl<br />

yime'shka; put out of sight, ilktclha; c.<br />

back or home, 6'mpeli, pl. itpa mpeli,<br />

and, more Mod. than Ii.: idshamnpeli;<br />

c. home or back isi a basket,<br />

skittidslia, sktitxipeli; c. on one's<br />

bacA, slilamnna, sihepolamna, tl'ldslna;<br />

by means of a string on forehead,<br />

metk'la; by means of a basket,<br />

skIlayamna, sklitkala, ska txa;<br />

c. before oneself, as winds, vuhupi 'ga;<br />

c. beneath the clothing, shitila;<br />

c. in a bucket, pail, sho'dshdna, stena;<br />

c. bulky, heavy obj., ena, pl. ldslia,<br />

Idshna; c. a burden, load, mintk'la,<br />

mentklank dna; c. in hand, siho'dslhna,<br />

stena ; when in a bunch, slitchlyamna;<br />

c. on one's head, tudslina,<br />

shta-t1da; c. home, cf. c. back; c. an<br />

infant tied to its board, e nti a;<br />

c. long or anim. ol)j., dna, pl.<br />

idsha, idslhna; wlhen unseen or at<br />

a distance from the one speaking,<br />

1tpa, pl. and coll. itpa, itplia,<br />

itpamna; c. inside, indoors, within,<br />

spA'liii, pl. illii; c. by mail, euna; c.<br />

a message, news, stilli dinka, stiltelIka,<br />

stiltelmna; c. on shdoulders, shfkiatika,<br />

slhlixia, Mod. shldiimian ena;<br />

c. off, sheet-like ob j., shl('tpa, ef. c.<br />

away; c. off from, Ika, itAa; c. out<br />

of, isia, ishnmilla; c. out Air burial,<br />

islha, ishnuila, flktclha; c. round obj.,<br />

lena, lhka; to go and c., hl'ktcha,<br />

1(kpka ; c. to or for somebodv, enw;<br />

when in a bunch, slitcfldsampka; c.

thin obj., ne'pka, nena; c. upward,<br />

uphill; one obj., ya'na, ksliawaln(ga -<br />

to help in carrying, shilo.'tcha. Cf.<br />

bring, fetcll, hal, v.<br />

cart, tchiktchik. Cf. wa0gon.<br />

c a s c a d e, nshaitehltZisli; to formn a<br />

c., nsla'tcbtXi, ntft'Itki.<br />

Cascade. R ange, norn. pr. loc.,<br />

Ys'maakisham Yaiia.<br />

case, iwixotkislh; c., especially of<br />

round shape, Avalkogsh; c., loose<br />

covering, shl'lislh, latktchisli; cf.<br />

pillow.<br />

C a. s k, wdko-sh, Mod(.<br />

e a s k e t , iwiz6tkisli; little c. that can<br />

be locked, m iiwin6tkish.<br />

c a s t, v. t.; c. down, ptlAZa; c. away,<br />

abandon, anim. and inan. obj.,<br />

kidsla, kedslina ; c. away continually,<br />

k6kanka; c. away as useless,<br />

etc., puiedslia; c. back, puekampeli;<br />

c. below, puetila; c. down bulky,<br />

round obj., slhikIwa; c. down to<br />

the ground or into a lodge, puIL1hi; C.<br />

off, remove, long obj., vutodslia; c.<br />

up in the air, vtutnlXa; c. upon,<br />

into, pualala; C. a deadly spell upon,<br />

tinwi; c. a shadow, snillhia.<br />

c a s t o r i u m, pulinam ski'sh.<br />

c a s t r a t e , v. t., Ikna; castrated animal,<br />

Ikantko, _liak slulks.<br />

c a t, pUsiishisli, Mod. kitti; c.-hole,<br />

kittiam gekAtnkish, Mod.; wild C.,<br />

lyn , shll6a.<br />

c at c I, v. t., shnb'mka, shnukna; c.<br />

again, shnukpeli; c., said of objects<br />

taken collectively, itkal; c.,<br />

capturc, as a fly, kshekiulia; c. w7tile<br />

capti ve-c avity. 525<br />

g()inyf, runninq,(, S~ll nt'ktel ia; C. by<br />

hand, as one's own lieu, ho'ksaslka;<br />

c. wi/t the lasso, vut6ka; c. in the<br />

water, slmilikua; c. with poles in the<br />

water or elsewlhere, stfil'ka; c. what<br />

is thrown, kawtita; c. up Wit/i, pen6'dsha;<br />

c. air with a grunt, galbipa;<br />

c. fish, kiii'm lt'iela; fish-catching<br />

place, kia'in-luclkisb; to approach<br />

f(r catching, shnuk'ttka.<br />

c a t e r p i I lar, species of, shAp'sain<br />

p)tchlli wip; another species, s&es-li'sh;<br />

bomtbycine c., ktchcipash.<br />

cat's t a i , species of, wiwi.<br />

c a t t I e , mUshmush, Mod. viislniush;<br />

inclosure for c., walkalak,<br />

tp)uligish, iligisli, Mod. ktchinksh.<br />

(aitI se, s.; no ex. eq.: for what c.<br />

wak, wa'ikgitko, wak gil'lga for no<br />

(real) c., lhuna'shak, nii'nsak. Cf.<br />

therefore, why.<br />

c a u s e, v. t., to bring about, ne-ul~a.<br />

To c. is usually expressed by the<br />

affixes of causative verbs; e. g. from<br />

kshuit'lla to dance is formed: shniksillila,<br />

to c. to (lance; from ana to<br />

fetch: Ainiga, to make fetch, etc.<br />

c a u s e *v a y, stti; to build a c., stuiya.<br />

e a u t i o n, v. t.; to e. against, leweula.<br />

c a v e i n , v. i., tnin'


ca xv v. i., Iili'nia; said of laiger birds,<br />

xv()a; c continuously, Nvokanka.<br />

c ea s e , V. i., is usually expressed by<br />

the verbal completive in -61a, -u'la;<br />

when not follow'd by a verb, k'l(wvi;<br />

c.! stop! leki! pl., lkat! getak!<br />

Mod. k'linktak! t.nktak! Cf.<br />

qllit, stol).<br />

c e (1 a r t r c e, vullalladshlaii.<br />

c e I e b) r a t e , v. t , by dances, dance-<br />

songs, ylee-song]s, v-k<br />

cellar, eltchaslhtat hantIlatko, Mod.<br />

slitim-a'slitat lianltila~tko.<br />

c e in e t e r y , p'nijnkish ; tribal or<br />

fitmily C., tchpfinti; old Indian c.,<br />

lidusksalks. Cf( bury, v.<br />

c e r e a 1 s, c£f maize, wvlheat; to raise<br />

c., lhasluat-a.<br />

c r t a i iiI y , wik. I mi la -en, Mod.<br />

okXA-ila gelnI; (f coursI ! wvakla-it'tka<br />

wak a gitug-! often translatablo b)y,<br />

hai, a-i, haitclh, ya.<br />

c Ih a i r , tclllawalkislh; back of ck.,<br />

tehal)Ata; to Icar against tback f a<br />

(ch., slltilii 1)atAm 1 )ka, k slhal)Ata.<br />

c li a i r, fles/, telitileks.<br />

chialk , 1h'ipaks; used as tahee- or<br />

bodv -paint, la)Taks.<br />

c ih a n cc , no ex. eq.; by (ncere)<br />

(h., hlaUII./sal'a, WxaklnmaIIlll; to Jind<br />

by clh., udl7kai, L. itkal. Cf. gii-<br />

Nv at.<br />

C ]1 a 11 (r eI , v. t.; to bec eh(h ed into,<br />

k'h'ka ; to be) ih(.etI i1dto (t lake,<br />

di-ushlltkala. Cf. become, V.<br />

C 1l a n t, s., sluti'slh; sliiiljitkislh.<br />

c 11 a l) l d; to ave libsli. tllIOgli<br />

frost ori heat, sk(Ikli.<br />

e h a r , v. t.; to be chlrred, nmtsp)ka;<br />

half-chaarred, iuutatko. Cf. burn, v.<br />

c h6 a a e t e r , steInash; of (lebasecd,<br />

milean ch., tcllakalsli, kiidsldi steinaslh;<br />

of- ood ch., cf. good.<br />

c li a r g e, v. t.; as a horse or wagon,<br />

ita, Atna; Ce., as a horse, slh-itna; ch.<br />

or freight a boat, vit'islhtat ilal)lm;<br />

ch., transversely, on(e long obj., lickshi'4ttlka;<br />

ch. a price, J'Za; ch.<br />

somebody money or valuables, liUshxakta;<br />

ch with reproaches, koktkinshka;<br />

clh., to attack, gfl4lki, -utAml)ka,<br />

tAslhui<br />

c Ii a r- g e r, loadl-gauger, sbla'yaksa<br />

wetkoklutkislh.<br />

c 11 a r in , s., in shap)e of' magic song,<br />

si IUi'sh, shuimiutkish.<br />

ch a r mil, v. t.; to clh. with7 tdwi.<br />

C Ii a s e, v. t., k1't-iiia, shifdslima; cli<br />

piirsl6e, klputtca, Icptiutehna; ch7. continmutalq,<br />

sblm rkanika; chi., as an enemy,<br />

sliiiliti'nka; clb. about, tpt'Lana;<br />

clh. each other, shcid'siina, tl)Amyamnia;<br />

Ch. jbr somebody, kaihia;<br />

one who chases, tputl)ayauiiislL.<br />

clhastise, v. t., Iai-tilakta, ii-ulya;<br />

cel. by h it'hjpiyii, wiliii'tCl ipa, d(iid )ka1;<br />

to make atone by chastising,<br />

sllinktclltlit'J ti.<br />

chatter, v. i., said of birds, Iiii'mia<br />

clleal); to sell &lxa. Cti.,kctelia (if sell.<br />

,leat v, . t., stita, J)allfa; cli. repeatedlg,<br />

1p~Ihlmpole.<br />

c hi c e ek, mnpa)

c 11 e s t, vushl(; of cattle, horses, sZ6dshislh;<br />

to carry ofl onfe's ch., shakakiitga,<br />

shepuk'fga<br />

c II GW, v. t., as tobacco, etc., kpi'lunina,<br />

k06kauka, ktchi'in, pAhiI; ch.,<br />

to gnaw at, kalta,nlita.<br />

Chtew au kanl Mars h, 110111. pr.<br />

loc., Telitia6'nli.<br />

c It i c k e fl , tchlikiii, tchi'k'n.<br />

c11i d 1e, v. t., Sll'da; Ch. eacit other,<br />

shttk6'ki.<br />

eI ci e 0 o/'a tril)e laki (Chiin J. t hyi);<br />

principal, high, or heIald-chl., ii'ini<br />


528 E)NGNjISit - KI 2 AALVrl r )ICTIONALRY.<br />

c ill ni a in o n; c.-colored, ka-uk'v-uli;<br />

of light c. complexion, muklmukli; c.<br />

bear, nalka.<br />

c i re Ic , s., hoop, stflan ksA; toform a c.,<br />

perso ns, taki'ma; to form a c. aro tmd,<br />

gakini5mna, hashAnipka; toformn circles,<br />

rings in the water, tchelekwa;<br />

to describe circles in the air, cf. circle,<br />

v. i.; to move in a continuous c.,<br />

ogaki'ma, ki-uwgidslha; to sit, to gather<br />

in a c., lIul]a, lhupka, liiitatka;<br />

to walk around in a c., gakala, kinggfdsha.<br />

Cf. eddy, ring.<br />

ci r c l e, v. i., ktiwalkidsha; to c.<br />

around, as birds in the air, ki-uggI-<br />

(Isha, kshakidsha, nagidsba.<br />

c i r c u 1 a r , kalkali.<br />

Cir c ulate, v. i., goitala; v. t.,<br />

sttlya.<br />

c it y , tal-uni.<br />

C 1ad, sku'tchaltko, shuhlltantko; in<br />

a long dress, kokatko; wrap)epd in,<br />

skit'tatko; c. in a blankdt, 7nantle,<br />

skiitatko; c. in skin-armnor, ktaklislb.<br />

Cf. clothe, dress, V.<br />

c 1 a i 1 , v. t., to wish, Jbr, slhanA-uli,<br />

Mod. hI.Amtni ; c. for oneself, sha-<br />

nm6nakia.<br />

c I a in , kle'dslhtn; c.-shell, klkdshuam<br />

wAkoksh.<br />

cl a n g, s., stti'tZisli, titninash ; to<br />

prodiace clangs, willta.<br />

c 1 a p, v t., the hands, sbiaktaktpa.<br />

c I as ) , v. t.; to bend over fiv claspingj,<br />

lhisllt'tanka; clasping-k.nife, k(6shapash.<br />

cl : t t e r, v. i ; to mnalke a clattering<br />

noise, la-ulawa, 1 'du1la.<br />

c 1 a v i c u 1 a r, or collar bone, ntG-islh.<br />

c 1 aw, shte'ksh; nap, dim. nepiltga;<br />

hoof-c. of quadruped, ku'dshinksh,<br />

dim. kudshi'nkslka; c. of bird,<br />

sh t6'ksh.<br />

c 1 a y, tIkesh, Mod.; wet c., tdpesh.<br />

;c e a n, tsuktsu'kli. Cf clear.<br />

c 1 e a n , v. t., vudsli6ka; c. off scour,<br />

vudshokUl1a; c. off from, vudshut'shka;<br />

ntcbAshka; c. one's nose, psisl<br />

shi shka; c. by brushing, ku'shka;<br />

c. by winnowing, shiulIna.<br />

c I ea r; said of water, ycilialtko,<br />

yialiali; tsuktsu'kli; to become c.,<br />

y.'liala; the weather is c., tidsh ne'pka.<br />

c I e a r i ng in the woods, ginkayatko,<br />

tMod. kla'dshl.<br />

C I ea<br />

c L a k e, nom. pr. Tcb1i.psxo.<br />

c I e a r I y; to hear c., tIdsh tirmera.<br />

c I c f t, met'hlli, ndsfAkisb.<br />

c I e r g y m a n, sllmnd kinks, sL'lnde<br />

ki'klkish or s. shltshatish; p'laita'lkni<br />

shi'tshatish.<br />

c I i f f, wctlish; on cliffs, walidshat;<br />

file or series of eliffs projecting fromn<br />

lake, prairie, sanikd-ush; "in the<br />

cliffs," connected with verbs, is expressed<br />

by the snffix -aya.<br />

climb , v. t., gu'ka, gu'kna; ga-<br />

'lxa; c. uq), as trees, g-'Uka, gi'ikna;<br />

bl'iyeka, p1 tinImi; e. up in the distance,<br />

ga-nlapka; c., crawl up to,<br />

ktchikava; c. ufp the outside ladder of<br />

onle's Winter house, ga- ulapkalpole;<br />

up by repeated attempts, g -(lakc.<br />

up again, reclisnbatadistance<br />

froin the one speaking, ga-ldapkal-

cinn am on - cl uster. 529<br />

pele; c. up in the web, said of spiders, c 1 o t h , linen, cotton, silk, etc., shi'l;<br />

shalaggya, shalamndsha; c. up to tear c. into shreds, teshashlkuiala;<br />

by going around, grarneni, shalka- I piece of c., torn c., teshashko.<br />

kiAr'mna; c. while sticking close to, clothe, v. t., sku'tchala; c. onegoing<br />

around the stem, aggidsha; self, sktlta; with a mantle, etc.,<br />

c. back to the former place, gu'tga- skulta, skutia; c. oneself said of fepeli;<br />

c. down, gultxa. males, koka; clothed with, shul6c<br />

ii mI b c r; one who runs up, climbs, tantko, skf'itchaltko; skutatko. Cf:<br />

butchne'ash. clad<br />

clinh<br />

C, v. t.; c. the hand, shlhpshta; c 1 o t h i n g, shul6tish; of ftmnales,<br />

c. together, shiamna. I kulks; to put c. on while going, travelc<br />

lip, v t., uv6ka; c one's hair, ing, shullitanteba, shultlatehnam; to<br />

sliiiydka, Vlk sh'ilktaldslia; c. hair, carry beneath one's c., shitila.<br />

ktllshka, stiyalkishka; laktcha, la- c loud; rain-c., pafshash; storm-c.,<br />

kli'dsha. c.-burst, mfit hupkatko paishash;<br />

c Ii p p i n g, portion clpped off, ktu- little c., paishkaga; to be full of<br />

slilkuish; kti'lshka. clouds, shtipa, KI.; paislia; to be<br />

c 1 i t o r i s, shitash. full of lamb-clouds, sbtfpa, Mod.<br />

I o a k , eniveloping the whole body, c 1 o it d e d; c. sky, paishash; to be c.,<br />

skt'ltasli; to be dressed in a c., ski'lta; shtipa KI. ; paIsha.<br />

to dress somebody in a c., sktt'tchala. c 1 o u d y, blending, said of colors,<br />

clock, shapash; c.-pendllum, vut6- nuataxatko; it is c. weather, paisha.<br />

kakua. c 1 o w II, utiissusal-ash; cf sbdshtalc<br />

l o d, t6lxash. kash.<br />

c 1o sCe, v. t., c. with7 a cover or lid cI u b, s , Anku, paipkash; to light with<br />

kaishni'dla; c. the door, doorfap, clubs, sbut.pka; to play at c., shuicover,<br />

shIA-unki; c. Ibrcibly a door, f'ta; to beat with a c., udupka, vuetc.,<br />

ktiuga; c. anr opening, nds.kia, duka; cf. beat, v.<br />

shlll-uki ; c. the hand, shlipshta;c eub , v. i.; c. together, sliuku'lki,<br />

c. up, spitllli ; pL. ilhi ; to return from shitchla, t'lha<br />

,,closiny up, spulhitka. c 1 u c k , v. i.; c. with the tongue, shac<br />

1 o s e , adv., near, gi'ta, huiya, kalpshtaka.<br />

wika; c. by, when said of persons, c l u m s y, kokalkokaltko, Mod.<br />

long obj., hutt; to be c., stand c. by c 1 u s t e r, inan., tclIpkatko; c. of<br />

oach, other, telhpka, llwa; to be c. to, flowers, lek'-uslhal, d. of ](-ushk.aptclha,<br />

shliin'ikta; one who is C. am; to be, exist together in a c , llwa,<br />

by, shin'Jktishi. tchfpka; cf. crowd, file, gather,<br />

c 1 o s e , prep., c. to, wigaltan. v i., heap.<br />



c o a 1 S. lgatmi ; coal-paint, lgIc; to<br />

roast, broil on the hot c., tellalAla<br />

cf. n6kla. Cf. broil, v.<br />

* o a r s e; sometimes expressed by<br />

Imtoii. Cf. raw.<br />

c o a t , slAulotishl; tebullish, dini. telt-<br />

putak; wearing a c., kmapdtko; to put<br />

one S o., Oil7kap6pele; to put another's<br />

c. onl, kap6pka; to take one's c. off<br />

kap6la.<br />

C ( a x , V. t ; c. away, spu'nshna; c.<br />

(leceptively, shinaprntpemia, Mod.<br />

shnlep emnperta.<br />

c v c k, v. t.; c. the hammer for firing,<br />

slle'vala.<br />

o f f e e, ko'pe, k6pi.<br />

o ffi I, k'lekltpkash iwiX6tkisb, box.<br />

( o aI a 1) it, v. i. ; to c. with, shletolxa,<br />

slictiilika ; slhifa, shintiya; to beget,<br />

engender, Walshi ; to live in concitbinae,<br />

haesht]tlZa, mbt'snti.<br />

colh a blit a tion, to be in the act of,<br />

slkokanka.<br />

c oil, v. t., shkapslhtclidla; to c.<br />

-oinething up, weplakialmna; to c.<br />

Wnesel]' up, slhuhatchxlda.<br />

c oi in, of gold, kiikii'kli tchbkemen;<br />

,silver c., slbi'l)a t.Ala, pallpali tl~a or<br />

p. tchikomeri; to pay in one c., huya<br />

in many, pe \vi.<br />

Co 1d, (1) adj., said of weather, ka'tags;<br />

very c., imtL skA., used adverbially<br />

onlv; to be c., liqulids onily,<br />

tclikiiwaa; weather-, winds, sg'mIla,<br />

sk.1t; to feel, be e on body, km'tka;<br />

on limiibs, nidai-jtiat, ta'Lpsxova. (2) s.,<br />

to catch. a c., shn('-lia, AIo(d. snliula.<br />

c o 1I1 a r, of beads, etc., slhanklkash,<br />

shiawia'kish, -vamnash. Cf bead.<br />

| collect, v-. t.; c. by chance or otherwise,<br />

itkal; c. to a certain spot,<br />

shifl'lka, shiii'lki; c. again, to c. at<br />

the habitual place, shiiu'lkipeli ; c.<br />

objects of the same nature, shtchipka;<br />

c. for oneself, shiulagia, Mod. shitilagien;<br />

c., as fruits, ishka, shia'lka,<br />

bŽgtdya, ltalkfya; C. edible roots, bulbs,<br />

fruits, 1)l. of stibj., stal-ila; to start<br />

for collecting roots, fruits, stii-ildsha;<br />

e.. pond-lily seed, woksalsha,<br />

wodkaslhla. Cf. gather, v. t.<br />

col e c t, v.i., shukfiu'lki,lfwa; c.ina<br />

body, heap, cluster, ring, liwa, lhupka,<br />

tchi1pka; c. again, sliukti'lkipoli; c.<br />

behind, liuptcha Cf. gather, v. i.<br />

c o l o II i s t , tchi'sh; c. in that section,<br />

hIitak=telh'sl, gitAkni.<br />

c o 1 o r , s., for dyeling, shnelu6tkisb;<br />

ais the pro(dluct of a dyeing process,<br />

shnelnuaslh; of the same c., shulbslnkptchi<br />

; showing various colors,<br />

hushka1xariAtko.<br />

c o 1 o r, v. t., by dlyeing, shne'lua ; colored,<br />

shlin'l uatko; coloring matter,<br />

shnelti6tkish.<br />

c o 1 t , tZA-uslh; wlitchanm weasli.<br />

Co ln mbia Ri ver, nom. pr., K6'warn<br />

Kke, TInma-Kalwe=GitkyQ;<br />

for the p)ortion around the Dailes<br />

in ore especially, Ampkai' nini K6ke.<br />

c o nl), s., shlitcbiZash, shIitchiZy6tkish;<br />

fine-toothed c., shitchkatch-<br />

16tkisl.<br />

c o in 1), v. t., shlitehixa; another's<br />

hairt Lk Yslhka.

c o in b a t, v. t., sh ika, shellual; sissoka,<br />

d. of shfuga.<br />

c o m e, v. i.; generic: when the corning<br />

is not seen by the one speaking,<br />

gatpa, gatpna; when the coming is<br />

toward the one speaking or the object<br />

just spoken of, g6pka; c. after,<br />

fetch, lktcha, epka; cf, fetch, v ; c.<br />

after Jire, klukalgi luloks, klukalgi;<br />

c. around, near. gaitpanna; c. back,<br />

home, gempele; when unseen by<br />

the one speaking, or in the distance,<br />

gAtpampeli; c. back from traveling,<br />

tamen6tka; c. back when moving in a<br />

circle, waggidsha; c. down, drop,<br />

inan.,ge'lxa; astrees, hinui; c.down<br />

upon, hInua; to make c. down, hinui;<br />

c. forth in bunches, grapes, etc., liwa;<br />

c. in, inside of, gulf, pl. kilhi; c. in<br />

(again, gulipeli, pl. kilhlipli; c. and<br />

leave again, gatpanu'la; c. near, close<br />

to, gatpamna, galdshawia, galdshui,<br />

gatpen6ta; c. near while running,<br />

holuipka; c. near reaching, gatpankshka;<br />

c. near shootinq each other, hishlakshka;<br />

c. on, happen, ne'pka; c.<br />

out of, leave, gIulxa; as woods, bushes,<br />

marshes, hukayola, pl. gakay6la,<br />

tinxayuila; c. out as, to become, k'ka;<br />

c. or cross over to, gaikua; c. to,<br />

reach, gatka, cf. arrive; c. to, towards,<br />

ga'tpa, gatpna, gepka (see<br />

above); c. to the ground, round obj.,<br />

lultxi; c. together, shuku'lki, cf. meet,<br />

v.; c. towards, step up to, kishtchipka;<br />

anim. and mian., gu'ta; c., go<br />

towards, gatpa; the oiie speaking,<br />

coals-compact. 531<br />

katla; come up! referring to lack<br />

of memory, sk6! to make, let c., shahamuya,<br />

sha'hmo'ka, sha'hmililgi;<br />

by beckoning, kinshipkfa; to see<br />

somebody coming, til6'tpa, tilo'dsha.<br />

comnfortable; to feel c., tidslh gi.<br />

c o mn i c a 1, wetisbptchi.<br />

c o m i c s, leshuatxasli.<br />

c o i m a n d, v. t., ne-ulza, stuli, tpcwa;<br />

in Mod. also hiu'shga; c. in the<br />

interest of, iie-ulxia; c., order while<br />

going, traveling, stulfdsha; c. over<br />

many persons, as soldiers, i-amna.<br />

c o mm a n d, s., tpewash, ne-ulaks,<br />

stule6lish.<br />

commander, labi.<br />

commence, v. t., lupi tmuyega;<br />

c. at one end, tmuyega; when connected<br />

with verbs, c. is expressed<br />

by the suffixes -Jga, -i4ga, -taImpka.<br />

commit suicide, v., hisbh'ka;<br />

by hanging, hakshgaya; by shooting,<br />

hishlan<br />

c o m m o t i o n; to be in c., said of<br />

water, kain, ndupula; to produce c.<br />

in waters, ikan.<br />

communal lodge, waltk6tkish<br />

laitchaslh; in the sense of council<br />

house, ne-ulakgish lhtchaslh, Mod.<br />

n. stinia'sli.<br />

c o mi minit y, mncpoks; c. of Indians,<br />

maklaks; to formi, a c., mepka.<br />

c o m p a c t, adj, solid, hipkatko,<br />

mu hUpkatko.<br />

c o m p a c t, s., shen'lakuish; to make<br />

a c., ne-ulxia, shenO'l~a.<br />

tinshipka; c. by the trail, road, shal- I c o in p a c t, v. i., shen6'lZa.

532<br />

ENGLISI - KLA IMATH <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

c o inp a n i 0o1n, shawalin6ash, Mod.<br />

shitellip; to be the habitual c. of,<br />

sla-nlank'nka; to stay together as<br />

comipanions, shawalind'a, Mod.<br />

shitehla; to take along as a c.,<br />

sp'linshna, pl. ena, tdshna; to take<br />

as c. for traveling, spft'nkanka.<br />

c o In pa II y, mepoks; c. of relatives,<br />

friends, sha-amnoks; in c. of, titla; to<br />

be in c., titlha, tu'la; tchilla; to formn<br />

a c., shakfi'lki; to march, to walk in<br />

c., sha-ulaInka, shawalind'a; toin arch<br />

ult c. to some distance, sha-uldlntela;<br />

to go about in c., two persons, shul-<br />

X'Ittchnla, Mod. shulx~atchtchna; to<br />

keep in one's c., spi'inkanka.<br />

c o lrl p a r a b1 e t o, yalank; shitko,<br />

or by stuffix -ptchi, -mtchi.<br />

e o in p e 1, v. t.; expressedl by the<br />

suffixes forming causative verbs,<br />

as -ka, -anka, ete. ; c. observance,<br />

shunli'kanka. (f. cause, v.<br />

c o in p ens ati o n; for no c., huna'shak.<br />

C o nIl p 1 a i n, v. i., she'gsha; c. of,<br />

lIla, lheshe'gsla; c. in a whining voice,<br />

tche'ktcheka.<br />

omI p 1 e t e, stAlni; to be c., stii.<br />

e 01ll 1) le t e, V. t., to fill, sta-gi; to c.<br />

one year, tina ill6la.<br />

c m0111letely, sta; adj. used adverbially,<br />

nanuk.<br />

c o rn1 I e x i o in; of dark c., linlfi'inli;<br />

of' light cinnamion c., inukrntikli.<br />

c o in p 1 o t; to formi a c. against, illulakta.<br />

shlen-'Wlza.<br />

comply)I vitI i, v. t., n't-aslit gi,<br />

Mod. n6-aslht gi. (f: agree, v.<br />

corn port, v. t., oneself, luIslilta;<br />

how do you do? walk i hiushlIta?<br />

comnprehien d, v. t., ndsIlAla,<br />

samntch'tltka; to hear distinctly, tHInerna.<br />

conlp)rehensil)le; to make c.,<br />

hesliainki'Inka.<br />

c o in r a d e , shavvalineasli, Mod. shitehlip.<br />

Cf. companion.<br />

c o n C ee a , v. t., alshi ; inan. obj.,<br />

lila; c. oneself, l'liyalba, pl. gttyaha;<br />

C. oneself whilc stanlding behind, tgiil)tclla,<br />

pl. I-uptela; c. a secret, shi'tishi;<br />

to keep concealed, sha-ishian<br />

ipka.<br />

concede, v. t., we-ula; to c. to,<br />

wewalta. Cf. allow.<br />

C o I1 e l u d e, v. t., to resolve upon,<br />

ne-ulZa, ne-ulakta.<br />

con densed, liu'pkatko; to be in a<br />

c. dtate, hll'pka Cf compact, adj.<br />

COII (I i tion, no ex. eq.; one in this<br />

c., gemntchi; one in that c., lhinitchi;<br />

one in a similar c., shu nrlkptclii;<br />

on c. that, conj., hii, li'toks<br />

eonduc t, v. t.; to c. through, as<br />

wN ater, stzi'Ilshia. Cf. lead, v.<br />

c o n e, upper end of, hapa. Cf. conical.<br />

c o n f e r, v. t.; iany obj., shewiina;<br />

C. upon, allilml. obj., SpA'nli, pl. shewarla;<br />

c through aiother, nlukla.<br />

For other termis, ef. give, v.<br />

c o n fe r, v. i. ; c. for negotiation,<br />

hushtinka-, Mod. sli'tanka.<br />

c eonfine, v. t.; c. in a place of detention,<br />

anim. obj., spt'dllli, pl. flhii; to be<br />

conjined, yirct lbirth, nlekVki, wekala.

c onfiscate, v. t., long obj.,<br />

I-amna.<br />

c onflagrate, v. i., nuta, shnuiya.<br />

Cf. burn, v. i.<br />

c o n f l u e n c e, ne-ukish, sheno'tkatko;<br />

to form c., said of two streams,<br />

sli itandanka.<br />

c( o n f o r m , v. i. ; to c. with, nzi-asht<br />

gij, Mod. n&asht gi.<br />

conformably with, shudhank,<br />

shlUhank=shitko.<br />

congeal, v. i., wen.<br />

congregate, v. i., into a crowd,<br />

shuku'lki, liwa, llupka. Cf collect,<br />

gather, v. i.<br />

c o n i c a l, wakwakli; to stand in a<br />

c. form, tt'iila; c. willow seed-basket,<br />

yaki.<br />

conjecture, v. t., nitu. Cf believe,<br />

suppose, v.<br />

c o n j u r e r, kinks; when performing<br />

noisily, shesh~eila-ash ; femnale c,<br />

kinks welekash; young c, kiukAga;<br />

to act, treat, in the capacity of a c.,<br />

tchuita; to act, behave noisily, extravaqantly,<br />

like a c., sheshxe'la; to<br />

call a c. for help, shuctkia; to start<br />

out for calling a c., shualkidsha.<br />

c o n n e c t i o n by vicinity, junction,<br />

shalatchguIllash; to be in c., joined<br />

with, shalatchgualla.<br />

c o n q u e r, v. t., sku'pnia; -winiii,<br />

Mod vtlixin; c. in battle, uduiyua,<br />

udUpka, winixi.<br />

eonscioitsness; to regain c., h6karmpule.<br />

c o n s e n t, v. i., lunmisht gi, shi-iha.<br />

Cf. agree, comply with.<br />

company - conti n u ally. 533<br />

c o n s i d e r, v. t., hu'slhkanka, hiTshka,<br />

hewa, Mod. also k6pa; c. oneself<br />

as, shbwva; c. as a stranger, ka4ikema.<br />

considering that, conij., hunkanti,<br />

hunkantcha'.<br />

c o n s o r t, s., mbuf'shni.<br />

consort withi, v. i., said of both<br />

sexes, mbu'shni, heshtolxa, shdtupka,<br />

shet6lxa; c. with a man, hiishuakshla.<br />

constellation, ktchui'l.<br />

constituted; c. alike, gemptchi,<br />

hu'mtchi; c. similarly, shuhainkptchi.<br />

construct, v. t., shluta; c. a lodye,<br />

latcha, Mod. stinma-a; c. for a purpose,<br />

shutdla.<br />

c o n s u m e, v. t., eat, shlu''ki, shne-<br />

Zia, vulta; to be consumed by fire,<br />

na'tspka, shli'nya.<br />

c o n t a c t; in close c. with, as with the<br />

body, stahdgatko; to be in c with, ]iptcha,<br />

talh'a; with the water, tallga.<br />

contain, v.t.; c. a liquid, tclIpka; to be<br />

contained wvithin, inan., ewa, stupka.<br />

c o n t e s t, v. t., shakamka<br />

c o n t e s t, s., mutual c. by racing, shakatpampAl6gisli;<br />

to have a c., quarrel,<br />

bislitchalkta; to start a c., lisbtcha'ktna<br />

c o n t i n u a I I y, tcbushak; adj. use(l<br />

adverbially, tchu'shni, tchushniak;<br />

expressed by the suffix --tamna:<br />

hulladshuita'mna, to run up to and<br />

back c., or by the suffix -ka'nka, especially<br />

when the action is performed<br />

while moving.

.534 34ENGLISH - KLAMATTI <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

continue, v. t.; same as keep on,<br />

q. v. Cf. continually.<br />

c o n t o r t, v. t., as one's limbs, tilanshnea.<br />

cont r act, v. t., as a muscle, spuilhi;<br />

c. one's body, shulhatclhzala; c. one's<br />

body and lie down, as when lying in<br />

ambush, hishual a, cf. knu'kla,<br />

k'liklxa; c. the half-opened hand or<br />

fingers, sliatchl 'gi.<br />

c o n t r o 1, v. t., haslbtaltAmpka; shlaka,<br />

Mod. shleka.<br />

c o n t u s i o n, if round, nute'ks.<br />

convalescent, to be, huggidslia.<br />

Cf. health.<br />

convenient, fit, shipatch; tidshi.<br />

converge, v. i.; c. at the top, to<br />

stand in a converging form, tiiila.<br />

conversation, wailtoks, Mod.<br />

waltkash.<br />

c o n v e r s e, v. i., heinkanka, walltka;<br />

c. with, hashashuakia, haslit'lltala;<br />

c. while standing, utawa; c.<br />

with suppressed voice, Iaklakpka,<br />

leklekpka; to commence conversing,<br />

hashashuakitkmpka.<br />

eo n v e y, v. t., anim. and long obj.,<br />

itpna; spllnshna, pl. ena, idshna; c.<br />

back or home, e'nipeli, itpanipoli,<br />

idshc'tmpeli; one anim. obj., spunktehampeli,<br />

spuntpalmpeli, pl. idshaimpeli;<br />

c. along with, pl. aniin. and<br />

long obj., ftpa, itpamna; c. out, as<br />

to the grave, Isla, ishimla, Ilktcha;<br />

c on one's shoulder, shlkianka. Cf.<br />

bring, carry, v.<br />

c o n v o c a t e , v. t., sha'lhin'lgti.<br />

c o o k, s., plislil sblsbatisli; to be a<br />

e., pashulta.<br />

c o o k, v. t., hushno'ka, shlte'shla,<br />

pashiulta; c. and to be cooked, n6ka;<br />

to attend to cooking, pashltlta; c. in a<br />

kettle or pot, shutdshla; cooking<br />

stones, cf. to heat; cooking vase, p1 6lo.<br />

c oo 1, said of weather, katags.<br />

c o o 1, v. t.; c oneself off, shualko'la;<br />

c. oneself while walking, sfiual]6'Y1teha;<br />

e. somebody by fanning, uliukshla.<br />

c o o p e r a t e , v. i., slilos'teha.<br />

c o o t, popularly: imid-lben, iFulica<br />

americana, tnhusl.<br />

c o p p e r , kdkiitkli wAtiti; c. coin,<br />

kaka'kli tchikomen; c.-colored, kiikii'kli.<br />

copulate with, -v-. t., shetollca,<br />

mbt'lshni, shetupka Cf. cohabit, v.<br />

co r d, kni'tks, dim. knukflga; skenshnmtkish;<br />

thick c., tuntish.<br />

c o r e , in boil, ulcer, kf'-i.<br />

c o r k , s., hakish.<br />

c o r k, v. u, Ltkia.<br />

c o r n , on feet, t6ke.<br />

corn, In di an , ef. maize; cornfield,<br />

Urlla-slallteslh.<br />

c or n e r, as of a room, shtehakali-<br />

Atpish; to be, lie, stand in a c, lellwa;<br />

tojform a c., slitehakAlka. Cf<br />

angle, s.<br />

c o r p s e, k'lekatko, tehtl'6lks; c. oj<br />

child, telmle'kaga.<br />

corpulent, plftko.<br />

e o r r a 1, fenced inclosure for horses,<br />

cattle, tpuligish, iligish, w

con tin ue -cover. 535<br />

%vaklakaga, ktcliink.t-ga; gate of co Li try , kilfia; my c., g-u kiifla;<br />

c., ktehinksharn stu'kish; to drive<br />

out of a c., sliuf-uxa; pl. ni-uxa; to<br />

d. into a c., kpuli.<br />

e o r r e c t 1 y, tada, tAlaak.<br />

c o r o borate, v.t.,sheuwala; ktatak<br />

shegshewa.<br />

c o r r u g a t e d, tishialkule6dtko.<br />

c o r u s e a t e, v. i., tcltehela.<br />

o s t, s., c. price, sh'shatuish.<br />

c o s t, v. t., and to be worth, shesha.<br />

(Cottonwood Creek; nom. pr<br />

loe., Vulcilkshi.<br />

cottonwood tree, Populus angustifolia,<br />

vuilal.<br />

Co u CeI, shbchiasli; c. qf the natives,<br />

sxZlakgish, Mod. sZi'ilkish; shL'tish.<br />

c o u g a r, Felis concolor, ts'slateli; his<br />

epithet, kilika-ush.<br />

cough, v. i., 6kshua.<br />

e o u n c i 1; general c., c. meeting, neulakgish,<br />

shuki't'lkish; war-c. of<br />

both hostile parties, shutclnkish; e.<br />

chamber, lodge, netn5'lxisham LhItehash,<br />

n6-ulakgislb Uttchash; Mod.,<br />

n. stina'sh; meeting place for councils,<br />

waltk6tkish; c. ground, neulakgish;<br />

to meet in c., husht-inka,<br />

shutbnktpa, Mod shl'Itanka;<br />

to hold c., waltka, waltkapeli; to<br />

erect a c. lodge, ne-ulckgishla.<br />

co u n t, v. t., enumerate, shetua; c. a<br />

story, myth, shashapkoIWa.<br />

e o u n t e d; an expletive terni added<br />

to numerals: Wkia, likla, nek1a, shl6kla,<br />

yala, pe-ula, and their partic<br />

and (I. forms.<br />

all over the c., kilfa wikant; native<br />

of which c. ? and of that c., tilttkni<br />

ominJ froma the upper c., p'Iafkni<br />

from the lower c., yanalkni; belonging<br />

to all surrounding countries,<br />

nakctntkni; to make a c., kibihila:<br />

for somebody, kailalfa.<br />

c o u p I e, of two, hIapok; married<br />

c., shumshealmlintko Utpuk.<br />

Co it s e; of course! wev'tk la gil'i(ra,<br />

wak a giuga! w-'tk hai la gen I M od.<br />

okA-ilagen!<br />

C 0 u s i n; male c., pt'umtellip; sons of<br />

m. c. call each other so also; elder or<br />

eldest male c., tX(-unap, said by<br />

younger male cousins; younger<br />

male c., tiapial); related as m)?ale<br />

cousins, shupunitchisb'dltko; related<br />

as older to younger male c., shetxe-unaltko;<br />

.female c., p'kztehip;<br />

father's brother's daughter, p'n.iLnip;<br />

elder female c., called so<br />

by a younger female cousin,<br />

p'tltllip; youngerfemale c., ftalpiap; jfemales<br />

related ascousins, shapkatcldl -<br />

tko; daughter offemale c., p'kcatcl ii);<br />

females related as cousins, daugl-ters<br />

either of sisters or brothers<br />

only, shapt'daltko.<br />

c o v e r, v. t, shawallteha; e. by<br />

eclipsing and to eclipse each other,<br />

shipatZut'ka; e., c. up witC, kla-una,<br />

kUlna; as with blankets, wfAlslsa;<br />

c. with earth, straw, etc, kit'lbatxa,<br />

kUla-una; c. up face, tub, etc., or<br />

against rain, utaima, utiAtchkia; a<br />

hole, etc., shelcelal6na; c. oneself,


shawAitcha, sliaw.lltchna; c. oneself<br />

with, slw^S-ut-I-nta; c., shield oneself<br />

against, shipatulika; c. up, said of<br />

liquids, k'lua, tchIZi; c. loosely,<br />

slII'tana; c. tightl1, skentana; covered<br />

wit/i hair, fitr, wool, ilflaltko;<br />

to be covered with liquid, tchlii.<br />

c o v e rI, s., utalmsll; sheath, latktcllish;<br />

what forms ca c., wAlsbash; hard c,<br />

shell, veget. and inan., nds6'dsh;<br />

sheet-like article serving as c., shlelaluash;<br />

c. in the sense of dress,<br />

skUtash; c. for the entrance of<br />

lodiqe, kaishltislh; loose c., shlet'hish;<br />

lh'tktchish; sort of c., mantle made<br />

of swamp-grasses, tt'llalui; head-c.,<br />

tchfl'yesh; a kind of hl.-c., skdlaps;<br />

to go under c., shawalltclina; to put a<br />

c. upon, utetma, utAtctlkia; to close<br />

wit/b a c., said of wiinter lodges,<br />

kU't-islina; to use as a c., shield,<br />

shipatxiika; to remove the c. or lid,<br />

hutatchlkitl'a, kaislhnula.<br />

c o v e rl e t, over the bed, slninlualsh.<br />

co v e t, v. t., sluthnui; said of males,<br />

k uktAkia.<br />

cow, muslilniush; ktchi'shlkish, Mod<br />

v i'tslmuslh; titchi'tchkish.<br />

c o w a r (1, vuslsish; to be a c., v'sha.<br />

e o y o t e, or prairie wolf, wA'sh.<br />

c r a 1) , fresh water andl marine, ku'iya;<br />

c.rab's trail, gait of c., skii'-iksh.<br />

e r a b - a 1) 1) e ; wild C. a tree, Pyrus<br />

rivularis, shll('sl1a)tchain.<br />

c r a c k, v. t.; to brealk hollow things,<br />

nibu'ka Q)A'tka, ilnika); to break<br />

hollow things by letting them fall,<br />

nibakla; t (c. with the teeth, p-u'kpuka.<br />

cr a c k, v. i., c. by heat, mbakla. Cf.<br />

parch.<br />

c r a c k, s., met'hli. Cf aperture,<br />

chink.<br />

c r a c k l e, v. i., said of straw, etc.,<br />

kt'islkusha.<br />

cr a dl e - board, stiwixtltkish, Mlod.<br />

shuentch; c.-b. with the baby on it,<br />

sbue'ntchl.<br />

c r a m p s, lItilish; to have c.,<br />

tclil'la.<br />

c r a n e, sho'ksh, Mod. tcleboksb;<br />

sandhill c., Grus canadensis, hletish;<br />

great blue heron, A rdea herodias,<br />

kl~kash; species of c. called<br />

shitepoke, tualkislh or welkishi; another<br />

species of c. or heron, k6a;<br />

"'Old Cranee," a mythic bird, Shth'kamntch.<br />

Cf. niglt-heron.<br />

c r a s I , tiwishI; to produic a distant<br />

c., roar, lhuna.<br />

c r ate, cylindric, for berries, poko,<br />

Iwarn uko-; c. for collectors of<br />

edible roots, ydki, lhiIvaslh. (if<br />

basket.<br />

C r a t e r L a k e , nom. pr. loc., Gi'wash<br />

R'-Ush.<br />

Crater Monn tain, nomn. pr.loc.<br />

G!'wash.<br />

c r a v e , v. t, tihid'iia; ln'ltil7ni, sliamenakIa.<br />

craving, tidi'mish.<br />

c r a w, nlkasli; shuldslhash.<br />

c r a w 1, v. i., ktclfdslha, skintchlna,<br />

Mod. sZ!'dslia; c. along, utpon, ktchiltana;<br />

c. around by turns, ktChik idsha;<br />

c. away fromn, skiniuaslika; c.<br />

back tOvarls, ktcli'tlpanp)Mli; (C. into,

through, gutektcha, gut(',a; C.<br />

throuiqh an aperture, ktchikaInsla;<br />

c. into a hole, skilhi; into its (den,<br />

said of an animal, kilibli; c. repeatedly,<br />

habitually, ski'shkanka; C. oni<br />

the grounid, etc., ktchidslia, sliktchaslda;<br />

c.towards,ktchftpa; showinb,<br />

imitating the motion of a crawling<br />

snake, tishxalkuledttko. Cf<br />

creep, v.<br />

c r a z e d, crazy, le'katko, lkkish; to be<br />

crazed, le'ka, tehaivika.<br />

c r e a m, slilflaluisli.<br />

c r e a s e, pakalaksli, spJAgalaksh.<br />

cr e at e, v. t., shtlta; to commence<br />

creating, shuteye'ga; c. mountains,<br />

hills, yafnala.<br />

c r e a t o r, p'laitAlkni sliushatish,<br />

p'latkni sbn'itesh.<br />

c r e e k , koke, dim. kUkaga, tukl1fi;-<br />

,a; comingfrom a c., living on other<br />

side of a c., kokagtalkni.<br />

C r e p , v. i , ktchidsha, skintchna,<br />

M1od. sZi'dsba; c. along, ktclItana;<br />

(. away from)i, skinuaslhka; c. forward<br />

by turns, ktchikidlsha; c. into,<br />

gIlflieli; c. into its den, said of an<br />

ainimal, kilibli ; c. 'into woods, timber,<br />

ktchiklya; c. repeatedly, habitually,<br />

ski'shkanka; c. straitqlt outt, as lizards,<br />

ulitelhkanka; c. through an<br />

aJ)erture, ktchikanshia; c. towards,<br />

ktchltpa; c. back towards, ktcbhLtpampeli;<br />

c. underground, skilhi; c.<br />

itp to, g'nta, gantila, shawaltanka.<br />

Cf. crawl, v.<br />

e r e e p1 e r, ereepiirJ ylant, k(nI<br />

creCIat C , V. t. e. e.7pseos, I i'kll 11ssa.<br />

cover- eross-e ed. 537<br />

cre m at io n; e.-place, 1I'dtuksalks;<br />

to return from c., Iulukshaltka. Cf.<br />

fineral.<br />

c r e s c e n t, tglxmankatko ukal'tkosli;<br />

to be c.-shaped, tgelxnmanka.<br />

c re s t, comnb of blird, nkiilk, slui'twalshi;<br />

c. of waves, wilhashlash.<br />

c r i c k e t, tehfkatchoish; ground c.,<br />

c r in s o n , taktAkli.<br />

c r o a k, v. i., hi'ma; as birds, frogs,<br />

shawaltana; as eagles, tchI'ttchua.<br />

c r o c h e t, shnitchlkuitkish.<br />

c r o o k e d, shtchishalkaltko, tikiwatko,<br />

tishflatko, Mod. tislhlwatko; to<br />

be c., persons, ski'lva; to be or become<br />

c. by old age, tishka; c. by old<br />

age, tishkaltko. Cf. curved, warped.<br />

Crooked River, nom.pr.Tutashtalfksini<br />

K6ke, Y~inaldi Koke.<br />

c r o pI, s.; what-produces crops, wi'i-ish;<br />

maw, nkash, s huldcshash.<br />

crop, v. t., the hair, Nik sbia'shka,<br />

shiashka, lak laktcha, or lakd'dsha.<br />

cir 0 s s, s.; no ex. eq.; having the forml<br />

of a c., cruciform, shlkitko; disposed<br />

in C. shape, slhuelitetko; to form a C.<br />

shenokla; roads, shuellta.<br />

cross v t., c. over to, kako'dslia; c.<br />

an eminence, gu'iZi; c. by makifq<br />

turns, guikidslha; c. a river, lake,<br />

water, while or without fording,<br />

gikua; c. a water by fording, kak/ 'dsha;<br />

c. by swimminq, g5-upka; c.<br />

by swinmming or wading, glUlixi; c.<br />

each other, roads, slienokla.<br />

c r o s s - e y e d, spekp(lftlko, spekl)'litkptclni.

538 8ENGLISH- <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

crossin g piece, footlog, sXO!tchgush.<br />

e r o s s w i s e; to deposit c, ksh6t'leka,<br />

pl. etle'xi; disposed c., shuelitetko.<br />

cro u ch, v. i., on the side of, or on<br />

the water's edge, teheklhla.<br />

crow, v. i., hii'ma; w6a.<br />

c r o w, s., kakan; small species of,<br />

hlia-ash.<br />

crowd, s., sliuki\'lklish; to gather in<br />

a c., mass up, Ilwa; to form a c.,<br />

lfupka, liwala, shukui'lki, tt'dha; to<br />

stand in a c. with others, tgfakiamnla,<br />

pl. liukiamnia, lual6ya. Cf. eluster,<br />

gather, v. i., heap.<br />

crowd together, v. i., telilanmna;<br />

e. t. high up, above, tehilanifnt;<br />

c. t. in or into, shinslilxa; to<br />

be crowded within; sbukhlpka Cf.<br />

the numerous derivatives of radix<br />

liu-, under: gather, v. i.<br />

crown of hecad, nkt'k.<br />

c r u c if o r m, shc'kitko. Cf eross, s.<br />

cr u d e , said of fo10d, slhl'nkitko; to<br />

be c., slainki.<br />

r u nInl b); ef. morsel<br />

cr II I n bI e , v. i., te-utewa ; to make<br />

c. by heat, inbilika (inblika, i'ka);<br />

carth crum4bing into dust, mb 4kash,<br />

I k!'ka.<br />

c r u m p 1 e d, tisliyaklek'etko.<br />

c ru u p p e r, of saddle, Ikellc upkash.<br />

C rush, v. t., nd&ga, skttya; to ex--<br />

term1?inate by crushing, hieitala; c. with<br />

a p)estle or stone, g('tma; c., as in a<br />

viortar, ndshipka; c., pound with a<br />

pie(e of wood, ndAka; to be crushed<br />

as by stepping upotl, te-iittwa.<br />

c r u s t, kanitani; hard, rounded c.,<br />

shnuto'tkisli.<br />

Cry<br />

57)v. i., shbout, l neitn, -\A-a-a e.<br />

shout to somebody, 1Uniteha, htI'tehna;<br />

c. aloud, persons, ndena,<br />

nllna; stfi'ka, ye'a; c. loudly, as<br />

one afflicted with pain, kahaha;<br />

c as babes, wea; c. in' chorus, ydka;<br />

c. down into, hIi'inile; e, said of<br />

larger birds and wild quadrupeds,<br />

w6a; continuously, w6kanka; c. for,<br />

after, yutaltka; c. hcihdi repeatedly,<br />

lhiihii'tamna; c. with joy, shitiaika;<br />

C. mournfully, kiyaiha; c. in mourning,<br />

stA'tZishla; c., weep loudly,<br />

shuaktcha, the'ktllheka; c. on one's<br />

way, in _public, Ainnadsha, amniyamna;<br />

e., whine, wawa.<br />

crystallilie, said of water, y.llialtko,<br />

yAlyali.<br />

c u b, leledslli, ve'aslh; dim leledshidga,<br />

wexka; e. of grizzly bear,<br />

li'ikaga, shashApka, ltikam weasli.<br />

c u b e, cubiform body, shewatlZeashi.<br />

c u 1 1, v. t., ishka, Igt' Na, st't-ila. Cf.<br />

collect, gather, v. t.<br />

c u l m i n a t e, v. i., said of celestial<br />

bodies, p'laiki; the suen culmninates,<br />

shapash shew"Itxa, or p'1ai ki.<br />

cultivate, v. t., hashuat-a; cultivated<br />

land, kuiila.=shlttesh, ne-ulsh.<br />

c u p, hashbp'tkish, k

cu r e, v. t., heshuampeli to treat,<br />

tchl'ita, yA-ukka; to go out tiw curing<br />

the sick, tchutainsha; curing imiiplement,<br />

milluash, tchbutot6tkish.<br />

C 11 i o II S , strange, wennmni; abbr.<br />

wenini.<br />

c u r i o It s I y , strangely, we'nni.<br />

curl, v. t., shnuiltcixola; c. oneself<br />

up, shuhatcliXFlla, kn ih6la. Cf.<br />

contract, v.<br />

c u r 1, s., of hair, shni'intcliolslh.<br />

e u r 1 e d , curly, nidsbokolatko; c<br />

hair, shintlicxolsh; curly-haired,<br />

tclbitaksh.<br />

c u r r a n t; red wild-c., species of<br />

Riubes, tchm''lhak.<br />

c u r s e, v. t., lama, sliahltma; c. each<br />

other, shiml'ftclna.<br />

c u r t a i n , hishb'tkish.<br />

c u r v e d, shtchishalk]ctko. Cf.<br />

bend, v., crooked, warped<br />

C 1 S }I i o 11, of chair, hUsllltanksh;<br />

crossiiig piece-cylindric. 539<br />

ktuvticga (and cf. c. apart); c. or<br />

slice off ktilshka; c. off with a sharp<br />

inistrument, pi'lshka; c. off one's hair,<br />

shbiyka; another's h., uyuika, ktiiyli'ta,<br />

ktitshka; c. off from one's<br />

body, shl''ktaldslha; one's arm, foot,<br />

sblilakta; c. off, m11ow grass, mulifna,<br />

Mod. mu'shka; c. off from retreat,<br />

g(a- ya; piece, portion cut off, ktushkuiish,<br />

ktflshka; c. oneself, shalakla,<br />

shelakla; c. up, c. to peces, ktetega;<br />

c. in two pieces, shektAkta, ktul6dsha;<br />

into many pieces, parts, ktuyulnia,<br />

ktul6dsha, powetega; to be cut to<br />

pieces, shukuashka; c. in many places,<br />

ktUldslha; c. with a pointed weapon,<br />

stulka; c. each other, stuly ua; c.,<br />

wound with removal of flesh, sht'ktakla;<br />

c. without r., shiAktakla; c. to a<br />

sharp end, point, watclhaka; c. short,<br />

crop short, shishika; one's hair,<br />

shuyega; c. one's throat, shaltak-<br />

small c. on baby-board, shuipuiklash. tcha, shelAktclha; another's, hik-<br />

c u ston mary; it isc. with, gelxa. tcha, lakaldsha; to make the gesture<br />

cut, v. t.; c. apart, asunder, sever off, of cutting one's throat, shelaktchlaa;<br />

hiktclta, lakcidsha, shepf'tza, kt.kta, c. up, as ani animal, ktete'ga, nf'shki;<br />

ktakiola; long obj., ukalta, pl. vll- c. well, to be sharp, takai; partic.<br />

lodsha; lutcha, utclhiya; c. down, takatko; c. wood, sticks, ktedla,<br />

as trees, £IZi, hishclnui, Tnkuala; ankuala.<br />

tree cut down, h1inpoks; c. by means c u t, s., piece cut of, kti'ishkuisb1,<br />

of gashes, to slash, ktah'dshiia, lag- kttishka; gash, ktakalitko; c., scar,<br />

ga'ltchna; partic. cut, wounded by a wound, by which flesh was reinovc(l,<br />

cut, ktakailitko; c with a knife, shuktashkuish; by which noflesh was<br />

ktakta, ktylxa; withi knife or scissors, remored, shalktkaluislh; to make a<br />

ktu'shka, ktuyllga; c. oneself loose slight c , thlansxa.<br />

from, shl'lakta; c. notches into, c y c 1 o a e, kfikiaksh.<br />

kte'k'hiehe, Iktepe'.ta, ktl'ixi; c. off~ cyliitdric, Ltlkali.

540 ENGLISH - ELAMATH <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

d a g g e r, shlakat6tkish; over two<br />

feet long, yuhaneash. W<br />

Dal1es, the, nom. pr. of a series<br />

of swift rapids in the Columbia<br />

River, and of town adjacent, Am-<br />

Jqxeni.<br />

d a ]ni, s.; pile-dc, wooden d., pt'plisli;<br />

fishing d or trap, made of fallen or<br />

D.<br />

felled trees, ludber-d , nfik6sh; d. I<br />

uander the water's 5u)face, ottlks;<br />

beaver-d., )imLam nwliksh; to build a<br />

d., nmldua; living near a lumiber d.,<br />

niakuslikslikslrini, naklushZ6'nkiii.<br />

d a in , v. t.; to d. U]) the water, nakna.<br />

d a in 1); it is saltrly, I)aislha; it is d.,<br />

wvet weather, muka'lta; d. and hot w.,<br />

g~iwa.<br />

d an c e, v. t., kshllnid a; to begin to<br />

d., kshliulakta`inika k; to go and d.,<br />

lksltiulaktclha; (l. at "d' toclor dances,<br />

%vwala; d. the virqinitl dance, shuA-'xalta,<br />

vaIlkil, stitup v ukll a kshfiu-<br />

I6Za; d. a fear-dance, il6kaslia; d.<br />

a war-dance before the fight, tadsih(-<br />

I., yltInlakhia i; to fnak&e d., force,<br />

rrom~rt to d., shnlikshfIl ya.<br />

d a i c e , s.; Indian( d. of any kind,<br />

y('ishi; d.-houso, kslihifiik-isi ; d.<br />

,/(kt4, !'lIkshX; to arranye a (I., ksiulaktelia;<br />

to /perfo im a cerewnonfial or<br />

any other d., kslifulxaz to perform<br />

a qay d., tlititiYidslsia to lo i'-<br />

form long dances, kshii'itchna. Cf.<br />

(lance, V.<br />

dan d(ruff, pokangsh.<br />

d a n d y; to be d.-like, shalki4t-a.<br />

d a n g e r; to provide against d., sassaga.<br />

d a n g e r o u s; d. drug, _'lekotkish,<br />

or lnelotkish y('t-uks.<br />

d a r e, v. t., slia-apai-a.<br />

d a r k , adj. said of nighlt, tch'mi'ika;<br />

d. colored, limli'mli, It'laslhltchi, til)tipli;<br />

1)uslhpilslhli, adv. lAshpnsh;<br />

d. - comjplexioned, p)usbl)'Lslli; cf:<br />

mukrni'kli.<br />

dark n e ss , tclinit'ksfi.<br />

d a r t , v. t., as a missile, shIkna.<br />

d a s h , v. t.; d. to pieces, ndslipka,<br />

tekua. Cf. break, smash.<br />

d a u b), v. t., d. over, laliga, pitliga,<br />

Ita, ipka, slahiialua, shicslhka. Cf.<br />

bodaub, line, smear.<br />

d a ii b, s., shneluasli; round d., lt6ks;<br />

to make daubs, sbtlntialia<br />

d a u li t e r, pe-ip; sonmetimes ev(ash,<br />

dinm. w('ka; to give birth to a d.,<br />

peyala; related as( dl. to motifher, slhepia'ltlo.<br />

d a u g h t e r - i n - I a w , said bv<br />

father- and niotlier-in-law, p'ttfitap).<br />

Dav e 1-i 11, noin. pr. mase., l,6datkisli,<br />

WVawalgiosl, Wawalfiks-<br />


d a w a, v. i. anid imt)ers., nI'lka,<br />

nilalda, pv'ktgi.<br />

d a w ii, s., Ii'lka, paiktgai; to await<br />

the d. oj day in can:lp or elsewUNele,<br />

i'Ilka, pi'ktg-.<br />

d a y , waitash; one d. with, night ensuing,<br />

Nvaftashi; all d., all d. long,<br />

waitan, wiita, waIta; 'in the d. time,<br />

during the d., psIwc to-d., gr-c waltash;<br />

midday, pse'ksh; to pass a d.,<br />

to wait one d., or d. and night, waita;<br />

to have passed a whole d., or dL. and<br />

night, waitola.<br />

d a y 1 i g h t, ni'lka; d. appears, ni'lka,<br />

nilakla, pUi'kptgi; to be somewhere<br />

at d1, ni'lka, p)i'ktgi. Cf. dawn.<br />

d e a d, k'lekatko, pl. we'nkatko; dead<br />

persons are referred to only by the<br />

pronouns gen, huik (pl. hUi'kshia),<br />

huikslit, rtA'kt, because it is regarded<br />

criminal to call theni by their own<br />

names; to be d., gone, kii'gi; to be<br />

half d., or almost dying, k'klna,<br />

k'lek.11a; d. tree, waptlash<br />

*l e a cl y; d. poison, k'lek6tkish, pl.<br />

luelotkish; d. berries, k61,alko'tcli<br />

yai-uks.<br />

di e a f, shtchadkitko, Mod slitchal'ltantko;<br />

ntchbkis]h, lhntgg'tko; to be<br />

cl., ndslioka.<br />

dI ea 1, v. t.; d. withi somebody, u6ulakta.<br />

Cf. shnlita<br />

d e a l e r , slhs1'satuisli; d. intent upon<br />

a bargain, sheshatuA-ish.<br />

( ear; cf. sell.<br />

d e a t h , no ex eq ; qfter h is, her<br />

death, h'lektisl, k'Uekslit at; tl)ne,<br />

epoch, of (d, leluidshishl; d.-lament,<br />

dagger -dec l are 541<br />

luatpis1lJalsIh; prophecy of d., txut'txash;<br />

substance producing d., M'ekdtkish,<br />

luel6tkish; to be on the<br />

point, vergqe of cl., k'leklla, k'Clk.ipkaslhtaLa<br />

telshampka; to presage<br />

di., foretell a violent d., txfi'txa; one<br />

who p)resages d., txQ'txatkish; to pItt<br />

to cd., hlnslitcli6ka; shIn-ga, pl. shuerlka,<br />

Mod.; Idela, M. and KI.<br />

d e b a s e d , k'lidslhi; of d. character,<br />

tchektchlikli, tela'ikalsh, kuidshi<br />

steino sh.<br />

d e b a t e , v. t., liashtAftala, wdlltka,<br />

waltkapdli; said of one who is taking<br />

part in a debate, lichnkanka;<br />

debating i)lace, waltkotkisli<br />

d e b a u c lI, v. t.; debauched person,<br />

kekellulpalish.<br />

d e b t, skee-ntislh, shklulakslh; to be in<br />

d., shki'llka, skiuta.<br />

(o cay , v. i., mu'luala; dlecaying,<br />

said of plants, pdikatko; decayed,<br />

mn 'lualtko; decayed loy, kfdlapslh;<br />

decayed wood-substance, mnit'lu. Cf.<br />

putrid, rot, v.<br />

d e c e a s e d , -- MliAs; as in dI. father,<br />

1p'tish =lflsh. Cf. dead, and dlla.<br />

deceive, v. t., stitxa, palla; d. again,<br />

repeatedly, piilapcle; to fbol, shnapeil>pema,<br />

Mod. slinepceniperna.<br />

Decc im ber, expressed inaccur ately<br />

by the instr. case of k.iptclia, q. v.<br />

dcci d e, v. t., ne-ulxa; d. in favor<br />

of, ne-ulia.<br />

declare , v. t., shfApa, slLe'gsl~a,<br />

lnernkank~a,lienll'xe; (d. to someb~ody,<br />

shaplya, shAt'la; d. understandingly,<br />


542 ENGLISH - KAL<br />


decliine, v. t., lewitelita; v. i., as<br />

towards the horizon, tIlxa, tinol6na.<br />

d e c I i v i t y, lali'sh, ginshkcitko; (d.<br />

qf Mountain, yanlratot ginshka; to<br />

fiorm d., ginshka; if steep, lIla,<br />

lIi'lctl gi.<br />

d e cor p os e d, putrid, ndiipatko;<br />

to be d., ndo'pa.<br />

d e c r e e , \. t., ne'-ulxa, nie-ulakta,<br />

tpcwa; d. in favor of, ne-ulxia.<br />

d e c r e e, S., ii5-ulaksh.<br />

c e c r e p i t, by age, k'mnutchehwatko;<br />

plants, p'tkatko; to beconte d. by<br />

age, k'mtitchla; plants, kinukoltgi,<br />

nkc'la.<br />

d e e p , atini, abbr. Iti; staying d.<br />

(town, inunat'illkni; d., depressed, said<br />

of land(, te'Iltv'lli, Alod. teltehlli;<br />

to be d., sai(d of water, sand, etc., "Iti<br />

ewa, or cwa; to be possessed of a d.<br />

voice, tp-'Wntiana. Cf. bottom.<br />

d e e 1), adv.; d. down over a precipice,<br />

or in the ,round, water, m(Ina!,<br />

munAna, tH' mtmna.<br />

(I e e r, no generic term; blac7k-tail d,<br />

C(ervuas colunabianus, sbnlt-i; notle-d.,<br />

C'ervas mcicrotis, pakoleslh; whitetail<br />

d., InUshinush; young or little d.,<br />

lllhaiiksh, Alod. lidlhnksb; wfi'la,<br />

dim. wfl'laga.<br />

d e fa in e, v. t., sh6wala, atchiga, shikita.<br />

d e faim er , waliyish, Mod A'lkish;<br />

wiklis, dim. Nvikniaga.<br />

d e f e a t, v. t , skAdpipa, piledsha; in<br />

battle, iidi'lytt, -Ldu'pkat; vinlixi,<br />

Mod. vl'iiitt.<br />

d e f e c a t e, v. i., s5e'lshn, Iai-imola;<br />

wlhen afflicted with diarrhieea, ntinto-<br />

.l~kta, ntltelaktcha.<br />

(de file , v. t., to soil, kakrnega; to be<br />

defiled, as water, kuyulrma.<br />

d e f ra .1 d , v. t., stitXa, pa'lla; d. repeatedly<br />

or again, p'tdapole.<br />

d e f u n c t; cf. deceased, dead.<br />

deg ustate, v. t., kpapsha.<br />

d e l a y ; without cl., pallak, pAlakak.<br />

deliberate, v, i., hashltaltal~a;<br />

wdltka, waltakpeli. Cf. debate, v.<br />

d e I i v e r, v. t., to rescue, hislitehi,<br />

shnel;shita; d. a speech, he'mkanka;<br />

wvhien words are quoted verbatim,<br />

lbeme'ze.<br />

d e 1 u s i o n; to labor under delusions<br />

of 7ind, tilotkaia.<br />

d e in a n d, v. t., viX, ta; d. monegy,<br />

valuables, hWislhyakta. Cf. ask, beg,<br />

re(luilre.<br />

d e mi e n t e d, tchawikatko, lc'kish;<br />

to be d., tehawika, leka.<br />

l e in o I i s h , V. t., shnewi; k6wa,<br />

1p. peke6'a. Cf. destroy, v.<br />

d e in o n , shko'ks.<br />

d e in o n i a c, irresistible, shkalci.<br />

d e n , wa'sh; of a burrowing animal,<br />

slinuiaslh, stu, Stt'ish; yc-sliS; gopher's<br />

d., sttish; small (., stiuiga; to<br />

go, return, crawl into its d., kilibli;<br />

IgulI, pl. killi ; to scratch a d., stiiiya,<br />

wW'shila; a round hole, lushb'ntelina,<br />

shlihutita; to insert a stick, etc., into a<br />

d., kmlkapsliti; to obstruct a d., yankztlpsliti.<br />

d e n s e, hupkatko, mrnf=bi'ipkatko;<br />

to be (l., said of smoke, etc., mft'lka;<br />

of clouds, mnil hi'tpka.

dent a liii. in - s ]i l I, tfitash; alketclhk.<br />

d e n y, v. t., shalkamnka; d. an averred<br />

fact, shAkamka.<br />

d e p a r t, v. i.; generic term, gena;<br />

gulindsa, genfila; d. again, g-tkala;<br />

d. awn d be, stay a way, genuala; d. in<br />

haste, hitikansha, du. tu'shkansha, 1).<br />

tinkansha; d. on a trip, guhualshka,<br />

guilills]liktcha; d. unexpectedly, til6tkalla;<br />

d. in a wagon, carriage, inhAsliktcha;<br />

d. by water, in a canoe,<br />

sxowaslika.<br />

deplete oneself, v. refl.. sZ6'dsha,<br />

ii-un6la.<br />

d e P o s e, v. t., from position, vut6dshna,<br />

shne'kelti.<br />

d e P) o s i t, v. t. ; d. long articles, Ita,<br />

Ilxa; Ila, more freq. d.: yala; d.<br />

round obj.,l lka, likla; d. sheet-like<br />

things, cf. lay, v.; d., lay, said of<br />

birds laying eggs, knukla; d. crosswise,<br />

kshbt'lka, pl. etl6'xi; d. in<br />

the ground, (Ixa; d. on the ground or<br />

elsewhere, kshIkla; pl. fkia; vases,<br />

tubs, etc , telnlyia; d. on, upon,<br />

Ita, pe-tula; bulky obj., persons, etc.,<br />

Ifin, more frequently d.: yAla; IIkIa,<br />

II ka; d. upon, tchlx'Ia; d. upon<br />

somethin-g higqh, kshl'li wal; kshadwal,<br />

pl. iw

544 EiNILISII - <strong>KLAMATH</strong>L M)ICTIONAIIY.<br />

d e t r a c t , v t., atchiga, she'wala.<br />

c1 v it r, v. t., slili'ki, s]ilenca, PjI~aI<br />

p'ka. Cf. consume, v.<br />

(I ( v o it r G 1 , eater of, 1)

d i s a bl e, v. t., by a missile, etc., ef.<br />

wound, v.<br />

d i s a ll o w, v. t., lew&ula.<br />

d i s a p p e a r, kia'gi; d. again, kIi'gipele;<br />

d., as fogr, clouds, hudshl'ltka,<br />

tch6ka; d. again, repeatedly, as<br />

clouds, tch6kapele; d. under the<br />

horizon, tinkuela, tinega, tino'li.<br />

disappoint, v. t.; to be disappointed,<br />

as in finding a person,<br />

galala.<br />

discharge, v. t., as a horse, ii-<br />

161a; as a g-tn, pistol, tewi; shlu,<br />

pl. yul'ta; 111pt'-isha.<br />

discourse, V. t., hemkanka, waltka,<br />

shalpa; d. with somebody, shapiva.<br />

discourse, s., hImkanksb, waltoks.<br />

discover, v. t., find out, kiilixa; d.<br />

persons, long obj., shle'ta; d. through<br />

inquiry, shemtchMblxa; d. accidentally,<br />

gAwal; after a search, shlea;<br />

not to d. after a search, leshma<br />

d i s c u s s , v. t., hashtAltala, waltkapeli;<br />

to argue, shempdta. Cf. debate,<br />

v.<br />

d i s e a s e, n6)aksh; d., acute or painful,<br />

ma'shash; chronic or incurable,<br />

shi'lalslt; relapsed into d., kalak;<br />

article prodlucing d., tctktish ; to be<br />

affected with d., mna'shia, shli'la; to<br />

fail into d., shilaka, shil.11a.<br />

d i s e a s e (d, m-a'shetko, sAflaltko; to<br />

l)e d., m-a'sha; if chronically or incurably,<br />

shl'la.<br />

di s e mnb al k, v. i., kiupi'ta, sxap

546<br />


d i s r e g a r dc, v. t., hislinkita; laws,<br />

etc., yekewa.<br />

d i s r o b e , v. t, udshlfpa, pl. idslhpa;<br />

d. oneself, kap6la. Cf. strip, v.<br />

d i s s o 1 l te; d. person, kekeluipalislh.<br />

1 i s s o v e , v. t., slmatchaka, stilxa;<br />

d. in a pan, shulala.<br />

dissolve, v. i.; said of ice, snow,<br />

tchutchaya, Mod. tchoya; to cause<br />

to be dissolved, stilxa. Cf. melt, v.<br />

distance, no ex. eq.; at a d., adv.<br />

tu, tut, tush; at a d. above, tu', -tt;<br />

in the d., htt (long objects, persons);<br />

hiu, u', or suffix -u; ki, kui;<br />

far out in the d., tuij, tush; to a d.<br />

to a different place, wemni; to, from a<br />

great d., ati; at a short d., wika,<br />

tchinta; prep., wig-atan; a short d.<br />

from home, Iwag; being in the d.,<br />

absent, adj. n1g; Cf. kuiinag; coming<br />

from somewhere in the d., ta'shlni;<br />

at a d. fromn, welitana; to jump into<br />

d, hoyeka; to keep somebody at a<br />

d., vulta. An act performed at a<br />

distance, or unseen by the one<br />

speaking, is referred to by the<br />

suffix -pka (-Apka, -ipka); at a d.<br />

ilp in the air, -upka.<br />

d i s t a n t , adj., atini, abbr. ati; that<br />

d. one, anim. huh'k, neg, tt'tkni; inan.<br />

li'k.<br />

distantly, adv., ati.<br />

d i s t e m1p e r, nepaksb; same as<br />

disease, (. v.<br />

distended, spukuatko.<br />

d i s t i n c t from others, wennini, abbr.<br />

wXelini; wiktclislb.<br />

distr essed, yanlILuIA1i, yualkisli.<br />

dist r i b ute, v.t., sle-iu'ta; d.what<br />

has been divided into portions, shep'ttxa.<br />

Cf. divide, v.<br />

distribution, shc-etish.<br />

di st r i c t, region, kiii1a.<br />

distrust, v. t., slnuikislhala; kLt-i<br />

lola.<br />

disturb a nc e, by noise, kl-i tt'Lmnnash;<br />

d., aftiray, shisliukasl;<br />

atmospheric d, yAtlkau; to raise a<br />

d, liishtclntktna; no d.! hitok 1!<br />

d i t c hi; wet d., kokiga, stUnshislh.<br />

d i v e, v. i., kidsha, pa'na; shikikia<br />

(also with ambutat); to go and d.,<br />

shiikixina.<br />

d i v e r s i f i e d, nAnuktua gftko, wviktclhislh;<br />

of d. colors, bushkalxanatko.<br />

divest oneself, v. refl, shiaslhka;<br />

d. oneself of, as of a hat,<br />

shlanatchlvula; as of a coat, kap)dla.<br />

di vide , v. t., into portions, shiatka;<br />

d up, distribute, she-ii'ta; d.<br />

in two portions, shekt~akta; d. between<br />

two, hekslultxa; d. among several<br />

or mnany, said of wlhole articles,<br />

sliebltZa; d amnonY several or many,<br />

said of articles equal in size, shenatxa;<br />

d. the severed portions among<br />

an equal number of persons, slhepat-<br />

tX a.<br />

divorce, v i.; to become or be divorced,<br />

she'kateha. Cf. vutodsha.<br />

divulge, v. t., sInipa, stflXa; d.<br />

a secret, stiltchlka.<br />

d i z z y, as one dritnk, lekish; to be d.,<br />

hirna, lenmle'nla.

d i z z i n e s s, la'u'lernsh; to be in a<br />

state of d, lAnia, lernmnia<br />

do, v. t., to act, perform, gi; cf. gi<br />

();sh uta; d,. so, liumatlsht gi; n11asht<br />

gi, Mod. ne-asht gi; o-oakgi;<br />

d. one's duty, tidshi gi; d. on one's way,<br />

shutedshna; don't d. it! hulya! to<br />

have to d. with, to handle, gIshala;<br />

to have something done, finished, viL'-<br />

d o , v. i.; d. well, to be in health, tidsh<br />

n'islilta; how dto you do? tuAi. I ilnshlita<br />

?<br />

doctor, v. i., said of conjurers,<br />

tcht'ita, telattena; said of physicians,<br />

y.A-uka. Cf. treat, v.<br />

d o c u Ir e n t , written on paper, pIpa.<br />

dod ge , v. t., gl'tmnni; d. missiles,<br />

h6pelitcelna.<br />

d o g, watchbiga; male d., laki watcligtA;<br />

fetnale d., ndsilo watchl.ga;<br />

d. rose-bush, Rosa californica, tchiuitiam.<br />

Cf. fox.<br />

dolichocephialic, vultchikish.<br />

d o 1, Aimash.<br />

d o 1 a r, tala; silver d., shilba talla,<br />

p1t)lpali talla.<br />

dornesticated; said of beasts,<br />

ka'-i konA('slini; not d., iwash.<br />

d o nI a t eI v. t., manly obj. spokenl<br />

of collectively, shewt'na. Cf. bestow,<br />

grive, v.<br />

( o n a t i on, 0 shewilnish.<br />

d o o r, kaishtish; to close the d., shLIuki;<br />

to open the d., kaislint'lla, Mod.<br />

shla-ukiola; d.-key, d.-lock, cf. key,<br />

lock.<br />

d o o r f I a p , of¢ lodge, kaIslitish ; to<br />

di sregard- do wn. 547<br />

close the d, shIA-uki ; to open the d.,<br />

kaislimt'lla, Mod. sila-uki6la.<br />

d o o r w a y, stekish, Mod. st6kish.<br />

d o r s a 1; cf back, s.; anterior d fin,<br />

ka'luish.<br />

d o t , v. t., with a pen, etc., slii'unalua;<br />

to stain, shn6lua; d. over, nd'kta;<br />

d. over all alon, ndektana; dotted,<br />

shumalut'tko, shunmaluakitko. Cf.<br />

dot, s.<br />

d o t, s., nde.ktisli, shn6ltiasli; round<br />

d., ltoks; to make dots, ind'kta;<br />

all along, ndektana; to make (lots<br />

with a pen, brush, etc., shltmnalha;<br />

full of dots, having dots, shunmaluatko,<br />

shurmaluakitko, udelgatko.<br />

d o tag e; to be in one's d., me'kia.<br />

dote, v. i., to be or become doting,<br />

nnekia; (doting person, mekislh.<br />

d o u b1) e , sometimnes exp)ressed by<br />

111pi, two; and by 'tlpok, both.<br />

d o ub l I e , v. t.; d. up, as paper, sl)parilxa.<br />

d o u b I e u p, v. i., shuhatchlAla,<br />

knukla, knu'kl~a.<br />

d o u b t, v. t, kUt-i kitak heawa, Ut-i<br />

l6la; shnikishala.<br />

d o u g h, tiilpesh.<br />

d o u s e, v. t., slninduwa.<br />

d o v e; mourning d., olash, dim. o-6dki<br />

dow n, s., nI'l; downy feathelN, 1111'6kash;<br />

whitish d., o'lash; providcd,<br />

covered with1 d, ni'laltko, ni'l gitko.<br />

Cf. downy<br />

d o Wl i, ad v.; d. to, downhill, (loun -<br />

wards, ydmitanma, yv'1tna j or expressed<br />

by the prefixes ya-, yi-, hIa-, the<br />

suffixes -la, -lxa, etc ; to look d.,

548<br />

ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> D)ICTIONARY.<br />

yana tdlslina; d. below, low d., deep<br />

d., muna, mun

tkilya; dressing knife, of bone, neshk6tkish.<br />

d 1 i ft , v. i., d. along, Ildshna; d.<br />

after, lu'lamna; d. away, shlul6la;<br />

d. downward, lutxi; upward, luydga,<br />

spitkala-these terms referring to<br />

clouds, fog, smoke; d. away in the<br />

water, mpdtitchna, mnpdtchna; when<br />

by circular motion, lmewilxa; d.<br />

(down, stream, mp('titchna, inpetlalona.<br />

d r i f t - w o o d, as deposited by a<br />

current, 16mrwalieksh.<br />

d r i n k , v. t., bulnua; said of infants,<br />

kko-i, popo-i; d., lap, said of dogs,<br />

etc., ulakshulalksla; d. out, n.1nuk<br />

bttnua; d. out of the hand, hlekua;<br />

d. to excess, lekanka; to go and d,<br />

banlt'dsha; to miake d., to gire to d.,<br />

hluslipAnua; drinking glass, lam -pun<br />

i'tkislhti, wIkamina.<br />

d r i n k , s., bun6'kish.<br />

d r i n k e r, blunuish, more frequentlyr<br />

bubAnuish; to be a d., bulnua, bulb)Anua.<br />

d 1 i p , v. i., d. down, kiOlIga, ndshlshllla,<br />

tilxa, tinlbla; d (town, */.|<br />

down from, nde-ukuela, pl. wetkn5la;<br />

as melting snow, ice, tchokpa; d.<br />

down continually from a pliant article,<br />

tch6tcha; to make d., tflxa; having<br />

dripping eyes, papatktlwatko,<br />

tchetchapkatko.<br />

d r i v e, v. t.; generic terms: to force<br />

to go, ginkanka; to pursue, shl'dslia.<br />

D. around, tptI'yamna; in a circle,<br />

pl. of obj., niulgIdsha; d. away, off,<br />

kpAi'lZa, tpuli, tpulina; for pl. and<br />

downlihill-drop. 549<br />

coll. obj. also idsha, Idshna, nfwa;<br />

d. away while marching, kpu'laktcha;<br />

set out for driving away, tpugidsha;<br />

to continue driving away, tpugidshapelitaimna;<br />

d. back, or to one's home,<br />

puedshampeli; d. before oneself, as<br />

winds do, vuhupidga; d., as cattle,<br />

shu'dsha, pl. niudshna; ginkanka;<br />

d. a hoop, wheel, circle, stilanshna;<br />

d. into the ground, or into somethling,<br />

tdwa, pl. tetAlxa; d. into, as into an<br />

inclosure, kpuli, tpulf, pl. niuli; d.<br />

on level ground, shbudshna, pl. nhidshna;<br />

cd. out, kpi'itcha, kpuitcelhia,<br />

tplidsha, tpu'dshna, pl. niukna; tpulIna;<br />

shuiwa, pl. niwa; d out, as<br />

alimals, hush'ka, kputcha, etc.; d.<br />

out of a lodge, etc., shuka, pl. niwa;<br />

to go and d. out, shulikidsha; d. out of<br />

an inclosure, shuI-uaa, pl. Muya; d.<br />

out again, kputchimpeli; d. together<br />

what is scattered, niulgidsha; d.<br />

up, to the top of, tpualiega; d. uphill,<br />

tpI^u'lxa, pl. niwt'dxa; a team, Mtulxa,<br />

niw'Ivlxa; d. into water, shAwva,<br />

pl. nixva; d. away from water, sIuiki'na,<br />

pl. niwikina; d. out of the water<br />

again, shiuikIpeli, pI. TniWikttpeli,<br />

drizzle down, v. i., said of rain,<br />

etc., limlima, ndshindshisbkAnka,<br />

ndshislil a, Mod. tchiptchimna.<br />

drop, s., ndshishlxa, ntIklaksh; to<br />

come down in small drops, ndshlIshlxa;<br />

to make fall in drops, tilla.<br />

drop, v. t., heshka, ktelxa, shnint6la,<br />

shnint6'lxa; d. on, upon, kc'ltama,<br />

iwcila; d. upon the ground,<br />



d r o p, v. i., inan. sublj., gdlxa, IitZa<br />

Mod. shlnint6la; said of water, rain,<br />

tishka, thlla, tiulola. Cf. drizzle, v.<br />

d r o s s, nyUtatko.<br />

dirown, v. t., Antputat shIuga, ef.<br />

kt61xa, ktulshna; d. oneself, pitak<br />

tchla']Za, Mod.; to be drowned, kte-<br />

]xa, mnpet'tega, tinua, Mod. pitaknlmani<br />

tchbI'l'a; drowningplace, tinuash.<br />

( r o w s y , kt-anapkatko; to be d., ktanaipka.<br />

d r u g, remedial, y-t-uks; poisonous,<br />

ya-uks; d. used for killing, poisoning,<br />

k'lekotkislh, many obj., luelotkish.<br />

d r u nm , bWibani; d.-stick, udintnoltkish;<br />

to beat a d., udi'ntona.<br />

d r Li n k , lekatko; to be d., ld'ma,<br />

leka.<br />

d r u n k a r d , bt'inuisli, more friequently<br />

bub.'anlish; h'kish; to be a<br />

d, bubanua, d. of lI)(tla.<br />

d r y, adj., exsiccated, pahliatko, nfii'tchatko;<br />

said of water, paltko; it<br />

is d. weather, season, piata; to be, become,<br />

remain d., p1Alia, pala; to become<br />

d., pi'ila, paldla, kT'ltki; to render<br />

d., said of sun, fire, slip

drop-eat. 551<br />

ally in, within, tchiZo6ga, tchiwiza, d w e I I i n g, tchi'sh; l'itchash, Mod.<br />

tchi'dsha, pl. wadslitiga; d. together stina'sh; place of d., living, w-a'sh.<br />

in the same village, etc., tchbpka. dye, v. t., shni1na; dyed, shneluatko.<br />

d w eli1 e r, at a certain place, tchi'sb. d y e - s t u f f, shnelu6tkish.<br />

E.<br />

each; the idea of severalty con- e a r n e s t; to be in e., shakatga'-a.<br />

tained in each of, every one of, is earth, land, country, world, kaIla;<br />

expressed by the d. form in all e., earthy matter. dirt, kdilla; e., ud,<br />

parts of Kl speech: nouns, verbs, po'ks, tuipesh; interior of e, leadverbs,<br />

etc.; e. other: expressed mu'lua; e.-colored, kadlaptchi; e. or<br />

by the prefixes sh-, h-sh-, forming dirt-lodge, kiillaal.tchash, luldaniarecipr.<br />

verbs; amiong, against e. o., Ilhks; to create the e., kailala.<br />

sliipapdlijnkstant, piplaThgslitant. e a r w a x, tut'tu'ksh, wawAksam tut'e<br />

a g 1 e; bald or white-headed e., Ha- t1W'ksh, Mod. pa'hpasb.<br />

liaet us leucocephalus, yatixal; also ease, s.; with e., k-una; in Mod.<br />

called skth'shki; to hurnt the b. c., also: ka'nktak.<br />

yall'-txil,1a; golden e., Aquila chrys- easily, k-una; in Mod. also: hUnkaetos,<br />

p'laiwash; to hunt the y. c., tak, thnktak<br />

p'laiwas.lslltclia. e a s t, yewat, lfl'pit: e., place of sune<br />

a r; both cars, of persons and ani- rise, tin6'xish; from the e., yewat,<br />

matls, mil'tninatclh, Mod. wawrvi- l11pit, cf. eastern; eastward, towardls<br />

kash; exterior of e., waw:ikash ; e.- the e., yewat, lupitala, I'ipit; on the<br />

canal, wawAkshain -intkish; e.-Iobe, c. side, tin6xishxe'ni; on the e. sidt'<br />

waw ksam telk-ish, Mod. lii'lka- of lu'pian.<br />

tko; earrings, set of, stashtdini- ea st e r n , coming from the east, hlinish;<br />

e. of cereals, nfi'sh, o'tish; pi'tkni, lupitalani.<br />

bearing an e., nuslhl'tko; e. of mnaize, e a s t-w i n d, yewash; the e. w. blows,<br />

Indian corn, Ishalka am (or istakanm) yewa.<br />

Otish; in Mod. also: tk~ipam otish. e a s y, ke-uni; at an e. pace, k('-una.1<br />

e arly, adj.; e. in the morning, eat, v. t.; persons, pain, pflka, pl'iunna'kni;<br />

e., belonging to the past, ula; persons or cattle, ptIwa; e up,<br />

mn'ntclini, t6ankni. k6ka, shlu'ki, shnexia, vulta; c.<br />

e a r I y, adv.; e in the morning, unat'k, habitually, pf'tcha; e. in a brute-like<br />

una; prep., earlier than, before, manner, sop up, hlopa; e. with a<br />

lu'pia, In1piak, hipitana. j spoon, hl1p)a; e. while walking,

,552 5ENGTISH - LAMATH <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

h'ishnsha; to ccase to e., pa-i'la; to<br />

commence to e., pat

elsewhere, nayanta kaIla, u5,'dshlash,<br />

w(nni. Cf another, other.<br />

en a c i a t e d, pI'hlaksh; iiZItsatko;<br />

to become e., shh'isla. Cf. dry, lean.<br />

e m b r a c e, V. t., waik shatashkaki<br />

rnna; ldukua, shulclakua. Cf.<br />

hug, N-.<br />

e in b r o i d e r, v. t., hl-ikashlshftko<br />

shuta; fta.<br />

G n e t i c, tchUnukish.<br />

emigrate , v i., with or without<br />

family, me'dslia, shealnshla.<br />

e m i n e n e e, yalna, dim. yaina-aga;<br />

rocky e., wvallish; e. shaped roof-like,<br />

witlashl; on an e., p'alI, p'laIna,<br />

p)'laftala; to stand, be on an e., tka'lah<br />

na, du. lujllamna, pl. lh'ilanina<br />

e miI t , v. t., air, breath, wvfka; shlewi;<br />

e. sound, voice, noise, hMi'na; e.,<br />

mniusical sounds, walta; e. querulous<br />

sounlds, kallialia, kaikatya, wdwa.<br />

cii pl oyer, htashtaltampk'ttko; lakd.<br />

em pty, adj., keliak tWAi; to be e.,<br />

g9Impka, ginsxa, gfnuala.<br />

enipty, v. t.; e. upon, iwala, 6wa;<br />

e. upon again, iwvzlpeli. Cf. poul', V.<br />

e n a m o r e d, witchtank; to be e. of,<br />

kuktakia, witchta; wItchna, shull'ndi;<br />

stmnta.<br />

e n c a m p, v. i., muikdhŽRa; e. again,<br />

niamklakpeli; e while traveling a certain<br />

distance, maiktchna; e. at di erent<br />

places while on the same trip,<br />

makllaktcha; to go and e. annually,<br />

habitually, mAkualsha; e. away fromn<br />

the lodge, house, incwa; to be encamped,<br />

tchla; to be encamped toqether,<br />

in('pka, tclfpka; to remain<br />

eatt a h) I e - e II ( n y . 55,3<br />

encamnpe( fi)r a while, mllkpka. Cf.<br />

camp, s. and v.<br />

encampment, tch!'sh; place of; ml'kualksh<br />

; formner e., tehiwish.<br />

encircle, v. t., gakidimna; surround,<br />

lhashdinipka,; e. with, stunke'dslia,<br />

stinkidmina ; e. while in<br />

motion, ga ki'ma; e., surround, in the<br />

form of a hollow body, ginkakilmna.<br />

encilos ue, of branches, etc., Ittchaksh;<br />

fenced e., wvlkalak, Alod.<br />

ktchinkssh; toerectan e ., latcll'tkslila.<br />

e nc o mpass, ,. t., stutnkitullnla,<br />

stunk6dsha; e closely, shatashka<br />

kiAmna.<br />

end, S, no ex eq.; upper e. of;<br />

wIhla, wilhashhlsh:; of a cone, conical<br />

tiee, etc., halpa; (at this e., as of<br />

a lo,, gretice'i; at one e., nli-ioshtdLi,<br />

na-it/e'ni; at the other e. of; g('ta HI;<br />

who or what is at the lower e. 0/,<br />

yaiia-kanl, yz'nani; that's the e.,<br />

| at g'tak; to be, stand at the e. of a<br />

file, row, taml'Idsha; to be, stand,<br />

lie at the e. of, leliwa; at the lower<br />

e. of, yumaddslia; to come to an e.,<br />

tmetla; to begin at one c., tinuyega;<br />

to come to an e., to stop, k'lwi; in<br />

workiinzg, etc., s1kelui; to sever, break<br />

off at one e., n(I-igslitala shoepltta.<br />

e l1 (l, V. t., shdkelui, tmerla. Cf. end s.<br />

e ii d e a v o l ) V. v i., _ 7o tclhktyktgoa;<br />

c. more than once, keko-liya, tchuli-<br />

txakdnka.<br />

en (l o W , v. t.; cf. give, v.; endowed<br />

wcith, gtko, cef gi 4).<br />

e n e In m y, ill war, ShliiS'(6kiSh ; per,-<br />

sonal e., shitcllilktnishi.


e n a g e, v. t., oneself, sfiei'lxa, e. o.<br />

in a fight, shuktampka, shellualtampka;<br />

e. in a fight with stones,<br />

etc., siiunta'tpka; e. almost in a fight,<br />

battle, shenotankalkska.<br />

c n g a gem en t, shen6lakui-h; e. in<br />

war, shishlokish.<br />

I n g l i s hi m a n, nom, pr., King-<br />

Dslhiltcl, Sking Dshfi'dsh.<br />

e n j o i n , v. t., stuli, tpc2va, shittla;<br />

e. while going or traveling, stulfdsha.<br />

c n o u g 1h; e. of it, getak, at getak;<br />

tt'Lmi; excl.: gUtak! Mod. tanktak!<br />

kdInktak!<br />

c nslave, v. t., lu'g-shla.<br />

e ter , v. i., gAtkta; gulf, ni'hlf, pl<br />

kfllhi; e.again, cf.re-enter; e., said of<br />

animals going into their dlens, kil'bfli;<br />

e. below(c, gutila; e. as a bullet,<br />

gft'talxa; e. the flesh, skin, shishna;<br />

e. or crawl into, g(utcga; e. by sliding<br />

into, gnttktclia; e., as into a<br />

house, gunif, pl. kilhi ; e. quickly,<br />

hn'llhe; e. the married state, shump-<br />

S'iX~ti ; e. sidewise, kiattega; e. into<br />

woods, bushesc, hilingy places, liillkiya,<br />

(In. tushkaya, p 1 l tinxzyla, gakAya.<br />

e n t i r e, rnuluk; e., so id of garments,<br />

manufactured objects, ka-i tegatko<br />

kai-i wc'atko, Mod. ka-i k4gatko;<br />

to be e., StA.<br />

en ti r e- ly, stil; in the sense of<br />

gJreatlly, larqely, mfi, kUt-a.<br />

(li t r ai l s , kdya. Cf. bowels.<br />

enltrance; st'kish; low e., stit; to<br />

bar, obstruct an e., yankiipshti. Cf.<br />

door, gate.<br />

e n t r a p, v. t., shnapempemna, Mod.<br />

shne pcmpema.<br />

entreat, v. t., tpewa. Cf. ask, v<br />

enumerate, v. t., shetua.<br />

e nn n c i ate, v. t., shApa, hemkankaenvelope,<br />

s., what envelops, wraps<br />

in, waishash, ski'ttash.<br />

epi dem y, nepaksh.<br />

e p o c h; at that e., at, apoc. a;<br />

tank; when recent, ta'nkak; existing<br />

at that e., tankni; the one, those<br />

living at that e., t.anktchikni.<br />

e q u a I 1 y, hflmaslitak, hnimtsantka,<br />

shultank =sshItko; e. as, walkaktak.<br />

erect, v. t. Cf. build, v,<br />

e r e c t, adj.; to be e. upon somethiun,<br />

to stand e. on one's fret, tgAwala, 1)1.<br />

liwIlda. Cf. stand, v., and the prefixes<br />

t-, ta-, te-; tg-, tk-.<br />

erection; to be in e., kina.<br />

e r o d e , v. t.; to gnaw at, kwu'ldsha,<br />

kata, ngii(ta.<br />

e rud ite, to be, v.i.,pfpan¢'nuk<br />

slhyuakta.<br />

e r i1 p t i o n of the skin, tchimtash,<br />

g'tt~akslh; to be sick wvith such,<br />

gu' t ,a: covered with, eruptions,<br />

t iinitatko.<br />

e r ii p t i v e formation, tcheltchlisli.<br />

e s c a p e, v. t. and v i., gi'likaka, gui'shkat,<br />

Ilod. ksluita; e. through smokehole,<br />

l6kanslha; e. an imminelit peril,<br />

w. pka.<br />

escap)e, s., gu'ka ksh.<br />

e s p o u s e , v. t., said of both sexes,<br />

mbusHeala. Cf' marry, V.<br />

est r a n oed; to become e., wenmfala;<br />

by) di;Sta11(e, wettif-i.

E ur opean, s. and adj., palpali<br />

tclill';l,:s gttko; B3oslithi.<br />

evade, v. t ; to dodqe, gaimbni; e.<br />

shots, h6pelitchna.<br />

evaporate, v. i, tt'aka.<br />

e v e n, adj. ; unbroken, thiktakli; slippery,<br />

lakk'kli; polished, tchhli'xatko;<br />

running straight, tstltali; smooth, tatPItli,<br />

Mod. patp:itli, adv. p,'itpat; to<br />

make e., patpat slhigta, vulina; e. but<br />

of rugqyed surface, ts'htsit'}lli, patpAI<br />

tli.<br />

even, colj., tak, taks, t-a'dsh<br />

e v e n i n g, ki'sh, Iftki ; in the e., lftki,<br />

kishe'mi; later part ofe., spuna'ksh;<br />

it is late in the e., spunega. Cf. sundown,<br />

sunset.<br />

e v e n l y, adv., equally, shbuhank=shitko<br />

Cf even, adj<br />

e v e r , ad(v. , un, jn; at any time, tat; I<br />

alwvays, tchushak. Cf. always.<br />

everlasting, tchu'shnfni.<br />

ev e r y, nanuk; everybody, e. one,<br />

nanuk; e. kind of articles, nAnuktua;<br />

e. night, nannuk pshin; everywhere,<br />

nainulkash; cominqfrom ever^ywhere,<br />

naklintkni. Cf. all, each.<br />

ev e r y thin , nlttnuk; all thinqs indiscriminately,<br />

ni'Muktua.<br />

evidently, adv., can often be<br />

rendered by hai, hai, .I-i - brought<br />

in connection to what precedes,<br />

haitch. Cf. of course, under:<br />

course<br />

evi scerate, v. t., witka.<br />

e x c a v a t e, v. t., yrpa, Mod. ib6Ta;<br />

vutyolya, kifila shu'ta; e. near, or between<br />

two places, met-'tainsxa; e.<br />

e n g a g e-e x i s t 55<br />

from under, hanttla; e. a round hole,<br />

l'b6na, Inisl~iantclna, shli'tila.<br />

e x c a v a t i o n, ibekantko, wia'shl;<br />

full of excavations, ibut6katko.<br />

ex c a vat o r , kfifla=si'tshlatish.<br />

e x c e 1, v. i., kshl'tiZi; wini~i, Mod.<br />

v'iZi; excelling over, winfZish, wiunziislptchi.<br />

excellent, met tidshi.<br />

e x c e s s, in drinking, lekainkisl.<br />

e x C Ih a n ge, v. t.; to barter, sheniilta,<br />

siueshatui, slieslhatlIka, shiyata,<br />

hesheli6ta; lo receive by exchanging<br />

for other articles, hesliZl1peli.<br />

ex cite , v. t., the water, stelewa; c.<br />

to rage, shnikaluan; excited, telhAkalslh,<br />

k'loslh, shawigatkoo; to be cxcited,<br />

nervous, tchu'XatXa; shawi(g a .<br />

excrements, shkit'sh.<br />

e x e r t i o n, s.; to make exertions,<br />

Iftchltakia, tchuktfak'Mnkca, keko.<br />

e x li a u s t, v. t.; to becowe exhausted,<br />

ke'dsliika; to become or be exhausted<br />

as after exertion, tg-ela, pl. luelu.lla,<br />

Alod. lualolxa; from travel,<br />

sha'tiki, pa'htclina.<br />

exh a ustion, s.; to suffer firomt e,<br />

kedshika, pa'litchna. Cf. exhaust, v.<br />

e x I i b i t, v. t., h6shla, hashtwaktcha;<br />

long obj., alalia.<br />

exist, v. i., gi; cf. gi (I) and (3); not<br />

to e., kai'gi; e. in a certain place, nwdium,<br />

tchia, pl. wA ; e continually in<br />

it, tclii6oga-, tcht' dsha, pl. witdshnga;<br />

e. on, as on the ground, ian.,<br />

lbll'ka; e. on the shore, near the water,<br />

tgaliga, pl. lillifiga.


e x o d u s, and time of c., starting, guIkaksh.<br />

expect, V. t., km~ika, wAIxa; e. by<br />

waiting, tehawAva; waIha.<br />

e x p e 1, v. t., kpf'IxIa, kpuitcha, kpiitclna;<br />

sll1'hwa, pl. nIwa; e. forcibly,<br />

tplidshla, tplidslina, tpulina; e. from<br />

a lodge, shuka, pl. nfuya; e. again,<br />

kputch1lmp6Ii; to start for expelling,<br />

tpugidsha, shl'ikidsha.<br />

e x p e r t, shayuaksh.<br />

e x p i a t e, v. t.; to cause to e., shiktchaktchna.<br />

e x p i r e, v. i., k'ka, tehoka, hI1lla.<br />

e x p 1 a i n , v. t., heshanikanka, sbh'gsba;<br />

e. to each other, heshegsha.<br />

e x p l o d e, v. i., ndega, tita, kitita,<br />

mbawa; to cause to e., mbalwa; if<br />

l)b a stroke of the hand, shmambua.<br />

e x p) lo si o n, tewish.<br />

ex p o se, v t., to the smoke, hashbAixa.<br />

O x p o u n d , v. t., lultatka; e a story,<br />

stories, shlashapkolIa.<br />

e x p o u n d er, s., of fictive or other<br />

stories, shasliapkel-islh; of the conjurer's<br />

sayings, lilda tkish.<br />

o x 1) r e s s, v. t., on?e's wishes, shamenakia;<br />

shamti-uli, hIimniii. Cf. de-<br />

sire, v., wish, v.<br />

e x s i c c a t e, v. t, palha, pahalka;<br />

to becoine exsiccated, n/i'tsa, palla,<br />

pa'hbtchna. Cf. (Iry, v. and adj.<br />

x t 0 11 d, V. t., patadslha; e. the ar1in,<br />

nikaa; e., especially referring to the<br />

feet, spuikiia; e. the i2dex finger,<br />

y'shka, yl.lsbhakn a, sptlslba;, sl('mshla<br />

; e. bgl hamnd, spa/tftdshal: e. tiisb~s<br />

and elastic obj., spitadsha; e. one's<br />

limbs, shuatawi; e., or stretch over,<br />

nedsZa; as a blanket over a shrub,<br />

hishuggaya, shakAtchuala; e,<br />

straighten, tkuiya; e. for tanning,<br />

tkliya; not extended in time, tankni.<br />

extend, v. i.; e. in a downward direction,<br />

mostly said of liquids, tilaina;<br />

e. over, upon, round subj.,<br />

lusha; long subj., iisha; e. over the<br />

upper part of, lawala; e. in a ridge,<br />

gIlhua; e. on one side, naitaltelshna;<br />

e. in width, as prairies, water, ne'wa.<br />

extensive, muni.<br />

e x t e n s i v e l y, mfi, turm, ka-a.<br />

e x t e r i o r, adj., being on the outside<br />

of, kanftani.<br />

e x t e r i o r, s., crust, kanItani; having<br />

the same e., shuhcnkptchi. Cf.<br />

ear.<br />

exterminate, v. t.; e. by killing,<br />

generally with 1)l. of obj., hushtchoka;<br />

e. each other, hushtch6'k-<br />

'Tu va; e. by crushing, hie'tala. Cf.<br />

destroy.<br />

e x t i n c t; to become e., as fire, pitchka,<br />

spitchka, Mod. pitcha, spitcha.<br />

e x t i n g ui i s h , v. t., fire, spitchka,<br />

Mod. spiteha; e. a light by han(d,<br />

kp'idsha; by blowing, pni-ukshla.<br />

extirpate, v. t., ikitia<br />

e x t r a c t, v. t., Itlal; one long, oh~j.,<br />

kshatgatn illa; e. fromi, 1ka, ik,-O'a,<br />

ikna, Ishka; e. from the soil with a<br />

tool (bulbs, etc.), ni'ya, pl. of<br />

subj. sta-ila; object extractedl, ikaks.<br />

e x t r a v a g a n t, kt-ikash , letalani,<br />

Mold. k(liak kUxpash.

e x t r a v a g antI V ; to act, to behave<br />

e., kAi-ika, kfi'la, sliesbi6'la; one<br />

who behaves e., kdlt-ikash, shesh-<br />

Zeila-ash.<br />

e x trermi t v , II() ex. eq.; attot c. or<br />

side, nla-itp(llnil IAt-irSltalt; to bc( at<br />

one e , tanlia(lshn, lhundslha ; to be (ft<br />

the lower el, vUniadslia; to ])lace,<br />

fasten at one e., tainridslia. Cf. end.<br />

e y- e , lW'lp; havlny eces, luIlp-altko ;<br />

e.-ball, 1u'l1)alp Ie wasll; e.-brow,<br />

slinckelisi, Modl. shluall]g,shl; e.ylass,<br />

slieshAlkiish; e.-lash, sye'minteb;<br />

e.-lid, shkaipshtehiili'liksh;<br />

upper e.-licl, slehlaltiash, or bilpam<br />

shlhialuash; lower, lllp)am yvaintanl-<br />

fa b 1 e, fabulous story, shashapk6leash<br />

; narrator of such, sblasba)ke-<br />

16-ishi.<br />

fa c e, tdlish; provided with, having<br />

such a ?(, tOlaiitko; to look into a<br />

1pcrson's f, talp)Atko, talplik)ka; to<br />

see, recognize someebody's f from a<br />

distancc, telItankpka; to scrattch the<br />

f, telfilapka; to trurn the fi ulpards,<br />

tiiuala; to make faces, ni(slhlonfdshma,<br />

slinasim'tia mnaking faces,<br />

distorting the features, kowiti-<br />

watko. Cf. paint, wvash, v.<br />

kn:ikoltg:ti; towithher,<br />

nkif'la.<br />

fl d e o u t, v i.,<br />

t a iII 1 adv.; sometimes expressed by<br />

kann, kninl, q v.<br />

exodus - f a I I 5>57<br />

F.<br />

ni; e.-water, tear, keImasl; white of<br />

the e., jci'kldasih glutinous substance<br />

of the e., walhiash; having dr? eyes,<br />

pa'palhatko; haavintg dvipping, runnling'<br />

eyes, tche'tbliapkatko, palatkUtvwatko;<br />

to have the "evil eye,"<br />

tlwvi; haviuq one e. open?, na(lShif-<br />

/atko; to have e.-siyht, telshna; to<br />

emibrace with one sweep of the c.,<br />

telolii; to close the eyes, kdlAmntcia ;<br />

repeatedly, kelamtchtd'nina; to fix<br />

the eyes upon, tuektuteka; to make<br />

eyes iJi somebody, ll6pilpalfia; to<br />

turn the eyes towar(ds, around, telshiArnpka.<br />

Cf nictate, wink, v.<br />

e y)r i e , sliuilash.<br />

fa i n t, v. i., pemptki, tcih6ktanna.<br />

fa i r, adj., f-haire-d, niknilkli ; f,<br />

in the sense of beautiful, tidshi,<br />

afShis]hitchi.<br />

taiti ftilly, kiittlk.<br />

fall, v. i., ndt:,-uli, pl. weto; nd(e-<br />

Wv-i,<br />

inan. hetta.; Almn. shnint(Al;I<br />

f acci(lentally, ilan. g 1/ta; f: afsder<br />

in two, sleowAt/a; f doaeCi,<br />

ndc-uli, pl. vot(Ali ; Vi/li to topple<br />

over, I Idwa; to drol), as Ieaves, h('t-<br />

Za;f, technical termni g-amies, kshavina;<br />

f: down from a height, n(m'ut/i,<br />

v4i'txi; a small distance, nide-<br />

1tlhia; f down obliquely, nde-utkuela,<br />

p)1. Avtikula; f: (lown bybecoiin-<br />

detached, ndc-ushka; J:

558<br />

5ENGLISH - KLAMAATII <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

down, as rain, tislhka; as water in a<br />

eascade, nt'itki; f clown, drip, as<br />

liquids, kiuliga, tiul6la, tilka; f<br />

(town a hill, nde-ukuea, pl. wetku('la;<br />

again, ndle-uklueblipli; f: i<br />

with, gAwal; again, gawilp6k1i; f<br />

into, hinua jf into the water, nde-<br />

Wa, pl. tinua; to Come near falliny<br />

into the water, ndldwakslka; f<br />

near, between, or on, inan. hinslixa;<br />

f to pieces, as mold, te-utewa; f<br />

from. a sitting pOsitiOfl, iidc'wanka;<br />

f from an apright position while<br />

going, standing, nd6-ulxa; f in<br />

quantities, r in, liquids, kit'loka;<br />

f: sick, sIht'laka, shilLlla; f while<br />

stamblihqj, iidsiikl~a; f with noise,<br />

roar, tivi, iftnna; f under sometihin-,<br />

i-utiila, imintila; f upon, on,<br />

aumin. vt ;', ijant. hfnua; upon the<br />

grou dc, vfiit'ti, i ana. hlinui; fallcn tree,<br />

linmpo(ks5; to let f, heslhka, kt'la;<br />

shnintoi'l~a, slnint6la; to letf in the<br />

sense of losing, long obj., s~lnikta<br />

to let f on, upon, ke'ltania; into the<br />

water, shnindldwa, ktW]xa; on tlle<br />

(1701111(d shuni to'tXi; liquids, iwak a;<br />

to Iclt oncself'f into the water, ktWla.<br />

fa11 of the year; ef. autumn.<br />

t'a I s e 1 y , hunm-i'sliak, kfI-i kUttak.<br />

fa in i v of children, wewe'asl; f',<br />

relatives included, slm

get her, skci'tawia; with striligs, etc.,<br />

tinkoplka; J: transversely, ksliet'l'ka,<br />

pl. etle'Zi; to be fastened on, up-<br />

on, ndwal; fastened to, stalcgatko.<br />

fat , adj., p'iftko; to be f., tclislI~lxi,<br />

p)'lttko gi i to l)beeofle j:, p)'lin; to renlderf,<br />

shnlIplaii.<br />

fat, s., p']Yi, plitko; f of deer, gawe,<br />

etc., piltpantko; rendered f, stillin1aslh.<br />

fa t a 1, lctifci oa'i, Wlekutkish, lCelOtkish<br />

; kuiidsli; f. song, ki'iidshi<br />

shui'sh.<br />

f at hle r, 'ti'slbap, AMod. t'shi'shap;<br />

f of a first child, sg-ct'tclh; deceased<br />

f, p'ti'sh=lftlsh; rclated as f to son,<br />

slra-aurgaltko; fatherless, p'ti'sh=<br />

lI'latko; to call sonmebodv f, p'tt'sl1alp)ka;<br />

father's elder brother. said<br />

by niece, p'lukul'tchip; f's younger<br />

b., said by the same, p'sh&ip; father's<br />

elder and younger brother, said<br />

by nel)hew, p'shc-ip; f's sister, said<br />

by nephew and niece, p'kutchlip.<br />

fat h er - ini-law, said b- husband<br />

of clangliter, koshpaksb; said by<br />

son'S wife, p'tGi'txap.<br />

fa t i g e d; to be and to become f,<br />

worn out kedshika; to be f., sha'tki.<br />

f a t t e n , v. t., shnfpelan.<br />

f a v o r e d by fortune, i-Atkclish.<br />

fawn, wI'hlaa, dim. wI'hlaga; f of<br />

elk, talwalsh, vurnami wvi'hla.<br />

fe a r , v. t., vi'shia, shinanislita; to be<br />

terrified at, 3,ayakia. Cf. afraid.<br />

f e a r, s.; to be, stand in f of, cf. fear,<br />

v. t.; forf, vishuk, slhinanishtnuk.<br />

feast O n, v., paslitvta.<br />

f itl -fell. ,559<br />

f e a t Ih e r, la'sh ; largest f, la'sh,<br />

tchlnipal; shorter wing-f. of bird,<br />

hlaka; smaller f. of bird, ni'l; covcred<br />

with such, ni'laltko, nf'l gItko;<br />

tiny, soft, downy f, animiial and vegetal,<br />

inltkasli; f growing on head,<br />

shAwalsh; provided with feat 1 ers,<br />

lAshaltko; to adjust feathers on arrows,<br />

lla'.<br />

fe a t h e r e d, lashaltko<br />

f e a t u r e; human features, telisli; to<br />

have the fratures of, telha. Cf. face.<br />

F e b r u a r y ; inaccurately corresponds<br />

to speluishtka, instr. case of<br />

speluish.<br />

f e e d, v. t., lliaslpa; said ot animals<br />

feeding their young, spalhtla; f. on,<br />

lpAl1, p.l)ka, I)t-ula; mainly said of<br />

animals, p:wa; f on habitually,<br />

piitclha.<br />

feed, s.; fodder, haslhpkisl; f-trough,<br />

hashpo'tkish.<br />

fe e l, v. t.; f. around, as in the dark, tehalushkanka;<br />

f cold on body, katka;<br />

on limbs, ndAi-itia; f ill or aggrieved,<br />

shunuyua; f offended, shla'mia; f<br />

pain, tnatkta; f a tickling sensation,<br />

tchIxtehiZa; f well, tidsh hu'sllta;<br />

f unwell, ku'i btlslilta<br />

f e i g n1, v. t., shnapeDnpema, Mod.<br />

shneptunpema; sometimes expressed<br />

by suffix -Ia, e. g. shakemia,<br />

shatashipaplkIa, q. v.<br />

fell , adj., kutidshi steinash, 1k'Uidshii,<br />

tchlektchlkli, tchakalsh.<br />

fell, v.t.; tomake coniteclown,astrees,<br />

hinui, Ilii; f by Cuttin,, sawing,<br />

hishinui; felled tree, himpoks.


Ie 11o w, anrd f-traveler or -warrior,<br />

shawalineash, Mod. shitchllip.<br />

f e iii a I e , s., shnalwedsi., pl. w-Wlanuishi<br />

oldf, welekaslh; vnmarried<br />

,, sl wimiga.<br />

t e III a 1e , adj.; said of certain animals<br />

only, gillu, dinm. gt'lltaga; of<br />

others, ndshlilo, dim. ndshiluaga;<br />

f infant, slinaw edshka.<br />

fence , s.; ral f, Nltchaksh, Mod.<br />

ktc'hinksh]; to Crect a f., latchlikshla;<br />

to surround 'with a f, slhutetlshka;<br />

f-wall, stone-wall, wakalahk<br />

f e n c e i n , v. t., shutWdshka.<br />

f e n c e - mn o u s e, mll'slhish, wa'slila;<br />

another species, Tamias quadrivittatus,<br />

Nvashhl-aga, Mlod. witchash;<br />

to hunt f-nice, ni'sha'ishaltcha, washitla,<br />

wAshlalsha.<br />

f c r t i I c, wA-ish, more frequently d.<br />

wawa-islh; f, level ground, guilua.<br />

f e t h I1, v. t , Iktcha, epka; Atpa, pl.<br />

itpa, itpna; round obj. luka, 16pka;<br />

to start forftetching, 1It'ktcha; to start<br />

fbr Jetlching aqain, or back, lushga'p0le;<br />

,f, thin obj., ne'pka, sheet-like<br />

ol;., shle.pka; aqain or habitually,<br />

sl lep)kip)ele; f liquids, tceifktcha; f<br />

hoe))e, lifxvi, hliwidlsha; f: by yoiiiy<br />

*fiwth, and back, iwfi1a (lhiwil.a) ; f<br />

jor onetself, ;itpa, pl. itpa; f: Out of'the<br />

hoitse, io(lye, iktcIhap)oli; f a spark<br />

of Jire, kihlkAblvj idukl i luldoks,<br />

IlNiia. Cf bring, ca1rry, hautl, v.<br />

fe t i d , ndiipatko, kni p)iluitko; f<br />

Ž6incll, ndtlpas i.<br />

f c t I o c 1 s and s'mall pastern, nk liklkatnish.<br />

f e v e r, kelpokslh ima'siash, - or ilpoksh;<br />

f and ague, t(Ishtushish; to<br />

suffer fronm a f, klpoksli mna'slma,<br />

k('lpoksh shi'la; to snjffr fronm malaria,<br />

f and ague, tLsIshtushsa, Mod.<br />

ti'islhttslla.<br />

f e w , not viany, tAnkak; kinktAni,<br />

abl)r. kliika; nAnka, tuWli',Wa, ,k-i<br />

tl'Lmi; f and scarce, "f and far betweme,"<br />

kinklni ; some f, ta1 ikak; a<br />

f only, talnk-akk, kinkak.<br />

f i 1) e r - b a r k of larger trees, pines,<br />

etc., stopalsh.<br />

f i b u I a , shiiitclhkitttkish.<br />

fi d d le, s., adshaglo'tkish.<br />

f1i d d I e , v. t., adshiga.<br />

fi e 1 d, prairie, saiga, dimi. saik.'tga;<br />

levelf:, n('-utko ; plantedi, arable J,<br />

hdAshuasli, iib-ush, kiflwasllt'itesli;<br />

fertile J:, ,.'giihtna.<br />

f i f t e e I1, te-mnepllnta tne)ep, adding:<br />

HUkIa, pe-ull, etc.<br />

f if t h; one-f: part, ti'mipa shektatZAtko;<br />

two-fifhs, lApi tr'nip sliektatXatko.<br />

f i ft y , turPepni t'-ulnil)<br />

fi g lht, v. t., f ayainst, sh(llhual, shteno'tanka;<br />

f bw k, sh1ekilkt(lia; J. in<br />

battle, war, shtlinl, shiu na, SIliA -<br />

kItlya, sher,6ta aka ; f with clubs,<br />

etc., shutApki slhishuka, d. of shittga;<br />

shlinka; f/',r drivi out, SlO'tllka;<br />

f wiih fists, shtlikt.tpki, shllka,<br />

shisinl'tka; f With stonles, et(., Slimit

to co)me, near fighting, slhenotauk~ckska;<br />

f for a while only, shenotank'lit'iya;<br />

to be, mnake ready for<br />

fighting, liuslitolpakta.<br />

fi gI t, s.; fist or ciub-f, shish1kaLsh;<br />

to have a, f, Shitig( a, especially d.<br />

sihisli'tka; shiukulya; to draw out<br />

tol a(J:, shup1)slhka.<br />

f i g lit e r, sheshalolislh, slhishit.kish,<br />

kilosh; J arrayed for w ar, ktaiklisl;<br />

braaCe f, kldlank shishlutkish. Cf:<br />

1<br />

)fl1l- , s.<br />

t i g a r e , unaye, drawing, shlimalitslhI;<br />

J. na'nerical, sh lt'naluash.<br />

f i ,- it r e , v . t., to )-(prescnt by a drac -<br />

iny, Slil'illalnta; jI. ), coitnt, slietiia.<br />

ti la itl e nit cooliposi/ig veins of feat her,<br />

f ileC1, v. t., antllip)ka; steal, pIlla<br />

long obj., t'nieslhka, plv. -yini'shka<br />

to return for filching, p(Ildslhapele.<br />

f il c h e r, pApalislh, tet'nnislhkish.<br />

f i I c , s.; f., row of persons, etc., timslish,<br />

kimbaks; to advance in front<br />

f:, i6-itehna; to exist, stand h igh up<br />

in aif, shilal tyiala; toformn af, as<br />

trees, wamila; to follow in a f, gAlaninaga,<br />

kinshakshna; to gather,<br />

collect in a Jf, row, series, cf. gatlher,<br />

v. i.; to returnr in a f, kintch{nupdeli;<br />

to stand in af, crowad, tgakiunnia, pl.<br />

lijuiklmia, Inalova ; to tracel, mnare/i<br />

iin a J." hishlkateluua, kintclna; to<br />

be at the en(d oj a f, series, leliwa,<br />

lalna(lsha, taniadsha; at the lower<br />

end, yuinridslha. CT lie, sit, stand.<br />

f ill, v. t.; f I(]), st5-'> i; f: II/) wit/h,<br />

ku Aikpel;; with o li(jIli( t, iwZ1 Ii,<br />

36<br />

f e 11 o w - fine. 561<br />

kitxoga; f up and let remnain standilig<br />

inside, inan obj., 5wa; f up<br />

with7 as with earth, ke'lua; f with<br />

air, pnfwa; f into the basket, staila;<br />

f in, as a hole, shekelalfna;<br />

f into, or f something with, ikuga,<br />

ulfZuga; f oneself with food,d<br />

a'-una,<br />

sholhc6ta; f a pipe, etc., stala'la; f up<br />

in sacks, bays, etc., iwi~a; to be<br />

filled, st~i, stdi'ni gi; with sanldI, etc.,<br />

slhm5o'tka; with liquids, etc., V'wa,<br />

tchiw a.<br />

fi l of fish, kIdshash, dim. kitchka;<br />

anal f, shuidshashksAksin kidshash;<br />

anterior dorsal f, kidshash wakaluhish,<br />

1(1. kaluish; dorsal back-f,<br />

kl'ldslia; pectoral f, v iuslhoksaksin<br />

kidslhash, or kI(lshash yutilan; latcralf,<br />

piped'rntana kidshash; tail-f.,<br />

kpe'l.<br />

f i n a 11 y, getak, 'lehwiank; at, apoc.<br />

a; tche'k, tch6'ksh ; tch6-etak;<br />

ma' ntclh=gitko; tchulimi'ntclh=gitk<br />

tche'k; f out there, tchuik.<br />

f in d, v. t f out after a scarch,<br />

shlka, long olb. shlka; f accidentally,<br />

by chance, ndclkal, pl. itkal;<br />

f by chance while going, ndakalkallha,<br />

giwal; one who finds accidcentally,<br />

i-'Itklish; f anewv, f out agitain,<br />

shldpli, gaw('IlI)oi; f o(eself' aind J'<br />

each other. shi'kil d; f out, ki'liza;<br />

by reasoning, shlnlthA'tlxa; ,ot to f<br />

aftcr a search, V'slunsa.<br />

fill e , v. t.; to befined, skiikta.<br />

f i n e, a(lj., the ol)1)osite of co(arsc,<br />

]I(lsh1(]Lali; to mash, makef ,:, stIp)ki,<br />

ii(dL'ka, ndshiap)ka. Cf. pound, v.

562<br />


f i 1y , tZA-ush, watcham wve'ash.<br />

f i ii g e r; f, and all the fingers taken<br />

together, lxawawash - t1humnb, tZ6po;<br />

index f, second f., speluish, y1'tsh-<br />

Zish ; to put it forward, sp)lshna;<br />

middle f, tatZObhimi, Mod. tXAIamiiii;<br />

riny- or fourth f, kai)tchelan<br />

shiniktislh; smallf, liftlh f, UkAtctiha;<br />

J.- ,oint, lxawfiwasl;/ J-Unail, slitC'kshl;<br />

f.-ring, ne'pslish; to hold the fingers<br />

in a scratching position , shlitixapka;<br />

to put fingers forward, slpsha, spelshna;<br />

to put out two finyers in a<br />

game, sZetcha; the putting forward<br />

of these fingers, sx&tchash.<br />

fi n i s h, v. t.; f up, shotel6la,<br />

vft'na.<br />

f i i i s II, v. i.; to stop) short, k'lewi; f,<br />

wcind up, tne'lla; f in the sense of<br />

to cease, ter11inate an aet or state,<br />

is expressed by the verbal completive<br />

in -6 1 a, -I'da<br />

fi r e , h'd1oks; the f burns, nudta; J1 apparatus,<br />

f drill, shlikuy6tkish; to<br />

build, make, kindle a f., slin'tIta, slinilEwa;<br />

in the camp, near lodge, or<br />

ill the house, shll'dslha, shln'pka;<br />

when traveling, shn 'na; away from<br />

home, shnAtkolia; to catch f7, sAlikui;<br />

to come after, fetch a spark off,<br />

kWna, klukalgi; to be consumed by<br />

f, shnulya; to destroy byf, shintta;<br />

to dry by f -heat, shnt'tta; to expose to<br />

the f, roast, lh'shlna, n6kla; to go<br />

out, said of f, pitclhka, Mod. pitcha;<br />

to give f., shoot, tewi; shlin, pl. 3, 1yta;<br />

to 1lave a f in the camip, shit'dslha<br />

to lie near, by the J:, ksh 'luya; to<br />

lift, take off front the f, tclhie:3-yg(a:<br />

to poke in the f, kprAtia; f-pokeir,<br />

kpa; to put the f outt, spitchka, Mod.<br />

spitchla; to rebuild af, shildshapleii;<br />

to set on .f, shne1ya, shriaatkalka; to<br />

set to the f for cooking, etc., ilhil;<br />

to sit, warm oneself by the f, tchelu'1i;<br />

,f:-a)oo, tlahak 'inkii; when p)ut<br />

away, st'filashi; ef: p)ile, s.<br />

wi;shlin, pl N tita: j (it<br />

fi r e, v.t., t ,<br />

each other, shl'tii, hiishlan ; fi off!<br />

'atui shia't! or fttit! Mod.; to corninence<br />

firing, shlit'Lmpka, pl. viutet,'tln<br />

1)ka; to wound, kill by firing,<br />

shlhn, pl. yuita. (Jf. kill, wound, v.<br />

f i r e - a r m s; rifle, hu1loksgislh; discharge<br />

off-a., l111oks. Cf. pistol.<br />

fi r e-b r a nd, kdtL'pkashi, shukdlatclino5tkish;<br />

tofish7 with af:-b., shli't(itchua.<br />

f i r e - d r i II, alparatus oJ, shlikuvItkish;<br />

block of woodl, on vhi(ch<br />

tlhef-d. stick, ga't, is turned, ketlaslh.<br />

f i r e - f I y , kalmh moksh, tchdtclilai<br />

slpecies of, tchatehlafptchli; looking<br />

like a f.-f, tchatchlaiptchi<br />

f i r e - p I a c e , shne'ilaksh, to'ke;<br />

in or outside the lode, sht'dshgish;<br />

belonging to ail encanin)ment,<br />

shne-ipaksh; f-p. of wititer<br />

house, tAunt; to construct a f-p.,<br />

skJ']Za.<br />

fi r in , ihmn ovable, tch[iAnsliai; f 81(1<br />

to be f, kuata.<br />

f ir in I v , kulita, tchiinislhan.<br />

first, in s5pace and timle, Itipnli, itpJtlii;<br />

,f inl railk, age, order ot tilmic<br />

tZ('-u; to bc the J: (or last) in a Jil.c,<br />

lelfway tamlidl~sha, liani,`Idshli.

f i r s t , adv., at f, firstly, lupf; for the<br />

f time, lupf, hlpitana.<br />

fi s h, s., kiii'm; species of f, tcAel&yash;<br />

of lar-g f, tsui'lpas; of small<br />

f, stokuaga; of sucker-shaped f,<br />

Vunali; of sturgeon-like f, tsfu'pkish<br />

; of a f resenml)ing the sun-f,<br />

t'l)a. Dried f: reduced to powder,<br />

kc'malshi, tgillak; f-bladder, shnidslhash]iAwalsh,<br />

or shIldshash; ffin,<br />

kidshash; for specific fin--names<br />

ef. fin; f-gi, f -harpoon ki'sh; fhook,<br />

lftkislh; f -line or -strinq, kneush};<br />

shu'-ush; to put out the f -line,<br />

kn('.wa; f-net, cf. net, dipnet, (Iragnet;<br />

f-rod, vukAi; f-scale, telhilak;<br />

f-skull, nklik ;f-t rap, liuelkisli-kiii'tim,<br />

or ki'llm=mueilkish ; nAkoslh; to catch<br />

f, kid'lli ltluia; with the line, sliiieu<br />

wa; to spear f throtgyh, ice-holes, yikashla;<br />

to watch f at the ice-holes,<br />

vuhln, Mod. ulfwa. Cf. fish, v.<br />

fi s hi, v. t., kiii'm shntI'ka, pl. kia'rn<br />

l'ela; in the fishinq season, kidmii'nii;<br />

f with a dipnet on a canoe,<br />

hiksft'lsha; f by means of the<br />

kAlksh, kalktchola; f with a liqht or<br />

lniterii, klijdshoa, sklt'tclkanka;<br />

J: with a fire-brand or torch, shlfi)Ltc(hua;<br />

f: with any sort of net,<br />

ttchlf; with a dray-net, witcholash-<br />

1a ; f with inter)rutions, slnikanit-<br />

Tnka; f with the line, slhi'wa; kniva;<br />

fishing-net of any kind, tchitlash;<br />

cf. net, dipnet, dragnet;<br />

Jish ing-place, vilkish ; fishing-trap,<br />

kiii'rn lnl(lkisI i; fishing-rod, \ -tkAl;<br />

kind of fishiny-scoop, al I Iks .<br />

fi I y - f I t 5t 563<br />

f i s h - Ii a w k, Pandion carolinensis,<br />

tu'kttkuash.<br />

fish-otter; cf. otter.<br />

f i s 1t e r m a n, kidi'ndlu(lkishi, kidi'mluel<br />

Oh isih.<br />

fit, adj., qualified ,fbr use, shIpatlh;<br />

f. f]r working upon, shtiltesh.<br />

fit, s.; to have a f., pCiipl)tki, tchoktaninn.<br />

f i v e, ti'lnep; f tiwes, tunepni; (luring<br />

f: (lays, tunepni waIta, waiL6lat<br />

or Nvait6lan k; only f, tunip'ntok.<br />

fi x , v. t.; f or paste on, neta; f in<br />

the ground, as one stick, tdwa; two<br />

sticks, st'dpa, pl. tetaIZa; f one's<br />

looks, attention upon, telshampka,<br />

shlepopka ; f the eyes upon, tucktueka;<br />

f rop)es, etc., on something,<br />

stt'lnta; f on the to]), as of a pole,<br />

ipina'tclha; kshAwal, 1pI. iwila.<br />

f i x e d, t o b e, on, v. pass. long<br />

subj., aggtiya, pl. igrg'iy.<br />

f i z z 1 e, s., slikish.<br />

fizzle, f v. i, slikia.<br />

fla g, k'hiulaksalsh, 1)le'k; shi'l.<br />

f Iam e, v. i., nilta Cf. blaze, v.<br />

f 1a n k , of animal, kllash; f of quadruped<br />

near genitals, Ik6lkosh ;<br />

from, on two or both flanks, sides,<br />

pipel'tntana; to rub one's f against,<br />

|ilintana.<br />

f I a p, v. t.; f the wings, said of l)irds<br />

poising themselves for a flight,<br />

innali, Mod. shine'dslha ; neinoya,<br />

ntiiia. Cf. flutter, v.<br />

f1 a t, patpAtli, adv. pAtpat; tatitli;<br />

tiiltali; f with a ruq(ed surface, tsl'l-<br />

'litsi't'ili; f., said of lanids, t"hl t(t"fli,

.564<br />

1A]INGLIS1 - KIAMATI1 <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

Io. teltehi; f -toppedX to be, gllhua; I fli eker, a woodl)eckei,kiliwvaslh; r ed-<br />

jmoutntain-top, gfllbuajlslh f por- I shaftecIf, (olaptes auratus, tcll -uslh.<br />

tion of foot, hand, t.'ikak; to lie f on f l i er, of 'arrow, IA'sh; toputiers On<br />

the grouncl, winim)ka; to render f, an arrow, hl-ti'.<br />

slimdapka, pj)4tplat shuta. Cf. even, f I i g li t, guikaksh; to put to f, pIle-<br />

adj.<br />

dsha, p)uedsbAnijpeli; kpuli, tpuli.<br />

fl t t - i r o ii, lataslitin6tkisl, Mod. ft i n t; f -rock, kok(Ale; f: arrow-head<br />

latadshotkisli.<br />

or spear-head, k. si itawalsh, stalp.<br />

f Iat to en, v. t.; sliiiii)pko, pj'Atp)at flit N,. i.; - (lity, iiti'dshIa, infi'dslhiui;<br />

f throutgyh the air, sliuwAla.<br />

f'loat, v. i.; f: on the water, Ilipe'titclna,<br />

mnpetluAnslha, mn)etcmIia; said<br />

of aquatic birds, tchlwva; f dlow/i<br />

stream, mpetlal6na, inipetitehna; ;,<br />

si Iilta.<br />

f'I a v o r, mi'sliash; wh~lat emiitsf. ,it<br />

yeash; to emit a f, pIltli; to have the<br />

f of; maWsha (wit] i hftko following).<br />

f I a v o r, v. t.; to be flarored, rna'sha;<br />

i31li.<br />

fl a x, wild, gullkniaks.<br />

flay, v. t., i'ishki, iashkdla; nelina;<br />

f all along, nasnkit'Ltna.<br />

f I1 e a, k6hiashl.<br />

1 ' e , v. i.; f wvitlill sihlt of' the one<br />

speaking, hl dslhiui, du. t('tdshlna,<br />

pl. tinshna; f ui iseen, far fr om the<br />

onle speaki i-,, Ii(Lidshaml)a, dIi.<br />

ttL'sbtchamnp)ka, 1)]. tinslhani)ka; f<br />

(away from?, (J-t'sbka, -;`tikaa; f,<br />

withdraw fiomn, ktdslia, kedshna;<br />

to make f, put to flight, 1i)& slia,<br />

puedshAm1ij)eli, kp 'Itclwi, kmlti, tpuli.<br />

f I e e t, adj.; killitko; af ho rse, tidshi<br />

w'ttch.<br />

f I e s h , human or animnal, teliulleksh;<br />

to enter thef, splinters, etc., shIsluia;<br />

to gain f, p'In; to lose f, sh"lislia.<br />

f I e s Il i n g chisel, Il)oshotkisli; f<br />

implement, neshlk6tkislh.<br />

flexible, ulhxatko.<br />

f I i e k e r , v. i.; f. about, as moths,<br />

ulAplpa.<br />

circle in the air, naggidsha.<br />

f I o a t, s., on fish-line, takekaslh.<br />

fl o c k, v. i.; f: together, shukft Iki,<br />

tchlilanmna; f: up, above, tchIlanmit.<br />

ft o c k , s.; to be in a J', wA, telf-<br />

lamnia; above, on hig7h, tchilamnitu<br />

to gather in a f, sliukAt'lki, SAtu-<br />

kUI'lkip ee.<br />

f1l o o d, v t., tillhual; tchi(-a ; v. t.<br />

and i., tilhua, tila.<br />

floor of room, shl'Llakslh; of 'sweatlodge,<br />

taltt; of winter-lodye, wvt'shi.<br />

f 0o u r , 1K1. 1)ali

f lowe r , v. i. ; to produce flowers,<br />

shalia ; flowering, shliipshaltlko.<br />

fI ittter, v. i., vtiya; nefna, ninia;<br />

.t: around, li'Intchna, shnayena,<br />

kslh'kanslha; f when on ground or<br />

ini tie water, KI. n 'na, Mod. sline'dshla<br />

f, when said of many birds,<br />

insects, etc., gathered at a certain<br />

sl)ot, wAi. Cf. flap, fly, v.<br />

11 y, 'V. i., generie, hilintclina;<br />

m1?ove about in one l)lce, medium,<br />

pl. of subj.: wv4; f after, shuwv'ltktcha;<br />

f around, about, away, h'intchna;<br />

f., flutter around, kshdkansha,<br />

shnavena; f: away, up, shitcha;<br />

f to distant parts, shluwA'ltktcha,<br />

"Iiytntcha; f back7 or home, huntclhamlipli,<br />

shitch't/epele; f, rush<br />

down upon, hulntakia ; in a winding<br />

fliqht, kitchco'tki; to be flying, projectiles,<br />

yuldslha; f habitually, repeatedl/y,<br />

li'inkanka; f high above<br />

the ground, shuwf'lka; f near the<br />

(/round, hulla; f on, ulponr, towar(ls,<br />

1hunktya; towards the one<br />

s})eakillg, h1inntchlil)ka; f off into<br />

distance, round )o(lies, nith(slhna;<br />

f in a straifht line, hitlrtchlna; in<br />

serpentine, winding lines, kakidslia;<br />

f slimmxing the waves, while half in<br />

the water, hft'nua; f skyward,<br />

nuwvilla.<br />

fly, 1nt'nk, dim. mfAnkaga; f -bug,<br />

I)robably an Atenchus - 1s1ecies of<br />

b)eetle, shlki'slhkish.<br />

foal, v. t., hlda-a.<br />

f o a m of waCter, waves, n di-/kalsli,<br />

shx'ktunkslh.<br />

flat - i ron -fol Iowing. 565<br />

fo a rn , v. i., sh6kiinka.<br />

f o d der, as oats, etc , lhishpkish.<br />

fo e, enemy, shish6kish.<br />

fog, luash; f.-maker, -producer, 14malaks;<br />

gray asf, liashiptclii; the<br />

f goes down, lMash Itt'IZa,, Miash<br />

1t'txi; there is a f, Ilia; the f is<br />

thick, ka-'t lIa; to make f at will,<br />

Iuhmalxa; to produce ground-f, temola.<br />

foggy; it isf, lua.<br />

fol d, crease, pakalaksh, spagalaks]1;<br />

fold, adj., in: threefold, ndd'iiash<br />

p1'kalaksh, etc.<br />

f o 1 d u p, v. t., spdgalxa<br />

folk l ore, shashapk61-ash; erxpounder<br />

off, shashapkOl6-islh.<br />

fo l k s, miklaks; pshe-utfwash.<br />

f o Il o w, v. t; f, march behind, gash'ktchna;<br />

f, be next in order,<br />

tilpeluii; f in a file, g'ldampagp,<br />

kinslhakshna; f close to, shiAlamnil;<br />

f, pursue, in the sense of drifting<br />

after, Illdamna; f and catch up with,<br />

1)eno'dslia; f or hunt in pursuit,<br />

gashAktchna; f up, hunt, laitchlna;<br />

f up, hunt, with a hostile intention,<br />

kh4-ilia; f up, hunt for expelling,<br />

kptlaktcha, kpu'tcha; f 'up towards,<br />

slitidshiipka; f 'Up closely, shulit'nka;<br />

f pell-mell, genaslia; f<br />

steadily, shu'kanka; f through the<br />

air, shuwaltktcha; " as fbllows,"<br />

ke, nt-asht, Mod. kie, ne-aslht.<br />

f o I I o w e r, shawalineaslh, Mod. shitchlip.<br />

fo l o win g, adj., tapini; a(1v. tapi;<br />

f in time, tapini, adv. tapi: f qfter,

566<br />


in sp)ace, tul)ehlish; .t, in the sense 1 f o o t p r i n t, knhelsh ; to leave foot-<br />

of the next one, the other on', na'dsh,<br />

na'sh, nr'vlensh.<br />

f'o n d; to be f: of, shana-uili, wvftclna;<br />

of a person, stinta, witclhta; to bef7<br />

of each other, hislitilnta.<br />

f o n t a n e 1 of children, wewash.<br />

f'o o d, pAThs; Chiin. J.: mi'tkamutk;<br />

to gather f for winter, palshla; to give<br />

f, liashlpa; to han(l over, ten7der thef,<br />

hiashpa; to take f, eat, pAn, pa-ula.<br />

f o o 1, v. i ; f. around, kt-ika, k-i'li.<br />

f o 0 1 , v. t., slinapemgpema, Mod.<br />

slinep6mpena. (Cf. (leceive, v.<br />

fo o I i s h, le'talani, tchawikatkofMod.<br />

keliak kxlpash; to act in a f manner,<br />

kt-ika, kVla.<br />

f o o l i s h I y , hin-a'shak; acting f,<br />

kU-ikash.<br />

fo o t, pe'tclh, dim. petchl-ga; both<br />

feet, lhpok p6'tcli; f of deer, horse,<br />

or ruminant, k'ldishinksh, dim. kutdshli'nkshika;<br />

provided with a f., pVtchaltko,<br />

dim. petchdkaltko; ball of<br />

the f, stAklinsli; f-ball, sliiktdkatnksh;<br />

f-log, sxuf'tchgusih; f-step, fprint,<br />

kneish; to hold the feet apart<br />

an(i to move them quickly, ptutchkanka;<br />

to hurt one's f, kuatilZa; topart<br />

the feet, plitchka, husi'txa; to put<br />

out thefeet, spila pe'tch, spiika; to<br />

step on one's onin f, sliuhAtchia; to<br />

let a garmient reach the feet, ankles,<br />

ui']l'itua; to stand on one's feet, tgoAtalea,<br />

t-'lxa, pl. of subj. lhalo'lxa;<br />

to touch w.vith the feet, p])tCetna, ptLtelita<br />

f o o t hi i I I, katokiwashi.<br />

prints, ko-ena,.<br />

f o o t r a c e, silakatpeampelegish; to<br />

take part in a J:, shilina. Cf. race,<br />

S. and v.<br />

f o r, in the interest of, is frequently<br />

expressed synthetically by the verbal<br />

suffix - a, e Dg n 6 -ulxa, to give<br />

orders; ne-ulzia, to give orders for,<br />

in the intcrest of 'somebodv. If<br />

for stands for the dative case, it is<br />

often expresse(l by the objective<br />

case in -ash ; f oneself, -gianggin;<br />

,f rnyself, nutaghinggi; f yourself,<br />

itakianki, etc.<br />

fo r ) i d I v. t., lew6-ula.<br />

forc e s., killitko, litchlitchli.<br />

f orce, v. t, is generallyexpressed by<br />

the causative affixes of verbs: e. g.<br />

sihnikshlu'l];an, f to dance, to miake<br />

dance, from kshlii'la, to dance; f. to<br />

fo, Ihnslifiiktgi ; f through, stLtLnshna;<br />

f: out of house, etc., ktiugra;<br />

f out of'fir somebody, ktiugia; f<br />

ope)n, ktiugit'la; f out of, mian. obj.,<br />

sh5i1p)o'cdsha; f liquids into, tilla.<br />

fo r c ib 1) , kI'l, kIillakIl, 1 IkIAta ; to<br />

tltllf, kilh'tana.<br />

f o r dc, s., kak6'kishi; wading f, p '0-<br />

f o r d , v. t., a river, etc., while traveling,<br />

kako'dsia; f: on foot, pAnkua;<br />

f on horseback, haslhp'rkna; f on<br />

a wagon, stilankua; fording place,<br />

kak6'kisli. Cf. cross, v.<br />

f o r e a r m , shilApshkish, KI. slluipshaksh;<br />

f with hand, ne'p.<br />

f o r e e n d of boat, canoe, pfash

fo r e g o i n g, former, mi'ntchni,<br />

t.'nkni; the vowel -n- in the nominal<br />

suffix -nish also p)oints to the<br />

p)ast. Cf txe-u.<br />

fore head, lalki.<br />

f o r e i g n, wennini, atikni; to becomie<br />

f, wenniala.<br />

fo r e i n e r, atikni, wennflni, w'en-<br />

f o r e I e g, lupItni p6'tch.<br />

f o r e n o o n; it is f, simpash a tinie'kska.<br />

fto r e s t of timber, anku; fi with<br />

bushes, underbrush, gatchdl-ko.<br />

foretell, V. t.; f a violent death,<br />

tZO'tZ a.<br />

fo r e t o o t h, tatOIel.mni tuit, shokotantko<br />

tu't.<br />

f o r e v e r, tcihuslak; adij. used adverbially:<br />

tchilisini, tchlnt'shniak.<br />

fo r e w a r n , v. t., lewe-lnla.<br />

forge t, v. t., yamntki<br />

f o r k, s.; larqe or pitch-f., kiuriaiotkcishl;<br />

table-f., slikta, sl]Ikxiti7Ftchl;<br />

to lift p with a f, klutka.<br />

form, v. t., to give shape, sihf'tta; f<br />

a circle around, hashlimpka ; when<br />

moving, gaki'ma; f circles, rings in<br />

the water, tchelewa; f a company,<br />

society, crowd, bevy, shiukfi'lki; f<br />

conWflaence, shutandnlnka; f a cross,<br />

shuelita, shenok'la; f a body, sheet<br />

of water, telilwa; formed in this<br />

nmode, alike, genm ptchi, hU'intchi.<br />

fo r m a t ion; slaty or schistous rock-f,<br />

lalhwash; eruptire f, tcheltchlish.<br />

fo r m e r; f illafqe, lodge, encampment,<br />

tclhiwish f yeneralion, thnkni<br />

fo n d-fragament. 5437 56)7<br />

or ma'ntchni mo klaks; f location of<br />

a lodge, shlok6pasli. Cf. ancestral,<br />

early, foregoing, past.<br />

for m e r l y, tAnk, tanktak.<br />

fornicator, shesht6lkisli, shishnish.<br />

Fort Klamath, non1 . loc.; 1-ukak.<br />

f o r t i f y ; f. oneself by exercise, shpott.<br />

fort u ito u sly, hun-a'shak.<br />

fo r t u n ate; i-Atklish, tidsh tinxantko.<br />

f o r t y, viinepni tc-unel).<br />

fo n r, viinep, v!'lnepni; f times, vit-<br />

Ineplni; f-cornered, f-edyed, kinkittko.<br />

f o u r t e e n, te-unepaInta vuinep, adding:<br />

l)e-ula, lfklatko, etc.<br />

f o ii r t 11; one f part, vunipa shektatQatko;<br />

f finger, cf. finger.<br />

fo w 1, in the sense of bird, tehikass;<br />

term for most water-fowls. mii'm~ikli.<br />

fo x; red f, silver f, Urocyon cinereo-argenteus,<br />

wi'in; other names:<br />

heilhei, kenkatilatuasl, kenkapsihaili,<br />

il~aunbliwasih; yog of 1(<br />

f, wantAka. wv"nam Nvewash ; yoitnq<br />

male f, hikiao' xVII ; little yray f,/<br />

species of Urocyon: k'tehjkatchi<br />

slin-builttf, Vulpes velox, wNvshpalaksh4;<br />

f-hound, mf'minish wvawalkaslh<br />

gitko watchiAga.<br />

fr a c t i r e, v. t., kWwa, pl. ng('Ildsha,<br />

ngY' nislhka; f one's own I iebs,<br />

tche'wa; to remove through itacturiny,<br />

ngal-islhka; to be fractured, ho l -<br />

low things, paka; fractured, po-<br />

katko, ke'watko. Cf. break, v.<br />

f r a og in e n t; broken f, as of 1)ottery,<br />


5ri68<br />


f r a i 1, adj., tehe-Ini.<br />

fr a m e; solid woodenf of lodges, stutIlash;<br />

f of sweat-lodges, etc., Ishil'klak;<br />

to make one, Ishiklakuiiga;<br />

shed, lodge, house existing as a f<br />

only, just begun, Itehiklakuftko.<br />

F r an k, nom. pr., Ple'nk; Frank<br />

Riddle, nom. pr., Telrll-Ctcli, Skakiiwash,<br />

q. v.<br />

f r e e , said of animals: untamed, wild,<br />

fwash, koin'isllni; f of spots, tsukktsi'tkli;<br />

to setf, sp'nka, spunkltm-<br />

peli; taslika, telina.<br />

f, vf'isha, shlfnanslhta; to tremble<br />

fromn f, liuliwa<br />

f r i g h t e n, v. t, iushipTttcIta, hfi'sht~a;<br />

sptltchta, shn-ldo'ka; to b)e<br />

frightened, vulsha, shinam shta, tika;<br />

tchbAnmptki, Mod. tehAmptakia;<br />

fr-ightened, vi'lshish. Cf. afraid.<br />

f r i n g e , or set of fringes, while not<br />

yet on gaprment, ptuish; while on<br />

garment, puitlUtchishl, pukewish;<br />

having friniqes on, pinitlantchAtiitko;<br />

to cut into fi inqes, pi'li; to adorn<br />

with fringes, pUiti.<br />

f r e e z e , V. i., wel ; frozen, wetko; fri n g e d, pilitko, puitlantelhtntlo.<br />

to be frozen, twa; to have nose, ears f r o g; green f, weketashi; laryera kill(1s<br />

frozen, klitka; hands, feet, ndal-itia. of fro-s, as bNUllfrog, k6e; trieef,<br />

5' e, i grIut , fregll, v v. tIta t , ita f:a j:a bateawoc, boat, canoem yamnati weketasll; horm'd1 f, nai-<br />

vu'nslhtat ili'pka; f transversely, shlashll-isl = gftko; f-like7, kolong,<br />

oblj., heIslhtloka, pl. etle'zi. eptelli.<br />

F r e n e IIm an, nom. pr , Pashliyllks. froli ck er, sh('slitalka sldi; lekI'1nfresh,<br />

te-ini; qreen, ntel'lldkni; to kish: vompany of frolielerx, sheslibe<br />

f, ntectilka. ZeiAA-ash.<br />

fri ab 1l e , tehe-Ini; to be or become f, f r o m . prep.; awg~l f, when referring<br />

Ielii'ma. to inani. objects, is often exl)presse(l<br />

fri e t i on, v. t.; f against each other, by the locative case in -tat;f hrere,<br />

shateliktchaka; f oneself, shataht- hi'tkslh; to hand orer f below, vi'ina.<br />

ka. Cf. rub, v. front; inf. of, ililtalilt, li'tpil, Itpi-<br />

Fri d ay, tunepni waIta st'lnde3=gIu- tana; to stand in f qf a groetp, talank,<br />

or tune'pni waIta. nididsha, lamaldsha; to procced in f<br />

fri en d , shawalineash, Mod. shI- file, il-itelna; f tooth, tat/ela1ilii<br />

tchlip; to be friends, shawaliniifa, tilt, shok6tanntko titt.<br />

tehilla; to be or become friends, shi- f r o s t, kfltas.<br />

tellalla, MIo(1. shitchla. Cf. compan- f r o s t y , said of' weather, k('ita-s; it<br />

ion, coml)any. is f weather, wind, sk i.<br />

f r i e n d s h i p ; to form f, shitchla, f r o t h, s, of water, nd&'kalsh, shl6shitehljla;<br />

to be on terms of f., kunksh; to develop f., sholiknnla.<br />

tehilla. Cf. companion, company. fr o w n , v. i., sbltatxa; frowning,<br />

fr i g lit, s.; from f, vi'lshlnk; to take kowitiwitko.

f r u it; round f, also small f., berry,<br />

lutislh; rounded f guroviigr on surface<br />

of soil, Ilf'tka; large turnip- or<br />

bulb-shaped f, inthbilika; f of long<br />

shape, 6'tislh; what produces f, w.islh;<br />

to gather f, sta-ila; to start ot<br />

for yathering f, stii-ildslla; to pick f<br />

from bushes, trees, and eat it, Igllya,<br />

ltakeiya; hard-shellf, ndsi'cdslh.<br />

f ry, v. t., slinitcliiya, shnftclikaa;.fry-<br />

_igpan, epninslh, Alod. Hpaslh.<br />

fii 11, staini; to be :, stdt; of a liquid(,<br />

ewa, tclilpka, tclhiwa; to make f,<br />

stAogi; f of willows, yflslialtko.<br />

f 1t 1 y , adv., stA; in the sense of entirely,<br />

much, ha-Al, mIt1t, tfrnl.<br />

f It In l('slitatxashl; f-maker, IT-ikasli,<br />

slieslhxeilai-.is-; to make f. of, luaixa,<br />

shulnAkta, tAlxea; to continue makingJl<br />

of, slinilitiktclia.<br />

fu n e ral, aI lsa; to attend, have a f,<br />

Iktchla, islha, ishnilla.<br />

f 1i 11 11 Yt fellow, slhslhtalklaslh.<br />

frail-gambIe. 569<br />

G.<br />

f II 1 , 11il1; f-skin, r'1 ; (0ored (';ith v f,<br />

ni'laltko, nT'l gftko; f-skin mat, f<br />

dress, kailill; f-skin mantle, kailitnlam<br />

ski'tash.<br />

f it r i o u s , kilosh, shawlgatko; to be<br />

or become f, klHim, shawlga. Cf.<br />

angry.<br />

f 1 1 'i i t ii r e of house, tturmi niinuktuia<br />

,(Jinlierlfm, tidshli tchaix-A:(lkishl gii-<br />

f it i r o iv, asf made by the plow, splut IdIsllannish,<br />

spl-Ithyiish, slhLtidsliann1i<br />

sh.<br />

f ri r r o wv e d , wrrinikled, kniapat'li('iiatko.<br />

Cf. wvrinkled.<br />

f u r t 11 e r1: f than, prep., gimIgsltant,<br />

giinitana, iwutit; a little? f on, adv.,<br />

wig-A- ak, wfka ; ot fl than that, itak;<br />

'what is f down, yvIntalIi. Cf.<br />

farther, nether.<br />

f it t ie ; in the f, as to the fl, netnai;<br />

in a J. tim.e tAnkt gratp llanapkslh'-<br />

gag, v. t., tlikiia.<br />

g a i n , V. t.; 9., to profit, slhitta; ,q. by<br />

gallop, v. i., liusli6tclna, slini'-<br />

nldsha, wAkslia; ff. towar(ls, up to,<br />

winnirzq at pla-, gamblig,, iklga; imnshfi'dsbla. Cf. slltilutya.<br />

g. aqain, once more, ikfakpole; q., g a 11 o w s, kslhaggay6tkislh.<br />

win froin each other, sAMi- aa. g a in b 1 e, v. i, to play for valtial)les,<br />

ga i n , s., ikaks; to make a y., gains, shlikla; y. habitually, s~lbkalslua; to<br />

tkaga. mence yow gambling, slhakalin'a- to<br />

gal e, killitko sl1vish ; shklewislh; qo to the gambling-place, sine'dslra;<br />

it blows a Y., killan slileuwi. to y. habituallly when on1 a journey,<br />

ga 1I, bile, pisli. slmedslialit.imia; to ?w'in by gamg<br />

a I1 a nI t, killitko. bling, ikaga.<br />



aI t 1) 1 e r, professional, shaklotkisb.<br />

a In e , s., of aily description, shAikalshl;<br />

g. of dropping beaver's or<br />

woodchuck's teeth, skVshbaslh; to play<br />

it, sklt'sha; g.-stake, la'slikftshi; y.sticks,<br />

g.-utensils, shaklotiish; yaming<br />

sticks used in the spWlshnagameshiilshiesh;<br />

to play a g., slaikia,<br />

cf. play, v.; to play a ball-g., lWwa;<br />

to play the Indian guessing-g. with<br />

four game- sticks, sW('lslhna, slhulshceshla;<br />

to start the y., shakaliga;<br />

to be on a gamning toui, sAnudslhna.<br />

g a m e , s., animal hunted; either<br />

specified b)y its name, or expressed<br />

by, lIllanksh, if a. quadruped; g.baq,<br />

shultflash.<br />

r a11 in e s t e r , sbaklmtli.ish<br />

(T' 0 i r Nv stit, (linl. stikl l; to<br />

make a g., stfit

g am b 1 e r-g i v e. 5e71<br />

gat ]I e r i n g, sluiiklk't'1isi ; (.-placc, g - i g V. t.; q. fish in the stkika, 4v(tei',<br />

shifj'lkislh, shilh'Vlkislh. stiklcua, kiii'mi stilki1a; Y. ttl7 0o- orore<br />

g (, n r; load-g.. slila'yaksain wet- fish simultaneously, shakpatmrM'n a<br />

kok6tkishi, or simply wetkokf61tkisb. cf. spear, v.<br />

g e n e r a 1, nan1k"il,'s11i, tutasZenini. g i g , s. ; fish-q., ki'sh, shtceuik'ilvikii .<br />

ge ne r a t e , v . t., waishii. g<br />

ige , v. i., w 'ta; I iialza.<br />

g en e r o u s , tidshi steinash, tJ(lsli, i I 1, I of fish, sz

5'72 52ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

nlame, sh~slhaslh U'~ abbr. dxya;<br />

sliesha, a'-alpa; g. oneself up to,<br />

lhutkshi; q. out after exertion, tg"lxa,<br />

1)1 lueluallxa, Mod. lualo'la; ,.<br />

through another, nIukla; py. p.<br />

abandon, puedsha, vuto'dslia; kedsha;<br />

to cause tog. away, sh1inukla;<br />

to continue to g., shewantamIna.<br />

g i z z a r d, nkash; shufdshash.<br />

gI ad, ko-ishiewank; to be g. of koishewa,<br />

kuyewa<br />

g 1 a n c e o f f, v. i., shniullatchg

go intJont ojf as scouts, etc., gayaya,<br />

gaya-iclsia; go home or back, ge'nipele,<br />

gepgapele, sIpeg.J)ele; when in<br />

a file, kintehbImpdle; go al)out inside<br />

of, goyena; go into, cnter g(llrb gll-<br />

'11, pl. of subj., Eldlhi, g'ttkta; sai(l<br />

of aninials returlling to their (dels,<br />

giihipeli, pl. kilfbli; go or cratwl inIto,<br />

gutektclha; go into, as a bulet,<br />

gu'Vtalxa; go into the twater, hlt'nva<br />

p)l. g6wva, ge-up 1ka, tfihua; act of<br />

going ito the wvater, tinuash; go<br />

into again, gulhpIi, pl. killubpoili; go<br />

and meet as frierZ(ls, or in the distance,<br />

awvay from, ho7me, -eli(dllnktcha;<br />

go near, approach close to,<br />

takiAmna; go oit, start of, gi-Lidslina,<br />

giliikaka; go out, sai( of' fire,<br />

pitclhka, spitclhka, Mod. p)itcl1a,<br />

spitehla; go out of, git'ria; out (jrJ<br />

one's lodge, geka, gelkansha, gVJkanslina;<br />

out of the place 1ha1)ittially<br />

occupied, geka; ag(ai, n yekampoli;<br />

go out of againi, g6ttkala<br />

go oatfromi, inan., gfli; (Wgainl fron,<br />

g ekampeli; go and ride, hiish"Iitsa;<br />

go on the outside, to the su;face of;<br />

g. 'ta; go singlefile, kfntchnb, kinuI-<br />

11a; go slow, to pace, kfslitchna; go<br />

snake-like, in meandering lines, kakidsha;<br />

go straight, gntlanslila, t4'Llaak<br />

gena; go, wcallk at tie time being,<br />

or all the time, gent',ta; go<br />

through, ?vwind utp, tme'La; go to a<br />

place, gempka; go together, in cornpary,<br />

slha-uhinka, slla-ttlallk5lka,<br />

slia-ui"Lntclha ; go tolard.s, gAtpa; to-<br />

itytiy the rwater, lake, etc., tukua;<br />

g i zz a r' (I-g () .( 5 73<br />

go waler soillet illg, as foi shelter,<br />

g-utila; go unainterruptedly, gern'11a;<br />

go utp), utpwards, to a.scenl, -a-6l1a<br />

gawalisi'a iiiwalkla; lit'itekqa 1)1.<br />

tinmZi; said of' rouuid sil)bj., as spiders,<br />

livamna ; go up ib a file oiotherwise,<br />

pl. khimalya; go up) white<br />

stc kiny close to sonlethliln, fggidslha;<br />

go or driJ6 lipua(rdl, as 1o`6<br />

Ity 'pa; go up1 toicarl, tiusllipka ; go<br />

iwto wuoods, bushes, hiding places,<br />

liuklistva, pl. gaki~Aya, tinZ%'ya, ga'ktclhui.<br />

g oa t ee, smo'k; wearing a g, shniokaltko.<br />

g o b I e t , I)oLUagia, Wlkanllkta.<br />

God of Christian reli'ion: p'laikiii<br />

lalki, p'laitAlklli, p'aaitdkii shl'islhatishi<br />

; nalami I)'t'shlap, Ao(ld. nitlain<br />

t'slhshap.<br />

g o 1 (1; metallic, kiikai'kli tellikueiii ;<br />

coined, kiikii'kli tahml kakii'kli tclilkemen.<br />

g o 1(I e i ea g I e , p'laiwaslh.<br />

g O 11 e, pa1'ti(. of -o, v. i., (I. v.; to be<br />

g., g"ellualdat '('eVIa kii''i ; to be g.,<br />

lost, stole11, hklki; one who is y., absent,<br />

neg; ef. kliak; gone! blownja<br />

off! wiwiwivl ! beqon~e! ktitak!<br />

g o ni 0 1r i'l 0 a', kiap, kla 1)=flittsIla5I1;<br />

afflictetld iwith g., guy'i6Zatko, kU ipmla<br />

S] ietk~o.<br />

good, in the concrete and in tile<br />

abstract sense, tidshi ; very q., iiiit<br />

tfidsi ; y. for nothing/, sai(1 of p)ersoins,<br />

k~aitta sliallylmksh; that's g.!<br />

]itlmasflt tidshi! it'linash t toks tidsh!<br />

to hare !). intentionls, ti(dsll I isluhkall-

574 574EN11,SI1t- ELjAA1ATl DICUTIONARAY.<br />

ka; of g. character, tdslhi steinash,<br />

tidsh stefnshaltlko.<br />

o o s c; all wild ducks and yeese,<br />

nai'in"Akli; species of black y., nkfi'k;<br />

a-other sp , duYs7zlJ-colorcd, llish;<br />

( anadla g or brant, Anser canadensi.s,<br />

ltllak; snOW-f]., Anser hyperbo- I<br />

r'tS, wal vash.<br />

g 0 o s e b u r P- y, kp6'k; black q., IdiluisI;<br />

species of y., pCtIkp)ok; g.-bush,<br />

spo)kaUni (supply: Auk) ; wild g.<br />

bush7, lliluishanm.<br />

Goose Lake, noin. pr., Nictwapkslhi<br />

g o p) i e r, iinp(li, shtoshto'tish ; gopher's<br />

den, sttish.<br />

g o r g C, in mountains, grintxish; (leep<br />

y., 1)aklSli.<br />

fr OVC e Rll l11e n rietn~lxishl.<br />

W0 V e P 11 0 1' I liI~nt'i lakb contr. ia<br />

1.la, or silpl)ly laki. Cf. hloif.<br />

O N V 11, kilks ; short y. from waist to<br />

knees, worn by females, shtchli'waksh<br />

; to wear, to be dressed in a<br />

,q., k,.(ka, kA'kp61li.<br />

g r aI, 1) , v. t., shiiuka slhin'tkua.<br />

g r Ia i i1 , of cereals, l6lomak, lI'.it; y.<br />

qf Indian cor11, iluaize, islalkal; (.<br />

reducd(l toflour, lulinash; g. ofb Iad'.,<br />

vatlo, viulnnasli.<br />

1 It aII dc II i Icl; said by Iaternal<br />

iaII(Ilfatther, 1)'galship; said by imaternal<br />

gran~dinothier, p)'kitlip) ; said<br />

by paternal grandfather, p'h'igslii;<br />

sai(l by Paternal i-ran dinotlher, p)'t'wvip;<br />

great y., said by great grandp~arents,<br />

wawigap.<br />

g 11 nldfa d t lie r; sai(l d)) chlildhhn(2 f<br />

his daughfter, p)'gnship); sai(1 by<br />

children of his son, O)lugshi);<br />

great y., wawigsh.<br />

r a n d in o t h e r; said by the chlildren<br />

of her daughter, p'kulip ; sai(l<br />

by the children of her son, p'tewip;<br />

great y., said by grandchildrent,<br />

wawigsh.<br />

g 1r a p e; growilg in the sai1be gJ, shantchaktantko;<br />

to be, exist together<br />

in grapes, b1unches, tchtpka, liwaa;<br />

Oregon Y. welc'li. Cf. bunch.<br />

g r a8 tsp v . t., ob6tain, shlni'ika, slnlknaltt<br />

on pulrpose shiutkpya; y., seize,<br />

long obj., (tvainna, pl. i-aninna; g.<br />

with the extremitics, tehIlika, contr.<br />

tchlika; g. each other, shlannia, hAshnxa;<br />

to approach fjT graSping,<br />

slhnukitka.<br />

r It s s; gereriec, kshi'n; g.ytalk, blade,<br />

kshu'/n, tchelasl ; dr J Y., sced-g.,<br />

kslm'n; qreen g., vulzankish; round<br />

binch of g., innlbtika; tuft ,f<br />

littclhmnam1; y.-like, kshii'nptchi ;) pod(lcinyg<br />

g., grassy, kshuniltko; to<br />

mow g. i.tulina, Mod. mr/'sshka.<br />

D)ifferent species of Y.: lacustrine:<br />

tsitNcal, wvitchlpai, p'ltolrialin, ksh~tll'l<br />

kt(lieai'tinn, wassitaIss, xve'tsaks; of<br />

a stiff scijptus, Nvateskitain; of a<br />

j uncu.s, shollr 'vain, nlii-i-; g. species<br />

glowing. }iI (1.-' p)laces, plrla lies:<br />

iiitakA, lo'lksain, ('pat, yddsam,<br />

tsitt'k, Nvadshikatisha in, munkuasl ;<br />

fg. species sed ill making mats:<br />

illt'-i, pli/lli, tlctpll to'ltshl.<br />

gra ss Io hop p e1,<br />

kalintAta.<br />

ta'hlta-ash, Mod.

G r a s s L a k e, or Dry 1Lake, nom.<br />

pI. loc., LPalildtko f-uslh; at G. L.,<br />

Mod. Pallapkasli E-ush g-shi.<br />

r' 1a It S S p 1roducing/ grass, kshunraltko.<br />

g ra t e , v. i., with the teeth, shekuke-<br />

g It a Z (', V. i., to cat grass, aw*a.<br />

° I a t SC , 1U; p'itko i y. of yamuc<br />

veltison, piltpaiitko: g. ii tlte flank<br />

ol aftiinals, tchlisldlaksli , AMod. kshlu-<br />

Ix~llililsit; l1(Jyo;I-y , WaV'gniirlln itislh.<br />

h e a t , in the p) ivsicil and abstract<br />

sells, i very (., InIrU-fl-lni ; t<br />

y. deal, Adv. nidt, kAli, tdm; wlhen<br />

used as a(lj., tdimni. Cf. larfre.<br />

p r e a t I v, kL-a, apoC. kLl; mnfi, ti'rnl.<br />

g r e b e, Podiceps; species (?); the<br />

U)ircls called kokiaks and kuftcliia<br />

arl e prolbably )P eYb e sI.<br />

F r 1e (I Ii I kiiikiki; liylt-!g., tulalllptclhi;<br />

g 0) 0 5 U -- _ g I O) 1(1. .575 575<br />

y., fresh, ntchlilknii; to be q , fresh,<br />

ntclhilka.<br />

g r e Z i I - stones fall, tclitcaltava.<br />

g r i Ina c e, v. i., nidshodisia; .<br />

at, shnasihntia; grinlaceiny, kowitio -<br />

w~itko.<br />

ig r i n d, v. t., as kniives onl a grindstone,<br />

Mktcla; y. to a Sh(ap polnt,<br />

watcliMka; g. by means of a moror<br />

or crushing stone, -Ama, ndsblhpkza;<br />

g., make fine, lldina; with a piece of<br />

woo(d, ndiika; g. into flour or upon<br />

a mealin (-stone, pekslba; to stop<br />

grinding, peksh6la; g. into floar,<br />

shuteshla; ground see(l, espectially<br />

pond-lily seed, lulinaslh. Cf. mask.<br />

g r i n (d s t o n e, tutrning, lekteho)tkisih.<br />

Cf. Ihone, s.<br />

g 1 i S t - m i l l, gdumapala-ashl.<br />

IS a t it ( 1o s 1 y, . 11( 11'shak.<br />

gr a v e , in the /groaml, ' IkLsh-_ ish[,<br />

abbr. i'lelith; to conr ey to they., isi ha,<br />

ishilflla, ilktclw ; to diy1 a y., i'lksltishila;<br />

i'lkslioish yr'(pa; g -?Jard,<br />

p) nl lkiisl tribal or Ja(n ly fy.-yard,<br />

tellpfllli. Cf. burv, v..; filuneral.<br />

g r aY , paiikpai'kii said of horses,<br />

stones, ski'(dsliatko, spugatko<br />

earhlI-cOlOc(l', kifilal)tclii; i .sp yin-<br />

/ied with blue, as ill water-birds,<br />

li i l7ialkli ; y. 0is fi)g, lusliltclhi<br />

littley.fox, species of Urocyo, kilietl- gr i z Z z Iy ) e a r , lIt'k eb u of . lb.,<br />

tch ll; (ojfy. an(l grayish, color, kitell- 1tikaga, in mnyths: ,Iiaslmlipka; "Old<br />

kitehli; caldled so after that fox. Grizzly," the mythic female y. b).<br />

71 ra z e, v. t.. ntlbkslktcla ; y. the Itlkantc h, Shln'slapsit, ShIiishalp-<br />

^ilT, e'ktelhktsa.<br />

amtch.<br />

g o a v. v, i., sliava Li, t'iliaha.<br />

g r o ltn d, kiil!a; o0l, uponl the g.,<br />

ilpon this or tha(t y., lIi, 1I0', i; .,<br />

bottom of Water, etc., l tni'IiIa; ( rel<br />

dryg., kita't, Mod. khi'dsh; y.f,;cIc<br />

ini., ilio-ish, wxvlkalak ; q. use(d fr<br />

soweinq, plantinig, lhasltullkiith, Li bi<br />

silt'tteslh, le-usIi; Mod. lcisit tuash:<br />

,grassy, treelessyg., safga, dim. saili'i-<br />

I r; marshy Y., httulliusli; teh^ >1Awtko;<br />

to sinlk to the g. in Nvater,<br />

tchliNI'l a; to lie flat On they ., Whimpka;<br />

faee upiward, tl'Itialuaa; lying on<br />

or in the y., le'ltku.


g r o u1 it d - f o g; to _produce y. f, te-<br />

fJ¢u, rii'l ; thin nest havlaln ht. on hea(l,<br />

mil'likash; h. of bearId, and long h. on<br />

feline's mouth, stn6'k; h. under armnpits,<br />

]&i'katilsh; It. on genitals, sni-a'k,<br />

pa)ttchnam ; white It., 6'lasl ; having<br />

white or gray h., o'lshaltko; havinq<br />

Cur/,I, bushy h., telltaksh, cf. curly;<br />

orceled with short h. on body, nilaltko;<br />

one whose It. rises 1u stiff<br />

slanlk,`Ialtko-; h.-brutsh, shi ikislh -<br />

,'Pt isli; h.-net, tcblafyisl; tqinq un<br />

the h. and putting somnethin long in<br />

it, kat'hictivash; to cutt short, clip one's<br />

hi., shnuyega, stu.lkisl ika.<br />

1I a If, tatx vlamni, taty6l1Anpani, Mod.<br />

t'Alammi, tXAlanlt)nni; one h. of, Ih.<br />

portion of, tatzkinhupani; formiing one<br />

h1,, tX!latmpankllini, Kl. tf'tZxelailrlarkani;<br />

h.-parted, mlt-igslhtani, M1oIad.<br />

mi-gslitani, abbr. ia'igsta; pe'rson h.<br />

A1erican, h. Indian, Boslitill.ma; to<br />

be h. in, h. out, winka.<br />

II a I f w a y s , adj. used adverbially,<br />

tatZydtimpani, Mo(l. tytlanipani. Cf.<br />

middle, midst.<br />

h a I i o t i s -s h e 11, ktclpAik, lAktash<br />

hI a Ioo , v. t., hii'ma, n1ena; h. and I<br />

h. at somebody to come, nde'na; h.<br />

at somebodv distant, hamniki'lpka,<br />

lhanioaslia; h. throuygh the hollow<br />

hand, stu'ka-; h. to somiel)ody repeatedly,<br />

nketnkanka; h., be noitg,<br />

tch~iluyexa.<br />

ialloo ! hlitrgoi! liigga ta! wlveii<br />

standin, for: look here! be-i<br />

lI a 1 Iu c i ii a t i o ii ; to labor underi h.,<br />

til6'tkAla.<br />

]i a 1 lo; sun-h., shakatelhdisli, sela;<br />

37<br />

g r o it uI (I f o(- o - li d d'. 577 ;<br />

wc'n, wanrlka; colored sun-It., sallp-<br />

'sham wXvnam shakaltchalish; to be<br />

surrounded by a moon-h., sliltkala.<br />

I la I t , v. i , h. on one's way, ti'ikola;<br />

h., to make a h., tchia; h. after running,<br />

tgelxa; I?. at intervals, at times,<br />

tulklaktchna; h., to be lame, to limp,<br />

kuanka. Cf. lame.<br />

It a I t e r qf horse, shtchbkpaksh.<br />

h a I1n m e r , upatna'tkish; h. of guit,<br />

shliulolash; to cock the h., shlewala;<br />

to drop the h., shlitltIla.<br />

Ii a n d, ne1p, dim nepaga; back of h.,<br />

n ep; flat portion, palm of h., t~ikak,<br />

nepam t'kak; by h., in one's h., with<br />

the h., 11A., or -'h- infixed; on or about<br />

the It., hands, ipne i ; not on h., adv.,<br />

lhu, -u ; line in h., slhektanksli ; h. of<br />

a clock- or wvatch-dial, agg dslha;<br />

hands off! kal-i i hIIUT kl'ni tas1itCAnta!<br />

kultak! to beckon with the h., cf.<br />

beckon; to capture, catch by h., U6tzsaska.;<br />

to carry in h , slo'dslsna,<br />

steila; to clap the hands, shaktalktxa;<br />

to close, cinch the h., sAilhpslita; to<br />

contract the half opened h. or fingers,<br />

shatclho'l gi; to extend one's h., armn,<br />

nika, nikm'ilka; to hold in h., long<br />

obj., Wanimi iapl. f-cnimna; shebitcha,<br />

slhenthnelma; round obj., li!tyamna, p].<br />

p6-ukAianka; to hold up with oYICv h.,<br />

k'1hiule6a; to make signs wiith the h.,<br />

nikdinka 1ntep; to more the h. sidewise,<br />

klittela, kitchliia, to shcake hands,<br />

hmislhna, slhmtaslhi; ne'l) slintlka; to<br />

touch eacht other witit thi h., hands7,<br />

shiash'ishtfa, to wash one's hands ,<br />

shmatclhdkua; to work by ih., fikldlk.

578<br />

58 ENGLISIH-KlAMATII <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

h1an d o ver, v. t., h. over to, pass to,<br />

shu'la, shulipka, shulfa; shewlina; h.<br />

over toall around, huslIhamtla; h. over<br />

in return, sheets, etc., shle-ipele; h.<br />

over from below, yAna. Cf. give, v.<br />

]an dker c hief, kitchkam ; handkertehip.<br />

h a n d l e, v. t., gishala; h., (deal with,<br />

nc-ulakta; h., to stir up, katchligal;<br />

h. roughly, liii; h. roughly more than<br />

once, lulikInka.<br />

II a n d 1 e of trunk, tools, etc., shnokgish;<br />

when inserted, joined, tuldsh;<br />

to seize, pull by the h., as a doorbell,<br />

utchA-ika.<br />

handsome, tidshi; said of persons,<br />

tIdshi, aisliisbtcbi.<br />

handsoinely, tidsh.<br />

11 a n g , v. t.; h. som ebody, kslhaggaya,<br />

1)1 iggAya; h. up), suspend, nagg.ya;<br />

shblkaya, la -g-ya; long obj.,<br />

aggaiya, pL. iggcva; h. overat the tize<br />

being, 16vita; h. over, above something,<br />

hishuggdiya, shakiitchuala;<br />

h. oneself, liaksllgaya; h. on while<br />

going, aggil-idshia, hlgg-A-idsha;<br />

h.. out obliquely, kiukalva; h. around<br />

oneself, as neckwvear, i-amna; h. up,<br />

as a sack of' oo(1 or provisions<br />

upon a tree, aggaya, pl. iggAya.<br />

hang, v. i.; It. downfroni, h. to, laggaya,<br />

naggaya, shlakaya, shlakaka;<br />

agg 'tya, pl. igga'ya; h. downfrom,<br />

h. over something, tunululla; h. down<br />

friom the mouth, lxet'knu'ila; h. on, be<br />

attached to for a time, tgulta, pl<br />

levi'lta, d. l'ulti'ta; h. on or out of<br />

sltiggf'ya. Cf. hang, v. t.<br />

II a p p e n, v. i., ne'pka.<br />

h a r d, adj., and to be h., kmita; hardened,<br />

kuataltko, cf. hl'ipka; too h. for<br />

use kt'lidshi; to become h., hardened,<br />

kaltki.<br />

h a r d , adv. ; to blow h., as winds,<br />

ska shh(wi; to work h., k'1'l pelpela.<br />

Ih a r e - Il ip person, skotigslh-sh11ilr).<br />

II a r' 1 o t , sheshtodlkish.<br />

11 a r n e s s, lZelxatalinash; puk5xvislh.<br />

II a r p o n11, fish-h., ki'sh, sitchbhkitash.<br />

II a r p o o n , v. t., stiikaa, stu'ka<br />

h a r S I, kfllitko.<br />

h a st e; to make h., kIla; in h., is ex<br />

pressed by the verbs of running:<br />

lihika, hi'kanslia, hukalya, hbudshna,<br />

etc., or by kl, killank, nkillan; to<br />

be in a6 h., k'lika; to approach in h.,<br />

hulhidshui; to re-enter in h., hulilp6li.<br />

h1 a t , tchuyesh; large basket-shaped h.<br />

in Shasti style, teh

*ki'lgi; h. rouli(l or bulky obj., kC)ka<br />

j thread- or sheet-like, ne'pka<br />

garments, etc., shldpka; h. back,<br />

shliepkIpole; h., liquids, tchlkteha;<br />

h., take home, as provisions, hi'wi;<br />

h. to one's camp at a distance, hiwI-<br />

(slla; h. down, as a flag, spitchotkipeli;<br />

. u.p from, ika, ika 1)Tpli.<br />

Ii ave , v. t.; to possess, ef. tI (I);<br />

hariny, _possessing, gftko, or suffix<br />

-ltko, etc.; h. an opeC woumd or<br />

sore, hamnnpka; to go and it. a dance,<br />

ksfulaktcha.<br />

h a v k , no generic term; fish-h.,<br />

Pandion carolinensis, ti'iktukuash; a<br />

species of h., k'hlitp; species of<br />

gray h., shVk(; its female, spfi'in;<br />

species of loiqy-tailed It., wItflktkish;<br />

species, perhaps m)?arsh-h., te-iktc-<br />

ukaslh; p~geon-h. or mierlin, ndt'tkasl;<br />

iprairie-h., tclunekolkash yetlowish<br />

mice-h., tsi'ktu; sparrow-it<br />

Falco sparverius, tchlikdlak; species<br />

of sparrow-h., kshi'kshmish;<br />

red-tailed squtirrel-h., Buteo calurus,<br />

k-asb.<br />

11 a y, ksilf'n; looking like h., kshui'np)tclhi.<br />

II a z e , Ilash; it. is forming, lia, tehatchikma.<br />

Ii a z y ; it is h., lua; very h., ka-a lI la,<br />

tel atchAkma.<br />

h Iii i ; to make hah7a, sh'ft'nika; to<br />

make h. continuously, hiihii'tamna.<br />

1h e , pron. pers.; anim. in close proximity,<br />

ke'; anim., close by, ke'k;<br />

standing before you, lHit; anim.<br />

visible or distant, pi; when removed<br />

hand over-health. 579<br />

from sight, hul'k, hUt'kt, litiksht,<br />

cf. that; hu, more Mod. than KI.;<br />

Ilifnk, cf. this; himself, h' kak, etc.<br />

Sh7e, it are expressed by the same<br />

dem. pronouns as: lhe. Cf. himself<br />

h e ad, ntt'sh; provided wit7i a h.,<br />

nu'sh gitko, nushAltko; at the h. of,<br />

firstly, adv., lupi; h.-ache, nft'sh=<br />

ma, shash; h.-board or h.-stone, litch-<br />

Zash; provided with h.- and footboard,<br />

titildsxatko; h.-cover, h.-wear,<br />

tch'ilyesh, cf. cap, hat; top of h.,<br />

nkiik; to be at the h. of, pl. of<br />

h)ersons, I-amna, fyamna; to bend,<br />

turn the h. for a bite, s'huishtchaktelilka;<br />

to carry on h., sha-ula; tudshi<br />

a; to raise and drop the h., wanku'tanka;<br />

to shake the h. in refusal,<br />

shmakiitclhktcha; to stand on one's h.,<br />

anim. and man., shutapke'a, shetal-<br />

Zxa; to walk with the it. sticking out,<br />

to go h. forward or downward, skinshna;<br />

to wash one's h., shetiitcha.<br />

- h e a d e d; bald-h., stakolo'latko; conical-h.,<br />

wakwlikli nfl'sh gitko; narrow-<br />

or long-h., vultchikish. Cf.<br />

head<br />

head off, v. t., gayAya.<br />

head-c hi e f, tutasXenfni lak, mUni<br />

laki, al)br. mu=laki.<br />

head-waters, nushaltkaga.<br />

Head-Water Modoc Indian,<br />

nom. pr. NushaltkLtgakni.<br />

health; no ex. eq.; to be in good,<br />

bad h., tidsh, kui huslIlta; to regain<br />

h., to be in. good ht. again, lheshni'impoli,<br />

huggidsha, wv6mpele; to<br />

restore to h., heshum'impeli; vA-uka.


lie a p, s., as of wood, kWdshlaksb;<br />

h. of snow, kteknish; h. of debris,<br />

'ikuashl; in a h., adv., sh( 'pn, sn'pen;<br />

to lie in a h?., shopa, shfIi')ka; to lay,<br />

put on in a h., sbupelOka; to unit(,<br />

collect in a h., v. i., lhwa, liwf'la,<br />

litlfnka; shukfu'lki ; cf. crowd.<br />

II e a ) it p , v. t., shio'li, Mod. hlushto'lki;<br />

h. up in a stack, pile, sho-<br />

1)alxa; h. u/) earth, spItktehAInpka;<br />

h. up together, what is on the ground,<br />

sheke'lki; h. upon, shul)eloka; to<br />

be heaped up1, shU1'l)ka.<br />

li e a r , v. t., ti'tnicmna.<br />

h e a r k e n, v. i., shteyak'lakpa, ma- something, shliloaitcha; h. oneself<br />

tchata. Cf. listen, v.<br />

into, inside of, u'h h; h. rup, assist in<br />

1h e a r t, steinash; possessed of a h., getting up, ktitiveCga, liw'itkal, liwm-<br />

steinslialtko; to my heart's content, tchampka.<br />

ge-utala steinash ; to be h.-sick, h.- h e I p flu 1; to be h. to somebody, shabroken,<br />

steinash slt'la.<br />

tudya, shitclila. Cf. help, v.<br />

II e a v t h, shn5e-ilaksh, to'ke. II e n , v. t, ske'llia.<br />

h e a t, of weather, body, etc., kel- h e in 1 o c k pine, wia'ko, or wN,/a'kuam.<br />

p)oksh ; h. of sun, fire, ktchilrish; Ih e m o r r Ii o i d s , kilht-ilAshasII.<br />

of water, l6kuashl; to emit, radiate h e rm p; wildl h., slhedsh; narcotic<br />

h., ktchazla; to be at red or white h., part ofj wvild h., slle'dsh.<br />

tchl'iitchiga; kaltchbuy'lga, Mod. h e tI s e a I1 , skdlliash.<br />

ktchuilolka.<br />

he i, tchik'n gd'1lu.<br />

hI e a t, v. t., hlA' uka; h. liquids, water, h e it c e , front here; ct: here; h., on<br />

shinekalpka, tcldilhila; h. stones dur- that account, Unmasht gnitga hIniAi'ing<br />

one dlay for cooking, etc., shuait-<br />

1INla; h. the cookiny stonles repeatslitak<br />

gIug; hniiasht gissht, hlLnkaviti,<br />

lumikantchii'.<br />

edly when baking roots, satndllia; h e r, hI e r s , pron. 1)oss., cf. his.<br />

heated, klpoksh; of liquids only, II e r b , tchtlaslh; species of, with eat-<br />

kh'luash, likuash. Cf. hot.<br />

able ,able seeds, tchlii-usam. tchid-usain. Cf. CE grass.<br />

I he a v y, yutantko; in the sense of lh e e 1, stainaksh, y6wish.<br />

voluminous, solid, strong, hu'ipkatko; II e i r 1 o In, ske'kish.<br />

to be 71., vi'lta; hLipka; to be very h., l e r e, gita, git; when con-nected<br />

iX'l VI'ta. with verbs of motion, l ln1takk; h., loc.<br />

h e a v e II; cf. heavenly, sky .<br />

h e a v e lt I Y, 1)'aImkni, 1)'laitaltntiii,<br />

1)'laitAlkni-; h. /at her, 1)'lait,'lkni.<br />

heig it; no ex.eq.: lowinhi., wigAni;<br />

growing to a small A., wvig'ini ; h.. ini<br />

the sense of' mountain, yaIna; of<br />

hill, yaina-aga. Cf. hioh.<br />

i e l p , V. t ; I somebody, slhatuv a,<br />

hatslhattiaya ; i., as an associate,<br />

ally, shitchil, tchilla; h. in wtarfaire,<br />

t(hlinta, tchIIlla; h. the opposite<br />

party in wvar, tchlirfta; A. oneself to,<br />

shntka, shbti1kIa, Ana; h. each other,<br />

shitchla, shilolitcla; It. in carryimy

and tenip. ]in, -ul, 6'; h. on the ground,<br />

hi, hi', i; hita, 1hiti, hiT't; right h.,<br />

gqcr, gf 6 na, ginAt; g-'tata; tchlme,<br />

tcltimi; right h., referring to long<br />

obj. and persons, hl~'t; from h.,<br />

hence, gita, hi'tksli; h. ! in the sense<br />

of look here! he'-I! haggi! the one h.,<br />

thisone, longobj., persons, hlll't; cowrinq<br />

from h, gitakni. Cf. place, there<br />

h e r eafter, conj. and adv., after<br />

this, gintak. Cf. after, future.<br />

It e r e u p o n , tchtii; action in sight,<br />

tehuyuk; unseen, tchtiyunk; tcluli<br />

pun, at pe'n, tehai', at, apoc. a;<br />

h., finally, tche'k; tch6'ksli, tchu'i<br />

tch'k, k'ldwiank. Cf after, afterwards<br />

hermaphrodite; a man "wearing<br />

woman's clothes," tuiniZtLtko.<br />

h e r o i c a 1, litclilItchli.<br />

heroically, litchlitch.<br />

h e r o n; great blue h., Ardea herodias,<br />

kakash; night h, Nyctiardea Gardenii,<br />

shio'ksh. Cf. crane.<br />

h e r s e l f; same as himself, q. v.<br />

h i d e , v. t., aishi; inan., ilha; It.<br />

oneself, lit'iyaha, pl. galyaha, wilxa;<br />

h. oneself in ambush, stretched<br />

out, shuilpka, pl. wiwv'impka; wall-<br />

Za; h. oneself while standing behind,<br />

tgliptelia; h. oneself behind, kApteha;<br />

h. one's head under something,<br />

eitakta; h oneself by contracting one's<br />

body, hishiugla, wa'lZa.<br />

h i d e, s., with the .fur on, ni'l; h. untanned,<br />

khi'sh ; h. dressed, tanned,<br />

mbclt-usli; h. of lynx, shl6a; h. of<br />

aitelope, elk, vi'liIi'lslh.<br />

heap - himself. 581<br />

hi d e o u s, kuidshi; unsightly by<br />

use or age, Amtchiksh, -amtch.<br />

1h i g h, atini, abbr. aiti; inltni; one<br />

who is higher than, p'laitalni; highest,<br />

topmost, p'la-ini; h.-pointed,<br />

wakwctkaii; h. in price, tt'm sh&shatko;<br />

of h. temperature, kelpoks]i;<br />

water, l6kuasli; to possess a h. voice,<br />

tcle'ktcheka.<br />

h i g Ii - c r e s t e d, sankAwaltko, better:<br />

samka'waltko.<br />

high--topped, as moccasins, atI<br />

stalegatko.<br />

hi gh tip , adv., p'laf, p'laitala; Atn<br />

(from alti h11); tu, tu'taks; to be h.<br />

up, p'laiki, p'lai gi; who, what is h.<br />

up, on high, p'laikiii, p'lentankni;<br />

higher up than, adv. and postp.,<br />

p'lentant, p'laitana. When connected<br />

with verbs, h. tup is sometimes<br />

expressed by the suffix -n:<br />

e. g. tchilAmntft. Cf. above, up.<br />

h i l 1, yairna. aga; among the hills, I' wa;<br />

h. shaped roof-like, witlash; h.-ranye,<br />

witchkAtko; rocky edge of h., w11lish;<br />

ant-h., kinia'dshain yaina-aga,<br />

kima'dshain shulit'lkish; to mnake,<br />

create hills, yainala; to stand or be<br />

on a h., cf. eminence; hillspur, katokiwash.<br />

Cf. declivity.<br />

h i l l o c k, kitchbLini yaina-Aga, or<br />

same as hill, q. v.<br />

h ill s i d e, ginshkatko; h. washed<br />

out, shnuntaltchislh. Cf. declivity.<br />

hin s e 1 f, also herself, and (if<br />

anim.), itself; oneself, hittkak, ht'ktak,<br />

htOt'tak, pitak; obj. hfi'nktak,<br />

pi'slitak, pfi'shtak; he .for hinwself,

582<br />

she for herself, etc., huikian, ht'kianki,<br />

pitagi'nggin; he by, within<br />

himself, etc., hukf; in his own mind,<br />

by himself, hinif. Reflective verbs<br />

are formed by p)refix h-, placed<br />

before the medial prefix sh-, s-, or<br />

by the latter alone. Cf. he, his,<br />

and the Grammar.<br />

h i n d 1 e g, tapitni p6'tcb.<br />

hi n d m o s t, tapini, tapitni.<br />

hire , v. t., slmtola, q. V.; hired person,<br />

kshelikiie'tish.<br />

h i s; also her, hers, its, anim. and<br />

inan., in close proximity, kelam;<br />

anim. in close p)roximity, kekolarn<br />

anim. and man., in proximity less<br />

close, hulnkelam; referring to anim.<br />

obj., absent or in the distance, m'na,<br />

Mod. p'na; coming from his, her<br />

place, lodge, etc., bunkeh'imskni,<br />

keklalniskni, his, her, its own,<br />

m'natak, Mod. p'natak. Cf. he,<br />

himself.<br />

h i t, v. t.; h. with a long article,<br />

udulpka, vudu'ka; h. by shooting,<br />

firing, nge-isha; slhlln, pl. yu'ta;<br />

cf. shoot, wound; h. upon, repeatedly,<br />

mpatia; h. each other, shekpexa;<br />

shuktapka, Mod ktuiyua; to<br />

make a motion to h., lhushaslia.<br />

hi t c h ,v. t., shlItchta; to be hitched<br />

to, horses, etc., tg'Ita, pl. levuta.<br />

h o a r - f r o s t, sgh'nmlash; to form<br />

h.-f., sgu'mla; shvfi'ntka, Mod.<br />

tchvui'ntka.<br />

h o a r s e; he is h., hu'kian kshga<br />

hemkanksh.<br />

h o c k, y6wish.<br />

t<br />

ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

hi o e vutoyotkislh.<br />

h o g, gu'sh A, dim. gushluaga.<br />

h o g g i s U, hoglike, gu^'shu ptchi.<br />

h o i s t, v. t., kiuI6xa; h. by motion<br />

of hands, k'hful6xa; h. up sidewise,<br />

kiuyega; h. up, and to beqin hoisting<br />

'up, round, bulky obj., liwayega,<br />

contr. Iuyega, pl. pe-nye'ga. Cf.<br />

lift, v.<br />

hol d, v. t.; h. in hand, long obj.,<br />

Ifv amna, pl. i-amna; round obj.,<br />

1l'tyamna, pl. pe-ukanka; h. or carry<br />

about in hand, long obj., slie'mtehla,<br />

shinitchna; h. on! le'ki ! 1)1.<br />

h('kat! gdtak! Mod. karnktak! h. on<br />

one's armns, kshulyamna; h. under<br />

the arm, arms, shultila, long obj.,<br />

shutIla; under one's clothing, shittla<br />

h. on one's back, or in a large or<br />

seed-basket, ska'vamna; h. at a distance,<br />

v'ta; h. fast, tchilika, contr.<br />

tchlflka; h. fast in one's power, tpka;<br />

h. fast on. purpose, shnu'kpa; h. the<br />

fingers in a scratching position, sblitixapka;<br />

h. between one's leys, knees,<br />

kpatakanka; h. oneself to, stick to,<br />

winta; h. open, as one's iouth,<br />

hlanulpka; h. an opinion, h(w'Nva,<br />

shewa, kshAp)a; h. over somebody<br />

or something, hI1tatka, shldtatko,<br />

itatka; h. a thin or flat article above<br />

another of the same kind, shailptmanwa;<br />

h. together objects, sheets<br />

of unequal size, tapata; h. up, k1;i-<br />

16xa; by hand, k'hIu] exa; It. up sonmebody,<br />

liw~itkal, liwc'tchaampka; h.<br />

up while moving, knutchna. Cf.<br />

carry, v.

hI o 1 d, s.; to take h. of, shnlika, shnuikua;<br />

long. obj, i'lyamna, pl. i-amna;<br />

to get h of what is thrown, kawtita,<br />

shnunkikua.<br />

Ih o 1 e in the ground, hollow, den,<br />

wi!'sh; den, subterranean passage,<br />

burrow, sti', sttiish; shrnullash, lit.<br />

"nest;" h., aperture, kilit; h., (left,<br />

niet'hli, metchish; h excavated Jbr a<br />

lodge, walkish, wa'sh; h., showing<br />

location of former sweat-lodge,<br />

slfi'mdamd=wash; h. to be closed<br />

up, ndsa'kish; h. to crawl through,<br />

gekankish, gutekuish; h pierced<br />

through, especially when tubiform,<br />

ginxish; bored, pierced h., ibdkantko;<br />

full of holes, ibut6katko, gintl.tkatko;<br />

to cut a h. into, ktekna; for<br />

making an obj. burst, vud'hita; to<br />

dig a h., yepa, Mlod. ibe'na; ut6ya,<br />

ibutu'ya; under something, hantila;<br />

to have a h. or holes, gintAtka; in a<br />

limb, lanufpka; to make a h., stitya;<br />

by boring, tudka; by cutting, or by a<br />

stroke of the hand, tkeka; in the<br />

ground, yrpa, sttyla, ut6ya; to<br />

scratch a h, said of animals, stfiya,<br />

wa'shla, lushAntchla, shlti'tila. Cf.<br />

aperture, den.<br />

hol I ow, adj., ginsxatko; h. asa reed,<br />

tube, ginkatko. Mod. ginshasxAntko;<br />

to be h., gInsxa: as a tube, ginka;<br />

long and h.-shaped, vunshakaptelhi.<br />

h oll o w , s., wa'sh.<br />

hollow o1t, v. t., as a dug-out<br />

canoe, washkn6la.<br />

I o m e, dwelling-place, tch!'sh; at h.,<br />

tlWards h., Ihi, hli', i, i-i; away, far<br />

hi n d le -h orse. 583S<br />

from h., I'wa; near h., Iwag; to go,<br />

come h., gempele, gaitpampole; to<br />

return h., gepgapele, q. v.; to be at<br />

h. after having returned, gelulpka;<br />

to call h., shatmapele.<br />

Ih o I e , v. t., lektcha.<br />

h o n e, s., lektch6tkish.<br />

hon est, talani.<br />

honeycombed, gintatkatko.<br />

h o o f, kidshinksh , dim. kudshl'nkshka.<br />

Ih o o k; fish-h., lutkish; small h., crochet,<br />

shnitchlklitkish.<br />

h o o 1), stilanksh; h. as a plaything,<br />

hishtilankanke6'tkish; to drive a h.,<br />

stilanshna.<br />

h o o t , v; i., said of owls, ha'ma.<br />

h o p, v. i, klcna, shekliXi'a; h.<br />

around, tuituigidsha; to go aroundl<br />

hopping, kshiutchna.<br />

hope, v. t.; no ex. eq.: I h. you will<br />

come, i kam gftpant. Cf am.<br />

It o r i z o n , kalo na'nuktua ginkakia'mna;<br />

to decline towards the h., Still,<br />

etc., tIla, tinolna; to pass under<br />

the h.., tinkuc'la, tino'li.<br />

horn, t6kedim.itukiaga; h. of horned<br />

load, etc., naishlalk-ish; provided<br />

Wiil long, horns, l]Zxwaltko; tool<br />

made of h?., t6ke.<br />

h o r n e d , toke gItko; h. cattle, mushmush,<br />

Mod. vUshmush; h. owl, Bubo<br />

subarcticuss, ml'ikash; h. toad, frog,<br />

naishlashlAkgish gItko.<br />

II o r s e , watch; male h., laki wc'tch;<br />

possessed of a h or horses, watch

584<br />


h orseb a ck, o in; to ride on h., winter-h., hlldainaldksh; log-h., cf:<br />

waitclat or watchatka huslio'th lna, log; outhouse, latchaslh, Mod. sti-<br />

w6tehat or waltchtat tchli'kla, tehi'n-I'sh; if a shed, nilhiash; h.-builder,<br />

kIa; to go and ride on hi., hushlitsa; l]tldsish; h.-snake, go-itak. Cflodlge.<br />

to sit on h. or ont a mule, tkAla- Ih o w, adv.; (1) h (notinterrog.), wak.<br />

inna, dlu. hluilaimna, 1)1 liilanina; h. formed, shaped, wakaptchi; h.<br />

to ford a river ott It., 1hashpa[ktuia. many, h. much, tank, tPinid; (2) h.<br />

Cf. ride, v.<br />

(interro-.), w ak? vAkAi? Ak-islht? di<br />

Ih o r s e - fe e d , waitchal hIi'slipkish. h. then.? empliat., walkai? w'tkaitcih?<br />

II o r s e - hi a i r, species of Gordiius: it. many? hI. matit ? tAnk? tAini '?<br />

aimpuamn lhik.<br />

hI o w e v e r, -tak, taks, toks, ta'lsli.<br />

h o r s e - r a ce , blushenish; to start, h o Iv1, v. i., hIii'ma, mb'txva, yi-a;<br />

arrange a hi.-r., hlushIna-a.<br />

cfb1easts, yea, woa; - pklula, nib)'lwa;<br />

hiorse-shoe, lislizish.<br />

h. contintiously, wokanka; It. and cry<br />

h o r s e - s o r r e 1, hbnAwat.<br />

ia chor-us, yeka; h, said of the<br />

Ih o s t i 1 e ; h. wiarrior, shishokish. storill, y ewa.<br />

h o t, kelpoksl, lkuash; said of' II o w I e r, nibaubalwash; said of ani-<br />

liquids, water, keluaslh, l6kiiash; mnals, etc.<br />

to be, fetl It, 7weather, body, water, lIIit c k I ea b e r r y; cf. whortleberry.<br />

fire, etc., ldpka, body, shulatlkia Ii id( dl e , v. t.; h. into, kpuli.<br />

to be It., water only, hula; it i8 h1. II u g, v. t.; h. and caress, ldukua,<br />

weather, palta; h season, dry time shluldAkua. Cf. embrace, v.<br />

of the year, pAta; to Wiake It., as ih u III , v. i., said of insects, hai'ma;<br />

stones, lit'Lyuka; to bathe in h. water, mu 'muina; I. around, nmtuyannia;<br />

kdlua; to be red It., tchill'itchliga; to keel) ott hummtttintg, hiiha'tamna.<br />

kaltchuy uga, Mo(l. kteluiloka; red h it i a n; It. beinq, iakliaks; pshe-<br />

I/., tcliuitch'lili.<br />

utiwash; ht.-likc, im'ilaks sli tko.<br />

II o t C r e e k , norn. pr. of' a brook, ]II i in in 1 gr - b i r d, p islasla.<br />

with a Modoc settlement: Aga- hump, kflishi.<br />

wesh; native o'11. C., AkA-uslkni. hu m p b a c k, kil'lAntko, alalana-<br />

H o t S p r i n s , Il io. pr. loc., I Utko; to be a h., skdya; to become<br />

kuashti.<br />

humpbackedl, kilka.<br />

h o II r , our, aur; early hours of day, Ii u n d red; one h., te'-unepni te'-unel);<br />

pii'kti; late hours, spundi'kslh, litki. tina hundred; two h., lhiplii te-<br />

Ii 0 u S e, tcli'sh; hltchasli, Mod. stiunepni te-unep.<br />

na'sh; to biuild a h.. litelha, Mod h iu n g, to be; cf hang, v. i.<br />

stiml- a itt or into this 1h., lbdye, hi, i, hi uin ge r, tiii'tnish; to Jeel It., tiii'ma;<br />

i-i, lifttl; outof lthe 71, Onflloors, kamt; to satisfy it., shoh6ta, di'-una.

11 1'g ' y , thii'mra itko ; to be, feel h.,<br />

tiji ma ; v. imes., a)ll6pka; very<br />

h., vuim<br />

tiii'ma.<br />

kishi; to be very h., intmc, k:}-a<br />

]I 11t, V. t.; h1. 'up, follow tip, kll-ilh,<br />

haftelina, kaliieva; for somel)ody,<br />

kailila; It. inpursuit, gashiliktchila; to<br />

reach througyh. nuiainy, peo'dslma; h.<br />

(0own, ka'-ilha,for somebodv, kaiihia;<br />

It. after continually, kI-.ikaklla to biyin<br />

hunting for, kayaktArnpka; to r(ttrn<br />

fi/om huntiny, kityaktka; h.<br />

game, g- lnlkanka; togoohuntin)g,iv

586<br />

5ENGLISH- <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

1, pron. pers., nu6, nA, or -n suffixed;<br />

I myself, mintak, ni'itoks; I for myself,<br />

nutagi'lniggin: but I, just I,<br />

I however, n'tak, ni'toks.<br />

i ce , w*esh; i -chunk, *viy'dlapsh;<br />

JloatinI cake of i., wavalap)sh; i.-cov-ered,<br />

wetko; to be i.-covered, ewa;<br />

to form i., to turn into i., wayhllpa,<br />

wen; to slide, skate on i., we'slitat<br />

ulakll'kfnko1; ula l1l Illsl1w.<br />

c i c I e, wayal apsl; to form icicles,<br />

way'lpa<br />

i ea, hl'slikankslh.<br />

iden tical; ef. saine.<br />

i d I e, t o b e, tchuv6ma Cf. in-<br />

I.<br />

im p e t u o u s, killitko, kilosh; to be<br />

i., kila.<br />

i m p 1 e in e n t; expressed by the<br />

suffix -otkish, contr. -otch, -atctt(h,<br />

as in: i. for fighting, shellol(Itkishi;<br />

curingy i., mldtluash, tehutenotkisli.<br />

Cf. a)paratus, instrument, tool<br />

iml)ossible, to be, kl'.sliga.<br />

impression; made by stamping<br />

witlh the feet or other lnigy-shapied<br />

object, kttttks; round-shaped i.,<br />

active, lazy.<br />

id (I r, vympkaslh; tchly6mash<br />

i 1, conj; when coil(litional, ha', ]li,;<br />

and ij; butt if, lii' tehi, hai' tclii, and<br />

abbr.liii'ich; when causal,-oga,-ok,<br />

-4 nuto'ks.<br />

i m 1) r i s o nm , V. t., s5)tmlhi, pl. ilhi; to<br />

rettirn from imprisoning, spulltitka.<br />

imp)risofnle nt; place of i, spu-<br />

1U'ksh; for more than one person,<br />

iligish; Chin. J, skmlkum=house.<br />

i in p u i e; said of water. kuyvlimatko;<br />

to become i., kaytnia Cf. clear.<br />

i n a c c e s s i I e e, an. kidslii.<br />

ga, -uk, suffix of tl e verbal causa- i n a c t i v e , y am pkasli; to be i., y 'amtive;<br />

whether-, ij; il inldirect quespka, tcliuy6ma.<br />

tions, tatillut, tAlilll(lsII<br />

i n c a ]1 d e s c e n t, tcliuitchit'ili; to be<br />

ill, adv., kui-i; to feel i., shuntyly , i., tchuitchi-a; kaltchuyt'lga, Mlod.<br />

kut-i gl.<br />

ktchluiluka; to make i., hlllyuka.<br />

i n b e c i Ie, kA-ikasll, letalani; telha- i n c a n t a t i o n , fatal or not, shn1i'slh;<br />

wikatko<br />

i started by the conjucrer, sLhuin6tkislh.<br />

inmnecdiately after, ndnui. i n c e n s e d, slhawigatko; to be or be-<br />

i ie m se , v. t., iitcla, 1 kell-uina;<br />

i. in water, shnhindwa, ilktcha.<br />

co011e i,, slhniawgy, shitclhlktat,<br />

tchAktna, kilua; to be i., _kla.<br />

shi-<br />

i mm o r t a 1, t(hihshlnini.<br />

i ii c i s i o ni, sti'klkish ; provided e with<br />

i ni ni o v a 1) I e, teluinslan.<br />

I 1?cisions, iucsed uCtra\whi-ss, slhtunai<br />

In p'l I1 vX. t., tlilka.<br />

I takitko. (,.f. indentatte, notch.

inclose, v. t., spuilhi, pl. flhi; i.<br />

by sewing or pasting over, skentana.<br />

(f. put inside, under, put, v.<br />

i in c I o s u r e , ground fenced in, tpullgish,<br />

pl. of obj., iligish; w'Akalak,<br />

dim. waklaka'ga; Mod. ktehinksh,<br />

dim. ktchinkciga. Cf. corral.<br />

increase, v. 1.; i. in size, grow, as<br />

animals, persons, t'shi'n; as plants,<br />

ke'dsha; i. in strength, said of Wtaters,<br />

anipuala; said of winds, shiwina.<br />

i n d e b t e d; to be or become i., skIuta;<br />

to be i., shkiitlka.<br />

in d e b t e d ne s s, slikitulaksh, skelitish.<br />

i i d e e d, adv , tcliAtclni; -tak, -taksh,<br />

-toksh suffixed, and emphatic; yes,<br />

i. ! ya ! i-a! i-i ! e ! interrogatively:<br />

i.? is that so? i-iP? 6-e? Mod.<br />

litntmiaslit ?<br />

i n d e n t a t e, v. t., kte(k'liehl, kte-<br />

le'ta, ktlt'izi.<br />

i d e x f iin ger, speluish, yisllixislh;<br />

to ptt forward the ,.-f, ylshika, yu-<br />

shlake iia, slji'shnla.<br />

I i d ian ii, 11lf21 or wOwflan, maklaks;<br />

Xliodoc 1., 116'dokrii miaklaks; Indians<br />

and their fannilies, malklaksni;<br />

I. band, people, tribe, chieftaincy, mn'aklaks;<br />

the Kia)nath Lake Indians,<br />

lC-ukshikrni muinklaks<br />

Indiaii village on Lower T1illiamson<br />

Pureer, Yal-aga; also eailed<br />

E-ushlitat.<br />

indicate, v. t, shl'ipa; i. a gutess<br />

by proffering the hand or finger,<br />

shlfn.<br />

I -in for in. 587<br />

i n (I i c a t o r of day-tinme, time: c lock,<br />

dial, watch, sun, moon: shU'pash.<br />

111 di g e n t, vudlkish, klwantko,<br />

keliak tnWi; to be i., yualka, kalnipka.<br />

Cf. lack, v.<br />

ia n divid u a1, human, na'sh maiklaks;<br />

inklaks.<br />

i n d o o r s, prep., exp)ressed by locative<br />

cases, as -i, -kshi, etc., and b)y<br />

verblal suffixes; w

.588 588ENGISIl - KLA MATH <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

i n f o r in a t i o n, tuilnashi; to carry,<br />

bring i., stillidAnka, stiltelina; hashiwaktcha.<br />

i n hab)i t, v. t., tchia, pl. wc't; tehi-<br />

Z6 ga, tchli'dslia, tchiwla, pl. wa'dsliuga;<br />

i. the samne locality, inmpka.<br />

in li ab it an t of a place, tchi'sh; i.<br />

of that place, locality, gitakni.<br />

inhale, v. t., ho'ka, hbkamnpele; i.<br />

breath with noise, tin('0,.<br />

i n 11 e r it, v., skliki'shla.<br />

in e 1i t a i1 c e , ske'kish.<br />

i n II u. l e , v. t., kehi-una, vumi,<br />

p'nauna, ilktcha vumnisltat; i., bury a<br />

corpse, alxa or 1 , 1)'n a , Mod.<br />

vruini. Cf. bury, inter, V.<br />

in j u r e, v. t., shk'lkdla, utclh'iya; i.<br />

bgj wounding, sln'ttka. Cf. hit, hurt.<br />

i 11j 1' )'; to inblict bodily i., shlitka,<br />

utchlliva, vud'hita.<br />

i ii q u i r e, v. t., vula, vulhnkia; i. repeatedly,<br />

villantana.<br />

i n s a ii e, tchawikatko, Ie'kishi; to be<br />

i., tehawika, Vka.<br />

i n s e c t; flyinq i., nla'nk; crawling i.,<br />

in fi'lk, dim. int'ulkaga.<br />

in sert into, v. t., tull, ikiga; i.<br />

into an opening, yapnkhipslhti; if a<br />

long obj., yAntana; i. into the perforateci<br />

nose, Ihushk~iika.<br />

i n s i d e ; expressed I)y locative cases,<br />

by verbal suffixes, or by: ginhhiea,<br />

yuhiena; I-ukak, iwina; to be i.,<br />

indoor, ginli'n a; to be i., with in,<br />

yuhiena, iwiniuik gi; staying i.,<br />

inan., ginliennlatko; to st(anld, to be<br />

i. of, tgitll, pl. linpuga, li11i1i ; i.<br />

ladder of wi tet-Io)-(de, w 1kis1.<br />

in s i s t ul 1) o II, V. t ; forcibly, kill]Vtana;<br />

i. by solicitation, shak6tka.<br />

inspire, v. t; ef. inhale.<br />

in s t e p of foot, petcham lltawV. lash.<br />

in s t r uc t, v. t., hashiudga; instricted<br />

in, shcyuaksh.<br />

instru c t o r , laslhitg(ish.<br />

i n s t r u m e n t; expressed by the<br />

suffix -Qtkish, contr. -otch, -fitch;<br />

smnall bor6ing i., tuekotkisli; i. Jol<br />

measuring, skilulxotkislh; part oj' a<br />

i., slnite-otkish. Cf article, iniplement.<br />

in tell e c t hi'islkanksh s,<br />

i n t e ll e c t u a l, tidshi, slhepelpel-<br />

Aitko.<br />

intelli g e n t, sh'iytuaksli tud; nmnuktua<br />

slaly uakslh, shepelpelktko.<br />

in tensely , kc-a, contr. ka'; tuim;<br />

mfi, 1mtnl; tidsh , when connected<br />

with adj. and adverbs, suffix -ak,<br />

-hak.<br />

i n t e ii t; to be i. upon, hbdmeni, slhan

i n t e r mi e d i a t e in (aye, tatXZlrnini,<br />

Mod. tZIilanmi. Cft middle.<br />

iuterni ingle, v. t., inan. obj.,<br />

slitkl a, katchaiiga.<br />

i n t e r p r e t, v. t., lutatka, shntt'ntatka.<br />

i n t e rp 1'r e t e r, lutatkish, more fre-!<br />

quently d. lu]ldatkish; to act as i.,<br />

l'itatka.<br />

Interr ogative particles: in<br />

direct questions: a? (A lha? lhai i<br />

trn tarmi't? ttmnudsh? in indirect<br />

questions: timidslh, talin.<br />

i n t e r s e c t, v. t., shuelfta, shen6k'la.<br />

i n tr 0 odI c e, v. t., iwfna, tlth; ksh6wa.<br />

Cf. place, pllt, v.<br />

i n v a (I e , v. t., gatkta. Cf. attack, v.<br />

i1 v e r t, v t., ntpeli.<br />

infor nati on -jar. ,( S 9<br />

or be i, shawiga, kilua; to be i.,<br />

klHa. Cf. angry, irritate, v.<br />

i r o n , tchikrnen, watiti; v tian e(d sheeti.,<br />

pok6ti.<br />

i r o n , v. t., latAdsl~i, hltadslld'xa.<br />

irresistible, shkafni<br />

i r r i g at e d land, mieadlow, tchxashc'tko.<br />

i r r i t a t e, v. t., slinikallua; to be and<br />

beconze irritated, siitclhakta, kilua ; to<br />

be irritated, tcl

590<br />


a w, jawbone, kako.<br />

j a y, j.-bird, yi'ikiak; blue-j., Cyanura<br />

Stelleri frontalis, tchxe-utchZe-ushi.<br />

jee r at , v. t., shuluipkta, luai~a; in<br />

the sense of laughing at, wdtanta;<br />

j. at repeatedly, shdMIuaktcha.<br />

j e r k, v. t., j. asunder, long obj.,<br />

p)Akta; j. oft; paka'ga; to a distance,<br />

paliakola; to open by jerking,<br />

pake6la; jerked beef, pahatko mush-<br />

inusham tclhule'ks.<br />

j e s t , le'shuatxash; to amuse by jests,<br />

shlidndshma-a.<br />

j e s t e r, clown, utiissusA-ash.<br />

j e w s li a r p , hesh6mish, shalallish,<br />

sl'fI'shap.<br />

j o i n , v. t.; j., rejoin somebody, gaptoga,<br />

gawina; j. together, inan obj.,<br />

tulf; to be joinedl to, inb junction<br />

with, shalateliguala; j. one 1part into<br />

tMc other, pitcll pUt over, when said<br />

otf rrows, slifilhipeli; no pitch put<br />

oVer, tdlhipeli.<br />

j o i n , v. i.; j. with others, slialatcbgu-<br />

Ala.<br />

o i n Ce r, vulInisl.<br />

j o i n t , of limbs, k6lanshi, nawalaslh;<br />

7iwe-j., k6lansli; wrist-j., naw'llash,<br />

nepani nawalash.<br />

j o k e , v. i., j. about, luaiXa, t'il)ea.<br />

j o k i n g I y; to talkcj., ta iXea, le'shuatZtash<br />

hlmkanka.<br />

ju Iu n e y, s.; to be on a j., tamennu;<br />

gena, gulitia'slhka; to return from a<br />

j., tanmen6tka.<br />

jo v f u 1; cf. glad, rejoice.<br />

j 1( g e, laki; to try in the capacity<br />

of a j., n6-ulxa.<br />

judgmen t, n6-ulaksh.<br />

j g, p6ko; j. for boiling, tchilaiuash,<br />

Mod. tchilalotkish.<br />

j u i c e red j., vegetal, tcliekeli ; to<br />

suck j. out of stalks, etc., knmutcho'slha.<br />

J u y, inaccurately corresponds to<br />

sp6luish, in its instr. case: speluishtka.<br />

j u in p , v. i., between, huthumsxa; j. or<br />

leap clown, mbd'tlxa; j. down from)?,<br />

shuhi hlulea; to go and j. down from,<br />

shuhululhna; j. down upon the<br />

ground, hMtti; j. down over logs,<br />

obstructions, shrampatiaZiea; j. into<br />

distance, hloyeka; j. or leap high,<br />

lniyeka, pl tinixi; j. high white<br />

running, lumycxeldsha; j., make<br />

juImps o level around, Mod. mbute'zX;<br />

j. on one's feet, hiiie -a; j.<br />

on. the throat, body, tchulakaga; j. out<br />

of, ht'mkansha, with loc. case -tat;<br />

j. out and run back, hludslhampli;<br />

j. out of again, hlifZipole; j. over<br />

sometihin-, snuyaZieo'a; over an obstruction,<br />

lliillputiaZiea, Mod. mbutW'xe;<br />

j. while rutnningy, qoing, iabatclhna;<br />

j. through, 1h61alaIa; j. up)<br />

bUta, lhutkala; j. up again, lhlitkal-<br />

peli; j. uIpon soinetlhiig 11]oJllpka;<br />

j. into, and j. vp in the watce', hitwa,<br />

d. ti'mshua, pl. tinua, g(Nva; j. out qf<br />

the water, as fisb, vutche'wa.<br />

J u n e, corresponds inaccurately to<br />

the mionth txopo; in, d(uring J.,<br />

txop 6watka.<br />

j u n c t i o n ; shalatcig-nalash ; j of a<br />

round organ to the body, law"'Llash;

5.92<br />

]; i I I1, v . t. ; °( .cleric, shilltrla I)1. I (CIaI<br />

31( )d. 1)]. I t,L( la, sl III l ]ka, iSl/ies vizi"<br />

7. with ctrrous, balls, or other missilcs,<br />

sblf]n, 1l. yl'tta ; to Cont near<br />

1illing With (a missile, si'kslota<br />

., geuerally moie than one obj.,<br />

Iinslitchid'ka ; k. a f'?w only, huslhteh'11ko']hu)<br />

a ; A., shoot bq mneans<br />

of, shili'tta ; k. by burning, sliiiiitchidka;<br />

k by stabbing, stikka; in the<br />

ivater, as fish, stlkima; k. l)!J stabbing<br />

re-peatedly, stupka; A'. eac(h other,<br />

Iiishft'k a, iuslhtchdka; k. ea(.h othier<br />

hy shootiny, bi'shlan; A'. for someblodv,<br />

shin'ikala, siiukia, shiuki ga;<br />

olject foor killing, luelkish; killingplace,<br />

lukisli; to wake a killingplaceJor<br />

somel)ody, ltelkslia.<br />

k i I ( ee I , Aiyialitis vociferus, tclhL-<br />

592 ENGLS1 I -- <strong>KLAMATH</strong>L D)RIT1ONARPY.<br />

ititi.<br />

k i ll e r of animials, etc., luel6lish<br />

k i ni , shill-amoks.<br />

k i n ( , s.; no ex. eq.: one of the sam1?e<br />

/,., Ii'mtchlii, gemtchli; of' different,<br />

other kinds, wiktelinsh, wennIili;<br />

sonie A'. or sort of, ti l; some k. of a<br />

stianyer, wennini tun ; things of various<br />

or all kinds, i iS nuktna<br />

k i it (I I o, V. t., shndtkalka; A'. a canipfire,<br />

silimllt-, shie'pka, sliii/dsha; 7.<br />

binfriction, sllikiii. Cf. build, v.<br />

k i nt d I e d , s.i1-amoks.<br />

k i Ig t ' i s It e ir, smift or belted, ( eryle<br />

aleyon, tslintsani, dim. tsantsanua-<br />

I i ni s II a I, sha`t-amoks.<br />

k i ss, v. t. lpu)itclutclika; A. each<br />

other, sliukptchitchka.<br />

k i t ci e - g rie l l s , IliAshuasli.<br />

1 i t te 11 , lkitti lgni, M.odl.<br />

Kla a ka s In dai an, nom. p1r.,<br />

Lakmii'skni, or L. in lklaks.<br />

K 1 a in a t 1I L a k e country, especially<br />

the l)portion bordering on northeast<br />

end of Upper K. L., 1 -tukshi<br />

adj., referring to the K. L. country,<br />

E-uikshikni. lI. L. Indian, nom.<br />

pr7, 1E-ukshikni, abbr. E-tiksknii,<br />

A-nklsni; with or without mflklakS;<br />

K. L., Lower,- nom. pr.<br />

Joe., A] a-ushkui E-nsli, Agvwesh;<br />

K. L., Upper, nomi. pr. loc., E-ushi.<br />

K la in a t I l a r s II, nom. pr. loc.,<br />

I-n kslii; Lndian of K. JIl., or a resi-<br />

(lent there, PL-uksliwasli.<br />

K'inilk amt( ch, non. pr. of the<br />

principal deity of the KI. and Modoe<br />

people, K'niukAmtclhiksl, tisually<br />

abbr. K'mi'ikaintch.<br />

Ik n e a d , v. t., katchaga.<br />

k n e , k6lanshi; k.-bone, 1.-joint, kolansl;<br />

k%-pan, sli'paslh; back of k.,<br />

yolvish ; 1. of quadrnped('s hindi leq,<br />

d~wisli; A'. ,f quad)ruped's floele!j,<br />

shtllupshakslb, Mod. sllApsbikish: to<br />

be on one's knees, shtilatchitilan tehiela;<br />

ef lMtitchlda; to hold between<br />

one's knees, kplatakanka.<br />

k ii e e 1, v. i., sliulatcihtilan tc(l(clpa;<br />

k. and k. down, 1Idgiza, Nltchlla.<br />

k nt i f e; straight k , and k.-blade, wvati;<br />

claspJng, pocket-;., k~shapasli; A'.<br />

over two feet long, yulianmash;<br />

lonq h., long blade, to'kishi; k.-handle,<br />

v.'ttiam tildisl; to cat with a A'., kta'kta,<br />

ktakiola, kt('l a, lktetega.

k n i t, v. t., hYdsha; k. stockings, slteg('inshala.<br />

k n o b, as door-k., lakish.<br />

k n o c k , v. t., and i.; k. with one's<br />

knuckles, tkAi-ukua; k. with a stick,<br />

uk.'i -ukut; k.dozwn, prostrate, ktliu-<br />

1ho; 7k. together, one thing aoainist<br />

an othler, shampo'sha. Cf. nmAkla,<br />

n iuka.<br />

k in o t in a cord, slilhtkalalkslh; k. in a<br />

striwiq or rope, uko'tlaksl; ko. in tree,<br />

p)lank, PIukuialtislh, Mod. 1)6ko; k. in<br />

ian!er-board, ptapkshanm ln^'lp; to tie<br />

a k., shliikalaksli shi'ita, shlukiilxa.<br />

k II o w, v. t., shayuakta; to recognize,<br />

kill-land. 593<br />

L.<br />

1 a c k, v. t.; to stand in need of, kampka;<br />

sometimes rendered by: gayatg61a,<br />

shana-uli; lacking, deprived<br />

of, kdliak.<br />

I ad, tchaki, dim tchakidga; tchulu-<br />

ishl, dim. tclliiIuyA'Ca,; hishudkt,a;<br />

iitclhAlkni. Cf. boy.<br />

I a d d e r , movable, guklno'tkish; i?movable<br />

outside 1. of larye sweatlodge,<br />

slhashtanuil(6aslh; outsidc 1. of<br />

a winter-lodqc, aa-uh'ilkish; inside<br />

1. qf large sweat-lod(fe or winter-lodge,<br />

wakish; to descend a I., guitxa; to<br />

ascend a I., gu1]ka.<br />

1 a d 1 e, mfdslho; bullet-l., shulalotkish<br />

; to melt in a 1., shtlldla<br />

1 a d y - b u g' , shullsnt~tch-gftlko.<br />

I ag O 10 7 &usl va-a; tchuwish<br />

lake; fresh water 1., G-usli; simall<br />

08I<br />

ku'ia; not to k., kA-ikenia; to be undecided,<br />

lewak shayuakta, usually<br />

abbr. la'wak, 16wak; to mfake known,<br />

slnipa, stl]Za; well-known, nanukinani<br />

shavuAktislh; knowing somethin-,<br />

shlnyuaksh.<br />

k n u c k l e s of hand, sliuhtipshkisli<br />

tapini, Mod.; to knock, rap with one's<br />

k, tkct-ukua.<br />

K o II 'a s li t i, nomn. Pr. loc., SkolhUAshki,<br />

Koh.lishti.<br />

K fi m b at I n di an, nom. Pr., living<br />

between the Lava Beds and Tule<br />

Lake, Kfimbatuash.<br />

1., 6waga; small standing water,<br />

tclilwislh; to go towards a 1., water,<br />

etc., tfikua; to be changed into a 1.,<br />

a-ushnltkala.<br />

1 a m b and lamrnbkin, shI'pam lelddslhi;<br />

I.-cloud, kitchk


l andsl Iide, dikuash.<br />

a n g u a g e, IienilnankslI; w' Itoks; to<br />

understand a I., lIe'nkanksh tl'imena.<br />

1 a p, v. t., unlhksa ulaksliu1tlksha;<br />

1., lap up, ilebka, lullkua, lilopa; one<br />

who laps, kekosb.<br />

I a p s e; after a short 1. of time, tdnktak;<br />

1. ofjone year from one autumin<br />

to the next one, ill6lasli Cf. elapse,<br />

time.<br />

lard, p)'lU'.<br />

large, imini, abbr. Iltt; 1. and<br />

high, tall, atini, abbr. Ati; SO 1., so<br />

great, get, tain iam; as 1. in size,<br />

tiiniani; to be laryer than, winixi,<br />

M~od. vtli~in1 -uiNW, kslill'ixi ; I.headed,<br />

it=nin'slh gItko. Cf. big,<br />

great.<br />

l a r g e 1 , U k't-a, apoc. lUi; nit, tu'm;<br />

not I., kInka, kfiikak.<br />

l a r k, skylark, ]Xremophila cornuta,<br />

skille.<br />

1 a r y n x, spitkanfi'tkisli.<br />

l a s s o, vutoknotkislh; to catch with<br />

the 1., vut6ka.<br />

I a st , in rank, age, ordcer, tapfni ; I.,<br />

hindmost, tapitni; I. week, S'ltudes<br />

gfilank, dit sI'Lnde; to be the 1. of a<br />

series, long-shaped slnj., tanmdslia;<br />

round-sl., lamddsha; at I., nia'ntciit<br />

gitko, tche'k, tcli'kshi, tch'-etak;<br />

at 1. out there, tchilk. Cf finally.<br />

I a t c II, on door, ktfukish.<br />

I a t e , adv.; 1. in the (lay, litki ; it is<br />

1. in the evening, tinolula, spunega;<br />

it is getting I, sptun(ekla.<br />

I at eI v , adv., recently, nia; Iiat;<br />

tAnkak; tc-in, t'-intaks nia.<br />

1aulg II, v. i., weta; I. loudly, dideuva;<br />

I. at, scoff sitlulukta, luaixa; v(etanta;<br />

/. at repeatedly, shulunlteklia.<br />

l a u g ii a ) le, wetisllp)tclli.<br />

1 a u g 1l t e I, we'tisli.<br />

l a u i cd e r e r and laundress, tetelnila-<br />

dshish, Mod. tetadsiiish.<br />

1 ava r-ock, tclheltchlislt; l. or (ny<br />

hard cock'/, la wlash; coiposed f ' 1.<br />

or hard ro1ks, laint tsbaltko.<br />

1 a v i s It, a(lj., 1. person, nminuktuanta<br />

ptt)c 1 adsllflish.<br />

I a v i s II, x-. t., kekaiika; pedsha.<br />

l a %v, written or unwritten, n(-ulaksli;<br />

to apply the 1., neri-ul1a; to violate<br />

laws, ne'-ulaksli yekewa.<br />

I a y , v. t.; 1. across, kshet'leka, 1)l.<br />

etle'Zi; Akita, nlkua; I dlown, Oya;<br />

ila, espec. d. v-la; round o)j., likla;<br />

sheet-like Ol)j , nilza, sluklh;a<br />

threads, ropes, kind('ya; 1. d(own on<br />

the top oqf, kshli kval, kshl'liwal, 1)l.<br />

iwal, iwdnla; I dorn ,Ion:, andi aniln.<br />

olij., kshiikln, pl. Ikla; 1. douln on<br />

the grounid, kshw'lpn, pl. e]%a; Ylka,<br />

Ill(eX, s"llIClna, shilel(ai; 'while going,<br />

Vlktelia, slhl(',kteha, etc.; 1. (down<br />

within, kslhe'la; I. eggs, mliapl IdiA a,<br />

kl (Makia; l. one's head dowin vw)on, eflaka;<br />

I on, deposit upon, ita, likki,<br />

lidspi, a('k1a, shlkll a, pl p'-la<br />

l. on 'in a heap, slp6el('ka; 1. on the<br />

top qf,; oocr, 1ids~a, n('ds/a, sh>'ds~a,<br />

fdsZco; 1. out, stretch out on the<br />

grouall, 1hushk~lza; 1. oat, spr ead<br />

oat equally on both sides, sliit(cl(,)tza;<br />

1. onesclf down, legs drawn uIC),<br />

etc., lisllhltu a; 1. over to wiiake ha(g

(dont oJl the sio.CS3i, ihakatciiiIalI I.<br />

together shwets of iinepiat si e, taplita;<br />

1. (town underneath, netila; 1. upOn,<br />

downwl upon, ikla; likla, law'llda; n'kia;<br />

1. upO)n, as b)lanlkets, earth,<br />

wahlslhla; 1. ntion. ontCself, as Pitch,<br />

polit, shIn'dshal, shi-ita; 1. one upon<br />

(mo)lheI, as sheets, shikalantea<br />

I a y e r , s.; in a I., expressed adverb-<br />

iall\v, Sl16pa, Sct 'piis1 ; to be ill a I., in<br />

la'yers, sh 1pa; to lay doicn int layers,<br />

Sl l t y)aa.<br />

I a z iln C S S, 3-Afmpkamp)tclh.<br />

I a z y pers01, y"l)pkash; to be l.,<br />

I e a ( , S., a inetal, n,,'shalsh.<br />

I C a (d, V. t.; l. somlebodly along, spl1l'ilshba,<br />

spUniktcha; 1. by hand, a,;<br />

a chlil(l, spiamlinU; 1. back or home,<br />

spiinshaiiplele; 1. aiong a persoli in<br />

S0'1me('bod(ys's interest, spunshipkia;<br />

1. towards, splinsliipka; I., to drag, as<br />

ailinlals, boats, hislhl)1mna; 1. to,<br />

said of footprints only, kuentclim.<br />

I e a (I e r, com mander, laILd.<br />

I e a 3, taipalk; 1. of paper, pipa.<br />

I G a II, v. i , on oe's arm, elbow, biapka;<br />

1. on both elbowcs, shiiktft'dsldamplka;<br />

1. back onl one's scat, ksha-<br />

pata, sliuimpatAmipka ; 1. on a staff<br />

while walking, standing, etc., shik<br />

tnba, shi'mtchina; to wualk while<br />

leaning o¢n, shiikIlteha.<br />

1 e a ii, adj., imcag9er, skak7lmishi, shtiisliatko;<br />

of l. appearance, 1)(I'hlaksl;<br />

papiatkAwatko, telini'i'tcl; to look 1.,<br />

p.ihialka; to be, become I., shit'ishl.<br />

I a p), v. i.; 1. (0ownl, hl'LtXi, mibti'tla;<br />

I a II (Is I i' (1C -I ev a e 59 I5<br />

1. far out, htyeka; 1. high, Itiveha,<br />

pl. tiiZii; I. into, down into, lilitxi;<br />

l. /dnite runn~ring, Ittny Xe(lsl1a; 1. into<br />

tien water, hi'twa, pl. o&wava; 1. over<br />

something, shuyaxie'ga; hipit)Utiaxiea,<br />

Mod. rnbut6'xe; I. repeate(lly,<br />

continually, as frogs, skdtkanika; 1.<br />

while running, l1utZfdsha; 1. throiuyh,<br />

h6lalxa; I., jump upOn soi:ltliilig,<br />

lholapka; place for leapiny, sliI take'kish.<br />

Cf. bounce, junp1), skip, v.<br />

e a p, s.; to take a long 1., h6yela; a<br />

gl~h I., hu'syeka, pl1. tintxi<br />

Leaping-Place, nom. pr. Joc.,<br />

Shuyak6'ksh.<br />

1 e a r n , v. t., shay't'ga; to be apprised<br />

of, tinelna; to be learned, crtudite,<br />

pipa ndinuk shAvuakta.<br />

1 e a t hi e r, pukewisih; what is made<br />

of 1., piulkewishi; small piece of 1.,<br />

pukewrigo'.<br />

1 e a v e, v. t.; l., abandon, give up, ke-<br />

(dsha, k'lewidshla, gft'slika; hushliin(sh1a,<br />

(di. tushlindslia, pl. tilindsha;<br />

l. at home, in the lodge, hushlfucishla;<br />

1. a hotse, encamnpment, country,<br />

gitikaka, guik.tiktclha, 'lewidsha;<br />

I behind while going, travel-<br />

ing, l(11ktclia, nelktcha, shllktitcha;<br />

kshelelmh pl. Celkteila; tulina; l.<br />

in the sense of laying down, cf. lay,<br />

v. t ; to be left over, welina.<br />

1 C a v e, v. i., generiec, ge'na; I., start<br />

off g-enAla, gildkaka; on a trip, guhaslska,<br />

grulhtashktcha; l. the p)lace<br />

habitually occup)i(ed, gr(ka, g(kiia,<br />

og(eansha, g6kansh ma; to start<br />

Ifom<br />

the samie oqain, gekanip6eli, S1htt'k-


eu6i; 1. hurriedly, hiukaiislia, diL<br />

utslikanlisa, Ipl. tiuxansha; 1. hurriedlyayaini,l<br />

uka-isli'ampl)eli; tohave<br />

left, started, genudtla, geno'la; to be<br />

in the act of leaving, gen ala.<br />

1 c e c h , stalkplfnksh.<br />

1 e f t , adj.; I., I.-sided, sketisih; l.handed,<br />

shke'titko, shkiiititko, skatiagitko.<br />

1 e g, s., tchfi'ksh, Mod. tehokash;<br />

pe'tch; 1. from hit) to knee, p1 l'shaklish;<br />

1. below knee, wakAltdisli; calf<br />

of 1., tehln'lash; bone of lower 1.,<br />

wakalluisl; ]orclcg, lttp)ftni p6'tch;<br />

hindley, tap)'tni il)e't-I ; l)rovided with,<br />

having a I., legs, 1)('telialtko; having<br />

smnall legs, I)etclil.kaltko; to drag by<br />

the legs, spukutga ; on a march, spu-<br />

hm'igatehria; to draw Up on)e's lcqs,<br />

sliublatce 6ha 1; ].n'k]Za; to hold between<br />

one's legs, k1 n'itakanika; to hotld<br />

the legs apart, putehlkanka; to move<br />

the legs quickly, p)tthkcirnka; to<br />

place the legs inder oneself, slie-<br />

I)atchtila; to put the legs apart,<br />

Ihuslil)fW't'a, 1)Utehka; to put, stretch<br />

the legs out, sput'ka; apart, skeka;<br />

to sit with legs opart, sklikktlexia;<br />

to throw one's /. or legs back or<br />

under, shulatelbtila; to walk on lonig<br />

legs, tehikolhta1x; to walk on one I.,<br />

klena.<br />

I e g a 1 practice, customl, net-ulaksh.<br />

Cf. law.<br />

leg en d, shashapkklasli; l.-teller,<br />

shiashapkele-ish.<br />

1 egg i n g s; pair of I., kailalapshi; 1.<br />

belowr knee, shm'islniniksl, mItasl; to<br />

put Oi one's I., tauilahlp'tj)li ; to take qfl<br />

one's 1, kalilalal)(Aa.<br />

leguislate, v. i, n6-uIta; l. Jo;)<br />

somebody, nc-ulxfia; to commenwc<br />

to 1., ne-ulakieCga.<br />

legislat nre, netnro'lisli.<br />

l e n d, v. t., vt'[]a.<br />

1 e n g t Ii; 11o ex. eq.: ait 1., tche-etak,<br />

tclie'k, tehe'kshi; to the l. of, as long<br />

(is, 1)mari;i to measutre by 1., hishixZhhIta;<br />

to mnakie of the same 1,<br />

hullshdll ya.lx~<br />

I e lit i e ul a r kalali.<br />

e s t, conj , tmipka.<br />

1 et, v. t., no0 ex. eq ; 1. down, Cxa;<br />

un1'cla; l. loltn on the ground, ktelxZa;<br />

1. go, 1. loose, tislhka, telna-; 1.<br />

go, I out of; as out of jail, spuInka,<br />

sI)ukanmelii 1. go! 'itcli g'it gi!<br />

1. mC alone! t(ttak ! Mod. telii'i<br />

i sh ! kwilktak! l. me fire! lII'ogta<br />

slilii'k! l. see, lt'slila ; 1. perish by<br />

hunger, liaslstlvvi.<br />

I e t t e r, or note, I)ipa; 1. of the alp7habet,<br />

snmiluatiash; provided with alj<br />

'habetic letters, sltialiaakitko.<br />

I e v e l, taitdkli, tatAtli ; Iatpltli,<br />

adlv. 1).'Itjmlt; l. lbitt ritg~yed, tsu'lhtstl'-<br />

'lhli; slippery, iakld'kli; tclill'uatko;<br />

1., (iry, barr-en ground, kn-a/t, KI.,<br />

ef. kla'.dlid ; 1, fertile ground, gii-<br />

him. iia '-nitko. Cf' even, flat, rotigli.<br />

1 i a r; to be a I., ~liva.<br />

1 i b c I I u 1 a, (r cugon-fly, koktingshl;<br />

attni kinslh.<br />

I i b e r a 1, welw(l'Thi. Cf generous,<br />

li aVishi.<br />

I i C II e 1it, infkashiani shlnmkasb.

li c kl, v. t., at something, pelka, pel-<br />

Zatana; 1. utp, as food, water, ulaksha,<br />

ulakshuldtksha.<br />

il (l, cf. cover, s.; to close the I., ka-ishna,<br />

utaltchkia, Mod. shlia-uki; to remove<br />

the 1., hutatchlkii'la, kaislbn'ila.<br />

I i C, S., untruth, li'sh.<br />

lie, v t.; to tell a 1., kiya.<br />

Ii c , v. i ; generic, spuka, sku'l)kat,<br />

sk~l'a, pl. l6lumni, lulalxa; 1. in ambush,<br />

shullpka, hishue'II~a, tclhaggd'l-<br />

ya, 1A. wiwAmpka, liwaila, liuka'va;<br />

togo and 1. in ambush, w vlxa; 1. around,<br />

in a circle on the inside of, HIuxZga;<br />

on the outside of, liutIta; 1. on one's<br />

hack, taluallan skhi'lpka; 1. in bed<br />

or asleep, spi'ika, ipka, sk'lda,<br />

skla'lpka, pl. lolumi, lulaxZa; 1. below,<br />

under, underneath, gintila, utila,<br />

lutlia, wintila, netfla, pl. i-utila;<br />

aninm. subj., kshi'isha, ksbutila, pl<br />

i-utIla; I. beuwittched, sblal~ita; 1.<br />

down, 1. down on the ground, spulka,<br />

sku'lIa, ipka; 1. down extended,<br />

as one asleep, skut'lpka, pl. lolumin;<br />

1. down curled up or leaning<br />

on ellbows, knilzklIr, 1. face downward<br />

in the water, wInua ; 1. by<br />

the fire, ksheluya ; 1. in, on, or<br />

upon, inan., hIslia, Uslba; 1. inside,<br />

on, or within, mostly anim., kshikla,<br />

pl. kIa; 1. inside, indoors, or on one<br />

side of, pl. lIuna; 1. in a file, series,<br />

ring, row, pl. lifttatka, llulxa, liukialmna;<br />

l. on th7 ground, cf.l. down;<br />

manl., lslsba, u'sha, lbt';ka; 1. flat on<br />

the g'rounld, back upiward, shuflpka,<br />

winj)pka, 1)1. wiwAmpka; 7. in a<br />

leech-light. 597<br />

layer, heap, pile, stack, sb'pa,. sih1pka;<br />

1. on, upon, over, underneath,<br />

within, kshisha; kslhikla, 1p. Wlda;<br />

anim. and inan., ipkla; l. on) one side<br />

of the body, kiitpka; 1. over, (clong,<br />

inan., Hitsla, uisha, lbtika; I in the<br />

shadow, same as 1. below, (I. v.; 1.<br />

in a secreted, hidden spot, liishuAlia,<br />

1)p. Ii wAla ; 1. sick, f1ka; 1. upon<br />

something, ski'llha; kshilislia, kshikla,<br />

pl.ikla; l. upon, i. lawala, llwal,<br />

shlekla; 1. upset, 1. ipside down,<br />

rooun(l subj., laggAya; 1. in? the tiMber,<br />

b)uslhes, recesses, tcliaggaya, 1. liink6lya,<br />

hxwila; I. in the water, inan.,<br />

Uiial)nala.<br />

li e u t e n a n t, sh' 'ldshash laki.<br />

l i f e , lIi'ikish, cf. steInash; to come to 1.<br />

again, lokhimpele; wempele.<br />

l i f t, I . t., 1. up, pick up, coll., itkal;<br />

long obj., uyega; I. up in the middle,<br />

uy~-a; 1. up or above something,<br />

sbuy ga; l. up, round or bulky<br />

obj., ldukala; liwayega, contr.<br />

luyega, lA. pe-uye'a; 1. up again,<br />

Iiwa'ttkal ; l. up sidewise, kiuloka;<br />

1. one end of something, liwayeg<br />

a, contr. luyc ga, Il. pe-uydga;<br />

1. into, long obj., kslheknga, kshdla,<br />

pl. ikuga, yAla; 1. off from the fire,<br />

tchbleyetga; I over oneself, kiuve'ga;<br />

I on the top of, ltiwala, ktiw]Zi; 1.<br />

with a fork, knitka; to begin lifting,<br />

liwayega, pl. )e-uyega.<br />

li g a in e n t, nibi'litch; strong 1., as<br />

in the neck, I)Ilhap.<br />

li ght, s.; ray, beam of I., ktchall'ish,<br />

sttlitisli; larye-sized I., lamp, torch-

598<br />


light, shukdlatcin~tkish ; polar I.,<br />

shn 'iyla; to radiate I., ktchiilhua,<br />

ktch'lta; to fish with a 1., shlth'tchua;<br />

to travel about wvith a I.,<br />

skl' 'tchkanka, slhuke lateh Iitcblma.<br />

Ii g lI t, alj , not dark, in color adjectives:<br />

kktchia, -tkaiui 1. in compqllexion,<br />

piAlpali; I.-haired, mukikriukli.<br />

I i g 11 t, adj., tot heavy, ke-uimi; t'shuikatko.<br />

Ii g II t, v. t., as a candle, shbnitkalka;<br />

to be lit iup, slin&ka; to be lit up<br />

above, fa of; sihnekU 1)ka.<br />

I i g lit 1 y, not heavily, ke-una.<br />

I;i g ]1t i ii g , lIdiepalsl ; str-oke of I.,<br />

leiue-isll, li'iepalsli; 1 -bug, tehlalclilai<br />

; a species of I.-buy, tchatclllaip)tchi.<br />

I i k e , adj.; often expressed by app)(Tidhig<br />

shItko, -sitk, or T)y the<br />

a(lj. suffix: -ptclii, -mtcli ; 1. this,<br />

these, gemptceli, sliuhaktliclptcli; 1.<br />

that, those, hI;Lmtclin, slilianklptchi;<br />

to look I., telia. Cf. alike to.<br />

i k e , v. t., sliarit-uli, witchilna, wItchlta;<br />

I as a fiiend, stinta.<br />

II I 1) of tree, ve'k, i]ku; small 1.,<br />

ve'k-aga; 1. of a coniferous tree, pti'sliyam.<br />

1i ni i t for running, etc., y'lash ; to<br />

set up a I. for runniiinq, yi\-Iaslbla<br />

Ii in 1 ), v. i., ktiltnka; limfpingy kuari-<br />

]k`I tko.<br />

Ii in 1) i d, yiiliali, yiilialtko, tsuktsiukli;<br />

to become 1., y

Iv ei, v. i., to be alive, tchila, gi; 1.,<br />

dwell, tehia; 1. in a lodge, country, latcliasltat,<br />

kiilatat tehia; l. aimong<br />

others, tehawIna, pl. shiukla; I. below,<br />

under, or in the shadow of, kshutila,<br />

pl. i-utila; 1. in a certain medium7 ,<br />

as vater, etc., tehIfa, pl. wal ; 1. as<br />

neiyhbors, in contiguous lodges,<br />

1haslhtaltelalmpka; 1. with a person<br />

of' the opposite sex, mbuslidala; in<br />

concubinqage, lies]itolxa; I. with another<br />

party, liasbu~likla; 1. together in<br />

the same camp, settlement, tchlpka;<br />

to make 1. togetheer, hushkihttanka,<br />

]hushkititka; 1., dwell within?, inside<br />

of, in a place, tchIa, tchiwiZa, tchi-<br />

Zoga, pl. tehia, wli, wddshulga; one<br />

licin4 withi others, kslhelikic'tish;<br />

tclawvinatko; place to 1. in, tchl'sh;<br />

cf. lodge.<br />

I i v e 1 v, tclieltchela1tko; to be I., tche'ltchela.<br />

Iiver, pala.<br />

liz a r d, kIa; species of, one foot in<br />

length, skatigsh; a species of green<br />

I., tmr)kil.<br />

lo! bhl -A ! hll -! pl. Ii~tggafl<br />

l o a d, s, buroden, rnitkalshi; to carry<br />

a I., mtnk'la; to form a t., shlnipka;<br />

I.-gaugyer, shlhiyaksam wvetkok4ltkish.<br />

1 o a d, v. t., shi-ftna; 1. a canoe, vft' nslitat<br />

Ila, ilapka; 1. a gun, pistol,<br />

cannon, ikuga, iwixa; 1. transversely,<br />

long obj., hekslhiitloka, pl. etlW'xi;<br />

1., as a wagon, Ita; to be loaded on a<br />

vehicle, shfi'pka.<br />

I o a m, loamy soil, tikesh, Mod.<br />

1 0 a i, -V. t., viula.<br />

light-lI od ge. 599<br />

lobster, kuiya<br />

l o c a t e, v. t., Ita; 1. inside, kshezv,<br />

pl. 'wa, Iwa; 1. inside, into, within,<br />

long obj., kshb'kuga, kslu'la, pl. or<br />

coll, Iikuga; 1. within again, ikuakpeli<br />

;. upon, 1ihii; locate( underneath,<br />

firtlher down, yAntani, yatnani, yana-kani,<br />

1 o Ca t i o n, cf. place, spot; former l.<br />

of a lodge, house, shlokolpasb; of a<br />

sweat-lodge, slui'mdamdlw.1slh.<br />

1 o e k , hushakiotkisli; I of a gun,<br />

shliul6lash.<br />

lock, v. t., hushakia; 1. up, spu'dlhi, pl.<br />

flhi; to return firom loc7;inqg up spdlhitka;<br />

1. oneself up or in?, huslipl'li.<br />

l o c k s m i t h, kaki'sh=shl'lshatish.<br />

lo d g e, s ; generic:place to dwell in,<br />

tclh'sh ; wa'sh; Indian I., usuallv<br />

made from bent boughs, latchaslh,<br />

Mod. stina'sh; to build one, ]'tcha,<br />

Mod. stina-a; willow-framed 1., K1.<br />

stin-a'sh; covered with rush-mats,<br />

st6-ulaslh; little willow-l., Ki. stina'ga;<br />

in or to one's I., cabin _or<br />

camp, lif i', i'; in, into, or here in<br />

the 1., hita; assemblage of lodges,<br />

tchl'sh; bruslh-l., heshkatchlki'mish;<br />

pine-brush 1, kapka-stina'sli, kdapka=<br />

tehi'sh; communal 1. for dances,<br />

kshiulakgish; for councils, ne-ulakgish;<br />

1. covered with mats of'sedgegrass,<br />

lotesh; small lodges being<br />

often called after the kind of mats<br />

covering thenm; 1. open at the top, basiZ/dinmish,<br />

Mod. hashdarnnash; 1.<br />

where provisions are kept, fpaksh;<br />

pole- or skin-l , shl'tklaksh; smnall-

600<br />


est kind of I., kayalta; to erect one,<br />

kaypitala; inhabitant of a kaylta,<br />

k itni; summer-i., made of b)oards,<br />

ukipblaksli; to build one, ug'hlai`l'pAa;<br />

winter-i.,luldamllaiksi; wd'shl; cover<br />

of winter-I., kaishtish ; to open it,<br />

kaislhnula, Mod. sila-ukiola; to close<br />

it, k.'-islmla, iita'tchkia, Alodl. shllankip~ele;<br />

1.-p~ole, 1.-pillar, wailasli, stutilash;<br />

hole scooped out for a I., w'tilkish;<br />

to throw into the I., pneulhi.<br />

l o d cg e, v-. i._ malkloxa; tciha, tchip6ga,<br />

pl. w.i1, w.idshnga; 1. with so0I ebody<br />

at ni-lit, shetolya.<br />

I o f t , atIni, abbl. A'ti.<br />

I o g S.,fe lled or fallen tree, lilinpoks,<br />

m'inku; 1.-house, aInkuNtachash, Mod.<br />

hiiiipoks-stin-a'sh ; pitch-pine 1, k ttchla;<br />

1-cock, wilkwakinsli.<br />

I o i n , of man, kato; I.-cloth, kalidi.<br />

1 o n e I y, lonesome; to be 1., slilmklaishiaa;<br />

to be 1. through fear, shbikamshinea.<br />

1 o n g, adj., I -stretching, atIni, allwr.<br />

alti; nl'lni; 1. and tall, atini, a)bbr.<br />

aIti; 1. and hollow-shaped, vunshl'tkaptehi;<br />

I.-headed, vultclifkishi; to<br />

be 1. and slim, said of animals, iik&-<br />

Ihi'kela; as 1. as, to the length of, painali;<br />

when a(lv., 'ami ; 1. conjurer's<br />

arrow, hiinli'sisl C'f. long, adv.<br />

1 o n. g, adv., for a 1. time, past and futlire,<br />

maii/itch, iljutebak; so 1. a timne,<br />

kc'tnktak; all clay l., waitan; 1. since,<br />

gi'i hak, ii'na gin; ina'nitcligitko; no<br />

longer, kV-i pen to talk for a 1. time,<br />

tl m fiorltk; v . ago, cf. ago.<br />

1 o it g f o r, v. t., ti.ii'ma. Cf. desire.<br />

I ook , v. i., rOshina; slilea; 1. here!<br />

liA ggi ! he-I ! pl. lI'iggat! 1. about,<br />

around, telsh-ttnpka, kmaka, sliatalkitmna;<br />

1. about quickly, tfclhltchela;<br />

1. at, tdhi, shlda; 1. at oneself,<br />

hashucttana; 1. at again, shl-<br />

pele; 1. at who comes in, le'ltki; 1.<br />

at fromt a distalnce, shlepopka, telshampka;<br />

1. at closely, obsertve,<br />

shle'popka; l. backward, behind oneself,<br />

sl1etaltj)li ; 1. down, dlow nward,<br />

-ilna tWlslha, shataltila; constantly,<br />

sliataltiltnrina; 1. down onl, 1)pon,<br />

tOlha, tdlhi, telo'li 1. for, seek<br />

search, ka't-ihla, haftelina; 1. into a<br />

person's face, talpattka: closely, talpAkpka;<br />

1. like, appear as, tOlha;<br />

ne/'pka: one who looks alike, halktehai<br />

M)pteli; gemptehi, liu'nitc hi;<br />

cf. alike to; 1. on, t0i1a; as a spectutor,<br />

nldsihamIl.t-a; I out for, wettla,<br />

haitclina, kda-ilia; 1. out ahead, forward,<br />

shatalillya; 1. outfrom un(der<br />

a (cover, etc., talpatk6la; /. olr(er,<br />

exam ein shuawina; 1. sad, like one<br />

)ereaved, shlki'Uia, lMtka; 1. th routgh.<br />

a tube, t61sza ; I. up, pwnardl, slyward,<br />

t6liktialXa, p'lai tlshnia.<br />

1 o o k , s.; to hare a 1. at, telsina ; to<br />

fix one's looks upon, telshanpk~a;<br />

tuektueka.<br />

looking-glass, shetaluash.<br />

l o o k o u t; to be on the I., gayaiVa,<br />

krllka, kIA-iha, Av'Alta; to return<br />

from the I., kllvaktka.<br />

1 o o n , Colyrubus torquatuts, t'plal.<br />

l o o p, shittkalaksh; to make a I.,<br />

|shll lkalxa.

1o o s e , k-uni; shlletaniiAtIo; 1. cover,<br />

silft'lisli ; to get, become 1., ndSushka;<br />

to let 1., thishka; to put on I.,<br />

shl'tan a.<br />

1 o o s e 1 y , ke-una; fitting 1., slletaniitko;<br />

to cover 1, shletana.<br />

o r d, laki ; the Lord, p'lafkni lakid<br />

)'laitl'tlkni lali, 1)'laitalkili.<br />

Io se, v. t., long obj , shnikifta; to be<br />

deprived of, stantt'tclina; in Mlod.<br />

also: st 'wa; 1., waste, shnek- ,i; 1.<br />

children by death, said of faither,<br />

tchuiklx6a, Mod. teihIkela; said of<br />

mother, k'lek.ltla, pl. lepkle6ka; 1.<br />

from a set or from its place, heslhka;<br />

I., as from a side-pocket, slmekegi,<br />

shnindfi'dshna; 1. at a game, uduyua,<br />

when used passivelyv 1. part<br />

of what is staked in a galme, shatclllitka;<br />

1. all that is staled successively,<br />

wa'telipka; 1. flesh, stL[[islam; to wake<br />

1., deprive of stanr'tcihna: to be lost,<br />

.,;tolen, laki; to be lost, astray, inall.,<br />

vd-ishi; to be lost while stragiipnq,<br />

anlin., lWlhniia, l(Aanlia, l61al/a.<br />

1 o s s, s.; to be at a 1., 1e wak Sh1 tjvimlkta,<br />

al)1)r. lCwalk, lhivwak.<br />

r. O s t R i v e r, n on . pr., Koke.<br />

1 o u d, adj.; cf. aloucd.<br />

l o u n g e, v. i.; 1. about, yiimpka,<br />

teliuy6iia .<br />

l1 ou n g er, yanipliasli, tchuyinv aski.<br />

1 (u s e, head-l., kdtash; younq 1.,<br />

gapneaiga.<br />

1 o v e , s.; no ex. eq.: to be in 1. with,<br />

shuan1ni i; 16[clita, vitchlim to make<br />

1. to, shuldakiua.<br />

love, v. t., anu. ol)j., stinta, shminui;<br />

lodge-I yn x 601<br />

/. a c) 'i;oi ofith e oposte sex, vitchita,<br />

Avitchiia; 1. each other, hisht'nita; 1.<br />

onesclf, hislititinta. Cf. like, v.<br />

I o wv, adj., said of lands, telhlt(lthi,<br />

teltelli ; I., near the ground, vigcami;<br />

of 1. stature, wig-ini; of 1. character,<br />

kilidshi steInash; tcliekthe lldki, teh'i-<br />

kalsh, sh.la'tptehi; 1. plate, vase, wikainua;<br />

I.-topped, as moccasins, wi-uitka<br />

stall, (atko to<br />

7 ; topspeak I -voiced, Mklalkp)ka,<br />

F'klekpka. Cf. lower.<br />

low er, nether, vA.ntanii; 1. Ipart ovf,<br />

yTntanid; somnebod-, somnetling at<br />

the l. end, below, yana-karni, yainani;<br />

1. Jawr, slu'Liam1111 ]u'Iko i-utila;<br />

native of a 1. country, (dweller on 1.<br />

coutrse of' river, y)inakni; to be at the<br />

1. end, extremity, yumAdsha,<br />

lo w e , v. t, 51Ia, inu(ga.<br />

] o iv I a n (l, te'hltS'hli kliila; nativ(,<br />

inhabitant of' a I., vaiultkni.<br />

I u c k, s.; to haave 1, tinya, tidsh tfinq.<br />

1 n c :k y, i-Aitklish ; tfiiantliko, ti(lSli<br />

tinyantko; he, she is 1., tfdisll tifnia.<br />

luci i c roU s, lVetisltpctli.<br />

lukewvar ill, ll6kasl; to be l.,ltLkim.<br />

1 i I I, s.; to tale a I., ke(lshikloa.<br />

1 u iii b e r, VpAkashi; what is made ofl.,<br />

as a wall, etc., I)Aplkasli; 1. dam, .i1-<br />

)liSbl.<br />

I i in p); united in the same 1. or bunch,<br />

shanteliaktfflntko, tchipkatko. Cf<br />

l)uncli.<br />

I 1 a t i o n , lunar month, shlpashl.<br />

I n g s , tushlikash.<br />

I u r k , v. i.; to watch, while lyigy in am-<br />

bush, NV'Al%.. Cf(f ambl)ushI.<br />

n X , and hide of' I., shl6a.

602 .02ENGIASHI - KLAMLAT11 I)CTIONAliY.<br />

M.<br />

in ad , lekatkoj lekish; to be in., h!'ka. I sliktka, shiwina; cf motion; m.<br />

ni a d d e n, v. t., slbnikAlua; mad- I mountains, hills, yainala; 1i. off, lit'dened,<br />

hekisli. I<br />

ni a g a z in e, especiali o 'provisions,<br />

dslia, luildslina; g-'tikaka, gth'shka;<br />

I ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~1~<br />

iil. peace, slhtaffnka; m. Owe's lay<br />

ipaksli; sulterranetw(tfl i., ipaksli, into, -ult('fla.<br />

v1in1, vumisli, p)'nlnkuili. m a k e r, slit'Ishatisli; heavenly In., cf.<br />

ni a g g o t , infi'lk, dim. nI 6'lkaga. creator.<br />

In a g i c, adj.; m?. song, kitksam sAu- in a I a r i a , tdslitushisli.<br />

IS'; in. Sony Of' c onJUrer or of those ni a 1 e, adj.; pcrson of the. n. sex, nlinitiated,<br />

slimu'slh; ni. 7elpof 'the con- shluaksl, Mod. hlisbuAtclizasli; inl.<br />

jurer, rnii'Iuasli; to sing, m .songs un- aninal, lai, (imn. Ukiara ; mI. pcrinterruptedly,<br />

siiuiiin'itna. Cf. ta- son wielding power, laI; ill. descenrnl.'iniashl.<br />

dant, -I'Mnak, weasli.<br />

In a g pi e, Pica hudsoniCa, w'kwek- in a II a r d d u c k, Anas boschas, we'ash;<br />

anotiher species, Pica mnelano- kash.<br />

lenca, Ui'tcei. im a 11 e t, upatn6tkisih.<br />

InI ai, s1iiwiiga; telia, te-iiniwilt-asli; inmani, in the sense of person, mikold<br />

nil, slifivanitcli. Cf. -irl. laks; of Indian person, niklaksj il<br />

"il, t., sIi-6t , stei 'tcIIla; fiesenseof omaleperson, lhislnaksih,<br />

('ia; the letter is ailade, p'pa gl- Mod. Iiisimliatclizashi adult inl., Misuldsllia.<br />

hluaksli, indni; Jigyhtiny int., young<br />

In a i z e , Indian corln; iln -ear and )ii.- war-rior, inslimaksli; youn in.uninar-<br />

grain, islialk, i'stilk ; 11.-statl, isial- riedl, tclil uisli, dirti. tclilluypl' ;<br />

kam, Mod. tklip, kLip. 11 julst ma-rriedb anldl )lot fathler yct,<br />

II a k e, -. t., topro(lucc, create, slit'ta<br />

to begin to in., slItey( ; iii. nh ile<br />

ska.iiikak ; niarried in. who hasl no<br />

children, skliptiksl; war(trlied in. who<br />

tlraveliq, shlUtc(lSllilla; 11. Com0?e, has one child, sgrfi'tcIh; old in., k'aillni.<br />

ol)j., giikanika: i. go, sai(d tColisfi, k'iutchl'ttio, k'Wmutc wvaof<br />

pe*sons, (lm., -hik. ika, pl of'l tko, t'slika, t'sliika-Aga, t'sltikalong-shaped<br />

ol)b., Idsa; is, anitchl; ftrlow-in., nilklaks slhitko.<br />

1. fine by grindling, etc., lulina; 111. mt a n al , e, . t., liasitlaltAimpka, slii-<br />

'h7l7, ll1ikka; M. known, slulpa ; 'm 11A'imi rpka, n1-tflZa.<br />

learn, teach, osufhimaI ; iii. wotions, ill a it a o.g 1' , hiasithtditmipkatko, LIU.

in a n e , s., ki'm'tamn ksli'luisli, kshl-<br />

luislh; svaSmellmlish, shiluiftshluftishl;<br />

lower end of in , withers, waklltuish.<br />

m a n g e r, hashpo'tkisl.<br />

m a n i a c, tchawilkatko; to be a m,<br />

shawiga, tchawika.<br />

m a n i f o I d, shantchakt'aitko.<br />

manner; no ex. eq: in th is in., in<br />

such a in., ga-aslht; na-asht, Mod.<br />

ne-asht; gen gentch; hiltimslht; inl<br />

making verbatim quotations, ke,<br />

nA-asht, Mod. kie, n '-asht; in which<br />

mi., demn. and intern., wvk, wlt'kgi,<br />

wa'k gisht; emphatic, wAkai, wAkaitch;<br />

in the same n., equally, likewivse,<br />

hftinashtak, hi'lmtsantka, wAkaktoksh,<br />

shilliank = shftko; in somebody's<br />

in., yliank, cf. tia; in no in.,<br />

kAyak.<br />

m a n t 1 e, especially skcin-inl., ski'ttashl;<br />

to dress in it, skuita, skutia,<br />

skh'tchiala; fur-skin in., kailiulam<br />

skultash; in. made of rabbit or other<br />

skins, kafliu; sort of in. made of<br />

swamnp-grasses, tiulalui; in., a, kind<br />

(f, pii'ka. Cf. blanket.<br />

ni ao i u f a c ta r e , v. t., sht'tta; in for<br />

a purpose, shlut('i ; vn. a blanket, coverlet,<br />

etc., from patches, etc., sku'tehala;<br />

in. a scoop)-net, witchi6laslla.<br />

ma ii u fact u r e r, sht'shatish.<br />

many, tumi; so ni., kank, kalnktak,<br />

kUnni, taink, tanni; too in., tuimi (it<br />

prolonged); how in.? talnk? tTluiii<br />

not in., kinkinli, abl)b. kmika; kinkak,<br />

tumiltiga; ni?.. months or yea r.s<br />

ago, tank, uim'iitch-=gitko ; in. times,<br />

tfinneni .<br />

mad -im a rr y. {0'03<br />

n a it z i t ai 1) it s II, pidslia-v in.<br />

m a r b I e, ukai'sh.<br />

m ar ch, v. i., generic: g&:na.. ttintsnu;<br />

'in. around a lake, etc., ltuanll<br />

teha; in. or follow behind, gashlbktehna;<br />

n,., travel in file, lishkliAntclIna,<br />

kfitchna ; in. Oil (ji(er a descent,<br />

g'lalka ; in. out for wvarfiare, git('dsha<br />

Cf. go, proceed, set out,<br />

travel, V.<br />

m a r c 1 , s.. gC'nuisli, q. v.; to be on a<br />

2)1 , ta'nienn~.<br />

MI a r c Ii, nom. pr.; tatxil.'imni, Mod.<br />

tz 1lam-1n i, "the middle Jinger?,' colrespionds<br />

inaccurately to our month<br />

of March.<br />

miar e, ndsliflo watch, or n(dsh1flo;<br />

n.-colt, ndshiluaga wf'tch; mftare'.s<br />

foal, wAtch IalA-a. Cf. horse.<br />

in a r k , sluimaluaslh; to p)rovide with<br />

marks, dots, sllimmalua ; provid(c<br />

w'ith distinfjuishing m1arksS, shamla In-<br />

I akitko; writing in., shll'ulmntuas; in.<br />

to shoot at, ive-tqAlkish. Cf. (lot, v.<br />

and s.<br />

m a nr k, v. t, shalailla; in. theflacc<br />

with dots of paint, sli'ltuaaa.<br />

in a r k m a ii hti p); to try in., slilukhi.<br />

m a r r i a g e , shunipscalsh; related by<br />

lnt., shumalgAltko.<br />

in a r r o w , stupash; lo'k.<br />

m a r r y, v. t.; said of both sexes,<br />

imbusheala, shumpseala; in. the<br />

same person agaitn, nl)tisli(alpeili;<br />

to be married, to be in the marrie(d<br />

state, Iml)nshcala; 11., said of men'i<br />

only, slmnavelsldla, MAod. slhmwe-<br />

Idsh'isida a(ld slhawedshAla ; we-


'IvInuisl j ll1., of Ji11Ciles Only, Idkialn;<br />

hisbual~khla, KIl. Iiishlateb-<br />

7 aslila; in. in the sense of to unite<br />

a couple in redlock, shnnm pshlala;<br />

married man, hilshuakslh, mbushbaltko;<br />

married female, slinictedsh,<br />

pl. wc'valuisli; woman recently married,<br />

young wife, te-ilwiilt-ash; married<br />

to, mbultshmi, nibushbaltko;<br />

marrie(l mon ('1' womail, shunlsbealemnMintko.<br />

(if. man.<br />

in a I' s hI, teliyshi(tko; lifulliush.<br />

nm ar shy , hntfiwaftlo; i. tract of<br />

landi, sltilitchI, tclhyashitko; tn., soft<br />

g(rolf),(l, hitllijusll.<br />

ml arl t e n; pine-rn., .sablle, MJltstela<br />

(al('rWona,<br />

pe'l), arclaic term: ske'l;<br />

1(1<br />

OlM rt('i?, 11o011. pr. of a miythic<br />

anml, Sk('lamntc ; species ot black<br />

w1. wa1/atchla dre(1rc5(ssdl in the 8kin1<br />

oJfthis iii., wa11(lytclkatk(o.<br />

In a Ii t in g a le, lkIaslkish.<br />

1n a SI I, v. t 111.. fine by means of a<br />

jpcstl, ostone, g'llinl, st`lapka; in. line<br />

upon the inealiny slotie, lematclni.tka<br />

yiilatloi ; pQ'1shla; ia. up, Is, grains<br />

iii a miortar, nd(1sllpias, tatcliipka;<br />

in., brc'ak, (lash, nlsil A, pka: ill. ..cr ash,<br />

sktuv';i -1 WithC a piece of' wOO(,<br />

nd(lka; i? ( crush, lii(tala; 'in., m)anyle,<br />

yadsll.'pka; i up withl, some-<br />

thIinog else, to n ir up, St(,wa; iM. p,1t),<br />

long, obj nk xa<br />

n a s s p V. i, liwa; slmulkf'lk1i,<br />

shifi'lagiat; to be vlnaSS(e up, liwa, 1uipk9a.<br />

Cf. aIssemblele, gather, V. i.<br />

In1 a St e r, laki; of ab stare, ptclliwip.<br />

I s t IC te, V. t., c f. chwI(, V.<br />

m a t, shl]-ish; coarse bulrushk or tatle iin.<br />

for covering lodges, etc., lI ptak, K1.<br />

slild-ish; mint-i shh't-ish, (ibbr. ulmt-i;<br />

im. to cover lodges, shlft'lbii-; m. of<br />

bulrush, title in., stilpsh, stc-ulash; m.<br />

of sedye-grass, l6tesh; (small lodges<br />

are called like the miats covering<br />

them); fur-skin 11b, kailiu.<br />

ma t c II, as in Enjilglish; mi.-box, sAilikuvyltkish;<br />

roughy suiface to strike<br />

matches on, shlikuy6tkish; to strike<br />

a in., shlikiii.<br />

n a t t e r ; no ex. eq.: what is the in.<br />

wak lishl?<br />

m a t II 1 e, v. i., no'ka ; to let in., shinkanl<br />

tia.<br />

Iln a t 11 t i 11 a 1, urna'kni.<br />

mn a V, Iikhsih; shulidsIms1h.<br />

M a y; exspressed inaccurately by the<br />

mistr. case kUptchatka, of kAptclla,<br />

q. v.<br />

m a v b e , wakIanhua. Cf. chance,<br />

peirhap~s.<br />

Inl e and to mec, nIsh, abbr. ish, i'sh.<br />

im e a d o w , sai-a,, . saikuP-a; wet n.,<br />

sl'ititci, tchyash(tko.<br />

in e a ge i, slh'tishatko; palilakslh, papatkwvaitko,<br />

skak.wIvashi ; to look m.,<br />

p'halka ; to b)ecome n., slhidslha. Cf.<br />

lean.<br />

mn e a I , pslis; to have a in , paslialta,<br />

x' ta, pt'n, 1p'ika, pAl ula. Cf. con-<br />

sumie, eat, v.<br />

ulealing stonle, l6muitclh; With<br />

a (deeper hollow, tulilila; the small<br />

nS. Use(dl upon the lar ger one,<br />

slilaklkislh, 1p'ks1l.<br />

Ill e aI n1 , of IOU'f( ehlowct'r, pllalishl,

ma rs II -Inesse ng(, r. 605<br />

slw't, siml tl'Cipii, i'iidslii stefnash, ni e I (y shi'sl.<br />

tceletclhl('1li; il. p)erSOI, tchiaikalshi. m Cit, v. t., slinatcllaka ; in., as lead,<br />

e .t n (l e I, v. i; to procee(l inb a tallow, stilza j I1. iii (t panl, ladle,<br />

wenida(lrivy line, kinfnia; to Move, slll'a.<br />

fly in a nmcandering line, kakidslia. in e t, v. i.; in. as ice, sniaw, thlil'va,<br />

1n1 e a S I e s, gutzaksli; eruption caused 1Kl tchutchebva; to com1?nence to 1i.,<br />

1 )by i1., tchinitashi; to be ill wit/h the tchltcbeyt'ga; 1 i by/ fire, heat, 1.ain.,<br />

g t'tkga. tehiakat; mn. off at the bottom of cook-<br />

In e a s ui r e, v. t., by length, hishiZ61n;'tstrionent<br />

fior ineasuringy<br />

ing utensils, natsa-iilla.<br />

n e m o r y, lslikanliksl, in Mod.<br />

mneasuring,, stick, skilul u1 tkisl. also: ko'pasih.<br />

mi e a t, teli'tlekshi. in e II a c e , v. t., h1t'-ishipole.<br />

mn e d i c a III e nI t, y'li- uks. In eC ri d, v. t., to patce/, nakia ; patch<br />

in e (I i ( i n1 e , dritu, vA-uks ; " mlei- for inending, nakish.<br />

cine-mam," kinks, (af conjurer; m e n s t r u a t e , v. i., vuliii ; rn'ika;<br />

nied(liilne-sovy, shum'sh ; VAii-uks; in. Jor the first ti1ne, stli]pti.<br />

to give, prescribe in., y."L-nka. in e II s t r II a t i o n , first, stdpuish,<br />

11 ec t , v. t; 1n. accideiflaaityl, -a wal ; I pi 1.<br />

Ji. at one'0sS home, gelldanka, geli- in e n t a I f a e it I t v , hlislhkaniksh,<br />

dAinktcha; in., b)othi patties co)n ig in M1od. also: kUxpashi.<br />

towar(ds( each, other, husht;itnka ; iii. in e r c ]I a n t, shlsiatuish.<br />

f ro opposite directions, husht

606 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong>I <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

e t a 1, tchlikenieii; inl Mod. also<br />

Nvilti ti.<br />

ineteor, ktcliii'l.<br />

In e Nv, v. i., hia'na, Alod. IIIewa.<br />

e x i e a it, nonm. pr., Spitniolkni.<br />

in i (I - a f t er 1n oi ( on ; it is fn.-(a., gaolola.<br />

II (I d a y ; et' noon.<br />

II i (1 d l e , adj. and s., tyalanini;<br />

standing, beiny in the ib., t'itt6lanini,<br />

ifod. tZalaIminli; ein hallfways,<br />

tQA'tanipani; )n. finvger, tatze Iinini,<br />

Mod. tAlanmni. Cf. midst.<br />

ni d niIglt, and at nt., psihn tiitt1arn.<br />

in i d r ift , rinkianinisi.<br />

m i d s t; in the in., adv., I-ukak; half:<br />

ways, adj. 'and adv., tQzlampavii,<br />

hI antd Mod.; in the ni. oj; when<br />

11 saMle level, tXalfa, KI . txitXlail,<br />

prep. and postp.; ofhen] ex-<br />

piressed by, verbal suflixes, as -sxa;<br />

thil'oaqh the in. oJ; tXZilantaiia ; being,<br />

sttanding, etc., in the mn, QAilainni,<br />

K91. Utftathlalllki.<br />

III i ( v i f e , and to be a in , petila.<br />

iti ., 1 t , s., litclllitelili7 killitko<br />

ill i g lit v , litchlitelili, killitko; mt'nli.<br />

1i11 g r a t e, v. i., with faLiilV r1' sillgle,<br />

inc'dslma, slien)Aslila ; ?in. to the<br />

,fininei place, nle(ishaumpeli.<br />

III i I k, (idslasli.<br />

in, i I 1; yrist-vn., gaima-pala-ash, ganm-<br />

6'>tkish- coj fo!ef-iu., gaino'tkisi.<br />

II1 i 1 t , spleecit, inlplattasli.<br />

inl i 11 d, S., lllslikanksh, 1. an(l Mod.,<br />

k1z')Zpashi, Mo(l.; so54)1li iies r'en-<br />

(lered by heart, steiiiaslti; i- hlis,<br />

he,' In., huni.<br />

i n d , v t., to think of, h shkanka;<br />

never 111. ! tl'tclt!<br />

in in eI , 1)ron. i)oss.; cf. my.<br />

m i n e, s., vi.-shaft, ibutokatko; in.tunnel,<br />

gallery, stl'.<br />

in in e , v. t., killa slita; y pa, Mod.<br />

ibena.<br />

m i n e r , kiifla- sliishiatisi ; to be a<br />

11 , ktilla sht'ita.<br />

ni1<br />

i 1 e , v. t; said of solids, kat(ehaga;<br />

11., m11.ix with, solids and<br />

liquidsl, st( ya-, k]'va; in., obljects<br />

differing ill quality, shii'kla. Cf.<br />

mix, V.<br />

im i n k, 1PatoriUs vison, klipa.<br />

ill i 11011 W , fish of genmus Phoxinus,<br />

ktkaksli.<br />

III i r e, IV. i., t 11pe'llal.<br />

I i i r o r, slietalilasli.<br />

inl iri y , tupeshlti; to be )1n., Itipena.<br />

m i s c lI i e v o it S, kul-idshii steinash,<br />

kf'Li(lslii; tcln'tkalsli, letalani. Cf bad.<br />

rnisellievo usly, ki'ii.<br />

in i s e r a b) 1 e, in distress, yanliu('Imi,<br />

y iulkisl; good Jbr nothing, _Uidslii.<br />

in is re)resent, v t.,atcelg-a; Slts'-<br />

Wala, slhikita.<br />

im is s, v. t., gayatgYla; 1)n. the aiml,<br />

kafllia,, shihaJ ii; nt. the iiatr-l: in<br />

(lir-ction, ynIttlusinia ; am. each othere,<br />

shaki'ia; 1l thi'oagh absence /l dis-<br />

appe)fta;rane Of, Ss'Ahlkl~io -ar~ld'l,.<br />

m is s I a p) e 1, Wtlidslid.<br />

m is t, lt'asli; hav.-iin', hacing thwe (I)pearane<br />

of ion., 6'iasliptclhi; to be (cIPd,<br />

(01ei'ed with va., tem6la ; to pi'oda(u ,<br />

(i ni. at (.ill, 11'1,n11la.<br />

i i s i t e t 0 e ,I(Wial.

in i S t r' e s s (f slave, ptcllwil).<br />

IIIi sty; it is mI., I ta.<br />

In i t t e n , nel)esli.<br />

nix , v. t.; in. pt,), solids, katceliira;<br />

n_. ni, ais into liquideb, ke&wa, kituinij<br />

ni. v-ith, mi. iup, solids adl(i liquids,<br />

st(tva ; with water, stewva ; 11?.. together-,<br />

obj. differing amon-' thenmselves,<br />

shltt'kla; to be inixed with<br />

othe(r's, alini., tchaiwiiia, pl. shtlt'kla;<br />

persoi? of n)iixecl 10loodl, tyalaiinni nidklaks.<br />

Ct. inigle<br />

in i x t ur 1e , shiLazIsls<br />

InI (o a ? v. i., slhaydAhl.<br />

In 0 c C a1 S i n1, IWakshim ; to p)ut on,<br />

,wear nocecasins, wvmkshna.<br />

nio Ckin g-bi r d, yitikiak.<br />

MI o d o c, adj. and s.; V11. country, at<br />

southern awd southeastern end of<br />

. LIake, Mo'dokishamn kUijla, M6atak;<br />

.li. Indian, Mo'1dokni, A1o'dokislh,<br />

witli or without nilmklaks (in<br />

Pit lRiver language, Lututiin1i ish);<br />

M. Lake, ,ilso called Rhett Lake,<br />

Tlae Lake, nom. pr. loc.; Mo'dokmi<br />

IK-tislh, Mcaitak, MIt'yaltko E,-uslh,<br />

Tulik (in Pit R., Lutuftii) ; ,l.<br />

Point, noni. pr. of a proniontory,<br />

MIoI'dok Point, Shuyake'kislh; Indians<br />

at 311. P'., Slittvaki'ikslhi.<br />

rm o i e t v, one ha~/ f tatZtlainp'ini,<br />

MIod. t~alalhnan i; niakiniq lu) one in.,<br />

tatZelan~plankanii, nA-i-shtani, Mod.<br />

t/alanipalinkani, nag(slitan;.<br />

Uo i s t e n, v t., slinitkalta, shnlink

(308<br />


nI o r i 1) u n d - to be in , ki'lekitla, k'le<br />

kii pkaslhtala telshhils impka<br />

I Ir O n i in g , time of dlawn, p:Vk'ttgi;<br />

(arly in the n2., iina'k; tina; in the<br />

1i1., ibib'ishant; on the earlIy in. of next<br />

(lay, init'shanak; on the next n.,<br />

inrlit'shIant.<br />

III 4) r s e 1, toililVislh, tclielettyewish.<br />

in o r t a. r , ginkisih; stonc-oi., ta'inta.<br />

I o0 S S, S.; yellow tree-M., JEvernia<br />

7alpia, slht-iislham- ; species of<br />

tree-ni., k|1 ; rock-rn., ktdayani sk(`taslI.<br />

Cf. lichen.<br />

ino t h; species of nocturnaln i. or butterfly/,<br />

1-W' ni-ldfklish, M1od1. Ith'm=<br />

lliegishI; other species: lifintislh,<br />

k9l)Ial). Cf. butterfly.<br />

i o) t II 1 , p)'gfiliipi); in. whose children<br />

((17' (iti ((lice, sk t'ksap; deceasedl in.,<br />

p',j SIl I Itisli ; 11. of an in? fanat just (de-<br />

(ca.sc(t, k'leIJala; i. who lost two or<br />

w)1ore childrenii b)y death, Ihpkleksli;<br />

motherless, p'gish=t'LIatko; to become<br />

a in., 11kak'kgi, w6'kala; miothher's<br />

b)rother, p'lukfi'tchip, said by inephew<br />

adl(l niece; mnother's sister, said<br />

1by nepliew or niece, p'slhkip;<br />

1othecr'ss elder brother's ic/i', 1)'gnim-<br />

%ip, said by nephew or niece;<br />

molother's yioun 7er brother's child, said<br />

I)N- ]fiIA({)llIsiln, j)'tclU'kqa); 'related<br />

(as mr. to datighter, shepi

onc, k'fitavii ga; species offforest or<br />

field-n., mftikuaga, (ldim. ritIkiikaga;<br />

m.-hawk, tsi'ktu. Cf. nole.<br />

o u s t acie, inputchlaluish, smo'k;<br />

wearing a in., slhm6kaltko.<br />

o lI t II, shu'in; m. of runningi vaters,<br />

shift'n, shuniallkishi; to blow; out fromn<br />

il., wit)n(fla; to hanry down fromt<br />

the at., ]Zet'kn Xla; to pass fromn one<br />

end of in to the other, shalalaifiia;<br />

to put into, have, or roll in tle<br />

?n. 1n ob )j. protrudiny from it, kp'lllili<br />

a; not pvrotruding from it, shikp)alklA'lla;<br />

to rcrolve within the in.,<br />

kplyivunimi; to see sormebody remnovi)nq<br />

fr-omit his in., spitting out, tilutaknt'tla;<br />

to see somebody putting<br />

food in his in., til6takna; to squirt<br />

fromn the in., kpi'itchrna.<br />

I O V C , V. t.; ??. or push, to gire a<br />

push to, ktIuga; )i. the feet quickly,<br />

spu'lkaiika, putch]ATnhka; i1? the finyers<br />

into, around, over, kiclkito'a, I<br />

Mlod. luarneta ; in. Jobriard, round<br />

n1 0 ri bun d - nl ud 609<br />

residence, niedslia; to the former<br />

place agcain, medshampeli; in. *in a<br />

circle, in. around, gaki'ma, lena, niulgi'dsha,<br />

talkfdsha; cf. whirl, v. t.<br />

and i.; to be mnoved off by circular<br />

motion, l6inewflla; in. like a clock<br />

pendulun, nut6kakua, vut6kakua;<br />

in. downwards, nu'lildsha; in. or flit<br />

into distance, nu'dshbla, nG'dslma,<br />

nit'lidslha; in. forth and bacl, A ulaldna;<br />

cf: swing, v.; in. Jbrward in a<br />

crouching position, ktchiftcha, shawxalts'nka;<br />

in. on, gena, lena; inan.,<br />

tkala; in. along an obj. while pick-<br />

ing at it, piIII)iutana; mn. slowly to-<br />

ward ,'Ilnta; in. slowly up, as clouds,<br />

spitkala; in. through the air, shuwa'mlca,<br />

shuwAlktcha, blvntclnLa; cf.<br />

flit, v.; projectiles, missiles, yl71dslmna;<br />

in. upwards, ga-1ila; in.<br />

in winding, )neandering lines, kakfdslha,<br />

kinufna; to see mnoviing, til5'-<br />

Idsha; noved away, removed, le'ntko.<br />

in o w , v. t., inulfnia, Mod. mni'slika.<br />

0l)j., lo'tkala; in. rouln(d or bulky I Cf. scythe.<br />

obj. lifted up at one end, liwak'tnka; muchI, m aclj., t'Ulli, t1lm; sonin., tAnk,<br />

m. oil, as a table in a room, shli- t"Innii; kank, kc'nni; too in., tdirii<br />

lasihla; in. the tongue in and out for (ii prolonge(l); hoic in. tcink? tAn-<br />

inockery, shel)epnat; in. towcards an nii? not in., not inany, a little, kinka,<br />

object resting on the ground, simi- tftlnkak, tumialga, wika; cf. few.<br />

t cl'dlsbui.<br />

m11 c 11, adv., UL-a, mul, t'nin; when<br />

0 v e , V. 1.; generci: g(enla ; In. in indicating gradation, -ak, -hak; in<br />

any lir-ection, milan., pitkala; 1i. the sense of: by fir, a great deal, ati;<br />

about, stir, sliktka, shiwifua; if said<br />

of a plurality of animals, w. I; mn.<br />

so 1it., that in., tAunk ka nk, kflnktak,<br />

ka, ga; too iii., ttmmln tclatllui.<br />

about, be wajte(l about, ltdslna; ?n. mu c u s, shnm'Zsli, Mod. shreWxash;<br />

along while leaning on a stick, etc., to remove the in., shui'za.<br />

sC'lmtcba ;<br />

39<br />

in. avay Joion p/lace ofl I It d, kiilla; 1)o'ks, ttlpeslh; full of

610<br />

in., tup6shti; m.-house or winter<br />

lodge, 14ldainalahkslh; to erect a m.lodge,<br />

luldena'lxa; in.-puddle, mu'lmulatko;<br />

to haul m., dirt, kdilala.<br />

in u d d y , kuyi 'Uniatko; tul)4shti; in.<br />

water or ground, ku-nymash; m.<br />

place, tupesli; to be or become in.,<br />

kuyuima; to be in., tupena.<br />

mud-lien; c£f coot<br />

in u g, pokuaga.<br />

mu l e, limi'l; in.-deer, Cervus macrotis,<br />

pakolesh.<br />

in U I t i o ored ; to be 0n., ktchclui;<br />

m., as the result of selection ima(le,<br />

hushkalXamn'ltko.<br />

Il II r d e r , v. t, shIuga, pl. hushtchka,<br />

lIela, Mod. pl. luele, slAn-<br />

6nka, heslhiZi'ki; in. each other, hushtch'ka;<br />

in. a fIlv only, hushtch6'k-<br />

'huya. Cf. kill, slay.<br />

6ENGLISHI-KLAMAT11 <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

na il, sa'kta; of iron or other metal,<br />

tchikomen; finger-, toe-n., shte'ksfi.<br />

nail down , v. t., mpc'tia teliikeniinaitka.<br />

n a k e d, kliak shulotishl; p)uiak<br />

ko'ks, peniak.<br />

n a In e; proper n., shelshaslh; to give a<br />

ib., call by n., shesha, she'shash eIya;<br />

6 Zlxa, d. i'-alxa; to call oneself by n.,<br />

to give a n. to oneself, shecilxa; havinyg<br />

n., by the n. of; so-called, thus<br />

named, na-asht shesshatko, Mod n easlht<br />

slieshatko, or sitni)lV sh('shatko,<br />

sh 'slsasli.<br />

in ur k y , said of sky, etc., tiptipli,<br />

limlImli.<br />

murimur, v i., hi'inia, pelpela.<br />

in u s c 1 e, im. of body, tclhn'tRksli; cft<br />

kmitik; mollusk, kle'dshu; m.-shell,<br />

kl'dshuam wAkoksh.<br />

in u s h r o o in, species of, lemin'slhan.<br />

Im u s i c , lieshenititkislh.<br />

in II s q u i t o, tchlniikslh; m.-hawk, cf.<br />

dragon-flfv.<br />

m u s t y, shle'katko, ndulpatko, ki'ui<br />

piluitko, 1)iluitko; to be in., nildo)a;<br />

to be or become in., slhleka.<br />

my and in i n e, g6-u; belonging to 1e<br />

alone, ge-u tAla; my own, g5-utak,<br />

i ge-utoks; my wife, ge'.-u snittwedsh.<br />

.n y s e 1 f, nIl'tak; I for m., ni glank,<br />

contr. ni,.k; nutagiullggi.<br />

.my t Ih, minytholoyic fiction, shashal)kele-ash;<br />

2n.-teller, shashapkelc-ish.<br />

N.<br />

n a in e, v. t., shCslia, shesliasli ']Za,<br />

t lxa; named, she'shatko.<br />

II a p , tuidsh; to ta7,e a n., tuidslha.<br />

n a r c o t i c; n. part of wvild hemnp,<br />

shle'dslh; another kind of ni. ceqetal<br />

product, ktIlamsli.<br />

n a r r a t e, v. t., stories, myths, sha-<br />

sh1a 1)kelIa<br />

II a r r a t i v e , sliaslhal)kehe-asli.<br />

n a Ir r a t o r , shashapkel6-ish.<br />

n a r r o w , kitcla ktnkutko.<br />

n at i v e, adj.; imy n?. land, geu lila.<br />

ii a t i v e , s.; n. of that place, git;kikni;<br />

nt. of a distant place, ti'kiii, tci'shni;

fn. of a lowland, vanakni; n. of an<br />

uapland, p'latkni. In tribal names,<br />

n. is expressed by the suffixes -kni,<br />

-wash appended to local names: n.<br />

of Rogue Biver Valley, Wdlamskni,<br />

W^'damswash.<br />

Na tural Brid(ge, nom. pr. oc.,<br />

Slab Ikosl, Tchllssnini SlAnkosh,<br />

rTilhlm tko<br />

n a v e I, toksli yantanit, t1ksh.<br />

e a r , adv., wvka; n. by, gi'ta, lnl't o,<br />

Nvi -itaii; n. home, cawl), Iwag; v.<br />

the ground, soil, wikln; nearest to,<br />

ginatani; the adv. and prep. n. is<br />

often expressed by verbal suffixes:<br />

to be n., about, tkiilanma a, du. lmllamnia,<br />

pl. Wliluina; to come n., gaki'mna;<br />

to be or stand n., and n. the<br />

iwater, talira; cf. around.<br />

n e a t , clean, tsuktstikli.<br />

n e c k of persons an(d animals, ni's];<br />

to place, tie around one's n., shauiktiga;<br />

to wear on n., sliepuklt'gna;<br />

tied around n., sliepukiagatko.<br />

ne c k l a c e, yalmnash, i'mnaks; n.<br />

of shells, shnawckish; n., usually<br />

of colored beads, shanksikasli; v.<br />

of bird-claws, tsi'ksam shtb'ks-; to<br />

pat on, wear a n. of shells, shnaw-a'ka;<br />

to wu'ear a n. of birds' bills, shuImalua.<br />

Cf. neckwear.<br />

n cck t ie, salkakislt.<br />

ii c kwe ar, yanlnaslln ti'mnaks, shallktAkash;<br />

to manufacture n., NJimnujaslila;<br />

n. of shiells, slinawai'kisfi; to<br />

pat on a n. of shells, slnawa'k.a;<br />

weraringy it., shnawf'kitko-; to use<br />

bird-bills as n., shllnmalua; to have n.<br />

muddy - net. 611<br />

on, yamnash shulutamna; to pat on<br />

n. while going, vyamnasli shulualtclna.<br />

n e e d, s.; to be in n., yuailka, kanipka;<br />

to stand in n. of ni'mclni, shaiia-uli.<br />

Cf. lack, v.<br />

1 e e d I e; sewing in., spekanlotkisli,<br />

Mod. spikanasli; wood- or steel-ni.<br />

to make mats, stap)otkisli; n. of the<br />

piie -tree, spallni.<br />

n e o t i a t e , v. t., shLItanka.<br />

n e g o t i a t i o l , sblutAnkishl; instrument<br />

for v., shutanko'tkish; to meet<br />

hr n., sliutariAktj)a; to begin neyotiations,<br />

hasiiaslitakituiinpl)ka, s] ultantktutmtnka;<br />

to close them, sblutankilla.<br />

n e g o t i a t o r, and( peace-n., sliushu-<br />

t!^nkisli.<br />

in egro, walha; nigga.<br />

nfeigh, v. 1. hiu'ma.<br />

n e i g hi b o r, tu'peluislh; iii the sense<br />

of friend, companion, shitchilp),<br />

Mod.; of fellow-man, lmtklaks=slntko;<br />

to be neighbors, haslitaltelAmpka.<br />

n e p hi e w , cf. brothfer, sister.<br />

nervous, to be, v.i.,tcblUlatZa.<br />

n e s t; bird's n., sliudlash.<br />

n e t; oishing-n. of any kind, tchul1asli;<br />

sort of (lip-n., panu6tkish; scoop0,dipor<br />

draq-n. wvith a handletJwash; larye<br />

drag-n. with a handle, witchGlaslb;<br />

dip-n., drag-n. wcith wide meshes, t6waslh<br />

witclhlllasli; ws'ithl snall meshes,<br />

l -iks witclhlasih; dip- or drag-n.<br />

round- shaped, lut'ashi; if s1sallmeshed,<br />

lfI-iks lutcpasli, or sinmplv<br />

il -iks; to make a Nvite~liaslh-n.


and to fish with it, witch6lashla; to<br />

fish with any sort of n., ttchlib; large<br />

fish-n., inft'tclheneslh; hair-n., tchal-<br />

Zish ; small-n , seed-n., etc., t'lkish.<br />

Cf. fish, s. and v.<br />

n e t h e r , lyarna]kavi, yainani, yainta-I<br />

Ili. Cf. interior, lowver.<br />

n1 e v e r, kiityutclh; ka-itata, kai-i tatA,<br />

hIZIyak.<br />

il e w , t6-ini; flesh, youny, ntchAlkni.<br />

in e w 1 y, nIa, lna, te'-in. Cf. ago.<br />

newspaper, p1pa.<br />

ii e w t, li -a-mimbotkisfi.<br />

n e x t; n. to, (gfiiatani; who, which<br />

comies n., t1' 1)eluish; the other or n.<br />

nei, im-'dsh, na'slh, nAyenslh; the n.<br />

one after or following, tapinii; on the<br />

n. day, nib-'ishiamit; n. house, nearest<br />

lodge, ti'ipeluislh: to be n. inz order,<br />

tt1l)elui.<br />

Ne z-Perc Indian, rnom. pr.,<br />

Y.Imakni ma'iklaks, Yaiinakni.<br />

ii b b I e , v. t.; n. (it, kuakAkliska; n.<br />

off small particles from a surface,<br />

ktiekni6la.<br />

n i c e, mAi tidshi, tidshi.<br />

nicely, tidsh.<br />

in i c k n a in e ; having a n., uni-a'shak<br />

sh6shatko.<br />

n i c t a t e, v. i., kl1amtcltituam, shuekapteha;<br />

n. with one eye, knadshikfa;<br />

n. with one or both eyes, shkitchtwa;<br />

it once only, shakilnimtclla.<br />

n i e c e, cf. brother, sister.<br />

n i g g a r dl y, widshikishl; to be n.,<br />

widshlika.<br />

n i g h t, pshin; at n., pshin, spuii'ksh;<br />

all n. long, n'shta; (luring the same<br />

n., nishtak; at n.-fall, lftki; it is late<br />

at n., Spuleiga; it is getting late (at<br />

n., sp~uiek1a; to pass the nt. away<br />

from home, m-Akl6Za; while traveliny,<br />

maktchla, rnaktchna; a dlay nd(t n.<br />

ensuingq, waitash; to pawss a day and<br />

ai n. ensuing, waita.<br />

nii g t- hi eron, Nfyetiurdea (Gar-<br />

(lenii, slho'ksh.<br />

NIl ak s Mountain, nomn. pr.,<br />

Nilakshi; native of N., settleel at N<br />

M1fountain, ridge, Nilakskni.<br />

in i n e, na'&dseks, Mod. sk&kish;<br />

ninefold, nd'dsyeksh 1'(kalakshl; n.<br />

tinmes, nads~ekshtAnkni, Mod. skekislitatnkni.<br />

n i n e t e e n , te-unepAnta n-a'ds~eks,<br />

adding pe-ula, likla, etc., Mod. teuneplAnta<br />

s~kcisl, adding pl-ula,<br />

l'klatko, etc.<br />

ni i i e t y, nadsxekslitankni te-Uiliap,<br />

Mod. skekishti'ukni te-nIIIip.<br />

ni nt h; one n._part, iil'(is;ekslil sliektatyatko.<br />

i i 1) 1) l e, (Mdshamn) lawAlasli.<br />

in o, often expressed by kA-i; no!<br />

1I--i! n. longer, n. more, UL-i 1)p11,<br />

ka-t-itata; ait n time, k'yitelt, khtitata,<br />

kIAvak; in u. manner, kAyak;<br />

at an place, 1k.a-itata.<br />

n o bl e, tidslui<br />

11i 0 ) Iv , tidsli.<br />

n o d, v. i., iekaiia, utk'ittka, wankuanka.<br />

n o i s e , tttulenash; bad n. k.,-i ti'monash;<br />

to make n., hqinmla; yauyA-<br />

Ival, vz n- oftya f lli wItersUll walta;<br />

tchiluye'Za; n. qf fallin~ iv ?aters, tIw-

nether -n umber. 613<br />

ish; to make n. by talking loudly, mals, shnikshltkshuka ; to show, tho<br />

waltka; to produce, emit it., hii'ia; long n., shepAlua; to snaff up into<br />

elementary n., shtchayisfila; to irush the n., p'laftan s1in!'za; to wipe the nt.<br />

down with n., as water, tIwi. Cf. with a handkerchief, psishshiAshlka.<br />

clatter, rattle, v. n o s t r i l, pshishani ginsxa'ytko, psliln<br />

o i s y; n. fellow, sheshxeiMA-ash; to sham gintchxislh; both nostrils, hobe<br />

n., yiti-uya, vauyli.wa, tchiluyexa; kno'tkish.<br />

to behave noisily, kii'la, slieshZ6'1a. n o t , kWt-i; puttative negation: le, lhi;<br />

n o n e; nobody, nto one, kh-i kanI, probably n., le ak; i. at all, ka\'tvk;<br />

kaitua; n., referr1ing to inan., kaitua. n. yet, not at the time being, ka'yut(li;<br />

Cf no, not. kayu, kItyu, k'yak; -n. a person or<br />

n o o n , psdksh, shewatZashi; at nt.- thing, kaitua; n6. to be on hand,<br />

time, shoew" taslitka; it is n., showa- present, kJi'gi ; n. to see, find, distXa,<br />

Mod. gal-ulapka. cover, pereeive, lesht a.<br />

no o se, shlukalaks1i; to make a n., n o t c h, s., sti'klkish; ktek'hieh1tko;<br />

shlukalxa. in. to insert arrow-head, tulish. Cf.<br />

n o r t h, yaliat; northwvards andfron incision.<br />

the n., yamat; coming from, born in, n o t cli, v. t., ktek'hiehe, ktepfta,<br />

native of the n., y-mniakni. ktu'ixi; notched, sttl'kslaltko; to rub<br />

northeast, yetwat (or lu'pit) ke- a notched stick, as done at Wartcfia<br />

yaniatitala. dances, ulo'kasla.<br />

n o r t hi e a s t w i n d , tch'lkinkslh. n o t Ii i n g, kaftna; for n., scot-free,<br />

n o r t h e r n, yamakni. hun-a'shak.<br />

N o r t h e r n e r, and Northern people, notice , v. t., shlepopka, shernyamakiii.<br />

tchbla; shlea; ?1. again, shlepele;<br />

n o r t hi w e s t, tz'laiam kLtcha yama- n. at a distance, shl'lpka, shl 'popko.<br />

titala. n o t i f y , v. t., shap)iya; n. fully,<br />

n o r t hi w e s t w i n dc, gt-61ashtisii. sliapiyuila; to commence, cease notifynorth<br />

win d, yAinash; when person- ing, shapitaimpka, shapiyi'ila.<br />

ified, Yamash; then.w. blows, -\mtna; N o v e m b e r; inaccurately rendered<br />

while the n. wt. blows, yamashtka. by kalptchelam shinatktish, q. v.<br />

o 0 s e, Islb'shi; point, end ofn., pshi'sh n o w, at, abr. a ; at pe'n; Atin, atu,<br />

iwa'lan; n.-ring of beads, slllhipgishi; Mod. Atui; temnp. and local at the<br />

ni.-ornament, n.-quill, she'lxish; Wealr- same time, hu, O', -u; just n., tcha'-u,<br />

ing a n.-ornament, she'lkantko; to abbr. tclht. Cf. actually, presently.<br />

insert into the per/brated n., hiish- nowhiere, ka-itata.<br />

kalka; to blow the n., shn!'Za psi'sli, n o w i s e, kalyak.<br />

slni'Za; to put the n. about, as ani- nu nb er, s.; no ex. eq.: a n. of, aq reat

614 ENGLISH -KLAMA-ATH <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

n. of, ti'imi; an equal n. of, kAnktak;<br />

such a n. of, so many, kanni, kank.<br />

n u mn b e r, v. t., to count, sh6tua.<br />

0.<br />

o a k; white-o. tree, hUdslhnan; black-o.<br />

tree, kli'slhain ; poison-o., P1has toxicodendron,<br />

natnes1ham. Cf. acorn.<br />

o a r, ktchi'k.<br />

o a t S ItAslipkish, lit. "'fodder."<br />

o b) e y, v. t., tt'lmnna; nmatcllhitka; not<br />

to o., hishmklta.<br />

o 1; e c t, s., thing, mostly Man., tuA;<br />

some O., tuai; every o. or o. of every<br />

kind, n'nuktua; o. awonb at a gamlce<br />

or sport, ikaks; o. causing pain,<br />

disease, ta'tktish ; o sucked out of<br />

the patient's body, iTanshislh. C f.<br />

article.<br />

O bj e c t, v. t., lewitchta, lewe-ula.<br />

o b l o x i o u s, kWidsbi. Cf. ianl,<br />

mischievous.<br />

obscure, it is, tch'mu'ka.<br />

o b sc u rie d, said of sky, weather;<br />

tiptif)li, limlimli. Cf. overcast.<br />

obscurity, tclimrnukslh.<br />

o b s e r v e, v. t., shllika, Mod shICIka;<br />

o. closely, shlekpopka; o. secretly, gan -<br />

tila; to make o., shtinm)Vkanka; o.<br />

from a distance, t('lshapka, telslhalnpka,<br />

sll' pka, slilhpopka.<br />

o b si di an and what is made of it,<br />

rnba'shaksh; one who possesses o.tools,<br />

nibusbakshls'tko; o. arrowhead,<br />

mbu'shaksh = sliawalsh, or simply:<br />

nibushaksli ; mnitchmi'tehli<br />

sbiwalslh, contr. rmetsnmets.wtwvals.<br />

nt u r s e, V. t., teliuta, tchte'tna ; n.<br />

for a while, teluttanuliya; to go and<br />

n., tchuta'nsha.<br />

O b) s t r u c t, v. t., as an entrance, den,<br />

aperture, yankdpshti.<br />

o b s t r u c t i o n ir river, intended as<br />

a fish-trap, uikosli; lumber-dam, lktlplislh;<br />

o., damj unle) the water's sayfaice,<br />

otn'lks.<br />

o b t a i n , v. t., shinmtk] , shlitiika; o onl<br />

pnurpose, slhmLkpa; o. while going,<br />

iktcha; o. a fpark of fire, kl.',no, kiukAlgi;<br />

o. through wnlning(J a game,<br />

flalga, wiv-tnka ; to trfy to o., kahkwi a.<br />

o b t ii s e in )nind, kaittio sluihJy-YIa

o ffi c er, civil, lakI; military, lakt<br />

slifl'ldshash, lakf.<br />

o f fs p r i n g, human or animal, weash,<br />

dim. weka; mostly referring to<br />

animals, ndslidkani; o. of quadrupeds,<br />

leledshi; male o., vifnak, dim.<br />

vI'lInakaga; wdasli, dim. weka; of<br />

animals, la'kiaga, wecash; female o.<br />

of animals, gi'lluaga, ndshiluaga;<br />

wuiat produces o., wavl-ish; to bear o.,<br />

nka'kgiw6'kala; animals, hIa-a; to<br />

remain without o., tcltitu.<br />

O f t e n , ti'imeni, tdnkni. Cf. titatna.<br />

O i I y and of o. appearance, nlihshetko.<br />

O I d, anim., k'nmutchlttko, k'mt'Itclhish;<br />

o , used up, good for nothing, chiefly<br />

inan., anitchiksh, abbr. and suffixed,<br />

-amtch; o., early, belonging to the past,<br />

anim. and inan., mrt'ntchni, tPinknii;<br />

o., withered, said of plants, pakatko;<br />

o. person, o. man, k'mnittcliehwatko,<br />

k'nnitcb'tko,k'mLutItchislhi ;. pero n,<br />

t'shika t'siika-aira; o. woman, welkash,<br />

welekatko; little o. woman,<br />

welekaga; spirit of o. womlan, welekaga;<br />

to be o., t'shtka; to grow o,<br />

become o., k'nmi'Itclia; o salmon,<br />

vufg; o. when referrim, to m)iythic<br />

cliaracters, anmtchiiksh,-amtclh: "'Old<br />

Crane,"nomn. pr., Shftt'kamtchl; "Old<br />

Grizzl.y," ShI shapanitcb. Cf. aged,<br />

ancestral.<br />

Old Agency Buildings, on<br />

U1 pp)er Klamath Lake, i-uslitat.<br />

o 1 d - f a s hi i o n e d , iia'ntclni, tAiikni;<br />

initeliksli, -anmtch.<br />

o in o p 1


and lay down flat, as a btook, shek-<br />

1Li'tZa; to be opened up, gonsxa.<br />

O p e n i n g, gInxantko, gutekuish,<br />

gintxish; as of the ear, gintelhish;<br />

to have an o., gintega; o. to be closed<br />

up, ndsAkish; to place into an o.,<br />

ydnkapshti. Cf. aperture, hole,<br />

orifice.<br />

O p e n o u t, v. i., as blossoms, shin1pa;<br />

o. out above, gfntxi.<br />

O p p o s it e; on the o. side, adv.g&kshta,<br />

g('tant; on o. sile of, prep.<br />

glriligslit~iint, gt'liiit~ila, tu'V-shtanta;<br />

frorn o. sidos, pil)el(Antana.<br />

o p p r o b i i o ti s, kt'tidshi; to call o.<br />

namnes, IArn1a.<br />

o r, amplpka, the Lat. vel and aut;<br />

or else, Ampka..<br />

o ra t o r, ki'i'kl'kcish, wt'ltkishb.<br />

o r c h a l d, i'l)uls ha'shuash.<br />

O r d e r, s., n&ulakslh, shunft'kanksli,<br />

tp(ewash; defin ite o., stuleolisli; to<br />

give orders, haslitaltXmpka, tpe'wa,<br />

stulI; while yoinfg about, stulidsha.<br />

O r d e r , v. t , ne'-ulxa; tpewaj stul,<br />

hifi'shga; o..forsornlebody, ne-ulxfa;<br />

o. while going, stulldslha; o. repeatedly,<br />

ne-qx.'llpoli; to co0nmmence to o.,<br />

ne-ulakiuz- a.<br />

o r d i n a n c e, slhunu'kanksh.<br />

Or e g o n, noom. pr, Yamat, Yamakfsham<br />

kdilla, Y.matala, 0. kiiila;<br />

T A1lanitala, lit. "'to the western<br />

lands"; into, towards O., Ydmatala;<br />

O.yrape, Berberis aquifolium, wele'li.<br />

O r e g o n i a n Indian, noin. L.r YmakLni<br />

mniklaks, YfIniakni; 0. set-<br />

Iler, Oreginkni, Y.'tnmkni 116sbltin.<br />

o1 rga n; expressed by suffix -6Stkish,<br />

contr. -otci ; nasal o. of animals,<br />

pshi'sh. Cf. apparatus.<br />

o r i fi c e, ginzish, gfntxish, gintchlisl;<br />

o. as of a bottle, ginxantko;<br />

of entrails, kilit; o. of ear, nose,<br />

me'tchisl ; o., hole to go or crawl<br />

through.? gekdtnkisli, gutekuish; to<br />

put a stick, straw into an o., kmakapsh<br />

ti. Cf. al)ertllre, hole, openiing<br />

o r n a in e n t; neck-o., shunawi-'kishi<br />

mother -of-pearl o, lJIktasli, ktclnik<br />

o. on, dress, made of a tall grass,<br />

epat; to have ornaments on boodq,<br />

sh ulltatnna.<br />

o r p h a a , who lost both parents, ko'hiegslh,<br />

Mod. kuihsetash ; o. whose<br />

father (lied, pti'sh=l'latko; o. whose<br />

mother died, p 'gi'shllulatko.<br />

o t h e r, na'(lsh, nt)yenshl, wvennini;<br />

-the ones, .... the others, niinka ....<br />

nanka; on the o. side of, gi'tnitaiia;<br />

belonging to others, or to other lands,<br />

tribes, wenuIlIkn i. C(f. opposite, siteI.<br />

o t t e r; fish-o., Lutra canadensis,<br />

ko'lta; o.-.slin strap, ske'l<br />

o u r, ou rs b belonging to us, nalam;<br />

of ourselces, our own, nailamtak, n alamntoks<br />

; we for ourselves, nrutakinki.<br />

Cf: oneself.<br />

o u s t, v. t., kpulll, kptitcha, kplitclhna;<br />

tp)tdslha, tpiidslina, tp!uhlf, tpultria;<br />

slulnia,, pl. nflva; o. front a lodge,<br />

house, sluitka; to start *for ousting,<br />

slhtikidsla. Cf. drive, V.<br />

O u t, adv; expressed bv verbal suffixes<br />

or case-postpositions; o. in the<br />

distance, far O., tt'i, tuslh, ttit, tiittaks;

o. there, gdntala, gwtui, g'lni. Cf.<br />

tflr, out of.<br />

O u t d o, v. t., to conquer, sku'ipma;<br />

winvii, MIod. vtiiin ; to surpass,<br />

Wi , fz.<br />

o u t d o o r s, V'wa, kani; expressed<br />

by verbal suffixes, as in gatitana,<br />

etc.; CeiUg, staying o., kain Cf. outside.<br />

o u t h o u s e ; cf. shed.<br />

O u t 1 e t, for persons or aninlls, gekLnkish;<br />

o. to crawtl throughi, gut(kuislt;<br />

o. of runningq water, sliC'lm,<br />

shulmnilhish.<br />

o at o f, plep.; expressed by noininal<br />

and *erbal pre- and suiffixes;<br />

cf to jump o. of; hIt'kansha, with<br />

locat. case -tat; to jump o of' the<br />

water, vutcliewva. Cf', outsidbe, ad\'.<br />

0 u t r a e, v. t., kI'ii sI Ita.<br />

outside, adN., kani; o. of, oat of,<br />

p)rep., kanitant ; exl)reSsed by vcir-<br />

bal suffixes, as ill tgatitami, t(ratita,<br />

etc.; beiny, .4tayb1o o., kani. Cf. out-<br />

(doorls.<br />

ol tside e, s., kanitlani; beiig on thc<br />

o. of, kanftani. (Cf. rust.<br />

O utsider, wennifkni.<br />

O v e n ; round o., bake-o., iron o., Ilpash*<br />

sblnuntop'lkutkislh. Cf. stove.<br />

O v e r, prep.; expressed by verbal<br />

suffixes and case-postpositions; to<br />

cross o., gt'Ikua, kako'dsha; o. there,<br />

o. yonder, genltala; gdtui, gl'tni; long<br />

opening-ox. 617<br />

obj. and personis, hfilt; o. there on the<br />

soil, ground, hi. hi', i; the one o.<br />

there, o'tni.<br />

O v e r c a s t , tiptipli, limlimli; o. sky,<br />

weather, paishash<br />

o v er c o a t, kUiipo; wearing an o.,<br />

kaptiitko; to put on one's o., k~p6peli;<br />

to take off the o., kap6la.<br />

O v e r f I o w , v. t., tillitua, tila; telli('ga;<br />

ove.1fowed, tilluimntko; to be<br />

overflo wed, teh i; ground overflowed,<br />

tchashe'tko.<br />

O v e r f I o w, v i., kitlua, tila, tililnu.<br />

o v e I' I O a(1, v. t., as a horse, shi-<br />

Itna.<br />

o v e r I o o k, v t., t('lha; from a distahwe,<br />

t('1lhpka, tel(Sli; o. in the<br />

sellse of examinineg, shluawina; o.,<br />

said of scouts, teloli.<br />

o w e , T. t, shkilulko, tilila<br />

skiuta.<br />

o• v 1, species of, -ttkiak, pi'lpiislh;<br />

horned o., Bubo subarctiens. mnilkasli;<br />

tur n - head," Speoty>do hypugqaia,<br />

i ll sh =tilal lsl *'ash.<br />

0 W ni, ad;. ; thy o., mitak, mitoks; our<br />

o., nalaintoks, etc.; the son's o., v1'inakamin.<br />

o w n, v. t; to possess, cf. gi No. 5;<br />

in the sense of lording it over, hlashtalt.'tmpka;<br />

owning, possessed of -ltko,<br />

sliuiuishaltko, suffix -ltko.<br />

o w u e r of property, houses, lad(l,<br />

haslitaltampkaltko.<br />

ox , inuslhmush, Mod. vilshinush.

618<br />

ENGLISH -<strong>KLAMATH</strong>I D)ICTIONARY.<br />

1) a c e, s., shIkashlash; to make one p.,<br />

step, shikaslhtka.<br />

palce, v. i., kIslilla, shlkaslhla; p.<br />

slow, kislitchlna; pacing horse, wilito'ishl<br />

Paci f i c Coast Indian of Oregon,<br />

S6ltcliokrii iu'liklalcs, S6ltchokni.<br />

p a c k , packjage, nieutkalsli; shliltilatko,<br />

shlutilatko.<br />

pa c k, v. t., horses, wagons, ita,<br />

itna; p. away for home, Iii'wi; when<br />

distaint, hiwi(iSla; p. goods On a<br />

horse with ropes, sholalLia.<br />

p a c k e r of baggage, as army baggrage,<br />

limi'1 =linan.<br />

pt dI I eI v. t., with the oar, seilla;<br />

p). back, homef, sa'tkili; lonal<br />

the shore, s~o-ikina; p. front the<br />

sChore, sjow~tslhka; j). about witit a<br />

light, spark of fire in eanoe, skli'ltchkanka;<br />

p., beat down into, as<br />

seeds into a basket, wvcka.<br />

p a (1 d 1 e, s.; oar, ktcl'k; oblong<br />

wcickterwfor7 p., See(t-j)., sl1m'1)lashs, dlim.<br />

shAplka; flat or concave wickerwork<br />

1). larger than the shliplasli, tia; p.<br />

of title, bui)rushes, pli'lila, p~ilt; seedp.<br />

of willow branlches, telhku'la ; ).<br />

filled with (atadbles, ilkslfi; scrapiYiJy<br />

p., pienittkisli.<br />

pa i I, p)6ko, dimi. poku.'tga; to car)r!<br />

in a p., sho'dshla, stcna* ; to give in<br />

a p., silli, pl. sho"1i 1na. Cf. vase.<br />

P.<br />

p a i n, s., tatktish; article producing<br />

p).,tatktish; to feel p., ta!ttkta; toyive<br />

p., cf. pain, v. t.<br />

1) a i n , v. t. and iml)ers.; to give p.,<br />

y t'tktgi, Mod. yirkiuka, tika; said( t<br />

toothachee, etc., kini~ltia; to p., bur)n,<br />

as a nettle, tukteka.<br />

p a i n t , s.; red body-p). from ochreots<br />

earth, k'le'pki ; resin-p, walkiiissi;<br />

ochre-p., spAl; black p., a mixture 4o<br />

b1ul rlt buiruslhes anild plu1n-see(d,<br />

lg-t'; an(otler front coals, lgfIim '; to<br />

pilt it on, as dancers, shcttpasluii;<br />

to put body-p. on oneself, shuteloma;<br />

habitually, slhutelomiAslila; to viark<br />

oie's face with smiall dlots of p., sli'L-<br />

tttaZa.<br />

p a i it t, v. t., ita; shi-ita; cf. itc]lnia;<br />

p., iwake pictures, slifiimalua; p. one-<br />

self, shi-ita, pitlik sllif-ita; shluteloma;<br />

p., put on p. or varnish, as on<br />

furnliture, taliAka; p. one's face or<br />

bodly white, to "scratch-paint," shlatcld/allia;<br />

1. one's face with the rit<br />

i e'pki)-painit, sllalplkua, sliatiAlslia;<br />

). oneself black for a (dance, shutptshui;<br />

paindted ol)ject, slitninalnash.<br />

C(f line, v. t.<br />

p a i n t i n ,,, picture, Iiusht'tisli.<br />

p a i r of twCo, liipi; both of them)i,<br />

1lpiok; in counltillg by pairs, the<br />

d. form lahlipi, lAlap is in use.<br />

(T ouple, s.

p a ce - pass. 619<br />

p a l a t a 1) 1 e - to beconie p. by cook- wesli'ltko; of two or iiore chidren,<br />

Hi", etc., n6ka. Cf. eatable. wewesliatko.<br />

p a 1 a t e , taiikatchi. p a r f I e s h, kaknn6lsh; cf. armor.<br />

p a I a v e r , S., shiutinikish. i p a r I e y , shitAnkisli.<br />

p) a Ia v e r, v. i., shiltanika. Cf. ne- p a r s i m o n i o u s, widslilIkisli; to te<br />

gotiate, v. p., wIdshika.<br />

) a 1 e , adj. to become 4. in the face, p a r s it i p; wildp. (species of Siun&,I,<br />

k6'ztgi; palefitce, pt'lpali tcli dtlks- skftwanksliam; a plauit resembliii-i<br />

gftko, B'slitin. wild p., mAi'sli.<br />

p) a i g ,r set up around graves, etc-., art , portion of, nTka, one ..<br />

. ;<br />

'itellaksli; to set up p)., Iatclahslllda, the ot/hr p., mInnka .. mi. i i l<br />

sliteudslika. Cat into two parts, he1kshlAtza, shep<br />

a I in of hand, tPkak, n('ain tatkak. ktfitka; divided into parls, slIekta-<br />

p an; fryiny-p1, l(ipuiisl, Mod. If- txZttko; forms arithlmetic fractions.<br />

puasl; to Oelt in (a p., v. t , stflza, Cf. divide, v<br />

Shuhlcttla ; to givoe i a p., shlli, pl). p) a r t v. t., to separate, sle'kelui p).<br />

shlewvma. 'one from the other, skuyv islka ; 1'.<br />

1) a 1i e of glass, mirror, villadow, sllh- the feet, legs, plitcbika; p., especially<br />

taluashi. the legs, skhka.<br />

)a n 's fl u t e, sibal"illishi. Cf. jews- p a r t fr o m , v. i., kedslia, gftlIlhkl;<br />

liar1). p. fromi each other by goingii in difterp)<br />

a n t, v. i., kepa. ent directions, shipi'tya.<br />

p at t a I o 0 n s, pair of, k(ildlapIsi Ii p a s s, v. i., said of timne oi sectionls<br />

to put Oli Ot'S p., kailahip'li ; to takel of time, lt'idslima, tinsisna, Atp1a, cT.<br />

(7 one,'s p., kailalapo'la. elapse, v.; p. in the sense of to traovl,<br />

a n t li e r, talslatelt, kilika-usli. gena, tiAm nu; p). ahead of, g-'tAva,<br />

a p e 1) r, aid what is w(ade of it, plipa: gaf-y-idsha; p., go around a lake,<br />

p.-kIite, liusiun'ilksih. etc., gtluaintclia; said of strino,<br />

p a r a sit e, pap'Italishl. etc., wvpla, stunkiiima; p l, y qu(kp<br />

arc el, shnutilatko, shultilatko, lit. Iq, liukietansha; p). into, gui, pl.<br />

"held under tie arm." Cf. pack. klbi ; said of a bullet, -t/tal %a; p.<br />

p) a r c hi, v. t., slinfl'Za, slintlta; 1). or over, to flood, said of liquids, k(huia,<br />

make cruimble by exsiccation, mb'- tila, tillila; p. over a level surfice,<br />

ka; to be parched up, nibakla. tal'aka; p. over bodIy or limb, nmaking,<br />

1) are , v. t., with the kitife, vullina. a slighit inc(ision, tflstnsza; 1. through,<br />

p a r e n t s, shiukikasli, Mlod. shokekcAt-asli<br />

j oldl parent, t'shika-aga;<br />

t'slifka-amtcb ; )parent of one child,<br />

escape, grilzi; smnoke, etc., l6kaslis8a;<br />

1p. throu h, orer with the hand, tash-<br />

ul(dia; p. throulgh, lighlt air-drafts,

620<br />

ENGLISIf1 - <strong>KLAMATH</strong>I <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

nkidslhlin; strong ones, wili; p. or<br />

flow through, waters, it ltelthantclia;<br />

to mnake p. through, as water,<br />

ropes, sttL'nshna; p. under the horizon,<br />

tinkultla, tino'li; p. underneath,<br />

gutfila ; passing through a solicl body<br />

from end to end, tunsZ(atutko.<br />

p a s s, v. t., hand over to, shl'la, sAulIa,<br />

sbulfpka ; p7 by, p. on the way,<br />

aninm. obj., slhukiota; ). the arm<br />

around, sliashkakniduma; p. a gate,<br />

stilanka'nsha ; p. a day, waita; p.<br />

two days, lbp'ni wafta; p. the limits,<br />

said of water, tila; p. from one end<br />

of mou(th to the other, slialalalIina;<br />

j). a ford on a wayon, stilankua; i.<br />

through, as a rope, etc., stu'nka;<br />

througqh oneself, sta'Ynia.<br />

.a s s a b 1 e, ginsZilntko; to bep., ginsza;<br />

p for travelers walking or ridint,<br />

single file, kin tclhintko.<br />

suffix-p'na, -pena, etc.; to run p., hutapena;<br />

to go p., anim. ol)j., sluki(ta..<br />

p a s t e made of berries and camass,<br />

shtlkalsh.<br />

p as t , v. t., p. on, neta; 1. over,<br />

skiitarna; p. upon, and to be pasted<br />

on, shnantchakta.<br />

paste-board, pipa.<br />

p) a s t u r e; p.-land, kslhunldtko kilfla;<br />

fenced-in ]).-ground, niuligish ; p.ground<br />

not fenced in, pIi-ukislh.<br />

p a t, v. t., tatchai'lka; ptclilklia,<br />

Alod. ptclhAklxa<br />

p a t c h for vilendiinq, nakisli; p., torn<br />

cloth, te'shaslko; to make a covc',<br />

blanket fromna small patches, tesha-<br />

slikau'lla, ski'ftchala.<br />

p a t c It, v. t., to mend, n.'kia.<br />

p a t Ii, pathway, st'l, stuit ga, kintchantko;<br />

to make a p., st ya.<br />

1) a t i e n t, s., tm'lshetk(o, slhilaltko.<br />

p a s s a g, e, stekislh, Mod. st6kish; Pa l I i n e, nonm. pr. of a Snake Tn-<br />

p.-way, thoroughfare, gekmnkish, dian chief, Panafna.<br />

ginsZlin'ntko, stfh'i nari-row) p. or pas., p) a tL s e , v. i.; cf. end, finish, v; p.,<br />

kintcluintko; p., tAlifjbr, subterra - mnkcpeaases in the gathering of firuits,<br />

nean, or above the ground, stt'l, din. in fishing,, etc.; sihnikainia; to make<br />

stllbaga; P., especially when tubular, successive pauseS, etc., slhnikanit-<br />

xi ish ; to make a p)., stltya. Cf. ii ii a.<br />

aperture, hole.<br />

1) a w , nl(p, din. neptiga.<br />

p a s s i o n a t e, tcbikalsli, kiloslh. p ay, v. t., kitchkala; p). a sum owed,<br />

pa ss -t i c k e t , V'ikiani pipa.<br />

dlebt, kitchiiikela; j). in money or<br />

p a s t, adj., giulank, Alod. gIulan; ina yoods, p). cash, skt'zkta; to go an(d p).,<br />

the p., i'na, nia, tlink; to be p., gull- skuktlna; p. in one coin, l+va; in<br />

la, ef. Itpa+ ; belonyginy to the p., wany, pdwi, sliew'ina; p. in one<br />

ma'rntclni, tatnkni. Trle vowel -n note, greenback, bill, check, etc.,<br />

in the nominal suffix -uisb also neya; in many, sliewAna; p. a fine,<br />

points to the past.<br />

to be fined, sks'ikta ; 1). out to many,<br />

p a s t, prep. CxresseC(l by the verbal slie-i'ta.

p a y, s., slie-etisli; without p., lunWa'shIak;<br />

p.-dagj, shIe-ktish ; to have p.-<br />

laay, she-('ta.I<br />

e a c C , s.; no ex. eq.: p.-malker, p.negotiator,<br />

shus~luttAnkish; to con-<br />

Cladc, m ake p., Ai iitanka; to speak in<br />

fivor ofp)., tfdlslh limkanika.<br />

p1 ea C e f 1t l, tidsli.<br />

p e a k , yaifa.<br />

p el) b1) l , ktli-i, ktaypi-a.<br />

p e c t o r a I, viishoksaksfni; 1). fiu,<br />

pipehintanna ki(lsldash.<br />

p e e1, v. t., kniu]6la, ktehelala, vtilfna;<br />

i). the inner bark of trees, stop1la,<br />

stopalslmn; tree p a rtl1 peflefd<br />

off, stolpalhluisli; p~eeledfritit, Ictlile-<br />

161lislh.<br />

p e e li in g, s., ktcellColaash, tchiflak<br />

p e p, V. i, 1). Ot, le'ltki.<br />

c l i e a rl, Pelecanus erythrorhynhi ls,<br />

ku'nial oi- vAmal.<br />

p e It, tebel]kshi.<br />

peltr v, nt'1.<br />

1) e n; ;writing p., shmual6tkislt<br />

p e n c i 1; hair-p. and lead-p., shuma-<br />

I06tkish.<br />

1) e i n ui l 1 n , vut6kakua.<br />

peN is, kai'k.<br />

p e0 p 1 e , niiklaks; pshe-utfwashl<br />

white p., 1301shtin m' Iklaks, 130shftin.<br />

perceive, v. t., shlea; p. again,<br />

shIl(o)ele; p. from a diltance, shle'pka,<br />

telshapka, telshlAmpka; p. by<br />

observing, shlkpopka<br />

1) e r f e c t, tfdshi, mAt tidshi.<br />

pe rfectly, tidshl.<br />

1)e r f o r a t e , v. t., g, i iko, shA(ka ; to<br />

pi(erce, keka; p). with a boring in-<br />

p ass -pers o it. 621<br />

strtniemnt, tucnka; p) the noase, ear,<br />

earlol)e, I.tishtka; 1. the septnm of<br />

the n)ose, psi'sh gnrikla; p. (lotler's<br />

nose, stfit'lka; p. round (0 ), 1ti'iwga;<br />

to be perforated in it. lenyik,<br />

p e r f o r a t i o n , sh1kisI-; p. mna(de<br />

by a borer, ibkantko; p). of noseseptumt,<br />

earlobe, I'lislitakshi; place oj<br />

p., tOlkgish; to fitsten by inserting in<br />

perforations, ltshtmnmna.<br />

pe r form, v. t, ,gi, ef. gi (5); sil'lta;<br />

p. on one's way, shut 'dshna; p. a gay<br />

dance, tuituigidsha; p. a scalp-dance,<br />

shba'dsha; p. labor, plepela.<br />

p e r Ii a p) s , may be, wakianila, k


ka-( ga, t'shlifka-amntch - yotmyg p. of I i e c e, s. zif cat oj wVithi a tool,<br />

either sex, t'slinuankaltko.<br />

I kHtslikilisli, ktislbkilisl, pd"likuisli; dltslikuisli; -P. p. of Cloth, cloth,<br />

perspiration, sfimllkasli; to be tc'shasliko; to p)i k to p)ieces for de-<br />

'iw a, p., slhul lka.<br />

vourilng, slkt'kshkaI ; dievided, cut<br />

p e r s p i r e , v. i., shum'lka; after into pieces, slhektatZAttko.<br />

b)odily exertion, etc., wAla.<br />

, i r c e , v. t., with a piercing tool,<br />

p e r s u a d e , v. t , often expressed kcka; p. by cutting or by a stroke<br />

1)y causative verl)bs; cf. cause, v. t.; of the hrand, tLeka; p. by boring,<br />

p. to part ivith, sllnuklia.<br />

kJla, tueka, slieka; p. one's nose,<br />

) Cr 1 s G , V. t., pipa lIashaslha ikia. hI shtka; another's nose, sth'lka; 1p.<br />

s t 1 e, ndt'tkish ; oo(len or ionc-p., by stabbiiqg, skeka, ktcletna, st ti'ka;<br />

sk I. (,f. mash, v.<br />

ro1 i id obj., Ititliaga; p). by shootinqy,<br />

p e t i c o at, shtch'waksh.<br />

sk('ka, tel/a; p). by impalinq, tilka;<br />

p e t t %I, ldslht'kaii ; kitclikn'mi, al)br.<br />

kItchla. Cf. little.<br />

p.) in its length, gfnka; aperture<br />

through piercing, sllAisij in the<br />

p e t u I a i t , kA-ikasl; to be p) ar, rnose, liaslitaksh. Cf I)bore, per-<br />

Hl(1sliptclbpa. Cf. reckless.<br />

forate, v.<br />

) II a ry II x , s~utkanuf-t'tkislh,<br />

watcl III O' tkislh.<br />

shim- 1) i g , UShuIIg(ra.<br />

1) i g e o n ; domestic p., B0slitinain<br />

) ] Ii e ]n , slime, inolaslh; to throwV<br />

"1'/) p. 6 klslh ua.l<br />

p Ii v s i C i a 11, yatiksan.ihi.<br />

6/lasli; species of asliy iwild p). or<br />

(lore, Zenaidira carolinem nis, ti'lash;<br />

p1) -hawk, ndiikish<br />

p)i c k , v. t.; p). be)-ries, f'iuiti, Igvta-,<br />

ItalkAva; p). to pieces for eatiig, de-<br />

) iI e , s.; heap, as of wood, k(dsltmLkslhI;<br />

1). of pyramidal shape, t'tilasli,<br />

vonlrin 1, ShlmLslibka ; p1. up), lift up, stu'ilasli; in a p., adv., slipl)a, su'-<br />

pl. or coll., itkal; p. U)) bby chainec', pmn; to lie in a p., shl6pa.<br />

nIdlalI, pl. ftkal; while yoiniy, d(la- p i 1 e s, s., kil't=mnslhash.<br />

kalkiaka- p.1) up, talkeup, r iomd obj., i G p , v. t., sh ipala; 1 sldio'lZi,<br />

luyega, pl. pe-liypta; Idt'ikala; p. Mod. liuslito'lki p). up, upon each<br />

01lt, choose, select, 116ii, slii'itka. C f. other, rolfd o)j , lok'iptchia, Mod.<br />

collect, t~tll .t.<br />

lk'lpa; sheets, etc., shikaiitdla;<br />

p i e k a x e , utoyotkisli; to word with, rocks, shuf'la; stones, sko-lIZa.<br />

a p., ibutdlva.<br />

p)ilfer , v. t , pi'l]a; p). again, plida-<br />

1) i c 11 i c ; to enjoy a j)., lapia:l'f1la. p~lo; alnlim. and long obj , tfnim'sl-<br />

1) i ( t II e , slinnlnalzltsl o

1) i II 1 Nv , SI I(i 1$] s I; i .lI(dal 1). Oil babyboard,<br />

slipliln1kLs11 j 2).-case', Si i'dib1ash<br />

]d'ItktchIisli, SI115W11ashltat sIht'hishi;<br />

to make, mwanajactf repillows,<br />

shl'dliaslila.<br />

p>il1p)i l; cf. pul)erty.<br />

1) i in 1) I e, tclhii-tashl; p.-.faced, tchim-<br />

Pitko. Cf. eruption.<br />

) i n , S.; clothi-p)., kakpatndtkisih, Mod.<br />

hlvwlilatko; p.-head, lawvlash.<br />

1) i n , v. t., p.fast to, mp118ta; p. together,<br />

shalkcpatnmiwa, hash tatcliniiiva.<br />

1) i n c e r s , sinakpti-o6tkish; fire-p.,<br />

Illa'AIUlslh kpatiank l6loksls; 1). to<br />

pluck olt hair, 1ishimldoktkish ; to<br />

seize wVith7 p., shinikptiga, tapalta.<br />

p) i ii c ]I, v. t.; p. with the extremities,<br />

tehilikaI, contr. tellika; p1. Continualiy,<br />

tchli-igdtcIktcha; p. out, as<br />

ers ;t a) II - a c e.<br />

623 6 23O<br />

1 i 1) ( , s. ; ?;ih~tloilj p., reedcp., slll)l-<br />

; 1 is, stlitaIS11; tobacco-p., 1)Aksh; its<br />

stem'1, pa- tittkish, tildish<br />

1) i s t o 1, shiikeiifitgish, dim. shikeiiit-<br />

p)i t, s., of a tvell, AveI\\itll; hujeir's<br />

p., pifall, p'litell ; fo)re 1ir roast-p.,<br />

) it e 11, s., aild resin, stia (a; appliedI to<br />

al1rows, etc, walaIkisl; S1/('l/iuq<br />

like, l dlai ingy p., sthiatko ; piwi-e<br />

gue, htL

624<br />


teli'shli, wat'sl; p). of cxit, ka1tslitishi,<br />

-Ulttullz, gettiankis~l ; (7ly0Wni}nJ }).,<br />

tintlasil ; P. tuhrerc)rovisions arc kedt,<br />

flakls~l ; Stafl(iinq5p.,ttlpa)ksliS; pJ. wherel<br />

many obj. of the same description<br />

ayrc fi'ad, wa'sli; native of whichl<br />

andl of that p)., tPtkni; cominy fomn<br />

this p., gitdkni. Cf. here, there also<br />

thle numnerals: two ,etc.<br />

1) I a c e , v. t.; t'eneric tern, ita ; p).<br />

aJ(lifst, lakia, v. nied. snluldia ; P.<br />

a)part, as the leG s, sko'a, lislbpli'tyta;<br />

p). mroan(l one's ne-, slia-ukii'ia; jJ.,<br />

pni cl(od)w, (']la, le'ka, 11('A, sldIJza<br />

Ip. ot the end (Jo, taflaidlshia j). into,<br />

inl, withlin, fku]g a, iwi Nrlfm; onle (13j.,<br />

lisi a]kng~k, kshl('l p ., shove into, aIs<br />

ii to a lag, shl'illa; j). into a 1 )sket,<br />

etc., _ ishtclhanl-a, coll. Itkal, ulVyulot;<br />

p). ino ?watetr, Iwa ; p. into (an<br />

o(1('niny, yIiikaIpshIti ; 1. into a secat. lwalttkal;<br />

p. insiole of,' within, iwina<br />

spt'1111i, p,1. I]]1i; Iksllikla, p,1. ]i<br />

to retlrn fio-m 1)lacinI ioildc, Sp)Ulhitka<br />

; to be I)tace ( ito, on1, up)on,<br />

tcii'kla ; p). on'sclf in awlush, his]Iua<br />

1 ]a, wvlha; ef. ainbuslf; 1). the legs<br />

tnlcor oneslejt sliepateltfl1a; p , p)lsh<br />

oveCr, ktiwiyi; I)., spread orer, l6ka-<br />

ptcltxa, Mod. Iki'tpa; p). unlder, tieowl,<br />

beneath, ikla, netila, inotila,<br />

ntila; 1). under water, utIla; 1. undcrground,<br />

ilktcha, p'iia, vitnli; 2.<br />

upon, on, Ita, ,li;a, lawdla,nekla, na-<br />

Wval, slckliki, pe'-ula, e(va; long olij.,<br />

leisoiss, i kia; 'la, pl. yT'la; a1 kettle,<br />

*tc., thlli ;zO; 1) u1pon th> yromnd,<br />

tcliilZia; 1). ulon, so as to let it<br />

hany down on both sides, sliaka`itelalalIt;<br />

p. llpon, on the to)p of, laiva'la,<br />


plika; to give On a p., shf'ti, pl. shewa<br />

na.<br />

1)latfor m , s.; to erect a p. on a<br />

scaftold, gelkc:tya; to erect poles for<br />

a p. or scaffold, shtclilk'la.<br />

play, v. t., ;). a gamew, le'wa, le-una,<br />

le -ila: mainly used of games implying<br />

motion, as running; p). a<br />

gamrie, wh0ile sittillng, shalkla, shik&na;<br />

to go to p., 1l-una, le-utcha, leutcli6la,<br />

shu'dshna; p. while going,<br />

oil one's way, le-utchna, sliuedsliiia;<br />

p. at ball, bandy, club, lewa; shul'4'ta I<br />

p. the beaver-teeth gamne, sku'sha;<br />

p. habitually, sht'ikalsha; p). in some-<br />

Wody s interest and deceptively, sktakonnia<br />

p. lceap-fi og, nigaitgatixi; p.<br />

at sliding dowcnihill, shektakut(la; p.<br />

"smokc-itt, smnoke-out," lepleputii'na;<br />

p. the spelshlna- or guessing-gamte,<br />

shAkalsha, spelshna; p., gamible for<br />

stakes, sl'dkla; p). the ftur-stick<br />

yamte, spes na, shak~a, shAkalslia,<br />

shulslheslila ; p. the stringy-gae, tchl-<br />

ma-a.<br />

p1 .a y S., of any description, shltkalsh;<br />

afterp., lewatk6lank; p.-ball,<br />

lewash, shakueash, shuntoyakea-<br />

Otkish; shlt'pluash, dim. shuplhtga.<br />

Cf. game.<br />

p 1 a y e r, shaklotkish.<br />

11 a y f u 11 y, adv.; to act, behave p.,<br />

ka'la, sheslheil'a.<br />

p 1 a y mu a t e, shawaline'ashm.<br />

p I i a n t, ulkxatko.<br />

p i c a t e d, tislxalkkulesttko.<br />

plot, v. t.; p. against, ne-ulakta;<br />

shenlo'la.<br />

40<br />

,place-point. 625<br />

p 1 o v e r, black bellied, Squatarola<br />

helvetica, kliish; golden p., udekasb.<br />

p 1 o w, s., sputtiyotcb, Mod. sinutoy6tkish;<br />

plow's furrow, shutedshanuish.<br />

Cf. furrow.<br />

p 1 o w, v. t, sputt'nya, Mod. shut6ya;<br />

plowed land, kifla=shl'ntesh, ne-ush;<br />

lil'tsluash, Mod. haslhmikish.<br />

pluck out, v. t., as beard, hair,<br />

hushnim'kla; as feathers, etc., pul-<br />

xa, pul'lika.<br />

p1) I u c k y, kfllitko, kt-i vciishish; to<br />

be p., kfla, kht-i vu'islia.<br />

v) Iit in, wild, tem6lo.<br />

j) 1 ut m e, anii. or vegetable, mn'nkaslh;<br />

provided with plumties, mukuu'ikatko;<br />

p.-crest of birds, shi'twalsh.<br />

p 1 in e d, niutkmnilkatko.<br />

p 1 u it g e, v. i., in the water, p.'a;<br />

shikikia; to go andp., pIewa; to take<br />

a cold p., pe-udsha; to go and p.,<br />

start for a p., shikixiena.<br />

1) o c k e t, lfwayaks; p. in dress, pa'yakua.<br />

P) o d, s., cf. capsule.<br />

P1 0 i i t , S., upper cml, highest p. of,<br />

wfl'la, willhashlasli; p. of a conical<br />

body, hIapa; p). of arrow, sh1t1walsh;<br />

p). of arrow-head, knife, etc.,<br />

tchaktelmlili.<br />

I) o i I t, v. t., to sharpen, shnatcluiktgi,<br />

Mod. slinatclhimiktka; pointed,<br />

sharp, tcliaktchltkli ; high-pointed,<br />

conical, wakwc'kli.<br />

0)<br />

°i n t, v. i.; p. at, pJ. out, show a long<br />

obj., alahia; p. at by hand, kinshipka;<br />

p. at a dlstant obj., kinshlianpka;

626<br />


p. at, tffke ahinf, lAya, shitawvidslina;<br />

p). by handl downwiards, InMshakpka;<br />

). to something on a person's body,<br />

shikantcna; p. to something on a<br />

person's foot, shikantila.<br />

p o i s on, s.; generic, spa'-utish; yAinks;<br />

k'lek6tkish, pl. of obj., luei6tkish;<br />

clipped in p., stCtmt sh; p.-oa,<br />

Rhus toxicodendron, niatnesham.<br />

p o i s o n, v. t.; p. somebody, ya-uks<br />

or spa-utish shewana; object poisoned,<br />

dipped in p., stetmash.<br />

p o i s o n o u s, k'lekdtkish, pl. of obj.,<br />

luel6tkish; kuiidslhi tchl'mnukislh; p.<br />

drug, k'lekotkish yd-uks, ya-uks.<br />

p o k e , v. t; p. in the fire, kpfatia.<br />

p o k e r, fire-p., kpAn.<br />

p o e , s., of wood, wallash; Ankiu; shu-<br />

Ckalsh, wa'hlkish; p. sharpened at<br />

one end, shtchAkuash; lodge-p., wallash,<br />

stutilasli; p. for erecting sweatlodges,<br />

shtcMt-uisl; p. for fishing,<br />

p. with three iron prongs, shtclr.kuash;<br />

p.-lodye, sh `'klaksh ; to plant<br />

a p. in the ground, cf. plant, v.<br />

1) o 1 e c a t, species of, smaller than<br />

the skunk, shuyliluish.<br />

p o 1 e - n e c k e d, skanshish, skdntchish;<br />

to walk p., skanshna.<br />

1)oliceman, i-alhish.<br />

p o 0 i s h, v. t., shnutchllAktagia; polished,<br />

laklakli, tchblu'atko.<br />

p o I i s h e r; arrow-shaft p, yethish.<br />

o I 1 u t e, v. t., kaknega shia'shka,<br />

Kakn6ga.<br />

p o0 nd, 6waga; tclilwish; p.-source<br />

of a stream, nushaltkaga, k6kaga,<br />

ivtlwaslh.<br />

p o n d -1 i y, yellow, Nuphar advena,<br />

wdkasham and wdkash; seed of yellow<br />

p.-l., wdkash; to collect this seed,<br />

wokashla; species of p.-l. with<br />

unpalatable seeds, Nuphar polysepalum,<br />

tchime'am.<br />

ponderous, yuitantko; to be p.,<br />

yuta. Cf. heavy.<br />

po n i a r d, shlakat6tkish.<br />

poor, destitute, yanhuani, yudlkisli,<br />

kawantko; p.-looking, yualkish-.<br />

ptelli<br />

p o r c u p i n e , tchdlish; bristle, quill<br />

of p., shmaiyam.<br />

or k, gushuam tchule'ks; salt p.,<br />

gushu A'ttak (or shui'l) itcntko.<br />

portion, s.; no ex. eq: a p. of,<br />

nanka; one p ... . the other p.,<br />

nanka .... ini'nka; to make two por-.<br />

tions, lieksh^'tta, shektatka; divided,<br />

cut into two or more portions, shektatZAtko.<br />

Cf. divide, v., part, s.<br />

) o r t r a i t, hushtetisli, Mod. husht&<br />

wash.<br />

position; to take p., wflla. Cf.<br />

ambush, post, v.<br />

positively, adv.; can often be<br />

rendered by hai, al-i, haltch.<br />

p o s s e s s, v. t., and to be possessed<br />

by, gi, -gItko; cf. gi (4); p. and<br />

manage one's own property, haslhtalftinmpka;<br />

possessed of, gftko, suffix<br />

-ltko, shunuishzltko, shetaluatko;<br />

p. of many things, mit shdtaluatko;<br />

possessed of money, thlaltko; to be<br />

possessed of a high voice, tche'k-<br />

tcheka; not possessed of, kliak.<br />

° 5 s s e s s i o n, property, slitilnuish.

poison -p receding. . 627<br />

possib l y, adv.; can often be ren- po verty; to be in p., yuAlka. Cf.<br />

dered by ak, ak a, akUi, ka, lish. indigent, poor.<br />

0 o s t e r i o r, adj., tapitni. p o w d e r , gunpowder, shlhiyaksli; p.p<br />

o s t e r i o r s, s., kMu; phi'shaklish.<br />

p o s t, s., walash; lodge-p., stutIlash;<br />

horn, sblayaksam wAkogsh; to re-<br />

duce to p. by grinding, peell-na,<br />

thick p). of wood, tultash. ksha; cf. mash, pound, v.<br />

p o s t, v. t.; p. up on the top of, ktI- p o w e r, kIllitko; litchlItebli; bewahi,<br />

ktiwixi; to be posted on, upon, witching p., vayayd-as, shui'sh.<br />

or in the woods, bushes, tchaggaiya, p o w e r f u I, litchlitchli; killitko;<br />

pl. wawaggaya. muni; p., demoniac, shkaini; p., sai(l<br />

p o t, for boiling, cooking, poko; tchi- of tissues, ropes, tsu6gatko; to be p.,<br />

'tduash, AMod. tchilal6tkish; tea-or kIla; winds, skAi; to be more p1. than,<br />

coffee-p., tchlmkslihm; to cook in a sklipma; winiyi, Mod. vt'liiiu.<br />

p., shut6shla; to melt in a p., stIlxa. P) o w e r f u I I y, ltchlitch, mi; kilpotato;<br />

wild p. (abusively called lank, nX'l'.<br />

so), species of Calochortus, kii'sh; p o w e r 1 e s s; to be p., weak in body,<br />

ipo, Ipxa; "water-p.," eatable root sxexi, ka'gi.<br />

of Sagittaria, tchua; the plant pro- p X, p pox; smnall-p., gi'itxaksh.<br />

ducing the w.-p., tchuAlam. p) r a c t i c a b I e for passage, kintchp<br />

o t i o n, bun6'kisli. antko.<br />

pottery, cf. dish, plate; broken p r a c t i c e, s.; to have thep. of, netu;<br />

piece of p., mbAkuish. legal p., ie'-ulaksh.<br />

p o u c h, la'klash, wakogsh; bullet-p., p) r a i r i e, saiga, dim. saikaga; p.shultIlash.<br />

chicken, species of, p6pusha, and<br />

p o u n d, v. t., as grains in a mortar, pu'pisha, KI ; shuakak; p.-hawk,<br />

nd6ga, ndshApka; p). by, means of tclmekoliash; p.-wolf cyote, Canis<br />

a mortar or crushing stone, gAina, latrans, wA'slh, dim. wlishalivWka.<br />

pdksha, skitya, stapka; p. into flour, p r a n c e a b o u t , v. i., hushlloalza,<br />

shutdshla; p., p. fine with a piece d. also wash6lalxa.<br />

of wood, ndalka; pounded seedgrain, p r a t t I e, v. t., nddna.<br />

lulinash. Cf. crush, mash, v. p) r a t t I e r , nddndinish, waltkish.<br />

p o u r, v. t.; p. along, kit'ttana; p. on, p1 ra y, v. t.; to beg, shalotka; 1). to<br />

iwal4; liquids, lkitita, kitua, kitul- God, p'laikishasli hashashu

628 ENGLSII - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

1. in time, hipmni, giulatko. Cf. before,<br />

first, past, ad(j., previous.<br />

p r e c i p i e , gintzish; Ialetko walish.<br />

p IecipitoIs; to be p., gfIntzi;<br />

bi't.<br />

p r e f e r, v. t., hameni, with verbal<br />

intentional.<br />

p r e g n a n t, kushAIltko; said of animals,<br />

lala-ish.<br />

pr e par e, v. t., shulta, shutela; r).<br />

oneself and to be prepared, mulua<br />

to fully p., mulo'la; to come to an<br />

end with preparing, shotel6la; p. for<br />

battle, husht6pakta.<br />

p rep o n d e rate , v. i., winfzi, Mod.<br />

vu'i~in.<br />

p r e s a g e, s., of death or calamity,<br />

tXu'tXash.<br />

presage, v. t.; p. death or overwhelming<br />

calamity, tzi'tXa; one who<br />

presages (leath, etc., tZ 'txatkish.<br />

1) r S e n c e ; to be in p., gIta gi; to tic<br />

in the p. of persons while visiting<br />

them, shdtala.<br />

) r e s e n t, adj., gita giank; to be p.,<br />

gita gi. But p. is chiefly rendered<br />

by the choice of such pronouns<br />

and adverbs as are suggesting immediate<br />

presence, like ge, ke, ke'k,<br />

hu't, Mod. hm, etc.; in the p. year,<br />

gen pagtdsliit i'lhulsh.<br />

p r e s e n t, s.; gift, sliewanislh; to<br />

iilakce a p., sh,'twalya, pl. shewana.<br />

1)resent with, v. t.; ). withagift,<br />

shaiwalxa; p. with a long article,<br />

Ilya, pl. yina, shewalna; p. with<br />

aniu. ob;., spf'ni, p 1 . shewa'na; p.<br />

with a liquid, tchIya; p. with cooked<br />

provisions, tchilkya; to be presented<br />

with, shnilka. Cf. give, v.<br />

1p r e s e n t l y, adv., at, apoc. a.; at a,<br />

alttutu, atiut, Mod. attu ,atui, agtui tuh;<br />

pdt'dshit; tchAi-u, abbr. tcha. Cf.<br />

actually, now, time.<br />

p reserve, v. t., in cac~aes or places<br />

of safiety, Ipka, ilkshla; p., keep entire,<br />

Mod. shucilka; p., save, shrnekshita.<br />

Cf. keep, save, v.<br />

President of the United<br />

S t a t e s, nu'ini laki tui B1slitin<br />

kiflla tehla; or, mn'tni latki.<br />

p r e s s, v. t., yattlslxa; p. by hand,<br />

tatcllil)ka; p. down, as pimples,<br />

kut6la; p. down by weight, latddshlxa;<br />

p. upon in pursuing, kputclha,<br />

kpiltcnlma.<br />

p r e t e n dc, v. t.; usually expressed<br />

by verbal suffixes, ef. p. to play, to<br />

play deceptively, shakemIa. Cf.<br />

simulate.<br />

p r e t t y, tidslhi; of persons, tidslhi,<br />

alshislitclli.<br />

p r e v e n t, v. t., inuhuashka.<br />

p r e v i o u s, ltipini, m-a'ntchni, tbnkni,<br />

git'tlatko.<br />

p r i c e , s.; retail- and cost-p., sheshatuish;<br />

p). paid to parents for obtaining<br />

their daughter in marriage, sheshatuish;<br />

to put a p., value on, sheshash<br />

6]xa; sheslia, dlza.<br />

p) r i c e, v. t., 6 lxa, she'sha, she'shash<br />

elxa; priced, valued at, sheshatko.<br />

p r i c k, v. t., hushtiwa, kfutka; to<br />

puncture, stupka; p. each other, husshtiava;<br />

p. oneself hbusbtfva.

p r i m e v a 1, Amtchiksh; more frequently<br />

in the suffixed and abbr.<br />

form: -amtch. Cf. ancestral.<br />

p r i n c i p al in business, hashtaltampk>'tko.<br />

p r i o r, adj., lupini, lupitni; adv.,<br />

lupia, lipiak, lupitana.<br />

p r i o r t o, earlier than, luipiak; kayutch<br />

and ka'yu, AIod. kayu.<br />

p r i s o nI, skl'kum house, spuligish;<br />

p. for many, ilhgish; to put in p.,<br />

spft'lhi, pl. f1ihi. Cf. jail.<br />

p r i s o n e r of war, I ft'gsh; to take p.,<br />

lu'gshla.<br />

p r i v a t e, adj.; p. parts of man, kii't,<br />

shlu'lkslh; p. parts of woman, stemsh,<br />

tikogsh.<br />

p r i z e, v. t.; p. highly, stInta.<br />

p r o b a b) I y, adv.; sometimes to be<br />

ren(lered by ak, Ak a, akA, ka, kam;<br />

lish. Cf. perhaps.<br />

proboscis, pshI'sh.<br />

p roceed, v. i.; generic term, g6na;<br />

p. to a place, gdmpka; p. towards,<br />

gI tpa, gatpna; p. towards the one<br />

speaking or the object just spoken<br />

of, g6pka; p. from the place habitually<br />

occupied, gdka, gdkna; p. by<br />

turns, kakIdsha; p. in front line,<br />

u-itchna; p. further after going dornhill,<br />

gOlxalka; ). against secretly or<br />

for punishing, ne-ulakta.<br />

proclaim, v. t., hdmkanka; heme'x,<br />

shapa.<br />

p r o c r e a t e, v. t., walshi.<br />

procure, v.t., ri&ul~a.<br />

p r o di g a 1, pt )Luadshnish.<br />

prodic e, v.t.,tomake,shnl'ta; tocom-<br />

precipi ce -prope rty. 629<br />

mence producing, shuteyega; p. for<br />

a purpose, shutela; p. steam, vapor,<br />

tilaka; p. a noise, report, rustle, as<br />

water, winds, shtchayAshla; p. a<br />

distant crash, rushing noise, liuna;<br />

p. sound, noise, voice, hii'ma; p.<br />

waves, surf, lkapata.<br />

p r o d u c er, n., shbushatish.<br />

profit, s.; to make p., shi'ita.<br />

pro g e nit or; parents, shitkikash;<br />

mythic p., cf ancestral.<br />

p r o g e n y of both sexes, but chiefly<br />

male when used of persons, weash;<br />

p. of animals, ndshbkani, weash, or<br />

expressed by the dim. ending: -4ga,<br />

-ak, -ag, -ka, -k.<br />

prohibit, v. t., lewe-ula; p., as<br />

from going, inuhuAshka.<br />

p r o j e c t, v. t.; p. one's shadow,<br />

shma'htchAga, shma'htcha.<br />

project, v. i.; p. into, long subj.,<br />

tapka; round subj., promontories,<br />

etc., lawa; rock projectiug above water,<br />

etc., samka-ush, skii'wash.<br />

p rojectile of fire-arms, ng6-ish;<br />

shawalsh, muni shawalsh; to hit,<br />

wound, shoot with a p., ngu-isha.<br />

p r o m i s e, s, shen6lakuish.<br />

p r o m i s e, v. t., shen6lxa; p. and p.<br />

mutually. bishtallta, ne-unI1a.<br />

promontory, katokiwash.<br />

p r o in p t, v. t., mostly expressed by<br />

suffixes of causative verbs; cf. advise,<br />

cause, v.<br />

p r o n g, toke; armed, provided with<br />

prongs, lxdwaltko.<br />

property, shimnuish; tobe, being thep.<br />

of, gi, gitko; cf. g! (4); to surrender,

630<br />

ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

transfer p., wox6wa; possessed ofp., for p., laIZaimnish, tayash, wakshunuishaltko,<br />

shetaluatko, hash- ogsh, willisbik; to tie up provisions<br />

taltampkatko. for a journey, sxUta.<br />

p r o p r i e t o r, hashtaltampkatko, p r o v o k e, v. t., sha-apa-a.<br />

shunuishAltko; to be p., hashtal- 1) r o x i m a t e, ginatani.<br />

ta'mpka. i P r o x i m i t y, s.; cf. close, near,<br />

p r o s e c u t e, v. t., to follow up, kCi- adv.<br />

ilia, haftchna, shu'dshna, shbudship- p u I) e r t y; p.-song, pilpil sliu!'sh;<br />

ka, shulitanka. to enter the age of feminine p., stt'lprostit<br />

u te, shesht6lkisli, keka- pui; p.-dance, sh'l-yuZalsh; to dance<br />

luipalish. it, shuyt'lxla; to peirforn p.-dances,<br />

pr o str a t e, v. t., 6 lxa; to knock yaulkola.<br />

down, ktiulZa; to lie prostrated un- p u f f of wind, shlewislb.<br />

(ier a spell, slialxita, shalxitna. puff, v. t.; p. air out, pnI-ukslhla.<br />

p r o t e c t, v. t., shualaliampka; tidsh p u g n a c i o u s ; to be p., kila.<br />

shlepopka, shle'pka. p nuIll, v. t., ishka; spukti-ga, kiuleka;<br />

pro t r a c t, v. t., shainshna. p. apart, long obj., pakta; one who<br />

p r o t r u d e , v. i., by swelling, triioa; pullsapart, p tktish; p. afteroneself<br />

v. t., p. the tongue, vittikifpka. spidslia; p. by a handle or long-<br />

1) r o v i d e, v. t.; no ex. eq.: p. against shaped end, utclr.-ika; p. forth, drag<br />

danger, sassaga; p. an arrow iwith a out, splanlilna; p. by hand, k'hltileja;<br />

point, sha-1'da; for somebody, sha- p. out, p). at soimething, as ears,<br />

ulia; p. forsomebody, shll'pka, sbu- spitAdshaa; p. out, as hair, grass,<br />

alaliarmpka; p. well for somebody, put6ga; p. out with the roots, patidsh<br />

shMpopka; to be provided with, lalea; p. out, extract, ishka, Itkal;<br />

gi; cf. gi (4): provided with, gitko, round obj., ludslIpa, shulshipa;<br />

suffix -ltko; provided with money, one long obj., kslbat~atni'da, udshitalaltko;<br />

provided with eyes, lu'lpal- pa, pl. idsIpa, pok6y-a; p. oit a<br />

tko; with arrows, tAldshitko; with rope, etc., spfka; when fastened at<br />

legs, petchaltko. one end, spidshlu'dshna; p. out from<br />

pro v i d en t, tidshkianki; to be p., one's body, shup61'hlka, shupto'ga;<br />

tidshkianki gi. Cf. sassaga. p. out for a fight, shupaslika, hnlp<br />

r o v i s i o n ; p. for the fire-place, sht6pakta; p. through or onwuard,<br />

shltdshgb'sha1sh. slshtunslina, stu'inka; p. up, as roots,<br />

provisions, pash; Chin. J,, mlik- fruits, ishka, itkal; as a fag, kiMamuk;<br />

p). buried in a cache, vunI; yctga; p. up small particles, kuekp.<br />

hung in sacks upon trees, igg"Iya; n6la; to opert by pulling, pakcdla.<br />

provision-house, Ipaksh; bag, sack Cf. draw, v.

p u 1 s e, s., beating of p., hukish.<br />

p u l v e r i z e, v. t., cf. grind, mash,<br />

pound, v.; pulverized fish, k4malsh.<br />

pumice-stone, tch6ke; covered<br />

with p.-s., tchokeyaltko.<br />

p u m me I, v. t., shiutka; shliiilga, in<br />

the d. form siss'ka; p. each other,<br />

shuktlpka. Cf. beat, scuffle, v.<br />

p u n c h , v. t., she'_a, spaka; aperture<br />

made by punching, shckish.<br />

p u n c t u r e, v. t., hlushtiwa; to prick,<br />

stu'pka. Cf. prick, stab, v.<br />

p u n i s h, v. t., n6-ulakta; ne-ulxa,<br />

shiktchltktchna; p. somebody absent,<br />

De-u11akt'mpka; p. by imprisonrient,<br />

spillhi, pl. Ilhi; p.formentioning<br />

a deceased person's name, shlamia.<br />

p u n s t e r, ka-ikash, sh6shtalkiasl.<br />

p t p, pupPpy, leledshi, weash; dim.<br />

leledlshimiga, wdka.<br />

p u p i1 of the eye, pushpu'shli (1'ilpam)<br />

liwayaks.<br />

p u r, v. i., sAll6Xa, tchiihnl6Za.<br />

p) urc h a se, v. t., skda.<br />

p u r e, of water, yptlialtko, yaliali,<br />

tsuktsi'ikli; to become p., y'aliala.<br />

p u r 1 o i n, v. t., pa'lla; p. repeatedly,<br />

palapele.<br />

purloiner, papalish.<br />

p u r p l e, adj., p.-colored, mitchma'tchli;<br />

p.-lue, yamnashiptchi;<br />

jay-colored, a shade between p. and<br />

blue, tchxe-utchxb-uptchi; p. salmon,<br />

etchmu'na.<br />

purpose, s.; on p., when connected<br />

with verbs, is sometimes<br />

indicated by the verbal suffix -pa;<br />

to no p.., hum-a'shak, nii'nsak.<br />

proprietor - push. 31<br />

013 1<br />

purse, wa'kogsh; money-p., talalanm<br />

wakoksh.<br />

p u r s u e, v. t., ka-iha, sbh'dshna;<br />

p. for somebody, kaihia; p., chase,<br />

tpuyamna; one who pursues, tputpayamnish;<br />

p., hunt u, haitchna;<br />

p. closely, kpu'tcha, kputchna; kpi'ilaktcha;<br />

p. as an enemy, shulitanka;<br />

p., follow while driftvinq,<br />

inan., lulamna; p. and catch up<br />

with, peno'dsha; p. repeatedly, kaikanka;<br />

p. to a distance, kayaktchna;<br />

to be engaged in pursuing,<br />

kayaktcha; to begin pursuing,<br />

kayakta'nipka; to return from<br />

pursuing, kaiyaktka; p. while hunting,<br />

chasing, fighting, gash~iktchina;<br />

p. each other, shbOdshna; p. each<br />

other persistently, repeatedly, shfL'kanka.<br />

pursuit, s.; to be in the p. of, to return<br />

from the p., cf. pursue, v.<br />

p u s, m6lash Cf core.<br />

p u s h, v. t., and to continue pushing,<br />

ktludshina; p., force away, ktulodshna,<br />

kteleshka; p. away by hand,<br />

hiludshna; p. down, under, vi-uslhna,<br />

ktful6xa; p. down, attended with<br />

injuries, vud'hitakudla; p. forward,<br />

round things, 1'tkala; p. into, ikuga;<br />

p. into or towards, ke-ulhla; p.<br />

off, over the edge, yiulIna; p. oneself,<br />

shiktu'dshna; p. open, ktiugii'ila,<br />

ktiuyega; p. or force out of,<br />

ktIuga: for somebody, ktiugia; p.<br />

over, on the top of, ktiwixi; p. repeatedly,<br />

ktul6dshna; p., post or lift<br />

up, ktiwala, ktiw'xi

632 63iNGLISI - KLAMATII <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

p u s t u 1 e, tchimtash; covered with<br />

p., or their marks, tchimtatko.<br />

p u t, v. t.; no ex. eq.: p. against, hIakia,<br />

v. med. sh'llgia; to go and p.<br />

(against, shalgidsha; p. alongside of;<br />

or p. down along, yantana; p. the<br />

legs, etc., apart, sk6ka; hushpu'txa;<br />

p). around onese~/, as beads, i-amnaj<br />

garmients, slilhkla, skitta; a belt, etc.,<br />

kalli, sXl'ta; p. asunder, p into portions,<br />

shitatka; p. to bed, hushkAlxa;<br />

p. below, ef. p. under; p. to death, shiluga,<br />

1husltchl'ka, pl. lui'ela, hushtclh6ka,<br />

Mod. pl. hliela, shuenka,<br />

heshxa'ki; p. to death by hanging,<br />

kshaggaya, pl. igg^'ya; p. each other<br />

to death and oneself, hishl^'ka; cf<br />

kill, shoot, slay, stab, v.; p. or place<br />

(lown, ita, 5 lxa, lclkla, nJla, shlIlia<br />

fla, d. yftila; p. clown, as into a quiver,<br />

yantana; p., line on one's face, slAiapla<br />

telislitat, shia'pka; on oneself,<br />

shutpa'sliui, shutel6ma ; shi-ita;<br />

pitch, etc., slh'dsha; habitually, slhutelomAshla;<br />

p. forward, espec. fingers,<br />

sp6lshia, spelsihna; p. in the<br />

harnd.sofall, liuslll'amlna,;p.in, intoor<br />

on for mixing, kdwa, kituiini; p. inside,<br />

indoors, SpI'lihli, pl. Ilhi; iwina; 1p<br />

into, kshlkuga, kslea, pl. ikuga,<br />

yalla; p. into again, jkuakpdli; p).<br />

into sacks, to shove into bags, iwifa,<br />

shlllhia; p. into the pocket, shalAktchlui;<br />

p. into a basket, hishtchaxiga,<br />

ule'xuga; p. into water, fwa; 1). in<br />

the mnouth obj. larger than mouth,<br />

kpiamna; not protruding from it,<br />

shikpualkAna; p. on, add, said of<br />

conjurers, etc., n6ta, netna; p. on<br />

airs, shutAkta, shlalkiA-a; shalplua,<br />

Mod. shapkuA-a; p. on an armor,<br />

parfiesh, kakno'la; p). on loose, sIl6tana;<br />

p. on, as a ring, ilhi; p. on<br />

the top, upper end, surface of, waldsha;<br />

nawal, kshAwal, kshi'ti wal, pl.<br />

iwala; p. paint on, cf pailit, s.; 1).<br />

oubt the arm, nika; the ftet, spt'tk,<br />

spt'ka p6'tch; 'Ite head, efka, eikana;<br />

the tongue, xiitikApka, pelka<br />

pAwatch; p. outfire, spitchlka, Mod.<br />

sp)itcha; p. over, to smeei(, on, ipka,<br />

ia, fIchna; all over, n'n1i ia;<br />

p. or spread over, fdsxa, Iids-ca,<br />

n6'dsxa; w'lldsba; 1. under, below.<br />

ikla, inotila, puetila, nctila; under<br />

the smrface of, utila; p., store underground,<br />

flktclia, vumi, p'nTMa, hiiwi'dslia;<br />

p. upon, deposit on, down<br />

upon, nla, morefreq. d., yalla; ikla;<br />

round obj., likla; seeds, sand, etc.,<br />

6va, Iwa; p. upon or within, one<br />

long obj.. ksliehwa.<br />

p n t r e s c e n t, nmti'lualtko; with offensive<br />

smell, ndtipatko; to become,<br />

be p., lelai'ma, ndo'pa. Cf. decay, v.<br />

1) u t r i d , ndr'ipatko; to become, be p.,<br />

lelii'ma, ndopa; p. smell, ndupash.<br />

p y r a m i d of sticks, rails, etc., tt'ilash,<br />

stililash, dim. ttiilka; to stand<br />

in p.-form, t'tila.<br />

p y r a nm i d a 1, tclAktceiAkli.

pus tu le-quiv er. 633<br />

Q.<br />

q ii a c r u p e d, lIlhankslh; cf. rexts,<br />

1) 145, 1; young q., lelddshi, we'ash,<br />

dim. leledshiaga, weka; young of<br />

certain quadr'apeds, as of elk, ta'walsh,<br />

of dleer, wi'hlaga. Cf. game.<br />

q i.t a m i r e, nti'lInulatko.<br />

(I ila ii, takalga; female q., Mod. takaga;<br />

male q., Mod. tik~lo-a.<br />

q uialit y; no cx. eq.: of smuh q.,<br />

having such, q., glltclhi, huImteli; I<br />

having moral qualities, steInrshaltko;<br />

having good qualities, tIdshi; bad<br />

qualities, _I'lidshi .<br />

(I tahnd ary; to be in a q. about,<br />

le *vak, Lii'wak; theverb: sha-<br />

y-uakta to be supplied.<br />

(I i a r r e 1, v. i.; to argue, shemrpeta;<br />

to dispute, argue among each other,<br />

haslhtaltala; to inveigyh ayaind, shltshalkia;<br />

to cast invectives, husihtlin;<br />

to scold, shuk6'ki, shu]ldks]hla; to<br />

wax wroth at each other, hishtcltl'ikta:<br />

to come to blows, shim'.1a, espciaH v<br />

d. sissbka; slhuktapka.<br />

J iu a r r e 1 e r and habitual q., shitbh-<br />

.tIktnisb, shukli'kisb.<br />

q U a r t er of a dollar, kuiata; ef.<br />

fourth.<br />

u art z - r o c k, ukA-ukash, Mod.<br />

q u e e r, weninIni, abbr. w6eni.<br />

e s t i o n; to ask a q., vulda; to re)lto<br />

a q., vu'lia.<br />

q u i c k, adj., of persons, tcheltchelie.tko;<br />

to be q., wide-awake, tch6ltche-<br />

la; to be q., to act with quickness,<br />

kila.<br />

(I it i c k I y , quick, adv., ki'l, klmi<br />

k, palakm.'llank - p11lak, Mo(.<br />

pdlak; very q., ps'llakak; q., ibnm -<br />

f(lately after, ta'nkt at; go quick!<br />

kl'la oen'i! to look aabout q., telltchela.<br />

q u i e t 1 y, quiet, adv.; silently,<br />

kenikem; easily, ke'-una; being at<br />

rest, gefta', lJod. taInktak, kUlktak;<br />

be or keep qutiet ! hItok i! gdtak!<br />

Mod. kanktali! t'tnktak!<br />

Iq i i l l, laisham awA'Ilsh; q. of porcupine,<br />

shmAyam; robe fringed with<br />

such, shmzyalsli.<br />

q u i l t, g'tdaktislh.<br />

(I u it, v. t.; often expressed by the<br />

adv. phrase at g&ak, Mod. kArnktak,<br />

and by the verbal suffix -bla,<br />

-4'ia; q., stop, k'lewi; quit! /lki! pl.<br />

IYkat ! gdtak! Utch git gi! Mod.<br />

tnlnktakc! klanktakc! q. again, shi'kpeli;<br />

q., leave, as a house, etc.,<br />

k'lewidsha, geka, gekl:na, ,glikaka.<br />

Cf depart, v.<br />

quite, adv., k'i-a, apoe. Ut; tuni;<br />

mU. Cf. intensely, very.<br />

q n i v e r , ttIkanksh; q. with its string<br />

and arrows, stflankshl; stiflanksh=<br />

shute-6tkish; q.-strap, stflash, ti'ikankshti<br />

stilash, tilkanksti shute-btltish.

634 6FNGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> DICTION ARY.<br />

R.<br />

r a b b i t; gray, white-tailed r., nku'l;<br />

jackass-r., cotton-tailed r., tclhuakna;<br />

a species, Lepus campestris,<br />

kc-i; another species of Lepvs, ku'ikuish.<br />

r a b i d, kiloshi; demented, tehawlkatko,<br />

lkatko.<br />

r a c c o o n, Procyon lotor, wf'tchkina.<br />

ra c e, s., shakatpamp6Y-gish; horser.,<br />

husheinish; to have a horse-r.,<br />

foot-r., hushlini-a; to engage in a r.<br />

of any description, shakatpamp6-<br />

16a, shiliina, shainea.<br />

r ace, v. t. and i., shu'ina, shuinea, shakatpampela;<br />

r. horses, hushinci-a.<br />

racking horse, wilitgish.<br />

r a d i a t e, v. t.; r. light, ktch6lhita,<br />

ktcbllh'ia, ktchalid, sbn(Liya; r. heat,<br />

warmtnh, ktchalla. Cf. beam, ray.<br />

1 a f t e r, shbInhish, Mod. shhitnhish.<br />

r ag, i-eshk6tkish; r., torn cloth, teslhashko;<br />

to make a blanket from<br />

small rays, teshashku,'1la.<br />

r a (r e, s.; to be in a r., ktlua, shawiga;<br />

to get into a r., shitclilkkta, shitchaktna;<br />

to excite to r., shnikalua.<br />

r a i 1, finocc-r., ktchfnlksh; to svrrounud<br />

with rai/,, shmutudslka.<br />

i a ii r o a d, Hldoks=wiva'oiVnani=stI1.<br />

r a i n, s., kto'dslhash; j rainfall, rairstorm,<br />

kt6'dshasb; the r. is over, ktndslli6la,<br />

kelevwi k'(dshasfi,ssnlhlul;<br />

r. and snow falling simultaneously,<br />

ki'iIhash.<br />

Ir a i n, v. i., kt6'dsha; to begin to r.,<br />

kt11(1shta'mpka; to cease raininfg,<br />

ktiidshi6la, smAhui, smahbiy6la.<br />

rr a i in h o w, witchiak, Mod. shtchaplashitish;<br />

bright bow in the double<br />

r., tchakidiga; dim, fading bow in<br />

the same, wei~kaga.<br />

r a i s e , v. t., kfuloka, shuyega; r.b,<br />

motion of hands, k'hfulexa; r. a loni<br />

obj., uyega; r. above something,<br />

shuyega; r., as children, chickens,<br />

hislitatcha; r. on a stick, pole, or one<br />

long-shaped obj., aggalya, pl. iggaya;<br />

while going, marching, aggaidsha,<br />

agga-idshna; r. up, make<br />

stand up, sp'tkala, shuyega; r. up<br />

again, liwaltkal; r. up obliquely,<br />

kiiy6ga; r. up repeatedly, kiutka;<br />

r. up to an erect position, shnatkuala;<br />

r. vegetables, plants, hashua'-a. Cf.<br />

hoist, lift, v.<br />

a ake, speletakluteh, Mod. wakiatch6tkislh.<br />

r a k e v. t., r. together, sbeke'lki.<br />

ra r m, laki shl'p, Mod. lakI kit-il.<br />

r a m r o d, l6loksgish iwiZ6tkish.<br />

r a n ge, s.; hill-r., r. of mountains,<br />

witchkAtko; yaina.<br />

ir a p , v. i., tkt'-ukuna; r. with a stick,<br />

uka-ukua.<br />

i a }) i d, kS1litlk; kilank; to be r., kila

a P) i d 1 y, ki'l; pa)Iak anid pelak, Mod.<br />

pAak; very r., pi)lalak, p,tlakmalank.<br />

r a s h, killitko; to be r., hishnkfta.<br />

r a s Il y , k'II kilank.<br />

r a s p1) b e r r y, tu'tanksham lutislh, tU'itanksham<br />

iwam; r.-shrub, ti'ttan-<br />

],sham.<br />

r a t; wood- or field-r., kmi'2untchl,<br />

Mod. hApush; gray? wood- or field-r.,<br />

Neotoma, kuI'dsa; flying wood-r.,<br />

Pteromys volutcella, tsam'tsa11; frangaroo-r,<br />

Mod. ndf-usb.<br />

r a t t ] e, v. t. and i, 'dtlula, w

636<br />


1h11tnkanti; in apodosis, lhunkan- r<br />

tcha'; for the same r., hl'tmasht shahunk<br />

giug; for what r.? wak? (and<br />

compounds); for no apparent r.,<br />

lun-a'shak, abbr. hulnsak; na'nsak.<br />

Cf. account, therefore. r<br />

r e a s s e In 1)1 e , v. i., shuk~l'lkipeli.<br />

recedee v. i._ kii'gi; r. or disappear r<br />

again, kai'gipl)e.<br />

r e e e v e, v. t., to get, shlnlika; r. again, r<br />

slnlkpeli; r. back by exchanging for<br />

other ayticles, heshxcalpoli; r. the<br />

same thingt again, as garments, etc., r<br />

hashlblintchuipdle; r. a newcomer,<br />

visitor, ti]o'tpl; r. wcell, in a friendly r<br />

manner ?'tith honors, stiuta.<br />

recent , te-ivii; r., fiesh, ntclalilkni. r<br />

r e e e n t 1 y, nia, te'-ini; very r., te-ini;<br />

t5-illtaks nia. r<br />

r e c e 1) t a c 1 e, iwixotkisl; if roundshalped,<br />

wvAko-sh.<br />

r e e e s s ; den of a wild animal, shnrt'lash,<br />

wli'sh; into recesses, c/lis<br />

marshes, bushes, timber, and other 1localities<br />

of dieit access, wheI<br />

coninected wvith verbs, as to stand, I r<br />

sit, lie, gather in, go or retire, is Cx- r<br />

rl'essed by the verbal suffix -.13a.<br />

(Cf. amnbush, gather, v. i., lie, v. i. 1<br />

r e e k 1 e s s , letalani; to be r., hishnkita,<br />

ndshiptchpa. r<br />

r e c I i n e, v. i.; r. sidewise, kiaLpka;<br />

r. against back of chair, kslhalpta.<br />

(Cf. lie, A-. i., re tmnbent r<br />

r ecog n ize, v. t., k'lixa; silwylyakta;<br />

not to r., kilt-ikCoina; to sec r<br />

somebody within rccogqnizing dis-1<br />

tance, telftankpka.<br />

eco lleet, v. t., IIIlsha; hUshkaika,<br />

in Mod. also kc6pa, koxpa'kta,<br />

shvuyi'isha, Mod. shvuyushllga.<br />

eco le c t ion, hu'shkanksh, in<br />

Mod. also k6xpash.<br />

e cou n a 1 tre, v. t., kmiAka. Cf.<br />

scout, v. and s.<br />

Ceonquer, v. t., slinukapeli;<br />

t'lesllgapele, pl. yimesbgiap(le.<br />

reo ( V - e r, v. t., by finding, gaw'dlp(lli;<br />

r. one's health, wcnmpele, Iiesh-<br />

1,18 inppeb.<br />

e c t t In , kilit; lower end of r., kin,<br />

kilit.<br />

e c u ni b e i t, spillkatko. Cf. re-<br />

(cline, V.<br />

e c 11 11, v. i.; r. to magic songs, shiuf-<br />

Shia.<br />

c (I, taktakli; to be or become r.,<br />

taWZtka; to blush, ttia'Ztki; to be at<br />

r. heat, tchllitchiga; cf. hot, incandescent;<br />

r. body-paint, wAkinsh,<br />

klepki.<br />

e d d e n , v. t., taktalkli sheita. Cf.<br />

paint, V.<br />

e (d ci s h , k~tclia taktakli.<br />

e d fox, wI A'n, cf. fox; r. f -skin,<br />

e d - h e a d d u c k, Aythya ferina<br />

var. americana, ki'llta.<br />

e(duc e, v. t.; r. to poverty, misery,<br />

slavery, yu

pi, tcliAk; of a lacastrine r., widslifbamn;<br />

species of the genIUs Phraymites,<br />

slid'l; r.-like stem for arrows,<br />

nt5'ktish; r.-flute, r.-pipe, sllilush,<br />

stil'tash; r.-stein of tobacco-pipe, pa-<br />

'ttkishl; small r.-basket, teluiks, dim.<br />

tclu'[xa-a. Cf. bulrush, grass.<br />

r e e f, skii'wash; to run against a r.,<br />

sXU'talXa.<br />

r e e 1, v. i., lerl6lmia, wekislhtchlua.<br />

r e - e n ter r, v. t. and i., gulfpeli, Pl.<br />

klhlip~ele, COltl'. kilibli.<br />

reflect, v. t.; r. olbjects being near,<br />

said of water, glass, shaettlua; r.<br />

the sunlight, ktcli lhua, ktclhaIta;<br />

r. into the eyes so as to injure them,<br />

slitchul yampka; to be reflected by a<br />

smooth surface, shletlluIa.<br />

r e f I e c t, v. t., to thiak, ht'ishkanka,<br />

in Mod. also kUpa; hlU'shlka, shewa,<br />

r eflection and power of r., hushkaiikslh;<br />

in Mod. also: kUxZpasli.<br />

re fl ec t iv e , of a r. dispositioH,<br />

steiinslhaltko.<br />

r e fu s e, v. t., lewitcblta; r. by shlking<br />

the head, ulakaltclktclha, shltaklitchktcha.<br />

r e gi on of land, k:illa; dark r. be-<br />

low, lemuina; coriniq fromn there,<br />

16mvunaikni, munatalkni.<br />

re g re t , v. t., yualka.<br />

r e i n of leather, pukewishl.<br />

r ej e c t, v. t., to throw away, kedsha,<br />

vutodslia, vutodshlna; r. as useless,<br />

etc., p1 ledsha.<br />

r ej o i c e, v. i., r. over, ko-ishewa,<br />

kuyewa.<br />

re as se inb 1 e-re 1o a d. 637<br />

rej o i , v. t., a'-ldsluii gaptoVal<br />

gawila ; r. clandestinely, liushilitaiika.<br />

Cf. join, meet.<br />

rekindle, v. t., r. a camp-fire,<br />

shlt'dshapdli.<br />

r e I a p) s e, v. i , r. into disease, kAlkela;<br />

one r'd into disease, kIllak.<br />

eI a t e, V. t., shlApla; r. to somebody<br />

shap)iya ; r., to tell so, kshi y'pa; r.<br />

facts, stories, i2uyth5, shashapkdlale.<br />

r elated; r. as father to son and<br />

vice-versa, slia-ungalltko; r. as<br />

daughter to mother, or vice-versa,<br />

slbepui"ltko; r., as brother to sister,<br />

and v. v., shutpakslialltko; r. as<br />

elder brothers and sisters to youn ger<br />

brothers anl sisters, and v. v., shatapitlltko;<br />

r., as older to younger<br />

brothers or mnale cousins, shete'unaltko;<br />

r., as younwger sister to<br />

elder brother, shutpakshaItko; r., as<br />

sisters or female cousins, shaptAlaltko;<br />

r., as female cousins, shapkatchaltko;<br />

r., as male cousins (sons<br />

of brotherls or sisters), shnupumtcl Ushl'altko;<br />

r. by marriage, as brothersor<br />

sisters-in-law, sllunlal ltlko; r.<br />

as brother- or sister-in-law, slIfptchXaltko.<br />

relatio ns, shai-amoks.<br />

r e I i n q u i s Ii, v. t., Ilnsllind(lslla, du.<br />

tilshlindlslha, pl. tilindsha ; k'lewIdsha<br />

k'lewidshna; tulina, pi'ledsha;<br />

r. on the way, lelktcha, ndlktclit;<br />

shlektclia; long obj., kshdlktclia,<br />

pl. elktcha.<br />

reload, v. t., a gun, rifle, ikuakpeli.

6t38 I, 1N( [1S11- 1K LAMATII D)ICTlONARY.<br />

r c In a i I, v. i., th ia, gi ; r. at, in,<br />

within a place, house, camping<br />

site, tchia, pl. also wet; r. in inaccessible<br />

places, tgaikva, pl. liukalya;<br />

r. conztimlally at, telhi'dslia, pI. wAt-<br />

(Ishligi- r., stay near, tchipka, 1)1.<br />

Iualova ; near the water, on shore,<br />

toall-oA, pl. liulgalg; r. on or in the<br />

rounfl(l, i'Pka; r. o0/, upon, rolund<br />

sulbj, lalIga; r. over, as after use,<br />

wellna; r. standing, tlunta, pl. lvui-<br />

'lita; r. standing on, tgikela, pl. liu -<br />

kUya; r. sitting on, tclagg-aya, p1.<br />

wawvaf' gagfya; r. within, indoors, tehi-<br />

wIxi; tchiy6ga, pl. wav'ldshuga. Cf.<br />

stand, stay, v.<br />

r e m a i n s of bodies burnt, llevisllt;<br />

r. or corpse, k'leki'ttko tehule'kslh<br />

k'lekatko.<br />

r emarkably, we'nni; tIdsh.<br />

e m e d y of a palpable or spiritual<br />

nature, yai-uks. Cf. medicine.<br />

r e m e m b e r, v. t., hilshkanka, in<br />

Mod. also kopa, koZxp'kta; slvu-<br />

yt'sha, Mod. shvuyush1g-a.<br />

r e1me m br1 a nb e, it'Islhkanksh, in<br />

Mod. also ko'Zpash.<br />

r e m o t e, adj., atfni, abbr. Aitti; round<br />

obj., le ntko, q. v.; r. or coimingfing1o<br />

r. parts, atiklni, kulklni.<br />

r e motel y, adv., atI;far off kl', ku-i.<br />

e yn o v e, v. t., to mnake go, displace,<br />

shiAshlla or shikisima; long-shaped<br />

or heavy ob)j. and l)ersolls' , C'na, pl.<br />

6na and (chiefly Mod.) Idslha, Idslhna;<br />

vat6dshal round obj., H'ilii,<br />

1411i; lMna; r. to the former place,<br />

seat, Jmlpele, pI idshainfldi; parti.!<br />

removeed, far off c£f remote; r., convey,<br />

carry along, (itpa, pl. Itpa, itpna;<br />

r emove! get away! kuItak! to continue<br />

rewoving, displacing, shiash-<br />

Ikcnka; r. back, home, Itpampeli; r.<br />

the fiber-bark, stopla; 7habitualley,<br />

st6palsha; r.from, illdla, tllta, shlulka;<br />

by taking out of, Ika, ikaga, Ikna;<br />

long, obj., 4'tca, pl. Itxa; r. illicitly,<br />

t'mcshka, pl. yimieshka; anulipka.<br />

r. bysending oat, skfiyii, skuyu'shka.<br />

skvu 6p6di; r. fromn oneself, shli<br />

slika; r.Jromn bycleaning, ntchia'shika;<br />

by sweeping, vudshu'shka; r. from,<br />

out of again, 6mpdle, itpanipdli,<br />

ikampeli, i kdkpole, t'lmeshkApele<br />

r. fromt the Jire, as meat, tcbl6eye'-a;<br />

r. fronm. one's body, face, as Pin lit,<br />

shiapkdla, shitktaldsha; 'rinsa, ete.,<br />

shulsbipa; by shaking, slhaiilshka:<br />

r. from one's mouth, slhattaklni'la,<br />

shatatka; to see somebody remnoving<br />

from his mouth, tilutaknula; r. fro)m<br />

position, anim. and inan., slm16klIui,<br />

vut6dsha; r. by force, by driv ing!<br />

out, kpu'Itcha, kpulttchna, tplidsha;<br />

r. by hand or feet, by psking, kicking,<br />

hildl'dslina, Mod. viiO'dsllina; r.<br />

ground, sod, putoya; r., as furniture<br />

in a room, shaflashla; to be, become<br />

removed fromn, anim., welliala;<br />

inan., from the bocly, gilxi, niwAlka.<br />

Cf. lift, move, take, v.<br />

remo ve, v. i.; r. with or without<br />

family or relatives, medsha, shein:lshla;<br />

r. into another family, hashudikia;<br />

to be removed, go away, inan.,<br />


Ienin ai ii -re s i . 6)39<br />

reobtaiii, v. t., slhnukpeli; while ing, stilhipdli; to go and r., stiltchgoing,fetching,Miktchap(31i;<br />

r.,as gar- na; "as reported," when referling<br />

ments, etc., hashlAntchuipele; long to facts only, mat; to savings, nen.<br />

or ani in. obj., t'meshkiip1li, pl. yimne- r c p o r t, s.; loutd r., tdwish; to 1"roslikfilpble;<br />

r. by bartering or by pay- dlace a r., said of tile elementar1y<br />

wient of money, heshxAlpeli. forces, shtehav>'shla. Cf ncoise.<br />

r e ) a y , v. t., a debt, kitelch'kdla. r e p o s e , v. i., to rest, kedshik6la.<br />

1' e p e a t, v. t., what is said, pe'n l id- r e p r e s e n t, v. t., shaplya, shbY'masht<br />

(or na-asht) gi; r. while slha; r. wronygl, shikIta, shilkitno.<br />

speaking, saying, iem]kankdtclm a; r e p r i in a n (1, v. t., shakakta, shka-<br />

r., said of a conjurer's assistant, I6- nadoga; r. in a forcible anner, kiltatka;<br />

rA. a song, ttne, shuinadla. letana.<br />

repeate d ly, p'Win, pdnak; or ex- reproach, v. t., shaka'kta- kill'<br />

pressed by verbal suffixes of itera- tana. Cf. scold, v.<br />

tion, as -peli, -tamina, etc., and by r e p Idi a t e, v. t., vut6dslha, vut6dthe<br />

distributive form of words. shna, k6dsha. Cf. reject.<br />

r e p e a t e r; assistant of a conjurer, I e p u 1 s e, v. t., as an enemy, tpuldtatkish,<br />

more frequently liiltat- gidsha; tpnll; r. repeatedly, tpugikish;<br />

to act as the r. of a conjurer, | dshaplit- nmla.<br />

wizard, litatka. r e q u e st, v. t., villa; r. by calling<br />

e Ieri s h, v. t, ewa; sttg!i; to up, sh'tina, shetina.<br />

be replenished, fi. d, cwa. Cf. fill, v. r e q u i r e, v. t., shaim-uli, hbaimenii,<br />

e p 1 e t e , adj., stdni; to be r., std'i; vlta; r. to do something, shdtta.<br />

to repletion, adv., sta r e s e u e , v. t., hislhtehi, slinekshita.<br />

re 1) 1 y v. t, to a question, vul.za; l e se mb e , v. i; r. as to features,<br />

w.ilxa, d.ofvt'dxa; kedsa.a ;r.,lhen t'lha; resembling, -ptclii, shitko,<br />

nOgaged in conversation, sfi'ogslia, shuhankptebi ; resembling a little,<br />

vuixa;. be1n1tchna. ketcha shuhAnkptcbi. Cf. alike to.<br />

r e p o r t , v. t.; r., tell, slihapa; r. to, r e s e n t, v. t., ne-ulakta; r. when a deAw<br />

sbapiya; r., to make a r., lieslUgsha, person's name is mentioned, slihtnia.<br />

sh6gsha; r. truthfully, sbegsh6wa; r e s e r v a t i o n ; Indian r., inmklar.falsely,<br />

shikita, shikitna; r. against, ksamn shlii~ilkish, shiCt'lkish.<br />

unfavorably, hesle'slila; to commence r e s i d e , v. i., r. at, tehiagi; r. amony<br />

reporting to, shapitdlm-pka; to cease others, tchawina, pl. shit'kla. Cf<br />

reporting to, shapiylyla; r. in the live.<br />

capacity of a messenger, stilla, stil- r e s i d e n c e, tehi'sh, wa'sh; former<br />

teblka; r., carry newes, stillidldnlk ; 7., tcfwish.<br />

r. back, stillshamnpli ; r. after return- r e s i n, stfya; liquid r., walikisli

640<br />

E4 NGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> DICT1ONARY.<br />

r. of the sugar-pine, tchltchalpelu;<br />

pine-gum, lalhigo; containing r., stialtko.<br />

r e s i s t , v. t., lewitclhta.<br />

r e S ) 1 u t C , adj., tfdslh shepelpelAtko.<br />

resolve, v. t, n '-ul~a.<br />

r e s o t it d, v. i., hui'nla; eplicat.7<br />

hlimnila; r. Ikxe thunder, shilshila;<br />

r., as a bell, waIta.<br />

r e sp)iration, hukfsh.<br />

r e s p) 1 e n d e n t; to be r., ktchtllviu,<br />

ktchalda, ktcliAlui; slintlya; to yitter,<br />

tchldtchela.<br />

r e s t , v. i., r. on, lie on, skft'lha; r.<br />

on the ground, imn. Ibtllka, iisha,<br />

hisba; r., stay on the top of, wiliaslashina;<br />

r. on the way, t!'tkiAXa; (t<br />

times, tukhIktchrna.<br />

e , s.; to take a r., kedshikula; to<br />

go to r., slee), kta'iidslia; aniiimals,<br />

k1i''shlIa; time for r., sleep, spumi'ksh.<br />

Cf. lie, v. i., lul'lkish<br />

r e s t i n g - p 1 a e e , couch, shAlliash.<br />

Cf. bed.<br />

r estless, to be, tchiizat;

e v o I v u r, Ishl('fIi|ttisl. Cf. pistol.<br />

r ew a r d , v. t., kitclhAkda.<br />

r Ih a p s o di s t, shasIhapk0le'-ish.<br />

r II e ii In a t i e; to be or become r., sAineithba,<br />

3Iod. sniula.<br />

r i 1) , r.-Jportion, l'ilasl.<br />

' i 1) 1) o II, l cpali, Mod. 11pill.<br />

r i c h ; 1. in money, talaltko; r. in property,<br />

shunuishliatko; ti'1nn-a Sliil'uLish<br />

gitk0 o; 1111mf shetaliiatko; r. in variou0s<br />

1 kinls qj 'propcrety, u~iinuktua<br />

slttlllttislli"ltlto.<br />

r i c It e s , sluitiiisll.<br />

r i d e , v. i.; r. on horseb(ack, wAtelitat<br />

telhi'kla, Nvtlteliutka teliikla, telii'kla,<br />

wVItclitat litislhtehnlia; toyo aln<br />

r., liushi'tsa; r. upon, ltushlmioaika-<br />

r. (ft/r an olbject sen, teluakitya ; r.<br />

tFOUid, to jpranee about, lusliolalla;<br />

,.Jcst, l"iusha1ltsIa, litisutelima ; F in a<br />

Ji/c, kintelnac ; r. back inafitc, kintelia'tinpeiC<br />

; r. at a ga/lop, Shna'ct-uldliac<br />

liissliottelina; - . homewvard, back,<br />

g elapkalpele; r. on a6 swingiy, Slllleta,<br />

shmilakuawetta; r. towards, haIdsio)tellilpka<br />

; r. wh i/c on a trip, jOl(1niey,<br />

liutds6tclia; r. at a trotting gadl,<br />

shli'lilluva. ; r. 't)) to, IliisIhatpa, lIIIsil<br />

lt'dsilm; r nas~ayu . ee(.l's.<br />

r i (d g e, roof-shapedi body, gilluiapikshi;<br />

to lorm. a r., u.cwtcn in a r., gilliutl;<br />

r. of mountains, yainia, witelikaItko.<br />

ri fl e 7 ,l lo ,sgisi -- to loadl a r., lul(n<br />

iWXVIa; to reload a r , lkuakp6li; to<br />

shoot with a r., Sldmlll , pl. vfita; t 'Wi.<br />

r i g I t, adj., correct, tatlaak ; just,<br />

talani ; good, tidsluii at the F. time,<br />

telie-etak; to make r., t.'tlaak sll'tta.<br />

4t<br />

re si st - ri ) e . 641<br />

r i g lit, adj., olt F. hand sidestelal)kisfi.<br />

r i g I' t I e r e, adv., gi'ta, oi'tata,<br />

Ii.'tak, hlutatktak; ge'n, gin; r. It., refi<br />

rring to persons, long objects,<br />

Ulu't; r. ht. on the ground, hitok,<br />

lhita, lh'd ; sit h. ! gilnA tchIl !<br />

r 1 g I t 1 y , t'tla, tPlaak.<br />

r ig 1 t - in i li d e d , tal.hni, tidsh<br />

hillshkanksh gi'tko.<br />

r i - i d, witchwftelili; to be r., as with<br />

cold, tApszoya.<br />

r i g i dI y , witeliwitch.<br />

r i m, s., encircling kettle or other vase,<br />

,1 0(, t'Vma.<br />

I' i n d of'fruit, ktcheldlash, tchllak.<br />

r i nig , v. t., aCS a bell, simAlimalta; a<br />

door-bell, spatclhiga.<br />

r il g s., fin)er-r., elC)shiis I; r. aroun(d<br />

sutn, sun-halo, sela, shlak-Atelialisi,<br />

Cf. circle and gather, v. i.; nose-r.,<br />

slhipkgish; r., ripple in the wCatr,<br />

telelewvash; to formn a r., hashaimpka,<br />

linl~za; satid of persons standing,<br />

takina ; to form. (oils or rinys<br />

Avitli a rope, etc., wel)aliki'lnma; to<br />

form a moving r., to move in a r.,<br />

gaki'ma ; to produce rinigs in the<br />

water, teiele'Nva; to place a r. on<br />

one's finger, nlC)slishl ilhli; to stand<br />

in a r. with others, tgakilimia, pl.<br />

liukidi1111 ia, Iualoya; r.-shaped, an-,<br />

intlar, hullkali.<br />

r i P) v V. t.; r., as eloth, pldslia; r.<br />

open, ktakAmga; successirely, ktakAkitlena<br />

; r. up with the teeth, kawa-<br />

k.' ga.<br />

r; ) e , 3elmatko; to be, become r. for<br />

eating, n6ka.


r ipe c i , v. i._ noka; to let r., shnikanua;<br />

ripened, y&Iinatko.<br />

ri 1) 1) , S., tchielhwash; to produce<br />

ripples in the water, tchel6wa; to<br />

form ripp)les spontaneously, shtclhel6wa.<br />

rise, v. i.; no ex. eq.: r. from bed,<br />

slee), p'ltkal, patkalpeli; r., celestial<br />

bodies, tinshipka, tini6ga, tinl-<br />

Zi; gcv-upka; r. from the midst of a<br />

prairie, river, etc., samka-a; r., said<br />

of liquids, ainipuala; r. in the moun-<br />

tains, said of a stream, tittn6li; r.,<br />

j pal) on one's feet, tkalega; huyega,<br />

r o a r, s. : r. of falling waters, tiwislh;<br />

to produce a distant r., crash,<br />

liuna.<br />

r o a s t, v. t., as on tbe fire-place,<br />

iuslhna, noka; r. provisions in the<br />

ground, aw"Lla; r. on the hot coals,<br />

n6kla, tclhlal.tla; r. in a pit, pl'ka;<br />

roasted, plikatko; r. on a spit, kiulala;<br />

niot roaisted or cool;(kd, sluiinkitko,<br />

shlnkish.<br />

r o a s t e r, person who roasts, pitkish.<br />

r o a s t - p i t; former r. p., p1)kuish.<br />

r o b b e r, tet'inAdshisli.<br />

No. 2; (Iti. tushicgra, pl. tiniega; r. rob e; long r., kitks; to wear a I r.,<br />

suiddlenly, hAtkalshna; lhutkala, hi't- ko'ka; skin-r., skultash ; to dress<br />

kal)pli; r. up fronm the ground, tgai- oneself in a skin-r., skLtta; r. made<br />

tle6la, tg~lxa; pl. lueluAlXa, Mod. of rabbit- or other skins, kallin;<br />

lttaIlWI1a; r. up after depression, buckskin-r. of females fringed with<br />

inial. subj., hfuhiwa; to cause to r, porcupine - quills, shinAyalsh. Cf.<br />

anliml ol j., shuydga; rising at an blanket, mantle.<br />

curly hour-, und'kni. Cf. arise, v rohin redbreast, w'slhka-a.<br />

ri v a I i z e, v. i., in shooting, hishlan I () 0 k , v. i.; r. to and fro, hishtual-<br />

r i Nr e r, k6ke; r. of smaller size, k6kakinka; r. to and fro continually, wvag:a;<br />

caunlized r., ntu'ltsanuish; r.wi'kankabel dried up, kupki'pole; kok_'lam r o c k, kta-i, dim. ktayfiga; r.-ledge,<br />

)alliishl, pilkuisb; uka', Mod. Cf. r. of hard texture, lalawash; lava-r.,<br />

rivulet, stream.<br />

tcbdltchlish, lalfiwash; detached r.ri<br />

v uL et, k6kaga; tiuno'lsh; inlet, Clif; WAhiShI; r. projectiny from1, lake,<br />

tukumiga.<br />

prairie, etc., samka'-uslh; r. project-<br />

ro ad; r.-way, stlt; ginsZisl ; r. cleared ing above water, skii'wash; r. stand-<br />

of obstacles, shut6dslianuislh; to ml ake in

o d, switch, shudkTlsh; pole, wAlasli,<br />

waI'lhkish; r. for erecting sweatlodges,<br />

slitchal-uhsh; fishing-r., vuka;<br />

r. of a certain (aquatic) shrub, tulish.<br />

Cf. branch, frame, willow.<br />

r o e , s., offish, hll'kaslh, Mod. l6kash.<br />

Rogue River, norn. pr. loc.,<br />

Wdlanish, Mod ; R. B. Butte, norn1<br />

p1. loc , Wallamsh Yaina, WYIlaislh;<br />

B. B. Indian, norn. pr. WVilaniskiii<br />

iclmklaks, WAlaniskii, -Mod. WMilamnswash;<br />

B. R. Valley, nom. pr.,<br />

Walamskislham kdiila, Mod. Wgalamswasham<br />

kdila.<br />

r o i I e d, kuyuimatko, tupeshti<br />

r o 11, v. t.; r. up, shkapshtchala; r.<br />

on the ground, floor, stilAnshlnia;<br />

r., coil oneself up, shuhatcx'ia; r.<br />

in the mouth an obj. protrudinc from<br />

it, kpiamnna; an obj. not protruding<br />

from it, shikpualkana; r. downhill,<br />

tilankudla.<br />

r o I I, v. i.; r. against, around, along,<br />

t ilantana; r. around, tilaluansha; r.<br />

away, tilankztnsha; r. down kill, ndeuku6la,<br />

pl. wetkudla; r. down, rolling<br />

attended with injuries, vud'hitaknila;<br />

r. forth and back, to keep<br />

on rolling to and fro, tilankanka,<br />

r. down, in an oblique direction,<br />

nde-ukudla, pl. wetkuela; r. off and<br />

down, tilalina; r. on, tfla. The derivatives<br />

of radix nd6-u signify as<br />

well to roll as to fall; cf. fall, slide, v.<br />

r o I I h e a d; cf. turn-head.<br />

rom p, v. i., l6wa.<br />

r o o f, shlanualsh; r.-pillar, stutilash,<br />

walash; to cover with a r., shlhnuala;<br />

ripen-roun d. 643<br />

when resting on pillars, stutitla;<br />

hill, land shaped roof-like, wtlaslh,<br />

gilhluantko kiifla.<br />

r o o f, v. t ; r. over, stutila.<br />

roof-shaped, to be, gflliua.<br />

r o o m, s.; r. in house, slialatchgalpslhtish;<br />

r. in lodge, shltiltish; there<br />

is r., space here, glta a oinuala.<br />

r o o t, v. i., as hogs, shniksh6kslhika.<br />

r o o t of plants, *ve'k, dim. Nvikaga;<br />

round, bulbous r., lbi'ka, Iuttishi; edible<br />

r., bulb, tuber, lI'itish, in11k1aksam<br />

pash; species of edible r.:<br />

ydtehltl, klatpa, klu', kokatZashl,<br />

li' ktt'; conical r.-basket, ydki.<br />

r o pe, tiintish; kndiks, dim. kiiuk()ga;<br />

short Indian hide-r., tU'ntislh;<br />

to pass a r. through, stfi'nka.<br />

r o s e ; wild r.-bush, dog-r.-bush, tch'bitiarn;<br />

berry of dog-r., tcht'iti.<br />

r o t , v. i., and to be rotten, lelii'ina;<br />

r. while emitting offensive smell, ndd'pa;<br />

rotten, fetid, nditpatko; r., said<br />

of wood, etc., mu'luala; rotten wood,<br />

mrnt'lu, mu'lualtko Anku; smell of<br />

rottenfish, tchtm'k. Cf. decay, v.<br />

r o t a t e, v. i., talkfdsha, ktiwalkidsha,<br />

waggfdsha.<br />

r o t t e n ; cf. putrid, rot, v. i.<br />

rottenness, rottensmell,ndt'pash.<br />

rough , a(lj., as to surface, kitclikitchli;<br />

r. and level, patpatli, tsu'hltsUiili.<br />

r o u g h1 y, adv., kitchkitcli; paitpat.<br />

routnd, rounded, 1U'l1kali; r. firuit,<br />

lutish; r. plant, bulb, tuber, lbdko;<br />

r bag, sack, walkogsh ; to become r.,<br />


644 4ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> 1)DICTION ARY.<br />

ro (v', s., ]ilt, kiiibakls; r. of persons,<br />

tdiislhislh; to stand i/, form aI r., as<br />

trees, wd'nnla; to be, lie, stand at thte<br />

end of' a r., leliwa; to be high tp in<br />

a r., sbludliyuala. Cf. file.<br />

r o Wv v. \ i., sxe'na; r. back, home,<br />

sZ(IaViplli, sZ,!t~idsba ; r. along thte<br />

517tore, sZ(o-ilkiia; r. off the shore,<br />

stomlsliL1; r. about while fishinq<br />

wvith a li(jht1, sklfi'tchikanka.<br />

r o w , s , dist urbance, slhisli'ilkasli; to<br />

have a, r., hiukl'tya; sisso'ka, d. of'<br />

shitiga. (,f. fighit, v. and s.<br />

r o\ IN' e r , , sp \. tyamnlish]. ~<br />

r u 1) ,v t. j .;eerie: talhka; r. against<br />

each othelr, sliateldktcliaka; r. with7<br />

a britsh, vidshlil'shika; r. by hlandl,<br />

talk'ia, ntclia'slika; sidewise, ki.1ku-ia,<br />

Mod. kianega; r. a notched<br />

s;tickl, as done at war-dances, ulo6-<br />

kasl la j . On, over somebody or<br />

soinetililig, sliiclslka, slil-uslia, shl-<br />

telho'slia jr. oneself; shatalikla r.<br />

oiiesl' (J ry Iafter bathing, washdin,<br />

lhashplzpa/eli; r. oneself against a<br />

tree, etc., shal.dla-, lilintana; Y. on<br />

onl'¢5s bdy, sliataldka, slii-ushla, shli-<br />

tcl6'shba; on1 one's back, shliilalim ;i<br />

what is rubbed on the body, slite6-<br />

lakisli; to make the motion of rub-<br />

bing, ytulal'na.<br />

r t 1) bb i ni g - s t o ii e , small, uLsed on<br />

the larre nicaling stone, sihflakl-<br />

Uish, )eksli.<br />

it d d y , taktikli; to be or become r.,<br />

taiXtlka .<br />

r u ff I e, v . t., sliikantula; rufi('(l,<br />

tisliaalkluleditko.<br />

r ule, V. i., it'-ulya; r. in favor of<br />

ne-ulpfa.<br />

r u 1 e, s , swca 7y, ]I(t- laksli.<br />

r I 1I e I, laki; great r., lor(d, nut'lini<br />

laklf; heavenly r., p'laikni lalkf.<br />

r u n, inMul; r.-bottlc, miniam xvlkoksli.<br />

r u n, V. i.; oelleric: r., r1uSh, withlin<br />

sighit of the one speikiiig, lildslia,<br />

'iidslina; dii. tuslhte]lm, tnslhteila.<br />

pl. tinsla, tins]lnma; inseen or at i<br />

distance fromt the one speakinig.<br />

li'ddshlampka, dli. tdslitclianplpka,<br />

1)1. tilam)ka ;1'. about, towards<br />

1hls'ka, pl. gllk]a; r. qtter, tpuya<br />

innia; alter each other, slnilds lia:<br />

r. ajte) an obj scen, telfakiiva; r<br />

ayainst, 1lutalaLI, hta1za ; as aygaist<br />

a log, liti Walyl; a r('f sxi-<br />

tal]a; r. agKaint, meCt while ran-<br />

ni y, lhupiktt :a ; against a 1 o111(1<br />

ob)j.. l'li, fi'eq. hilikalnka; r. alonqj,<br />

as aio11or a stream, ayainst its Ca;rl)s1t,<br />

11Ltix,1r1sllm, dut. tulslii'%Zmisfa,<br />

pl. tiniZanshla; in the dircction (if its<br />

current, Il'mpilansla, dni. tdsl ip'asnslia,<br />

1)p. timip'lanslia; . aroounl, aninIlals,<br />

1t1yamiia ; r. awag from, liii4<br />

yala, pl. gplyala; hUt'sltka, gilshtka<br />

; g[likl.~,t~t ka ds1ma; hltlslilid(lsla,<br />

dtt. tushbliildsa, pl. tilindshia; 11dslia<br />

an(l liu'dsiaimpka, see al)ove;<br />

r. awc((q from, ialln. ob)j., as hsills,<br />

ioo)(ds, Imikinslia, dui. titslilfkinsba<br />

pi tiiikiiislia ; r. taway throughy<br />

fJrigyht, vt'islhk liI'itclia, vi'slia; r.<br />

back, home, lli(lttdshiain)li; r. in cir-<br />

¢les, gakltla; in1 various directions,<br />

ulakaiteliktc l ; r. downl?, r down to-

wards, hitzi; r. down 'into, vule'li;<br />

r. down, rivers, ntu'Itchlina; nt'dltzaga;<br />

tiun6li; r. fast, ksuifutki,<br />

nifl ksiutcki, kidlikalnka; r. habit-<br />

uallq, as animals, hil'lnkankai; r. into,<br />

luditlie; agqain, buliPoli; co/idiially,<br />

liuihekiinka; r. into bushes, woods,<br />

recesses, etc., hihknya, dil. tiishki va,<br />

1l1. tillnXya; cf. go, v.; r. into a lake,<br />

p)on(d, as river, ne-iipka; r. into tlie<br />

windinqs of a valley, hu]il oli; r.<br />

into the water, 1nilw, 1)l. tinua; r.<br />

near or past, hutae)na, ina tahtmsza;<br />

r. off near to, hutimnpka, du. tushttampka,<br />

p)l. tint.'mPka; r. out of,<br />

h'ka, pl. g6Aka; l'ikansiha, obj. in<br />

loeat. case -tat; r. out of ag(ain,<br />

hukansh alinpdli, liniziele; r. out of<br />

woods, etc., hukay (dia, du. tshikayl'la,<br />

pL. tinkayt'lla; r. over, liquids,<br />

tilhina, tila; r. over somebody, shul-<br />

'hUi'iya; r. past, by, hIkuMtanshla;<br />

;ulti-edsia, hutApnia, hut'iilsza;<br />

r. whle shoutin1g a w1ar-?whoojp,<br />

Ji-oho u'tchna; r. strai(Jhtcw(ys, in<br />

direct line, towar(ls, hu'ltxapsha;<br />

tillaak gintlansInw, gfinthnshna;<br />

r. towards somebody, hiltPa, hludshl-<br />

1p)kn, lloluij)ka; r. towards somethuing,<br />

hl'tiapsha; r. towrardls, said<br />

of waters, nti'lltpa; in the distanee,<br />

nti'lltchfiapka; r. through, water,<br />

nt'lldtcxiantchua; all the time, nt['ltelmn<br />

; r. throaqgh, r. up to, anim.<br />

subj., ]unlalxa; r. ulp to, niutna, hulladshlii,<br />

lholulpka; iterat. idlladsluit~imma;<br />

r. up into woods, recess(s,<br />

etc., hilikini ; r. 'uphill, ln'l-<br />

row - ru sh. G45<br />

ycka, holhapka; h ii(gn, pI. ga-<br />

Avalifi'gYa; runiing straight, as a line,<br />

tf'iltali; run n ;nq sljow7, 11orses, ete<br />

le=h('witko, l('ktcili -l1loWitk(o; to<br />

reach by runniny, 1)en5'(lshai, huutAt-<br />

PIena ; to jump while runn inql, Iuuttidsh<br />

a; to start on a run, hlita, hu'itta.<br />

Cf. rush, v. i,<br />

r u n , v. t.; r. into, as a Pole into the<br />

ground, t(waI; r. or pass thlroluqi,<br />

as a roi)e, st'nk/ika; r. a rol)e throulgh<br />

oneself, sfit'nlia; r. somebody d ,(loiv<br />

0oer, shul'lith'Iza Cft 1 plmt, v.<br />

r it n a w a y , as aninials, koniti'shmii.<br />

r i n n e r , s.; one wlh7o runs, c1bl)bs,<br />

h utChln 'ash.<br />

r u s ii, v. i.; for generic terms, cf.<br />

r vn, v.; r. a((ay from', hi'yalla, 1l.<br />

-vall ; 1. down1' (lonl0i7ll, n(lY-lli,<br />

g<br />

P,1. wetolAi; lilt't~i; inan., kteknela,;<br />

said of wvaters, shnltaltchmni, ntiali-<br />

tchna; with, noise, tiwi; r. down?<br />

utpon, birds, Iil'ntakia, kitclo'tki ;<br />

r. into, hi'llhe; frequently, hulime-<br />

k anka; *r. near, lbetween?, hulntlmsxa;<br />

r. off unseen or at a distance, htt-<br />

dslhaniPka, d(I. tilshteliampka, 1ph.<br />

tlnshlanmplha; r. out of; hiiknnshua,<br />

dIl. tishkannsha, pl tfnxansha; hn'lkna<br />

; (again, hukaml)p i; ,r. to a spot,<br />

or to tl1( grouln, hityi; hlika, 1)t.<br />

ga'ka; r. towards, against, at, in a<br />

hostile intention, hutitali, hut~dla,<br />

hil'lpa, with their du. aid Pl i; r up)<br />

to somebody, hudsiuipka; r. upon?,<br />

hinlta, hutna.<br />

r t S h, s.; abbr. from. bulrush, q. v. Cf.<br />


646 ENGLISH - KLAMAITH <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

r u s t, v. i , besyAtana, hcshlaktcla.<br />

Cf rusty.<br />

rustle, v. i., said of elementary<br />

forces, shtchAyashla; of crickets,<br />

grasshoppers, tcAktxa; of reptiles,<br />

s a b 1 e, Mustela americana, pi'p).<br />

s a c c h a r i n e, luiluyatko; to be s.,<br />

I'iiluya.<br />

s a c k, wIllishik; round s., waikogsh;<br />

long, capacious grain-s., lxZaxlmnish;<br />

s. for holding provisions,<br />

talyash, cf. tgIllak; to the weight<br />

of about 50 pounds, willishik; of<br />

about 100 pounds, wakogsh. Cf.<br />

bag, satchel.<br />

Sacramento Valley, noin. pr.,<br />

Katokiwash; S. V. Indian, Katokiwash<br />

mklkaks, Katokiwaslh; S.<br />

River, Katokiwasham K6ke.<br />

s a d, yuyalkisli; to be s., yuAlka,<br />

latka, sheshiina, shun tayua; s.-iooking,<br />

yuyallkisliptchi; to look s., like<br />

one bereaved, shlldmia.<br />

s ad d I e, kalklash; girth, strap of s.,<br />

slit'italsh; s.-blanket, iklash; to take<br />

off the s., kaklash ill6la, illd0la; to<br />

strap the s.-girth around, shuitala.<br />

s a g e b r u s h, -.- 't; another species,<br />

NvAlhualani.<br />

sagecock and sayehen, Centrocercus<br />

urophasianus, pu'pisha; shud't. Cf.<br />

prairie-chicken.<br />

S a I k e n or Thompson's Marsh, nomn.<br />

pr. loc., Salk~in.<br />

S.<br />

kUlkala; of straw, etc., ku'slikusha.<br />

r u s t y, hesxatanAtko, Mod. heshk1atantko;<br />

to become r., hesZAtana,<br />

i('s1d laktcha.<br />

s a i I, s., shnekldtchn6tkish; shniwatnltkish.<br />

s a i , v. i., shnekl6'tchna.<br />

salient, to be, tApka.<br />

s a il or, sxulyamnislh.<br />

salmnon, tchialash; at s.-time, tsiiils'lhi'mii;<br />

s. discolored by age, vuIg;<br />

piurple s., etclhmft'na.<br />

s a I t, s., sAiT'l, sha'lt; Mod. Adak.<br />

s a l t, v. t., shuT'l ita, sha'lt shewdna;<br />

s. por k, cf. p)orkI(.<br />

s a 1 v e , s., shatdlakish; remedial s.,<br />

mni'slhishtat slIslis shI'tolakish.<br />

s a in e , hlT'kak, pl. li'ikshak; cf. ak<br />

No. 2; one of the s. kind, sort, h daitchi,<br />

g(,nptchi; of s. shape, form,<br />

size, exterior, color, etc., shuhAnkptchi;<br />

havingthes.features, slhthank=shitkwo<br />

tklan ; at the s. place, home,<br />

nadslia'shak, wvi-Yttak; in the s. manner,<br />

hlirnashta], h uilitsantka; in the<br />

s. manner . . . . as, correl at., hb'iuashtak<br />

.... wllkaktoksh; at the s. time,<br />

nadsha'sshak; sh (tiankshlItko, tanktak<br />

tclliksl, tinl'k; to make of the<br />

s. length, breadth, size, hishXolulla.<br />

Cf. reason.<br />

s a tl d, kela-ush; s.-covered, k'lauislhaltko.

S a n d H i 11, at, nom. pr. loc., K'laushalpkash<br />

Yaina-Aga=gishi.<br />

sandhill crane , Gruscanadensis,<br />

kletish.<br />

s a n d s t o n e, s. rock, lektch6tkish.<br />

s a n d y, k'lau'tshaltko.<br />

s a p l i n g, kitchkaini anku.<br />

s a t c h e 1, la'klaksh, wakogsh.<br />

s a t i a t e, v. t.; s. oneself, shohb ta;<br />

to be satiated, satisfied, fed, ewa.<br />

Saturday, she-etish.<br />

s a u c e r, kapa, dim. kapaga.<br />

s a v a g e, adj., konni'shni, iwash; to<br />

be in the s. state, kilua. -<br />

s a v e , v. t., to rescue, hishtchi, shnekshita;<br />

s., keep, as meat, tchild'la;<br />

s., keep for oneself; shualka, Mod.<br />

s a w , s.; hand- or small s., slilakatotkish;<br />

large s., shlzdsh6tkislh; s.mill,<br />

shlatcla-ish, Mod. shliatchay6tkish.<br />

saw , v. t., with a small or hand s.,<br />

shlak'ata, shilflVdsha; with a cross-s.,<br />

spu'ldsha.<br />

s a w y e r, shlufshsh-ish.<br />

say, v. t., to speak, sh'pa; gi; words<br />

not quoted, or not verbatim, hemkanka;<br />

words quoted verbatim,<br />

henm6'xe; s. to, shaplya; h6mta,<br />

he'nitchna; s. to while conversing, hasliashlitikia;<br />

s. so, k shapa; nr-ashlt<br />

gi, Alod. ne-asht gi; tchi gi; s. goodbye,<br />

sh6ka; s. repeatedly, hiemkankitchina;<br />

"so they s. or said," "as he,<br />

she said": mat, if referring to facts;<br />

nen, if referring to sayings.<br />

scab, tchimtash ; afflicted with s.,<br />

tehimt.'tko.<br />

rust-scarred. 647<br />

s c a b b a r d, lfwayaks.<br />

s c a f f o I d and scaffolding, shlankAyash;<br />

to erect poles for a s. or platform,<br />

shtchik'la; to erect a platform<br />

on a s., gelkaya<br />

s c a 1 d , v. t., Ampu kelpkltpkash kitita.<br />

s c a 1 e of fish, tehilak; s. for weighing,<br />

shninkak'lk6tkish.<br />

s c a l e, v. t, ga-W'lxa; to climb, as a<br />

steep hill, gL'Oka. Cf. climb, v.<br />

s c a I p, hair of head, lVk; to perform<br />

a s.-dance, shia'dsha, yeka Lak.<br />

scalp, v. t., nelina.<br />

s ea m p e r o f f, v. i., hn'ldsha, hIdshna,<br />

huldshampka; s. out of again,<br />

liuicipele. Cf. run, rush, v.<br />

s c a r, s., with removal of flesh, shl'iktaslikui<br />

sh; without removal offlesh,<br />

shAktkaluish; to make a slight s.,<br />

tflansxa; to produce a s., nup'1tia;<br />

said of a round article, lupatklu('1a.<br />

s c a r a b e e, with fangs, ktchayash.<br />

Cf beetle.<br />

s c a r c e, kinkani, abbr. ki'nka; to<br />

be s., k_'gi.<br />

s c a r e, v. t., hushpatchta, h'ilshtxa,<br />

t'ka; s. and disperse, watikia; s. off<br />

by scolding, shnul6ka; to be scared<br />

at, vusha, sp'tclta ; tchlimnptki,<br />

Mod. teltmptakia; scared at, vtilshish.<br />

Scarface Charley, nom. pr.7<br />

Tchiktchikam=Lupatk'iehlttko.<br />

scarlet, taktakli.<br />

s c a r r e d through a long article,<br />

upatiantko; round article, lupatkuelatko.

6)48 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> PDCTIONARY.<br />

s c a t t e r, v. t.; s. about, u11yue, pl.<br />

g ayl'le ; puedshia; .b. by scaring off,<br />

wat"1ia; to beomne scattercd,. sheggatxa<br />

; b)y runningl in different<br />

directions, slhegg^'ltktcha, uM yue.<br />

sc eii t , v. t., stika.<br />

S c Il i S t O ti S rock-fonlatio?, la I Iwash<br />

; Comjeosfd of such, Inin<br />

SI xltah O.<br />

s c i r p u s, speeies of, klii'pi; of a stiff<br />

s., Avateskliam. Cf. grass.<br />

s c i s s o r s , ktushik6tkish.<br />

s c o ff, v t., shlitlukta ; to cOnltiMlf C<br />

sewo/gin, sihlml aktchia. Cf. jeer at.<br />

s c old(1 , v. t., shkan 'ga, si m'la, koktkinshmka,<br />

slimuloka; s. each other,<br />

shiuke'ki, shukIkshilka; to scare off'<br />

by scolding, shnulo'ka.<br />

s c o 1d, s., qatarreler, shulke'kishm.<br />

s c o ° 1, s ; s. of de( r's horn, itkagotkishl;<br />

sort of fish'ny S., alksbi;<br />

another sort of s., p.'m'Ila; s.-net<br />

with a handle, tewash; wide-weshed<br />

s. neft witclhtla sh. Cf. net.<br />

ScOOp) itp, V. t., fish, crabs), etc.<br />

ftkal, Shin i'ikiia.<br />

s c o 1r e , v. t.; s. Jbr oneself, ymnkma.<br />

s e o r 1) i o n, species of, ka-ttl'ttkisi<br />

s c o t - f r e e, huni-a'shmak<br />

S' ott's Valley, nom. pr., as in<br />

English ; inhabitant of S. Va7lle(y,<br />

Skatelpalikni.<br />

s c (0 it , V. t., v'l(1s116ka, vU(sl)okAvl1a.<br />

S ( o u t, s., skl'Biiashi; to watch: as a<br />

s. does, w.'Vl'ta.<br />

s e o u t, v. i., krl'lka; to go in? front<br />

scouting, galya.t; to be onl, aseouting<br />

trij), ka-IIIu'te 1cha.<br />

s c r ap Pe, V. t.o; s. ( vnulfna, vTIkl'Ita;<br />

illo'la ; s. obliquealy, 16tIV/)~a S. @;<br />

atS fish-scales, VI , S 0sff the fiber-<br />

bark, st6pla, stolpalsia; s.theymground<br />

s~dirlcise, pietnal.<br />

s c r a p e r, illolotkish; s. Qf stone,<br />

Wl'hka; s. of other material, ilZ6t<br />

lish; bar)k-s., kihlolsl; sCrapinypaddWe<br />

or stick, pi en4ldtkishl.<br />

S e 1' a t e I, v. t., nislitiia ; s. with<br />

ailis, clawts, tchmlakldsl ma ; s. theface,<br />

tcldi'pka; s each other, hushitiwa;<br />

S., graze, nti'kshlktcha ; s oat a barr(w,<br />

Shll'tila, strlva; s. holes while<br />

g/oig fron p)lace to place, ye)(pamtel<br />

iama, Insit Antelna; s. awaqyry)olnd,<br />

etc , puti ya; with, a pa(lddle or stiek,<br />

Piena; s. inp, s Jr /di(gging, y(-pa,<br />

Mod. il)e llm; sciratch(ld ij), scr-atched<br />

outf, ,\'('mtkso; s. nmarks into, sln'mma](-ma:<br />

s. or r-ub oneself against a<br />

post or tree, hmlintana, shal

scr bl b-thii cket, gatc](tko.<br />

s c it ff I e, S., sliisl'[kasIh.<br />

s c u ff1 e, v. i., shliuga, especially d(.<br />

sissoka; sluiuktlva, slmkt'tpka.<br />

s cit r f, tcfnilit"Ishb; a/jfliete(d qith S.,<br />

tchimtdttko.<br />

s c y t hi e, mulinidtkisli, inaktdtkislh,<br />

Mod. kslsul(')tkishl.<br />

s e a, oean, rni'in (5-ush.<br />

s e a m , sk('ntliisli; henm-s., sk('flinsi.<br />

s e I c ]I , v. t., 1 aittclima, tfktcl ia; s.,<br />

]'t-ilia; to retrni<br />

start out ( ktiF,<br />

1/ro11<br />

search iv/, kla vaktka. Cf. seek, v.<br />

se a s o n; no ex. eq.: sparing-s., skA ;<br />

it is spring-S., s dru; ry, hot, s.lu-<br />

?1(1-S., p'itta; fall-s, S]1~il1'1l1; tvillter-s.,<br />

lul(ldarn; ;in thc hay-, satnon-,<br />

l)erry-s., ete., are exp)resse(l by app)end(in-CIllg'<br />

i,-ii'rni, -(lm.<br />

i e a t , s., of any desecriptiont, tceluiivalkishi;<br />

to take a. vacant s., tcilek-<br />

1b1a; to take a s., tchh('la; to re(o(-<br />

Clpy one's S., tcll'/Zl)li; to risr ,Ionn<br />

one's s , tclli'-ula.<br />

scatter- seed 649<br />

649'<br />

s. n(lef1(Jr1ounn(, or on the bottom ) 'J<br />

| v(iates, ItCIca; s. ()oneself, Ihivaliba,<br />

I1l g~i y a~lta; 1,1 conitrue1tingr<br />

pl<br />

onesi( bo,{fty,<br />

" I .b va l . m ;<br />

s e c t i o n1, portion of iiftnka.<br />

s e i tr e , v. t.; to hol/fitst, ipka; s8il ikim:<br />

s., stidl of aidinals ru8lni1(r<br />

htaia . hl taidka, Alod. hushm'l0<br />

S C d Ii c e, V. t., "1811a; s. (i,/ain, IllapIele;<br />

to /o a0 l s. J, o/', p1)l(lplt(le.<br />

S e e, v. t. ,ellerie: sh1l(', t( 1 8 1 1l8a ; s.<br />

all obj. (at a distlance, t(Il~ma)kn, telsilhil)mk,<br />

S1 1I'pka ; 5., ha(c( th1e pove r<br />

of vision, te'sl lma; s at y in', sh]Ce;<br />

s. somebody cunaoy, telitanipki, ti-<br />

1o'tpa ; s. somebody Sface.! /i' a(tiStance,<br />

telftankpka; s. mnorbi)I. f/Oii1/,<br />

(o0)8ily, tilo'dshla; not to s., ee iif<br />

I I'slimna; s. somebody pvuttiiq fio(l<br />

in his )nouth, til6takima ; s. somneld vov<br />

spittiny out, removilgy from lvn(olthl,<br />

tilutaknilila; s. thr)1o(Jh (I tell)(, t'll-<br />

sp t; to co'me, /o (a(fl s., Shl8(11sh11 : to<br />

x e a t v. t.; to mnake sit up, ieshits"11;la let s., eX1oh it, 112shla; to 1 an, 1iae,<br />

to )be sY(tefl, tcllOw, 1. W v ;l pW )kUa; to iw etc., after all obj. sec(n, toluaIl'ya.<br />

swatefd on, u(JOni, teilla, tel ii'kla; to be (if. look, silit, v.<br />

sratf(l to//ether, tcltlipk, pl. wawavi- s8e e d, s., gellerlic, io'k; s. Proxwilnr<br />

pxka.<br />

wvild aill t'((ttelvrR/ IU Vf 118li-<br />

s e co i1(1, ad j.; s. to another, tapini; to klaksam p)8'ts1; s. re(llced to flour,<br />

bes to, tflpelIli; a s. tim'ee, 1"'n, pCiak lultnash ; sp)ecies of scecds: k;.Ipi-<br />

secondary, taopii.<br />

tiinls, I'bli; s. Of ponfi-li-l!, 1111rip)e,<br />

s C r e t, s., sha-Islhashl; to keep as a tlthillzailm; s. of //lflb) ponfl-lilty,<br />

s., 8ls]hi, Sha 1-ishli; to (diritrel (a s., Nokaishi; to ya/ther it, wkashllla,<br />

slian-181A81ll si, 'pa, sTha-islhash sfi6'(,- Wn)k5s81s18; s. of the ch itlc fiok, hit',slia;<br />

Kl. Stiltclhka.<br />

d(]sa; s. of the bb1k 0(1k, I 81s1; s.-<br />

secr ete, v. t., 8ishi; to hash up I,) pod, s -en' f('lo))(', tcliilktk, I(ld'(ldl ,1;<br />

slbI-ishi ; s., to hia(, iia.iii. olj., f1la -/osk( Il-i, ttllks, xveoktki'sJ;


conical, ytki; to gather seeds, sthiila,<br />

stagi; with s.-fans, w6ka; to<br />

start out for gathering seeds, stiiildsha;<br />

to hold, carry in a s.-basket,<br />

skayamna; s.-fan, s.-paddle, weko'tkish,<br />

tchk'I'la, shbiplasl; s.-net,<br />

tlikish. Cf. carry on back, under<br />

carry, v.<br />

s e e k, v. t., haftchna, iktcha; s.,<br />

start out after, ka-iha; s. continually,<br />

ka'-ikanka. Cf. search, v.<br />

s e e t h e, v. i., lukua, kelpka; nduipualxa;<br />

to make s., tchiLhila, shnekLlpka.<br />

segregate, v. t., shi atka.<br />

s e i z e, v. t., and s. forcibly, shmnuka;<br />

8. again, slmnf6kpoli; s. for oneself;<br />

shnmukpa, slit'lkua; s., take hold oJ;<br />

long obj., i'lyamna, pl. Iyamna; to<br />

go avzd s., shbivktcla; s. each other,<br />

ht'islhnxa, shiamna; s., take away<br />

frow, ti'tta; s. with the claws, extremities,<br />

tchilika; s. an obj on thc<br />

ground, slnukpApka; s. with pincers,<br />

tongs,shnmkiptiga; s. anohj.bqcan3s I Nvenni.<br />

of a substance intervening, taptta; s. S ep t e mb b e r, inaecurately corre-<br />

bg the handle or long end, ntchl-ika. sponds to speluish; in, during S.,<br />

s e I e c t, v. t., to choose, pick out, sli- spcluishtka.<br />

.'tka, hlia.I<br />

s e r i e s , t't'nslhish; to be at the end of<br />

self, pron.; cf. myself, oneself, a s., lelfwa; to form a s., as trees,<br />

yourself, etc.; s.-trainecl, s.-reliant, waImla. Cf. file, line.<br />

shepelpelAtko.<br />

s el 1, v. t., sh~shatui; s. cheap, keteha<br />

elxa; s. d(ear, ttntia elza, lit.<br />

"to price high;" to intend to s., sheshlatuishla;<br />

to return fron sellintg,<br />

sheshatufitka; sellingprice, si 'Aiatlish.<br />

s e m C e n, sem inal fluid, kBilasli; to<br />

ejaculate the s., she'dslihdla.<br />

send, v t.; s. and s. away, skulyui;<br />

s. again, s. off again, dismniss, skuyuepeli;<br />

s. away fromn, skuyi'shka;<br />

s. off away, s. by mail, slhnig6ta,<br />

slinigotchna; s. below, underneath,<br />

inotila; s for, shahannilya, shA-<br />

'hm6ka; s. into the woods, recesses,<br />

etc., skuyokAya; s. out of the woods,<br />

skuyokayola; s. a person for something,<br />

shni'aktcha; s. out, dispatch,<br />

1(1. hslha; s. over the edge, yittlIna.<br />

senior, tXe-u.<br />

s e n t e n c e, hem6'Zish.<br />

s e p ar a te, v. t., shiitkal, IhekshAtxa;<br />

to part asunder, slhekelui. Cf. cut,<br />

sever.<br />

s e p a r a t e, v. i.; s. in two, sleivAtxi,<br />

sliewatZiii1a; s., to part by going in<br />

different directions, slbil)i'tZa; s. from<br />

each other, sheo-agtxa.<br />

s e p a rate , adj., wenlf'li, ablw] .<br />

s e r m o n, le'mkanksh; s. sprcviouslfq<br />

delivered, hm('mkaflniiishi.<br />

s e r p e n t i n e; etf. meand(ler, v.<br />

s e r u in of milk, ld'llpatko Jdshash.<br />

s e r v a n t; kshelulkicitislh.<br />

s e r v e , v. t., to wvail on, walfia.<br />

ser v i c e - t r e e, s.-bcrry bush, Ame-

lanchier alnifolia, tchakltgt, abbr.<br />

tcliltk; fruit of s.-t, te'lk; looking<br />

like the fruit of the s -t., tchakptchi.<br />

set, v. t.; no ex. eq.: s. a-going,<br />

hushu'ktgi; s. around oneself, as<br />

neckwear. f-amna; s. down, deposit,<br />

4lxa; s. onfire, shlmitkalka; s. over<br />

a river, lake, skoltka; s. up, make sit<br />

up, heshts'lxa; s up, as a pole, t'wa;<br />

s up erect, straiqht, shmlntkalt]a;<br />

s., place upon, tchi'lxa; s. upon the<br />

ground, tchilyia; s. upon, in the<br />

sense of attacking, cL, 'lki, gutAimp)ka,<br />

t'shui; s. utpon a road, passage,<br />

sti'l a.<br />

s e t , v. i.; said of celestial bodies,<br />

tlInetra; tinkuela; tinlole, tino'li,<br />

Mod. tin6la; to be on the way of setting,<br />

tinolena; s. over a river, water,<br />

gakua, kako'dsha; cf. ford, pass, v.<br />

S e t ou t, v. i.; generic terms, referring<br />

to all modes of locomotion:<br />

gena, guhualshka, guhumshIktchia;<br />

genJila, gl'kaka; s. o. from the<br />

place habitutally occupied, -'ka,<br />

grek-na, g ekansha, gekno'la; s. o.<br />

again from the same, gekAmpeli,<br />

g6kanshampeli; s. o. in a wacgon,<br />

luhbashktcha, lena; in a canoe, skohuashka.<br />

Cf go, march, proceed,<br />

travel, A-.<br />

settle, v. t. and i.; s. down at a<br />

resting place, mak'Thxa; to be settled<br />

somewhere, tchlia; s. up with, kitcliIkela.<br />

s e t t 1 e in e n t; homne, tchi'sh; former<br />

s., tclimislh; .. of wh'llite people, taI-<br />

Ulij; Indlian S. flaklaksam tchii'shi.<br />

seek -kshake 651<br />

set t Ie r, tcln'sh; s. in this, Mhat<br />

country, h l'tak tcln'shl, gitTlni.<br />

s e v e n, laplkshA)tani, tisually ablr.<br />

lapkslhlipta; s. hitndred, lapksha ptankni<br />

te-uncl)pli teC-unep; s. timres,<br />

1 apkslaptankrn i.<br />

s c v c n t -vy, lapkshapthinkui te-unel).<br />

s e v e, v. t.; to ciut off ktaki 61a, kt


head, while putting airs on, Mod. Iawi'ila;<br />

s. en to, is seeds, Avwla; s. ojf,<br />

,s (itist, itt'litwa; from oneself, shia-<br />

.lUisika, shliulaltchka; s.oneselfsshlt'ila,<br />

vilya, N'tvyannma, slhawl¢'ttalla; .s.<br />

out, liquids, u'lilitcha; s. the winfys,<br />

pftc~li; -('ltli l'lilteh,1 c1i1eli.<br />

s 1, a ) ( I ( S S, kokal]oAltko, MoId(l.;<br />

non. p)r. of a volcanic colIe ill<br />

Californlia, Mfdaikslhi, Shmastfo/inii<br />

Yaina.<br />

S h a s t i I n i a n ]1011n. IW., 7ShAsti;<br />

SAI sti inailaks; half-S. b)y descent,<br />

Slaistiuiga; S. 1. coautry, Sh astz6'ni.<br />

s h a t t e r , v. t., kNvwa, pl. ug-Cildslia,<br />

vlyn; to rattle by slakiaan, hley a.<br />

S h a k , v V. i.; to sway, shawdita, sha- Powvetega.<br />

wiiltana ; to be shaken mp, muiinilya, s 1i a v e, v. t., uiy['Lka; s. oneself hluslh-<br />

shaNvu1lta; to r-ee, lcml 'niavekishnio'kla, shluy6ka.<br />

telina; s. b1yfiost, etc., nainuiya; S. s h a v e r shniuslinli'lish.<br />

m<br />

th)rolqh Cold or fever, tuslhtisla,<br />

Alod. tushi'tlshlia; s., wiS~ithc,) witwi-<br />

s Ii e , p)ronl. ples.; samie as lhe, q. v.<br />

s h ea r , v. t , uyvolkal; s-. of, pi'[Slska;<br />

ta; s. to andfrio, as trees inl a storm, piece shorn of; p)ltshkaish.<br />

wawvi kanka.<br />

s II ea r s , ktushko'tkislh.<br />

s hi a ky , to b e , anlim., inuinm'iya. s lie at ll, l~tktchlishl, hwayaks; of<br />

S It a in an I, klinks.<br />

round sImpl)e, Wt'11w-sil.<br />

S I] a rni e , ndtclikisil; to efic s., to be S 1h e (l v. t., cf. Ip)011, v. ; s. the Skin,<br />

aSihamed, n6tthlika.<br />

as snakes, skiritehislip'gta; s. tears<br />

s h a ) e , v. t., sludta; shaped, -l)tchi, shuiulktcha.<br />

shirko shaped thu;s, tcIui, 1 lud11t7<br />

s 11 e (1, s , mnhiasli, Mod. stiniii'slh,<br />

teli; how shaped, wlkap)tclli; rooJ- Itchikiakititko; S., existing as a<br />

.hape(l body, gilhuapkshli;1.-S. landl, skeleton famwr only, KI. lithikia-<br />

witlasi ; well-shaped, tidshli; illkilitto; 8. enrerei ait the top onll,<br />

sh1apc d, ICkLidslli;1 iln(-s., klkali.<br />

s It a p e , S.; of/ the Same S,]s.,sl 1-<br />

shian 'iiilaks]h.<br />

s h e e l), domestic, siui'p ; Mlod. k&)-il;<br />

Wou)? tala -s., andi -goat, iifesh, Mod.<br />

kU-il; sheep's tie7, s]kdks.<br />

S., TIISl~l-s )Ge ]ctlidhisll tc-l('iktcelli s it e e t ot wlater, G-tish , dini. ('4vaga;<br />

S li a r p ; s.-e(dqed, tAkatko: to be S.co<br />

qcdJ fillk,atl]; ,S.polialte(, tchakttiht Ifldvi;<br />

to cet, yhid(t to (a s. )oiit, watchluika.;<br />

tastilqJ S., inl)bikiiniatko, ka-l nmAlslietkho;<br />

to stieI 1j) so5mietluin<br />

poin tedl, tf i lk.<br />

S.- 5s<br />

s ]i a r 1) e n , v. t., shnatcllktka, watclat'(Oha.<br />

S It a. S t al J ll t t ( or Jlr,,,,,,I Shazstar<br />

tchiwisi ; s. of paper, cloth, ete.,<br />

i-eshkd116tkisl to fori (a s., (cxt('l-<br />

SiOn, nlVwa ; to lalJ, pile o(e S. "1'°o"<br />

another, sluikan t.ula.<br />

Ii c 11; sea' or freis7h water s of anyi<br />

desciripllon, ktclultk; s. of mollusk's,<br />

waIkog'sh; musCle s. wuith the molltusk<br />

iln it, kl('dshll; mother-of-pearl or<br />

hoIlllis-s., kNt(']ak; specics of ma-

ine S. kdUtkiak; (ldcualill i-S , tttlasl i<br />

alkltelifjk; s.-noscd, icariing a dlciitaliam-s.,<br />

''yoosc-allt iln the nose,<br />

S11('1shkalitko; S., tvy/Ctabl)e ;11(1 ant jmial,<br />

har(ifru'it-s., ndsh(' stsh; rounded<br />

s., as of beetle, slhniitutktisl; ex-<br />

plosive s., jiiojectilc, 1116111i g"c'-ishl,<br />

m'ni shiiwalslh.<br />

s It e I11, v. t., ktollelola; kg-tlya.<br />

shelter s,S., sled, Ilmlliasl; to yire<br />

s., shmI't'1itelI~a; to go for s., guttila,<br />

shawAlttch na.<br />

s h e l t e r, v. t., slina'hite]ila. S. oneself,<br />

sliawdlltelia; to go and s. oneself<br />

slhawlitolinia, gitfila.<br />

1 hi e ph h c d d, shi'l) sliuashIIlahIiAlll)kish.<br />

s II i e d , v. t.; s. onese'/Y'with, to ?use as<br />

a s., shiipatluka.<br />

! h i f t , s., tgash-'lshyisli.<br />

ibill-])orie, wakl;lnislk.<br />

13 II i I e , v. i., SlinialA-l; s. lvith light,<br />

ktc~flu'lina, lItchl~lfica, shnl(']ka; s.<br />

albore an(d at a duitance,7 slilektipka ;<br />

S. from at distance, Ilyna, nlLtk0alt,<br />

shniatkoiua ; S. in many cot1J ,l<br />

ktell"1.li; s. into the eyes so as to injare<br />

them, slitchlit'yampka.<br />

s h i i e, 5s, a11(1 sullsh ie ktclhiiUis1i.<br />

sILirt, te(liliSh, diin. t(ltiliAi-a; ?toma<br />

i7ts s., tgasl i sl]islI.<br />

SIhitaike Creek, noDn. Ir. of a<br />

western tributary of l)es Chutes<br />

IRiver, O)''rc-ll; sifdaikti.<br />

s It i t e 1) o k e, tul'tkish or wi'ikish.<br />

s Ih i v e r, v, i. I, iui illItva; s. lng frost,<br />

]iailiava; tuslitlnslha, Mod. tushit1'`shIla.<br />

Cf. shake, v. i.<br />

s hIak e - shiore( 6513<br />

S It o a ,I S.; to strike (J(tiitst a S.,sltalya.<br />

s II o e , wakslkeea; high, s., stiksliui; to<br />

ietar Shoes, to pat sl)hoi onl, Nvllkslmin.<br />

s h( 0 t , V. t., ganori(*, .ll -i5, Ilgoislilla~;<br />

slllfil, l1A. y(I't"I; ti'+vi; s.r*rows,<br />

td'Ixa; s. (old ttoulld ,mla)t-11ta;<br />

s. several obj. by the same charge oi-<br />

missile, steNwi; to come w ear shootilng,<br />

shi'kslga; chch other, 1hishli'Aksli,,a;<br />

s. act anl olj., sLIM, pl. ytita; s at<br />

the(' mlark, shl6kla; s. (t the imairk.<br />

as rivals, hlslhanm; s. aSide qf the<br />

mark, yuitlanslina; s. by mleans oj,;<br />

SIlliuita ; S. conltinua lTh S llitninat;<br />

s. ait each, other, hIsllanl, sh('ttui;<br />

shengl-~s`la; s. high up, perpcndiCutarly<br />

tit,'utcwa; S. a hole throygh, 11ti'kshkthlia;<br />

s. oneself hIisltaln, siteii-6/slia;<br />

to be on the point vJ shootmng,<br />

shllataniva; shlatitmpka, pl.<br />

yutet~impt a; to beYin shooting, slilatanmpkp<br />

, pl. yutetarmpka; to ,o o0l a,<br />

shootingy trip, hishliteltna ; to (iisat)le<br />

by shooting, ngoshie-(4yo.<br />

s It o o t , V. i.; S. (7l,11 Iith/ nibse, said<br />

of waters, tiwi.<br />

s hI o p , store-hoausc, shlesliattiIkishl.<br />

s h 0 lp k e e p e r, slhcshatuisl.<br />

sh1Orle; s li,]nkllitko; kli<br />

.Stecp) s.,<br />

Iali'sl ; rocky s., wnalishl; on the opposite<br />

s., tl'-slitamuta; to arrive on<br />

s., kiiuplita; to form a s.-liae, vulalmna;<br />

eonneeted witli ver bs, s. is<br />

often expressed by the suffix -Iga,<br />

"'on the water,": to be, remain,<br />

stand alt the s.-lim' tgaliga, 1)1<br />

| lga. Cf. bank, beaoh.<br />


6354 4354 ENGLl3Il - iKLAMIATII D)ICTIONARY.<br />

s hI o r t, in body, Wig6lni; s.-faced,<br />

wika-OttIantko; at a s. distance, w ika;<br />

S. in time, titnkui ; a s. while, ely.,<br />

wigapani, wiga pant; a s. time ago,<br />

tanlkak, tAlnkakali; to cut the hair<br />

s., shuy6ka; one who wears the hair<br />

s., shnshuylkatko.<br />

S 1i () 1' t I y, adv., a short while, wvig"it-<br />

body, shikantAna ; ofl somebody's<br />

foot orifeet, shikantila; s. itself ap-<br />

Pear, h6slhla.<br />

s 11 1' e w, species of, wvith 10lon plro-<br />

panli; s. aftcr this, pI'tlakali, t`'niktak.<br />

I)oscis, Stisi.<br />

s Ih r i n k, v. i., by heat, nnuk0la.<br />

s II r u b, 'anku; little s., bush, tchels,<br />

wx ka-a; land overgro wn with, shrubs,<br />

gate htko ; species of s., probably<br />

s li o It d1 e r, Mpaklasld; s. and s.- .Artomisia, tcl'lk lu; species of s.<br />

blade, tclhnipal; s., especially of with black fruit, hashkem6lsliani.<br />

(IjuadillpedsslmirP,' ktclhi sli; tocarry In s - and bush-names Aiiku is gen-<br />

on one's shoulders, sht'liia, Mod.<br />

shliiiank ena; by a strap on foreeratlly<br />

omitted, the name of the s.<br />

beingi placed in the possessive case.<br />

head, etc., intk'la; without a strap, Cf. tree.<br />

shikiankia.<br />

s Ih r ut b b e r v, iinku, wekaga; in the<br />

sio 11old1 er - blade, slietaslitXaplksh, sense of thicket, gatchtko, gat-<br />

telnIpal; especially of quadrupeds, tcllesh.<br />

shlin'ktchigsh. Cf. shoulder. s hI it c k, v. t., ktclelola, 1lguya.<br />

s h lt o t, v. t., hii'm:a, hali6asla; s h u n, v. t., slicniiya, sh6nuidslia,<br />

ndena, nkliia; s. re})eatedly, it one slitiki6ta.<br />

strain. nkellkanka; s. through the<br />

hands applied to the mouth tas a tabe,<br />

stclikza; s. to sonmebodA , li6mtcla,<br />

s II u t , v. t., k.t-ishna, Mod. shhi'-uiki;<br />

s. the door or doowflap, shlil-uki;<br />

; it again orhabitually, slla-ukipele;<br />

liciiitehiita; s. ait soimebody, lianl6- s. oaur mouth! tchitchiks! kapkAtasha,<br />

lhauiekt'kA; s. downwards to, blauitaks! kcemkem! Cf. close, v.<br />

into, haii'nile; .S. from exultation, s hi y person, La-i wd'tltkish.<br />

silitiaika.<br />

s i c k, ill, nia'shletlwo, slillaltko; s.<br />

sltovc i nt(o , v. t., as intO a baw, through relapse, kalak; to be s., mia'-<br />

slill'lia; s. one part into the other, sha, with obj. case (Iam sick, ina'slia<br />

tult , Sl pulll)6i. Cf. join, v. nIi sh, contr. mia'slha n's)-; tobe chron-<br />

s It o v e 1, kiikn6tkish, sh.'wel. ically or incurably s., shila; to be s. of<br />

Sh1o , v. t.; to cx'libit, in a miedial a lingering disease, shila, pithalka; to<br />

sense, heshla; s., point to, I"Lya; lonlg,<br />

obj., lallhia; s. withl the extended arm,<br />

be p)ermanently s., pall6ka; to fall s.,<br />

Ualkela, shi'laka, slii'dla; to look s.,<br />

hinshipka; s. b, inforwinq, hashlugta;<br />

to start fo) tShowing, hashiwa-<br />

sickly, pa)bialka;<br />

takna.<br />

to render s., til6ktclha;<br />

s. something on a person's s i c k n e s s, nepaksh; s., acute or

painful, mna'slhaslh; s., chronic, shflalsh;<br />

to be afflicted with s., ma'shia,<br />

sh'la ; to relapse into s., kt'lkela;<br />

one relapsed, kUilak; article producing<br />

s., thtktish<br />

s i d e , s., of human body, above h1ip,<br />

lallash ; s., flank of animal body,<br />

Wlash; to rub one's s. against, hitntana,<br />

slalh'a; s. of mountain, sinshka'tko,<br />

gintXish, lali'sh; on the s.<br />

of, along with, tilla; on this s. Or<br />

part of, g6'kslita, gr6tant; gilna'gshtant,<br />

ginAtant, kii, k'itit ; on<br />

this s...... on the opposite, other<br />

s. of, ge'kslita ..... g'kshta; on<br />

this s. of a distant obj, tWhak;<br />

situated, being on this s. of, glnatani;<br />

to, on the other s. of, getant,<br />

gunigslhtant, gi'iintana, tu'gshtanta;<br />

cf. ge'kshta; beyond, on the other s. of,<br />

as of a mountain, t ltana, d. of tuna;<br />

of a river, lake, tu'gslitanta; from,<br />

to or on either or opposite s., Piipela'n-<br />

tana, pipolAngslhtant; from, on both<br />

s. reciprocally, shipapelAngslitant; on<br />

one s., extremity, na-itZ-'ni, na-i-shtxg'ni,<br />

nA-igshtala; situated, placed,<br />

being on the opposite s., as where the<br />

sJ)eaker is, t(Lkni; to lean, lie on one s.<br />

of the body, kiappka; cf. sidewise; to<br />

sit on one s., as of a lodge, pl. lIuna.<br />

s i d e w i s e, obliquely; usuallv expressed<br />

by the prefix Li-, ke-, k-;<br />

to extend, stretch, look s , naitaltclshnla;<br />

to ri(le s., wvomen fashion,<br />

iaitaltdslminak hush6'tchnra.<br />

side wvithI, v. i., to be allied with,<br />

tcllfIla, tchinta. Cf. associate, v.<br />

sl o r - si in ii 1ate. 655<br />

s i e v e , shlatckld6tkish ; to pass<br />

throutgh a s., v. t., shhItclka anid<br />

slla'tchlka.<br />

s i f t, v. t shlitelhka and shl.ttchkia.<br />

s i g II , v. i., I i]k)a; s. re)eactedly, h(6k-<br />

amp6le.<br />

s i gr 1I t , v. t., shll a, t(]shI1ia ; s. somlebody<br />

coming, telftanlkl)ka.<br />

Si g ii, S.; s. drawn~ 01r, painted, shlltinlalUash<br />

; s. of colwju(cr, mifdulashl<br />

provided with sijm, arks, Aslnmahkiaktko;<br />

to mia' (cesture-siqus,<br />

kuetta; to make .uii withl the hawd,<br />

niklnka nfp. C(f. beckon, v., gesture.<br />

s i I e n t; one who is s., kA-i wiiltkishl;<br />

be s. ! kapklblantaks ! kapk-apagink<br />

i! tchitchiks! kenikent!<br />

s ii e n t I y, kenkeni.<br />

s i I k w o r m , Iild, ktch.Apasi.<br />

s i l l y , letalani, ka-i;]ash; hie talks s.<br />

things, huna'shiak hLL hleinkanka; to<br />

act in a, s., odd manner, kUt-ika, sheslhXe'la.<br />

s i 1 v e r pnlpali tchikomen; shilba;<br />

s.-money, pl 1pldi tchliUkmen, pill-<br />

Pali talla; shilb~a tofia; s.-fox, same<br />

as red fox, cf. fox.<br />

S i I ver L a k e , nomn. pr., Ki'tlpshi.<br />

S in i 1 a r, shitko; -ptehi, -mtchi,<br />

suffix forming adj.; s. to, slht'dliank,<br />

shuhAnkptchi. Cf. alike to, adj.;<br />

alike, adv.; like, adj ; similarly.<br />

s i ni i 1 a ri Y , hfi'nk shitko hak, lIn1mashtak,<br />

hilmtsantka, shimaiik=<br />

shitko. Cf. alike, equally.<br />

s i m it 1 a t eG v. t., for the purpose of<br />

fooling, shlriape'npema, Mod. shne-

656 (<br />

rclpelllal~; s ticlollcs~sv p~i (slull. CfC.<br />

fei-il, v., -,eStu1(, S.., pretel(l, v.<br />

s i In il t .I II eo I Is l y, iaidslIa'slak;<br />

flmi'-ak, flima'k; tAnkltaks tclhiksh;<br />

S1611iklsl s~lltlio. (C shlakpi~tinwa

on the sicle, edye of, as of water,<br />

tcheklela; s. secreted, ambushed,<br />

tchaklitva, wilxa, w*Ula, pl. liwala,<br />

liukdtYa; s. together, tch'pka, pl. wawapka;<br />

s. underneath, below, tchiUtfla,<br />

wintila, clu. wawatila, pl. liutila;<br />

s. uj)on, on somethin(g, tchacwal, pl.<br />

liwala; tchI'kla; tchi'danina, du. waw'lanina,<br />

pl. lilanainna; tchakaya,<br />

du. wawaggAya, pl. liuktAya; s. in<br />

the woods, cliffs, etc., same as: sit<br />

uipon; s on, near the water, tchaleklya;<br />

tchaliga, dcl. wawaliga, pl.<br />

Iiuliga; s. away from! kuitak! sitting,<br />

posted above, I,)Centankni, p'1atkni;<br />

to make s. ip), heslitsallxa.<br />

s i t u a t e d above, p'lalkni, p'laItalli;<br />

s. below, underneath., yaIntani.<br />

s i x, nadshkslniptani, usually abbr.<br />

nadslbkshbapta; s. times, nddshkslLalptt'nkni.<br />

s i x t y , n-adshkshaptznkni te-unal).<br />

size, s.; no ex. eq.: inor to the s. of<br />

p)itpani, abbr. ps't; of large s.,<br />

lnt'ini; of small s., kitchkani; of the<br />

8(t)!me s , shuahnkptchi; to make of<br />

the same s., Iiishel1'dLIa.<br />

s k a t e , v. i., shektliil6na, nlak'kdinka.<br />

Cf. slide, v.<br />

s k a t e r, ulak'kankish.<br />

s k at e s , pair of, ilak'kankItkis i.<br />

s k e (I a. d (lie, v. i., gi ikaka, gi'shka.<br />

s k i mn, v. t.; s. off froth, etc., kiulila;<br />

s. the waves while flying, hIt'Viiua.<br />

s k i II, tchllksli; raw fur-s., raw s.,<br />

kthi'sh; s. wit/i the fuir on, n' 1;<br />

dressed, tanned s., 11b,'L-usli; s. of<br />

elk, antelope, vu'hli'lsh; red-fox s.,<br />

42<br />

si ittu It a n eous Iy-sk it nk. 65.=7<br />

wafn; s. of lynx, shl( 'a; srnakc-s. wieic<br />

on body, ndse'dsh; when shed,<br />

skinshgAkuislh; s.-lodlqe, slu'klakslh;<br />

s.-mantle, s.-blanket, etc, skutash;<br />

to be dressed in one, skl'lta; to enter<br />

the s., as splinters, etc., shislina; to<br />

shed the s., skintchislhq(ma; to have<br />

the s rubbed off, as on a sore, wlva.<br />

skin , v. t., n.'tsllki, naslikintna, nashkiila;<br />

s., said of fur-hides, scall)s,<br />

nelina; skinning implem)ent of obsidian,<br />

muft'shaksh. Cf. fleshing<br />

chisel.<br />

s k i 1), v. i., kshiutchlia; s. or swarnm<br />

around, klz--ika, nityamna; s. continually,<br />

as frogs, ska'tkanka; 8.<br />

down fromt, shuhl''lulea; to go andl<br />

s. dowi? from?, shuhultlkna; s. over<br />

something, as over a rock, etc,<br />

shuyaxiega; s. over an obstruction,<br />

log, etc., himrputiazie'a, Alod. nbnittW'xe;<br />

shanipatiaXida; s. up high,<br />

hi'lyeka, p1 . tinfxi; s. into the water,<br />

b'iiwa, pl. tlnua.<br />

s k i r in i s It , s., shislaitkash.<br />

s k i r m i s h, v. i., shislh16ka, shenotiinka,<br />

shelllual; s. about, shenotank'hu'ya.<br />

s k ii t of females, slhtchI'wakslh.<br />

sk u k u ni - Ii o u s e; cf. jail, p)rison.<br />

s k u 11, ni'tslti kU ko; s.-bove, kako6<br />

p)ilat rnlSIh; top of s., nk1ik; s. of fish,<br />

S k Ui l - ca 1); womnan's s.-c., flat on<br />

top), kinId,/; of half-lob)ular shape,<br />

kaillkmc; another, nllaksha.<br />

sk ui ik, M]lephitis mCiephitica, tchi'ishlash.e<br />

Cf. p~olecat.

658<br />

s k y , cl1ar, CloudlCss, kito; clouded,<br />

overcast s., paisl ash; int the s., p'lai,<br />

'laina, p)']aiala; s~bqywa-d,, p'lal,<br />

p'laina, p'laitala Cf. overcast.<br />

s 1 a b , utchluyatko anku; s.-lodye,<br />

uke'pelaksh; to construct a s.-l.,<br />

ug'ha'plxa.<br />

slags, iqlltatko.<br />

s I a n d e r, v. t., atchllga, shewala.<br />

s 1 a ii d e r e r, wvalizish, Mod. u'lk<br />

ish; wfknish, dim. wiknidga.<br />

s 1a ii t, v. i., g1llma.<br />

s 1 a 1) , v. t., ktlipka.<br />

s I a s ll, v. t. ; to cut, ktalh'dshla; one<br />

slash c(l, ktakallitko; upatiantko; s.<br />

onesclf; sh'dlakla Cf. gash, v. and s.<br />

slate-rock, lalalwash.<br />

slaty; composed of s. rocks, formations,<br />

lalau'shaltko.<br />

s I a ii g lit e r , v. t., shIuga, pli. Iela,<br />

Mod. pl. 11iela, slatenka; nasshki.<br />

Cf. butcher, v.<br />

s 1 a v e of both sexes, ]A'gsll; to make<br />

a s. of, Itt'gsbla; slave's owner, master<br />

o r mistress, ptchiwip.<br />

s 1 a y , v. t., shiuga, pl. lulela, Afod.<br />

pl. luela, shuenka, lieshxii'ki; sbil'tkala,<br />

shiukiga; huslitchohka; s. for<br />

somebody, shiukia; s. each other,<br />

hislhth'ka, huslitch6ka. Cf. kill.<br />

s 1 e e p , v. i., ktAna; to lie dlown to<br />

s., sku'lza, p~l. Ilulal~a; ktalmsha;<br />

animals, khlt'shl1a; s. outdoors, 1)1.<br />

loltua; s. with, shetoZa; tinte for<br />

sleeping, spunii'kslh; the act of going<br />

to S., many subj., lulllkish.<br />

s1 e e l) v, ktanapkitko; to be s., ktanmlpka<br />

ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

s 1 e e v e, shtutkalsh; sleeveless garment,<br />

skutasli.<br />

s l i c e, v. t.; s. off; kt'slika; -portion,<br />

piece slicedi off, kttislikuishi;<br />

ktitshka.<br />

Slice s., ktiilshkuish; ktUslika.<br />

s I i c k , lakltkhi, tclilllXatko; to be or<br />

become s., 'ik'laka.<br />

s I i d e , v. i. ; s. or rutlsh downwards,<br />

nde'-uli, pl. wet6li; 8. (lo0wnhill, shektakue'la,<br />

ulakol6la; s. down, ktekucla;<br />

s. into the water, ktWlya; s.<br />

down obliquely, nde-uku la, pl. wetkucla;<br />

s. into, as through a hole,<br />

gutektelha, gutPga; kilibli; s. into<br />

fromn one sidie, kiatkga; s on the ice,<br />

ulaklhunsha, wvshtat ulak'kAnika;<br />

s. ovser, to skate, ulak'kanka. Cf.<br />

fall, roll.<br />

s 1ii g - t , adj., loose, k'-uni.<br />

s 1 in e, ph) legym, m0las l.<br />

s Ii n g for thr-owing, skiwdtkislh; s.for<br />

throwing heavy missiles, shulntoyakea-6tkish.<br />

s Ii ) , v. i., ktekuela; s. with the ftet,<br />

yutdshlhktkal; s. into from one side,<br />

kiateCga; s. 'up) to, gilllta; s. wchile<br />

crawlivg, ktcluidsha; to let s., espeially<br />

into water, kteJla.<br />

s l i 1) p e r y, lakl'tkli, tellthiXatko; to<br />

be or become s., lak'laka.<br />

S lit, itlidsakish.<br />

s 1 o 1) e, s., ginslhkitko; if steep, la-<br />

WIAslI; mountain-s., taillatat ginslika;<br />

gintXislh; there is a long s., atif gintZi.<br />

Cf. declivity.<br />

s I 0 1) e , v. i.; S. (10town inslhkn, g -<br />

txi; s. down onl tuo si(des, gillin; s

steeply, lala; slopving down steeply,<br />

lclatko; adv., m'lai.<br />

s I o u g I, sli!itch; tale.<br />

S l o w, adj , ke-uni; running s., slowgoing,<br />

said of horses, le=h6witko,<br />

Iektchi=h6witko; s. of perception,<br />

kaittua sla'yuaksh.<br />

slo w ly, kU-una.<br />

S I tl g, stAtkpUfnksh.<br />

s 1 i m b e r , v. i., ktana; tuidsha, tuidshna.<br />

slumber; lights., tulidsh. Cf. sleep, v.<br />

S 1 t S 1 1, po'ks, tUipesh.<br />

s 1 y, tidsh shepelpeltatko. Cf. smart.<br />

s m a 11, kitchka'ni, abbr. kitcha; s.sixed,<br />

the opposite of coarse, ndshenkani;<br />

in s. quantity, kinkAni, abbr.<br />

kinka; growing to a s. height, wligzlIII;<br />

in a s. degree, kitcha; at a s., short<br />

distance, wIka; to a s. extent, killka.<br />

smin a lp ox, glityaksh; pox; to be<br />

sick with the s.-p., gu'tkga.<br />

s nm a r t, v. i., yuikiuka, Mod. ylllktgi;<br />

kimc'lia, tatkta; tekteka, Mod. tfka.<br />

s1nart , adj., shayuaksh, nalinuktia<br />

shldytaksh, tldsh shepelpelaitko;<br />

saicl of dogs, etc., tIdshi.<br />

S 1n a r t i n g , s., pain, tatktish.<br />

s ni a s h , v. t., ke2wa, pl. ng61'tldshia,<br />

peke'wa; s. to pieces, tekua, ndshapka;<br />

s., as glass, tchitiya.<br />

s m e a r , V. t. ; s on or over, it'a, sliiaishka,<br />

shi-ita; ipka; s. on one's back,<br />

shi(lamnia ; what is smieared on, it.'tnkish,<br />

itish; s body-paint on oneself;<br />

shutelona; habitually, shutelom shlla;<br />

s. over, kiuliga, laliga, pitliga;<br />

s. over, as oil, shutcho'sha.<br />

sky-Snake Indian (35a<br />

659<br />

s mn e 11, v. t.; to perceive by smellilug,<br />

stika, nd6pa; s. around, about,<br />

anim., shnikshkslishuka.<br />

s ni e I I, v. i., pIlui; s. agreeably, tidshi<br />

piltii; s. badly, to stink, kz'li pilui; s.<br />

nmustily, fetidly, nd6pa.<br />

s m e II, s. ; what emits s., piluyetslI;<br />

putrid s., iidd'pash; s. of rotten Jish,<br />

tcImo6'k<br />

s m i 1 e, v i., miiutchutchuyApka,<br />

luaI a.<br />

s in i t II, ws'titi shtishatishi; s<br />

cf. black-<br />

smith.<br />

s mn o k e, s.; s. of fire, shlalyaks; s.colored,<br />

ILIasliptchi; s.-hole of lodye,<br />

ginxish, l6kanksh; tonmake,produfce<br />

s., fire, shldi'-ika; to expose to the s.,<br />

hashhlt-i a; to become black from s.,<br />

skelxa; to blow s. into, to s. out, wiuka;<br />

to smother by s., puta.<br />

s mi o k e , v. i., shlii'-ika.<br />

s m o k e, v. t , as meat, ]iashlt-ixa;<br />

s. tobacco, pe'ika; to cease smokiny,<br />

pakola; s. out, as an animal, wiuka.<br />

s ill o o t II, adj.; slick, lakl'tkli, patptli,<br />

tatitli; tchlhizatko; not s.,<br />

rough to the touch, kitclikItchli; to<br />

a7,e s., even, vulina, taL'tka. Cf.<br />

even, flat, level.<br />

s m o o t h, V. t., latzdslil'Za, Mod.<br />

patpat sl'Ita; s. off to plane, shimtchluikta-ia,<br />

talika, vulina.<br />

s iol o o t hi Y, adv., p)Atpat.<br />

s In o t 1h o r , v. i, to be smnotheriny,<br />

pi'lta; keslioa hokish.<br />

s it a i I, st-Akf'inksh.<br />

S n1 a k e In (Ii a II, 11ow.l, pl , S-a't;

660<br />


I is uiickliaine, MIl)OL'shaksli; resembliny<br />

a -S. Iitd1ia/, slla't, slba'tptcli.<br />

s II a k eG, generic, wishink, Mod.<br />

wlvmtneaksh; black s., species of,<br />

Bascan i(ll1, klnatilaoga; blaci-s.,<br />

blaek-spotted s., species of Pityophis,<br />

mvfllnnaksll; garter-s., wislink;<br />

yellow ground-s., species of<br />

1Pityoph is, kciflanti; house-s., g6 -<br />

itak; rattle-s. ke-islh; whip-s., 3-4<br />

feet long, ulak'ktnkisli; s.-skinl,<br />

whell onl body, ndsedsli; when<br />

slied, skiisligAkuisli; to go s.-like,<br />

kakidslha; kintchlna, kinuina.<br />

s ia p , v. i.; s. in two, niigata, p1 .<br />

ii-gt'tldsl a; s. at, slinuloka.<br />

s it a r I y; having s. hair, tchftakslh.<br />

s n e a k , v. i.; s. towards, gAnta, IIusllt'ltallka,<br />

slhawaltAnka.<br />

s II a k - t Ih i e f, gAnta=pApalisll.<br />

s ii e e r a t, shnaslinitia.<br />

sn0eeze, v. i., etesliua.<br />

s Ii O r O , v. i., hIIu'ka, kaika'ya.<br />

sit o r t, v. i., tin6ga.<br />

s ii o t; slhii'Zshb, Mod. sblmenasli.<br />

niu duts.I<br />

s II o u t, pshi'slh, slhfi'rn.<br />

Cf.<br />

slo wV; kU'sh; s. is falling, kerua; to<br />

make s., to produce snotfiall, ke'shala;<br />

s.-bird, Junco oregonus, inaidiktak;<br />

s.-fall, s.-heap, keknislh; s.- goose,<br />

JInser hyperboreus, waiwash ; s.shoe<br />

of buckskin, ni.<br />

S 11 0 V I V. implers., it snows, kena;<br />

it snows everywhere, ke'kima; it ceases<br />

snowinq, kenola, sml'ihni, smalhy61a.<br />

sI Iif f, v. t., shini'a<br />

S 1 U ff, v. t., s. up, shn!'Za.<br />

s o, adv., thus, in such a mianner,<br />

InIumnaslit; nA aslht, Mod. i('-asht;<br />

ga-ashlt; gell g()uitclL tcli, tsi;<br />

tcli'k; so, tints, iuitrodiucin-o velrbatinm<br />

(luotatiolns of s 1)okeC1 words,<br />

tehi, nt-asht; he, Mod. ri-caslt, kIe;<br />

SO )nuch., thus 1bach/, kAnk, adj. and<br />

adv.; kanktak, La, ga ; and so, and<br />

thus, ti/en SO, tehiy ok, tchiyutink;<br />

so, in such a (mannmer as, correlat.,<br />

w'kaktokslh; just so, l1iininashtak,<br />

hluultsanrtka; so mitc/, so ma/ny as<br />

that, tAnk, tainini; kAnk, kAnktak,<br />

ka'i mi; get; so far as that, oet, ge'tak;<br />

so great, tall, large, wide, gut;<br />

talniarli; so lony, otet tAInli So s many<br />

times, tallkni ; so lookiny, so Collditioned,<br />

getniptchi, hulditehl i.<br />

soar, v. 1., S. awvay, lit'entelma; s. in<br />

a straigiht linie, Iniitchlna.<br />

s o l), v. i., lileka, kaikAya; to go<br />

around sobbing, gaikatnllka.<br />

s o c i e t y, body of people, slII kut'lkishl,<br />

mncpoks; to forn/ a s., shukUt'lki,<br />

me&pka, tt'Illia.<br />

s oft, tender, telue-fiin; s. to the touch,<br />

ptcl(ioklatko; to be s., elastic, Niu-<br />

Iiiwa<br />

s o i1, v. t., kaklieuga, kaknt(',atko<br />

shin Aslika, sxaknm(,a; soiled, kaliln<br />

gatko, kuy( - atko, iiuatAtatko;<br />

to be, become soiled, kuytudia; s.<br />

onesel; Imushlkaknetga.<br />

| 0 i I S., groutin , kJila; uponl ti/c s.<br />

or uponl this S., Ili, Ili/, i; when coIlneete(l<br />

with verbs, upon the S. is<br />

generally exl)ressed by verbal

affixes; on this s., hita, hitok; argillaceous<br />

s., tfkesh. Cf ground.<br />

s o 1 d i e r, shu'ldshash.<br />

s 0 1 e of foot, talkak; nakish.<br />

s o l e l y; sometimes expressed by<br />

tWda, abbr. ta, -ta. Cf. only.<br />

s o l i c i t, v. t., kille'tana; shak6tka;<br />

vt'lla, shczttla.<br />

solid, and to be s., kua'ta; s., in a<br />

condensed state, Ilm'pkatko; to be s.,<br />

hulpka.<br />

s o I i t a r y; to be s., shakamishia; to<br />

be s. through fear, sh'tkaislhinea.<br />

s o in e, adj., a few, nmika, kinkani,<br />

tatnkak; s. few only, t

662 62ENGIASH-KLAMATII <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

s o r r owfI 1, yttyalkish; yuyalkishptchi;<br />

to be s., latka, yualka; to<br />

render s., yuypilks shitk shbuta.<br />

so r r y, yny.'kislis; to be s. about,<br />

yualka, d. yviyalka; lIla.<br />

sor t; no cx. eq.: some s. of, tuA; one<br />

of this, that s., hiUmtchi, niflt(chi,<br />

shulhAnklptchi; all sorts or kinds of,<br />

nainuktua; all that s. of, suffix -ni,<br />

d. -nini; of various sorts, Nviktchlish.<br />

Cf. kind.<br />

S O III, animal life, hukishj sensitive<br />

power of man, steInash.<br />

sound, anim., stuf'tish, tinlmenash;<br />

to produce, emit s., hii'ma, stQ'tXena,<br />

wa,'lta; to emit musical sounds, clangs,<br />

walta.<br />

s ou n d, v. i., hli'mra; wvilta; to cause<br />

to s., shlnallualta.<br />

s o uI r, ka-Ai ma'shitko; tchmiy4txatko;<br />

to taste s., ka-t m~a'sia;<br />

tchmu2ya.<br />

s o u r c e of water, iIushaltk.'tga; ponds.,<br />

niushaltka5ga, wclwash, kok'liga;<br />

taking its s, nusliclltko. Cf. spring.<br />

s o U t hI, nilat; southward, mi'iat,<br />

nuliatana, inulatala; fromn the s.,<br />

rnm'at; it blows from the s., mu'la.<br />

sou thern, inulatni; native of s.<br />

lands, belonging there, nu'latni.<br />

southwest w inl d , tydlamlashk -<br />

tsa nll'atita slil('ivish, or ke'tsa mutititala<br />

skle'wish.<br />

s o u t h w i n d, mulashl; its mythic<br />

personification, Mi'lash; the s. wind<br />

blows, nmuLa.<br />

s o w , v. t., as vegetables, hashlultl-a;<br />

s., spwrine n , k (Ads1ra. ; so0wing, p/ant-<br />

ing ground, n'Asitulakislh, Mod. Ihmshuash;<br />

n6-ush.<br />

s p a c e s.; intervening s., gInkaksh;<br />

between es. lingers, ii(',pam gigralnk-<br />

aksh, sheggltzatko; there is s.,<br />

room11,, gita a ginuala.<br />

s pa(1e, utoy6ttkish; s. for digging<br />

roots, bulbs, nieyutkislh; Am(la.<br />

S p a n i a r d, Spl

s or r o w fu 1 - spot 663<br />

kuash; ki'sh; short s., javelin, taldshi.<br />

s p e a r, v. t.; s. fish, sti'ikua, kiii'm<br />

stulktia; s. severalfish or other objects<br />

sinultaneously, shakpatm

66e4<br />

64ENGLISH - KLAI TTH <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

dot, lt6ks; full of spots, nuata'Xatko,<br />

ud6lgatko, sliutmabidtko; on the<br />

very s., hbataktok, hatkak; at both<br />

spots, lMpukni; to mnake spots, shi'lmalua;<br />

s. where many similar objects<br />

are found, w-a'sh. Cf. lhere,<br />

place, there, an(l the numerals.<br />

s p o t t e d, udelgatko, shbunalu(Itko.<br />

Cf. speckled; stain, v. and s.<br />

S p) r a g e R i v e r, nom. pr.,P'1aikni<br />

K6ke, P'laIlkni, P'laI; S. Pt. Valley,<br />

P'lai; Indian inhabiting S. R. Valley,<br />

P'laiknii.<br />

s p r a i n , v. t., a limb, shliatiiwi, shuikashlina.<br />

s p r a w 1, v. i., while lying or floating<br />

on the belly, willaslIna; s. when on<br />

a wave crest, williaslaslhna.<br />

s p r e a d , v. t., to sprinkle, kddsi ia;<br />

s. out, sl)plkua; s. out for tanning,<br />

tkuya; s. outfor somebody, sheetlike<br />

o0)j., shlania, shlai'ika; s. out<br />

equally on both sides, slhitchl6txa;<br />

s. out over the water, river, shllankLia;<br />

s., part legs, feet, putehka; s. over,<br />

idsxa, ne'dsZa; over, on the top of,<br />

lok~iptclixa; s. over, as sheets, etc.,<br />

hisl1 mi'dshxa.<br />

s p re ad, v. i.; s. about, roll on, tila;<br />

liquids, tila, tchie'ga; s. downwarcls,<br />

tilalina; s, extend over the upper part<br />

oJ, lawctla.<br />

s p r e e , lelQ'1nkish ; to go on a s., 1e'<br />

kanka.<br />

sprig; cf. bough.<br />

s p r i n g of water, rnuslh]tkalga, welwash,<br />

k6kaga; s. forming a stagnant<br />

pvond, tchfwish; takingk, having<br />

its s., source, slhlt11tko ; to have its<br />

s., source, ntn'ltZa-a; in the iOUntails,<br />

tilln 61 i.<br />

s 1 r i n g of the year, sk6; it is s. time,<br />

sk(,'i.<br />

s p) r i n k I e , v. t., kedshna; idsxa;<br />

s. with liqui(ls, kiiul'lIa; s. uonkitu-<br />

1lta.<br />

s p r0 U t , v. i., s. up, k~dslia.<br />

s p) r it c e , Abies inenzwsii, pfinami,<br />

abbr. pmil.<br />

s p u r; both spurs of a rider, kmatchXZtkisls;<br />

s. of certain birds, kap)tcha;<br />

hill-s., katoliwash.<br />

S p y , S., skityLuash.<br />

s p y, v. t., kmaka; s. out, ka-ulu']k<br />

tehla to go in front spying, gayiiya.<br />

s q ll a ii d e r e r; cf. spen(Ithrift<br />

square, kIlkutko.<br />

s q u a t, v. i., tchut~ttka; s. down,<br />

wIlza.<br />

s q u a Nv, shln'twedslh, pl. we'wannish;<br />

youny S., shiwaiga; old s., welekas},<br />

wveIekaa.<br />

squeak, v. i., hai'ma.<br />

s q it e a I, v. i., slinka; hii'ma, sliu'tuka,<br />

tche'litcheka.<br />

s q u e e z e, v. t., yadslhllpka, tatch-<br />

Apka; s. out, kut'la.<br />

s q u i n t, v. i., spekpela; squinting,<br />

spekpelitko, spekp'lftkptchi.<br />

s q u i r r e 1; s., bluish-gray, gi'wash;<br />

gray, bluish-gray-s., teluitchak; species<br />

of long-tailed s., Spermophilus<br />

Beecheyi, st6kuaga; species of trees.,<br />

Sciurus fossor, kenekan, p'laIna=<br />

htltcineash; yellow-striped s., tsilaslh;<br />

species of bluish or black s.,

tineliak; flyiny s., Plterom s voincella,<br />

tsau'tsai; chipmunk, ni'slhish;<br />

to hunt them, mslh 'shialteha; yrounds.,<br />

two species: w-a'shla; waslla-<br />

Ia"; to hunt or shoot groind-squirrels,<br />

waishlala, w~ishlalsh1a; s. -hawk,<br />

red-tailed, Buteo calur us, k '-ash.<br />

Cf. clipmlulnk.<br />

s q ii i r t, v. t., from the mouith, 1 a'tehna;<br />

slhtcllitclotchna.<br />

s t a b , v. t., stuika; ktclicna: s. eoch<br />

other, st~tiiia, h1ushit1wa, lltlslt`lp)lka;<br />

s. back-, hillslhtka; s. oneself hlislhtka,<br />

Imslhtalpka; s. repeatedly, in several<br />

jlaces, stllpka; s. in the water, stn1kna;<br />

to be stabbed accidentallty,<br />

ktelena; stabbed, stuyuletklo, stukAtko;<br />

in several p)laces, stuilpkatko.<br />

Cf. pierce.<br />

s t a b 1 e , an id s. with boarn, stipl.<br />

s t a b-wo u nd, stuk tko, stillpkatko.<br />

s t a c k , s. ; in a s., adv., sli~pa, sft 'e~n;<br />

to lie in a s., sh6pa; to heap) )up<br />

in a s., shopalla.<br />

s t a c k, Iv. t., as hay, sihol)ala.<br />

s t a ff, w iashi, wav'hilkislh; inku; to<br />

lean on a s. while iclAnIy, slhikAnD<br />

ba, shbmtchna.<br />

s t a gx e, tchiktchik. Cf. wagon.<br />

s ta -g e r, v. i., lenlerma, tutiena,<br />

ulindshna. Cf. nafinava.<br />

s t a g n a n t water, tchiwishi, G-ush;<br />

slough, s'luitch, tAle ; to be s., said of<br />

water, 5wa, teliiwa, n1dopa.<br />

st a i n , i-. t., slinealia, iidckta; s over<br />

witl) malks, slit'ilinalua; s over an(l<br />

over, all aloniy, ndtktaia; staineod<br />

Over, n ldezata n atko. Cf. Spotted.<br />

spotted - stan d 665<br />

s t a i it, s., nd(uktisli, sliii(l n4shi; r'i<br />

s., t(ks: to make stains, sh1lmalhla.<br />

st a i r s , stairease, gramnIkishi; filght<br />

of s., shiasidt mnish; to go lk)-s., ga-<br />

T ]a Iil /o down-s., (a-uh6'la<br />

s ta I, s.; s. ({j a bet, game-s , Ushk<br />

f)sh; s. non, ikaks.<br />

st a I k, s., of plant, tel'lashi; s. (f<br />

gra/ , Yinteos, especial-l tall plants,<br />

tkap'l,, ln~T-i, To~d. kalp.<br />

s t a ll i o n , shilfidksial ttko.<br />

s t a in1 , v. i. ; s. with the feet, ktciu -<br />

teblta.<br />

s t a Il d , v. i.; generic: tg-lit-a, (Iln.<br />

]6Vll,`ltka1, more freq. lIAluatka, pl.<br />

llkantatka; s., ainun. sitlj., stltka;<br />

s., assume a standing 1)osition, sail<br />

of the crescent mo)on, t-gdoa, tmlilkZa,<br />

tg5]Imanka; s. above, on higqh,<br />

tgellwa, pl. lhwala ; s. above, among,<br />

around, between, tk-Jaina, diJ luAlamila,<br />

1)1. hilamna; S. (against an<br />

ol)j., togapata; amu. Ie ashed, s. in the<br />

woods, bushes, ete., tg(akNva, pl. ]itlkalya<br />

and liwAla; ef. ad)uslih; s.<br />

around, in a circle inC4de, indoors,<br />

tt4iyga, pl. hfitzuga; otlside of, out-<br />

doors, tgatitana, tgatfta, 1h. hlutfta-<br />

na; s. bejbvec tempqlorarily, tgl'lta, pl.<br />

e~vullita, l'ullita; s. bectween, t-:itsza,<br />

tkAlanina; s. at the end q a row, file,<br />

lamn dsha, tainl dslia, lel]via; at the<br />

lower end of a r ow, yiuinadsha; 8 on<br />

o)nC's feet, tg"'x , ala 1 pl. Ii w(a ; s. on<br />

oes heacl, alumil. ai(1 imman., slhetal-<br />

Z~o, sslititalpa ; nm'sfitat tuipka; s.<br />

on the level of' the one speaking,,<br />

tpipkazi, pl. liiiipka; standing place,

666<br />


ttipkasl; s. above the level of the one<br />

speakigr, tkildamria, p'laI ti'tpka; s.<br />

l)elow the level of the one speaking,<br />

tiiya; s. inside, indoors, tglXuga, pl<br />

1Iuxpga, hIuna; s. near, talIga, laliga;<br />

tgItsXa, pl lual6ya; s. near by,<br />

tgakiadmna, pI. liuki6drniia ; s. near,<br />

close by, behind, tg-ptcha, pl. liuptchla,<br />

pl. of inan. subj., tcl-Ipka; s.<br />

on, zqon something, t-akciya, pl.<br />

liuk6dya; tglkela; tg('wala, pl lIfwala;<br />

s. or lie on the ground, inan.,<br />

Ilbluka, If'tsha, 6'sha; s. outside of,<br />

outdoors,tgatitana,tgrat~ita, pl. liutItania,<br />

d lilutitana; s. outffrow. longshaped<br />

subj., tApka; rocks, etc., samkAt-a;<br />

s. oirt of a glroup, r'OW, cf. s.<br />

at the end of'; s. on the rin of, tge-<br />

Il'wa; s. in a ring, row, file, series,<br />

crowd, tgamki 'Inna, pl. Iiukhmina,<br />

also )l. lualoya, lifitatka; s in a secreted<br />

location, cf. s. ambushed; s.<br />

on one side of, pl. liuna; s. in the<br />

sky, celestial bodies, laggdylya; s for<br />

a timie, tguta, du. levulftta, l'uhi'tta;<br />

s. ont tiptoe, ldi' gtatka; s. to ether,<br />

formn alliance, shitchla, shitclihula,<br />

telifl a, tehinta; s. togqetber in a butnch,<br />

cluster, inan., tchiplia, Ewa; s. on<br />

the top of, tgelfwa; tgAwala, pl. h'wala;<br />

s. underneath, below, toutila,<br />

1p. levutIla, l'utila; s. up on one's<br />

feet, tgelZa, tga-Ailxa, tkadl(ga; to<br />

be erect, tg-at1.w1ala, pl. liwala; s. u(p<br />

fronl a sitting position, tgCIza ; s.<br />

up suddenly, hultyega, diu. tushi ga,<br />

pl. tinidga; to ma/ce s. up, spfitkala,<br />

cf. ]hell), v.; s. upon, cf. s. on some-<br />

thingr; s. o01, close to the water, on<br />

the beach, shore-line, tgalofa, pl.<br />

liulIga, d. liluliga; lalIgra; s. in the<br />

water, tgewa, pl. liwa.<br />

st a n d , s.; to make a s., halt, tellia;<br />

tgctl*,a, pl. lhielo']Za.<br />

Stan di ng Rock, nom. pr. loc.;<br />

several local names correspond to<br />

it, as Afsh=Tkali'ks, Kta'-i Ttopaksi.<br />

See lili'nuash, yatish, shiili(lyalssh,<br />

TsaITeak=Tkialwalslh, We-<br />

I 'kag=Knflkleks6tksi.<br />

s t a r , and shooting s., ktchfi'l ; the<br />

three stars in Orion's belt, nII(Und(akslni.<br />

s t a r e , v. i ; s. at, tW61ktneka.<br />

S t a r t, v. i.; s. on a trip, journey, etc.,<br />

gujhuAshka, giihtAshlbtcha; to be on<br />

the way, gena, gf-udshna; also expressed<br />

by the verbal suffixes<br />

-tcha, -tchna, -d(sha, -(Islna; s.<br />

after, k]'A-ilha, haItchna; s. awiay<br />

froni, geka, gc'kna, gpi'slhka, -61ikaka,<br />

k'lewfdslta, klewi(lshna; s.<br />

away froin into woods, etc. guikinsha;<br />

s. in a canoe, skohiull shka;<br />

s. in a carriage, lidi"shlktcha; ILhna;<br />

s. for carr-ying away, Anslha; lonobj.,<br />

shayantildshla; s. after drinling,<br />

bunt'idsha; s. for fetching, iktehla,<br />

l'iktcha ; s. from home, camp,<br />

geka, gknia, gfiikakal, toyo an(d s.,<br />

guikc'tktcha; s. oil one's feet, s. up,<br />

h1uyega, pl. tiIitga; tgJca, Mod.<br />

tgo- tIl, pl. luehiWIZ/; ht'tkala, du.<br />

tfisfitkala, pl. tfntkala; suddenly,<br />

ltf'tkalslha; s. to leave, tch-ula;<br />

i. on a r'le, 1lnshltsa; .s. on a rul,

hluta; s. up from a sitting position,<br />

tgdxlza, pL. luelo'lxa; s. lip, S up<br />

vertically, suidl of fire, tgepalici'gal<br />

n tkal-a; s. on the warpath, gat'dshia;<br />

s. with somiething, to begin (it<br />

one end, tmuy('ga; starting-point or<br />

-line in games, etc., slhalpeut-isi.<br />

Cf. leave, v. t. and v. i.<br />

start, v. t., a chorus, slhuy("a,<br />

shiiun6ta ; s an echo, siilnatol-<br />

.'akta; s. somebody on his wag,<br />

ginkanka, cf. stIya.<br />

startle, v. t.; to be startled, taka.<br />

Cf. scare, v.<br />

s t a r v e, v. i.; s. and starve to (leath,<br />

st'iwva; s. by fasting sta-ota.<br />

s t a r v e , v. t ; s. o1t, liasht{twa.<br />

s t a r v a t i o n, by hunqer, tiiisI.<br />

state, v. t., to say so, kslhizpa, nAasiht<br />

gi, sliapa; S. to somebody,<br />

slhapiya she'gslia; to affirm, sli5-<br />

wala.<br />

st ay, v. i., remain, tchia; (i ; s. in<br />

a certain p/ace or mediumn, telia, pl.<br />

Nva; wintila; S. between, among, ta7;ts~a;<br />

s. in company of, hashui'ikla;<br />

s. continually at, tClt'(lslia, pl. ~ivtdshuga;<br />

s. at a place, house, village,<br />

tchta, pL. tchia, ivit; s. upon, on somethin<br />

g, or in the woods, etc., t-ak'ya,<br />

pl. liuktya; s underneath, tchutila,<br />

du. wawatila, pl. liutIla; s. or lo(/yg<br />

with at nimqht, slietdlXa; s. within,<br />

inside of, tehliwiwza, tchixz'6-a, p].<br />

wadshling;i. Cf. reimain, stand.<br />

s t e a 1 v. t , palla; s. again, repeatedlq,<br />

piilapele; to e(turn fior steal-ih1,<br />

pldsliape le s., li(inap, ksh in-<br />

stand - step fat h er. 667<br />

ka'ttkal, s-p1L'lntx a; to be stolen?, gone,<br />

l tki.<br />

s t e a n , s.; to peroduee s., tt'laka; to<br />

turn into, become s , wv~ikwaka; to<br />

takc a s. bath, spyit'kli, Alod. hTnik6-<br />

La; to u.Se for s.-baths, sptlkliiita; to<br />

start (ot for a s.-bath, sp1)'klitclha.<br />

S tea :ibo1)a( it Fr ank, nom. pr.,<br />

Tchlimii'ntko.<br />

s t eelI, svAtiti.<br />

steep, lalatko; to be s., l'la; s.<br />

slope, shmore, lali'shl; s. calley, gorge,<br />

p1lksl; s. hole showinglt location of<br />

old sweat--lodge, shi 'm dandid wish.<br />

steeply, mn'laf.<br />

s t e e r, msIlimnish, AMod. vshillushl.<br />

stem I, s., tche'lash; tree-s., 'inku; especially<br />

of thme walash-tree, w'ldasli;<br />

s. of aquatic plant, reed, tulish; s.<br />

of tobacco-pipe, plkslitat tul'sh.<br />

s t e p , v. i., to tread, kishl1a, shikashila;<br />

s., walk across a space, kaul6ktana;<br />

s. downl, ojf from, petcli6li<br />

; s. (lown from1 the horse, mIule,<br />

Ihushliinsha ; s. onl, uo01n, kishltclim1,<br />

pj)tchtia ; s. on soniething uwhile<br />

marching, slistchka ; s. on, ifon,<br />

gek'pka, ge'hlalpka; s. on aqain,<br />

gelapklpele; s. on one's own foot,<br />

sInlniatchxa; s. up towards, kisihtchipka.<br />

s t e p 7 s., shikasihlash; to ta7,e one s.,<br />

slilkaslitka.<br />

stepdaughter, said I)Ny stepfather,<br />

ki'mslilatko; said l)y step-<br />

mlothler, p'shletship).<br />

s t e p f a t li e 1 , sai(I b)y stepchi ldren,<br />


668<br />

ste pm oth er, p'sh-Aship.<br />

s t e p S o n , said by stepfather, ku'shllatko;<br />

said by stepmother,<br />

p'shAsblip.I<br />

s t e r il e, as land, k1'lidshi, ka't-i vawa-ish;<br />

s. woman, tChiftu.<br />

sterno-cleido-mastoid mtuscle<br />

of neck, knlItik.<br />

stew, v. t., n6ka, taluodsha.<br />


st i ck ], S., of wood, Anku; w6llash,<br />

w~''lllkish; heavy s. of wood, club,<br />

papkash; s. for digging roots, bulbs,<br />

etc., Limda, in ey6tkishl; willow-s. for<br />

erecting sweat-lodges, shtchliA ush;<br />

.s. of kindling wood, k'lpkash, q. v.;<br />

the two slender stickos in the spdlshnagamne,<br />

sxlItash; little s. servinii as<br />

counting-checi, ksh6'sh; short s.<br />

used in certaini games, shakl('tkish,<br />

silalslhesh ; walking-s., staff hii'kskish;<br />

to hold a s. in hand, hands,<br />

shlmtella; to move along by lean iny<br />

on a s., shdntelmna; to walk wtith a<br />

s., shikdimba. Cf. post, s.<br />

s t i c k, v . t.; s. Up obliquely, kuil6kal,<br />

kiulk'Aya, kiutelhrna; s. up on ap )ole,<br />

etc., ipma'tcha; aggplya laggjo-a;<br />

while going, agg -idsli a, Ia-g(- i<br />

idsha; s. up a pole, fishnet, etc.,<br />

tewa; ef. tamtadsha; s. ubp something<br />

sharp, tallka, sts'ikla; s. or<br />

paste upon, shlnantchdkta; s. out<br />

one's head when walking, sk(Hushna;<br />

s. out one'.s head fio-m under,<br />

eitaktillna; to be stack on a pole,<br />

etc., ao-gAya, lag-Aya, tatfta; shla imtchlkta.<br />

s t i c k , v. i.; s. on the stinface (of, gill-<br />

tania; ti'ta; s. upon, round subj.,<br />

aS stainS, etc., laliga; s on, to be glttinous,<br />

ntclbtkta, shIm'ntcbakta; s.<br />

to, to be attached at the time being,<br />

tguta, pl. lovdtai, d. 'nhltita; s. in<br />

sonmething, long subj., ig-Aya, pl.<br />

i ggAya ; s. to somethingr higqh, long,<br />

winta ; s. out, to be stuck Up, tatfti<br />

aggp-ya, laggAya; sticling to, gintana1tko;<br />

to go uep while sticking close<br />

to, a--Idsha.<br />

Stick-o ut-Ie ad, nom. pr. nasc.,<br />

Sk'ntchiisl.<br />

St ic k y; to be s., ntchl'tkta, slinantelhAlta.<br />

stiff, witchwitchli; to be s. by cold,<br />

tAT)sZoya.<br />

st i ff1 l , Witellwitelh.<br />

s t i l l, adv., quietly, kninkein; s., adv.<br />

temlp., W6e' tn, t'ntchek.<br />

s t i I t s , shlikukX'nlloteli.<br />

s t i n g, V. t., as bees, snakes, kiutka,<br />

sth'ka.<br />

s ti ni g y , widslilkish; to be s., widshika;<br />

not s., w el(l'lTi.<br />

stink, v. i., k;t'ii pllhii, pillni; s.<br />

through rottentes9, nidol)a; to go<br />

around slinkiing, sipalkl-llka.<br />

stir, v. t, s. up, katclLAo'a; dougl,<br />

stiwtni; liquids, katchakie'ni, kuloyena;<br />

s. up the water, stelewa; s. up,<br />

said of winds, vultinpi(&cga; s. up, as<br />

animnals, etc., slIII ega<br />

S t i r, v. i.; s. aboaut, to make mlotios,<br />

shiktka, sIliwinIau.<br />

s t i r r u p, ltht'ldish.<br />

s t i t C h, v. t., ske'nshina.<br />

s t i t c h i n , I s;., s'anl, skl-ntchish.

st epmot It er-str a n g e. 669<br />

st o c k i n g, hiapAtzokshl, Mod. hi--I tchlika; s. within, inside, tclhipn-:,<br />

il)'a'toksh; slite'gi1sl; to make, nit tcliiwizi, ptl. NN-dsltuga. Cf. quit,<br />

stockings, situegiulshlat. v. t.<br />

S t om a cll of man, iikAslhani Uvalsl; s t o p , s.; tO bcw on onew's way a(1Jain<br />

first, uppers. of a ruminaet,<br />

l'a walsh, after a s., tilo'tkala ; /.'j harvest or<br />

nkaisham liwalslh; its largest s., fish (again aJler a s., slmikalluanlka.<br />

nkfish; to fill the s., it'-unma, sholohta. s t o p p e r, lalkish.<br />

stone, ktA-i, dim. ktavA-aa; hcacy s t o r e, s ; s.-hou/e, warechouse, fpakslh,<br />

flat mealing s., h6inAtch, t

670<br />

70ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong>I <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

stranigely, wxlllli.<br />

s t r a n g e r, atfkni, wenniknii; to<br />

consider as a s., kt-ikenma.<br />

s t r a p , s.; s. of leather, puk'^wish,<br />

dim. pukewiga; qtuiver-s., stIlaslh;<br />

s.for saddles, etc., pe'kaslI; otter-skin<br />

s. or other skin-s., ske'l; fuir-skin-s.<br />

tied into the hair, slhukatonol6tkish.<br />

Cf. quiver.<br />

s t r a p, v. t.; s. the saddle-girth<br />

around, slhuitala; s. up into a bundile,<br />

lhushlttanka.<br />

st r a w b e r r y, tclithitchiks; s.-plant,<br />

tcltuitchiksliam.<br />

s t r a y , v. i.; s. around, as dogs,<br />

n'kanka; s. out, ldshna, lulIna,<br />

lolalxa, l6kanka; to go straying,<br />

l11tchipka, 11-yapka. Cf. astray.<br />

s t r e a k e d , uyoZ.'tko, udelgatko.<br />

Cf. striped.<br />

s t r e a in, koke; small s, kokag,,<br />

tuku a cra.<br />

st rie e t, stu; ginsxisll; s. in a city,<br />

tA'-uiji -insZc'tntko.<br />

s t r e 1i Ig t 1 , killitko; litcl lltclili.<br />

streng-thien v. t.; s. oneseil;<br />

s11 1)o6tu.<br />

s t r e t c II, v. t.; s. out, uslhkAlza;<br />

upon somethligi- high, kslh'ial,<br />

ksht'liwal, pl. iwNVfla ; S. out bgy hand,<br />

patdslsha, spat'ldslha ; s. out on<br />

ground or elsewhere, kslhikla, 1)1.<br />

fkht; s. limnbs or elastic objects, spit' i-<br />

(islila; s one's limbs, slluatztlwi ; S.<br />

over, ne'dsXa; loHOu-shaped articles,<br />

fdcsxa; s. oneself out, back upwarfi,<br />

or flat on the yroanld, slbflpka, pl.<br />

wiwvinpka. Cf. extend, v. t.<br />

s tri dle on, v. i., ksfutAki; s. on<br />

long -leqged, tehik->la]Za.<br />

s t r i k e, v. t.; s. with a long, article,<br />

as a clutb, whip, etc., vt'Ita, wf-udslha,<br />

wihii'tchya, vudl'ika, vud'kita, wviuht'a;<br />

udUyua, udfipka, uhl1ipklpa;<br />

s. a blow, wiul'tla; again, wiulaitpble;<br />

s. by hand, bill or w7eapon?,<br />

idt'lka, kttpka; s., stab back, huslitAp'lka;<br />

s. down into repeatedly, mr~ptkia;<br />

s. camp for the night, malk'16a,;<br />

s. eacih other, shutaipka, sliukt,1t)ka,<br />

si '1kpxa, Mod. ndi'yua, ktltyua;<br />

s. the ground, said of missiles, yttl-<br />

7a; s. the water, ytia; s. into after<br />

goillg througlh another obj., mpaita;<br />

s. a m)iatch, slhniliwa; s. oneself , slfl'ktka,<br />

SlhUtlA 1)pka; s. upon, throu-ght<br />

with a tool, nip1)tita; on)e who strikes<br />

wvith, tools habitutally, nruiumpiisli.<br />

s t r in g , kituiks, dim. knuka(ga; thick<br />

s., braided, tU -tish; s. used as a<br />

holder, handle, stilaslh; leather-s.,<br />

)ukl'kvisl, dim. pukewfga; guard-s.<br />

of hat, tsuttsv am stilash; s. of beads,<br />

y'nuniasl; s.-gamne, and s. wvith both<br />

ends weightedi, tchIlma-asl ; to play<br />

the s.-yamie, tclifnia-a.<br />

st r ip , v. t., lon," obj., udshipa, 1)1.<br />

idshipa; roun(l ol)j., ludshIdpa, slhulshipa.<br />

s t r i 1) of leather, puktwislh, din.<br />

p)ukewiga; to cat into strips, puli.<br />

s tr r i e (1, udi'lgato, 1yox'ttko; s.<br />

horiz-ontallg, lkhkimitko; s. verticallq,<br />

11(iz1lkitkitko; s. transversely or<br />

at right angles, slieslialxak~'natko;<br />

s. lengthwvise, slelxcaluatko.

str a it gel y- su cker. 671<br />

s t r o k e, s.; s. of lightning, lIu'epals]i, sub merge, v. t., tila, tillina; s,<br />

lien-ish.<br />

as a canoe, flktcba; submerged, tilst<br />

r o k e, v. t., taslhulola; to pat, Iumintko.<br />

tatchaelka; ptchiklxa, Mod. ptchlat- s u b s e q u G 1t, ta1)ili; s., following<br />

kla.<br />

in age, tapinkani.<br />

s t r o 1 1, v. i.; s. around, gatalml'xa, subsequently, adv. and conj.,<br />

gin tala; one who strolls about, tatclin- tapI, tapitana, at, apoc. a; tcliti,<br />

nuish.<br />

tchutiyuk, tchulyunk; k'lewiank; cf:<br />

s t r o n g; vigorous, litchlitchli, killi- and, hereupon.<br />

tko; large and s., m'tni; s., irresisti- substance, s.; in the sense of<br />

ble, as a demon, slhkaiini; s., said of thing, object, tu~t; black, s., g'ipal,<br />

tissues, ropes, tsudgatko; s. in the q. V.; poisonous s., kt'ti(dsti yA-iiks,<br />

sense of solid, volumin oits, Im t'pka- )yt-tiks; coverbigyS., skittas1l; decaytko;<br />

to be s., li'tLpka; to becomee ed wood-s., nIftl'lI; CJntic s , tchunti[-<br />

s., solid, I'tltki; to bccowe s. by pldskisli; glass-s., lam =piulnit'tkislti; ylusical<br />

exercise, shp6tu-; to be s., tinoas s. of the eye, walash; resinous,<br />

kila; said of winds, sk't; to become glutinous s. put on arrows, walAkish;<br />

stronger, winds, shiwina.<br />

grecngi~b s. of snakes, lotel'taslh; s.<br />

s t r o n g 1 y , kat-a, apoc. kU, gii; with producingd death, l 'lek6tkish, Ilelot-<br />

viqor, litchlitel; a great deal, lil, kislh; s. producingpagin, dfisease,, titk-<br />

tumr; s., forcib~ly, kil', kIllank; s., tish; s sucked out by the conjurer,<br />

said of winds, fiost, sk.k .<br />

hainshish<br />

s t r u g I e , v. i., to writhe, witwita. s u c c e e d, v. i., to have luck, tinXa,<br />

s t r u t a b o u t , shlalkiA-a, shiApkta. tidslh tinza.<br />

s t u b bl e, mulinuisli.<br />

s u c I ; s one, one of that sort, s.-like,<br />

stu b born, n t'Lidslii.<br />

gdtlpltclli, UI.X'l~t(,hi, SlILINll1;11-ltC)h(li;<br />

s t U d y, v i. and t., hu'slhkanka, in s. a way, lhit'lmmst, -A-aslit; wAk<br />

lilt'sIka, in Mod. also: k.6pa; shvu- correlat. w*akaktokslt; to act in. s. a<br />

y ti'sha, Mod. slivuyushbaga.<br />

way, hu'mtnaslit gi; one who looks or<br />

stuff, v. t., as an animal, tkaina. behaves in s. a way. llaktcalnmptchi.<br />

s t u nm b 1 e , v. i.; s. and fall, udshi- s u c k , v. t ; s. out, milk and blood<br />

kla.<br />

only, edshia; s. out of, li'Antchipka,<br />

s t u n ) of tree, buslh, ti'tash; s. of Itkal; koka; s. at something, kUn-<br />

dried-ul) tree, wapalash.<br />

dsoya, kpudsh6'sha; s. at, as at<br />

s t it p i d , letalani, Mod. ke'Lak k6z- a patient, hianslmna.<br />

pashL; tchawfkatko.<br />

s in c k e r, s.; the various fish-species<br />

s ull) e hi e f, kitclhkAini<br />

ke'tsa laki.<br />

laki, abbr. known as suckers in the KIl. Igihlands<br />

are: Chasmistes luxatus,

672<br />


tsuinaii; (Chasnistes brevirostris,<br />

kallptu; (Catastomi us labiatus, ve'll;<br />

aiiotler of the (Catastomnidae, "'white-<br />

Jish," udslidksh; to catch, this s.<br />

udsliAksalsha; other species: sa'livalsh<br />

or shlA ash, vuiv'i,-a-a, vi'nai,<br />

and the smallest s., hishtish.<br />

suckle , v. t., lihslhtchla; suckliny<br />

child, mllll kshl, Mod. slhueiitcl; dimn.<br />

mt1kaga, Mod. sitien tclhga.<br />

su 1d a t o ry, slpft'klishl, dim. sptitkliga.<br />

s u d de n 1 y, ki'1, p'ldakak, tainkt at.<br />

s I t , III"L<br />

s u f f e r, V. i., to be afflicted, yucilka;<br />

s. mentally, slhunti-ya, steinash<br />

mi'sha; s. from a spell of witchcraft,<br />

slialfta, shalxftna; s. front an acute<br />

or painful diseasc, ni.-Vslit; s. fromn<br />

a fever, ke'lpokslh mi'sha, with ohj.<br />

case; s. from a lingering discas/e,<br />

plilialka, shila; s. fromn a slower<br />

internal disease, j)ahdk')k ; s. fromn exhaustion,<br />

p)a'1tchna; s. from malar ia,<br />

ttishttislha, Mlod. tLLshltuslhlt.<br />

s u ftfe c' i uI g, nia'shash ; if elironic,<br />

shiflash; painful s., tiltktish; to endure<br />

miiental s. steinasl ulia'sha.<br />

s it f fi ( i e u1 t Utunni. Cf. enough11.<br />

suff i ci e ttl y, (itak, 1lod. kinktak,<br />

t1inktak.<br />

s n ffo cat e, v. t; to be siffocated.<br />

kesl6h-a h1'tkishl; pIita.<br />

s ii g a r, sl'llggai; s.-pien, kttleani<br />

1io'shi; sap of s.-p~ine, tch.' tclia- p~l at;<br />

sweet as s., Htiiluyatko.<br />

su i i d e; o. eoi-nnmit, v.<br />

s n It r y; it is s., paisha, tgiwa. s tu l) e r i ) I-, s., coinunander laki.<br />

sl mi in e r , pata; it is s., pata; after s 1 p p O r t, s., post, walaslh, stutilash.<br />

S. is over, pbita giulaink; to build a<br />

s.-lodye, ug'lli'plxa.<br />

s itl III110 n, Iv. t., tjpdwa, nc-l~a-zl; s.<br />

repeatedly, several timces, ni- tq'146eli.<br />

s ii n , shapash; the s. ascends in the<br />

sky, slh'ilash a thishipka; the s. is<br />

culminiating, shalpaslh p'lalkislhtka g-;<br />

the s. is down, shapash 1-une-a. Cf.<br />

halo, rise, set, V.<br />

s u nb ) u r n , ktchal isll; to produce<br />

sunburns, ktchAl'a.<br />

Sun day, sulnde.<br />

S u II d o w n, ki'sll, tino'lish; at s.<br />

kislie'mi; time about s., tinololesh,<br />

r ed at s., i-ungcs"h. Cf. suLnset.<br />

s n i f i s h , a fish p)opularly called<br />

s', tcja.<br />

s ti n f I o w er , Imddua Mod.<br />

s U I t r i s e , tiie'Zish-; cf. east.<br />

s it In s e t , kl'sh, tin6lisl; time between<br />

s. and dark, i-uiulgsli; it Is s. time,<br />

tinolola; it is approach ing s., tino-<br />

I ( a.<br />

sllperimlI)ose, v. t, wildshia;<br />

uicsZa, lifdsxa, fds~a; to pile upl,<br />

lo]zlpt~cIh/a; Mod ]k-ipa; s. crosswise,<br />

transversely, long ohj., Itkna,<br />

mikua; kshl(t'hka, pl. ethz'%i.<br />

s it P e r i n t c nI , v.t., shualaliAnlmpka.<br />

s it p) r int e 1(d e Itt, shbtaslitlaliAmf)kisli;<br />

lhaslitltampkIttko.<br />

s u p e r i o ri, adj.; s. as to location,<br />

l)'laftani; S. in imiportance, mt'ni; S.<br />

to, su Jjas5si/?y, wiinizishi, ivinlliish-<br />

1)tehi; to be s. to, wvinizi, Mod. viltiin,<br />

winiziiui. Cf. surl)ass, v.

s u j j) o s eC, vr. t., ShaVwa, 1uCwa, n1itu,<br />

ksllzA)a; Il'ishka, lhiishkanka, in<br />

Mod. also: kopa.<br />

s u p p 0 s e (1, COill., suppoinqg that,<br />

hit', Idi; cf. if; whlell.<br />

surface; no ex. eq.: on the s. of,<br />

pI'llLtanlt; to lie, rest, sprawl on the s.<br />

ofi wlihaslaslna; to lie on, upon, the<br />

s., inlla., l1'tsha, Uisba. Cf. Swim, V.<br />

s u r p a s s , v. t., wimili, Mod. vtliZiin,<br />

wlidiian; It'lixi, ksht'liZi ; s. in size,<br />

strcnyth or stature, whinii, Mod. Vt'i-<br />

Zini; surpassing in size, quality, winixishi,<br />

wirlliislhptclli.<br />

SuripIise Valley, nom.lpr. loc.,<br />

SpAL-ishi Valley.<br />

Sur ren der, v. t. and i., hidkslii; S.<br />

property, woZ(Xwa; s. for a purpol)s,<br />

said of flat objects only, shliiltpa.<br />

su rrouni n , v. t, gaki~imna; s. in<br />

the sense of heading off, gaytya; s.<br />

with rails, fence, shute'dslhka; s.,<br />

clothe in, skct'tchala: s., form a ring<br />

around, hasharmpka - s. in the shape<br />

of a concave body or half globe,<br />

giikakidmna; to be surrounded by a<br />

halo, said of the moon, slIr'dtkala;<br />

surrounded with, as with mist,7 fire,<br />

sku'tatkIo.<br />

s u s p e c t, v. t , k--ikoma.<br />

S i s p e I d(, v. t., laggqaya, niaggmiya;<br />

long obj., ksha-gA'vya, ggi'tva, 1)1.<br />

iggmya; s. while going, aggrgdl-idslha<br />

pl. igg- -idslia; s. over, as a blanket<br />

over a b)ush, Ilishugg lya, sh akIltchuala;<br />

to be suspended on, slinggtya;<br />

over something, tunulitla.<br />

C£ hanag, v. t.<br />

43<br />

stuck 1c -sweat- lodge. 6i73<br />

s u s t a i n, v. t., as allies, tclflfla,<br />

shitchla; s. the opposite party in<br />

'war, tchinta.<br />

S W a ' e rC, v. i., shialki(L-a slifplutnf<br />

sh utfi kta<br />

s wV a low v. t., skotka, shniw.'tdshna<br />

; hlla; s. iwhile raising the<br />

head r(peatedly, as birds, ta-ulak-<br />

tf'tn na.<br />

s allow , s., titalk, Mod. titf'kia.<br />

S W a In p , s., sli'titell; tiile; s.-dogberry,<br />

ipshunia; s. -doyberry - bush,<br />

ipshfinalamn.<br />

s w a n, white, kui'sh.<br />

s w a p v. t., sheniulta, slfyuta, lhesh-<br />

eliota, sheshattti, slheshattlka, withl<br />

loc. case of tile ol)j. obtaiined; to<br />

return fi on swapping, sheshatuitka;<br />

to intend to s., she'sliatuishla.<br />

s w a r' m , s. ; to Jorm a S., 'tllia<br />

shuki'lki.<br />

s w a r n , v. i. ; s arounld, k

674 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

ceremonial, spl'k1i, Mod. lumkoka;<br />

to erect a s.-l. and to lay mats<br />

?fpo0 it, s)1)'klishla; outside ladder<br />

of large dance- or s.-l, shashtanul6lash;<br />

former location of a s.-l., slu'mdamud=wdsh;<br />

floor of s.-l., ta'nt.<br />

sw eA p , v. t., vudsh6ka; s. with a<br />

broom, vudshd'shka, vudshlo'shka;<br />

s. over, said of winds, wikansha.<br />

s w e e t, luiluyatko; to be s. to the<br />

taste, lt'liluya.<br />

s w el l, v. i.; s. tip, gu'hua, tu6ixa;<br />

swollen, guhatko, tuixanmpkAtko;<br />

to be swollen through sores, wela.<br />

s w e Iii n g, s.; s. on body, gulhuash,<br />

contr. gush; to have a permanent s.<br />

on a p)art of body, gulhia, d. ku'k-<br />

'hia.<br />

s w i f t 1 y, pallak, pelak, Mod. pelak;<br />

very s., I)alakak.<br />

s w iII 1n i 1 k, ndulpatko edshash.<br />

s v in, v. i.; no ex. eq.: ge-upka,<br />

p"ewa, Mod. tchu'lui; to go and s.,<br />

pe- tl(lsha; s. about, uduimkanka,<br />

uut'nitclhna; s. against current, up<br />

stream, tchi'lka k6ke, tchtika; s.<br />

away, hui'slhka; on the water's surface,<br />

udumlal6na; towards somebody,<br />

udumulIpka; s. below the surface,<br />

kfdsha, tiiyamnra, tchui'yamna;<br />

lenmu'na; s. over, across, udU'mkua,<br />

gu'ixi; gakua; s. habitually, udumkanka;<br />

pl., said of fish, etc., wa;<br />

swimming place, p1 wash; swinmning<br />

bladder of fish, shuidslhash, shuAdshash<br />

lhwalsh.<br />

s w i n e, gl'ishii; resembling s., gti'shuptchi.<br />

swing, v. t.; s. as a stick, sb6mtchna;<br />

s. around, s. in the air, vutoka,<br />

tilankainslia; s. by one's arm,<br />

hand, vut6kanka; s. around, shulemokedsha;<br />

s. the body around,<br />

telicyalalxa, vtuyalmna; s. around,<br />

above one's head, sha-ulla; s. over<br />

for somebody, nutuv-akia; s., shake<br />

the head or body while walking,<br />

hinawala; to throwbyswinging, nutolala.<br />

s w i n g, v. i., IlisAitualkainka; s. to and<br />

fro, shulakuaweta; tilankaiinsha, vut6kakua,<br />

nutokakua; s. back and<br />

forth, hinawa'lla, hislhtualktinka.<br />

s w i n s., for children, shinuitotkish;<br />

to ride on a s., sxInueta, shula-<br />

kuaw6ta.<br />

s wx it c h, s., rod, shuekush. Cf. rod.<br />

s w o o n, s.; to fall in a s., pc'mptki,<br />

tch6ktamna.<br />

s w o r d, yulhanrash, mu'Lni wdtti,<br />

shtluldshlotish , tekish.<br />

sure , true, katak; it is s., katak gi;<br />

to be s. ! ya!<br />

surely, ya; i-u, yu.<br />

surf, ]kash, shlb'kingsh; to form,<br />

raise s., IkAn, ndakalpata.

sweep-talk. 675<br />

T.<br />

t a b 1 e, for eating, pak'lgish, vulgarly:<br />

w6llkish; any kind of t.,<br />

pak'lgish; t.-land, gillhuapksh, kna't.<br />

tadpole, gulluya.<br />

t a i I, kpe'l; t. of bird, kttpash; to<br />

wag the t., shuadshaintchl'ma; kpe'l<br />

shew6kaga; t.-fin, kpe'l.<br />

t a in t e d, said of food, k'i piluitko,<br />

piluitko; nd'patko.<br />

take, v. t., generic: shnlika, shndkua;<br />

t. aim, layipka, shuawidshna;<br />

t. along with, persons, uiyamna, pI.<br />

i-amna; spu'nshna, spulntpa, ginkanka,<br />

atpa, pl. Itpa; t. along, carry<br />

about, inan., ulyamna, pl. i-anina,<br />

atpa, Atpamna, pl. itpa, Itpamnna;<br />

shlhyamna; t. along on one's march,<br />

persons, spunktcha; back to, spuntpamphli,<br />

spungatka; spungatgapile;<br />

for another, spunshipkia;<br />

towards, spu'nshipka; t. away, away<br />

from, to remove fromt, persons,<br />

kshlcna, pl. ena; spuh'nsihna, spl[ntxa,<br />

shicshla; cf. kidnap; inan. tt'ita,<br />

ill6la, shia'shla, atna, anulIpka;<br />

t'meshka, pl. yime'shka; shnulka,<br />

ltitXa, shltxa; utXa, pl. Itxa; t. awawy i<br />

in the arms, hands, kshdna, pl. ena; t.<br />

away from. thefire , tceileydga; t. back<br />

or home, shnt'kpeli; t'meshkf'ipele,<br />

pI. yinieshlkapeli; itpamp~eli; shldnmpei;<br />

t. as a companion, spfi'n'shnla,<br />

Jbr travel, spu'nkanka; t. down, ilIna;<br />

t. for oneself, in games, yAnkua; t.<br />

hold of, shnu'ka, shnimkua; ulyamnia,<br />

pl. f-ainna; said of diseases, gu'ta;<br />

t. home, inan., h1vwi; cf. t. back; t.<br />

home, persons, spininktchapeli, spunshampeli;<br />

cf. t. along on one's<br />

march back to; t. in, to confine,<br />

sptW'lhi, pl. Ilhii; t. offfrom, to strip,<br />

udshipa, pl. idshIpa; ludshiipa,<br />

shulshipa; t. or wrench off, lutxa,<br />

pl. ftxa; luNhi, luli; a piece from?,<br />

kuakaikshka; t. off fronm oneself,<br />

shiAshka; the robe, kuk6le; the hat,<br />

slianatchvL'tla; t. out, to draw out<br />

from, ishka; fka, lk~ga; Ikma,<br />

ikampele; fronm the pocket, shialtka,<br />

tcheletka; t. out again, ikakpele,<br />

ikampele; object taken out, fkaks;<br />

t. physical exercise, shp6tu; t. a stean -<br />

bath, spu'kli, Mod. lnimk6ka; t. to<br />

one's heels, hiidsha, du. tu'shtcha, pl.<br />

tinslia; huidshna, huidshampka, etc.;<br />

cf. run, v. i.; t. under one's arms,<br />

shaktila; cf. carry, hold, v.; t. up for<br />

oneself, anin., spinkanka; inan.,<br />

huycga, uyega, pl. pe-uyega; t. up<br />

with a stick, kiu11ka; with a fork,<br />

kMutka Cf. remove, v. t.<br />

t a 1 k, v. t., to speak, hImkanka; to convcerse,<br />

to have a talk, waltka, hashlashuakia;<br />

to commence talking, henikanktamrnpka;<br />

t. all at once, wliltka;<br />

t. over and over, waltckl)6li: t. indis-

676 ENGLISHI - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

tinctly, ndlclna, ppll)ela; one who talks<br />

mutck, tltm lenmkiinkislh, t-iIm wa'ltkish.<br />

t a 1k, s., wiltoks, Mod. w'dltkasb; to<br />

have a t., wiltka.<br />

t a I k e r , henikaInkishi, Nvaltkish.<br />

t a ll, atini, abbr. AIti; if strong or<br />

bulky at thle same time, nmlni; so t.,<br />

g-t; taller than, winifisl, winiziship)tclid;<br />

to be taller than, winixi, Mod.<br />

vul~tjn.<br />

t a I I o w , p'U';i t. rendered, stillinash;<br />

kidney-t., tclla'sllaksli.<br />

t a 1 o I , slito'ksh.<br />

ta li a n ii a s h, adj.; t. or spiritual<br />

remledy, yA-uks; t. Sony, magic song,<br />

slhia'sl, y6t-uks. Cf. magic.<br />

t a inl e , adj. k.'t-i komufshni.<br />

t a i, v7. t., as a hiide, tkuya.<br />

t a r, stiya; smelling like, containing<br />

t , st faltiko. Cf. p)itclh, resin.<br />

t a r get, inark to shoot arrows at,<br />

we- L'alkish.<br />

t a r r y , v. i., wa'lxa; to waitfor, telaw<br />

I y3 a.<br />

tart, ka-it iia'shitko; it taste8 t.,<br />

ka-A' nidf'sha.<br />

t a s t e, V. t., kpaipsha; t. by sipping,<br />

kpeto.<br />

taste, v. i., mai'sba; said of food,<br />

beverages, piliti; it tastes sour, bitter,<br />

tart, ka-t -ma'sha; t. like, inWshla,<br />

with obj. case.<br />

t a s t e , s., flavor, nPa/shasl; sense of<br />

t., t. of tongue, palate, kpiipshaslh;<br />

what has a peculiar t., piltiyrasli.<br />

t a t I e r'; ef. telltale.<br />

t a t t o o, v. t., shitclipalua.<br />

t a t t o o i n s., tattoo-miark, slitcllpaleasli.<br />

TU c hi a k ii n i , noni. pr. of a section<br />

of land in the Cascade Rlange,<br />

Trc1ak/i'lni.<br />

T c li a k ii n k i, noI. pr. of tlhe<br />

Mlolale Indians iil aTbitin- TIhcllakviini,<br />

Teliakii'ikkni iu('Jklaks, Tchlalkii'Aukli.<br />

tcIIi pashl-see d, telhfpash; resentbling<br />

tc/i.-seed, tchipasl ptchi;<br />

grass-stalk p ro(ILCillnr it, tchipsham.<br />

t e a c ii, v. t., lhashiticra.<br />

t e a c h e r, hashiugish.<br />

t e a r, v. t., generic: pak,`iga, pjadshlulya;<br />

t. asunder, slieplatya ; t.<br />

away, p~akakola; sod, groulnd, ptltdya;<br />

sticks, etc., p)ok1ya; t. away<br />

by biting, kluttcla, kueknoila; t.<br />

clot/i into shreds, teshaslhkuila; t.<br />

by, hand, spakAg(, spitellia, p'hift'slika<br />

; piece torn off, p'lft'sdkuish;<br />

t. a hole into, padslha; t. qff pieces,<br />

particles from, by biting or otlierwvise,<br />

kutt'ka, kuakiikshika, ko(waktehla;<br />

t., rip open, ktakiiga, pakei'la;<br />

succcssivel?, ktak.1kitelina; t. to<br />

picces, p)etcga; wit/i the teeth, kawakAga;<br />

t., pluck out, feathers, ptlzixa,<br />

f^'l'lhkak; grasses, etc., putoga, pa-<br />

1alia; t. in two, p'kta; one who tears<br />

in two. plktish; torn cloth, teIslhashlko;<br />

to be torn, to hlve holes, gintiitka.<br />

t e a r, s., kdmlmash; to shed tears, shuaktcha;<br />

to commnience sheddiny t.,<br />

slhuaktchtiimpka.<br />

t e a s e, v. t., shniuiatchka; t. unbearably,<br />


t e a t, 'dshiasih.<br />

teeth; cf. tooth.<br />

t e I e - r a p h1, hashasliakio'tkish;<br />

electric t., wdtiti hashashuaki6'tkish.<br />

t e ll, v. t., shaipa; t. somebody, shapfya;<br />

t. somebody about, stilta; to<br />

return and t., stilhiilpei; t., dleclare<br />

to somebody, sh 4t6a; t., announce,<br />

tpewa; t. each other, 1heshaimkinka;<br />

t. so, ksluIpa, l'dniashlt or niAi-aslht<br />

gi; t. knowingly, shegsh 'wa; t. lies<br />

about, kHya, atclhi',ga; t. the truth,<br />

kUitak gi, eontr. kiltak; to commnence<br />

telling to, shapitAmpka; to cowe to<br />

an end with telling to, shapiyI'la.<br />

t e I t a 1 e, walifish, Mod. t'lkish;<br />

wikriish, dim. wikniaga.<br />

te mnper a tu re,; hi(lh t., lokiuash;<br />

warmn t., lusilhishllishi; cold t., ki'itags.<br />

t e m p e s t, yf'dkam, witelitaks; to<br />

pro(luce t., vAl/amtala. Cf. storm.<br />

t e m p 1 e, t.-bone, napcnapsh.<br />

ten, tc-unep; t. times, te--nnipli;<br />

tenfold, t5-uitepashl pdikalakshl.<br />

t e n d e r, v. t., 'iya, ndya, Ilya, pl.<br />

shewAna; t. food, hdshlpa. Cf. give,<br />

present, v.<br />

t e n d e r, adj., soft, tehe-ini.<br />

t e n II o n , sinew, mbu'titch, pilhiap.<br />

t e n d r i1, kekammaniiiinish.<br />

t e II t , shli'lash.<br />

t e II t II; t.jpart, t('-unepashektatXatko.<br />

t e p i d , h'ikuash; to be t., M'ikua.<br />

t e r in a a n t, shitchAktnish , shu-<br />

k6'kishI.<br />

t e r i i n a t e , v. t., shl'kelhi, shote-<br />

t e a, trin fe os.<br />

t er m i nits, for r unnino,,ete,y:Iltash.<br />

talk - tiem s elves 677<br />

terrify , v. t., splitelita, hushipiltclhtd,<br />

hilishlta ; terrified at, vt'lshisli;<br />

to be terrified at, vy'lyakia,<br />

vw'sha, shluaiishta.<br />

t e r r o r; to be, stand in t. of, v'Ishia;<br />

37Ayakia, shtnamshta.<br />

testicle, slihI'lksh.<br />

textile fabric, shi'l. Cftissue.<br />

t h a n k, v., shepke'dsha.<br />

t h a t , pron. de(i.; t one, the one or'rr<br />

thlere, gtni, glnit]ok; ailm. present<br />

ani visible, hi^'nl; before me, ]I'ii;<br />

invisible or far off, lu'nimkt; referring<br />

to distant anim. or inan. objects,<br />

lif']k, pl. h^iksha ; hfi'kt, pl.<br />

lift'ktsfia; hfiiksht; t. one wvho, or<br />

which, pron. dei.-rel., anim. and<br />

inan., kat ; t. little one, lith']caga,<br />

hI'ii t.tkia i at t. l~ace, towards t.<br />

spot, case-suffix -kcii, -x'ni; wheii<br />

connected with verbs of motion,<br />

hAmtak, hi takt, 1 ihtaktok, Ihltkak;<br />

uponb t. groulld, soil, i, 11h, i, litfa;<br />

t. much, kunk, abbr. ka, ga; like t.<br />

thinq, lnutclmisliukptcln; that's<br />

so! t. is right! ht'imashit! htllmasblt<br />

tidshi! i-i tidsh!<br />

t h e e , pron. pers. and to thee, mish,<br />

m'sh, inf's<br />

t hi e i r, their.s, pron. poss. ; expresse(l<br />

bythe plural forms of: his, q. v.; in<br />

close proximity, kdlamshiam, kceklanshani,<br />

ht'unkcolamshmam ; absent<br />

or in the distance, m'mltlain, !\Mod.<br />

p'nalamn; t. own,, m'nuilamtak, Mod.<br />

p'nalamtak.<br />

t h e In s e I v e s , proIi. refl.; 1). Itak,<br />

itmi'ltank, sima; thv',jfi)r t., pitajgiilog-

678<br />

ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

gin, hudshakianki; when connected<br />

with verbs, cf. limself, oneself<br />

then, adv., at that time, gita; tank,<br />

ta'nkak, tzAnkt, tMnktchik, t'lishgish;<br />

cf time; since t., after this, tehe'k,<br />

tche'ksh; until t., pani.<br />

t h e n, conj. connecting sentences,<br />

tchuii, tchuiyuk, tchiuyunlk; tch'lii<br />

pUi'n, at pen, at, apoc. a; tU', tuf;<br />

tata; Mod. un, u'n; in correlative<br />

sentences: if .... then, hli' ...<br />

tchii', tcli6'k, tclii'tcb; t., after this,<br />

netn-ak, ghirtak; tcli6'k, tche-'ksh,<br />

abbr. tchli; tchuii theh'k; t. there,<br />

tchiLk. Cf. hereupon.<br />

t h e n c e, adv., gita, ge'tksh.<br />

t h e r e, adv., over t., over yonder,<br />

hu,-u o'1 6; tut, tult, tu'sh; kul, ki'li;<br />

when referring to persons, hut; g-t,<br />

getui; connected with verbs of<br />

motion, hatak, hbatakt, hataktok,<br />

hAtkak; ef. that; high utp t., just t.,<br />

tut, but t., tutak; t. where, tu'sht,<br />

tu 'shtak; he, that, those over t., gt'ni,<br />

tukni, tuishni; coming from t., gitakni;<br />

you t., stop! gunI kanktak!<br />

Mod.; thereto, towardt.place, gltala;<br />

through t., hbitaktana.<br />

t h e r e a b o u t , adv. loc., gint.<br />

thereat, hunkanti.<br />

thereby, hbunkanti.<br />

t h e r e f o r e, conj., huL'niasht giu'ga,<br />

hulniashtak glug, li'Lninasht gislht,<br />

huimasht slalhurnk giug; humkanti,<br />

hunkantchid'. Cf. hence.<br />

there up o n, conj., gintak, tchuii,<br />

tchl'yuk, tchulytnk, tchuii p'i'n.<br />

Cf afterward, hereupon, then.<br />

t h e y, pron. pers., sha; them, to them,<br />

shash; of them, sham; expressed<br />

also by the plural forms of: he,<br />

q. v., to which sha is appended: in<br />

close proximity, ke'ksha, Iit'dsha;<br />

removed from sight, hilksba, hu'ktsha;<br />

hfi'/kslitsla; hfink, hIfinkt;<br />

visible or distant, pat.<br />

t h i c k; in the sense of strong, solid,<br />

voluminous, hu'pkatko; to be t.,<br />

dense, smoke, etc., m-ulka; as t. as,<br />

pIt, patpani Cf. corpulent, fat.<br />

t II i c k e t of shrubs, gfitchesh, gatchetko.<br />

t II i e f, papalish, tet'maishkish; sneakt.,<br />

gs'Inta=pc'palish.<br />

t h i g h of a quadruped's hind leg, awalesh.<br />

Cf. leg.<br />

thimnible So'lkolsh.<br />

t h i n, lakhikli.<br />

t h i n c, pron.; same as thy, q. v.<br />

t h i n II object, tual; which t., tual (also<br />

interr.); something, tual; many things,<br />

himi tIi; all things, everything, nAnuktua.<br />

t h i n k, v. t., htishkanka, hushlka,<br />

shlewa; hewa, Mod. k6pa, koxpakta;<br />

t. of, over, huisha; shvuyu'sha,<br />

Mlod. shvutyushaga; t. so, kshapa.<br />

t hli r d; one t. part, ndana shdktatxatko;<br />

in a t. place, location, ndanash.<br />

thirsty, to be, ambutka; pa'htchna.<br />

t h i r t e e n, te-unepAnta ndAn, adding<br />

pe-ula, likla, etc.<br />

t II i r t yp, ndani t eun rrp.<br />

t II i s, pi-on. dem.; t. here, referring

to anim. and inan. obj., present and<br />

visible, hunk; to persons, long obj.<br />

in proximity, hiui't, pl. hu'dsha; to<br />

anim. and inan obj. within sight,<br />

more Mod. than KI., hu, lhtl/, O, U;<br />

t. here, anim. and inan., in close<br />

proximity, Lat. hicce, ke; anim.,<br />

kek; inan., Lat. hoc, hocce, gun,<br />

g6nu; t. country before you, g-n<br />

kaUla; just t. thing, go'tak; like<br />

t. or these, gemptchi, shuhAnkptchi;<br />

at t. spot, place here, gIta, git;<br />

g6n, genma; connected with verbs<br />

of motion, haltak, hataktok; t. way<br />

out, getala, abbr. g 6 t; in t. direction,<br />

g6ntala; t. day, g 6 n waItash, pi'dshit;<br />

on t. ground, soil, hi, hi, i, hita,<br />

hi't; in t. manner, ga'-asht, blimasht,<br />

gen gentch. Cf. lhe, here, place,<br />

that.<br />

t h i s t 1 e, K'mukamtcham k_'k.<br />

Thompson's Marsh, noin. pr.<br />

loc., SaIkan.<br />

thorn, w6ti.<br />

t h o r o u g h f a r e, stu'; ginsxaintko;<br />

t. in town or city, ginsxisb; to make<br />

a t., stuya.<br />

t h o u , pron. pers., i, i, i-i, 1k; thee, to<br />

thee, mish, m'sh, m's; t. alone, i' pila;<br />

i' tuala; just t., but t., itak, itoks; thyself,<br />

itoks; t. for thyself, itakiAnki.<br />

t h o u g Ii, gintak; ta'dsh; tak, taks,<br />

tok, -toksh.<br />

t h o u g h t, s., hu'shkanksh; in Mod.<br />

also k6Zpash.<br />

t h o u g h t f u 1, steinshaltko.<br />

t h o u s a n d, t6-unepni te-unepni t6unep;<br />

tousand.<br />

then - throw. 679<br />

t h r e a d, kni'iks, skenslnt'itkish; tiny,<br />

little t., knukaga.<br />

t Ih r e a t e n , v. t., hl'1islbipolo, slhul6ka;<br />

t. with a blow, huslh'isha,<br />

hAi'sht~a.<br />

t h r e e , ndani, abbr. nduin; threefold,<br />

shantchaktantko; t. timies, ndllni;<br />

at t. places, nddnash; during, for,<br />

after t. days, nd!ni waftash, ndadni;<br />

the t. stars in Orion's belt, ndandaksni.<br />

Cf. triplets.<br />

thres h, v. t, ndega.<br />

t h r o a t, nau'kash; sxutkanu'tkish,<br />

shniwatchn6tkisli. Cf. cut, v.<br />

t Ii r o t t 1 e, v. t.; t. oneself, shay&sxalca.<br />

t h r o u g h, prep.; sometimes rendered<br />

by case-postpositions and<br />

verbal suffixes; to look t. a tube,<br />

talsXa; t. there, t. that locality, hAtaktana;<br />

to fall t. the ice, weshtat tinuua;<br />

to run t., as a rope, stu'nka.<br />

t hi r o w, v. t. ; t. against something,<br />

shalgia, shl'ilgidsha; t. at, shutuyakida;<br />

t. at each other, shuf-fI'ta,<br />

shu-uftapka, shuntolwa-udsh a; repeatedly,<br />

shiltualsha; t. away, potedsha;<br />

to reject, kedsha, kedshna, vut6dsha;<br />

t. away, long obj., vltodsha,<br />

vutodshna; bulky obj , shnikiwa,<br />

nut(ishna, nutolaldla; t.<br />

away and leave behind, Ulktchn,<br />

nelktcha; kshdlktcha, pl. elktch~a;<br />

nutolaktcha; t. back, puekiamlple,<br />

puedshAmpeli, vutu-ipele; one's leg,<br />

legs, p6'tch shulateltLila; t. below,<br />

underneath, puetila; t. down, pue]1 a,<br />

vtut~lva; clown into, wdtli, pulhd~i;

680<br />

ENGLISH- <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

down upon, as earth, kela-una, kemtia;<br />

t. solmel)ody down, said of a<br />

horse, shne-iibla ; t. downhill, down<br />

stairs, ktiukiul'a; attended withi injiuries,<br />

viad'hitakail(a; t., to dart a<br />

spear, etc., shikna; t. open a door,<br />

ktiugi-lila, ktitiy('ga; t. out, as of a<br />

house, ktiuiga, shl'ikla; fAr somebody,<br />

ktiugna; t. by swinginy, nutok'tla;<br />

t. up Ui the air, vutumllza; t.<br />

up after swallowing, tchnuita;<br />

himshatchip-gAeli ; t. if]))at ahill, )OU ntain,<br />

-v almd a- i ou , spiktclh-<br />

IlpkIa; t. upon, pitabdoa; liq(uids<br />

kitita; kitutana; t. upon the yronn(l,<br />

puelhii, vutoiza; t. into water, kitfta.<br />

Cf. cast, hurl, v.<br />

t hI u mi b , tZ('PO.<br />

t h II n d e r, leni(-isli; t. of falling<br />

waters, Hwish; thnmderbolt, leimu(ish,<br />

Illepalsh.<br />

t h u n d e r , V. i.; it is thundering,<br />

lemena.<br />

rT h t 1- S d a y, vilnepni tinshina s1'inde-gIulank<br />

wafta, vulnepni tinshvia,<br />

vitnepni waita gitllan.<br />

t h II s , coij., hl'tiaslit; iit-asht, Mod.<br />

nle-asht; gA1-asht; ininta; tchlI, tsi;<br />

tchi'k; and t., tehlyunk; when conneeted<br />

withl verbs of speaking,<br />

ke, tchi, na-aslit introduce the<br />

spoken words: t. I said, tehil lli g(i<br />

t., that antch, so, ka, ga; t., jufst so<br />

Itlutsantka, Iimmashitak : t., so look- I<br />

ing, gemptchi, luimtchi; to act t., to<br />

say t., hlium isht gi<br />

t II y , thine, pron. 0oss., mi; t. mother,<br />

mif p'g-islap ; t. own, juCst thine,<br />

mitak,<br />

t A la.<br />

mitok; thine alone, mi<br />

thyroid cartilage, laggalag(FWIli,<br />

wakalwakalsh; sxutkanuF'tkislh<br />

lakish.<br />

t i c k , shlkoks.<br />

t i c k e t, pIpa; pass-t., la'h]iam pipa.<br />

t i c k 1 e, v. t., M1od. slitchiyakleka;<br />

to be, feel tickled, tchiXtchiya.<br />

t i e , v. I., t. 1tpv, wcplla ; t aroufnd,<br />

wap)il'ma; t. around one's neck, shaukiga,<br />

cf shepuk'lga; t. a knot,<br />

uk6'tlkka, shiluk.'lida; t. to, t. toyether,<br />

shhItcita, shlitchlka, skl'mtawia<br />

; spiita, shih'lxa; by strappinfi,<br />

hushl'Ltanka; t bAy means of wisps,<br />

tinkopka; to be tied to temp/orarily,<br />

tg-1ta, 1l. F'ult'ta; t. transversslg,<br />

ksh(lt'heka, pI. etl]6'i-; t. up in aC<br />

blundllt, shilutifa, simintila, spuita;<br />

sheet-like obj., hishlutclit:inka.<br />

t i k t, alta; t.-Jittibq, kitclhkitcldi<br />

to be t., klmlta; not t., shletanitko.<br />

ti g lit 1 vy kitelikiteh; kui.ta.<br />

t il e , sliiute'tko tilpesh; kth-i.<br />

t i I11, p~rep. and~ eonj.; cf. lntil.<br />

t inI 1) e r , stanrdinIg, felled, sawed, or<br />

CUt, ATrikn; sawe(l, Cet t., p)Apkasli;<br />

t.-dam, p)aplish; into the t., woods,<br />

bushes, cf. recess; to go into the t.,<br />

huk.'ya, P)I. gakaliya.<br />

t i m e ; no ex. eq.: now is the t., Aitu<br />

iuitakt gi; the t. is up), at atp)a; I<br />

have t., ]i-i uti k7lik"'t; I have no t.,<br />

_'lika' nA nell; t.-piece, t.-indicator,<br />

watch, sli'apash; t between sunset<br />

and dark, i-unegsh; t. about sun-<br />

(town, tinollesh; t. for rest, sleeping,

spunii'ksh; it is sleep)ing t., spun(gri<br />

it is t. to goo to beti, Atit 1fla1kshi'lmi<br />

gi; t. (f da)w , pii'ktgf, lT'Ika; t. of<br />

decease, 1(l dlidsllisll; t of starting,<br />

g 'iikakslh; at the t., season, epoch (!f;<br />

case-suffix -e'mi, -i'mni, -ji1m; at, any<br />

t., tat/; at tho t. bcingq, at the present t.,<br />

this t., at, apoc. a ; A'tui tu, ltil, MAIM.<br />

Itui ; pii'dsIiit, t I sh]ish ; tcl.Ia-I1,<br />

abl)lw. telhi ; link, lilk; at a cerlaini t.,<br />

at a t., tfna, titna, titii -; at that t., at,<br />

apoe. a; g-i'ta, t'nk, tAnkak, tAnkt,<br />

thumb -to -day. 681<br />

a short t. ago, tinikak, fill, i'lua;<br />

soin etin es, titatnai, titna; sometime<br />

a(fter, ma-'ntch-gitko. The adj. conriecte(1<br />

withl t are as follows: tmnes<br />

coniecte(l with nimerals is expressed<br />

by the ladj. endling -Ili:<br />

foar times, vfflmepni-; brif in t.,<br />

tamkniii; long in t., mi-a'ttehi, t~l lI k-<br />

Ili; livinY at the t., belonging to thlis,<br />

that, t., t,,Ikni i; he, sh7e, it, from that<br />

t., this, the one existing sinecc then till<br />

now11, taInktllikIli. Cf long, adv.<br />

ta'inktchilk; temp. and local at the t in , pAlp'lali tcliikomeni.<br />

same time: MId, -u1, -o'; tlisilgisih; for tiliI II C 1 5 ]I C, t - i r O H , I)okco)ti.<br />

the distant past or future, tu hli, tuif; tin y, nlsliekalni; laklkii.<br />

at the t. wiwn, tatA, tat'atak; sll- t ti p, v. t.; t. an arrow, sla-4l'a; for<br />

lia nk-shitko; at tMe same t , s imalta- somebodyl, slia-uli.<br />

neously, thiktok tcliik, ef. sinnlta- t i p p I e 1 , kcethia Imblinuish.<br />

neo(tslv; at another t., thnatoks, titna; t i p s y, lekatko; to be t., mima, 1']ka.<br />

bdt at other tioes, titatiatoks; at afa- t i 1) t o e ; to stand( On t., l(li'gtatka<br />

tu.6rfj t., tfilut g:atpaml~lapkcshle'lli; tit]; t i r e d ; to be and to bcome t., kl 'dshi-<br />

((t no t, lka-itata, kUmitch, Mfod. k aka; to be t., slia'tki.<br />

yit; at the igh71t t., in t., telWe-(etfik ; (at t s sii o , s. ; wo?0'1 t.. slieslalZakAi-<br />

wu7hich t. ? tatii? t(I'ilsish ? after a t natko, shl'l ; sort qf t., mnade of<br />

some t. after, uni(lslh'k tclioek; (aftie swamp-grasses, tflalli. Cf. pow-<br />

that t., tclhji', tehe; tclle'k, tellci'tell; erful.<br />

a, fJe2 tiues, titatam ; frA a short t.<br />

mPnilk; p1 )ilakak; pilak, Mod. pI(lak,<br />

tankak, lili'va; for a short t. only,<br />

t itt e r, v. i., luaiza.<br />

It o a d , dim. knuiga; horned t.,<br />

naishilashl~likgrishi tko ; t.-shaped,<br />

ti'inkakak; for a long t., mih'ntIcl, kloepteli.<br />

ta'nkl; for sole t., past anrd future, t o l) a c c o; Indian and common t.,<br />

1Mlt ntcil, li i fiela; OrmorC kiteikal; t.-p)ipe, pliksl ; stcm of t.-<br />

times, im 'nteli ak;ith, t iln , foilre;<br />

not at the t. being, not yet, not nowi,<br />

pipe, pikslitat tulishl, pa-m'ltkisli; to<br />

s5(i'O(' t., 1):llk; to m)'?astirate t., katchl-<br />

kUtutcli, NMod. ]Aiu; kt-itata kal pcn, kolanka, ktelian, kclp'-<br />

Maniy times, often , tiltmoni; tUmkii:<br />

so many tiues, taiikuii ; a single t., t o - (I a y , g'II xvaitash, p)ii(lshit wai-<br />

one t., onee, thm ; at one t., tillna- ak; ttl, pii'dslsit

682 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

t o e; all the toes taken together, and<br />

t.-joint, Ixawaiwash; the largest t,<br />

tZ(I)po; t.-nail, shteksh.<br />

together, t. with, tuila, tchi'sh; t.<br />

in or into one spot, nadsha'shak, wigaItak;<br />

connected with verbs, t. is<br />

expressed synthetically by verbal<br />

affixes: united or flocking t., tchipkatko;<br />

to come, be, or go t., shukfI'lki.<br />

Tiokwa, T A kua, nom. pr. loc.,<br />

Tiikua.<br />

t o-rm o rrow, mb ushant; to-mn. early,<br />

mbu'shanak.<br />

tone, stfu'tzisli. Cf. clang, sound.<br />

t o n g s, blacksmith's, slinakptig6tkislh;<br />

to seize with t., slhii(kptiga, tapalto.<br />

t o n g u e, palwatcl; to bite oneself in<br />

the t., shokotana; to clitck with the t.,<br />

shakdlpslitaka; to lick with the t.,<br />

p1eka, lelxatana; to move the t. between<br />

the compr-essed lips, Mod.<br />

kl6pa; to putt the t. out, pelka pdiwatch;<br />

to move the t. in and out for<br />

mockery, sheplnta-a; to draw the t.<br />

at somebody, vutik'pka.<br />

too, adv.; when connecting coordinate<br />

nouns, also, tcld'sh; temporal,<br />

tchlka'sl; t. much, tum, tUIim tchttchui;<br />

sometimes to be render-l<br />

by kai-a. Cf. ka-a (2), and Note<br />

to 1(05, 7.<br />

t o o l; when forming compounds, it<br />

is expressc(l by noninal suffix -otkish,<br />

-ultkisli, contr. -4'teh, -l'tcll;<br />

t. of any description, shute-6tkish;<br />

part of a t., shlte-6tkish; long, pielcing<br />

t., s.'lkta; t. made of horn, t6ke;<br />

t. for digging, utoy6tkish; t. for rootdigging,<br />

meydtkish, ŽImnda; t. made<br />

of obsidian, mbft'shaksh; one who<br />

is possessed of such, mbushakslialtko;<br />

t. for removing, illolotkish;<br />

t. forscraping, ilZ tkis h; when made<br />

of stone, ii'lika; t. for treating the<br />

sick, tclintenokishl, niu'luashl.<br />

t oot h, tl'lt; front-t., fore-t., tatZ61l'tnsii<br />

ttit, Mod. ta'lamni tut; shok6tantko<br />

htt; molar t., kalko; t.-ache, t'ltmii'shash;<br />

suffering of t-ache, ki-<br />

Imdsham p'itko; one who lost his<br />

front teeth, or has a gap in them,<br />

nga-ishkatko; person who lost the<br />

lower ran(Je of teeth, hlalntilatko; to<br />

grate the tceth, sheluketdsha; to rip<br />

?lp with the teeth, kawakigra.<br />

t o p , apex, wi'hla, williasll ash; p'l.ini;<br />

t, summit of' tree, mountain,<br />

cone, hA)pa; on the t. of, p'lentant;<br />

who, what is on the t. of, p'L-ini,<br />

p'laithni; to be on the t., lawaila; to<br />

lay on the t. of, lids~a, likla; to pat<br />

onl, fasten at the t of, iwala; to stay,<br />

rest on the t. oj; wilhashlaslhna; t. as<br />

a plaything, heslitalxeash, shetalxe -<br />

ash.<br />

t o p m o s t, adj., p'hl-ini, p'laitacni.<br />

to p p 1 e , v. i.; t. over, nddwa, nid6wanka.<br />

Cf. fall.<br />

to r c h, of pitch, resin, ktt'pkash;<br />

shukolatchnltkislh; to fish with a t.,<br />

shlu'tchua; to use torches, travel with<br />

t., shuWe

t o t t e r, v. i., nainaya, witwita; wekislhtchna;<br />

t. about, tutie6iia.<br />

tou ch, v. t., genAla; to be in contact,<br />

taliga; t., to be close to, shinctkta,<br />

kc'ptcha; one who touches,<br />

shinaktish; t. by hand, tislhta; t.,<br />

reach up to, long subj., kapzta; t.<br />

each oth7er, shlittashi; t. each other<br />

with the hand, hands, shasht.'slita;<br />

t. each other while walking, tfidslda;<br />

t. with the feet, ktehi'tclhta, p 'telitna,<br />

pn'tchta; to pass around while touching,<br />

shatashkakianina.<br />

t o w, v. t., as a boat, hishplAmna.<br />

t o w a r d s, prep.; expressed by the<br />

case-postpositions -ke'ni, -tala; directly<br />

towards us, tiilaak nai'lsh.<br />

t o w e 1; cf. wash-towel.<br />

t o w n , tA-nni, tchl'sh.<br />

t o v - b a I1, shft'p'luashl, dim. shup-<br />

Ii'iga; lhwash. Cf. ball, play.<br />

t r a c i n g, desiqn, hushtetish.<br />

track, footprint, kuesh; to icae<br />

tracks, koena.<br />

t r a d e , v. t., shtshatui; t. Qff, sheshatuika;<br />

person who wvants to t,<br />

sheshatu't-ish; to be about to t.,<br />

shUshatuislila; to return from trading,<br />

sheshatuitka.<br />

t r a d e r, sh6shatuish.<br />

trail , v. t.; t. along on the soil, kiwalapaita;<br />

when said of a dress,<br />

gown, u'hlutuina. Cf. drag, v.<br />

t r a i l, s., st'l, dim. stui'iga; crab's t.,<br />

skd'-iksh; to make a t. and to plac]<br />

on the t., sti'lya; to arrive, approach(<br />

by the t., slhlkatla.<br />

trai it . tran,'v. t., t. 1S]ii i, I t. oncsc; c(l f<br />

t o e-t r a v e I 683<br />

along the ground, ktchidsha. Cf.<br />

trail, v.<br />

t r a i n e r, liashhilgish.<br />

trai to r; to be a t., tehinta.<br />

t r a m p, tchilissak tahtamnuish; if<br />

thieving, tet'mi'idshish.<br />

t r a m p 1 e, v. t., with the feet,<br />

ktclli'tehta; t. upon, craush with thr<br />

fret, hic tala.<br />

t r a n s f e r t o , anim. ol)j., spfi'fli,<br />

pl. shewaina; t. properly, woZ6wa.<br />

Cf. bestow, give.<br />

t r a n s f i x, v. t., skeka. Cf. perforate,<br />

pierce, v.<br />

t r a n s l a t o r, IlItatkish.<br />

t r a n s in i t, v. t., to hand over, shttla,<br />

shulia, shiflipka.<br />

tran sparent, said of water, ypilialtko,<br />

ya'liali; to become t, yAliala.<br />

trans port, v. t., dna, pl. idslha,<br />

idshna; long, heavy, bulky obj.,<br />

6na; cf. tdsha; t. for somebody or<br />

in his interest, enIa; t, to carry back,<br />

home, Cmpeli, pl. idsbniipcli; t. home<br />

to one's camip, hi'wi, hwidshla; t. in<br />

front of, close to, near, kti'tpna; t.<br />

to different places, shiaslilkf'tn ; t.<br />

upwards, uphioll, kshawali'ga. Cf.<br />

carry.<br />

t r a p , s.; noose, lasso, slIhLikalakslh; t.<br />

used by hunters, shnant'litcbllotc1h,<br />

shnuntatchel'ks; fish-t., fishingdam,<br />

kiai'm=luldkish; nAikosh.<br />

t r a p , v. t., shnantatcltlha.<br />

t r a p p e r, shnantitchlzislh.<br />

t r a v el, v. i.; generic: tAmenti,<br />

gena; inan. subj., pitkal I, le'na; t.<br />

along with somebody, spitnkanka;

684<br />

684 ENGLISH - KLAMAT1I <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

t. around, about, atlnnlU'a, gintAla;<br />

t. backi homec, gep)gaIpiele taml4en16tka;<br />

cf. return; with somebody,<br />

spuntlpnl/`im li; t. behind somel)ody's<br />

back, shi~1aflnmi'; t. in a circle, gaklila;<br />

t. in. compIany, slia-ul'inka,<br />

slia- ulank.l nka; sliawalinii'a; t. far<br />

of, geki6la; t. in afile, Lishiki ntchina;<br />

single file, kintchna, kinuina;<br />

t. back in a file, kintchamplim li; t.fast,<br />

li't(ilshna (and lit'ldsba), da. tW'Aslitclna,<br />

pl. tinlishna; iiki'l ksilitaiki,<br />

ksiithkiik; t on horseback, lid(lsotcha;<br />

t. wvith a light, .spIark of fire, shukOhi'itcliitchina,<br />

skIlu'tclikanka ; t. mith<br />

largqc-siZ ed ol)j( l tx;, silayvalitil(lS11a ; 1.,<br />

comc by the trail, road, slhikatla; t.<br />

ulhill, ga-ft'lZa, kInualaZi; t. toward(Is<br />

the wvater), lake, etc., ti'ila; t. without<br />

stop)pagqe, g 'nana; to rcturn ftom tro-<br />

veliny, tanitnnItka, te'luitka; to star t<br />

for- t1raveiy, guilimlisliktClm, ploika-<br />

ka; - one who is traveling, tatIt Inluimish.<br />

Cf. go, march, proceed, set out.<br />

t r a v e I e r, tat'Itinimish.<br />

t r a y, s.; cir-cular, matted t., p`i'hIa;<br />

lafrger t., tia; small t., knlit', 1)p;lVhlak;<br />

to give on a t., slht'ti, pl. shew<br />

ana.<br />

tr ead, v. i.; to prace, kishlZa, slinkashla;<br />

t. on one's own foot, S111-<br />

'lutchya; t. u)pon, kislitchna, pc('t(chtni;<br />

t. UpOn aqain, gelapkalp)eli; t.<br />

uIpon while ma)rchiln, kishltchlka.<br />

Cf. step, V.<br />

t r e a d, s., gi'niisl, q. v.<br />

t r e a t, v. t.; to deal with somebody,<br />

n5I-tlaki a ; t. badltg, (, flAkta; t.<br />

with eontcpl)t, as laws, etc., yek('-<br />

NA,,; t. for peace, etc., to negotiate,<br />

shliut tnka ; t in sick1ness, yai-uika;<br />

tcht'ita, tclitthl4 a; for a certain time,<br />

tclnitanhltya; to go and t., tclbtitnslha;<br />

one who treats a poatient, tcllthia-<br />

nlishl.<br />

t r e a t y and -peace-t., shiutfinkish; to<br />

conclude a t., slilltanka; instrument<br />

to efect a t., slhutank6tkish.<br />

t r e e , s., Ankii; k'sli, cf. Texts, ).<br />

145, 21, and Note. Trees, especiallyfruit-trees,<br />

and bIshes, i)mants<br />

arid stalks producinc ea tal)le f;luils<br />

anf( b)erries, are usuall y 1aed afteri<br />

their fruit, the possessive ending<br />

-lam, -am being appl)e(le(l to the<br />

iame of the fruit, .inkii or tclhelasi<br />

to b)e slupl)lie(d. Cf. 5i'pulshain,<br />

yooseberry-bitsh, f4'rom ka)ik ; l tiltiisl-ani,<br />

wil(d goos(licrry-b)uWsh fr-oml1<br />

li'iiluish. Yoaim t., kitcliklini Iflnkit,<br />

I'nikiiaga; dead t., cre( t, rotten oiwithered,<br />

wa.pilaslh, inbl)iknallsh ; f.<br />

partl~y pecle(t d, stipallmisli; stamnj;'<br />

amid trunk of t., tiltash; fallen t., t.<br />

cut (town, felled t., hmimpoks; a species<br />

of t., lilivashi ; anothelr, wi'lashi.<br />

t r e in ) I e , v i., t., be shaken aip, sliawvAlta,<br />

slhaw.iiltan ; t., shiver, mli-<br />

mlilya; t., totter, ii an iva, witwita;<br />

t. firom. t(err0or, liuliwa ; to make t.,<br />

to shake, shiiikshlia-aga<br />

t r i a n - ui I a r , tcliaktchakli.<br />

t r i 1) u t a r y oJ a river, slieniTo'tkatko.<br />

t r i c k ; to amifse by tricks, shini(ndsh-<br />

1ma a; shoslm/e'.la, kI -ikla ;' to in'daIcC

y tricks, sInmaldiipeniema, Mod<br />

slinepimpema.<br />

t r ifI e , s ; a t., but little (J; adj. and<br />

adv., liiika, kfikak; kitebla.<br />

tri ni , v. t, vulina.<br />

t r i 1) , s.; to l)be 0 a t., tAlnemii.<br />

t r i I) I e atid tripartite, shauitehaktAintko.<br />

Cf. thiree.<br />

t r i p 1 e t s, ndamiia'alsh; to bear,<br />

have t., lidania'yalla.<br />

t r o o p s,<br />

dlshash.<br />

tilimi sliildshash, shtit'l-<br />

t r o t,~ v. i., shIl'lilitya7

686<br />

kedshaikewdshalkea; t. around, as<br />

roads, shtchukalkidsha, gake'mi, cf.<br />

l)elld, v.; as the hands of a clock,<br />

talkidsha, aggedsha; in a circular<br />

motion, agg 6 dsha, cf. aggi'ma; t.<br />

back, to revert, buggfdsha; t. or be<br />

turned into, k'lCka; to become, gi,; t.<br />

into ice, icicles, waydllpa; t. into a<br />

lake, ii-usheltkala; to cause to t.,<br />

ki-uggfdsha, ktiwalkidsha; to cause<br />

to t. around, shuelinokedslia.<br />

t u r ii , s.; to make, Jbrm a t., as roads,<br />

rivers, etc., shtchukalkidsha, ga-<br />

ke'mi.<br />


t u r t 1 e; land- and water-t., ng'k.<br />

t u s k, atIni tut.<br />

twelve, te-unepf'nta Uip, adding<br />

pe-ula, lfklatko, etc.<br />

t w i c e, lapeni; lApantka.<br />

t w i of tree, shrub, etc., we'k, dim.<br />

w6kaga; of coniferous trees, phi'shxam.<br />

t w i II s , lapit'yalsh, shlpaliaksh; to<br />

give birth to t., lalpeaLa.<br />

t w i s t I v. t., pshulka, wapil'ma; t.,<br />

w/>ri1] out, atcl'ga; t., as one's lips,<br />

ears, spatchiga.<br />

twitter, v.i., hii'ma.<br />

t u r n - 1h e a d, or rollhead, name of t w o , laipi, abbr. ktp; t. to each, hAan<br />

owl, Speotyto hypugaia, nAt'sh= lapi; at t places, in t. spots, hipash;<br />

tilansneash. 'in or for t. (lays, lip ni waita, hIturlip,<br />

tanapsh; large t.-shaped. peni; to pass t (days, lhipni waita.<br />

fruit, muf=lbi'ka. T yg h I n d i a n, nom. pr., Tea~tkni<br />

t u r p e a t i n e, walakish. I nlitklaks, Te'axtkni.<br />

U.<br />

u d d e r 7 6dshash.<br />

u g 1 y, kuidshi; tchektche'kli;

u n c 1 e a n, kakn&gatko, kuyumatko,<br />

tupdshti; said of persons, sha't,<br />

shii'tptcli, kakne'gatko, p6kshti.<br />

Cf. besmear, soil, v.<br />

u n cI o ud e d; t., clear sly, kcalio; it.,<br />

said of water, vyilialtko, ysiliali<br />

ui n cock, v. t.; u. a gun, rifle, shliulula.<br />

U n c o i I, v. t., shkapshtchal6la, shotel6la;<br />

it., as a rope, string, etc.,<br />

spika; when fastened at one end,<br />

spidshl'i'dshna.<br />

u n c o m b e d, sh-ait, sha'tptchi.<br />

unconscious; tobecomeu.,pie'lliptki,<br />

tch6ktamna.<br />

u n c o o k e d, shbinkish, shankitko;<br />

to be u., saka'-a; shclnki; to eat u.,<br />

saka-a, shankish paln.<br />

it n c o v e r, v. t., kaishnuila, Mod.<br />

shla-uki6la; u. the top of a winterlodge<br />

or a lid, kaishlluda; u. from<br />

the earth, fromn straw, etc., kiibatx<br />

6 le. Cf. cover, lid.<br />

undecided; to be u., e'. .. wak,<br />

Ii'wak; cf. quandary.<br />

u n d e r, prep., hintila, i-utila, inotila,<br />

tchltila; u. is usually expressed by<br />

verbal suffixes: to be, lie u., gintila;<br />

kshutila, pl. utila; to pitt u, as u.<br />

water, utlla; tofall u., hintila, i-utila;<br />

to be, stand, sit, lie u , underneath,<br />

lutila; located u., 'underneath, below,<br />

yAnitani, vAnani. Cf below, underneath.<br />

uiiderb rits , ga'tchesh.<br />

u n d e r g r o u n d, adv., kdlla i-utila,<br />

or yutilan; lemit'na; "in the ground, "<br />

kifflatat and kailanti; horizontal u.<br />

turn - uinite. 687<br />

passage, ibdkantko; coming from u.,<br />

lkunt'-kiii, niunatAlkni; referring<br />

to what is it., ylmhani; to be u., lemi'na;<br />

to creep tt., skdlhi, kilibli; to<br />

_put, stow, store it., hiwvi(dsha, vuin],<br />

p'nana; to work u., ]iiila Slnita.<br />

u ndermine , v. t., lIantila; sai( of<br />

rodents, yewa.<br />

underneath, i-utila or yutiflan;<br />

tchutila, inotfla, lihitila; located a.,<br />

yantani, yAnani; to be, lie u., lowg<br />

and anim. subj., ksbutila, pl. utila;<br />

to sit, be, stay, lie it., below, tchtltila,<br />

du. wawatila, pl. liutila; wintIla;<br />

to fall u., hintila; to stand, remain<br />

a ., below, tgutIla, pI. lutila.<br />

Cf. below, under.<br />

iu n d e r s t a n d, v. t., ndshelZa, saintchAtka;<br />

tumiena; u. each other, heshcgsba;<br />

not to it., ndsh6ka.<br />

undertake, v. t keoW ; u. for<br />

a while, keko-uya. Cf. attempt, try.<br />

underwear, mu'ntana.<br />

undoubtedly, waklagitiga,wali<br />

a gIuga. Cf. certainly, of course.<br />

u n d r e s s , v. t.; to strip somebody,<br />

udshipa, pl. idshipa; u. oneself, kap6la;<br />

females, kukole; undressed,<br />

naked, peniak shulotisli, pdniak.<br />

un dulatin g, lkakimitko.<br />

u n f e t t e r, v. t., shotelola.<br />

u n f r e q u e n t, kinlkani, abbr. kinka;<br />

to be a, k7i'gi, kinkini g!<br />

u n h i t c h, v. t., shltchkapele.<br />

u n i q u e, na'dshiak.<br />

n i t e , v. t., shiul'lka, shifl'lkipoli;<br />

shitilagia, Mod. shii'llagien; u. a<br />

couple in wedlock, shliumpshe'ala.


ui 11 i t c, v. i. ;u. into one body, heal), tchle'k, postp.; con j., t., till, tcl&e k,<br />

Crowd, lEwa, IivlwAla; lb. with othiers, 1)laced after a verbal.<br />

shalateligrgula; u. to somebody, Ultl utit, lie, kl'sb.<br />

galshnbl~~i ; to associate, shitclla; to l 1 w it l l i i g; to be ciro,'s, t., tcile kbe<br />

no longer unite(d, sbkcluti. C f. t1cieka.<br />

gaLtllher, V. i it i w o ' i1 , adj., ki-i tc'gatko, Mod.<br />

It ii v e r s a 1, itanuktslini, tutasX6- kd-i kUigatko.<br />

niri. n p), adv. and prep.; at. there, Il, it,<br />

u ili v e r s e , iiAttukaslini kiffla. -u ; h, tilt, tufsli frequently ex-<br />

it i I e s s , tnip)ka. pressed by verlbl or nominal<br />

I -I<br />

ii o a d(, v. t., as a lhorse, illolia, I aifixes, simple and compound it.<br />

itnil'a. to, licaching iu. to, pai1li ; who or what<br />

u ni o c k , v. t., liusliakiola. is af., above, plaikni, p'laitalAtiitii,<br />

ulit m a l r i e d ; n. mian, keliak sin- p'laitimi, p'Utankni, p)'laitlikni,<br />

wedsli; whien younŽ', tebilnisli; ti'slni. Cf. above, hight ill),I ulwhen<br />

old, telihflllyalliteli; it. je- w ard.<br />

'male, sIliw'Aga; ol(d maid, siliWallatell. Il 1) 1h i lII p1 li, p'laiia, p'laitala; the<br />

u it 1) r o d I c t i v e; it. soil kaitua o, ai; eCOl-<br />

wawawisli (or waivA-isl) kijila. neeted witli verl)s, it is expressed<br />

u mi r e a s o n a 1 y , l ait''shiak. -<br />

b)y Verl)al affixes: to yo, drive' 'a.,<br />

Li a i p) e , 'tAwiasli, silmikitko; to be gn,4-'l ;l, tlpU'lZU ; to run/I 'I., liuwlvaa.,<br />

slhrnki. Ii -aga, pl. gawali('ta.<br />

ii In o I 1, v. t., slikapsl itehalla, slo- it pp e r l)'laIlii, p'laitankiii ; native<br />

tel('la. Cf. tincoil, v. o/t the it. country, pltikni; at. end<br />

lili Sa d d 1 e 7 v. t., k'tklasli illla, il- 07 (con(e, ilpa -; it. teeth, of' bjeaver,<br />

lola. wooddlitick, etc., Ulikiag t fi't; on the<br />

u ll s e e m I y , as to exterior, kil - side oJ icutant. e.<br />

idslli; znitc(hicksh, al)b)r. -anitcl ; t 1) p1 i g II t, honest, tailyiii, tidslii stei-<br />

teliektcllekli. Ilashl.<br />

in s i glh t I y, ef. unseemly ; u. through. U p r i gi th<br />

t 1 y illaak, tidsib.<br />

auye, Anitclhiksli, -anlteli. Ilp Wa r d pli 'laplp ina, plaitala.<br />

unstring, v.t.; I. th7e bow, slhlim- Cf. uphill.<br />

Ih'tda. u r i t a t e, v. i., siuidshia.<br />

iu i t a InI e d, Iwasl, kointm'shi i; ut., u r in e, sliufdsiasli; ?t.-bladdor, k

unite-vertebral column. 689<br />

kewdla; used to, gdlxatko; to be<br />

used to, nietu; u. up by wear and tear,<br />

as clothing, etc., kaga, wena, Mod.<br />

tega; used up, Amtchiksh; suffixed,<br />

-amtch; not used up, whole, kA-i<br />

kagatko; to be used up, lelii'ma.<br />

v a c a n1 t, klliak tua; to be v.,gfimpk- a,<br />

gifnuala; this place is v., emnpty, gifta<br />

gtim)ka, k4A-i a kaitua, ka'gi giinhien6ilatko;<br />

v. space between, ginkaksh.<br />

v a c a t e , v. t., gctkala; v., to abandon,<br />

k~dsha; to go out qf, gdka,<br />

gCkna, gulkaka.<br />

v a i Jl; in v., adv., hunai'shak, nii'nisak<br />

valley; noex. eq.: v. side, lali'sh,<br />

Yginslikatko; steep v., ravine, paiksli;<br />

grassy bottom of v., saiga. Cf declivity.<br />

v a I o r o u s , litcli]tclili, killitko<br />

va 1 U e, s., price, sliesliatuish; to put<br />

a v. on, she'sha, elxa.<br />

va I lue, v t., e'lxa, shdsha; to price,<br />

sle'sha, shc'shlashl (Ixa, Ulxa , 1.<br />

highly, stinta; valued at, slheshatko.<br />

v a n i s hi , v. i., as clouds, fog, hu-<br />

(Isha'Iltka, ti/gi; v. ayaiol, tchlitkap)ule.<br />

v a n q i i s li, v. t., sklupni, udutyua,<br />

udt'ipka; winii, Mod. viiixin, vuina/ian.<br />

v a p o r; to produce v., tu'aka. Cf.<br />

steam. 44<br />

V<br />

u s e fu 1, tidshi; said of persons,<br />

dogs, etc., tidshi, shbayuaksh.<br />

u s e 1 e s s; to render u., kui shulta,<br />

shinewi ; bgypartial destruction, shneuya'la.<br />

u t e r it s , shue'ntcham sku'tash, Mod.<br />

v a r i o u s , w hktchish; v. objects, lI.'l11itlia.<br />

v a riii s Ii, v. t., talaka.<br />

v a s e; cooking v., po'ko; small v.,<br />

ki'ipa, kapaiga, poku'tga; rounded<br />

V., cujp, tutislh; narrow and low v.,<br />

wfkamnua; to carry in a v., sh6'dshna,<br />

stdna; to give in a v., sht'mi,<br />

pl. shewvcna. Cf. cup.<br />

v a t, tcLilk6tkisli.<br />

v e e r, v. i.; v. around, ktiwalkidslha,<br />

talkidslia; to make v. around, kti-<br />

Nvalkldshlii, shulnmokt'dsha.<br />

v e g e t a b 1 e s, hlishuash ; v.-yardcn,<br />

11ashluasli, Mo(l. liashniuk]cisli; to raise<br />

v, hashlmni'-a.<br />

v e h i c 1 e ; wheeled, telhktchik, wii.'gen;<br />

to Wliovc, travel on a wheeled<br />

v., lana; to start on sucl, lul'lIslhktcha;<br />

V. on water, Vtiinsh.<br />

v e n g e a 11 c e; to take v., slhiwalIa.<br />

v e n i s o n, lilhlanksliti tchlul.61s.<br />

V e n u s , planet, psliii- kekenisli<br />

v e ra c it y ; wvith v., katak.<br />

v er di g r i s, Iltcn.<br />

v e r m i ]i o n , taktf'ikli.<br />

vertebral column, dIhuish.

690<br />

ENGLISI - KLAMATII <strong>DICTIONARY</strong><br />

ver-V adv., tt'm; ka-a, ab~br. La:<br />

v. high or tall, k.I-a ati; -ak, -hak: v.<br />

Sm)all, ketclikAniak; v. in the sense<br />

of intensely, mu ; v. cold, mut sk';.<br />

v. rapid, nI kIllitko.<br />

v e s s e 1; vase, p6ko, dim. I)okua'ga;<br />

cooking V., p6ko. Cf. boat, vase.<br />

v i e i n a 1, ginatani, tilp6luish.<br />

v i i n i t y; in the v., adv., wIka; in<br />

the v. of, prep., i-ukakia'mna, turna,<br />

wighltan. Cf. around, near.<br />

v i c i o u s, letalani, telektch i 'kli; kitidshi,<br />

ktiidshi steinaslh.<br />

victuals, pcisb.<br />

v i e, v. i.; v. with others in shooting,<br />

hishlan.<br />

vigorous, liteldlitchli, killitko; to<br />

become v. by exercuse, shpotti.<br />

vii a g eO, telui'sh; of whites, ti-uni;<br />

formier V., v. abandoned, telliwish.<br />

v i n e, creeper, kC' lllli.<br />

v i o I e n t, killitko; said of i)ersons,<br />

kfl1sh; to be in V. (agitatiom, said of<br />

wvater, ndakall)

very - wane. 691<br />

W.<br />

wade, v. i.; w. in or through, geter's edJe, galalina; iV. around a<br />

upka; w. throtugh, as through a ford, lodge on its outside, gatl'tana; on, its<br />

pan kua; wading ford, p'Tnkksh. inside, hiyena; w. away, g-'sika;<br />

w a ft, v. i ; w. through, strong air- gi'ikaka, gulhudislktcla; w. away<br />

drafts, w*li; light drafts, ukkldsllin; from the place habitually occut-<br />

to be wafted, nti'lidsha; to be w aftedc pied, geka, geCkna; w. backwcards,,<br />

about, lu1dshna; to be wafted down- as a crab, skii'-ika; w. in comtlpany<br />

ward, as fog, lhtyi. Cf. drift, v. of, together, sha-ul'tnka, sha-ulan-<br />

w a g , v. t.; iw. the tail, shuadshlAik.'nka, shulxatclna; w. in a circuteh'lia,<br />

(kpe'l) shewokaga. lar line, gakdah, ki-uggidsha; ef.<br />

w a g, s., kt-ikash, sheslitalkiish. circle, s.; w. far off, gekn ola,<br />

wag e war, v. t, shellual; to go guyantchla; IV. while lean inq on, as<br />

and w. w., gutidsha, shc'ltialslia. as on at staff, shikiitchal; IV. on one<br />

wa g o ni, cart, truck, sta(je, tcliiktchik; lc/j, to ho1p, klena, sheklixiea; w. on<br />

w,'g~II; to ride in a w., lena, to ford lony leqs, tchik(olal1Za; w. on the<br />

a iver on a w., st-lankua; to start in horse's or wagon's side, kishtdalln-<br />

a wV., Inliasbktcha.<br />

W a i I, v. i., shlikttcha; to commnence<br />

tchna; w. straight out, as lizar(ls,<br />

uliftchkanka; iv. with a swinq(ling<br />

wailing, shuaktcelt>mpka.<br />

gait, wekflshtchna; w. towards<br />

wvaist, k6to.<br />

through pu1rsuing, shfidshiipka.<br />

xvaistcoat, WUla.<br />

Cf. go, v., jo(Urney, s.<br />

wait , v. i.; w. for, tclhawaya; tcheLl- w a l k e r, ha)bitual, tatiminnish.<br />

xa, waliha, walxa; w., took out for,<br />

kmn'ka; wv. upon, waIlla.<br />

wxalking-sti ck, hii'kskish.<br />

w a l l of building, st'clksh; lumber-w.,<br />

Wx a k e, v. i.; w. up) fromn slum1tlber, papkash; stone-w. or fence of inclo-<br />

skishilla.<br />

sure, w.kalak.<br />

walk , v. i., generic: gena, tamnilnu'; w a m p ui m consisting of dentalitini-<br />

on()1 who? tlks, tatlninuislh; IV. abl)oat, shells, tt!'tash; w. collar, yalnnaslh.<br />

kishkanka, glntala; w. about inside w a n d, sbu&kFlsh, ililaslh, w'Vhlkislh.<br />

f;, goyena, cf. luyela; IV. across the wa n d e r , v. i.; a'. about, lokanka,<br />

water over a l)ri(lge or ford, gAkua; lolalZa,l1'tdlshnra; 16'yapka, lAfanma~,<br />

w. arm in art)i, liushlpiintchna; iW. h'itchipka; a'., stray away, Itilina.<br />

aroUnd(l, skip) about, gatalml'Xa; ani- W al e , v. i., kii'gi; said of clonds,<br />

mals, nl'iyarmna; IV. around the wa- ]kIi'gi, tchlulka~pele.

692 ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong>I <strong>DICTIONARY</strong><br />

w a n t , v. t.; to desire, hAionmni, shanci-uli;<br />

often expressed by the verbal<br />

desiderative in -shtka: he wants<br />

to drink water, hi~t a pht'iiuashtka<br />

ambu; wanting, not possessed of,<br />

k6liak. Cf. lack, need, wish, v.<br />

w a p a t u, the edible root of Sagit- i<br />

taria, tchuni.<br />

w a r, s.; w.-expedition, shellualsh;<br />

former w.-expedition, slellualuisli;<br />

w.-chief; shellalolislh lakt; w.-cuirass,<br />

cf. armor; to wage w., cf.<br />

wage, warfare.<br />

w a r - d a n c e to dance a w.-d., u16kasha;<br />

to dance a w.-d. before the<br />

fight, tadslhbla, v uhlulaklalxa.<br />

w a r e ih o u s e , sheshatulkish. I<br />

w a r f a r e, s., shllualslh; to startfor<br />

W., shfllualsha, gutedsha; to start<br />

w., to begin active IV, shellualtadinpka,<br />

shuktfmirnpka.<br />

wcatrm , adj., lushldshli, kelpoksh;<br />

to feel w., ke'lpka, shuAlka; l6shlush<br />

gi, or lushlhshki; to bathe in<br />

w. water, kelua.<br />

w a r m, v. t.; w. oneself by the fire,<br />

teli'nli, kshliuya; w. oneself in the<br />

. an, tehatAwa, pl. wawati'vwa; to<br />

become, be warmed up, animal body,<br />

I ft'shka.<br />

W. a r in I y , adv., Itlshlush.<br />

Warm Spring Indian, no, e<br />

pr., Waitii'nkni, Lkuashltkni; YA-<br />

niakni maklaks, YAniakni.<br />

wv a r m t h, luslildtshlish.<br />

Wact1r n, v t.; to give warning against,<br />

to go out o1 the w., gute'dsha, sh61lualslia;<br />

warrior on the w., ktaklish,<br />

kil6sh, shishlikish; to be on<br />

the w., sli'llual.<br />

w a r p e d by heat, tchlishiwactko. Cf.<br />

crooked, bend, v.<br />

w a r r i o r , sheshalolish, shishbkish,<br />

hislhnaksh ; a'. arrayecl in the cl/ski)n<br />

armor, ktcIklish; bold tV. or<br />

fiyhter, kil6sh; fellow-w., slawvalineash,<br />

Mod. shftchlip; hostile IV.,<br />

shishllkish.<br />

wart , sxi'tonksll.<br />

Wasco In dii a , no101 pr., AmpZinkiii<br />

mAklaks, AmpZiinkn i.<br />

wash, v. t.; w. clean, viidslh6ka; wV.<br />

articles of dress, tedslia, tenuidshla;<br />

w,. for somebody, tedshlia; tl'. out, to<br />

scottr, vudsliokllta; w. one's body or<br />

part of it, sluidslioka; wn. oneself and<br />

plugye, pCexva, p'a m; w. offfrom, o)ne 's<br />

body, shiap)kola ; w. one's back, shudshokalihmna;<br />

IV. one's face, stapitclika;<br />

to mnake the yesture ofJ<br />

Waitshbig onie's latce, shatashlpapkia;<br />

a'. another's face, hashplitchka; -IV.<br />

one's hands, sliatclhAkuia; '. ain-<br />

other's ;hands, haslitc tikua; a'. one's<br />

head, shetaltcha.<br />

w a s ht - b a s i n, stapatchktlkishl<br />

w a s Ii e r w o an a n, tetemadshisht,<br />

Mod. tetadshisI1.<br />

w a s h( 4 u t, shnuntalItchislh.<br />

w a s h - t (o w e I, shiapkolbtkislh.<br />

w a s lI t ii 1), tetchiotkish.<br />

W a s p, k ltsh, skin tch; yellow-jacket<br />

W' W C- LI, . I W., 1tulgbK s Ll<br />

Nv a r p a t h, slhllualslh, shishukash ; vw a s t e, v. t., kewelZa, slhek(pgi.

want-we. 693<br />

w a t c h, v. t and i., shlAka, Mod. ered with w., tchlxi; to crowd to-<br />

shlika; shlepopka, walxa; w., be gether in the w., liwa; to give, pre-<br />

on0 the lookout, iv-i'hlta; w., keelp w., sent w., tehLya, t'slia ; to go, jump,<br />

sh ualaf.lampka; w. the interests of, leap into the V., hi'twa, pl gewa; to<br />

shualalihimpka, siule'pka, shlepop- go towards the w., t'lkua; to jump<br />

ka; w. thefish over ice-holes, vulhn, out of the w., said of fish, vutch6-<br />

Mod. ulhwa.; watching place, wallwa; to live in the w., 'amputat wa,<br />

kisl. Cf. care, s.<br />

udl'nmkanka; to plunge in the w.,<br />

w a t e h , s., time-piece, sbapash. kidsha, pan'a, lpv.a; to sit near, on<br />

w atclhful; to be w., as against the w., tchaliga, du. wawalL.ga, pl.<br />

thieves, wa'hlta.<br />

lilnliga; to stand in the u7., tg('.va,<br />

w a t c h m a n, shuashulaliAmpkisli; pi. liwa; to stand near the w., tga-<br />

w. of a guard-house, i-Allhislh. liga, pl. lilulLga; to swimt on the<br />

w a t e r,

6)94 (4ENGLISH - <strong>KLAMATH</strong>I <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

w e a k _1a-i killitko; wv. in the kneejoints,<br />

kokalkoktltko; w.-mrinded,<br />

kaitua shttyuaksli, letalani; to be<br />

w., kUi'g ,; ph ysically, klii'gi, sk(ka.<br />

w e a it h y, mfi shkitaluatko; tunia<br />

shil'nuishl gItko, sliunuishl'ltko, na1nuktua<br />

shfinuisl'iltko; t1i1altko.<br />

w e a i' 0n, sltellol6tkishi.<br />

w e a r , v. t., said of clothiing, atp)a;<br />

w. a gonvi, long robe, k(ka; iv. something,<br />

long, 'Lyanina, pl. i-anina,<br />

fyanu t; wearing a hat, tchly'tko;<br />

?v. moccasins, Wvllkshna; w. On oneScff<br />

iu perforated parts of bodyI hInshtamn<br />

a; w. on neck, shep)ukag~a; ?V.<br />

oat, to use 12p, as clothing, lel]'nma,<br />

Wvn 1 t'(,a, Mod. kwira ; to be or be-<br />

COMe worn out7 tired, k dsikika. Cf.<br />

necklace, neckwear.<br />

w e a s e I, Putoriu8s, tcihtslik]ai, dilm.<br />

tchashka yaga.<br />

W e a s l e t, nom. pr. of a mythic<br />

animal: 'chaslklfyaua Tch'xshkai.<br />

*v e at h e r ; no ex eq.: the w. is dry,<br />

p'ha nie ')kank; the w. is fine, ttdsh<br />

nem'pka; it 'is hazy w., tchatelmknm<br />

; badt or raliny w., valkam, k61lxash;<br />

it is bad w_, ki'i ne'pka; to<br />

produce rainy w., y¢hanflla a; it is<br />

stormsy ?l., witchtka; it is wet w.,<br />

nukalIta; it is 'iindy W.m, slilc'wi;<br />

ka-A or sk lm sile'wi.<br />

w e a v e, v. i., hislitualkianka. Cf. rock.<br />

w e cl, v. t., said of b)oth sexes, mibush<br />

'ala.<br />

wv e d g e of elk-horn, tke.<br />

w e (I o c k , shiunipsealshl; to unite a<br />

couple in w., sllnumlpsleala.<br />

W e dI n e s d a y, nd ini tinshna sitn-<br />

(de-giilank waita; abbr. ndlni tinshna.<br />

w e e d, s.; stalk, tehtl'ash; a species<br />

of w., C(ompositae family, v.Umniami.<br />

Cf. 1)lalit, s.<br />

wxeed out , v. t , said of plants, put~ga<br />

Ipalal ca; of hair, l)earld, hushk1116<br />

la.<br />

w e e k, sitn(le; last W, sdndeI(le l'mla.<br />

w e e p, v. i., shlniktchla; 7'., as a<br />

lbaibvN m wca; ?v. aloud, stlttZishla.;<br />

W., lamenicqt wvhite biting the teeth, koka;<br />

wv. for, ?v. after, vitt~tka; .as (6<br />

mlOnlrl?, kivaila, Ikitpislla., hll,<br />

stit'tXishl a; wv. pitifidly, tC]e3ktclheka;<br />

?l'., whine, v wa iw; IC. silently,<br />

ki'tki; to comminence wey(ping, shntaktelitA1mp)lk<br />

; ive(pi:iny cry o(f/otr"nPO.s,<br />

lnat'ptishlallsht.<br />

w e i g h, v. t., b)v means of a scale,<br />

slininkAi lxa; wIe~hiny-scalr, sihninkahk'lutlkish.<br />

w e i II7 v. i., nkikelya.<br />

w e i g 1i t, s.; to p)lace weigyhts j)0on,<br />

to press (town b7 iv', latA(1slhl'ta.<br />

w e i g lit y, , ytttantko; to 1)e iv, mita.<br />

w e I c o m e; to bid w , stinta; -'elidank]a;<br />

to owC for a w., iItki tka; to<br />

yo and' bid wv., gelidlnktcha, tidsh<br />

tilo'tl)a; cc. given a woman visiti ng<br />

her old home, skAtchish, Mod. sk^'ttish.<br />

w e 11, s., natural or excavated, w'lwash;<br />

to dig a iv., shi'lkshla.<br />

wv e 11, adv., tidsh; in the sense of<br />

intensely, unfi, tlm, k l-a, abl)r. -ia;<br />

snffix -ak, -hak; w.-fcd, p'litko;

w.-in'tentioned, tfdshl hushikankctko;<br />

well! hl'igga ta!<br />

w e s t , t'alarn, tinolish; westwards,<br />

tQalarnt!'la, txalaintItal, tQAIlamna;<br />

westward from, to the IV. oj; tyi'damtana,<br />

tQalhnakstant; who, what comes<br />

from the w., tyalainta]Akni.<br />

w e s t w i n d , tZllamaslh, tcalamta-<br />

M4kni slllewish; it is wU. win(d, tallamna.<br />

w e t, InnkAltatko, Mod. piigatko; tv.<br />

ground, clay, tiipesli, kuynrlmash,<br />

mi 'lInulatko; one whose head is w.,<br />

shietatchasli; to become w., mrukflta;<br />

to make w., pa'ia; it is w. weather,<br />

mukalta.'<br />

wet , v. t., shnitikalta, shmuk'Ltana;<br />

w. through, plaga, shpAga; w. one's<br />

head, shetiitcha.<br />

w e t II e r1, laki shi'p, Mod. lak_ k 6-il.<br />

w h a I e ; cf. ndsd'(lsh.<br />

weak-while. 69.5<br />

w 11 e n e e, adv., also interrog., tatl't<br />

(for tPita ha).<br />

w h or e, (1) not interrog.: tata, tush;<br />

just w., right w., the place IV., t6'slht,<br />

t' slitak; coming fromt w., t6 tkni,<br />

tfi'shni, also interrog.; wherefrom,<br />

tatfI, also interrog.; whereto, getala,<br />

gIta, t'lshtala, tatI ; It., as a correlat.<br />

to there, (gai'tak): tii'tak; just<br />

w., td'taktak; somewhere, at some<br />

place, anywhere, as on body, etc.,<br />

tualnkslhi; somewhere far out, tuslsak;<br />

(2) interro-., w.? t;ita ? tiitai ? tuinkslii?<br />

tt'sh? whereto? Utta? t'slistala'?<br />

wherefore? tuA? wlk '? (and<br />

conmpounds), cf. why; iV. then? fti-<br />

w hI e t, v. t., lktcha.<br />

whethe or, conj.; if, w. or not, tP'imundsh,<br />

tarn.<br />

w It e t s t o n e, lektchotkish.<br />

Wx ic h II, pron rel., anim. and inan.,<br />

w h a t, pron. rel., anim. and inan.,<br />

kat; iv.? kanI? wv. is it? tuit miat? kat, but usually expressed by par-<br />

w. thing? tnil? Cf who, which. ticiples or verbals; that w., the on)e<br />

w It e a t , hfitit; l6lomak<br />

or those w., pron. dem.-rel.: kat; w.<br />

w ]I e e 1, tilankidshiltko.<br />

comes next, tit'poluish; cf. who. lRel.<br />

w IIeel, v. t.; w. around, IV. or roll and interrog. at the sarme time are:<br />

away, tilankedslha.<br />

Iw.? kani? w. thiny? (not so often<br />

wh eeI, v. i.; tv. aroun(l, tilankain- applied to persons), tult? at ?v. time,<br />

sha; w. around on one's feet, ked- hour? titslhgish? at w. place, spot?<br />

s-iamkedslhalketa.<br />

tttuanksli? tt'ish? to w.place, whither?<br />

w e eze , v. i., klo'pa, Mod.<br />

tuislhtala ?<br />

w lu en, if conditional, Wi', hii; if temn- while, s.; a w. ago, Uina; a little<br />

poral, that time, when, tatal; if causal, w. aqo, welislit, nl~a, lTma, te'-in, te-<br />

-dga, -figa, -uk (suffix of verbal); at intaks nIa; for a short w., wiga-<br />

the time w., shulbanuk=shitko, taitatak; pani; after a w., tClh'ti ind,'ntch=gitk<br />

w.? what time.? tatAi? t'lishgish? IV. tclbe'k or tche'ksh; T'Lntehek, Mod.<br />

eVer, just iv., tPitatak.<br />

tche'ksla; for a w., hfiya, inmi'ntchu;

696; 9ENG LISH - UAITATIT <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

we'; a long w., in.'ritchl, ind'iltchak.<br />

w II ii e, conj.; expressed by verbal<br />

durative in -6ta, -uta.<br />

w hi n e, v. i., kaikiiva, shua-uka;<br />

said of dogs, etc., wa6wa; to go<br />

around whining, gaika'nka.<br />

w I i p), s.; cattle-w. of leather, shni -<br />

takpfttch; w-rod, thin w.-stick, nawalash,<br />

logdkish ; w.-sti'ek, vutilko'tkish;<br />

w.-snake, iflak'kUnkish.<br />

w Ii p , v. t., vudltka, vud'hita; Wi-<br />

hii'telixa; ui~ttyula, udt'tpka, idtlp-'<br />

kpa.<br />

w Ih i p p o o r w i I 1, Antrostomus Nuttalli,<br />

kiwash.<br />

whI i r, v. i., t

while-wind 697<br />

w i c k of candle, etc., tunsxantko ke- expressed by the future tense in<br />

nukAga.<br />

-uaipka. Cf. willing.<br />

w i c k e d, kuidshi steinash, ki'lidshi; Will tm e t River, nom.pr.,'l'cha-<br />

tchbkal sh, pApalish. Cf. bad. kAwana lCke.<br />

wickedly, kji.<br />

Williamson River, norn. pr.,<br />

wickerwork; w.-dish, -plate, p.A'- K6ke; K6oletat; W. R. in its low-<br />

'hia; sha'plashl; w.-paddle, slbaplash,<br />

dim. shapika; larger, tia. Cf. basest<br />

course, Yagwa Kltke, YA-aga.<br />

wi 1 i n g; to be w., suffix of future<br />

ket.<br />

tense, -uApka; ka-i lewitchta.<br />

w i (I e, mini, kinkutko; verg wv., mifl- w i I I 0 W; species of, y Ish, dlini. yi1-t'ini,<br />

mll kinkutko; so W., tliniani. agta; Uiiimkosh; ku('-utc1i; badger-ir.,<br />

w i d o w, wenuitko; to be, becomec a<br />

w., wen6ya.<br />

Cornus sericea, kti'lsham y.1sh; to be<br />

,full of, studded with willows, alshlahi;<br />

wi d ( ow er, tchlinltntko; to be, be- full of willows, yplshaltko; w.-branch,<br />

comne a w.,' tCliinlina.<br />

w.-rod, nsed as firame for structures,<br />

w; f e , shnAwedsh; wives, w'wavnu- ishiklak; w. -basket, ptki; w.-lo~q(e,<br />

ish; youngq w., te-iniwll-ash; to take stinlt'sh Kl., dim. stinat'ga.<br />

as a w. or wives, shniawvdsbla, wI i, v. t , to yai?, ikaga; w. flgain,<br />

Mod. slinaw~dslhashla ; wewAnui- ik.ktkp61e; to be the winner in a game ,,<br />

shila; wife's brother, p'tchOl'k-ap;<br />

wife's sister, mfi'lgap; brother's w.,<br />

pa-alimip; wife's sister's husband,<br />

p'tchikap.<br />

w i g w a ni, lAtchlash, tchi'sh; assemt-<br />

'dlypa; w. by gaiblin,?g, shi-I!Zwgr;<br />

blage of wiqwams, tchi'sh.<br />

lodge.<br />

Cf.<br />

w i I d, adj., savage, Mwashl; said of<br />

l)easts, komci'shni; to be in the w.<br />

state, kiln a; to be w. from rage,<br />

shawiga; fromn excitement, kilua.<br />

w i Id c a t, or lynx, shlola.<br />

wi 1 dfi r e, heshla.<br />

wild to bacco; edible root of w.<br />

t. ko'l; the plant producing it, V/aleriana<br />

edlvis, ]t'lam; to gather w.<br />

t. habituallg, kulalsha.<br />

w i ll, s., hi'islikanikslh; to have the W.<br />

of doinq so hietlijug is. gellery111v<br />

w. froin each other, Sili-1xa,,1g; to be<br />

the final winner of all the stakes, wiuka-;<br />

object won, 1kaks.<br />

W i n (1, S., shlewish; the w. blows,<br />

sll('wi; to be fall of IV., air, sinplif;<br />

breakin1g w., shk'sh; whirl-wv, i-l<br />

kiegsh; w.-bqag, shipunslh; w.-pipe,<br />

svutkanf/'tkisl, etc., cf. throat.<br />

For names of winds, cf. north,<br />

northeast, west, etc., storm.<br />

wi n d, v. t.; w. around, wvapil'ma,<br />

w6pla; w. up, as a watch, ki-uo'4dslia;<br />

?,v. up, as a rope, wapil'rma;<br />

a thr eadl, witchia; w). up, terininate,<br />

tmie'a. (f. tie, v<br />

v ii i d, V7. i. ?c. arotud, gI'imoni; w.<br />

around withile ascending, agidsldsa.<br />

Cf. 1)en(d, turll, v. i.

698 6ENGrLISII - KLATIATII -<strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

w i n d o w , and pJane of w., shetaluash<br />

; w.-shade, hishlo5'tkish.<br />

w i n g, s., of bird, Lt'sh; providedd with<br />

wings, LIshnItko; w.-feathter, shorter,<br />

of a bird, h'ika; longer, Ilsh ; to<br />

flap, m10ove the wintgs, when tpoising<br />

for a flight, or wxalking on ground,<br />

ninia; n6na, Mod. shn6'dsha. Cf.<br />

flutter, v.<br />

w i og e d, lhshaltko.<br />

w i n k, v. i , kcldmtc]ha, nidshonidslhua,<br />

shuek.'Iptchia; wf). with one<br />

efye, knadshikia ; w. with one or both<br />

e yes, sikitchlwa, siakelnintehlm; to<br />

keep onI winking, kolamtclitainma.<br />

C£L blink, nictate.<br />

Vin n er s.; cf. win, v. t.<br />

v in n t o W, v. t., and to clean by winno<br />

wing, shitlina.<br />

wxinter , s., lfi'ldam; during w., UIN1-<br />

(lain ; w7.-lo(.(ye, 16tldanmalulikslh ; 11ldain<br />

tcll'kslh,wa'sh, kaitla-luitchashi;<br />

to erect a ?tw.-lodbgc, lhldemAlxa; firelatel<br />

(f w.-lodqe, t

papk-ash; fallen or felled log of wr.,<br />

limfipoks; rotten W., infi'lu; darn of<br />

w., paplislh; pyramidal pile of W.,<br />

fire-w., t'ilash , st'liilash; Woods, if<br />

filled with sfirub)s, gl'tclieshi; Woods,<br />

consisting of timber only, Ainku;<br />

into, in the woods, cf. recess, timb)er.<br />

woo dcli u c k, a rodent of the s(llirrel<br />

genvus Arctomys, niuni; w'.'s-tlethgame,<br />

skt'sliash.<br />

w o o d e d, gatelii'tko.<br />

w o o d p e c k e r; red-shc(filed flicker,<br />

telh'-uslh; species ot flicker, kilLwash;<br />

species of bl.ack, red-headed<br />

w., w.1lkwakinshl; black 'w., Jqltoto-<br />

Inus p/ailt'tUs, Skai"iki]sh, (imi. skftkashAg-a;<br />

fa rr-is' wo., P)icut 11arrisii,<br />

slipIll'llptishl.<br />

W o o (1 R i v e r, nom. pr., E-itkalksinli<br />

K(oke.<br />

w o o 1, ii'l ; slh'pam ni'l.<br />

v 0 0 1 e 1 , adj., if roughd to the tolte,<br />

kitchkIthlili.<br />

w o r d, lhen'kankshi; in the sense of<br />

speech, orof conn ected 'words, h1em(l1 '-<br />

Zishi; waltoks, Miod. wviltkash;<br />

wor(S s)poken. bJ somel)ody, lihnikankiuish.<br />

Cf. speech.<br />

w o rk , v. i., pe'lpela, shilita; w. for,<br />

pe'lpela; ?C. in the ground, kfiila<br />

shl'ta; wC. on somel)ody, sln'ita; w.<br />

with a pickaxe, ibuti'-tya; to comincuce<br />

to w., pelpelie'ga, pelpeltaimpka<br />

working tool, shurte-otkish; v. t., Jit,<br />

appropriate to w. upon, shliltesh.<br />

w o r k e r, shi'isbatish.<br />

w o r l d, earth as well as universe,<br />

lkifla; about this Wv vgnta kaflatat;<br />

window- wra p. 6t99<br />

to create the a'., lkiflala; for some-<br />

|l)ody, kiiilalia. Cf. universe.<br />

w o r m, generic: mi'l1k, dim. mfi'lkaga,<br />

worn out, iman., 4intehiksli, si,-mitli;<br />

cf. wear, v.<br />

w o r r v, v. t.; w. somebody, slintrin,'ttchka;<br />

worried, uyiylldkishl.<br />

w o r s ip , v. t., stinta.<br />

w o 1 t hi in price, slieshiatko; to be wV.,<br />

to cost, shle'sla.<br />

w o it n (1, v. t.; w. With an arrow, nis-<br />

sile, ng('-ishia; sAlin, pl. yl'lta; p'a;<br />

?iV. coiitinaltli, slhlitftimna; ?. eac/<br />

other, hlishllai; wV. but not to kill,<br />

ngeshie-I'tya; to come near woundinq,<br />

slili'kshga ; iV. by means of, siliita;<br />

W. by beating, slitka, ; Ii'. wvit/ (a cattiny<br />

instrument, ktllkta-; iV. with removal<br />

of flesh, sliiiktakla; withluJt<br />

remoivi offlesh., shliktakla; wvoutded<br />

by a cut, gash, ktakhlitko; wC. wr7th a<br />

long article, o- by 1 scratching, 1ll)ata,<br />

l) lti a; i17. y/!firinq, nIo'(-is[lii; sllfr,<br />

pl. yiita; w. siqhtlly, tofgraz*(e, ntiksliktchat;<br />

w. b/y stabbing, stltka ; each.<br />

other, sttlyna; repeatedly, stt'llpka.<br />

w o u ii d , s ; Wv., yas/i, ktok,'Ritko; uv.<br />

by wvhich no flesh was remored, slviktkcalnisli;<br />

w. by which fleseh was re-<br />

mioved, shl'iktashlkikisli; stab-wr., (I v.;<br />

shot-lv., shlfwitko; to have an opcn,<br />

iv. or sore, halnuipka; to inflict (a ic.,<br />

wrofndls, ef. wound, v t.; to irodace<br />

a barn, ?t'., as nettles, u'lidoplitana.<br />

w r a it - I e , v. i , sli '[la; W. with each<br />

other, shunk'ki, slxikkshlulia.<br />

W l a ) , v. t.; IV. in, as into a bl(midle,

700 EINGLISLI-<strong>KLAMATH</strong> <strong>DICTIONARY</strong>.<br />

sxl'ta; w. aroundd, wapili'na; w.<br />

arowud oneself, sha-utama; w. oneself<br />

in, skbita; wrapped in, ski'itatko;<br />

to be completely wrapped in, ukAt'mtatka;<br />

what wraps in, covers, wAl-<br />

sliash.<br />

w r e c k of canoe, & - ak-k.<br />

w r e n , tehlitclulak.<br />

wren ch, v. t.; w., take off. IL'Itxa;<br />

long ohj., UitZa, pl It~a; w., contort,<br />

as one's limbl)s, tilanshlinea.<br />

w r etc h e d, yanlimlni, yuAlkislh;<br />

l'iidshi; to be in a W. state, YvtAlnua,<br />

y'u11a; i.-looking, yullkisliptehi.<br />

w r i g g 1 e, v. i., witwita; we. while<br />

lying, floating on the belly, willas-<br />

Itna.<br />

w r i ng, v. t.; w. out, as cloth, atclh-<br />

lga.<br />

Y A n e k s, nomn. pr. loc., Yafnakshi;<br />

native of, staying at Y., Yainakslini.<br />

y a r d; y.-sticZk, skilulZ(Itkish.<br />

y a w 11, v. i., skty:a(lsllma.<br />

y e, you 0 , poro. pers. second l)ers.<br />

plur., -at, abbr. a5,; i, ik, thou, is<br />

sometimes used instead; obj. case,<br />

ye, to ye, malash, m sa'Ish, in Mod.<br />

also: nlal; poss. case, of ye, rnmlain.<br />

Cf your, yOurs.<br />

y ea r, ill'lasli; the y. goes rownd,<br />

ends, is over, past, completed. illola;<br />

to finish. one y., tina ilIIoa; one y.<br />

sinee, tiiia illolash tfinlk; mang yjears<br />

w r i n k 1 e; hand-w., shbktankslb.<br />

w r i n k I e d , adj., kiapit'hit'tnatko;<br />

w. in, the face, tin uk6latko; to bece omne<br />

v. by wetting, kmnuk'ltgi.<br />

wIr is t, s.; w.-joint, nawAlaslh, nitlpam<br />

naw'lasli; iu7.-bone, ki'mpkapo.<br />

w r I t e, v. t., slhiunalua; written mzarkb,<br />

letter, paper, shliial uasli; writinq<br />

pen or pencil, shumal(Itkisl.<br />

w r o n g- and w.-doing, kdtidslii, ('Atalaiii.<br />

Cf. baId.<br />

w r o n gly, kiji.<br />

w r o t h, kfllsls, shawIgank, shmaw-<br />

,gatko; to be or wax w., kilua, shlawiga,<br />

shitchlikta, sliitclhAktna; to<br />

become w., angry at, hislitcl.ktna,<br />

hushtlina.<br />

w r y; w.-shaped, tikiwatko; cf. bend,<br />

v., crooked.<br />

ago, g('xhak; ten years old, ta-unep<br />

illol6latko, Mod. ill6latko; spriny<br />

of the y., sk6'; fall of the y., sAAlam.<br />

y e a s t, ald yeaste(l (loll qh, shnuntop'lkotkisli.<br />

y e 1l o w, kakVi'kfi; of y. metallic<br />

s/hine, as copper, ktikii'kli; light y.,<br />

sp"dlptchi; reddish, y., dark sorrel,<br />

tcullitchdili; y. ocher, spA'd.<br />

y elI o w - It a mI In er, or red-shafted<br />

fliclker, tche-usl].<br />

y c o w i s hi, k('teha kik'i'kli, kiikii'k<br />


yelloAN- jacket wasp, kinslh,<br />

skintcli.<br />

c G ] , v. i., SlILIA-1ka0.<br />

y e s, y(ca, aye, e, e-e, -, t, t-t.<br />

y e s t e r d a y, waitolla, wait6lank,<br />

na'shl wait

LIST <strong>OF</strong> ERRATA.<br />

P'ARtT I.<br />


Page vii, last liue: Sahlaptin (in one wvord, not in two).<br />

Page xxxvi, line 6 from below: read Tatapkaksh.<br />

Page xlviii, line 2 from below: comma after "langn1age."<br />

IN <strong>THE</strong> TEXTS.<br />

t<br />

Quotatimtns haring a senlcolon after the page number refer to ptoetic texts only, all of ichichc stand after<br />

jmege 152.<br />

Page 2, 1i11 17, tribes, instead of I''language."<br />

Page i7, line 14, peno'dsa: canght up witit them.<br />

Paget 17, line 19, real: never made slaves those of the Lake tribe.<br />

Page 22, line 4, put semicolon after hIitalit.<br />

Page 22, lino 5, senottakiash they, fonyb t.<br />

Page 23, line 11, tfukt at suddenly.<br />

Page 23, litte 18, under tsi'n tits 1, nOt " theti I."<br />

Paoge 24, line 12, hah: ilL but tteo ditys.<br />

Page 24, line 18, Walktcbi buk, insteasl of WAi tchilink.<br />

Page 25, line 1, separate ni (I) front mlminnitaks, and erase note 25, 1, on page 27.<br />

P;igo :15, line 19, ta'tlsliasb : to another sp)ot.<br />

Page :137, lines 3-11, Bartell, false for Bou0telle. Dnring an interview which I had in Washington,<br />

1). C., Atril 3, Lo90, with this officer, Lieut. (now Cajtt.) F. A. Boutelle, be stated that this passage<br />

ontained no truth at all,exccpt one fact: "That Major Jacksonitatasketl Bogus Charley for the wherebhoets<br />

of Captaii .Jack. Lieutenant Bontelle ditd tot see Jack that witole day (November 30), for Jack<br />

kept himself secreted. On the morninig of the sauIte day Scarface Charley tired at Iotlirelle at a disautee<br />

of abont 30 yards, the bullet tearing his cardigan coat and undershirt at the elbow."<br />

Page 43, line 5, nadshksla p ttdukiti, instead of nadslitatdlikii.<br />

Page 46, itote to :35, 18: chan11ge p61peli into p611pela (the word stands there ttrice).<br />

Page 47, note :37, 10: for refleetive read reciprocal.<br />

Page 47, erase note to 37, 17.<br />

Page 55, line 19, Searfiace Charley was then thirty-two years old.<br />

Page 63, erase note to 59. 9.<br />

Page 68, erase note to 66, 16; the verb is not shlnft'nta.<br />

Page 72, iii note to 71, 2: tn'na instead of m'ndlam.<br />

Page 72, line 1, nty$iuis sonei, itot another.<br />

Page 74, line 1, kaipto: small suckers.<br />

P'age 77, line 2, tayashl dlryl rye-grass.<br />

Page 78, line 13, tchIt'pkshi tteatts iwhere had lired.<br />

Page 82, lite 4, atild page 8.5. lite 16, wdas childl itnstead of childreit.<br />

Page 87, line 12, for td'l see I)ictiontary.<br />

Page 96, line 16), vttoltha is preferable to nutoldla.<br />

Page 99, liiie 8. ianuk Si: csaserery gtb fgromt thelmi.<br />

Page 100, lines 12 and 16i, kaikuima and kdy6knia: ditt not recoguize hini.<br />


7(4 LIST <strong>OF</strong> EuRETA.<br />

Page 102, note to '99, :3: telixe-utcllX6- aptehi btile Is the eerreet fori.<br />

Pa tge 103, lInes G and 1'1, ski'slikislh dung-beetle, tumble-bug.<br />

Page 11:3, lile 13, gdgklua is prefe-rable to g*ikiia.<br />

Page 122, lines 12 nd 13, roal sign ifieatioii: the lake ( tlhre! htllos are thei',<br />

Page 1263, line 6, g-itpaninhani eoning near.<br />

P'age 1.31, hiles 5 alld . Cf. Dictionary unilder il ag.<br />

Pa go 133, line, Q, Kt-i- Tup,6ksi, itistead of Kitaitini<br />

l' sge ~l 6, linle 2, tilnpita lusteiis or pins (Upon liue).<br />

l age 1:37, eraseu ate to 1:7, 2.<br />

Erase note.<br />

Pago 147, lie 3, lift p;isi i horls (not its lop).<br />

Page I11, no1(e to I 17, 3: tfililetat ib fron tiale small lake, pond, stoagnat pool.<br />

P age 13 :3, lihe 2, read nisli itistead of IIi.<br />

Page 153, linue 3, re idl n'sh Instead ofi' I.<br />

Page 179, liie :i, sb:ll Ililli Stunti 'sh 8unbeams.<br />

Pageo 161, line 3, 1'7':iiVasli golden eagle.<br />

Page 176, line 34i, wast inistea(l ot like; aifje iistead of<br />

agoe I19.1, notes, flr-t line, Sil itsteadl of eight.<br />

Page 193, note to 193:; 10, pagan inisteail of a(unnal.<br />

ouman.<br />

IN <strong>THE</strong> GUhAMIAII.<br />

Palge 211, erase troiii Vll- and the vow\el 11- …- t1lIeC i1ICeS uO\ i to oldfyUa.<br />

Page 2:1i, wnilcilk; strike inti thcfie !<br />

Page 257, p1(1 el a to work; add agui i at 1ld of lil u.<br />

Page 2'p4; ertse nidslak \v ( Ia.<br />

Page :331, ske'l ininkl: erase the whole line.<br />

lP;tge 47) 0, after 'in the iniflection of,' add partm ef body.<br />

Page 4,-3, tenilolli'ilit. l rase this lihe.<br />

Page 5017, lmcimploatioa inlste:iwl tf aigglllutinatio.<br />

Page 677, itisert liii before tehi' ill'l fik.<br />

PART I1.<br />

<strong>DICTIONARY</strong>; KLAMATII-IENGLISii lART.<br />

Black Jimii; ehatlge October 4 to October :3.<br />

Osa t; inlstead of iwa pill ,'-ula.<br />

g:dmill r' al il itch gitko il te :14 of mai /ntel.<br />

gmali~; to grind~, malias uith it s10oe.<br />

li6lilk:limlksh a lso sigiliis nioiid.<br />

Ijllshllttl eraose' Dei. sldta."<br />

ifiltXi to rns/h or rt in do(i n/hill.<br />

fishialk : imii(l rwed from11 Chinook Jargoui.<br />

iein; to the list of suiclker-fish adld til, VdinaRi.<br />

l;ii l atilsh aud K3ih aallsh ; Indian il Iiel ialne for bearded whirteli mit en.<br />

kshd.ipa; bewtitched (instead of poisoniet).<br />

ksliiiNalii to dco8il tiipon.<br />

Rtfizshisliiishi on8sl (liste:ld of leren ).<br />

kijilll: reaol lie'l i's-t-Cap.<br />

hfldo alsoi lieatis leg; cf. palidk:i.<br />

k,l kti; read v. iitr , not v. trails.<br />

lpkash; read plullai, iv :ipalhish.<br />

.Il;kaisli l f rm Ieflltl li to ll),u ulpo°-<br />

0l1io:lp:illa ; Der. li4lpala, -pl i.<br />

lepleputilna is really: lewale\ apiutd'iia.

LIST <strong>OF</strong> EIRArTA. 705<br />

Li'lo is the Frenclih IC Imp, in Chinook Jargonn.<br />

mndklaks; first world on page 208: tilini, not liAni.<br />

nanilash; species of little bI, t.<br />

nifitia; read, ef. nainiya.<br />

iutolaila is: to swing, tHi row into thle fit-e.<br />

p(' hak ; read pala0go.<br />

Ipapiii' na; the absol. form is payii lnna to eat tohile geotf a rotndl<br />

correct also Gramnmar, 1). 277.<br />

insidc of (a lodge, et.). Fromt Otis<br />

ps81i k6keuoisi; read : iamorning allnd eveninig star.<br />

piika, poka to roast is samo word as nibdka 'No. 2.<br />

spidslia anid spitela are bothi the samie word.<br />

sbenitcha and slicimtchuja, to hold a Ion!y objecl.<br />

shi6' Iri; is sameile as shifi'lki and i usli to'lVhi, (I. v.<br />

sWeyak'lakpa : to listen Jroei the insOde of (a lodge, etc.).<br />

shiidnshna, shnipkldlishi, shuiptkiasli; to be placed in the alpliabetie order.<br />

snlkitt'k isl: con cil anuid cr0ord.<br />

tushliin dsho; the correct fori is i slimnsfia.<br />

telitina, to be unable, ntot to knou, bo((o; oft p(lpelaisf tch. or telimiisl I Can not irod1; ka ni mli sni<br />

shapiyuapk tch idnok I cae not Cerplain it to yoti, not nowi sli it myself; nit' its I telina, tsdssak niish ui<br />

saJpiya, you never gra.eY it (atlhonugh) I exptlaini it to yjou till the tlime.<br />

tchilika; same word as tchlika.<br />

Wl6ka; not uldkasha.<br />

Vnldlkshi; read emptying from the wvest.<br />

<strong>DICTIONARY</strong>, ENGLLSII-KLAMATI- 1'ART.<br />

Page 525, Caterpillar; correct into s8Xehi'si.<br />

Page 671. strong; to liecoumie stronger, soil of winds., shiwixi.<br />

Page 69:1, to wvatch; set straight the shnilahlidmpka.<br />


I N D E X.<br />

Roman figures refer to the " Ethnographic Sketch ' tiii abbreviations for the three other parts are: T., Texts; G.<br />

Gramimar, D., Dictionary, both parts.<br />

Most of the Indian vocables of the Index and of the Notes are fully explained in the Dictionary.<br />

Page.<br />

A, pa ticle .................. G 649,696<br />

Abh olite formii'<br />

verbs .. ......... G-262, 263, 400<br />

in nouns ... 463-466<br />

in adjectives.. .50 511-515<br />

tin numerals -24-527<br />

Artchaologic remains. - x- lii-xhlii<br />

Assimilation . r- 2i3<br />

at, particle- . 5 f1, i5i<br />

Attribiitiver-lation - -571, 62, 629<br />

Attri butive verbs -- - G 428<br />

Aui-ora .lxxxv, lxxxvi<br />

1at, skunk, hog, alid pralir H'<br />

wolf; stories of- '1 127-129<br />

Beetle's Rest - - xx lx<br />

hear anid the Antelope io tit<br />

of- ..... ..... .. r. IIR 1-125<br />

Bear. cininamon (nfilc) .. - xiii<br />

Bear, grizzly - -ci-- ' l 1'8-125<br />

Bieliefos aid superstitions -r- 133-131(<br />

in adverbs1 56<br />

Absti-act oLns . ..... G. 498-500<br />

Accentuation .......- G... G 236-243<br />

Active voice ....... G421,572-575 ..<br />

(Cf. Transitive verb.)<br />

Adessive case in -ksqhi ... G - 486-488<br />

AdjectiN e,structure of -G- 515-517, 694<br />

Adverb, the . (r 560-567<br />

Adverbial clause - (. 661, 695 hBibliograpliy .------- -..... xiiu-v<br />

Adveilb qualif ilug a verb -. G- 630-632 Big Valley, part of Pit River<br />

Adverbs as prefixes G(r- 632,633 Valley, Citiforiia . Ix<br />

Atlixes to tie radix. G- - 279-398 Biographic niotices of 51,doe<br />

Agdiwesi - xxxii, xxxiv, Iviii characters . 'I …........... … 5t-57<br />

Aigspaluma, or "people of the<br />

(Cf. Modoo wa-, the<br />

chipmunks . - - xxxiii Birds .. xxiv e ci, civ.T..1S0<br />

A-inflection -G- 441-453 BloodyPoiiit - - li-i B-il T 14<br />

A1isishi -... xlii, lxxx-lxxxii, Bridge, Natuiil a- xxi<br />

lxxxiv-lxxxxN, xciv, ei, civ Bridge over Willisiiison Rliver<br />

myth of hls birth ---- lxxxv-lxxxvi at Ya-aga -xix, lxVI<br />

imytlic talc about .......- '- 99-103 See also Yi-xgo.<br />

ak, aka, ka. particle . .G- 695 Butte Lake or N.-iiki xxxv<br />

(Cf. Possibility.)<br />

Califoinia Indiaiis xxx-, xl,<br />

Afiininimakt is'ti . _ _ xxxiii<br />

xlii-iv, xlvi, li, li,, Iv, cii<br />

Alit;ksea or Yiitok . xxxiii, xlis Camping places-<br />

(Cf. alk tehik in D)ictioinary.)<br />

of Klaniathi Lake Inidiais<br />

Alimiientary substances T.. 146-153<br />

xxviii-xNX<br />

Alternating sounds . G- 222-227 of Modoe Indians- xxx:-xxxi<br />

-altko -'.. 317, 616 of Snake Indiiians .Xxxi<br />

dnitchilshi old, abbr. -amtli -- lxxix, Cascade Rtange of Oregzoi - xvi-xix,<br />

lxxxv, ci, ciii. .G .504, 519 xx, Xxiii, xxv, xxvii, 1lx, Ixi, Xcix<br />

(C'l. -pits, lxxix )<br />

Case, indeectuiin for-<br />

Anathesis . liii. .G. .236, 278, 279 in the sututantive G 466-496, 693<br />

Aniimal deities . - xcix-civ, iii the adjective. G 507-51t<br />

cv T 102 in the nirl---- -- G 528- 30<br />

Auiimals, miscellaneous notes<br />

in the pronui -. - G 538-548<br />

-- T.. 144 iitheparticiple iii t-k G-- 447<br />

Aniniato gender - -G.. 462, 463 Case-postpositions- -G 467-47,<br />

Animism --- lxxvii-lxxviii, e, eiv-cvi Case-suffixes-<br />

Anitelope - ciii, civ..T..118-125 in the substantive - G-467-470, £93<br />

Anthropomorphiisms in relig-<br />

in the adjectiveo. .G 507-515<br />

ion- ... ... lxxvii, e Causative voice. Iiii G-284, 285,<br />

Appeuidices, six, tio ranmiiar-l 673-711<br />

295-297, 426<br />

Ara or liaiok - * xxxiii, xlvi Cemeteries .............. xxix, lxvi, evi<br />

Page.<br />

Cession of territory .xvi<br />

Clharacteristics of 'ace ...... xxx vi-xl,<br />

Chiesvankii Mash -o.------ . xxii,<br />

xxxv .T..153<br />

Chinook -xl- hi T..15<br />

Chliinook .argoii Ii,lxvi-lxvit .T..5,8<br />

CIissco of ami als anid plants<br />

T- 1451<br />

Classifiers, nuiiieral---. G 5 532-5:15<br />

(Jlhir Lalae, identical swith<br />

Wnr glut Lak, . xviii, xxi<br />

Collective iouns .is- .. G- 4(5, 501<br />

Color, adjectives of. . . xii, ]ii,<br />

liv. G-260-262,352-253,515, 518<br />

(Columbia River - * xix, xliv<br />

Ivi, Ixxi, txi it, xcii<br />

(Cf. lalles, the.)<br />

Coiiplx ox ii izilyiooiistcrois G-.. 697-711<br />

Coloposeit, Il~omina:l inf~lec>t,011<br />

(iiio:iiy ;ii:d teii-nary, -.G..468, 490, 491<br />

I ompotiiilnd s,-iit-iice, t1, .. . 656 664<br />

fouiuii pil Viisl h .. . .is . G- 63-6:35<br />

Coipulsn:,, holix -vextpri"oidl (;- (i;<br />

Con, (ssive clause ........ G 1(i0<br />

Concrete lesii ii-- - 5(0i 51i<br />

toliditioiiial i-house - ( - (58-6i6t<br />

Coniditioiial mode (r 405 589, 590<br />

Coiij unctioii, thii (; -G- 556-il,<br />

649-656 69", 693, 6(15, 6(6<br />

Coimjurres tpraltice, e t a its<br />

of . xiii.T. 71,72<br />

Coujurer's iiicatatioiis .T. 162-164<br />

Commso3Ziliontsniute<br />

. . G 2.. 209<br />

sellii-vo' els .. 1 210<br />

Consonantic inhflection of tlhe<br />

verb .... - 13>.... (r 455-4157<br />

Convoisatiomial form of ]:iigioagro<br />

. . 677-681<br />

Cooimig anid Wooing ..- T-. 182-189<br />

Correlative sciiteiice, thi.. G.. 657<br />

C.ot txiin-ood Creek- XxI<br />

Crater Lake orGiwash -xvii-xix,xevidi<br />

(Cf 1,6wa.d<br />

Creation . lxxx,lxxxiv,<br />

IXXxv, xcii, ciii, cv<br />

of ien-- Ixxx lxxxi, xcill<br />

of the meoons -. . T. . 15<br />

Cre, mation of the dead ... T--<br />

707<br />

85, tii

708<br />

INDEX.<br />

Page.<br />

Page.<br />

Page.<br />

Crook, Maij. Gen. George. . lx, lxi Father .. .......... xiii, Imperative sentence- U- G 647, 68t<br />

Crooked River<br />

Dalles, the -<br />

.. . xix, xx<br />

lvi, lix --T-- 93<br />

lxxxviii. G -710<br />

Fauna of the Klamath High-<br />

Impersonal voice; objectless<br />

and with personal object G - 429, 430<br />

Dave lill, suibehief- xxviii-xxxii, lanids .. - ...... xxiii-xxv paradigm . G 452<br />

lix, IX1.. T --6,7 Female sex in toines -. 11, Implements...... . .... lxix<br />

Of the "Texts" many were con-<br />

lxxxviii. .G 501, 503 Inanimate gender - G 462, 463<br />

tributed by him, as T. 16-33, 58-65, Fights between Klamath Lake Incantationgs, suiject list of T- 179-181<br />

70, 72-73, 77-79, 83-84, 99-103, 107 and Rogue River lIdians T.. 16-18 Incantations; Dr John's list<br />

108, 129-131, 142-143, 145, 162-164, Five, 'inastie" niinber - lvii,<br />

T- 176-179<br />

195.<br />

lxxxvii, xc, cii, ev Iicantations of Modoc con-<br />

Declarative mode . G- - 405, 588 Flora of the Klamath Highlands jtirers -. T 173-176<br />

Deities, aniimal - ciX-(yV, cv.T. 102<br />

xxii-xxiv Imicantations of the Klamath<br />

elementary .. ... lxxix-xcv Foreign terms .......... G 220-222, 466 Lake coiii trees -. _T 164-172<br />

sllirit .... . xcv-xciX Fort Klamath .............- xx, xxvii, Incantations of the Klamnath<br />

Demntiistrative pronoun-. G-- 537-540<br />

lxIi, lxill, IXxi, lxxiv Lake people ..........- . 'IX -T 153-102<br />

Derivationi-<br />

Freoanit, Col. J. C xiiilxvi T 7 Itmcoerpratioit .-.-.. - G G64- 609<br />

of verbs . G- 458-461 Frequeiicy of sounds . . G- 217 Inldefiltite pronoun-n .G 542-545<br />

of noUns -. - G 496-505 Froben, Minnie . . T- 7, 8 Tiidirect object- . G 623-628<br />

of adjectives .. G 515 Among the "'Texts" contributed by Iiili-ect questit .- G G.. 663<br />

of nisnierals . G. 535-536 her are 65-68, 71-72, 79-80, 82-83, Iiiessive iase in -i - (_G - 485, 486<br />

Des Clhutes River anid Valley xvi, 87-88, 94-99, 105-106, 109-125, 148-<br />

''- 18<br />

xixlxiii 162.<br />

Iiiflnitive, the . .G 409, 596, C90<br />

Diaeresis<br />

Dialectic differences-<br />

... G-- 232<br />

G 681-687<br />

Funeral of warriors .. '. T_ 8<br />

Future tense -. G.403, 586-508, (88<br />

Intixes ili the radix .....<br />

Tinflection---- ....<br />

- 303 30t<br />

39G-553<br />

'1' 4 Ganies of the Klaniath Lake<br />

of the veib - C- 401-458<br />

ililoLl(s . . T..<br />

Dintuii iitive adjectives and pro-<br />

140 people -<br />

Cetilnation - _<br />

.<br />

..<br />

.T-<br />

. -<br />

79-81<br />

233<br />

Tlihiimatioai,<br />

ofpresent<br />

mode<br />

G 87, 8<br />

nouns-I ........ . - 311, 515<br />

Iliminoli e noun .s -. G. 310, 311, 503<br />

Geography of the<br />

Highlands- .....<br />

Kltaimath<br />

-.<br />

xv-xvui, IXII<br />

Instrumental case ii -tka (G<br />

478, 479, 098<br />

D)ipilthongs . G- 208, 209<br />

Direct oIbtjoct-- - G -. 621--623<br />

Direct q1 nt-stion--- - -G 040, 0g2<br />

Directive case in -tala .. G. 489<br />

Gender, animate and inanimate<br />

G.. 462, 40<br />

Gender, feminine . . II,<br />

lxxxviii- G 501, 50'i<br />

tutemjectioni, ti-e .<br />

Interrogatixe p:aticles<br />

t i- nu<br />

wak<br />

G.. 568-570<br />

-G. -541, 691<br />

92<br />

6. 92<br />

Distr ibiative lorni-<br />

Geology of the lKlamiiath ligh-<br />

itt erro-i-igt3 pu'onII ---- G.- 51G0,541<br />

in verlbs ad nouns--. 611-614, 688 lands ....... . xvii, xivi liii ci etgat ix- cci te ite,'-^ (} - G401<br />

in iiusins - G 46:t-46C,491-496 GI the veb to be G- 430-433, 59s, G14, GS Intiamisit voice -- -426-'G9,595,tiY1<br />

ii adjci tivs-- - - . 511-515 paradigm - G- - 442, 441i it btir in the intranititive<br />

1)istiibitive redonplication ill Giants -.- xeviii veil. -. . - 437-441<br />

dicatiitg it nut1beli in the Goose Lake xvi-xviii, xxii, xxxv patradigim . - 432<br />

vel-b - G.. 435, 438 Gradatioti-<br />

.Ilixtatpotsitivecastilt 4tiia G - 490<br />

Dissinil ation .n.<br />

loctor .fttin tIied bl<br />

(<br />

the<br />

234 of the adjective<br />

of the adv-ert<br />

.. ..<br />

-<br />

G<br />

(:<br />

520-3<br />

531<br />

Kihlalomtia a - xxxvi,<br />

xlvi, lvi, lxxxi T 15<br />

chi(efs---I-- -.. r 64-68 Graphic signs explained- T 12 Kaa use or "Old Cavyisem"- xlv, Iln ili<br />

l)tial ill the iitranisitive veilI,<br />

(;_ 214,213 K~ilntliasfi or Calpt J1 ali Ixxi-lxic,<br />

Gtr 4:38-441 Greiat i3asin ol the interiir - -x ii Mlilailth Ageicy --- xx, lxiii,<br />

1)wa-al'.xcix<br />

D warl, g id] .........................<br />

Eaglt-, gotlie ...........<br />

Xciv<br />

civ<br />

Grouipinig of sounds -<br />

G wiitwin, awarf dw- ............<br />

G 217-220<br />

XCIX<br />

lxvilxxv T 7,8<br />

KlaiiaIth I nidians of southw est-<br />

Fatil 3 ti aditiouaal history of hai, ai, particl .e - .. G 650 -52 irit Oregon, ol MIahlall s fit-<br />

Slodeis -'T- - 13 See also eral particle, Gi. 696<br />

diaiis .xxxiii ''- 4<br />

]'.:ll 11l, thel .... . . .. . ... lil, Xei-ill tale, Horatio . -.. x-i, lxvi See Maklaks Iniliamis.<br />

Eliltttitary deities is .. lxxviii, lxxi x-xcx- Hiarney Lake, Oregoii - . xvi, xxxv lKilititth lindianis, tiui orf--a xvi -xx ii,<br />

Elinilt n-ces, list of, onl Utpit<br />

ii, particle ......... G . 659<br />

axxix, Ivl, Ixiii<br />

Klaiialith Lako .... .xxx- xxxi 1istioric period, the ..-.... lvii-lxi KIliitiatb Laho dilect - G-- 081 -t7<br />

Ertipiatic adessive case iii<br />

the Mlodoc war . . lxx-lxxiv Klamiiath Lak-, lttxr(ci- (oi<br />

-ksaiksi - . G 48S-489 Lomnoiy ...... .G- 244,243 Little) - xvi-xvi ii,<br />

Eliitltiatic tprolnutun … U.... G-. 552 lrot springs oax, xxx xtx, xxi, xxxil, xxxiv, lxi, Ixxx. I.<br />

l'mill-tilt1 acceit tiiatioi - (1-- 241-243 Hot Slpriing Inidianes, P'it River<br />

Agdiwslt.<br />

RIlFa1%t, list otf - . .) 703-705 scalley . .... . x Klaaililta Laltm Ilitiais .. xxii, xxiii,<br />

EIsseleii lutguiage, California.. xlvi How the Lake Men fmilght the<br />

xxxii-vii, MvIi Sq, Ixii, lxiII,<br />

Etyoiologioi of Klamaniath<br />

Snalke Iidiats - 'l- - 28-32<br />

lxvi,lxxi, lxxv T 4<br />

terilis ... - .. G 697-711 Idioms ... . G 673-677 Klamath Lake, Upper xvi-xvidi, xix,<br />

Itr-li tsiikni ................ .. x I-initlectioe ........... - . G - 454<br />

xxx xxXixxxiixxxiv,<br />

(Cf. Kslamitattt Lake lidiaiis<br />

Illative case- iii -X. i ...... 42, 483<br />

lxiii, Ixiij, lxvi, lxxx<br />

E xtlamttilorv senitenice ..... (- - 568, 648 limperative ilotde .. ( 405, 406, lKlaniathi luingiaige, ftmits a lin-<br />

Exhortative alode -. G 400, 590<br />

591, 592, 647, 689 guistic fani il) for Itself Ix-lvii, lxvi

INDEX. 709<br />

rage. I Page.I Page<br />

Klatnatli Marsh - x.......7vi-xviii, Marten and the Weaslet, nii> tli Nuslhaltfligakni -........ xx<br />

xix, x,.xi, xi,,xxxv, of-------------1T.. 107 [Objective case in -ash -. .6-471-474, G-<br />

697<br />

Ixi, lxiii, lxii, lxxx, cii imat, oral particle-....... - 652 Objective i-elation.---- G .571, 620-628<br />

camping places on-.. ... xxviii Mteacliam, A. 11-..... .xiv, lxvii, Object pronoun-..... .. G- 419<br />

Klamath Reservation, Oregon. - xx, lxix, lxx. ,T.6 Obsidian-..... ..... lix T .16<br />

xxfiiilxiHiixxv..TK. 5 See also Notes to Medic war Old Marten, mythic itale of-T'.. 109-118<br />

Klainatli River-.........xvi, xix, Medial voice----- G..295-297, 423, 424 Old Modoc country -...... xxi,lIxxx<br />

xxxiii, xlvi, lviii, Medlele languages and races.. Oral particles:<br />

K1iiiifikaiilucli--------lxxix-txxxv, xliii..-Cf. lxviii See hai, meat, nen.<br />

lxxxvi-viii, xciii-iv, cii, ciii, CY Mental qualities ------- xxxviii-xl Oregoii Central Miiitar> Road<br />

Kinilkainich attempts ti, dle- Metathesis, phonetic -----.. 235, 236 Co-l.............. xi, lxv<br />

struction of bis son Aishish, Mcteiiipsycliosis ofliuioaiisouls Origin oflhuiman races-...T.- 103, 104<br />

T_ 94-99 Mi.nto fish-....... K. .. 129-1'1 Panama, chidef-.......... xi<br />

KEimikaratch, the five Lynxes Mdatoiaii, etc -......... xxxiv Paradignisand<br />

the Anlelope, myth Modes of thle verb .0.. .00-406, 580-591 (if the verb - . 0... .. 441-45,7<br />

of-............. T -125, 126 Motodoc JIidian s .... xxii, xxxii-xxxv, of thle noun-...... .... 40!- 496<br />

K'inotcliaiii L~tsuslikshi. ---- xxxii, Ilxxx xxxvii, xl, lvii, lix, lxii, lxiii, ci.i.1T 4 ot the adjective-.....G_- 51 II-5 15<br />

KoIldshiti- .... ..... xx,xxx, Atodoc Point-... ... xx, xxiv CMi of tlie numeral-..... G.528, 529<br />

lviii, lxv, lxvii, lxxx.A. T M8Aodoc w~ar, tll-, of51872-1073..lxx-l xxiv oftliepironouii-- 0..- G 5i2-55t<br />

1t16-i Tiipiksi, or "Staii lug, T2.5. .T2..32-53 (tdn, text). Participles - 0.__. G407,400, 591 595<br />

-Rock-.... .. xx, xxix, xxxii, lxx Modoccdialect --- --. 601-607. -12.14 in -ukl, -nt (piesenit partici-<br />

Kunabatwasli, or Koinbatwash. xxi, Molale Indians _xxxvi, xlvIii, lii, INxvi - ptle)-............592, 690<br />

xxxiv, xxxii, lxxiT..Tl- 4 Monthis of thle > ear, the-...2.. 74-77 iii -thu (past participle) .593-595, 650<br />

Kuts, onl Coos Bay -------- xlv Moon-.........lxxxiii, lxxxvii-ix Partitive case lit -ti ..- . 0. .-476-478, 003<br />

Lakeh Mlen anid Siiaik todiatis. - Moons, creation of-......T 105 Piisyanuash --.. ....... xxxiv<br />

1..- 20-33 Morphology of the Klatnath Passive voice -....... 0.. 421, 422<br />

L akes of the l-laiatli Uplaiids 1-ing' g --- -T..9..G..246-570 Past and perfect tense .... G.-i 502, 503<br />

xviii-xix, xxii Mount Hood, Cascade, Iango - xvii Pus ate Indians------xxxiii, xxxv, Ii<br />

tanient over it wife's loss . -- 0 3,04 loiintJeffersonl,Cascadeliange xvii I',-i-soiial pronoun----0...G 545-549, 680<br />

Larynlgeal iiiode of iittniiiice. - Moiuit t'itt -- xviii, xxv -(Notec) _ xxx its abbreviated foriiisG-.540,549<br />

G.. 215-217 M out Scott ------- xvii, xviii, xxx connected with the verb<br />

Lanigbing Riaveii, t lie s peI Muonatikrii -.......... xCiii 0G_ 417-419<br />

of- ... ..... -T_ 131 Mjutsiii dlialects-........xlvi, 1 of lurst lierson-........ xlix<br />

Lavai Bedls, CJaliforiiia .. xxi, lxxi-lxxiii M5 -ltifiialtiou, priiiciples of ... civ- of secoiid te soii-......xlviii<br />

Legal custuoiis of tIlie 1&laiiiith Naies- IPionietic figiiri-s-..... ... 227-236<br />

Laike peotpl --........ - 58-63 of pci-sons, aniiunitls. plaiits, Phoniietic table-..... r-10-12 0, 211<br />

Lelu~kaslu, thief......xxxi-ii, Ivi-i, lix adiiinianiimatetlliigs G 498-505 P'loiuology- of Klfuiiallu laiigiage<br />

Le-thahudiwasli, a bud -- l--- xxxv- aiiso pros .19 T__ .0. .206-245<br />

Lfiva, the, islaiid of Crater xxxiiici-i--68 Pne, variouisspecies of...xxiii.-12 152<br />

Lake .......... .viii,xcvii local (of caipin~gxvpla,'cs)i- xxiii- Pit River, of Californila----- xv-KI<br />

Life,icuigili of.--- 1----2 - 103-104 xx\iii xviii, xxv, lX<br />

L- inflection - ......... c - 455 lusowed on' loc'alities--T1.. 142, 14:3 Pit IRivei Iiidians, Cal iforniiia - xxii,<br />

Linguistic attinii ies-......xliii -1vii Nat u-a Bridge - Xxi xxxhl-uii, Xxxxi, lviii-lx<br />

huhk River, or uI- talibi, Yii- Naitiural philosophy ------ lxxvii-,- i- pit, River Inudianus ia iledl by<br />

tallins, Inaanui------xix, xxx, lxxx Negative seiutence ----- 0..- 644 laUuintlu Lake ix arriors (li<br />

Linik ille, TItake Coiiii ts - xi x-x 1 iw-n, oi-al pauitici-.c.....i -- 65:3, 696 twe 1505....1 - .... T. 19-27<br />

xxvii, xv Nllakhsli Mountiaiii----- - xv, xxi, Pit Rh-i-i- lanuguuage-.......xlii, lii,<br />

Loeative caseiiin-lit 5..471) 432, 692-6at xxx, xxx i, lxiii, lxxx lvii, lix-Ix '..' .152<br />

Loirdi P'rayer, the - -.... . 1:9 Nilakshi, camnping-place-.. -~.xxxix-v Pulses, nioutuslii riilgii-----x, xxxi<br />

Lost Ri vi~r-. vi, x% iii, xix, xxxii, lxxi N-inflection -0-- ..... G. 455-457 P'l~ilkni Kiln-. (Cr. Spraguei<br />

Lost River Valbey .---- - xxi, xxiii, Noja language-........xlvi, Ii, Ili River aiid Sprague lii er Villxxe'ii,<br />

xxxiv, xlii, lxi, xciv Noiiiia actoris -(..... ... 501 ley<br />

Lower or Little, Kixuiialh ILake, Nomiaui agentis-........ -_ 501 Pa1t nii, iir the lIndians onl<br />

ci. Agiiwesu Noiiiina propria -0.......G-502, 505 Sprague Riuvir-.... xxv, lviii, lxiii<br />

Liiuuaiiii-..... ....... iii, 34 Nomiiiia Yet balia - 0.... G. 203,401, 461 Plumu Stills ---------- - xi<br />

Maidlu dialects-.......xlvi, li, lvii See also Names ". 1Pluper-fect teiise- - --... G_583-586<br />

M. tu.n> I Ii--- ------- lxxxii Nortlisinih, or hinuashi -..... lxxxii, Plurality-<br />

Makl~aks Io lanus ...... xiii, xxxiii, lxxx ii, xci .'1' 160 iiithe veib. .0 .419,4:14 -411,570,579<br />

Nxxxi, xxxix, XI, lvii, lxii, Nniaii qiialifii-d by at iiouin - G.. 655-639 ill tI~c iiuuiiii -. 1...1 - 464-4663<br />

lxvi (and] of'ten).12. A, 5 Nunuher, verubal<br />

Male sex in iiiins-.... ..G. ~501, 503<br />

luullectioc for<br />

0.. 433-Mi4<br />

Poetry auntI songs.-,evi-~'.T-.1,4,15,3, sqq.<br />

Polar lights --.......... civii<br />

Mlaislauglhter through witch- Niuneral, the-.....xiii -.1! .521-33 Polysyuithesis -........ - 669, 666<br />

craft iuiiisbed -. .... T -- 68, 69 numiiieral series, the ----_ G5 5 527- 1'ouuii dialects- - --........ xvis-<br />

Map, tu-,iigixplhic, of' the Kius- ads-erbial uiiniueralh - HO 53-532 P'ondl lity, oi wtuhashi~--- - xxiii,<br />

math hieadwatei-s, hiy U. S. origin of .-- - G_ - 535 xxxv- -T- -.76<br />

Geological Survey-...... lxx -Nushalktkiga, near B3ou-uuza -- xx i Pond sonices ------------ xxi, xlii

710<br />

INDEX.<br />

l'-pnilation ......-..............<br />

rage<br />

lxxv-x i Root, structure of - --G<br />

Position of words in the sen- origin ant classification of<br />

tence .. . .. G 639-642, 658 rottts ................ - G<br />

P'ossessive ease in -am, -lain vocalic alteration of. _G G<br />

xlvii, lit G U474-476, 693 cososuantic alteration of<br />

Possessive proin o . .. G 549, 550<br />

Possession, ittetibods of express- Saxldrc Moisutaii ..<br />

G..<br />

ig gG.4-616, ............<br />

693 Saliaptiti dialects .......-.... vii<br />

Possibilitv .... - 619, 695 Saliaptiti Indians - XXX<br />

Iviii,lx,lxix, lxxviii,lxxxiii Sciellifific i-esarlies onte ilieit-<br />

Prairie-wolf. or coyote cii. T 105, miath<br />

Page Page.<br />

248 Spi it land .................. xcvi, x lii<br />

Sprague River ----------------- xlx-xxli<br />

250 Xxxiv, Iviii, Ix, lxiii<br />

253 Sprtlgue River Valley .. xxi i,<br />

258 Statistics ..... -. -<br />

xxxv, lxX, lxxiv<br />

1 lxxiv-vt<br />

xxi Steamboat Frank ....- l lxxiii..T. 55,57<br />

i-liii-lvi Steele, JudgoE ................- Ixii<br />

ili, xliv. Subject prtnottit -.. G 417, 5, t<br />

l'ostposition, the -........... -; 553-556 xlv, lii- liii, xcii Stillject of the veib ........- G 578, 579<br />

Potentiality ...... - U G 6...... -17, 618, 695 Saidloka ............<br />

xxxiii Stibjective case-- -G 471<br />

Powers, Stephen, author ...-.. xiv, xv, ........................<br />

xxxiv Substaithive, tle ---G. 4G1505, 693, 694<br />

xxxviii-xIii, xlii, xliv, 1l xi. Scat-ract- Charlcy - T- 55-57 Sulfixeilist<br />

of .............. G 104-395<br />

liftlianis . 1 xvi-lxx recapititlatioi of ------ G- 395-:98<br />

106,127 Selisti -- xiv, xlv i lxi,Iiv Ixx :Xix, (ii Still t .... - lxxi. i, 1lxx xi Vxil<br />

Prelicative relation .i - 571,577-620 Seveti-Alile Ciek .<br />

X Suitu-disk-l ............ .xxxiii<br />

Prefixes offor f-..... ...<br />

Prefixes-<br />

3sGt, 460, 461 Sexveraltyexpressed<br />

by tii- v-rbai ill-<br />

Sitrprist Valloy .............. - x x ii, xxxx<br />

Sean Lake Point .............. xxi<br />

list of ........-...... G 282-3()' I fection -..... G 262 -267, 419 Siveat-lodge. Seo spttlllish ill l)'y.<br />

their recapitulation --- G. - 302, 303 I -xpi- - by uotiial ih-<br />

Se-i-at-lodges, ce -te-tittu oial - xiii, xxx,<br />

Prehistorie peritl .............. xl-l , xi flet-ion ,. -t<br />

2 62-"67 xxxi. .T .8 2 83<br />

Present tense ............ G -<br />

P'reston, Chlrlews. xxxixxxNi iT<br />

580<br />

tL3<br />

276, 277, 463-166<br />

Sliaitanititlaiiceelirectitxins T . 70,71<br />

S3 kati or SAiie'tit Marsht<br />

Symvless -<br />

xx, xxxv<br />

-. 231, 356<br />

'rototin, 1he .-. G - - 536-353 ShapSlaiX'lli - .x t, Ixxx S3 tltictic o-xacpii p.... i s .. G- - 6G8-6G'6<br />

Pronunciation of tbliI soiitls SLIstIa Bhitte, or Moun it Shasta xv-iiI, S5311 ax of tchi Klath lait-<br />

Gi.. 212-214<br />

lix, c i giiage ---------------- .(i 5714t 72<br />

Quatirupeds .. xxiV, ci-v --vT579,18ti Sbasti ITidians .. xx xi........ xxYXii, tiidsb, p. ictle -(- . G- 51<br />

(r - 502-5, xxxvi, lix '.T 54 tak, -foolis, paitile- ..... G.. 654, 6,55, 19G<br />

Quiantity .<br />

Quaapawx esItl t-e<br />

-.<br />

aticit-<br />

. G 243 Siasti laiigtage-xl<br />

-xix SltvShoslit(Iantfl<br />

xivl Iii<br />

atita -<br />

-T 132 Talm.l i.xxxv,<br />

'It<br />

..<br />

abidoager, l ilt. . ..<br />

45<br />

Ixxxv<br />

Quiltny syst i-it of tititi'll xlix- %iv, xix, li, Itxi, xxix 'lxxxix tt..t...i. ......<br />

xxxxvi<br />

lvii -i<br />

535, 536 Shoshorlil Itiants (see Simko<br />

(Cf. Dv:I a . cd M olaie )<br />

Rabbit ..... -lix -<br />

holittls.)<br />

Ti btislkci, oe the Weasel- -lxxx, lxxxii,<br />

Radieals xxhil-h Klttamtatlh tolds<br />

fit colailtiot sxith oiler IIII-<br />

Silihasl, or Wlhitxl<br />

Silver Fox, or WaiAka<br />

.ti<br />

--<br />

.. xciv<br />

Ii ',1 xxxii telti-, tsi-,<br />

lXxxiii, lxxxVii, xci, 'it ci,<br />

ratix rtft-ring to<br />

flit-s .,. ,xlvii-I -------<br />

SilxerfLakea cudVallex, Oitg-ii, xx ii, xxatet-, hlilqds --------.. UG 300<br />

Radical se liable cotuectet xx iti xxi ii, xxxv TchitchatsXi'-ash, ll Big Belly. XCV<br />

affixes ... .2 (I 2 719 39.......... 8 Sitiple sente ee, ltbs- (i G 642-t ,G; Tetmiperatuvre -- x ii<br />

( (. l (lxie t s<br />

sitllixi s<br />

ittifi xe anti ll Stnit s ten o s eitx- fttrii<br />

ut xmrttat sitljje (1t<br />

GG 581, 582 Teimiporalc<br />

Giuigtla 4:17 liTesecase,<br />

ii -teitti G . 4.4-4 48(; 4<br />

Ratict i vxi lil, the t---i -G_ 247<br />

l ax en, oi i - . .. x xi-......... , xci, i-t<br />

Retipl It lt 1i1 O1i0tit ........ G1 352<br />

Ret vi ial c xoici l G 284, 959,t296, 425<br />

Skl-lot POie-tritat- .t - xxx -lxxxi , f olo-t if litte str l -. G 57t-5s8, 68<br />

.'-cii, viv init1Xation<br />

lxxxi, iil,xci Xt-x xtx ii<br />

1l)rci<br />

---.. G ..... 4112 4o1<br />

(ICf cIIstislia.)<br />

rll t lSt,-it-i[(Y ti-i af{ t .asctl,-~ti . xXV I<br />

Sketb tif H fll ll arrii-td ifi,,, a<br />

amlitlde-ts, the - - -- xc, Xili<br />

Reduplictit o s ------- .I . - -t<br />

258 T _- - i7-t 7 tt6 i ti r AI thipiskat t. i- xliv, xlv, 1x,<br />

itetaive ..... . .. -.... -2 i -262 Ske tch ofl of Iie ratimnatic tt-itlixiibsti<br />

bu .-- 2U2,27- G _ 2 , 2i; tc tieof Khtinatit ------- G 202, 203 Titby Riddle ----------- _T6, 54-57,<br />

noioosyllabidissyllatic<br />

-<br />

G -<br />

G2- ...<br />

269 273<br />

274, 273<br />

skoiks, or gbttsts of<br />

-<br />

pard .<br />

tfet tde-<br />

Tikxxv irTt Tiiku,<br />

173-176, 18-188<br />

.a-xxxi, iii, lix, lxxx<br />

Il onoto ttal vubatlia thus StiIimh-I tl an -i xlii. xxiixxi xx \v- T'radiitiot ba-tiniig upon his-<br />

fortci -- -- G,276,277 -<br />

viv lx-lIxili, X, lxxxi t ry .......... .... ...... xli, xlii, lvii<br />

Rfetilet-tiveuisoft-x-l viery- T li . 1G 136 Snittl kt l it iano fl t igh b t Like Tnlstitionail clot- itt -it , G - 484<br />

leftlecti e lpronioun -. - 350, tI . t-. .51 T 28-35 Trantsitive \i r i ........ G 420-126, 594<br />

ihtleetivo voice G G.84, 285, 295-297, 423 S3ttigs, iiiiscell.meuit T..-. .. - 192-194 utlulier h it the tiaisiti x<br />

Belaptse, the -xiif xi-i..T.. T 72, 73 Sotngis if satie-- - -T. 169-191 x - -h - U . 434-437<br />

Reluitiiisltiittt-rttis for --li, lv- ...........- 275, Mc ill .- _ . xcv,<br />

xcevi T'ra aty 8 tf f I -- f - -- - x-i, I- -lx i<br />

276, 36:, 364, 566, 502 itituds toccurriniltg itt the Kl-<br />

Tritial talies coil slotiix uions<br />

ii-elative clatsse - (. . 662 to at i lanhguage, list orf .- .-'1<br />

10-la<br />

xxxtI --Xxxvu<br />

Relative pronount -. . G- 541-542 (G 296-214 itlnc--- -G..540, 541, 692<br />

Rhetorical tigtres-......... G_ 669-672 Siuth sitt, or- Mitast--.... lxxxii, 'tile, ct reed . xxii<br />

RidLdle fatitily, the ... T G |xxxili, l.. Ni _T_ 167 Tnite Lake, California and Ote-<br />

Rlogue Rix-er anut triutat-is xix, xxxxi Specters -. - --<br />

gout, '-idetllictil sxitt Rhelt ant<br />

Rogue River Ili ...... ... xxxiii, Slit it i-s - -- v-Xcix, citii-cv x- ISlothc ithl a--- --- xx xxi iii, xxi,<br />

lix --TV- -16-18 - Cf. a6tlt-ti txeU kIt ta Dt I<br />

xxxiv,lviilxxi-Ixxiiilxxx_. T 14

IINI)EX. 711<br />

,rntes atisi songs without<br />

IPa'3 I'age.<br />

V is ---- ....<br />

I'IIe<br />

------ t> -(T 20G-208 W oodlRiver -xix,xx,xlxilli, xi<br />

words - -1' 194 197 Wa ili 2 it thealilplpoaclh of 1tho Wolf, gra.s ,. -- ,', i 1'<br />

_T inflection . G. 45:,154 fatal hour - - T. 138 Word-comipositio' ......... G- , 629<br />

tJktIifosh, the moon- . l xxxi Milpiaii , xxxv,lxi Wright, Bentsitatitix-e<br />

tense-ftotin - - (i 5ii VWari-i Spring ITidians -- xxxiii, his Modoc massacro . l...... Ivii,<br />

Veil toil i itsi itrctiile (i tO- 40 1 lvi, lxxil. IxxxI lxix,,T lf,14<br />

Vt--list ailjelixve~s i -tko Gt- 593,55195 t6 lit,-ir latiguagei -, 5, -55 cave called after hlin .Axxii, ixxii<br />

Verbal causal ix e ii -lig -1 - 415, (('t ilio Do)go Clilibas Rlixir ) Wright Lake. (Cf. Clear Lake )<br />

(0- G-(iG91 i Waitier Like, or Cliiistiia:xs Y'L-aga ----------- xxix,xxxiv - -- 56<br />

Vetbal cioilitioial ini -slit it 41t, L.aki- ---- x-ixxli,xxxx-,lxii Yalihiohki .n ........... xxxv, lxi, lxii<br />

682-6 O3, li'Jl Waxeso Iidiansi- YAkViia ............... _ -xv<br />

Velrbial dilideiiativo iii -shitka opinion abot - - - 93 Yinsi Peak - . -xx, , lxx,<br />

(r 413, GoO, 6OI theii alfliiity , 93 xci, xcx. ii Tl 108<br />

Vib-l dlii aiix iii fita - (G- 416,608 658 So Kniiisl, iii Gray Fox- xcviii Yiiialti, mt1ouiitatn spulr-. X\,XXi<br />

Virlbal ilndeliiite .-- 4It- 410, 59G1-Ge, 691 \VWaslis lidiilais ---- xl- yfineks .. . .-,, xxvil, xxxi,<br />

Verlbial iiiteiioniil ii -tki (I - 416, Wat lletpl dilea s -- --- xxxvi, xlx-, xxxil, xxxv, lxx, lxv<br />

CO1, 610,691 lu- fvii !a lulksi't.iti e xxi xxxi<br />

Veibhl lireteric ini tiil G(i -414,G605,(i06 Wh'lcrLieelrt, iiVil (;o o. W xx-i, lxx Yineks siihigency -.xx, xxxi,lxx, lxxv<br />

Vetbai h alo , --- .- ..- 417, 595-6it, WVillialiisoi RSvel r-- xlx-xxl ((Cf. also Sprague River and<br />

690, t91 xxxiv, lx, lxill, lxxx, xcix P'laiktni.)<br />

Viicalic infl,-ction of thi vierb Wiiilet-li l., .. .-. xxvii Yayayli-ash-, xc, xcevii T. 70,71<br />

G - 441-454 Wintaln dialect-s-, , . xlvi, , li Yuki dialects ........... . xlvi<br />

Vi iesof thii xrh 3284X 285, Wishosk lstigiiage - , xlvi Yiilaldna. (Cf. Linkville )<br />

295-'97, 302, 303,420-430 Witchelraft, pun is hm in oit of Yumatilla ., . - , .. xxxvi, xlv<br />

Volition ............... - G 6 620 manslaughter through T.,T 68,69 Zoodeinoiiis-l .......... lxxvil-viii<br />


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