PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Terdoest—Continued.<br />

—Gertrude steno 2613 Spring Orove Av b<br />

3298 Colerain Av<br />

Teregan John lab bds 2168 Turner<br />

Terforth Bernard driver h 634 Neave<br />

Terhalle Herman h 3754 Warsaw Av<br />

Terhar Jos B carp h 2121 Grandin Rd<br />

—Leo carp h 2121 Grandin Rd<br />

Terhune B Samuel clk 309 B 2d h 2020 May<br />

.^Chas L contracting agt B&OSWRR 428<br />

Walnut h 133 14th<br />

—Chas P gen mgr The Cin'ti Plate Glass Co<br />

108 W 2d h 3525 Middleton Av<br />

—LUlie (wid Harry W) Insect powder 321 B<br />

4th h flat 10, 361 E 3d<br />

—Louis A mgr Hotel Rand 29 W Sth h 2811<br />

Highland Av Mt A<br />

—Robt M trav salesman 510 Sycamore h<br />

2620 May<br />

—W P salesman h 2141 Gilbert Av<br />

—Wm L student h 133 14th<br />

Terigarl Petru lab h 281 Mohawk<br />

Terlau Mamie clk 417 Vine res Covington<br />

Terllnden Bmll fresco painter h 1370 Avon Pl<br />

—Oswald sculptor 1044 Linn h 1370 Avon Pl<br />

Termath Prank J mach h w s Fairvlew Av<br />

W P<br />

Teroy Ellis M stage mgr Buckeye Theater<br />

1213 Vine h flat 18, 1223 Bremen<br />

Terranova John lab h 327 W Oth<br />

Terrany Jake jr saloon sec Court and Vine<br />

—John bartdr h s e c Court and Vine<br />

—Faul clk 313 Race res Newport<br />

Terre Haute Gold & Silver Mining Co (The)<br />

Jos B Papenbrock secy and treaa rm N<br />

Palace Hotel Bldg<br />

Terrel Patrick tel op supt <strong>of</strong> tel dept CH&D<br />

'• Ry res St Bernard<br />

Terrell Albert foreman sec York and Western<br />

Av res Covington<br />

—Alonzo bds 438 B 3d<br />

—Bessie h 2614 Kemper Lana<br />

—Chaa bds 438 E 3d<br />

—Emma <strong>of</strong>flce mgr rm 32, 448 Main b 2614<br />

Kemper Lane<br />

—Prank H Utho b flat 32, 510 Lock<br />

>-Prank R storekpr-gauger U S Int Rev Of-<br />

4 flea res Lynchburg<br />

—Goldie G tchr 20th Dist School h 54 Erkenbrecher<br />

Av<br />

—Harold clk The Procter & Gamble Co h<br />

54 Erkenbrecher Av<br />

—Harry driver rms 432 W Stb<br />

-TJohn hodcarrier h 2936 Alms Pl<br />

—^Newcomb P police h 54 Erkenbrecher Av<br />

—Mrs Sarah h 504 B Sth<br />

—Walter dishwasher h rm 26, 313 Sycamore<br />

—Wm bds 438 E 3d<br />

—Wm bartdr 3517 Reading Rd<br />

—Wm 6 supt h 1732 HoUoway Av<br />

Terrll Jas lab rms 728 W Sth<br />

TerrlU Arthur elect'n h 1707 Hopple<br />

—Harry coaehman 3607 CUfton Av-<br />

Terry Alex driver h 1527 Race<br />

—Alice steno 517 Syeamore bds nwc Reading<br />

Rd and Hale Av<br />

—Amelia domestic h 812 Preeman Av<br />

—Arthur lab rms rm 11, 2601 Cummins<br />

—Arthur porter rms 126 Gano<br />

—C R trav salesman see 6th and Sycamore<br />

—Chas motorman bds 138 W McMicken Av<br />

—Chas B bkpr Brighton German Bank Co<br />

h ws Garfleld Av nr Delhi Av<br />

—Chas B foreman blksmith Anchor Buggy<br />

Co h 3466 Boudinot Av<br />

—Chas W chief engr nwc Clark and Freeman<br />

Av h 922 Clark<br />

—Estelle wld Henry h 10 State<br />

—Frank dishwasher h 808 Freeman Av<br />

—Prank dishwasher sec Spring Grove Av<br />

and Mitchell Av W P<br />

—Geo waiter h rear 1011 Foraker Av<br />

-^race kitchen girl h 652 Kenyon Av<br />

—Hattie L clk 1 E Pront res Covington<br />

—John switchman h 817 Carlisle Av<br />

~-John E poUoe rms 910 Vine<br />

""^ohn H whltewasher bds 808 Preeman Av<br />

Mrs Maggie h 4 Langdon Court<br />

~~Mrs Minnie forelady h 1311 Walnut<br />

—-R E trav salesman 311 Race<br />

T M E<br />

Merchants National Bank<br />

R<br />

Ingalls Bldg, 4th and Vine Sts.<br />

ECEIVES Deposits <strong>of</strong> Individuals,<br />

Firms, Oorporations and<br />

Banks on <strong>the</strong> most favorabl*<br />

terms.<br />

Terry—Continued.<br />

—R J trav salesman sec Oth and Sycamore<br />

—Raymond M reporter rms 7 W Oth<br />

—Samuel lab bds 1205 Richmond<br />

—Samuel lab h e <strong>of</strong> Colerain Av s <strong>of</strong> Streng<br />

—Wm lab bds 1001 Foraker<br />

—Wm lab h 514 Elizabeth<br />

—Wm S salesman 1811 Elm res Covington<br />

Terzen Vasilie lab bds 1936 Central Av<br />

Terzin Cseda lab bds 1704 Central Av<br />

—Kuzma lab bds 411 Findlay<br />

—Ronko lab bds rear 1614 Logan<br />

—Stephan lab rms 1660 Providence<br />

—'Stefan varnisher rms 1656 Providence<br />

—Wada butcher h 1656 Providence<br />

Terzo G Battista bakery nec Richmond and<br />

Baymilier<br />

Teskalovicz Michael lab h 313 Charlotte<br />

Tessel Clarence Klva tailor h 1542 Central<br />

Av<br />

—David cabmkr bds 1542 Gentral Av<br />

Tessendorf August lab h 807 Livingston<br />

—Fred cutter h 920 Clark<br />

—Gustav tailor h 843 York<br />

Test Garrie .waitress Indiana Hotel<br />

—John molder bds Indiana Hotel<br />

Tetcln Blizabeth wid Michael h 1016 Bader<br />

—Martin baker h 1016 Bader<br />

Tetedoux C G clk N Y Central Fast Freight<br />

Lines nec 4th and Vine res Norwood<br />

Tetro J salesman rms Hotel Rand<br />

Tettenborn Amelia bkpr 343 W Stb b 3212<br />

Glendora Av<br />

—Carl window trimmer h 1250 Elm<br />


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