PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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(THE), W. Mj-.Strobridge. President; &<br />

M. Ramsey, vice President and Treasurer;<br />

J. W. Wilshire, Secretary and<br />

Manager, 1100 to 1112 Walnut; Telephone<br />

Canal 2311<br />

Waters AUan supt <strong>of</strong> agts Union Central Life<br />

Ins Co 355 W 4tb res Glendale<br />

—Archibald h 260 Setchell<br />

—B P W car Insp h 601 Neaye<br />

—Chaa lab h flat 28, 510 Lock<br />

—Chas G mgr The White Star Laundry Co<br />

1224 Vine h 4815 Morse<br />

—David W teamster h 506 B 12th<br />

—^Dora h 382 Baum<br />

—B A clk 51 Carew Bldg h 307 Pike<br />

—Edward lab bds 2375 Wheeler<br />

—Mrs Elizabeth res Widows' Home<br />

—Elizabeth (wld Jas) laundress h 1005<br />

Broadway<br />

—G Bain collector 125 E Sth res Newport<br />

'—Gardner h 3778 Rosedale Av<br />

—Geo waiter h flat 0, 408 Sycamore<br />

—H P buffer h 1099 Wade N<br />

—Harry B clk Jos M Allen & Co h 1101 B 3d<br />

—Hattie wid Abel E h flat 9, 204 W Sth<br />

—^Jas W condr h 3406 Walworth Av<br />

'—Jos Janitor h 2150 Plorence Av<br />

—Jos lab b 1285 Streng<br />

—'Kate wld John h 826 Lock<br />

—L A Laundry Supplv Mfg Co Louia A Waters<br />

prop 408 B 2d<br />

—Lizzie forelady n e c 2d and Race res Newport<br />

—Louis A prop L A Waters Laundry Supply<br />

Mfg Co and gen mgr U S Laundry Machinery<br />

& Supply Co 408 B 2d res Newport<br />

^-Louls C h 382 Baum<br />

—Michael lab h 382 Baum<br />

—Nan dressmkr h 961 Elberon Av<br />

—Nettle laundress rms 418 W Sth *<br />

—O L mach bds 530 W 4th<br />

—Rlchara shoemkr b 826 Lock<br />

—Sllas B secy and treas The White Star<br />

Laundry Go 1224 Vine h 3774 RosedaleAv<br />

—Stephen H mess U S Circuit Court <strong>of</strong> Appeals<br />

h 433 Pioneer<br />

-Vincent B clk U S Printing Co h 307 Pike<br />

—W H clk Adams Ex Co res Ft Thomas Ky<br />

—W M clk comptroller's <strong>of</strong>flce CNO&TPRy<br />

res S Norwood<br />

—W T buffer h 1099 Wade<br />

-WeslejAR motorman fa 3406 Walworth Av<br />

—Wm h 826 Lock<br />

—Wm lab. b 817 Wehrman Av<br />

—Wm porter h 620 Barr<br />

—Wm A lab h 3737 Mead Av<br />

—WUlIe laundress rms 418 W Sth<br />

C^See also "Watters"<br />

THE<br />

Merchants National Bank<br />

Ingalls Bldg, 4th and Vine Sts.<br />

FIR8T.CI.A88 DfiyilC<br />


Bought and Sold.<br />

Watkins—Continued.<br />

—Prank O pres The Watkins Motor Co s e c<br />

6th and Baymilier h 1619 Fairfax Av<br />

—Pranklln W pressman rms 308 E Front<br />

—Geo lab h 417 W 7th<br />

—Geo kitchenman rms 312 W Oth<br />

—Geo B h 3601 W Sth<br />

—Geo W h 255 Robb Av<br />

—IHarry civ engr h 645 W 7th<br />

—Harry C electrotyper h 535 Laurel<br />

—Henry barber h 721 Carlisle Av<br />

—Jas lab h rear 311 George<br />

—Jos lab rms 426 B 6th<br />

—Leon foreman 2072 Reading Rd res Latonia<br />

Ky<br />

:—Leonard .T foreman blksmith 631 Eggleston<br />

Av h 2129 Pulton Av<br />

—Lew A (W A Watkins Sons) 3929 Bastern<br />

Av h 255 Carrel<br />

—Mrs Louie E wld W A b 314 Stltes Av<br />

—Mabel attendant Longvlew Hospital<br />

—^Martha domestic h 554 W 6th<br />

—Mary clk 227 W 4th res Lockland<br />

—Mary E clk h 2129 Fulton Av •<br />

—Mattie h 528 W 4th<br />

—Mellie wld Geo h 528 W 4th<br />

—Minnie wld JaaB h 3601 W Stb<br />

—MJinnle A steno "501 B Sth h 2129 Fultbn<br />

Av<br />


P. O. Watkins, President; Manufacturers<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gas and Gasoline Engines, Marine<br />

Engines and Launches and Marine Fittings,<br />

s.e.c. Oth and Baymilier; 'Phone<br />

West 169<br />

—Pearl lab h 529 B Sth<br />

—Perna mach op.h 317 W Pront<br />

—R Barl pressfeeder wks S Rosenthal & Co<br />

—Raymond student rms 215 W Sth<br />

—Rev Rdbt, ;fnap.,1.015 Gllbejp^-Av<br />

—Robt waiter j'ms 436 Gliestnut<br />

—SalUe' wld-'-J<strong>of</strong>ifn h 411 W'7th<br />

—Shirley je*k h Fernland Av 19th Ward<br />

—Stepl)eh:fire]g!iap h 413 E 7tb<br />

—Thos currier h Fernland Av 19th Ward<br />

—Thos R bartdr h 819 Main<br />

Waterworth Will piano player 10 B 4th res<br />

—^W A Sons (Wm C & Lew A) undertkrs<br />

Nev/port<br />

3929 and 4750 Bastern Av<br />

Watjten Samuel W trav salesman 27 W Pearl<br />

—W Harry foreman sec Davis Lane and<br />

Watka Gustav tailor h rear 1030 Cutter<br />

PCCC&StLRy h 235 Congress Av<br />

-Jos clk W U Tel Co h rear 1030 Cutter<br />

—Will h 952 Barr<br />

watkin Eflle res Widows' Home<br />

—Wm coal h 505 Slack<br />

—Henry <strong>of</strong>liee 127 Opera Pl<br />

—Wm C (W A Watkins Sons) 3929 Eastern<br />

—Laura P res Widows' Home<br />

Av h 255 Robb Av<br />

Watling .Tohn B mach h 710 Barr<br />

Watkins Agnes cash girl 22 W 4th res Ludlow<br />

Ky<br />

Watson Mrs Alice B dressmkr 2526 Spring<br />

Grove Av<br />

—.AlanBon C elev op h SIS W Oth<br />

—Almeda wid John h 826 Laurel<br />

—.Albert C glass blower h 255 Robb Av —Amanda steno h flat 7, 121 B Court<br />

—Alex driver h 1211 W Oth<br />

—Alex S porter b 574 W 6th<br />

-rMrs Anna M nurse swc Clifton Av and<br />

Straight<br />

Egg Gas Coke<br />

—C A floorwalker h flat 5, 336 W 6th<br />

—CM porter h 609 Richmond<br />

—Chas brakeman rms 911 W Stb for Hot Air<br />

—Chas lab rms 318 E Pront<br />

—Claud molder h ISll Dudley<br />

—Rev E bds 215 Albion Pl<br />

Furnaces.<br />

—f R postal clk R M S<br />

—Edith M steno h 2129 Pulton Av<br />

-Elenora laundress h rear 311 George Tel. Main 87.<br />

—Mrs EUa h 1541 Blm<br />

—Frances wld Howard h rear 311 George 204-5-6-7<br />

~|2"a.nlt .embalmer 4114 Eastern Av<br />

—Prank M pities The Atlbs Laundry Ma­ Tractien BulUing.<br />

chinery Go sec 6th and BaymUler h<br />

1619 Fairfax Av<br />


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