PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Witte—Continued.<br />

—Prank barber 706 Race res Covington<br />

—Prank dealer in Shetland ponies and mgr<br />

Woodsdale Island Park 138 W Oth h 4277<br />

Williamson Pl<br />

—Pred bkpr 2019 Blm res Norwood<br />

—Pred bookbdr h 2131 Kindel Av<br />

—Geo grocery 127 E Oth<br />

—Harry asst mgr Woodsdale Island Park<br />

138 W Oth h 454 Dayt6n<br />

—Harry G clk h 127 B 6th<br />

—Harry J salesman 20 W Sth h 2809 Jefferson<br />

Av<br />

—Henrietta wld Henry h 17 Pueblo<br />

—Henry h 290? Montclair Av<br />

—Henry lab h 1321 Pendleton<br />

—Henry G printer h 734 Hopkins<br />

—Henry L rubber h 1132 Poplar<br />

—Henry L timekpr 1400 Dalton Av h 1132<br />

Poplar<br />

—Ida M saleslady 130 W 4th res Newport<br />

—John cigarmkr h 1062 Oehler<br />

—John mach h 869 Academy Av<br />

—John G mach h 1042 Clark<br />

—John Henry shoemkr bds 2509 Park Av<br />

—John W coachman rms 4425 Carthage Pike<br />

—Jos rubber h 1132 Poplar<br />

—Jos jr bkpr Cin'ti Enquirer h 1132 Poplar<br />

—Kate wld Geo H h 1042 Clark<br />

—Laura forelady 640 Race h 2533 Erie Av<br />

—Leonard H elk 436 Main res St Bernaid<br />

—Mrs LUllan mUUnery 13 W Blder<br />

'—Louis blksmith h 869 Academy Av<br />

—Louise wld C H b 2627 Moormann Av<br />

—Mary wld Chas h 1642 Western Av<br />

—Mary wld Wm J h 1050 Rlttenhouse<br />

—Mary wld Wm h 2533 Erie Av<br />

—Raymond C h 2627 Moormann Av<br />

—Rose h 1036 Considine Av<br />

—S rms 114 B Sth<br />

—Theresa h 837 Carltele Av<br />

—Theresa lace curtain renovator 454 Dayton"'<br />

—Walburga wid Pred h 1415 Elm<br />

—Wm collector 40 E McMicken Av h 2724<br />

Scioto<br />

•^Wm H mach h 507 Laurel<br />

—^Wm H pressman wks 1054 Gilbert Av<br />

WIttebroek John Woodwkr h 2309 Ravine<br />

Wltteklnd A v pres The J W Biles Co 8 B<br />

3d h 825 Rockdale Av<br />

—Barbara wld Peter h 1342 Oak Av<br />

—^Blna wid Isaac h 825 Rockdale Av<br />

—Bros (S J & H M) cigars 3448 Reading Rd<br />

—Ella P clk The Bradstreet Co h 1137 Sherman<br />

Av<br />

—Florence F milliner h 1342 Oak Av<br />

—Geo butcher 1016 Bader<br />

—H M (W Bros) 3448 Reading Rd b 825<br />

Rockdale Av<br />

—Jos butcher h 1016 Bader<br />

—LUlle saleslady h 1137 Sherman Av<br />

—Mary Josephine wld Anton h 2885 Massa<br />

chusetts Av<br />

—Peter grocery 1016 Bader<br />

—Peter J h 1137 Sherman Av<br />

—S J (W Bros) 3448 Reading Rd h 825<br />

Rockdale Av<br />

•Sylvester F bkpr 410 Plum b 2319 Colerain<br />

Av<br />

—Teresa S steno h 1342 Oak Av<br />

—Wm A lab h 1689 Knox<br />

Wittemyre Chas sign painter adv dept CH&<br />

DRy<br />

Wltten M G trav salesman 317 Main<br />

Wittenbauer Jos salesman rms 228 W Court<br />

—Michael janitor h 1508 Plum<br />

Wittenbaum Cecelia tailoress h 1048 Baymiller<br />

—Ida tailoress h 1048 BaymUler<br />

—Myer cigarmkr h 1048 Baymilier<br />

Wittenberg Prank A clk h 328 B 12th<br />

—^Pred carp h 1639 Philomena Av<br />

—Geo clk h 1045 Intermediate Av<br />

—Harry J phys 1S16 Broadway<br />

—Herman picture framer h 328 E 12th<br />

—Laura asst custodian Cin'ti Hospital h 1045<br />

Intermediate Av<br />

—LIsaie wid Pred h 1413 Clay<br />

—Michael bartdr h 1504 Elm<br />

—Richard P acct h 3811 Miller Av<br />

THE:<br />

Merchants National Bank<br />

Ingalls Bldg, 4th and Vine Sts.<br />

Issues Letters <strong>of</strong> Credit available all over<br />

<strong>the</strong> World.<br />


Wittenberg—Continued.<br />

—Wm driver h 507 Culvert<br />

—Wm Jr driver h 507 Culvert<br />

Wittenborg Jos H (Wittenborg Toy Co) 544<br />

Main res Newport<br />


Importers and Jobbers <strong>of</strong> Toys, Base<br />

Ball Goods, Pishing Tackle and all<br />

kinds <strong>of</strong> Sporting Goods, 544 and 546<br />

Main; 'Phone Canal 3750<br />

Wlttenbrlnk Fred W salesman 21 W Court h<br />

1327 Cutter<br />

Wittenburg Herman L saloon 1830 Preeman<br />

Av<br />

WItterlede Henry B tailor h 1845 Westwood<br />

Av<br />

—J Henry mach hand h 1845 Westwood Av<br />

—Jacob clk 217 E Oth h 1845 Westwood Av<br />

Witterstaetter Louise wld Ignatius h s s Foley<br />

Rd opp Pisher Av<br />

—Richard A florist s s Foley Rd opp Pisher Av<br />

Wittfelt Alfred J engraver h 815 Livingston<br />

—John A clk 127 ShUllto Pl h 815 Livingston<br />

—John H rubber h 815 Livingston<br />

—^Waiter engraver h 815 Livingston.<br />

—^Wm C foreman 1660 Central Av b 822 Pop­<br />

lar,<br />

Wittgenfeld C & H (Mrs Clara Morgan &<br />

Henrietta Wittgenfeld) restaurant 819<br />

M.ain<br />

—Chas paperhgr rms 548 York '<br />

—Elfred bartdr bds 654 Preeman Av<br />

—Harry G pres and gen mgr The Rupp &<br />

Wittgenfeld Co 646 Main h 3476 Bvans<br />

Pl<br />

—Henrietta (G & H W) 819 Main h 3149<br />

Bishop<br />

Witth<strong>of</strong>f Alice labeler h 201 Main<br />

—Edward F collector h rear 911 Wade<br />

—Lizzie labeler h 201 Main<br />

—Mary h 201 Main<br />

—Minnie nurse h 1722 BImore<br />

—-Stanley carrctr h 1557 Dudley<br />

Wittich Emma h 3456 Price Av<br />

—P J porter 347 W 4th<br />

—John h 971 Wells<br />

—Julius, oils 140 B Court h flat 41 Temple<br />

Bar<br />

—Julius jr trav salesman h 226 E 6th<br />

—LUllan bkpr 140 E Court h flat 41 Temple<br />

Bar<br />

Wittlman Louis lab bds rear 423 Bank<br />

Witting Leo dairy B&OSWRR e <strong>of</strong> Dodeworth<br />

Av<br />

Wittkamp Amor butcher h 1734 Bremen<br />

—Mrs Anna h 1734 Bremen<br />

—Clarence T pharmacist h 25 Erkenbrecher<br />

Av<br />

~ EGG GAS COKE<br />



STEAM<br />


TeL Main 87.<br />

204-5-6-7<br />

Traction Bldg.<br />


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