PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut.<br />


$6,600,000.00.<br />

Hambnri; - American Line's celebrated<br />

tours in season to <strong>the</strong> West Indies, <strong>the</strong> Mediterranean<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Orient. Norway and <strong>the</strong><br />

3forth Cape.<br />

Ward—Continued.<br />

—Robt W h 330 W Front<br />

—Rosa C saleslady h 2830 Highland Av<br />

Mt A<br />

—Sam tel op Morehead & Co h 23 B Stb<br />

—Samuel B bricklyr h 1545 Cutter<br />

—Sarah (wid John) janitress b 1418 Mansfleld<br />

I<br />

.—Sarah J music tchr b 1117 Yale Av<br />

—Mrs Susan h 2018 Gladstone Av<br />

—^T A trav salesman h 741 W Oth<br />

—Thos saloon 051 W Oth<br />

—Thos D bartdr h 601 W 3d<br />

—Thos D Ironwkr wks 1347 Central Av<br />

—Thos B lab h 3086 Paxton Av<br />

—Thos J grocery 2839 Highland Av Mt A<br />

—Thos J whltewasher 1018 Lincoln Av<br />

—Thurman mach rms 412 W 4tb<br />

—^Vivian carp bds 424 Reading Rd<br />

—Walter h 7 Center Pendleton<br />

—Walter O driver b 1117 Yale Av<br />

—Walter W laundryman h 3217 Golden Av<br />

—Willard L engr h 1042 Baymilier<br />

—Wm (Wm W & Co) 440 W Court h 922<br />

Summit Av<br />

—Wm lab h 2717 Columbia Av<br />

—Wm lab h 2738 Enslin<br />

—^Wm walt,er, b 525 W Stb<br />

—Wm B <strong>of</strong>llceboy Samuel Hannaford A Sons<br />

h 1418 Mansfleld<br />

—^Wm C clk h 2717 Columbia Av<br />

—Wm C lab h 2355 Gladstone Av<br />

WARD WM. A CO..<br />

Installment Goods and Clo<strong>the</strong>s Wringers,<br />

440 W. Court<br />

.—Wm B (Wm B W & Co) 1347 Central Av b<br />

2480 Harrison Av<br />

WARD WM. E. * CO..<br />

Architectural Iron Work, 1347 Central<br />

Av.; Telephone Canal 2356. i^'See Advertisement<br />

in Special Department<br />

—Wm J trav salesman h flat 12, 1626 Chase<br />

Av<br />

—^Wm S painter h flat 3, 3 Erie Av Mt A<br />

Warda J Y h 748 W Sth<br />

Warden Helen saleslady h flat 2, 1902 Preeman<br />

Av<br />

—John lab rms 605 W 4th<br />

Warden Ka<strong>the</strong>rine M wld Wallace h 1639<br />

Tremont<br />

—Chas shoemkr bds 2034 Dunlap<br />

.—Chas shoemkr h 1548 Jonea<br />

—Geo painter h 1548 Jones<br />

—Mary res Betts Street Hospital<br />

—Oscar elect'n h 737 W 7th<br />

—W G carp rms 329 B Sth<br />

Warder J W lab h 1080 Gilbert Av<br />

—N R trav salesman 1 E Pront<br />

Wardle John P.mach hand h 1812 Elmore<br />

—John W foreman mill room Cin'ti Car Co b<br />

1812 Elmore<br />





7TH.&ELIWSTS.<br />

Wardlow Mrs Bertha h shantyboat ft <strong>of</strong><br />

Carrel<br />

—Chas waiter h 243 Pike<br />

—Samuel lab rms 111 Gano<br />

Wardy John P switchman bus Ring Pl e<br />

<strong>of</strong> Grand Av<br />

—John W lab h 1212 W Front<br />

—Jos h n s Ring Pl e <strong>of</strong> Grand Av<br />

—iSara V clk nwc Sth and Bvans has Ring<br />

Pl e <strong>of</strong> Grand Av<br />

Ware Alex M clk 504 Com Trib Bldg h 5017<br />

J^eonard<br />

—Mrs Annie h 309 Georgie<br />

—^Anna M steno 1131 Union Trust Bldg res<br />

Ft Thomas<br />

—C H dentist h 9 Garfleld Pl<br />

—Ca<strong>the</strong>rine wid Wm R b rear 1913 Queea<br />

City Av<br />

—Clarence steno L&NRR sec 4th and Vine<br />

res Newport<br />

—Clarence O student Lane Theological Seminary<br />

—Clifford lab h 815 Wehrman Av<br />

—Dora wld Ira b 014 W 3d<br />

—Edmund lab h rear 1011 Fpraker Av<br />

—Edward lab h 2754 H<strong>of</strong>f Av<br />

—Edwin L clk L&NRy Freight Ofllce h 988<br />

Paradrome<br />

-^Elizabeth maid h 2721 Alms Pl<br />

—^P M chief clk C&O Coal Terminals SmiUi<br />

opp Water res Sekitan<br />

—Grace cashr Bmery Arcade Restaurant res<br />

Covington<br />

—Harrison lab rms 520 Blm<br />

—^Hattie G phone op German Nat Bank m<br />

Newport<br />

—Henry lab h rear 1011 Foraker Av<br />

—Howard J phys 1528 Llnn<br />

—Ira W clk 968 W Sth h 614 W 3d<br />

—J. R (J R W & Sons) 19 E Water res Ft<br />

Thomas Ky<br />

—J R & Sons (J R, Walter S, Mentor T *<br />

Raymond R) sand 19 B Water and ft<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mayapple<br />

—Jas Cllftord clk S26 B 4th res Ft Thomas<br />

—Jennie h rear 816 W 4th<br />

—Jennie wld Jobn L b rear 816 W 4tb<br />

—John river boss Tbe J M Blalr Brick Co ft<br />

<strong>of</strong> e s Race res Newport<br />

—John W porter h 3541 Irving<br />

—Kate bkbinder h 2157 Queen City Av<br />

—Katie forelady ticket dept 400 Pike h 2157<br />

Queen GIty Av<br />

—Lawrence bootblack b 307 George<br />

—Lee driver h 1008 Kossutb<br />

—Mary h 665 B Oth _<br />

—Mentor T (J R W & Sons) 10 B Water res<br />

Ft Thomas Ky<br />

—S B postal clk R M S res Covington<br />

—N Lindsay h 102 B Sth<br />

—^Parnell waiter b 310 Oliver<br />

—R H clk Adams Bx Co bds 321 Pike<br />

—Raymond R (J R W & Sons) 10 E Water<br />

res Ft Thomas Ky ^_„ „,<br />

—Richard R salesman 1811 Elm h 1252 2d<br />

Av<br />

—Roy steno rms flat S, 322 W 4th<br />

—Roy B steno N&WRR IdlewUd Sta taa<br />

Bxcello O<br />

—Samuel h 524 W Sth<br />

—^Samuel stable boss 616 W 3d<br />

—Samuel lab h 717 WjSth<br />

—Sarah wld Thos b 2157 Queen City AV<br />

—Sol salesman swc York and McLean AT<br />

res Covington<br />

—Thos lab h 2721 Alms Pl<br />

—Thos J salesman The American Oak Lea<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Co res Pleasant Ridge<br />

—Thos J saloon 2157 Queen City Av<br />

—Thos M shoemkr h 2438 Bastern Av<br />

—W Haden.clk swc York and McLean AV n<br />

«V. 1718 Preeman Av<br />

-waiter S (J R W & Sons) 19 B Water rea<br />

Mt Washington<br />

—^Wm clk bds 321 Pike<br />

—^Wm driver b 3120 Predonla Av<br />

—^Wm lab bds 815 Wehrman Av<br />

—Wm porter h 20 Jordan<br />

—Wm H contr h flat B s w c Montgomery<br />

Rd and Brewster Av

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