PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Qn .Ground Fioo* '-• H, "<br />

S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnnt.<br />


Agency United Fruit Line steamers from<br />

Philadelphia. New York and Boston to Jamaica.<br />

WeUs—Continued.<br />

—Berry porter h " 528 Carlisle Av<br />

-^Bert foreman shoemkr 714 Sycamore h<br />

1137 E 3d<br />

—Bldg nec 4th and Central Av<br />

-—C Howard marble setter h 3046 Reading Rd<br />

—Carrie forelady It F Bowman & Co b 110<br />

loth<br />

-^Chas condr bds 2580 Eastern Av<br />

T-Chas porter 431 W 6th<br />

—Chas C h 2324 May<br />

—Chas E sawyer h flat 3, 530 B Pearl<br />

—Chas P motorman h 1092 W Liberty<br />

—Chas J lab h 857 Oliver<br />

—'Clara. M saleslady h 106 B Stb<br />

—Clarence M mach h 265 Stark<br />

•—Cyrus lab-rms 528 Gentral Av<br />

—Mrs D Wid David h flat 4, 720 W Oth<br />

—Daniel B clk L&NRy Prelght Depot res<br />

Covington<br />

—David cooper h 822 Livingston<br />

-'-rDavid driver rms 33 B Carter al<br />

—David W lab h 33 E Carter al<br />

.—Efl^e M tchr ISth Dist School h 330 Laurel<br />

—Mrs Blla h 1630 Freeman Av<br />

-^Etta h 741 Considine Av<br />


T. P. Barl. General Agent, Ofllce, 414<br />

Elm; Telephone Private' Exchange Main<br />

^ 14'0;'Wkrehouse,. n.-w-c. 6th and Gutter<br />

—^Florence dancltfg tehr .h 7l4 W Sth<br />

.^Mrd Florence A B bds. Hotel Alms<br />

—Prank rms 914 Blm<br />

-^Prank barfeei: wks 309 W Sth<br />

—Fred O painter h 1324 Race<br />

—Geo teamster rms 4 Langdon CoUrt<br />

—Ged P ticket agt gen pass dept CCC&StL<br />

Ry h 330 Laurel<br />

. —Geo W paperhgr h flat 2, 2825 Woodburn<br />

Av<br />

—Mrs Gertrude h 3617 Florida Av Ev<br />

—Gladys steno 12 W Pearl res Dayton Ky<br />

—Harry biiotblack wks 527 Elm<br />

—Harry C rms 348 W 4th<br />

—Harry L chauffeur h 106 E Sth<br />

—Helen C tailoress h rear 840 Clinton<br />

—Henry W cooper h 808 Charlotte<br />

—J C hardwood floors 607 Mer Lib Bldg h<br />

2614 Eden Av<br />

—J Marvin collector 2019 Elm h 901 Lexington<br />

Av<br />

—Jas clk Clyne Bros Liston Av h s e c Liston<br />

Av and Anderson's Perry Rd<br />

.^^as L trav Salesman 221 W 4th<br />

—Jas R tel op bds 3738 Beechmont Av<br />

—Jas T motorman h 2286 Bogen<br />

—Jane wld Robt h 634 Barr<br />

—Jane B wld A H b 886 Glenwood Av<br />

—John bds Junc Soring and CH&DRy W P<br />

—John driver h 1203 Sycamore<br />

•—John motorman h 29 W McMicken Av<br />

—John R lab h 636 Richmond<br />


Tel. Main 87. 204-5-6-7 Traetion Bldg.<br />




Wells—Continued.<br />

—L C trav salesman The Feehbeimer,<br />

fer Go<br />

—Lenore M clk 325 Race h 745 Armory AT<br />

—Mrs Louise h 1912 Kemper Lane<br />

.—Mrs Louise boarding 106 B Stb<br />

^r-M T;iouise (wid Abraham) artist 9>14 S Mc--<br />

Millan<br />

—Mary rms 428 W Sth<br />

—Mrs Mary h rm 27, 445 B Oth<br />

—Mary wid John h 1315 Sycamore,<br />

—Mary E wid Judson h 703 W 2d<br />

—Moses lab rms 319 McFarland<br />

—Nancy wld Alex h 1524 Porest Av 'W H<br />

—Nellie clk 2157 W Sth res Addyston<br />

—O G h 2448 Spring Grove Av<br />

—Robt bartdr h 761 Kenyon Av<br />

—Robt A lab h 703 W 2d<br />

—S Percy (Samuel Wells & Co> nec 20<br />

and Main h 255 McGregor Av<br />


Wholesale Dealers In Ginseng. Bceswaae<br />

and Purs; Exporters <strong>of</strong> Ginseng, •.e.c,<br />

2d and Main; 'Phone Main 1042<br />

—Stella h 634 Barr<br />

—^Wallace lab bds rear 713 W Co«rt<br />

—Walter T paperhgr flat 4. 2839 Wa»a<br />

bum Av<br />

—Wm clk rms 115 B Sth<br />

—Wm condr bds 2580 Baster» Av<br />

—Wm foreman 215 E Sth res Norwood<br />

—Wm M asst supt dining service CCCAStI»<br />

Ry 1st fl Central Union Depot and Ry<br />

Co's Office Bldg bds Grand Hotel<br />

ICTSee also "Welles"<br />

Wellworth Clothing Co, Chas Scbaengtdd Sb<br />

Bro props dlothlng 427 Vine<br />

Welp Annie wld Herman h 43 B Cliftpn At<br />

—Bernard molder h 531 Dandrldge<br />

—Caroline wid Henry h 321 E 13th<br />

—Henry daUy market 1035 W 6tb Ii AcaA^<br />

emy Av s <strong>of</strong> Sth<br />

—Herman baler h 43 E Clifton Av<br />

—Jos h 1030 Flint<br />

—Jos carp h 1802 Baltimore Av<br />

Welply John stonemason h 825 Betta<br />

—John W soliciting agt PCC&StLRy 42 •<br />

4th also secy The Powell & Clement* On<br />

410 Main h 1222 Louden Av<br />

—Jos finisher b 1634 Hewitt Av • •...<br />

—Jos shoemkr 813 Betts<br />


<strong>Cincinnati</strong> Department; C. D. Corba%<br />

Manager; Gas Burners, Gas Fixture* anA<br />

Lamps, 429 Main; Telephone Main 247^<br />

|[7See Card in Special Department<br />

Welsch Bertha tailoress h 2610 Jefferson A^<br />

—Frank L clk 341 Main rms 259 Pike<br />

—Geo lab bds 2109 WlncheU Av<br />

—Geo lab h 1978 Harrison Av<br />

—Gustav A tailor h 306 W Liberty<br />

—Harry J 'shoectr h 227 Fosdick<br />

—Katie C tchr 16th Dlst School b 22T »••dick<br />

—L J stockkpr h 922 Garfield Av<br />

—Ludwig P clothing renovator 2610 JWte*-.<br />

- son Av<br />

—Mabel h 227 Fosdick<br />

—Peter lab h flat 11, 259 W McMicken Ay.<br />

—Sebastian lab h rear 2213 Rice<br />

Welscher John butcher rmsal322 Vtae<br />

—Jos blksmith h rear 2830 Colerato At<br />

Welsh A T pres and treas The Beldiiw '<br />

Co 312 Race res Hartwell<br />

—Alice h 751 Barr<br />

—America wld Jas h 428 Ricbmond<br />

—Anna M wld Thos h 116 Malvern PI<br />

—Anthony boilermkr b 340 Kilgour<br />

—Mrs B L wld Lawrence b 911 Vtae<br />

—C C grocery 823 Main ^__<br />

—Ca<strong>the</strong>rine (wld Thos) saloon 2101 WinrteW<br />

Av h 2521 Cook<br />

—Chas molder h 315 Ingalls<br />

—Chas D cable spllper h 2627 Scioto<br />

—Chas P trav salesman 142 W ,4th rem<br />

port '<br />

—Daniel flagman bds 1038 W Front<br />

—David driver b SSI George

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