PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Physician. Oflice, Ortiz Bldg, s.e.o. 4tta<br />

and Sycamore; Oflioe Telephone Main<br />

2043: Residence, 2434 Maplewood Av..<br />

Mt. Auburn; Residence Telephone Nortb<br />

578; Offlce Hours: 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.,<br />

except Sundays<br />

—Robt W student h 3235 Beresford Av<br />

—Roy flreman h 2703 Bastern Av<br />

—Roy hostler h 2836 Kates Pl<br />

Stewart-Roy Lumber Co (The) Gregory S<br />

Stewart pres and mgr Wm H Stewart<br />

secy and treas <strong>of</strong>flce 611 Mer Lib Bldg<br />

Stewart RusseU C pressfeeder h 1933 Fairfax<br />

Av<br />

STEWART S. B»<br />

Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus<br />

and Engineers' Supplies, 237 E. 3d;<br />

Telephone Main 3134; Residence, Bellevue,<br />

Ky<br />

^.Samuel I mach h 830 Oliver<br />

—Samuel M trav salesman 920 Elm bds 2416<br />

Kenton<br />

-^oap Co (The) 519 1st Nat Bk Bldg<br />

—T G trav salesman 119 B Sth<br />

—Theresa wld Roger W h s w c Clifton Av<br />

and Riddle Rd<br />

—Thos J trav salesman h flat 11, 2905<br />

Woodburn Av<br />


Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Specialist,<br />

Offlce, 605 and 606 Traction Bldg; Residence,<br />

flat E The Clarington, 2617 Vine;<br />

Ofllce 'Phone Main 3426; Resldehce<br />

'Phone North 679—L;<br />

Offlce Hours: | 9=00 *• - *° I =95 P* <br />

„ . ^ I 3:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m<br />

Sundays and Holidays: 10 a. m. to 12 m<br />

—Thos M stonectr h llll York<br />

—TlUle clk nec 4th and Broadway h 82<br />

Congress Av<br />

—VlrgU clk n w c Smith and Augusta b 1010<br />

Kinney Av<br />

—^ry\ P'"®* "^^^ Union Iron Works Co s w c<br />

Goleraln Av and Sassafras res Covington<br />

—W C rms Gait House<br />

—W B foreman painter 613 Eggleston Av<br />

res Covington<br />

—W E secy and treas The Standard Mfg &<br />

Distributing Co swc 3d and Race res<br />

Home GItv<br />

—W Geo salesman h rm 20, 31 E 3d<br />

—Walter B horseshoer h 3575 Goleraln Av<br />

—Walter T lab h 3556 Columbia Av<br />

—Wilbert G h 747 Froome Av W P<br />

—Wilford G secy and treas Standard Grille<br />

& Pence Go 1610 Preeman Av res Ken­<br />

ton County Ky<br />

—Wm ironwkr h 528 E Sth<br />

—Wm lab h 662 W Sth<br />

—Wm lumber insp h 747 Froome Av W P<br />

—^Wm mach h 1352 E 3d<br />

—Wm mach h 1040 Wesley Av<br />

—Wm, U S storekpr-gauger h 765 Summit<br />

Av<br />

—Wm waiter rms 319 E Sth<br />

—Wm A broker h 1104 Cross Lane<br />

—Wm P mach h e s Austerlltz Rd n <strong>of</strong> Glenway<br />

Av<br />

—Wm G (Excelsior Candy Co) 123 E Canal<br />

h 426 E 3d<br />

—Wm H (Wm H & Gregory S iS) 611 Mer<br />

Lib Bldg secy and treas The Stewart-<br />

Roy Lumber Co 612 Mer Lib Bldg h 919<br />

Marlon Av<br />

STEWART WM. H. A G. S.,<br />

Poplar and Hardw(ft)d Lumber, Office.<br />

611 and 612 Mercantile <strong>Library</strong> Bldg;<br />

Telephone Main 1194<br />

~-wm H cement flnisher h 25 Garfleld Pl<br />

—Wm H umbrellas 4150 Hamilton Av rms<br />

4129 Fergus<br />

—Wm M billiards 122 W Sth res Milwaukee<br />

—Wm p commission mUUnery Sth fl n e c<br />

4th and Elm h 3661 Heekin Av<br />

—Wm S trav agt Cin'ti Times-Star h flat 2<br />

816 Elm<br />

—Wm T phys rms 218 W 12th<br />

THE<br />

Merchants National Bank<br />

Ingalls Bldg, 4th and Vine Sts.<br />

Transacts all forms <strong>of</strong> Modern Banking.<br />

Finely Equipped Safety Deposit Department.<br />

Stewart—Continued.<br />

—^Wm Thaln chief draftsman s e c 2d and<br />

John h 3235 Beresford Av<br />

Stewell Robt cook h 615 Broadway<br />

Steyeart Pred supt The Rock Island Battery<br />

Go n w c 9th and Sycamore h 1439 Walnut<br />

Stibbins Dwight carp 2148 Staebler<br />

Stlborsky Henry linotype op h 126 Green<br />

Stich Albert greaser h 3782 Carthage Pike<br />

—Geo I clk 515 Central Av h 1414 FreemanAv<br />

—•John jr U S N h 2249 Wheeler<br />

—John sr cooper h 2249 Wheeler<br />

—Jos pressfeeder h 2249 Wheeler<br />

Stlchler M Prank carp h 1603 Sycamore<br />

Stjchnath Christ (Sullivan & S) 907 Com<br />

Trib Bldg h 3519 Shaw Av<br />

Sticht Chas china decorator h 219 Odeon<br />

—Henry Jr china decorator h 219 Odeon<br />

—Otto salesman h 219 Odeon<br />

Stlchtenoth Bertha (wid Chas P) b 310<br />

Pindlay<br />

—Edward rms Stag Hotel<br />

—Elizabeth wld Louis h 1740 Esmonde<br />

—Eric W artist editorial dept Cin'ti Times-<br />

Star h 3473 Brookline Av<br />

—Frances wid Wm h 2937 Marshall Av<br />

—John W pressman h 1740 Esmonde<br />

—Louis A mach hand h 151 Goe<strong>the</strong><br />

—Norma clk 22 W 4th h 151 Goe<strong>the</strong><br />

—^Peter C bufeer h 310 Findlay<br />

—Wm acct h 3473 Brookline Av<br />

Stickan Louise wid Wm li Lischer Av Westwood<br />

Stickel Edgar postal clk R M S<br />

—Eldon D bkpr 226 B 4th h 762 Morgan<br />

—Verner L foreman 611 Reading Rd h 762<br />

Morgan<br />

—Wm C steno h 762 Morgan<br />

Stickland Margaret wid Raymond h 3009<br />

Linwood Av<br />

Stickle Pred A solicitor h 1712% Esmonde<br />

—John driver h 548 W 7th<br />

—W J carp h 1712% Esmonde<br />

Stlcklen Chas driver h 1516 John<br />

—Henry"saloon sec John and David<br />

Stickler Aaron J (S Bros) 312 B Sth h 1310<br />

Burdett Av<br />

—^Abe clk 145 W 4th h 2627 Kemper Lane<br />

—^Bros (Aaron J Stickler) oysters also ice<br />

cream mfrs 312 E Sth<br />

—Gilbert h 1319 Burdett Av<br />

—Helen wld Michael h 1006 John<br />

—Mathias lab h 415 Linnaeus<br />

Stlckley Bdward molder h 321 Ellen<br />

—'Harry clk cigar stand Gibson House h 321<br />

Ellen<br />

Stickney Edward salesman rms 417 W Sth<br />

—Mary B-(wld) seamstress rms 524 Carlisle<br />

Av<br />

—Robt T h 2527 Hackberry<br />

Stlcksel Adam lab h 3161 W 6tb<br />

IVeatern Chriattan Advocate, (Weekly;<br />

ChrlaAlan ApolpgiBt, (German Weekly)<br />

Hana nnd Herd, (German Monthly)<br />

Splendid Advertising Mediums. Send for Rates<br />

OPestern metDcaist Book goncern<br />

JENNINGS & GRAHAM, Agents,<br />

820 and 222 W. Fourth Street.

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