PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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S. E. 4[;or. Fourth and Walnut.<br />


$6,600,000.00.<br />

Steamship Tours to Jamaica. Central and<br />

South America b.v <strong>the</strong> Hamburg-American<br />

Xiine, Atlas service.<br />

Rohe—Continued.<br />

—August dairy hand bds Henry J Mehmert's<br />

Kirby Av<br />

—Ca<strong>the</strong>rine wid Henry B h 719 Carr<br />

—Christ lab h s s McMakin b Jo Williams<br />

and Delaney<br />

—Clara wid Jos A h 705 Clinton<br />

—Claude B salesman 12 W Court h 705 Clinton<br />

—ClifEord A secy and mgr The Eureka Realty<br />

& Loan Go rm 200, 519 Main h 326<br />

Laurel<br />

—Edward A Ins agt 18th fl 1st Nat Bk Bldg<br />

h 3755 Union Av H P<br />

—Frank teamster rms 2141 Reading Rd<br />

—^Prank M lab h 1726 Hanfleld<br />

—Geo ball player h 3524 St Charles Pl<br />

—Geo driver res Christ Robe's McMakin st<br />

—Geo lab h 1726 Hanfleld<br />

—Geo shoemkr rms 229 E 12th<br />

—Geo Jr motorman h 4432 Colerain Av<br />

—Gerhard A lab h 1033 Plorence<br />

—Harry driver h 3838 Edgewood Av<br />

—Harry propertyman h 219 Peete<br />

—Irene P clk 22 W 4th h 705 CUnton<br />

—John H carp h 3017 Cinnamon<br />

—Jos clk h 705 Clinton<br />

—LUlle saleslady h 1726 Hanfleld<br />

—Martin P piano tuner 10 E 4th bds 2147<br />

Loth<br />

—Robt shoectr h 721 Clinton<br />

—Wm H driver h 1721 Sycamore<br />

Roherberger May steno 1300 Traction Bldg<br />

res Newport<br />

Rohland Geo P sawyer h 2867 Henshaw A\<br />

—Ida wid Geo h 1139 Hopple<br />

Rohlf August tanner h 512 Findlay<br />

—John mach h 1217 Cutter<br />

—Wm P stockkpr h 1217 Cutter<br />

Rohlflng Ca<strong>the</strong>rine wld Henry h 119 W St<br />

Clair<br />

—Emma shoewkr h 218 Orchard<br />

—H A butter and eggs 35 E Court h 1836<br />

Hewitt Av<br />

—Henry cigarmkr h 3001 W Oth<br />

Rohllng Bernard J h 1807 Carll<br />

—Geo J lab h 1807 Carll<br />

—Geo J jr mgr 840 Glark h 1807 Carll<br />

—Henry woodwkr h 1420 Bremen<br />

—Jos boxmkr h 1807 Carll<br />

Rohll Margaret wld P P h 532 Prospect Pl<br />

•gS'See also "Rahl"<br />

Rohlman John tailor bds 1030 Dayton<br />

Rohlmann Jos presser h 1726 Race<br />

Rohmann Albert turner h 949 Gest<br />

—Anna wid Anothony h 617 Church<br />

—Chas coal 1036 Preeman Av h 949'Gest<br />

^Perd gasftr h 949 Gest<br />

—Geo condr h 617 Church<br />

—Harry P salesman swo 4th . and Plum h<br />

229 B Rochelle<br />




Logan Blocic Coal, Gas Coke,<br />

Eureica Block Coal, Cruslied Coke,<br />

Youghiogheny Block Coal, Anthracite Coal,<br />

SmoKeless Coal, Foundry Coke.<br />

Tel. Main 87. 204-S-6-7 Traction Building.<br />

Rohmann—Continued.<br />

—Jos driver h 949 Gest<br />

—^Josephine clk 1036 Freeman Av h 049 Oeat<br />

—Laura seamstress h 949 Gest<br />

—Theo cabmkr h 3292 Montana Av<br />

—The W P Printing Co, Wm P Rohmann<br />

mgr 2d fl 128 E 3d<br />

—Wm P mgr The W P Rohmann Printine<br />

Co 128 E 3d h 2417 Vine<br />

Rohmer Wm H h 318 W 7th<br />

Rohn Adam lab h 3768 Isabella Av<br />

—Clara B deaconess German Methodist<br />

Deaconess Home<br />

—Gabriel whltewasher h 938 W 6th<br />

—Geo clk h 1311 Morton Av<br />

—Geo gardener h 1311 Morton Av<br />

—John lab h 3768 Isabella Av<br />

—John A driver bds 2682 Madison Rd<br />

—Jos houseman swc Warsaw Av and Oranft<br />

Av<br />

—Raymond artist Cin'ti Post rms 2146 St<br />

James Av<br />

—Wm A 1ns agt h 3768 Isabella Av<br />

Rohner Albert lab h 3831 Colerain Av<br />

—Emma h 2030 Madison Rd<br />

—John lab h 3831 Colerain Av<br />

—Walter W tinner h 2030 Madison Rd<br />

Rohonyl Jos cabmkr h 18 W Liberty<br />

Rohr Mrs Conrad J h S»l Boal<br />

—Daniel bakery 1520 Harrison Av<br />

—Daniel Jr baker h 1520 Harrison Av<br />

—Frieda with The John Shillito Co h 601<br />

Boal<br />

—Hehry cabmkr bds 1733 Vine<br />

—Henry lab bds 2521 Cook<br />

—Jacob bds 1430 Bremen<br />

—Jacob driver h 1520 Harrison Av<br />

—John lab bds 2544 Western Av •<br />

—Mary wld Philip h 2204 Shadwell<br />

—Peter blksmith bds 415 York<br />

—Philip helper h 1044 Regina Av<br />

—Wm J linotype op h 1214 Halpin Av<br />

Rohrer Alma K h 1217 Richmond •<br />

—Alvina clk 120 Government Pl res Dayton<br />

Ky<br />

—Bert condr bds 1924 Langdon Av<br />

—^Garl clk The Bradstreet Co res Dayton Ky<br />

—ClifCord apprentice wks A N Kellogg Newspaper<br />

Co<br />

—E M adv solicitor Ginclnnati Times-Star<br />

res Dayton Ky<br />

—Fred lumber insp sec Richmond and Mc­<br />

Lean Av h 1217 Richmond<br />

—Pred G J mach hand h 1217 Richmond<br />

—^Jacob clk General Electric Co res Bellevn*<br />

Ky<br />

—Jos R atty 816 Mer Lib Bldg<br />

—Michael A grocery 1035 Dayton h H>1«<br />

Preeman Av<br />

—Philip cement mixer h 1638 Hamer<br />

—Samuel salesman sec Richmond and Me*<br />

Lean Av res Mack O<br />

—^Walter C bkpr S Kuhn & Sons res BollO'<br />

vue Ky<br />

—Wm S coremkr h 1217 Richmond<br />

gS'See also "Roehrer"<br />

Rohrlg Wm lab bds 1401 Oakland Av B B<br />

Rohrmeier Alois driver h 261 Mohawk<br />

—Edward shoemkr h 261 Mohawk<br />

Rohrschelb Bessie milliner wks 13 W 4th<br />

Rohs Henry B (Ben Schneider Jewelry Co><br />

1411 Vine h 3520 Telford<br />

—Herman P engraver h 3520 Telford<br />

Rohten John lab h 1521* Providence<br />

Rolttz Drsagomir lab bds 270 W McMicken<br />

Av<br />

Rokahr Gustav wagonmkr h 2811 JeffersonAv<br />

Rokszitz Ivan lab bds 1666 Central Av<br />

Rokobrant T H trav salesman 314 W 4th<br />

Roland John lab h 1216 W Pront<br />

—Nelson lab h 674 W 3d<br />

—Nelson lab bds 1216 W Pront<br />

—Robt hod carrier h 932 Barr<br />

—Wm lab h 736 W Sth<br />

ICTSee also "RoUand" and "Rowland"<br />

Roland (The) 2546 Auburn Av .<br />

Rolandelli Angelli wld Francisco h 838 WStn<br />

—Bartholomew clk 627 Main „,<br />

—Blanche clk 104 W Pearl res Madisonvilla<br />

—Frank clk nwc Pront and Broadway •<br />

1320 Clay

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