PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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On Ground Floor<br />

S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut.<br />


Ajfency North German Lloyd Steamship<br />

Company. New York via Plymouth and<br />

Cherbourg to Bremen. Also Mediterraneaa<br />

service to Genoa and Naples.<br />

Rizo Costa baker rms 33 Plum<br />

Rizzo A & Co (Augustlno R & Prank Tedesco)<br />

com mers 840 W Court<br />

—Antonio fruits 740 W Court<br />

—^Augustlno (A R & Go) 840 W Gourt and<br />

(R, Dattilo & Co) 553 W Oth h 553 W<br />

6th<br />

—Chas fruits 649 W Court<br />

Rizzo, Dattilo & Co (Augustlno R, Ghas D<br />

& N Rizzo) fruits 553 W 6th<br />

—Gus fruits h 574 W 6th<br />

—Henry fruits 574 W 6th<br />

—Jos (S R & Son) h 427 W 6th<br />

—Jos peddler h 740 W Gourt<br />

—Mary wid Salvatore h 1012 Gutter<br />

—N (Rizzo, Dattilo & Go) h 553 W Oth<br />

—& Rooco (Wm R & Andrew R) fruits 3452<br />

Reading Rd<br />

—S & Son (Salvatore & Jos) fruits 427 W 6th<br />

—Salvador frulta 683 W Sth<br />

—Salvatore (S R & Son) h 427 W 6th<br />

—Thos fruits 500 W 6th<br />

—Wm (R & Rocco) h 3452 Reading Rd<br />

Rmocchio Jos lab rms 1027 Cutter<br />

Ro (monthly) The One Language Society<br />

pubs flat 3, 15 E 7th<br />

Roa Albert shoemkr h 1636 Vine<br />

—Christina wid Pred W h 13 Mary<br />

—Bdward solicitor h 1716 Western Av<br />

—John mach h 1726 Race<br />

—Kate wld Michael h 617 Church<br />

—Nicholas h 1062 Wade<br />

—Nicholas junk dealer h 308 E Liberty<br />

—Peter agt h rear ISSO Linn<br />

Roach Alice wid Mat<strong>the</strong>w h 4126 HamUtonAv<br />

—Anna h 410 E 3d<br />

—Carlin H h rear 312 E 12th<br />

—Celia wld Miles h 522 Park<br />

—Grum lab rms 650 W 4th<br />

—David h 344 Baum<br />

—Edward bds SOS W 7th<br />

—Edward clk Adams Ex Co h 517 W 7th<br />

—Edward lab h 3118 Walworth Av<br />

—Edward P saloon 2851 Eastern Av bds<br />

2823 Columbia Av<br />

—Edwin lab rms 625 Main<br />

—Florence h 1808 BaymUler<br />

—Frank horseman h 312 E Pearl<br />

—Geo lab h 612 Preeman Av<br />

—Geo J h 575 Delta Av<br />

—Harry E stockkpr 1127 Main h 329 Baum<br />

—Jas curbsetter h 2530 Dennis<br />

—Jas P tehr <strong>of</strong> guitiar, banjo and mandolin<br />

<strong>Cincinnati</strong> Conservatory <strong>of</strong> Music h 517<br />

W7th<br />

-Jennie h 3220 Woodburn Av<br />

—John bartdr 526 Pouhtain Pl<br />

—John lab h 410 E 3d \<br />

—John A shoectr h 3616 Michigan Av<br />

—John J clk The Gale Bros Co h 601 W 3d<br />

—John J musician h 1673 State Av<br />





7TH.& ELM STS.<br />

Roach—Continued.<br />

—John M cashr cafe St Nicholas Hotel h<br />

522 Park<br />

—Jos bds 805 W 7th<br />

—Jos glassctr h 344 Baum<br />

—Kate wld Chas h 411 W Court<br />

—Lillie M bkpr 4120 Hamilton Av h 4126<br />

Hamilton Av<br />

—Luke C yard clk B&OSWRy Freight Depot<br />

h 1203 Cutter<br />

—Mrs Maggie h rm 40, 445 E Oth<br />

—Mark boilermkr h 1921 Columbia Av<br />

—Mary rms 603 W 6th<br />

—Michael lab h 324 W Water<br />

—Myles J custodian County Surveyor's Offlce<br />

h 410 E 3d<br />

—Nellie h 1808 Baymilier<br />

—Nellie dressmkr h 410 E 3d<br />

—Nellie typewriter h 522 iPark<br />

—Norman bds SOS W 7th<br />

—P E res Branch Hill O<br />

—Patrick lab bds 600 W 3d<br />

—Peter J city fireman h 410 E 3d<br />

—^Richard A porter b 320 Baum<br />

—Richard J jr clk Adams Ex Go h 329<br />

Baum<br />

—Robt presser h 344 Baum<br />

—Thos lab h 522 Park<br />

—Thos S bartdr steamer Stacker Lee<br />

—W H carp h 2263 Vine<br />

—Wm mach h 410 E 3d<br />

—^Wm J music tchr h 517 W 7th<br />

/tfSee also "Roche"<br />

Roache Grace clk sec Pendleton and Dandrldge<br />

h 415 Eggleston Av<br />

—Jos A usher h 415 Eggleston Av<br />

Roanamus Winfleld brakeman h 731 Richmond<br />

Roanoke Plats s a Ludlow Av w <strong>of</strong> Cllf ton<br />

Av Clifton<br />

Roat G Edward lab h^l4 Strader Av<br />

—Harry P engr h 2145 Gilbert Av<br />

—John B painter h 264 Setchell<br />

—John G lab h 255 Setchell<br />

Robb Alex asst supt nwc Rlchihond and<br />

Fillmore res Loveland<br />

—Anna h 1921 S Auburn Av<br />

—^Bertha h 437 E Pearl<br />

—Ghas P paperhgr h 3117 Gilbert Av<br />

—Chas P with The P R Mitchell Co n w o<br />

Spring Grove Av and Harrison Av h 2651<br />

Melrose Av<br />

—Clifton P clk h 820 W Oth<br />

—D T treas The Robert Mitchell Furniture<br />

Co 626 Race rea Loveland<br />


Special Agent Provident Life & Trust<br />

Co. <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, 312 to 315 Union<br />

Trust Bldg; 'Phone Main 1605; Residence,<br />

926 Marlon Av.; 'Phone North<br />

1200—R<br />

—Frank F postal clk R M 8 h 6 St James<br />

Pl<br />

—Harvey L clk Am Bx Co res Bellevue Ky<br />

—J M D mgr Fairbanks, Morse & Co 137 W<br />

4th h 2651 Melrose Av<br />

—John broker h 711 W 6th<br />

—John W painter h 804 Armory Av<br />

—L B h 4030 Eastern Av<br />

—Llda steno h 6 St James Pl<br />

—Mahlon C money deliverer American Ea<br />

Co rea Bellevue Ky<br />

—Mrs Margaret h 610 .W 6th<br />

—Mrs Mary E h 1413 Freeman Av<br />

—Wm J salesman 401 Lock h flat 1 set<br />

Montgomery Rd and Clarion Av<br />

Robbe Anthony res John T Ru<strong>the</strong>r's west<br />

Fork Rd<br />

—Harry motorman h 3909 Colerain Av<br />

—Jos driver h 1525 Dalton Av<br />

Robben Geo P apprentice h 1135 Hopkina<br />

—H J pres The National Hardware Co 327<br />

W 4th h 4240 Forest Av, S Norwood<br />

-^ohn H jr bricklyr h 1136 Hopkina<br />

—John H ar br.'cklyr 1135 Hopkina<br />

Robbers August molder h 203 Reeder<br />

—August G helper h 2313 Chickasaw<br />

—^Wm painter h 203 Reeder<br />

—Wm E stockkpr Rosenthal & Mayer h 2315<br />

Chickasaw<br />

IC?"See also "Robers"

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