PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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ffig.OO AND UP.<br />



S. E. Cor. Fourth ancl Walnut.<br />

Agencv Canadian Paciflc Steamship Co.<br />

Paciflc service. ' Vancouver to Japan and<br />

Cliina. also Anstraiia. Atlantie service*<br />

Montreal to Liverpool.<br />

VAN METER F K..<br />

Dentist, Ofiice, Suite 74, Vindonissa Bldg,<br />

19 W. 7th; 'Phone Canal 4405; Residence,<br />

n.e.c. Murdock Av. and Hawthorne<br />

Av.; 'Phone West 1883—X<br />

VanMourik Peter shoemkr res Betts Street<br />

Hospital<br />


Hans Van Nes, President; Louis Moeser,<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, 8 and 10 B. 3d;<br />

'Phones Main 1098 and Main 3458<br />

—Hans pres The J W Biles Co and H Van<br />

Nes Export Co 8 E 3d res Glendale<br />

VanNess Allen, motorman rms 264 Worth<br />

—Anna wid Herbert bds 311 Broadway<br />

—Charlotte J h flat 1. 770 Ridgeway Av<br />

—Geo H C clk 3253 Eastern Av h 3418 Walworth<br />

Av<br />

—Jennie wld Henry h 311 GoUins Av<br />

—Marie h 311 Longworth<br />

—Wm L condr h 2511 Chatham<br />

Vannetta Antonio porter h 1023 Main<br />

VanNostran W L with The Ohio Valley Co<br />

rear 323 Race h 2358 Auburn Av<br />

VanOlker Amelia wid Otto h 943 John<br />

VanOrman Eugene clk 517 Main res Newport<br />

—Herbert P clk 704 Broadway res Newport<br />

VanOrsdel Jas A salesman 6 Allen Bldg res<br />

Newport<br />

Vanosdol Frank H brakeman h 2403 Columbia<br />

Av<br />

—Harold condr h 411 Stanley Av<br />

—R C mgr Peerless Dentist rm 1 n w c Oth<br />

and Walnut<br />

—Robt J h 2403 Columbia Av<br />

—Robt L foreman h 660 W Oth<br />

ILj'See also "VanAusdol"<br />

VanOss JuUus mach rms 456 B 4th<br />

VanOstrand D "M clock Insp W U Tel Co h<br />

330 Kilgour<br />

—Geo porter fms 1209 Jackson<br />

VanPelt Caroline wid John h 1343 CentralAv<br />

—Chas varnisher h 1343 Central Av<br />

—Ghas F Inspector h 1217 John<br />

—Chas S painter h 2430 W Oth<br />

VAN PELT E..<br />

Successor to Geo. Derfus; Practical<br />

Bricklayer and Bake Oven Builder; Cement<br />

Work <strong>of</strong> all kinds, 1328 Central<br />

Av.; Residence, 1343 Central Av.; 'Phone<br />

Canal 1180<br />

—J collector Covington & <strong>Cincinnati</strong> Bridge<br />

Co res Covington<br />

—Lydia V (wid Lincoln) nurse 1217 John<br />

—Oliver carp h 4024 Eastern Av<br />

"—Samuel bkpr Queen City Watch Case Mfg<br />

Co res Ft Thomas<br />

—Theo pressman h 1607 Brewster Av<br />

—Walter L asst bkpr 634 Eden Park Entrance<br />

h 1217 John<br />

^^**^NATI GAS Co^<br />







||204'5'6'7TractienBldg. Phone Main 87.<br />

VanPut John lab h 346 Baum<br />

VanPutten Cornelius rms 117 B Sth<br />

VanPyk Tor vocal tchr Ohio Conservatory <strong>of</strong><br />

Music Blocution and Dramatic Art h<br />

3547 Shaw Av<br />

VanSchoick Geneva waitress h 216 W 12th<br />

VanSchouwen Cornelius salesman 2129 Baymiller<br />

h 2135 Kindel Av<br />

VanSchuyver W J & Co wh liquors 216 K<br />

Front<br />

Vanscov Blanche wid Philip h 313 Ludlow<br />

VanScyoc Bessie asst bkpr 213 B 6th h 802<br />

Poplar<br />

—Luella wld Wm h 802 Poplar<br />

Vanselow Julius foreman 2147 Kindel Av h<br />

2620 Halstead<br />

VanSlckle F J trav salesman 4011 Cherry<br />

VanSkaik Ora ba<strong>the</strong>r at 32 W Oth rms 608<br />

W 7th<br />

VanSlyck Karl rate clk L&NRy Freight.<br />

Ofllce 501 Cham <strong>of</strong> Com Bldg res Latonia<br />

Ky<br />

—Chas H clk L&NRy-Freight Oflice res Latonia<br />

Ky<br />

—Florence B steno CCC&StLRy Freight,<br />

Office' res Latonia Ky<br />

—Frank traffic mgr The Globe Soap Co 6th<br />

fl s e c 3d and Walnut h 328 RockdaleAv<br />

—Mrs Jennie phone op Merchants Nat Bk<br />

res Latonia Ky<br />

—Lillian h 328 Rockdale Av<br />

VanSlyke Earl E foreman 125 W 4th h 2104<br />

Pulton Av<br />

VamStern Walter cook 440 Main<br />

VanStone F A salesman 512 1st Nat Bk Bldg<br />

ll 230 HG3.FI1G .Av<br />

VanStvh Anthony dry goods 1631 Western Av<br />

—Frank mach h rear 210 B 13th<br />

—John engr h 1722 Blue Rock<br />

—Jos A engr h 1631 Western Av<br />

VanTaele Augustin batteryman h 366 Baum.<br />

VanThorpe Thos tinner h 5 Ma<strong>the</strong>rs nr Altoona<br />

VanTielen Anna wid Wm res Ghas M<br />

DeRoo's MeCormiek Pl<br />

VanTress B P trav salesman see Sth and<br />

Eggleston • Av<br />

—Roy atty 122 W 6th<br />

VanTyne Chas P trav salesman nwc Wal-.<br />

nut and Pearl res Delhi .<br />

VanVarseveld Wm trav salesman h 428 W<br />

Sth<br />

VanVelzel Alberta bkpr 415 Race h 332 Milton<br />

—David packer h 332 Milton<br />

—David Jr mopmkr h 332 Milton<br />

VanVerssen Henry trav salesman h 1727 Forest<br />

Av W H „» . « »<br />

VanVlnkle Sarah wld BenJ P h 36 W Court<br />

VAN VLECK A. W.,<br />

Manager The Paragon Reflnlng Co.,<br />

Colerain Av and B.&O.S.W.Ry; 'Phone<br />

Park 30; Residence, 3432 Lyleburn<br />

Place nr. Ludlow Av., CUfton; 'Phone<br />

North 3613<br />

VanVUet Chas driver rms 1025 Clark<br />

VanVoast Gen Jas. U S A h 507 B 3d<br />

—Miss V R h 507 B 3d<br />

VanVooren J B (The Western Art Marble<br />

Co) 1027 Broadway<br />

VanVossen A archt h flat 6? 14 W Court<br />

VanWely Jasper clk h 916 York<br />

VanWlckler J H mgr 3548 Montgomery Av<br />

h rear 1323 Bremen<br />

VahWlnkle Edwin L trav salesman 316 W<br />

4th res Covington<br />

—Prank D secy The Post-Glover Electric Ce<br />

316 W 4th res Ft Mitchell Ky<br />

—Herbert H chief draftsman 54 Central Av<br />

h 611 Richmond . ^<br />

—3 Q gen mgr CGC&StLRy and Louisville *<br />

Jeffersonvllle Bridge Co 50 Central<br />

Union Depot & Ry Co's Offlce Bldg n<br />

flat 3 Lee Court Apartments<br />

VanWormer Asa <strong>of</strong>flce 35 E Court res Winton<br />

Rd W P .<br />

VanWormer <strong>Library</strong> BuUding, Burnet Woods<br />

Park<br />

VanWyck Edward sporting gds 1665 Pullan<br />


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