PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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STO CINCINKATI 1808 X>IRB(?rORT, STR 1795<br />

Btotler David aaleaman 600 Walnut rma 10<br />

W 7th<br />

—Jas E carp h 951 Clark<br />

—Raymond salesman swc Stb and Elm bds<br />

1562 St Leger Pl<br />

Stott Jobn coachman 723 Oak<br />

Btottelder Anthony G cabmkr h 617 E IStb<br />

—Clara clk h 517 E 13th<br />

-Elizabeth M wid Geo b 517 E 13th<br />

Stetter Emil trav salesman The Fechheimer<br />

Bros Co<br />

Stottlebower Mabel phone op 318 Vine res<br />

Newport<br />

9tottman Ben H barber h 211S Woodland Av<br />

—Mamie waitress h 1071 Clark<br />

—Minnie b 1071 Clark<br />

—Theo watchman h 1071 Clark<br />

Stottmann Henry res St Francis Hospital<br />

etottsburg Chas rms li25 W Jth<br />

Stouder Grant bartdr b 1S13 Bremen<br />

Stoufter Mrs Emma boarding h 321 Pike<br />

—Brwell M mach h 321 Pike<br />

Stoughton Gussle wid Cornelius h 2931 W 6tb<br />

—Lottie cigarmkr h 2031 W Oth<br />

Maybelle wid John N h 644 Pern<br />

—Ruby olgarmkr b 2031 W Oth<br />

etoures Georgia bds 216 Charles<br />

Stout Aaron bartdr bds 4164 Hamilton Av<br />

—Abram W bartdr h 813 Betts<br />

—Adrian H engr h 526 Baum<br />

—Anna wid Wm H b 1628 Freeman Av<br />

—Archer mach h 533 Laurel<br />

—Archie motorman rms 56 W St Clair<br />

—B Prank finisher h 653 Epworth Av W P<br />

—Basil A rms flat 11, 322 W 7th<br />

—BenJ carp h 820 George<br />

—Benj express 606 John h 320 George<br />

—Blair coal 606 John h 320 George<br />

—Bryant O carp h shantyboat w s mouth <strong>of</strong><br />

—C A (Electro-Chemic Institute) also phys<br />

27 Garfleld Pl<br />

—Chas lab h 320 George<br />

—Dean H ironwkr b 1805 Columbia Av<br />

—Mi-s Doliie h 1623 Preeman Av<br />

—B P V pres Fifth .Street Branch Union<br />

Savings Bank & Trust Ce 43 E Oth res<br />

Wyoming<br />

—Edith h 1895 Columbia Av<br />

—Edward L porter rms 115 E 6tb<br />

—Elizabeth wld Stephen B M b 3761 Drake<br />

Av<br />

—Ella M wld Chaa W b 1011 Sturm<br />

.—Emma rms 545 W 7th<br />

—P G bill clk Hotel Sinton res Home City<br />

—Prank truckman h 1895 Columbia Av<br />

—Prank W aaleaman 310 W 7tb rea Dayton<br />

Ky<br />

—G W druggist rms 147 W Oth<br />

—Grace G clk 14 E 6th h 517 Richmond<br />

—Grafton porter h'530 Carlisle Av<br />

—Harry B bartdr h 629 Kenyon Av<br />

—'Harry M musician h 1403 John<br />

—Harvey foreman cutter Sth fl 225 W 4th<br />

h 1403 John _ . ^^<br />

—Holley R chief clk PCC&StLRy Freight<br />

Ofllce res •Norwood . ^<br />

•—Israel O trav pass agt Great Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Ry<br />

and Nortberh Steamship Co 411 Traetion<br />

Bids b flat 11. 2303 Kemper Lane<br />

—Jas city flreman b 426 E 3d<br />

—Jas G driver h 1623 Preeman Av<br />

—Jas P gen secy and business representative<br />

ReUii Meat Dealers' Protective Associa-<br />

Uon 553 Poplar h 1011 Sturm<br />

~Jas W trav salesman h 1515 John<br />

—J«nnie steno s e c 3d and Eggleston Av b<br />

flat 8. 822 W 4th<br />

—Jesse R dyer h 1623 Preeman Av<br />

—John hodcarrler bds 2006. Freeland Av<br />

—John teamster h 616 Barr<br />

—Julius feed 606 John h 320 George<br />

—LUlle saleslady 3837 Eastern Av h 1895<br />

Columbia Av<br />

—Mrs LUlle D dressmkr 434 Armory Av<br />

—Martha D wld Ephralm B h 517 Richmond<br />

—* K chief clk construction dept Cin'ti &<br />

Suburban Bell Telephone Co res New-<br />

T-*ol6mon collector Covington A Cln.M<br />

Bridgtt Co res Covington<br />

THI<br />

Merchants National Bank<br />

Ingalls Bldg, 4th and Vine Sts.<br />

Issues Letters <strong>of</strong> Credit available all over •<br />

<strong>the</strong> World.<br />


stout—Continued.<br />

—^Walter city fireman h flat 10, 651 W 6tb ''<br />

—^Wm carp h 1805 Columbia Av<br />

—Wm I clk h 1623 Preeman Av<br />

—Wm R harnessmkr h 434 Armory Av<br />

Stoutemyer Woodson G yd foreman 1221 W<br />

Liberty h 738 Hopkins<br />

Stoutjesdyk Adrian H engr Palace Hotel<br />

Stovall Henry lab rms 527 George<br />

—Wallace bellman h 524 Broadway<br />

Stover Charlotte embroiderer rms 962 Windsor<br />

—Geo H lab h 2638 Eastern Av<br />

—Henry H mach h 2638 Eastesn \v<br />

—John waiter 309 W 4th<br />

—Meta A milliner h 2638 Eastern Av<br />

—Roy waiter 309 W 4th<br />

Stow Henry B clk Adams Ex Co rms 518<br />

E 4th<br />

—Mary M wld Dan'l C h 3099 Ollbert Av<br />

—Minnie C music tchr h 3090 Gilbert Av<br />

—Ray E clk registry division P O res Norwood<br />

Stowe Burt bartdr h 1212 Bremen<br />

—M-ary wid John P b 1026 Preeman Av<br />

Stowell Chas C mgr Gin'ti Branch Tbe Gasser<br />

C<strong>of</strong>fee Co 11 E 3d h 3230 Falrfleld Av<br />

-^ O condr bds Grand Hotel<br />

Stowers Annie wld Jerry h 1406 Central Av<br />

—B P chiropodist flat 2, 11 W Sth b flat<br />

14, 40 W Sth<br />

—Geo O lab h 715 Carlisle Av<br />

—Jerry porter h 1406 Central Av<br />

—John W saloon 431 W 6th h 528 David<br />

—Louis porter h'1400 Central Av<br />

—Mrs Mattie laundresa b 1015 Mound<br />

—Mazle Earhart chiropodist 44 Emery Arcade<br />

h flat 14, 49 W Sth<br />

—Moses whltewasher 528 David<br />

—Wm H porter h 1206 Poplar<br />

Stoyan<strong>of</strong>f Splro baker rms 317 George<br />

Stoz Lena forelady The Alms & Doepke Co<br />

h 227 Magnolia<br />

—WUhelmlne wld Herman h 227 Magnolia<br />

Strachman Wm elev op bds 504 B Sth<br />

Strack Adam barber bds 2855 Massacbusetta<br />

Av<br />

-^Adam jr painter b 1725 Pleasant<br />

—Anna G tchr 27th Dlst School b 1400 Myrtle<br />

Av<br />

—^Barbara wld Simon h 605 Church<br />

—Bartholomew foreman h swc Carthage<br />

Pike and Mitchell Av<br />

—Prances wid Prank h rear 1012 Tork<br />

—Geo W mach hand h 837 W Liberty<br />

—Hattie M milliner h 837 W Liberty<br />

—Leonard carp h 1530 Pleasant<br />

—Marian dressmkr h 605 Church<br />


For HOT WATER<br />


STEAM<br />


Tel. Main ST.<br />

204-5-6-7<br />

Traction Bldg.<br />


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