PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Webb—Continued.<br />

—G D trav salesman h flat 4 The Roslyn<br />

—^Cannle P h flat 3 s e c Ridgeway Av and<br />

Harvey Av<br />

—Chas W clk h 3611 Newton Av<br />

—Dale trav salesman h 1649 Brewster Av<br />

—Dudley phys 409 Broadway<br />

—Edward L saloon 528 W 3th h 815 W Sth<br />

—Edward W helper h 1531 Grove<br />

—Eugene student h flat 3, 711 W 7th<br />

—Pred prop East End World 3508 Columbia<br />

Av<br />

WEBB FL^EL CO. (THE),<br />

Lewis M. Webb, President; F. L. Garrison,<br />

Vice President; Murray M. Shoemaker,<br />

Secretary; Wholesale Coal and<br />

Coke, 702 Mercantile <strong>Library</strong> Bldg;<br />

'Phone Main 4370<br />

—Geo bartdr bds 2812 Woodburn Av<br />

'—Geo W piano tuner 318 Broadway res Norwood<br />

,<br />

—Gertrude G h Orange Pl Lehman Rd<br />

—Grace rms 636 W 4th<br />

—Harriet res Home for Incurables<br />

—Harry litho transferrer wks 317 E 2d<br />

—Harry pipeftr rms 514 Richmond<br />

—^Herbert N city fireman h flat 1. 3501 Reading<br />

Rd<br />

—Horace D rms Dakota Hotel<br />

—Irene G h 2042 Gladstone Av<br />

^—Isaac B cashr 306 Walnut h 3836 MUlsbrae<br />

Av<br />

—Mrs J mgr The <strong>Cincinnati</strong> Free Day<br />

Nursery 222 W Liberty<br />

—J L trav salesman nec 7th and Walnut<br />

—^Mrs J W dressmkr 718 Clark<br />

—Jas lab h flat 6, 1012 Lincoln Av<br />

—Jas G watchmkr h n w c Sth and Woodlawn<br />

Av<br />

—Jerome lab rms 1128 Sloo<br />

—ijiohn 'flreiBon h 830 Oliver<br />

—John jr houseman h 2918 Park Av<br />

—John H lab- -b 663: E 6th<br />

—Jahn H-vnlioer b no l4cAlllat«-<br />

—John V condr rms 252 Pike<br />

—John W collector h 718 Clark<br />

—John W lab h 2018 Park Av<br />

—Jos salesman nec 3d and Smith h 222<br />

W Liberty<br />

—Julius lab bds 517 B Sth<br />

•—Mrs Laura matron Home <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Aged Colored<br />

Women b 2018 Park Av<br />

•—Leslie V pres The Webb Stationery A<br />

Printing Co 306 Walnut res Wyoming<br />

—Lester B elect'n h 718 Clark<br />

—Lewis M pres and treas The Webb Fuel Co<br />

702 Mer Lib Bldg h 936 Burton Av<br />

—Lincoln M bricklyr h 703 Mt Hope Av<br />

"—Lucy (wid) cigarmkr h 220 B 13th<br />

—Luella tclir Clifton <strong>Public</strong> School h flat 3<br />

23.39 Kemper Lane<br />

—Mary h flat 6 reaf 1027-Foraker Av<br />

—Mary seamstress h 821 Hopkins<br />

—Mary A wid L M h flat 1, 260 Ludlow Av<br />

—Mrs Mary G h 608 W 4th<br />

—Mary K wld John jr h 2611 Eden Av<br />

—Mary P wld Henry h 2767 Madison Rd<br />

—Maud head nurse Cin'ti Hospital<br />

—Nancy b 956 Burton Av<br />

—Robt waiter Burnet House<br />

—Robt B dentist 25 The Groton h flat 23<br />

The Warwick (North)<br />

—SaUie H tchr llth Dist School h flat 3<br />

2339 Kemper Lane<br />

—Sarah wid Wm h 1112 Jackson<br />

—Sarah B wld Wm F h flat 3, 2339 Kemper<br />

Lane<br />

—Sidney A automobiles h 703 Mt Hope Av<br />


(THE), Wm. A. Webb, President; Leslie<br />

Webb, Vice President; Wm. R. Biddle,<br />

Secretary; Stationers, Printers, Binders<br />

and Manufacturers <strong>of</strong> Patent Flexible<br />

Back Blank Books, 306 Walnut<br />

—T P condr bds Grand Hotel<br />

—Thos hodcarrler h 8741 Dirr<br />

—^hos printer h 3836 MUlsbrae Av<br />

~W A jr pres The Hunnewell Soap Co 312<br />

Genesee h 694 Gholson Av<br />

THE<br />

Merchants National BanI;<br />

Ingalls Bldg, 4th and Vine Sts.<br />

Issues Letters <strong>of</strong> Credit available all over<br />

<strong>the</strong> World,<br />


Webb—Continued.<br />

—^Walter C foreman Singleton, Ruffner & Co<br />

h 2838 Kates Pl<br />

—Wm h 4276 Liston Av<br />

—Wm lab h shantyboat ft Bvans st<br />

—^Wm A pres The Webb Stationery & Printing<br />

Co 306 Walnut h 956 Burton Av<br />

—Wm W lab h 4719 Winton Rd<br />

Webber C T artist 335 W 4th h 3172 HUlside<br />

Av<br />

—Chas baker h 1672 H<strong>of</strong>fner<br />

—Chas C instructor bakery dept House <strong>of</strong><br />

Refuge h 3905 Colerain Av<br />

—Chas F engr h 502 Park<br />

—Emma steno 327 Sycamore res Bridgetown<br />

O<br />

—Evelyn E wld Chas W h 1577 Tremont<br />

—Florlce L steno park dept B <strong>of</strong> P S b 1577<br />

Tremont •<br />

—Harry meatctr 1603 Western Av rms 1082<br />

W Liberty<br />

—LUllan B saleslady with The John ShUUto<br />

Co h 1577 Tremont<br />

—Michael shoemkr bds flat 1, 259 W Mc­<br />

Micken Av<br />

—Pearl saleslady The Fair h 1577 Tremont<br />

—W Paul Instructor in ma<strong>the</strong>matics Technical<br />

School <strong>of</strong> Cin'ti h 3348 Bevis Av<br />

—^Walter H condr h 1672 H<strong>of</strong>fner<br />

l^See also "Weaver" and "Weber"<br />

Webeler Alfred W mach h 1048 Sunset Av<br />

—Harry J carr trimmer h 34B0 Mississippi<br />

—John H macb h 1048 Sunset Av<br />

—^Wm mach h OlS Betts<br />

Weber A A saloon 413 W Sth<br />

—Abraham tailor 1701 Blm h 722 W Sth<br />

—Ada instructor University <strong>of</strong> Cin'ti h 3635<br />

Middleton Av<br />

—Adam carp 4220 Spring Grove Av<br />

—Adam cigarmkr h 27 Mercer<br />

—^Adam driver h 1629 H<strong>of</strong>fner<br />

—Adam watchman b 209 15tb<br />

—Adam jr carp h 4220 Spring Grove Av<br />

—^Agnes steno The M B Farrin Lumber Go<br />

h 222 Mu!berry<br />

-^Agnii^s wid Nicholas b 222 Mulberry<br />

^Aghes H saleslady 1130 Main h 1805 Syca-<br />

' more Av<br />

—Albert butcher h 2953 Henshaw Av<br />

—Albert cutler h 257 Senator Pl<br />

—Albert driver h 1517 Chapel<br />

—Albert Ironwkr h rear 26 W Liberty<br />

—Albert stockkpr 652 Main res Cbvlngton<br />

—Albert jr clk 652 Main res Ludldw Ky<br />

—Alfred L decorator 907 Elm h 610 W 4tb<br />

—Alma steno h 2146 Central Av<br />

—Alvln A bkpr swc John and Livingston b<br />

37 W University Av<br />




STEAM {<br />


TeL Main 87.;<br />

204-5-6-7<br />

Traction Bldg.<br />


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