PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Wydman—Continued.<br />

—^Mrs Clara h 1330 Grace Av<br />

—Geo E improvement surveyor City Water<br />

Works h 737 Carlisle Av<br />

—Jeannette h 936 W Sth<br />

—Jeannette D steno The Burton Range Co<br />

h 936 W Sth<br />

Wyenandt Edward P driver h 661 Neave<br />

—Elizabeth wld Rudolph h 529 Hannibal<br />

Wyk<strong>of</strong>C Edward C condr h 310 Milton<br />

—Chas C trav salesman h 51 W Corry<br />

—Fred C clk nec Rochelle and Falke h 19<br />

W Nixon<br />

CTSee also "Wlk<strong>of</strong>f" and "Wyc<strong>of</strong>C"<br />

Wyle Stella clk Rosenthal & Mayer rms 506<br />

W 7th<br />


(Isaac A. Wyler, Adam E. Wyler, Max<br />

Ackerland A Arthur L. Wyler) Clothing<br />

Manufacturers, 308, 310 and 312 Elm<br />

—Adam E (Wyler, Ackerland & Co) 308 Elm<br />

h 233S Grandview Av W H<br />

—Arthur L (Wyler, Ackerland & Co) 308<br />

Elm h 6S2 Forest Av Avondale<br />

—Elliott L <strong>of</strong>flce 308 Elm h flat 31 The Navarre<br />

—Isaac A (Wyler, Ackerland & Co) 308 Biro<br />

h 6S2 Forest Av Avondale<br />

—Jesse S oculist 43 The Groton h 652 Forest<br />

Av Avondale<br />

gS'See also "Wayler" and "Weiler"<br />

Wylle Clarence R Instructor in electrical engineering<br />

University <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cincinnati</strong> h 3334<br />

Jefferson Av<br />

—Edward P mach wks 400 Pike<br />

—Howard R salesman h 2223 Reading Rd<br />

—Jas lab h 1034 Cutter<br />

—John R asst bkpr 234 E Oth rms 513<br />

Broadway<br />

—Robt elev man h 537 W Oth<br />

gS'See also "Wiley"<br />

Wyman Arthur gardener 3598 Washington<br />

Av<br />

—Arthur M chaufCeur h S13 Maple<br />

—Margaret A wid Henry K h 328 Portland<br />

Av<br />

—Oliver C train dispatcher CCC&StLRy Listen<br />

Av h 328 Portland Av Riverside<br />

—W W mgr The Martlndale Mercantile<br />

Agency <strong>of</strong> N Y 307 Andrews Bldg h 546<br />

E Sth<br />

Wyndon Fannie wld Wm h 70S Laurel<br />

Wynn Cecilia dressmkr h 1936 Kinney Av<br />

—Emmet W shoemkr h 511 B 12th<br />

—Frank X mgr 2807 Woodburn Av h 1938<br />

Kinney Av<br />

—Geo C foreman shipping dept The Dunlap<br />

Co h Sll B 12th<br />

—Geo P harnessmkr h 1936 Kinney Av<br />

—Hervey porter nwc Front and Freeman<br />

Av<br />

—Jas F porter rms 324 John<br />

—Jas P painter h 1207 Main<br />

—Jano E wld John h 511 B 12th<br />

—^John T harnessmkr h 1936 Kinney Av<br />

—Margaret clk h 1936 Kinney Av<br />

—Mary wid John h 1936 Kinney Av<br />

—Robt J tile setter h 511 E 12th<br />

—Rome tanner h 725 Hopkins<br />

—Wm J clk h 1936 Kinney Av<br />

[CFSee also "Winn"<br />

Wynne Mrs Annie h 1027 St Gregory<br />

—Chas F salesman 603 Mer Lib Bldg h 1208<br />

Cypress<br />

—Chas H salesman 628 W 3d h 1208 Cypress<br />

—Edward A m.ach h 222 Pike<br />

—Edward F city flreman h 634 Neave<br />

—Eva V music tchr 1208 Cypress<br />

—Harvey R student rms 702 Richmond<br />

—Howard C teamster h 1223 Martin<br />

—J R mach bds S24 Culvert<br />

—John W guard City Work House h 706<br />

Broadway<br />

—Michael rms 1322 Vine<br />

—Theresa wld Patrick h 1103 B 3d<br />

—Wm driver rms 919 W Sth<br />

Wyoming Flats swc Montgomery Rd and<br />

Brewster Av<br />

Wys August shoe laster h 1717 Blm<br />

T H E<br />

Merchants National Bank<br />

Ingalls Bldg, 4th and Vine Sts.<br />

Receive Snecial Attention.<br />

WYSCARVER T. J.,<br />

Author, Publisher and Lecturer, 42 Pickering<br />

Bldg: Summer Residence, Sharonville<br />

WysnewskI Otto janitor h 923 York<br />

Wysniewsky Edward H lab h 130 Calhoun<br />

—Frank J shoemkr h 130 Calhoun<br />

Wysong Howard K clk 355 W 4th bds 2163<br />

Harrison Av<br />

—Leroy paperhgr h lOSS Llnn<br />

—May bkpr h 303 W Court<br />

—Wm H barber h 303 W Court<br />

Wyss Adolph patternmkr h 2614 Eden Av<br />

—Jos saloon 611 Elm h 103 W St Clair<br />

—Louis A mess City Hall Bank h 103 W St<br />

Clair<br />

—Maggie h n w c Elm and George<br />

Wyttenbach Rose housekpr flat 22 The Ortiz<br />

Xanders Edward bricklyr rms 433 W 4th<br />

Xaver Philomlna h 1508 Race<br />

Xenla House, T J McCarthy prop swc Pearl<br />

and Butler<br />

Xerakias Peter clk 5 Emery Arcade rms 603<br />

Elm<br />

Yacchari Peter milliner h rm 36, 219 W 6th<br />

Yache Steve lab rms rm 61, 115 Broadway<br />

Yacin Gula lab bds 2133 Turner<br />

—Vlado lab bds 2133 Turner<br />

Yackel Albert shoemkr bds 524 Sycamore<br />

—Jacob shoemkr bds 524 Sycamore<br />

Yadon Benj A brick molder h 2326 W 6th<br />

Yaeger August porter h 135 Goe<strong>the</strong><br />

—August N carp h 2256 Vine<br />

—Mrs Barbara h n w c Heekin Av and Windlsch<br />

Av<br />

—Barbara wid Jacob h 1648 Vino<br />

—Catharine wid Fred h 943 Summit Av<br />

—Edward lab h 135 Goe<strong>the</strong><br />

—Mrs Elizabeth music tchr 1264 E 3d<br />

—Eva wid Adam h 951 Clinton<br />

—Geo mess Walnut HUls Branch Pub Lib h<br />

2423 Symmes<br />

—Harry J painter h 501 Camden<br />

—Mrs J seamstress h 2423 Symmes<br />

—John cabmkr h 22S6 Vine<br />

—John tailor h 2024 Baymilier<br />

—John H sexton h 501 Camden<br />

—John H showman h 1648 Vine<br />

—John M h 2256 Vine<br />

—Jos pianos 1264 E 3d<br />

—Louis with The John Shillito Co h2011Elm<br />

o OR BINDER « « *<br />

Does work In all <strong>the</strong> latest and<br />

most approved styles. He can suit<br />

you as to work and price. Call<br />

on us for anytbins in Ms line.<br />

{Uestern metbcaistBooKeonccrn<br />

JENNINGS A GRAHAM, Agents,<br />

tit and est W. Foortk

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