PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Westcott Albert L city flreman h 835 StateAv<br />

Emma clk h 835 State Av<br />

Geo pressman h 1424 Preeman Av<br />

—Leonard S lieut Water Tower No 1 h 1405<br />

Elm<br />

^Leonard W clk h 1405 Blm<br />

Llda E steno sec Patterson and Harrison<br />

Av h 835 State Av<br />

—Ollnda steno 417 Blm b 835 State Av<br />

tTBee also "Wescott"<br />

Westen August res Wm Niehusmann's MUl-<br />

—Bernard tailor h 503 W McMicken Av<br />

—John lab h 503 W McMicken Av<br />

—Matilda res Wm Niehusmann's Millcreek<br />

Rd<br />

GS'See also "Weston"<br />

Westendorf Agnes J clk 401 Lock h 2311 Columbia<br />

Av<br />

—Anna J (wld H J) grocery 620 Broadway<br />

—Anna M wld J Henry b 2209 Clifton AT<br />

—Bernard mach b 523 Dandridge<br />

—Bernard H driver h 1813 Highland Av<br />

—Bernard T salesman The Alms & Doepke<br />

Co h 3623 Warsaw Av<br />

^Elizabeth J clk b 620 Broadway<br />

—Frances clk rm 10 . s e c Oth and Vine b<br />

2311 Columbia Av<br />

—Henry carp b 2311 Columbia Av<br />

—Henry E grocery 1846 Westwood Av and<br />

2161 Queen City Av<br />

—Henry J bkpr and treas The Jacob Vossler<br />

Co 21 W Court b 620 Broadway<br />

—Herman packer b 523 Dandrldge<br />

—John E salesman 320 Race rms 630 W Sth<br />

—Jos Ironwkr h 523 Dandrldge<br />

—Jos H boxmkr h 1914 Westwood Av<br />

—Jos J clk 620 Broadway h flat 2, 134 B 9th<br />

—Josephine wld Henry h 209 E 13th<br />

—Josie saleslady 321 B Pearl res Bellevue Ky<br />

—Ka^tle saleslady 339 B Pearl res Bellevue Ky<br />

—Kate J saleslady h 620 Broadway<br />

-rNIchelas bartdr h 3010 Price Av<br />

—SaUle wld h 3925 Eastern Av<br />

Westeafelder B D chemist h 924 CUnton<br />

Westenh<strong>of</strong>f Emma wid John H h 2621 Penton<br />

Av<br />

Westerbeck Albert B driver b rear 118 W<br />

Commerce<br />

—Chas H driver h 1228 Morrill<br />

—Daniel C bkpr 818 Main h 333 Baum<br />

—Pred salesman h 333 Baum<br />

—Pred G Jr clk CNO&TPRy Local Freight<br />

Offlce h 333 Baum<br />

—Henry h 424 Oregon<br />

—Henry P printer h 1228 Morrill<br />

—John,clk h 424 Oregon<br />

—^Lenawld Clements h rear 118 W Com*<br />

merce<br />

—May (wld Wm) clk 208 E 4th h 966 Hatch<br />

—Theresa wld Louis h 1637 Preeman Av<br />

Westerfeld Albert cigar mfr 1633 WesternAv<br />

—Albert H elgmkr h 1633 Western Av<br />

—Pred H apprentice h 1633 Western Av<br />

—Fred W driver b 2359 Vletor<br />

—Harry G letter carrier Sta N, P O b 932<br />

State Av<br />

—Henry J polisher h 2359 Victor<br />

—Herman stone mason b 2359 Victor<br />

—Wm C polisher h 2359 Victor<br />

—Wm P shoectr h 1633 Western Av<br />

i^See also "Wuestefeld"<br />

Westerfleld Mrs Barbara M h 794 Delhi Av<br />

—Prank B Ins agt ISth fl 1st Nat Bk Bldg<br />

h 770 Delhi Av<br />

—Stephen h 1929 S Auburn Av<br />

Westerhaus Bernard cabmkr b 1025 Gest<br />

—Geo H asst bkpr nwc Sth and Walnut h<br />

833 Betts<br />

—Jos brasswkr h 1115 Draper<br />

—Louise h 1783 Queen City Av<br />

—Louise wid Herman h 1783 Queen City Av<br />

Westerhelweg August lab h 1647 JonathanAv<br />

—August B Jr drug clk 401 W 4th h 1647<br />

Jonathan Av<br />

—Wm maeh hand h 1647 Jonathan Av<br />

Wegterh<strong>of</strong>f Alice h 1254 1st Av<br />

—Aadrew carp bds 4014 Glenway Av<br />

—Catharine wld Anthony h 1041 Oebler<br />

—Bdward B pressman h 1254 1st Av<br />

—Prank printer h 1041 Oehler<br />

TWE<br />

Merchants National Bank<br />

Ingalls Bidg, 4th and Vine Sts.<br />

Issues Letters <strong>of</strong> Credit available »11 over<br />

<strong>the</strong> "World.<br />


Westerh<strong>of</strong>f—Continued.<br />

—Jos macb b w s Reading Rd nr Oakland<br />

Av B H<br />

—Martha steno 1144 Harrison Av h 1254<br />

1st Av<br />

—Minnie wld John H b 1024 Dalton Av<br />

—Peter P flnisher h 3524 Warsaw Av<br />

—Theo musician b 1041 Oehler<br />

Westerhold Harry J letter carrier Sta P P O<br />

h 3390 Southside Av<br />

—Henry W b 3391 Mississippi<br />

Westerkamm Edmund shoes 3831 GolerainAv<br />

—Edmund A police b 2402 Kenton<br />

—Edmund J h 2402 Kenton<br />

—John P driver h 438 W McMicken Av<br />

—Margaret wld Edmund h 2829 Goleraln Av<br />

—Michael dairy e s Reading Rd nr Oakland<br />

Av<br />

Westerkamp Adam R meatctr h 2974 Paxton<br />

Av<br />

—Adolph butcher h 2881 Massachusetts Av<br />

—Al pressfeeder h rear 1341 Pendleton<br />

—Alex (L & A W) w s Sidney Av b Bader<br />

and Tov/nship h 1062 Township<br />

—Bernard bootblack City Hall h 1121 Spring<br />

—Caroline A M wld Christ h 1869 Queen<br />

City Av<br />

—Ca<strong>the</strong>rine wld Prank P h 408 B 13th<br />

—Prank pressfeeder h 1168 Dayton<br />

—Frank pressman wks s e c 2d and CentralAv<br />

—Gertrude dressmkr h 1312 Main<br />

-Henry lab b 1020 Winfleld Av<br />

—Henry meatctr bds 2169 Gentral Av<br />

—Henry teamster rms 30 W Oth<br />

—Irma clk The Bradstreet Co h 3165 Jefferson<br />

Av<br />

—^John h 2881 Massachusetts Av<br />

—John H recording clerk Probate Court h<br />

rear 1341 Pendleton<br />

—Jos J pres Ohio Union Brewing Go Spring<br />

Grove Av, Garrard Av and Hopple st,<br />

also saloon 408 B 13th<br />

—L & A (Leo & Alex) slaughter house w s<br />

Sidney Av b Bader and Township<br />

—Leo (L & A W) w s Sidney Av b Bader<br />

and Township h 2931 Massachusetts Av<br />

—Luella clk 41 Harrison Bldg h 3165 Jefferson<br />

Av<br />

—Mary R wld Prank h 3200 Walworth Av<br />

—Oscar butcher h 2881 Massachusetts Av<br />

—Wm patternmkr h 3165 Jefferson Av<br />

Westerlund John erecting supt Otis Elevator<br />

Co 1014 Mer Lib Bldg res Dayton Ky<br />

Westerman Anthony teamster h 4122Dumont<br />

—Anthony J salesman 316 W 7th h 3742<br />

Af63,d A.V<br />

—C H grocery 768 W Sth<br />

—C Leavitt clk h 3608 Archer Av<br />

—Chas T engr h 360H Archer Av<br />


For HOT WATER<br />


STEAM<br />


TeL Main 87.<br />

204-5-6-7<br />

Traction Bldg.<br />


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