PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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S. £. Cor. Fourth and Walnut.<br />


$6,600,000.00.<br />

Hambnri; - American Line's celebrated<br />

tours in season to <strong>the</strong> West Indies, <strong>the</strong> Mediterranean<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Orient. Norway and <strong>the</strong><br />

North Cape.<br />

RAN??HAW W. H. T..<br />

Physician and Surgeon, Office, 1812 Baymiller;<br />

Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 3 to<br />

5 p.m.; Residence, Covington; Tele-<br />

.phone West :i210<br />

Ranslck August W bakery 539 W Sth<br />

—Edward J base ball mgr h 3623 Florida Av<br />

Ev<br />

—Henry (Henry R & Sons) 226 W 6th h<br />

1805 Brewster Av<br />

—Henry J (Henry R & Sons) 226 W 6th h<br />

3446 Erkenbrecher Av<br />

—Henry & Sons (Henry, Henry J & Wm J)<br />

com mers 226 W 6th<br />

—Wm baker h 903 BaymUler<br />

—Wm J (Henry R & Sons) 226 W 6th h 636<br />

W Sth<br />

Ransley (The) sec McMillan and Kemper<br />

Lane<br />

RANSLEY L. A.,<br />

(Lottie A. Ransley) Confectioner and<br />

Caterer, 405 Race<br />

—Lottie A ^L A Ransley) 405 Race h flat C<br />

sec McMillan and Kemper Lane<br />

Ransoh<strong>of</strong>f J Louis phys flat 62, 19 W 7th h<br />

2929 Vernon Pl<br />


Physficlan and'Surgeon, Offlce, 19 W 7th:<br />

Telephone Qanal 1989; Offlce Hours: 11<br />

a. m. to 12 m. and 1:30 p. m. to 3:30<br />

p. m.: Sundays, 11 a. m. to 12 m.; Residence,<br />

2929 Vernon Place, Mt. Auburn;<br />

Telephone North 748<br />

—Nathan student h 2929 Vernon Pl<br />

Ransom Bruce L watchman h 1488 State Av<br />

—Bush M painter h 2478 Warsaw Av<br />

—Carrie wid Samuel h 506 Baum<br />

—Chas H, U S A h 2478 Warsaw Av<br />

—P K ins agt 301 4th Nat Bk Bldg res Covingto#<br />

—Harry W bkpr 1418 1st Nat Bk Bldg rms<br />

Dakota Hotel<br />

—Mrs Jane h 569 George<br />

—John shoewkr h 325 Mulberry<br />

—John H porter h 420 McAllister<br />

—Jordan pianowkr h 325 Mulberry<br />

—Julia E confr 1300 Freeman Av<br />

—Lena wid Edward h n w c Observatory Av<br />

and Monteith Av<br />

—Melvin clk B&OSWRR Preig-ht Offlce h<br />

1488 State Av<br />

—Opie lab h 837 Findlay<br />

—Robt driver h 825 Hopkins<br />

—Stella M clk Military Order <strong>of</strong> The Loyal<br />

Legion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> U S res Covington<br />

—^Wm J saloon sec Baymilier and Charlotte<br />

Ranson Matilda steno 501 Cham <strong>of</strong> Com<br />

Bldg res Covington<br />

—Richard H clk 10 W 2d res Erlanger Ky<br />

—Wm S clk 101 Carlisle Bldg res Covington<br />

Ransopher Clarence tailor rms i.41 Broadway<br />




Logan Blocic Coal, Gas Coke,<br />

Eureiia Biocic Coal, Cruslied Coke,<br />

Youghiogheny Block Coal, Anthracite Coal,<br />

Smokeless Coal, Foundry Coke.<br />

Tel. Main 87. 204-6-6-7 Traction Building.<br />

Ranz Andrew plstr h 3429 Boudinot Av<br />

—Barbara wld Conrad h 2464 Thompson Av<br />

—Conrad foreman Street and Sewer Repair<br />

Dept B <strong>of</strong> P S h w 8 Adler nr Harrison<br />

Av<br />


Assistant GIty Editor <strong>Cincinnati</strong> Daily<br />

Prele Presse; Residence, 429 E 13th<br />

—Hannah h 2464 Thompson Av<br />

—Jos student h 2464 Thompson Av<br />

—Margaret h w s Adler nr Harrison Av<br />

—Stephen plstr h 1685 Queen City Av<br />

RANZ WM.,<br />

City Editor <strong>Cincinnati</strong> Prele Presse^<br />

n.w.c. Vine and Canal; R^ldence, 444<br />

E. Liberty<br />

—Wm steno 220 W 2d res Blue Ash<br />

Raounds Wm car Insp bds 1710 Dreman Av<br />

Rape August H foreman 60 Main h 1794<br />

Denham<br />

—Christ coremkr bds 1203 Gest<br />

—Geo h 1794 Denham<br />

Raper Albert G solicitor 2138 Langdon Av<br />

res Norwood<br />

—Mrs Kate dressmkr rms 11 W 9th<br />

Rapid Cake Mixer Go, H L Braham pro^<br />

1828 Race<br />

Rapid Computer Go <strong>of</strong> Benton Harbor Mich<br />

adding machines Percy H Adams agt rm<br />

508. 519 Main<br />


Wm. H. Kaufmann, President and Treasurer;<br />

Jesse W. Cornelius, Vice President<br />

and Secretary, Advertisers' Block, s. s.<br />

Canal b. Race and Elm<br />

Rapid Railway Depot 417 Sycamore<br />

Raplen Bernard J hostler h 518 Dandrldge<br />

—Edward h 2522 Western Av<br />

—Gesina wid J Bernard h 2522 Western Av<br />

—Henry porter h 527 Dandrldge<br />

—Herman mach h 2522 Western Av<br />

—Jos H salesman .436 Sycamore h 3511<br />

Woodburn Av<br />

—Mary wid Henry h 1774 Queen City Av<br />

Rapking Fred gardener h s s Clinton Springe<br />

Av nr Carthage Pike<br />

—Herman dairy hand bds Wm Luedeke's<br />

Burgoyne Rd B H<br />

—Wm gardener h s s Clinton Springs Av nr<br />

C£ii*th£iKG Pike<br />

Rapp Alois cabmkr h 541 Charlotte<br />

—^Andrew huckster h 1728 Linn<br />

—Andrew lab h 263 Kilgour<br />

—Anna clk h rear 215 Woodward (Pranklln><br />

—^Annle wld Louis h 208 Mulberry.<br />

—Anna B wld Christ h 214 W Blder<br />

—Barbara wld Henry h rear 815 Clinton<br />

—C P principal Harrison School rms 431 Eln><br />

—Carrie h rear 815 CUnton<br />

—Ghas casting cleaner h 4173 Dane<br />

—Ghas Ironwkr h 208 Mulberry<br />

—Bro Gupertin h 1798 Queen GIty Av<br />

—Edward lab h 1327 Vine<br />

—Eleonora waitress h 2910 Sander<br />

—Erhard shoemkr h 214 W Elder<br />

—Prank baker bds 918 W Liberty<br />

—Frank press asst h 208 Mulberry<br />

—Pred harnessmkr h 539 E 13th<br />

—Fred C bkpr h 1351 Chapel<br />

—Pred W fireman h 1633 Baltimore Av<br />

—Gazella polisher h 429 Armory Av<br />

—Genevieve wld Otto h rear 215 Woodwaro<br />

(Pranklln) •<br />

—Geo mgr West Virginia Coal Co nee<br />

3d and Smith h flat 4, 3240 Bishop<br />

—Geo W (R, Zettel & Rapp) 607 Johnston<br />

Bldg h 1339 Chapel<br />

—Goldie domestic h 622 Richmond<br />

—Gus A cutter swc Sth and Race h 88*<br />

Rockdale Av<br />

—Hannah saleslady h 1327 Vine<br />

—Harry lab h 263 Kilgour<br />

—Harry G engraver h 1633 Baltimore Av<br />

—Hattie (wld Jos) laundress h 1541 Providence<br />

—Henry shoemkr h 1327 Vine .<br />

—Henry G druggist swc Longworth ana<br />

Plum h 1911 Baymilier<br />

—^Ida wld Christian h 1351 Chapel<br />

—J Frank driver h 1401 Main<br />

—Jacob molder h 247 Queen City Court

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