PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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On Ground Floor<br />

S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnnt.<br />


EiStimates <strong>of</strong> cost <strong>of</strong> European Railway<br />

Tripa furnished upon receipt <strong>of</strong> itinerary.<br />

Vaugnn—Continue(J. -^<br />

—Harry pipeftr h 521 Blizabeth<br />

—Mrs Ida h 840 W Court<br />

—Ira lab rms 1243 B 3d<br />

—J Frank foreman h 608 Carlisle Av<br />

—J Raymond clk 204 Mer Lib Bldg res<br />

Dayton Ky<br />

—Miss Jean bds 517 George<br />

—^John L h 2600 Hackberry<br />

—John L paper carrier h 527 W Court<br />

—Lee motorman bds 2733 Bastern Av<br />

—Martha wld h 2918 Park Av<br />

—Mary wld Edward A h 205 W Oth<br />

—Phoebe shirt presser h 608 Carlisle Av<br />

—Susie rms 802 Vine<br />

—Thos barber h 515 W Sth<br />

—^Walter lab h 524 Pierson<br />

—Walter M clk h 521 Elizabeth<br />

—^Wm carp h 2410 McMicken Av<br />

—Wm salesman h 671 W 4th<br />

—^W'm W salesman swc Sth and Elm rms<br />

flat 2. 19 E 9th<br />

—Zachariah lab h 524 Pierson<br />

—Zerreldia wid Frank M h 743 W 9th<br />

Vaught Geo M lab h 1449 Gladstone Av<br />

—Jas H flreman rms 415 Plum<br />

—Oliver porter rms 617 Blm<br />

Vaupel E H (Lyric Music Co) 4th fl 122 B<br />

7th res College HUl<br />

—Ernst H foreman cutter 13 W 3d res College<br />

HUl<br />

—R A (M Schwab Jewelry Go) 200 Andrews<br />

Bldg h 3411 Bvans Pl<br />

Vauter Stephen lab rms 1748 Marengo<br />

Vaux John P h 318 Broadway<br />

Vawter Chas P carp h 1410 Eastern Av<br />

—Rev Chas R L h 1410 Eastern Av<br />

—H H postal clk R M S<br />

—Harry L foreman la<strong>the</strong> dept 2961 Colerain<br />

Av h 1146 Bates Av<br />

—Herbert condr h flat 10. 1071 Clark<br />

—J C Arthur condr h rear 1884 Gladstone Av<br />

Vayhlnger Pred trav salesman 2113 Gentral<br />

Av h swc Park Av and McMillan<br />

Vazellle E R commercial agt Seaboard Air<br />

Line Ry 604 Mer Lib Bldg h 12 Roanoke<br />

Flats<br />

Veach Ben horse dealer 3128 Spring Grove<br />

Av h 1309 Bates Av<br />

—Elizabeth steno 707 Union Trust Bldg res<br />

Covington<br />

—Henry lab h 325 George<br />

—John lab h 323 George<br />

—Robt cook 319 Walnut<br />

—Robt H waiter 514 Vine<br />

—Robt M with The John Shillito Co h 1125<br />

Race<br />

—Sanford lab h 323 George<br />

—Sol lab h 323 George<br />

Veall Edwin E mess U S Ex Co h 806 W<br />

Court<br />




MMi M:ilM iiiii<br />


7rH.& ELM STS.<br />

Vearil Tillie wid Richard h 4132 Dumont<br />

Vearlng Feed plumber 2161 GUbert Av<br />

—Wm B plumber h 2161 Gilbert Av<br />

Veatch Geo painter h 964 B 3d<br />

Veazey Jas N trav salesman h flat 18 n w a<br />

Sth and Elberon Av<br />

—N Ford bds Burnet House<br />

Veazie Bernard S supt nwc Highland Ar<br />

and Dorchester Av h 1763 E McMillan<br />

Vechtrup John h 755 Carlisle Av<br />

Vedder Anthonv houseman rms 914 Plum<br />

—Anthony polisher h 2906 Henshaw Av<br />

—Conrad carp h 2906 Henshaw Av<br />

—Mrs Eliza res Home for Incurables e end<br />

Beeehwood Av<br />

—Harry tinner h 818 Charlotte<br />

—Harry A bkpr 19 E Pront h flat 1, 434 Race<br />

—John M elev op The Alms & Doepke Co<br />

—Jos W watchman h 133 E 3d<br />

—Mary maid Grand Hotel<br />

—Minnie wld John h 2906 Henshaw Av<br />

gS'See also "Annavedder"<br />

Veeneman Anthony molder h 1811 Carll<br />

—Bernard clk 203 Main<br />

—Bernard J millwright bds 1015 W 7th<br />

—Mrs Blizabeth h 549 E 13th<br />

—Elizabeth wid John h 119 Green<br />

—Frank J printer h 549 E 13th<br />


Saloon, Restaurant and Lodging. 15<br />

Main; Residence, Rossmoyne, O<br />

—Lena wid Herman h 1629 Pleasant<br />

Veenemann Anthony ropemkr h 3606 Dawsoqr<br />

Av<br />

—^Mary wld John h 2644 Colerain Av<br />

ICTSee also "Vennemann"<br />

Veerkamp Alois Janitor h 66 W MitcheU Av<br />

—Anna h 3824 Fisher Av<br />

—^Buggy Co 104 Neave Bldg<br />

—Chas driver h 810 W 4tb<br />

—^eanorshoeftr h 66 W MitcheU Av<br />

—Elizabeth wld Anthony h 118 Ramsay<br />

—Fannie h 3824 Pisher Av<br />

—Prank B clk 208 Andrews Bldg h 3821<br />

PIsher Av<br />

—Geo lab h 66 W Mitchell Av<br />

—Jos h n w c West Pork Rd and Hays Av<br />

—Jos carp h 66 W Mitchell Av<br />

—Mary wld Bernard sr h 1614 Clayton<br />

—Mary wld Henry h 106 B Clifton Av<br />

—Wm helper h 66 W Mitchell Av<br />

t.'g'See also "Vehrkamp" and "Verkamp"<br />

Vegetol Co tooth powder HE 7th<br />

Vehr Anna wid John H h 2334 Glenway Av<br />

—Anna M folder h 1000 Celestial *<br />

—^Anthony I chief engr 654 Bvans h 2923<br />

Lehman Av<br />

—^Anthony W mach h 3003 McMicken Av<br />

—Bdward Jeweler h 2334 Glenway Av<br />

—Elma saleslady 523 Race h 474 Dayton<br />

VEUR FRANK H..<br />

General Printer and Binder, 127 Opera.<br />

Place; 'Phone Canal 776; Residence, 3541<br />

Trimble Av., Evanston; 'Phone Elm<br />

728—X<br />

—Geo H mach hand h 2334 Glenway Av<br />

—Geo J lumber agt h 3683 Warsaw Av<br />

—Harry H bkbinder h 1000 Celestial<br />

—Henry cigarmkr rms 223 W Liberty<br />

—John G engr h 967 Elberon Av<br />

—John G shoes 716 W Sth<br />

—Jos J tel op h 3683 Warsaw Av<br />

—^Leo apprentice h 716 W Wh<br />

—P A clk comptroller's <strong>of</strong>fice CNO&TPRr<br />

h 716 W Sth<br />

—^Victor barber bds 230 W McMillan<br />

—Wm H lumber Insp h 3683 Warsaw Av<br />

Vehrenkamp Henry W civil engr nec Harriet<br />

and Richmond h 3113 Murdock Av<br />

—Mary C wid Henry A h 3113 Murdock Av<br />

Vehrkamp BenJ foreman engine house PCCft<br />

StLRy Round House h 249 McCullough<br />

—Catharine wld Geo h 249 McCullough<br />

—Herman lab h 4700 Spring Grove Av<br />

(CSee also "'Veerkamp"<br />

Veld Albert bottler ,h 1116 York<br />

—Catharine wld Michael h 938 Bank<br />

—Chas P saloon nwc York and Preeman AV<br />

—Bdward salesman The H H Meyer Packing<br />

Co h 2134 Kindel Av<br />

—Geo salesman h 1014 York

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